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Many people are familiar with the feeling of heat in the ears. Physiologists explain it either by strong emotions, or by infection, or by significant mental stress. We won’t argue; scientists know better. But what if you are calm as a rock, illnesses are ruled out, but your ears continue to burn? Folk wisdom states: in this moment someone remembers you intensely. It remains to figure out who and how.

What do folk signs say if your ear is on fire?

Supporters of mysticism firmly believe: any word or thought spoken with an emotional message somehow reaches the addressee. A person, of course, cannot hear what is being whispered about behind his back. But his body is aware of what is happening and lets its owner know about it. True, rather confusing language. The face is especially sensitive to other people's thoughts - cheeks, ears, and sometimes eyebrows. Moreover, the right and left sides “receive signals” of different nature.

The reason if a person's left is red

The “wrong” side of the body is popularly considered weak, susceptible to temptation, and always receiving negative predictions from space. Although the ear itself, of course, is not to blame for this, according to legends it plays the role of a locator, aimed at bad thoughts and statements. Burning left ear means:

  • Right at this moment, evil gossip is spread about a person or openly slandered, trying to denigrate him in the eyes of some important person (for example, his superiors).
  • Maybe they are telling the truth, but it’s still unpleasant. Everyone has an act for which he is ashamed or had to involuntarily blush - this is what unknown interlocutors are talking about.
  • A softened version of the sign states: the owner of flaming ears is not scolded or praised. It was just that one of his relatives casually mentioned his name in a conversation.

What does it mean if the right one turns red?

As you might guess, the job of the right ear is to collect good reviews about its owner. If it flares up, the reason is that:

  • They praise either the owner of the “hot” ears, or the work he has done.
  • Someone really burns with the desire to find a person, but always fails. Either the poor guy lost desired number phone, or he's just unlucky. Meanwhile, the ears have turned red and feel that someone urgently needs their owner.
  • The right ear reminds us of broken promises. Remember who you let down. Maybe it’s not too late to fix everything and keep your word?

If both ears burn at the same time

Have you become the object of tender feelings?

If two ears have developed the habit of blushing from time to time, you should not look for signs, but hurry to the doctor. But for now this is a one-time phenomenon, you can choose the diagnosis yourself:

  • Burning ears in the morning mean praise, and in the evening - reproach. Great option for those who do not want to delve into the subtleties of interpretation!
  • Both ears fill with heat when a person is spoken about in a neutral tone, without strong emotions.
  • The opposite option: someone remembers the owner or mistress of the ears filled with paint with too much emotion. Of course, one can assume that it was the ill-wisher’s tongue that began to itch, and in irritation he inclines your name in every possible way. But what if someone passionately in love at this moment is imagining their first kiss with you or planning a way to meet you? There is no point in asking why the second option is so much more pleasant.

Why do the lobes or ends turn red?

There is an interpretation common to the right and left ears: if only the earlobes or tips of the ears burn, there will be a change in the weather. Moreover, it is believed that people born in the warm season have ears that predict warmth. Accordingly, those who celebrate name day in winter and late autumn feel the heat in their earlobes before frost.

By day of the week: why is it hot on Monday evening or Sunday morning?

Morning Evening
Monday Someone is furiously jealous of you. Apparently, it is his gnashing of teeth that reaches your ears. When you hear a harsh word, do not rush to sort things out - there is a high risk of quarreling.
Tuesday The heat spreads in anticipation of a scandal with your loved one. But you won’t allow it, will you? And single people should be wary of gossip.
Wednesday Expect to meet an interesting, but not particularly significant person for you. Wow! And the ears turned pink in anticipation of a whirlwind romance!
Thursday Expect to receive favorable news.
Friday All Friday, the heat in your ears predicts a meeting that you secretly dreamed of, but no longer hoped that it would take place.
Saturday The sign indicates minor troubles. Beware of obstacles appearing on the way to your goal. And sometimes serious problems.
Sunday The ears were kindled by the thirst for profit. This week we will be counting profits, and significant ones.

