Introduction of the regional component into the educational process: Textbook. M

Dream and reality in the story by N.V. Gogol's "Overcoat" The overcoat is like the last hope to keep warm in a cold world. The futility of this dream. Image of St. Petersburg.

Subject, class Literature, 8th grade

Program Literature: 5-9 grades: Literature program for educational organizations – Danilova I.N., Korol G.N. – 3rd ed., add. And correct.. – GOU DPO “Donetsk RIDPO”, Donetsk: Origins, 2017-179p.

Lesson type Lesson - generalization and deepening of knowledge

Technology Personally-oriented learning.

Equipment Computer, multimedia projector, lesson presentations, handouts, illustrations.

Methods used in the lesson

Explanatory and illustrative (analysis of the work; answers to questions, work with tables, illustrations, presentation material)

Partially - search ("double diary" technique; independent work; answers to quiz questions, etc.)

Target: organize activities to systematize and summarize information on the work of N.V. Gogol, identify its main plot, compositional and genre features.


- training (subject results): work on mastering all types speech activity through text;

-developmental (meta-subject results): contributelearning techniques for selecting and systematizing material on the topic of the lesson and extracting information from various sources(books, Internet resources); develop the ability to freely and correctly express one’s thoughts in different shapes; develop the ability to understand the author's intention, speech, memory, thinking, reading taste;

-educational (personal results): to promote kindness, mercy, and high moral qualities in students.

Lesson script

1. Organizational moment .

2. Statement of the purpose of the lesson .

There are few works in literature that are fraught with mystery. "Overcoat" is one of them. This is also explained by the specifics genre form, and the pathos of the work. Today in class we are summarizing and finishing our work on the story by N.V. Gogol.

3. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

1) Quiz

1. The humiliating position of Akaki Akakievich begins right from his name. How did the hero of the story get this name?

2. What special art did Akaki Akakievich have while walking down the street?

3. Name the most favorite hobby Akaki Akakievich?

4. What is the salary of Akaki Akakievich?

5. What strange device did his old overcoat have?

6. What was the staircase that led to Petrovich?

7. What parts of speech predominated in Akaki Akakievich’s speech?

8. At what words did Petrovich’s heart skip a beat?

9. From what word uttered by Petrovich did Akaki Akakievich’s eyes “get clouded, and everything that was in the room began to get confused before him”?

10. When did Akaki Akakievich cry out for the first time in his life?

11. Where did Akaki Akakievich get the first half of the money for a new overcoat?

12. How was he going to find his other half?

13. How long did Akaki Akakievich save the second half of the amount?

14. What animal fur was the collar made from?

15. What is the most solemn day in the life of Akaki Akakievich?

16. What was the overcoat wrapped in?

17. Why on earth did Akaki Akakievich begin to assure his colleagues that this was an old overcoat?

18. Why did Akaki Akakievich agree to come to the evening?

19. Under what circumstances “the old woman, the owner of his apartment, hearing a terrible knock on the door, hastily jumped out of bed and with a shoe on one foot ran to open the door, holding her shirt on her chest, out of modesty, with her hand?”

20. Name the techniques and customs of a significant person to whom Akaki Akakievich decided to turn for help?

21. How old was Akaki Akakievich?

22. Under what circumstances did Akaki Akakievich freeze, tremble with his whole body and could not stand?

23.What disease did Akaki Akakievich fall ill with when returning from a significant person?

24. Why did they not seal the room after the death of Akaki Akakievich?

25. What is the legacy of Akaki Akakievich?

26. How did the department find out about his death?

27. Who does Akaki Akakievich become after death?

2) Element of dramatic production:

We have guests. Let's listen to Akaki Akakievich himself, his story about himself.

Good afternoon to you! I'm unremarkable ordinary person, and my life is completely natural. I serve with love and am quite happy: I copy papers, and this is a varied and enjoyable activity. I was once even offered a small promotion, but I was shy and refused, because it was already good. I never paid attention to what was happening every day on the street, even when everyone was trying to have fun, but I was busy at home copying papers...

And now you will hear the opinion “ young man"about our hero, who serves in the same department as Bashmachkin.

The department showed no respect for him, and the young officials laughed and joked at him, poured small pieces of torn papers on his head... And one day the joke was too unbearable, he said: “Leave me alone, why are you offending me?” And there was something strange in the words and in the voice in which they were spoken. In these penetrating words others rang: “I am your brother!” And since then, as if everything had changed before me and appeared in a different form, often, among the most cheerful moments, a short official with a bald spot on his forehead appeared to me with his penetrating words: “Leave me alone, why are you offending me?”...

- Have you ever met people in your life who were somewhat similar to Akaki Akakievich? “Twice gentle” - are there such people today?

-The story “The Overcoat” continues one of the main themes of Russian literature of the 19th century, raised by Karamzin and Pushkin, the theme “ little man».

-This is a minor official, a copyist of papers, a lonely man, overwhelmed by life.

-The author shows how a person, even the most insignificant and inconspicuous, unnecessary and unnoticed by anyone, is transformed if he has a dream that becomes the meaning of life - a new overcoat.

3) - Is purchasing a new overcoat a luxury or a vital necessity for the hero of the story?

