Simple anime pencil drawings. How to draw anime with a pencil step by step? How to draw an anime girl

How to learn to draw anime?

Anime characters have long become favorites of millions of teenagers and young people around the world. This cartoon genre, which appeared in Japan, is very popular today and has its own characteristics. If you know all the nuances, then learning to draw anime is not at all difficult.

The image of a guy or girl in this style is different from regular pattern large, wide with open eyes, a small, inconspicuous nose and mouth without protruding lips. In addition, anime characters long hair in the form of separate strands and disproportionately long legs.

Stage 1: sketching

Anime style makes very cute girls. Every aspiring artist can learn to draw images of women by following certain rules. You will need a sheet of paper and a simple pencil.

Stage 2: drawing the face

  1. In accordance with the applied markings, clearly draw the upper eyelid, pupil and iris of the eye.
  2. An anime girl's pupil should be elongated vertically and have a dark color.
  3. The iris is a little lighter.
  4. The lower eyelid does not need to be drawn out carefully; a thin line is enough.
  5. Eyebrows will be thin. They need to be depicted quite far from the eyes.
  6. Now you need to draw a small sketchy nose.
  7. Immediately below it you should draw a mouth in the form of a thin horizontal line. There is no need to perform lips.
  8. The ears will be at the level of the tip of the nose.
  9. Let's make the chin small and pointed.
  10. Now all that remains is to outline the hairline and draw the strands, loosening them or putting them in a hairstyle.

Stage 3: drawing the body

Let's move on to the body. For an anime girl you need to draw:

  • thin neck,
  • graceful hands,
  • designate thin waist,
  • hip line,
  • lush breasts.
  • your legs will be slender and unusually long.

You need to come up with clothes and depict them on the body. The body, unlike the head, is made according to the rules of the classical design.

When all the details of the drawing have become clear and expressive, you can erase the extra lines and start coloring. In the image of anime heroes are always present contrasting colors, bright details. Hair can be any color, even the most unexpected. The same can be said about clothes. When drawing anime, you don't need to darken or lighten individual areas.

The concept of "anime" came from Japanese cartoons, but nowadays it is becoming more broad meaning. The word “anime” refers to cartoons, comics, characters, drawing techniques and much more. Fans of this style create groups in in social networks, on specialized forums they discuss how a person who has no artistic talent can learn to draw anime.

It is known that Japanese anime cartoons are aimed at teenage and adult audiences.

Although anime arose relatively recently, namely at the beginning of the 20th century, certain laws have developed in drawing techniques that are closely related to the traditions of Japanese art.

The characteristic features of the visual in general, as well as cartoons and comics in particular, are the planar orientation and graphic nature of images.

To understand how to learn to draw anime without artistic skills, you need to think in general terms.

One of the main rules is sketchiness. have a round face big eyes, small mouth and nose. There are diagrams on how to draw anime, namely: body parts, emotions, movements. All this is strictly regulated.

The second rule is planar orientation. An anime image should not be three-dimensional. clear outline, there are only falling shadows that do not create much volume.

Similar laws for depicting people have existed in traditional graphics and painting in Japan for many millennia.

Since anyone can learn to draw anime, all you need is desire.

Step-by-step instructions will tell you in detail how to learn to draw anime girls.

Start drawing anime with a pencil. Swipe smooth circle, divide it into four equal segments by vertical and horizontal lines. A vertical line will help draw the nose, and a horizontal line will help draw the lines of the eyes, eyebrows and lips. Divide the bottom half of the circle into four equal parts. The first is the eyebrow line, the second is the upper eyelash line, the third is the lower eyelash line.

Draw the chin. The distance between the bottom edge of the circle and the bottom of the chin should be equal to a quarter of the diameter of the circle. Schematically draw the eyebrows, eyes, lines of the mouth and nose.

Draw the ears. The top of each ear should not be higher than the midline of the eyes, but should end slightly above the line of the mouth. Draw the eye, highlighting the highlights. Emphasize with thin lines upper eyelids.

Draw a neck of harmonious length. The top hairline should be slightly higher than the originally drawn circle. Emphasize your bangs with graceful strokes and voluminous hair, going down to the shoulders.