What to expect if your cheeks and face are burning along with your ears?

Burning lips - a sign of a new romance

This sign means that at the moment you have become the object of attention of an entire company at the same time. And they are discussing you quite heatedly - look how your cheeks are flushed! To establish what they are really saying, run a gold ring over the burning skin, and everything will become clear as day. A dark red trace left after the “test” can indicate the chatter of envious people, a clear light one - conversations of friends.

Heat that engulfs the ears and face along with the lips is a sign of fever or passionate kissing. If your temperature is okay, you should wait for an invitation to dinner or a date. A polite peck on the cheek will obviously not stop there.

Neutralization of bad omens

  • Since the bad predictions of burning ears are associated with human chatter, your task will be protected from it. Imagine a mirrored dome that covers and protects you. Let gossip and anger be reflected and fly back to those who sent them!
  • For believers, there is no surer remedy than holy water and prayer. Use them and don't worry about anything else.
  • It is not forbidden to use ordinary cold water. Turn on the tap and wash your face from the heart, imagining that you are washing away other people’s bad wishes. At the same time, the water will help you cool down, and you’ll see that the fever will subside.

They say a self-confident person is like an armadillo. No rumor will make him waver and go astray. So always act the same way: the ear on the right lights up - rejoice, wash yourself and forget. On the left - immediately on water treatments! And again forward, as planned! And of course, don’t forget to stock up on mint gum if the heat reaches your lips. But what if?..

Since ancient times, the Slavs were very observant and knew how to compare different events with each other. It was this circumstance that laid the foundation for the emergence of various signs and superstitions. Currently there is great amount folk signs that have come down to us from antiquity and are popular to this day.

WITH special attention people noted changes occurring in their bodies. In particular, every person at least once felt heat or itching in the ears. Signs explaining why the right ear burns have not lost their relevance in the present day.

Esotericists and psychics claim that some individuals have supernatural sensitivity, which helps them even on long distance feel that someone is mentioning them in a conversation, and even determine in what direction (negative or positive).

This sensitivity is manifested by an increase in the temperature of certain parts of the body - in particular, the ears.

So, when can your right ear burn? There are several options:

  • Someone tells a story about you.
  • Someone is looking for a way to meet and talk with you face to face, however, does not have such an opportunity. Most likely this one the person scolds you.
  • you are mentioned in some neutral conversation.
  • Someone close to you remembers you with an unkind word.
  • You will soon hear the good news.
  • someone praises you.
  • Someone is rushing towards you.

And if you are wondering who exactly might be talking about you or looking for a meeting, try to remember each one in turn loved one- when you reach someone who said a warm word about you, the feeling of heat will stop.



  • If the ear burns on Tuesday, it promises separation from a loved one or someone close to you. This sign does not necessarily foreshadow a break in relations - probably one of your loved ones is going to go to another city on vacation or on a business trip.
  • For lonely people, fever in the ears on this day of the week is a warning that enemies are spreading ridiculous rumors about them.


  • If this part of the body burns on Wednesday, get ready for an important meeting. If you have a date planned in the near future, know that it will play a fateful role in your life, and try to thoroughly prepare for it. And if no meetings are planned, most likely, fate will soon bring you together with a person who will change your life and worldview.
  • If you feel a blaze in the morning, this promises a long-awaited meeting.
  • If it burns during the day, most likely someone is jealous of you.
  • Ears glowing in the evening portend a new acquaintance, flirtation or love affair.


  • Regardless of the time of day, burning ears on this day bodes well for you. Perhaps you will soon receive news from a friend or find out the result of an important interview.


  • If this part body is lit on Friday - get ready for a romantic date. Even if a fan doesn’t particularly impress you, don’t rush to reject him - he may turn out to be an opportunity given to you by fate. Sometimes a flaming ear signals that some a person is looking to meet you.