(“In St. Petersburg there is a strong enemy of everyone who receives 400 rubles a year in salary or so. This enemy is none other than our northern frost”; “the cloth was so worn out that it was dripping, and the lining was unraveling”; “the overcoat also served as an item ridicule to officials; they even took away from her noble name an overcoat and called it a hood.” For Akaki Akakievich, an overcoat is not a luxury, but a hard-won necessity. The purchase of an overcoat colors his life with new colors. This would seem to humiliate him, but what he goes to for this changes the entire usual “coordinate system” in our minds. For every “ruble spent,” he put a penny into a small box; in addition to this saving, he stopped drinking tea and lighting candles in the evenings, and, walking along the pavement, he stepped on tiptoes, “so as not to wear out the soles”... Also, when he came home, I immediately took off my underwear so that it wouldn’t wear out, and sat in a shabby robe. You could say he LIVED the dream of a new overcoat).

-What is a dream? Dream - special kind imagination, cherished , the fulfillment of which often promises . These may simply be desires that, for some reason, were not fulfilled at the time they arose, but still wants them to be embodied in

Presentation “Dream and Reality”

4). Identifying a personal attitude to the material being studied using the “double diary” technique and answering the teacher’s questions.

Fill out the table (on the students' desks). What positive and negative things did the overcoat bring to the hero?

Fill out the table, answer the questions, expressing personal attitude to the question (sample answers):

+ -

1. Became closer to society 1. Gave up work

2. Became more noticeable (they started talking about him) 2. Started making mistakes

3. Became more confident 3. Was shocked by a meeting with a “significant person” 4. Died

Teacher : So, the main character of the story “The Overcoat” dies.

- Why did the hero die?

- What is the special drama of this situation?

(no one helped; the people around him remained indifferent to his grief) After such humiliation, Akaki Akakievich fell into a fever and “finally gave up the ghost.” But the author does not end the story here, and the story unexpectedly takes on a fantastic ending.


Video about St. Petersburg

There is a historical anecdote about how Peter the Great asked his favorite court jester Balakirev what people were saying about St. Petersburg. Peter apparently expected to hear something flattering for the city and for himself. The jester answered the king like this:

On one side is the sea,

On the other hand, grief

On the third there is moss,

And with the fourth, oh.

-Did the jester live up to Peter’s hopes?

No, he didn’t justify it, he told him his opinion and the opinion of the people, which the king did not like.

They said that Petersburg is a harsh, cruel city.

In St. Petersburg there was a lot of grief, pain, and unpleasant fear.

This Big city on the seashore, he is powerful, influential.


I hope you agree that St. Petersburg is a city of majestic palaces, a city of beauty, a city-museum. But we know that many writers showed a different Petersburg in their works. It was portrayed as a controversial city where a lot happened tragic events. We can assume that Petersburg, depicted in the story “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol is completely special.

PRESENTATION “Petersburg in the works of Gogol”

Behind the splendor and pomp stands another Petersburg - a city of petty officials, artisans, artists, a city of poor workers, victims of poverty and tyranny, such a victim is Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin - the hero of the story “The Overcoat”.

5 .Psychological training:

Try to be a little bit in the role of poor Bashmachkin and argue something with a significant person, try to convey your pain and reach his soul. (Sooner or later, all children will have to experience the oppression of the bureaucratic machine of our society, let them try to prove that they are right. It is only necessary to imagine a strong, decisive, “arrogant” student in the role of a Significant Person; a high school student would be better suited for this role).

Dramatic Element:

Before you is another guest - a significant person to whom Akaki Akakievich turned for help.

Significant person : “What do you want? (shortly and firmly) Why, dear sir, don’t you know the order? Where have you gone? don't know how things are going? You should have first submitted a request to the office about this; it would go to the clerk, to the head of the department, then it would be handed over to the secretary, and the secretary would deliver it to me... Do you understand who is standing in front of you? do you understand this? do you understand this? I'm asking you!

- Is it easy to be a petitioner? How did you feel while in this role?

6. Holistic understanding of the information received: generalization, conclusions on the topic “The Image of St. Petersburg in Gogol’s story “The Overcoat”

Gogol showed in the story “The Overcoat” the world of St. Petersburg officials, in which the conflict of the work develops. At the same time, we see how St. Petersburg itself becomes an independent character.

The theme of the “little man” was born precisely in the St. Petersburg climate, which accelerated the death of the official. Gogol also showed the life of the upper class, which is not touched by life common man. People here are not judged by their moral qualities: the higher their position, the richer they are, the better the fur on their coat looks, the more respected a person is in St. Petersburg!!!

It becomes clear that St. Petersburg is a city of contrasts and confrontation.

The cause of the hero’s misfortunes is even the weather of St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg wind, frost, squares, streets - all these are participants in the tragedy that Gogol describes. Gogol shows that St. Petersburg influences people's lives, often even controls it.

    Gradually, St. Petersburg becomes an independent character.

    St. Petersburg is a city of sharp contrasts and confrontation.

St. Petersburg influences people's lives, often even controls them.

7. Dispute.– I propose to divide into two camps and argue. Let’s formulate the topic of today’s debate as follows: “Does society need “shoes”?