Use a pencil to draw strands of hair and a shadow under the chin.

Draw the entire image in detail. Highlight the eyes, leaving the highlights white.

You can color an anime drawn in pencil with watercolors or gouache. Once you've completely finished the anime in color, let it dry completely. Then draw along the pencil lines with black gel pen or rapidograph.

How can a person who has never picked up a pencil or brush learn to draw anime? Using traditional patterns for anime will not only make beautiful image, but also learn the basic laws of this style.

Almost everyone knows what anime is, but not all people know how to draw anime. We will help you realize your plans, and you can learn to draw any anime character. So, where is the best place to start? We advise you to tidy up your workspace.

The best way to draw anime.

Workplace in good condition is half the success. It is also worth deciding what you are going to draw with. I would like to note right away that you can draw anime as follows: with a simple pencil, and paints. That is why you should decide right away. Since you are drawing for the first time, it is better to give preference to a simple pencil. This will make it easier for you to grasp proportions and symmetry. So, after you have prepared a simple pencil and an eraser for work, you can start drawing. You need to decide on the anime character you want to portray. Today there is a large number of Japanese cartoons.

If you love sailor moon or sakura, you can choose one of of this cartoon, if you are not particularly keen on cartoons, but you like the anime style, you can draw a cat or other animal in the anime style. I would also like to note that if you are drawing for the first time, you should first find a picture and copy from it. This is the simplest option. Drawing is the first step. Later you will become a more experienced artist and will be able to create on your own. We will teach you how to draw anime step by step.

Who better to portray in anime style.

We have compiled especially for you detailed instructions, which will help you easily portray any anime character. In order to maintain the anime style, you need to know whole line features. In this style of animation, it is common to depict people, and in some cases animals, with fairly large eyes. In Japan, almost every anime character has big eyes. This distinguishing feature of this style. You must take it into account otherwise you will not be able to realistically portray an anime character. Where to start portraying an anime hero. The answer will not surprise you - from the head. The heads of such heroes are almost always out of proportion.

You must understand that the head is a constituent element of the entire drawing and figure of the hero. It is also worth noting that the head is drawn as follows. You will learn how to draw anime with a pencil right now. It’s quite simple to do if you take a special diagram as the basis for your drawing. It is important to understand that any drawing begins with sketches. These are the first lines that help define boundaries. We have already noted that it is better to start drawing anime from the head. The heads of Japanese cartoon characters are usually angular and the cheekbones are pronounced. Pay attention to your hairstyle, it should be extraordinary. If you are drawing a specific character, then we recommend that you strictly follow the image that you previously prepared. In order for the head to be truly symmetrical, we recommend that you find the center. To do this, you need to draw two perpendicular lines and their intersection will become the center of the face. Drawing a head is not the most difficult thing. The real challenge will be drawing out the facial features. You need to understand that anime characters always have a small mouth and nose. You must take this into account. There are a few more features you should consider. How to draw an anime girl is a question that worries many.

How to draw a face in anime style.

We have already noted that the faces of anime characters are quite specific. If we talk about the structure of the body, especially of girls, it has several features. First of all, it's the chest. It is almost always large and stands out compared to the limbs. As for the legs, they are always long and slender. Pay attention to your clothes too. It may be different. Usually this is a skirt and blouse. Sometimes anime girls are depicted wearing pants. It is important to understand that the anime style must be fully displayed. You must try and make every effort to ensure that your drawing resembles a frame from a cartoon. We are ready to tell you a few secrets that will help you create a real masterpiece.

You partially know how to draw anime with a pencil step by step. As an inexperienced artist, you may make several mistakes that can ruin the entire composition. The first thing worth noting is that you should not include an overly complex composition. You need to distribute your forces correctly. Don't take on a painting that has too many complex and small elements, which require detailed drawing. There are drawn anime pictures on the Internet.

You can choose one of them. We would also like to recommend that you immediately think through the entire composition. The most difficult thing you have to do is learn how to correctly distribute the light spots. It is important to understand that playing with shades and light are key skills in artistic arts. It is also worth noting that today you can learn to control light spots using a simple but high-quality eraser. So, we advise you to make a few main accents in your drawing. It is very important. Then your character will seem more realistic, and you will be able to portray him correctly.