  • According to our ancestors, if your ears burn or itch on Saturday, you will soon be in trouble. Of course, there is no need to dramatize and panic, however, in the near future it is better to exercise some caution.
  • According to another sign, a flaming ear on this day portends bad news. And some sources assure that Saturday’s fever in the ears does not mean anything, and urge you not to pay attention to it.


  • If this part of the body burns on Sunday, your work will soon be appreciated. Perhaps your salary will be increased or a bonus will be given - in any case, your financial situation will improve.

Doctors' opinion

Medicine puts forward own point perspective on why a person’s ears suddenly begin to burn. There are several hypotheses about this:

So, if you occasionally feel heat in your right ear, this may mean good news or a long-awaited meeting, and also signal that your person is mentioned during conversation. However, if such a phenomenon repeats regularly (or even daily), you should not listen to folk signs, but to your own well-being.

Our ancestors were accustomed to trusting their feelings and believed in many signs associated with human body. One of them claims that the ears burn and turn red for a reason. If a person experiences such a feeling, it means that someone is currently talking about him.

Some believe that if the ears are on fire, it means that now someone is speaking badly about their owner, spreading unflattering rumors about him and even turning others against him. But this applies more to the left ear, and if the right ear is on fire, then they speak well of the person or defend him in conversation with enemies.

Another superstition regarding the right ear assures that its heat is due to the search for a way to communicate. For example, some old acquaintance decided to continue communication, and now asks mutual friends for a phone number or address, intending to get in touch soon.

So there is no definite answer why the right ear is burning, since the signs in this regard are quite varied, and intuition can come to the rescue in the search for the truth. But the fact that when someone feels hot, someone mentions a person - mentally or verbally - is beyond doubt. The fact is that this sense organ is very sensitive. It fulfills not only its physiological purpose, capturing vibrations sound waves, but also reacts with lightning speed to changes in the energy field. And this is exactly what happens when a person is remembered, and even more so when they say good or bad.

The day of the week and time of day will tell you more

The feeling that your ear is starting to burn can even predict the future in a unique way. It depends on what day of the week and time of day it happens. By listening to your body in this way, it becomes clear what to expect in the coming days.

  • Monday: if your ear starts to burn on this day, then it’s not very good good sign: It is likely that in the near future the person will become involved in a quarrel. Conflicts are possible both in the family and in the workplace. This is a sign that you need to try to smooth out rough edges and control your outbursts. negative emotions. The closer to the evening this happens, the more aggressive and larger the scandal will be.
  • Tuesday: a feeling of heat indicates that separation from a loved one is coming. Perhaps the other half will have a business trip. And if your ear begins to burn closer to night, then this indicates gossip secretly spread behind your back by ill-wishers. This may also mean that soon there will be disappointment in a seemingly reliable friend.
  • Wednesday: the body suggests that a joyful meeting awaits the person, which will subsequently have a positive impact on the future and may even become, to some extent, fateful. Unmarried woman this may indicate a date with a potential suitor. If your right ear is literally on fire on Wednesday evening, you need to be more attentive to your health.
  • Thursday: you need to prepare to receive news. Whether they will be positive or disappointing, only time will tell. And the ear burning in the evening of this day also predicts an interesting acquaintance.
  • Friday: if your ear burns on this day, then this may indicate positive prospects on the personal front: a romantic date is just around the corner.
  • Saturday: our ancestors believed that the feeling of a flame in the ear on this day did not bode well. And the closer to night it burns, the larger the unpleasant news will be.
  • Sunday: if the ear is burning, then this can only mean one thing - soon you need to expect an increase in profits, receiving money or an expensive gift. Success in business and at work is expected.

By listening to the signals of your body, a person can learn a lot of new things and even look into the foreseeable future.

This is surprising and mysterious, but our body - familiar, dear and unchanging, familiar to every mole and wrinkle - stores a lot of mystical secrets.

Everyone knows the signs - and completely unconsciously we understand that left hand itches for money, and your nose for fun. It's funny and surprising, but many such signs have every reason to believe in them!