III. Conclusion

If a person lives in society, does not violate laws, and does his job conscientiously and to the best of his ability, he has all the rights and freedoms of a democratic society. He deserves to be treated with respect. This principle is called the principlehumanism . Humanism is love for man, philanthropy. After all, the Bible also says: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Final word teachers:

And at the end of our lesson, I want to draw your attention to Natalya Nesterova’s painting “The Crucifixion”. Christ is on the cross, and below there is an endless number of people, some of whom have not even been discharged. Great amount ball heads, such human caviar. Here Akaki Akakievich is human caviar, the basis future life. Before our eyes, Gogol grows a man from eggs. For Bashmachkin, the new overcoat became Vera. He was happy with his shabby hood. Well, yes, it’s worn out and leaky, but it can be patched up. That is, he wanted to preserve himself in the old faith. But he had a Teacher, tailor Petrovich. And Petrovich was firm: it is necessary not to patch up the old, but to create a new one. And he forced Akaki Akakievich to reconsider his beliefs. And only the brave are capable of this. He went through incredible hardships to build Something New. Bashmachkin doesn’t just put on his overcoat, he enters it as if he were entering a Temple. And becomes a different person. He walks down the street differently, goes to visit... But he was killed. They killed the people living next to him, killed the city, not only a significant person, but also his colleagues who mocked his love for the beauty of letters. And he kept telling them: “I am your brother!” As in the Bible: “Love your neighbor as yourself!”

In St. Petersburg, surrounded by Bashmachkin, a person was valued not for personal traits, and for external details - for what kind of overcoat he is wearing. The loss of his overcoat led to the hero's death.

So in everything, as you want people to do to you, do so to them!” Let's remember this.


Compose a syncwine for any image based on the story “The Overcoat” (1 noun, 2 adj., 3 verbs, sentence, inference word)