How to draw anime character legs.

Drawn anime pictures can be an excellent example for drawing. With their help, you can easily learn to hone your skills and develop concentration. It is also worth considering that when you draw you need to be in one place. This way your attention will be concentrated and not scattered. Drawing anime is not difficult if you take into account all the nuances and are willing to spend time on this activity. Difficult to draw very quickly beautiful drawing in anime style. You already know how to draw an anime girl step by step. It remains only to point out a few points.

It is also worth noting that anime is a special niche not only of animation, but also of art in general. You must take this into account. It can also be noted that when depicting an anime character, his mood and character are often taken into account. Anger and love should be reflected correctly on his face. It is also worth noting that the eyes should be drawn very clearly. Only in this case will you be able to fully complete the task. Now you know exactly how to draw an anime girl with a pencil. We have revealed to you all the secrets of drawing with a simple pencil, and now you can easily portray any anime character. We wish you success in your creativity.

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How to draw an anime girl with a pencil.

Nowadays, many people treat anime as an art form. The most important difference that characterizes this style is the exaggerated features of the bodies of the main characters and creatures, namely: large eyes, lush (usually bright) hair and elongated limbs. Nevertheless, this style has won many hearts around the world and many want to learn how to draw anime. IN this lesson you will learn how to draw a schoolgirl, a girl in a swimsuit, a teenage girl and a girl in the style that many people love. After these lessons you will be able to draw Anime pencil drawings.

Before you start, be sure to read about pencil drawing tips.

So, let's get started.

Girl in anime style.

  1. Draw a sketch using geometric figures, but pay attention to the head - in order to maintain style, the head must be large. This is how young girls and children are portrayed in anime.
  2. Add shapes to your sketch to create body outlines
  3. Continue sketching out the girl's body using geometric shapes as shown in the example.
  4. Add hair, clothes and accessories
  5. Draw fine details using finer drawing tools
  6. Draw an outline around the drawing
  7. Erase sketches
  8. Color the finished drawing

Schoolgirl in anime style.

  1. Sketch the girl using straight lines and geometric shapes. First, draw a circle for the head. Add an angled shape at the bottom of the circle for the chin and jaw. Use a short line for the neck. Draw curved line from the neck down, where the pelvis will be. Draw four pointed shapes for the chest and add lines for the limbs. Use triangles as a base for the arms.
  2. Use the sketch you drew as a basis for the girl's body. Add geometric shapes to the drawing, gradually drawing out the details. Pay attention to the proportions in the places where the joints are located. Add a crossing line from the face to the chest. This will help you maintain your body proportions in the future.
  3. Create a hairstyle for your character. This example shows a regular hairstyle, which is drawn very easily using slanting strokes. In addition, you can add a flower, a hairpin or any other accessory to the girl’s hair.
  4. Decide what your character will wear. Since we are drawing a schoolgirl, we won’t stray far from the standards; we’ll draw a standard jacket, shirt and skirt.
  5. Color the drawing. We advise you to choose neutral tones that go well together. Don't make the drawing too bright, otherwise it will be too obvious.
  6. Based on these images, try drawing different clothes for your characters, while staying within the school theme.

How to draw anime (video)

Teenage girl in anime style.

  1. Draw a sketch based on which you will build the further image.
  2. Add shapes to your sketch to create the outline of the body.
  3. Continue sketching out the girl's body using geometric shapes as shown in the example.
  4. Add hair, clothes and accessories.
  5. Draw in fine details using finer drawing tools.
  6. Draw an outline around the drawing.
  7. Erase the sketches.
  8. Color the finished drawing.