Particular attention is paid to the ears; they are not only an important organ, but also interesting from the point of view of beliefs. For some reason, when the ear itches, rings, burns or turns red, the first thing we think about is what it is for. And we are not even embarrassed by the fact that such thoughts are illogical.

In fact, our ancestors knew everything - and wisely understood why our ears burn or itch, especially when there are no physical reasons for this. Signs are a curious thing; sometimes it is incomprehensible and surprising how accurately they come true.

No wonder people believe in them. Maybe it would be useful to know why your ear itches, turns red, rings or burns, right or left, what does such a sign mean?

What will the ear tell you about?

There are a huge number of signs and beliefs associated with the ears - among them there are basic ones that are considered generally accepted and true. These beliefs have proven their right to exist, they are tested in practice - and, believe it or not, they work.

Our ears are a sensitive organ, and there can be a lot of sensations in them. Each sensation can carry its own mystical meaning.

Of course, man of sense, feeling an alarming ringing in his ears, consult a doctor. Perhaps this is not a sign or the voice of fate, but a simple otitis media or other disease. Do not be careless and treat such an important and delicate organ as the ears with attention.

But if you are healthy, your left or right ear burns, itches or rings for absolutely no reason, you can turn to your wise ancestors and find out what this ringing, redness and other phenomena are for.

1.When the right ear itches, it is believed that this will bring unexpected profits. This is especially true for its upper part.

The lobe of your right ear itches for a scandal or quarrel - however, you will be right in it and will easily be able to prove that you are right, especially if you are calm and able to argue your point of view without unnecessary emotions.

2. The left ear itches for unpleasant conflicts, lies and hypocrisy. The ears often itch for quarrels, but it is the left ear that tells its owner that in the likely imminent quarrels, lies will triumph, they will not believe you, and the deceiver will triumph.

It is worth trying to avoid conflict altogether, if possible, and in a quarrel understand that there is no point in fighting - it is better to quietly retreat and remain unconvinced. Sometimes arguing with unkind and dishonest people is a thankless task; such a conflict will only take away your strength and will not bring anything good. Why do you need this?

3. Sometimes your ears burn - this, of course, figurative expression. Here, of course, it means that these organs do not literally burn, but a strong warming is felt, as if they are burning, in addition, redness is clearly visible on the ear. Many people have heard what this is for.

Our ears are burning for rumors - and about us. If your right ear is burning, most likely they are talking about you behind your back (which is unpleasant), but they are saying truthful things about you.

But it’s less pleasant if your left ear is burning - this is a clear sign that behind your back someone is actively and shamelessly saying something unpleasant about you. This happens, it cannot be avoided - you have met an unkind person, or an envious person, and so he spreads unpleasant rumors, and your ears burn.

Don't take it all too seriously. Be wise and calm and by your own behavior show others that there is no point in compromising you - your conscience is clear and your reputation is impeccable. Act in such a way that those around you, even if they hear something bad about you, will never believe it - and be calm.

4. An unpleasant ringing in the ear (provided that the ears are healthy!) is a sign of imminent news. What will they be like? If it is the right ear that is ringing, expect good and long-awaited news, you will be happy.

But if your left ear is ringing, it may not be the best news. In addition, ringing in the left ear can portend a lie - check any information and do not rush to blindly and hastily believe in everything you hear.

Ringing in your left ear should make you more careful in your daily activities and interactions. And, of course, don’t trust everything you hear.

Treat signs wisely. Extremes are always bad - that's a fact. Those who extremely skeptically deny beliefs are wrong, because it is not without reason that they have been passed from mouth to mouth for many hundreds of years as important secret information and help many people in life.

But those who are too fanatically superstitious are also wrong - you shouldn’t give your life and blame all the responsibility on signs. Life is in the hands of the person who lives it. And such things as omens, dreams and signs are very helpful in life and relationships if you treat them wisely, soberly and correctly, but they do not control life and destiny in any way.

Believe in the best, listen to yours to a sensitive heart and always act according to your conscience in everyday life. Then in your life you will have nothing to fear, and your fate will be smooth and happy! Author: Vasilina Serova