Introduction of a regional component to educational process An excerpt from The Tale of Bygone Years should be included in this section as part of the regional component. “The Tale of Bygone Years” is an all-Russian chronicle compiled in Kyiv in the 2nd decade of the 11th century. Nestor, the earliest Russian source, which speaks about the Mordovians and their settlement (“...and along Otserets, where they flowed into the Volga, Murom has its language, and Cheremisi has its language, Mordva has its language”). Textbooks on Mordovian folklore have been prepared and published for the national Moksha and Erzya schools of the republic. For Erzya schools - “Pingede pinges kandoz val” (author-compiler L.V. Sedova). The same manual has been prepared in Russian - “Springs folk wisdom", (author - compiler L.V. Sedova). This publication includes all genres of Mordovian folklore. Preface, a brief description of each genre, the most striking examples of works, questions and assignments for topics, as well as the interpretation of outdated and obscure words and expressions will help the teacher more fully present the richness of folk poetry. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (7 hours). A word about the writer. "Overcoat". The image of the “little man” in literature. Loss of face by Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin (loneliness, tongue-tiedness). The overcoat is like the last hope to stay warm in a cold world. The futility of this dream. Petersburg as a symbol of eternal hellish cold. The gentleness of a petty official who has spiritual strength and resists the callousness of society. The role of fiction in a work of art. " Dead Souls" - History of creation. The meaning of the title of the poem. System of images. Dead and living souls. Chichikov - “scoundrel-acquirer” - new hero era. Theory of literature. Development of concepts about literary type, about satire. Image-symbol (initial ideas). From Mordovian literature. Vasily Maksimovich Kolomasov – the life and work of the writer. The history of the creation of the novel “Lavginov” - the first satirical and humorous work in Mordovian literature. An artistic solution to the social and moral problems of a Mordovian village in the 30s and 40s of the 20th century. The role of the satire genre in revealing images 21 Introduction of a regional component into the educational process by Lavginov, Nastya, Prokopych, Yegor Kirillovich, Lisa, Fedya and others. Artistic value novel. 10th grade Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (4 hours). Life and art. (Review.) Nekrasov-journalist. The contrast between the literary and artistic views of Nekrasov and Fet. A break with the romantics and a transition to the position of realism. Proseization of the lyrics, strengthening the role of the plot element. Social tragedy of the people in the city and in the countryside. The present and future of the people as the subject of the lyrical experiences of a suffering poet. The intonation of crying, sobbing, moaning as a way of confessional expression of lyrical experiences. Nekrasov's satire. Heroic and sacrificial in the image of a commoner-loving people. Psychologism and everyday concretization of love lyrics. Nekrasov's poems, their content, poetic language. The idea of ​​the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” Pre-reform and post-reform Russia in the poem, breadth of themes and stylistic diversity. Images of peasants and " people's intercessors" The theme of social and spiritual slavery, the theme of popular revolt. Folklore beginning in the poem. Peculiarities poetic language. Poems: “A Knight for an Hour”, “On the Road”, “My heart breaks from agony...”, “Stuffy! Without happiness and will...", "Poet and Citizen", "Elegy", "I will soon die...", "Muse". Poems: “Grandfather”, “Who Lives Well in Rus'”. Theory of literature. The concept of nationality. Folklorism of fiction. Style as an expression of the writer’s artistic thought. From Mordovian literature. Contribution of Dmitry Ivanovich Malyshev (Morskoy) to the origin and development of Mordovian literature. The ideological and aesthetic search of the poet at the beginning creative path. Personal acquaintance and influence on D. Malyshev of the ideals of S. Yesenin, B. Pasternak, V. Mayakovsky, V. Bryusov and others. The history of the pseudonym D.I. Malysheva. Search for a creative credo. D. Morsky's commitment to imagism. Poetic dedication to S.A. Yesenin. The poem “Nuwazi” is an attempt to create the author’s poetic geo- 22 Introduction of the regional component into the educational process of the Roman epic. National features and international pathos in the depiction of the main characters of the work. The poem “Ulyana Sosnovskaya” is about the difficult lot of a rural woman in a Mordovian family of the 19th century. Appropriate use of special genres of folklore in the work – laments, lamentations. Folklore traditions in the poetry of N.A. Nekrasov and D. Morsky Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (10 hours). Life and art. Collaboration in humorous magazines. The main genres are sketch, humoresque, anecdote, parody. Dispute with the tradition of depicting the “little man” (“Death of an Official”, “Thick and Thin”). The conflict between complex and motley life and narrow ideas about it as the basis of the comedy of early stories (“Surgery”, “Intruder”, “Unter Prishibeev”, etc.). the variety of philosophical and psychological problems in the stories of the mature Chekhov (“A Boring Story”, etc.). Chekhov’s artistic objectivism (“Enemies”, “Name Day”, “Gusev”, etc.). Themes of real truth, social and philosophical madness (“Duel”, “Ward No. 6”), the conflict between the ordinary and the ideal, the fate of hopes and illusions in the world of tragic reality, “case” existence, images of the future are the subjects of Chekhov’s stories. Optional stories: “The Jumper”, “The Man in a Case”, “Gooseberry”, “About Love”, “Ionych”, “Literature Teacher”, etc. Dramaturgy (one optional play: “The Seagull”, “Three Sisters” ", "Uncle Vanya" or " The Cherry Orchard"). "The Cherry Orchard". The image of a cherry orchard, old and new owners as the past, present and future of Russia. The lyrical and tragic principles in the play, the role of farcical episodes and comic characters. Psychologization of remarks. Symbolic imagery, color symbolism, “eventlessness,” “undercurrent.” The significance of Chekhov’s artistic heritage for Russian and world literature. Theory of literature. Deepening the concept of a story. Chekhov's style as a storyteller: “open endings”, “musicality”, “poetry”, psychological and symbolic detail. Deepening the concept of dramaturgy. Composition and style of plays. The role of remarks, pauses, sound and noise effects. The combination of lyricism and comedy. From Mordovian literature. Grigory Yakovlevich Merkushkin is a famous Mordovian playwright. The ideological and artistic content of the play “Senem Valda” (“At Dawn”), the moral and ethical problems of the work. Main character- veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Professor Mikhail Tumov. Historical and biographical play “Poetti Tyashtets” (“Poet’s Star”), dedicated to the life and work of the founder of Mordovian literature, Zakhar Fedorovich Dorofeev. The system of images of the work is the famous Mordovian personalities M. Evseviev, L. Kiryukov. Contribution of G.Ya. Merkushkin in the development of Mordovian culture and literature. Alexander Ivanovich Pudin. Life and work of the writer. The drama "Horde" reveals serious problems attitudes of young people to the current situation in modern society. Grade 11 New Peasant Poets (review) (2 hours). Nikolay Klyuev. Poems chosen by the teacher and students. Poems: “Pogorelschina”, “Song of the Great Mother”. Sergey Klychkov. Poems. Peter Oreshin. Poems. Spiritual and poetic origins of new peasant poetry. Intensifying interest in the artistic wealth of Slavic folklore, the heritage of ancient Russian literature. Group "Beauty". N. Klyuev and A. Blok. The polemic of the new peasant poets with proletarian poetry, the artistic, social and ideological and moral aspects of this polemic. Theory of literature. The prophetic function of poetry. Folklorism of poetry (consolidation of the concept). Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (5 hours). Poems: “Rus”, “Song of the Dog”, “I Left home", "Letter to Mother", "To Kachalov's Dog", "Persian Motifs". Poems “Anna Snegina”, “Black Man”. From Mordovian literature. The originality of the poetry of Alexander Makarovich Doronin. Poetry collection “Odks pingon valda” (“Light of Youth”). Lu- 24 Introduction of the regional component into the educational process love for the small Motherland, bright memories associated with native places dear to the heart of every person. Traditions of S.A. Yesenin in the early poetry of Viktor Aleksandrovich Gadaev. The search for new types of form and content in the first collections of poems (“The Eternal Mill” (1969), “The Light of the Father’s House” (1972), “Holidays of the Heart” (1975). A collection of poems about the most bright artists earth (three books “Illuminated Thirst” (1986), “Epiphany” (1989), “Pearl of Quest” (1993)). The joy of being, the high ideal of love and ways of conveying the author’s position (using the example of the collection of poems “Love is a High Star” (1983). Literature of the 50s - 90s (review). Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin “Deadline”, “Farewell” with Matera", "Live and Remember" (optional) The moral greatness of the Russian woman, her selflessness. The connection of the main themes of the novel "Live and Remember" with the traditions of Russian classics. From Mordovian literature. The life and work of Grigory Ilyich Pinyasov. Collection "Hot Summer". Betrayal of the Motherland, desertion and repentance are questions that the writer invites you to think about. Conducting a lesson based on the stories of V. Rasputin and G. Pinyasov can be carried out in various forms: a reading conference, a debate, etc. Possible creative meeting with the writer G. Pinyasov. Paying tribute to the traditions of classical education, it is possible to conduct integrated lessons on studying the works of V. Rasputin and G. Pinyasov. Lesson topic: “Themes and problems of the works of V. Rasputin “Live and Remember” and G. Pinyasov “Hot Summer” Lesson objectives: 1. Revealing the originality of creativity Mordovian writers in the process of comparison with works of Russian literature. Introducing students to the works of V. Rasputin and G. Pinyasov. 