Girl in a swimsuit in anime style. (Anime pencil drawings)

  1. Sketch the girl using straight lines and geometric shapes. First, draw a circle for the head. Add an angled shape at the bottom of the circle for the chin and jaw. Use a short line for the neck. Draw a curved line from the neck down where the pelvis will be. Draw an inverted dome shape for the chest and add more lines for the limbs. Use triangles as a base for the arms.
  2. Use the sketch you drew as a basis for the girl's body. Add geometric shapes to the drawing, gradually drawing out the details. Pay attention to the proportions in the places where the joints are located. Add a crossing line from the face to the chest. This will help you maintain your body proportions in the future. Taking into account that the character will be in a swimsuit, mark the place where the chest will be (use two teardrop-shaped figures for this). Mark the location of the navel.
  3. Sketch the eyes. Arrange them conditionally using crossed lines. Add small, arched strokes for the brows. Draw a corner for the nose and a curved line for the mouth.
  4. Decide on a hairstyle for your character. Use curved strokes if you want your hair to be wavy. Draw the ears in the shape of the letter “C”, so that they peek out from behind our heroine’s curls.
  5. Outline the contours of the body and come up with a swimsuit design. The standard solution is a swimsuit consisting of two halves.
  6. Emphasize details and erase sketches.
  7. Color the finished drawing.

Here are a few more options that can be used in this direction.

Drawing with ink. It is used by manga artists (authors of comic books based on which cartoons are created). Another one good alternativeGraphics tablet. It allows you to create directly on your computer, which makes the editing and coloring process much easier.


On this moment There are hundreds of lessons that teach you how to depict certain elements in anime style. This includes not only eyes, hair, clothes, but also the environment, landscapes, and composition. Take as many of these lessons as possible first. Special attention Pay attention to the depiction of people, as this is the basis of any drawing in the anime genre.

Please note that each author portrays characters differently. Of course, there are similarities, but there are still more differences. Therefore, you shouldn’t completely copy someone’s style. Try to save only general outline like expressive eyes and bright colors.

Watch video tutorials. Pay attention to the order in which the authors create the drawings and how they hold the instrument. Try not to neglect small details, since they are what make the drawings truly good and the characters expressive.


After you learn how to normally depict individual elements or parts of a drawing, start creating own characters. Think through all the elements: from hairstyle to shoes. Be careful about the colors you choose. They should be bright and at the same time realistic.

Anime forums often hold competitions among experienced artists. There you can exhibit your work, receive adequate criticism and even win some kind of prize. Anime festivals also often hold similar competitions, but the competition there is much stronger.

Having created several good characters, try to draw your own. In the beginning, it is enough to use 3-4 frames. Come up with some simple plot and try to correctly convey the feelings of the characters. you can use special programs like MangaStudio, which make the process much easier.

If you want to achieve greater heights in anime drawing, post your work on Japanese and English-language resources. There for real experienced artists will give you specific recommendations. Moreover, many publishing houses look through such forums, looking for talented artists. Who knows, maybe they will pay attention to you.

Anime is Japanese cartoons. This word is also used to describe the drawing characteristic of this genre. Learning anime characters is quite easy. You just need to learn the basic features of this style.

You will need

  • - a simple pencil; - eraser; - paper; - colored pencils or paints.


Prepare your drawing materials. Take a regular album with thick white paper and a soft, simple pencil. It is better to sharpen drawing pencils with a knife rather than a sharpener. You can use a knife to cut the tip of the lead at an angle. This pencil is convenient to use for fine lines and for shading.

Make preliminary markings. Swipe vertical line in the center of the sheet is the growth of your anime character. Mark six equal segments on the line. The top segment will be the head. The three bottom segments go to the legs. Mark the width of the shoulders and pelvis. Outline the contours of the torso. Sketch the hands.

In place of the head, draw an oval and divide it into two halves with a thin horizontal line. Mark the center of the eyes with two dots on the line. Make two horizontal strokes where the lower eyelids are.

Focusing on the designations of the lower eyelids, draw the upper eyelids, iris and pupils. Note that the iris and pupil are rarely perfectly round. Most often they are extended vertically. Draw thin eyebrows above the upper eyelids.

Draw a nose in the center of the face. It should be small and not detailed. Mark the ears, approximately equal in height to the distance from the tip of the nose to the bridge of the nose. Draw a small mouth. To do this, just spend a little horizontal line under your nose. It is not necessary to draw lips.