2. Development of skills in episode analysis using the example of works of Russian and national writers. 3. Fostering a sense of duty and responsibility to society for one’s actions. Lesson plan: - teacher's word (brief biographical information about the writers V. Rasputin and G. Pinyasov, the similarities and differences of their work); - benchmarking works “Live and Remember” and “Hot Summer” (analysis of episodes); - commented reading of excerpts from works. During the classes. introduction teachers: 1. The theme of the Great Patriotic War is relevant in both Russian and national literature. In the works of famous writers, the psychology of heroism and betrayal is deeply analyzed; the main characters are presented to the reader in a situation of search, trial, and error. These are the stories of V. Rasputin “Live and Remember” and G. Pinyasov “Hot Summer”. Betrayal of the Motherland, desertion and repentance are questions that writers invite us to think about. We will reflect on examples of works of Russian and national literature that are united by a common theme. 2. Biographical information about V. Rasputin and G. Pinyasov. Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich (15.III.1937, Ust-uda village, Ust-Udinsky district, Irkutsk region) - prose writer. “I was born three hundred kilometers from Irkutsk,” says the writer, “in Ust-Uda, on the Angara. So I am a native Siberian, or, as we say, local. My father was a peasant, worked in the timber industry, served and fought... In a word, he was like everyone else. My mother worked, was a housewife, barely managed her affairs and family - as far as I remember, she always had enough to worry about” (Questions of Literature. - 1976. - No. 9). Rasputin spent his childhood in the lower reaches of the Angara, in the small village of Atlanka, which was later moved to the shore of the Bratsk Sea. From 1944 to 1948 studied in Atlanskaya primary school, from 1948 to 1954 studying at the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University. In 1955, he met A. Vampilov, 26 Introduction of a regional component into the educational process, the future playwright, with whom he had close friendly and creative relations. March 30, 1957 to gas. “Soviet Youth”, Rasputin’s first publication appeared - “There is no time to be bored.” In 1974 The magazine “Our Contemporary” (No. 10, 11) published Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember” - one of the best works of Russian post-war prose. Conceived by the writer as a story about a woman “in her natural and moral chastity,” it was perceived by critics as a work about the war, about a deserter who fled home to “look” at his relatives and wife. Critics even compared it with the stories of Y. Goncharov “The Deserter” (1962) and Ch. Aitmatov “Face to Face” (1958). But Rasputin never tired of repeating: “For Nastena’s sake, this thing was conceived and written. And in order for her character to fully manifest itself, I had to look for some special circumstances, which I considered to be the story with her husband. And that required some kind of trial in relation to him before the verdict. I didn’t want to “smear it with just black paint...” (15 meetings in Ostankino. – P. 217). The character of Nastena Guskova is as close to ideal as possible. She “from the very beginning dreamed of giving more than receiving - that’s why she’s a woman, to soften and smooth out life together“That’s why she was given this amazing power, which is all the more amazing, gentle and rich the more often it is used,” wrote Rasputin. A selfless, wonderful and amazingly bright woman is placed by life in a situation of tragic choice, her soul cannot reconcile opposing decisions: how to live according to conscience, along with everything village world, united in the sorrows of military life, and how to remain faithful and devoted to a husband who violated the law of brotherhood and camaraderie and fled from the battlefield. Andrei Guskov’s crime alienates Nastena from people, deprives her of confidence in the present, which is divided into “separate, equal, alien pieces,” and even the long-awaited child promises her only shame in the future. Unable to live without unity with common destiny, in a torn world and in a tormented consciousness, in order to save her soul, Nastena goes into the Angara war. Rasputin's story is distinguished by psychologism, harmonious composition, intonation richness, tonality, subtle metaphors, and a variety of folklore and Christian associations. When studying V. Rasputin’s work “Live and Remember,” we recommend for analysis the episode of Andrei Guskov’s killing of a calf (Chapter XV, pp. 339–343). (Methodology for analyzing the episode: careful reading of the episode, thinking through and motivating its connections with the preceding and subsequent content of the entire work, conventional title, drawing up an outline of the episode.) Conventional title of the episode The murder of a calf by Andrey Guskov. Previous episodes and scenes (part 8, p. 239) Andrei’s killing of a roe deer; meeting with a wolf; “likening” Andrei to a beast: “Suffering that he could not frighten the beast with anything, Guskov opened the door and in anger, mimicking, answered him with his howl. He answered and was amazed: his voice came so close to the wolf’s. Well, well, here is another truth fulfilled for its intended purpose: to live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. "It will come in handy good people frighten,” Guskov thought with malicious, vindictive pride. He listened to the wolf and with some joy, with anger and impatience, he himself entered. The beast, where necessary, then corrected it. Gradually, night by night, Guskov, having figured out to put pressure on his throat and throw back his head, removed the extra hoarseness from his voice and learned to carry it high and clean, lifting it into the sky with a screw-in spiral. In the end, the wolf could not stand it and retreated from the winter hut. But Andrei could now do without him. When he became completely sick, he opened the door and, as if fooling around, amusingly, let out a plaintive and demanding animal howl over the taiga. And he listened to how everything froze and froze far around him” (p. 242). Subsequent episodes and scenes (part 18, pp. 367, 369). 28 Introduction of the regional component into the educational process Description of Andrey’s appearance after a long stay in solitude. Drawing up a plan for episode 1. Andrey Guskov’s awareness of the purpose of his appearance at the village. 2. Guskov’s initial attitude towards the cow and calf. 3. The feelings that gripped Andrey at the thought of a holiday in the village. 4. Andrei Guskov’s revenge on the world, of which he was forced to become a part, for his hopeless situation. Questions on the theme of the episode 1. What role does the episode of killing the calf play in revealing the theme and idea of ​​the work? 2. Did Andrei Guskov initially want to kill the calf? 3. What gave Guskov this idea? 4. What is Guskov’s attitude to what he saw in the village? 5. Read out the moment that proves Guskov’s doubt about the correctness of the action taken. (“In the middle of the night, he woke up from an intermittent rumble coming from the Angara: the ice was breaking. Guskov was not surprised or happy: what was in the bag seemed to irritate and release all his feelings. Even now he didn’t know if it was just for the sake of meat he killed the heifer or for the sake of something else that had settled in him from then on firmly and powerfully" (p. 343). Key and supporting words Key words: cow, bull, heifer, calf, hike, business unknown to him. Keywords: “Bending her head, she (the cow) looked at him (Andrei) with the same intent immobility, and in her eyes he saw a threat - some kind of extraneous, not cow, one that could happen. “... what was lying in the bag seemed to have pissed him off and released all his (Andrei’s) feelings.” Grigory Ilyich Pinyasov was born on September 11, 1944 in the village of Mordovskaya Polyana, Zubovo-Polyansky district, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a peasant family. After graduating from school, he entered the Zubovo-Polyanskoye Pedagogical College, graduated in 1969 and was invited to the republican newspaper “Mokshen Pravda”. Over the course of 16 years of work at the newspaper, he went from an apprentice literary worker to an executive secretary. For three years – from 1963 to 1966 – he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army, and after demobilization he returned to the newspaper. In 1975 he graduated from the correspondence department of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva. In 1982, he was approved as editor-in-chief of the Moksha magazine. In 1998, he headed the children's illustrated magazine “Yakster Tyashtenya” (“Red Star”). The first poem “Vaimama Shinya” (“On the Day of Rest”) was published in 1959. In 1977 separate publication The story “Vetetses” (“The Fifth”) is published, a deeply humanistic work of high moral intensity. The young writer said his sincere word about his mother, her high moral qualities, generosity, human simplicity, and selflessness. Grigory Pinyasov is one of the first Mordovian writers to turn to a new topic - marine painting. As a result of numerous trips to the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet and participation in major naval exercises, the story “To the Warmest Shore” appeared. In recent years, he has proven himself to be a talented publicist. Concern for the revival of the Mordovian people, the preservation of the integrity of Mordovia, the struggle to save morality - these are the problems that drive his pen. Some works were published in Moscow, Bulgaria, and the Finno-Ugric republics. He translated into the Moksha language the play “White Roses on the Table” by the Finnish writer Inkeri Kilpinen, the play “Stone on Stone” by the Hungarian playwright Arpad Gonz, as well as works by Russian, Udmurt, Chuvash, and Mari writers. G. Pinyasov is a member of the board of the Union of Writers of Mordovia, a member of the board of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, and represented the republic in the World Consultative Committee of Finno-Ugric Peoples. Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR (1967), member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1982), Honored Writer of the Republic of Moldova (1994), laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Moldova (2000). When studying the work of G. Pinyasov “Hot Summer”, re- 30

In his story “The Overcoat,” Gogol addresses the theme of the “little man.” Gogol writes about the fate of a poor, unremarkable St. Petersburg official - “the eternal titular adviser.” Deprived of external attractiveness, Bashmachkin reveals the same colorlessness and facelessness in his speech command - his language is dominated by demonstrative and service words: “this way”, “right”, “that”.
Akaki Akakievich has no prospects for career growth, and he does not strive to make a career. All his thoughts are focused on copying - an activity to which the poor official devotes all his time - not only at work, but sometimes at home. Intellectual capabilities Gogol's hero is small, but he is not wretched, but touching, the author tells us, and deserves not contempt, but sympathy and compassion. This is a meek and unrequited creature who does not know how to stand up for herself and does not wish harm to anyone.
Author with sad irony describes the everyday life of Akaki Akakievich, filled with small joys and sorrows. In the department where Akaki Akakievich serves, no one respects him, even for the guards he is something like a fly. Young officials joke and laugh at him. The acquisition of a new hissel becomes the main event in the life of Shoe-pa. Caring for the new hispel fills the hero’s meager spiritual life with new content and evokes in his soul a feeling of hope and joyful anticipation. Cherishing the dream of a new hissel, Bashmachkin becomes livelier and stronger in character, bolder and more decisive. He “seems to have gotten married,” even “bold and courageous” thoughts flash through his head (“...shouldn’t I put... a marten on the collar?”).
The most solemn day in the life of Akaki Akakievich - the day when the overcoat was ready - also becomes the day of his life catastrophe. The overcoat is removed from his shoulders by street robbers. Undressed, humiliated and crushed, Akaki Akakievich stands alone in a deserted square and screams. This scene seems to symbolize the true position in the world of the offended “little man”, because later - no longer among a snow-covered field, but surrounded by “secular and decent people“- he turns out to be just as lonely, no one hears his cry for help either.
He should have turned to the quarterly supervisor, but the landlady immediately told her unfortunate tenant that it was pointless to contact the quarterly supervisor - he would “cheat”, and it was better to turn to a private bailiff. But the bailiff perceived the story of the robbery “somehow extremely strangely”; from his questions it could be concluded that the robbed man was not trustworthy and was himself a suspicious person. They did not help Akaki Akakievich in the department, where he served faithfully for many years. Department officials did not raise money for him - they had already spent a lot by “subscribing for the director’s portrait.” The last person Bashmachkin has to count on is a certain important official, general, “significant person.” It is no coincidence that the author does not even give this character a name. In a “significant person” everything human and living has long been lost, subordinated to a single goal - the image of personal greatness. When Akakiy Akakievich outlined his case to the general, he “seemed this treatment to be familiar.” The official flew into a rage, stamped his foot and raised his voice “to such a strong note” that the poor petitioner almost fainted.
Having lost his last hope of returning his overcoat and catching a cold in the frosty wind, Bashmachkin fell ill and fell ill with a fever. Only in delirium did Akaki Akakievich discover feelings that were not characteristic of him in his conscious life. These were feelings of rage and anger - a kind of rebellion in which Bashmachkin found himself close to the mad rebel Poprishchin (“Notes of a Madman”). Akakiy Akakievich began an unequal struggle for his rights and died (as Poprishchin, the same titular councilor, died in an insane asylum).
But, Gogol writes, “not everything here is about Akaki Akakievich.” Bashmachkin was destined to live noisily for several days after his death, “as if as a reward for a life not noticed by anyone.” After the death of a poor official, a certain likeness of him appears in the city to carry out a kind of retribution. The offended man finally manages to triumph over the offender: Bashmachkin’s ghost demands that the “significant person” give him his overcoat in exchange for the one for which he “didn’t bother,” and the “significant person” is forced to fulfill this demand.
In the story “The Overcoat,” Gogol showed the omnipotence of the “office” and revealed the inhumanity of the class-bureaucratic society, which, according to the author, destroys the weak and spoils the strong. The successor of A. S. Pushkin (the image of Samson Vyrin) and the predecessor of F. M. Dostoevsky (the images of Makar Devushkin, Marmeladov and others), Gogol raised his voice in defense of the “little man”, proved his right to artistic attention and humane treatment from literature and society.

Name of educational institution: MKOU "Radyukinskaya basic secondary school"

Subject: literature

Lesson form: lesson using a reference diagram

Lesson topic: “Overcoat”. The image of the “little man”. The overcoat is like the last hope to stay warm in a cold world.

Lesson objectives:

Follow creative evolution works: from the source - to the intention of the work;

During the classes.

Class organization. Working with the story "The Overcoat".

a) Communicating the objectives of the lesson: penetration into the author’s creative laboratory, determining the author’s position on what is depicted.

b) Student message. (The student tells what served as the source for writing the story “The Overcoat”:

“Once, under Gogol, a clerical anecdote was told (the word “anecdote” then meant a true, somewhat curious incident) about some poor official, a passionate bird hunter.

Through extraordinary savings and intense work during the hours free from work, he saved a considerable sum of 200 rubles for those times. That’s exactly how much Lepage’s gun cost. (Lepage was the most skilled gunsmith of that time), the envy of an avid hunter.

The long-awaited hour has arrived. The happy owner of a newly purchased gun sailed on a boat into the Gulf of Finland, anticipating rich booty. Imagine his fear when it was discovered that the gun, which he had carefully placed on his bow so as not to lose sight of it, had disappeared. Apparently, he was pulled into the water by thick reeds, through which he had to wade.

How could he let his jewel out of sight even for a moment? According to him in my own words Having finally achieved the fulfillment of his most cherished desire, he “was in some kind of self-forgetfulness.”

Until late in the evening he tried to find the gun. I fumbled along the bottom in the reed thickets, completely exhausted, but all searches were in vain. The gun, from which he did not manage to fire a single shot, was buried forever at the bottom of the Gulf of Finland.

The official returned home, went to bed and did not get up: he was seized by a severe fever. His colleagues took pity on him and pooled their money to buy him a new gun. So, “he was brought back to life, but oh terrible event he could never remember again without deathly pallor on his face.”

The listeners were amused by the incident with the unlucky hunter. Everyone laughed.

That’s all, and the key is G o g o l ya.”

c) Teacher’s question:

So, the story is based on an anecdote heard by Gogol. What did the author change while working on the story, and what did he decide to leave behind? (loss of an item, hardships associated with saving for the acquisition of an item, illness of the characters).

Simultaneously with the analysis of the work, a reference diagram is drawn up:


gun missing overcoat

luxury illness necessity

return to life death



Questions for analysis.

Is the situation more dramatic in the joke or in the story? (a gun is a luxury, an overcoat is a necessity in harsh winter conditions: “there is in St. Petersburg a strong enemy of everyone who receives a salary of four hundred rubles a year or so. This enemy is none other than our northern frost...” He hands out “such strong and prickly clicks indiscriminately on all noses, that the poor officials absolutely do not know what to do with them..."). Describe the main character of the story: who is he, what does he do, what is his range of interests, how do others treat him? (poverty, downtroddenness, humiliation: “The department showed no respect for him. The guards not only did not get up from their seats when he passed, but did not even look at him, as if a simple fly had flown through the reception area. The bosses treated him like something coldly despotic... The young officials laughed and made jokes at him, as much as their clerical wit was enough... they poured pieces of paper on his head, calling it snow.") Gogol did not immediately give the surname Bashmachkin to his hero. In the drafts you can find the names Bashmakevich, Bashmakov. Why did the author choose the surname Bashmachkin? (a derogatory surname emphasizes the insignificance and insignificance of the hero). The etymology of the name Akaki is interesting: from Greek “a person who does good.” Was this hero such a person? (He simply did not do evil) Is there another hero in the story to whom Gogol pays great attention? (Of course, the overcoat! It is furnished with many details. The author does not skimp on details, noticing the slightest little detail regarding the overcoat, each one is precious. Gogol inspires the reader that immersion in this heap of little things is not at all petty. We are talking about a matter of immense importance. vitally important ) What is the cause of Bashmachkin’s death, who is directly to blame for it? Why doesn't Gogol give a name? significant person? Are there words in the story that directly express the author’s position, his attitude towards the hero? (“I am your brother”)

Summing up the work: it is concluded that the author showed the tragedy of the “little man”, telling the reader about a seemingly completely uninteresting, not worth attention. “Gogol does not embellish his hero in order to elevate him to himself. But it doesn’t rise above him either. The more unprepossessing the hero, the sharper the bitter pity for him and others like him, the more commanding is the covenant of humanity.”

Loss of face by Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin (loneliness, tongue-tiedness). The overcoat is like the last hope to stay warm in a cold world. The futility of this dream. Petersburg as a symbol of eternal hellish cold. The gentleness of a petty official, possessing spiritual strength and opposing the callousness of society. The role of fiction in a work of art.

A.N. Ostrovsky (3 hours).Life and creativity (review).Play " Snow Maiden». The motive of love and “coldness of heart” in “ spring fairy tale" "Snow Maiden". The power of nature and the impulses of the human heart. Berendey and the Snow Maiden. Humanism of the Ostrovsky Theater. F.I.Tyutchev . The figurative brightness and philosophical depth of Tyutchev’s lyrics. The poet's reflections on the mysteries of the universe, the relationship between man and nature. The theme of the power and powerlessness of man. The tragic sound of the theme of love.

A.A.Fet. “Cult of the moment” in Fet’s lyrics. The joy of merging the human soul with the natural world. Poem"II won’t tell you anything...”

A.K. Tolstoy. A word about the poet. Lyrics. “In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance...” “Not the wind blowing from above...”, “Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling." .Poems about love and nature. The theme of love in the lyrics of A.K. Tolstoy. The depth and spontaneity of the lyrical hero’s feelings. The picturesqueness and musicality of Tolstoy's poems.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. A short story about the writer. The ideal of mutual love and harmony in society.

"After the ball". The idea of ​​separation of two Russias. Contradiction between classes and within classes. Contrast as a means of revealing conflict. Psychologism of the story. Morality is the basis of the hero's actions. The dream of the reunification of the nobility and the people.

Theory of literature. Artistic detail. Antithesis (development of ideas). Composition (development of ideas). The role of antithesis in the composition of works. "Adolescence". The place of the story “Adolescence” in the autobiographical trilogy of Leo Tolstoy. Nikolenka Irtenyev among other heroes of the story.

F.M. Dostoevsky. Life and creativity (review) . Tale "White Nights". Traditions of sentimentalism in the story “White Nights”.

The fate of the Dreamer and the image of St. Petersburg. Peculiarities artistic manner F.M. Dostoevsky.

From Russian literature of the 20th century
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. A short story about the writer. Humanistic pathos story "Gambrinus".

Man and society as one of the “eternal” problems of literature, its reflection in the story. The originality of the main character. The humanistic pathos of Kuprin's work.

A.M.Gorky. "Song of the Falcon". Romanticism early creativity M. Gorky. The technique of contrast in Gorky's works. Question about the meaning of life. The problem of pride and freedom. Theme of the feat.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok. A short story about the poet. Poems: " About valor, about exploits, about glory...", "Oh spring without end and without edge...". The originality of A. Blok’s lyrics, reflection in it high ideals. Theme of love and " scary world"in the poet's lyrics. The motive of denial and acceptance of life.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. Poem "About rubbish". The real and the fantastic in the plot of the work. The poet's idea of ​​the essence of creativity. Satire in the works of Mayakovsky. Philistinism as a social danger. Features of the poetic language of V.V. Mayakovsky.

A.A.Akhmatova. Biography of the poet. Poem "The Gray-Eyed King". Psychologism of the depiction of feelings in Akhmatova’s lyrics. The role of artistic detail.

M.A. Bulgakov . Life and creativity (review). Tale"Dog's heart".Features of Bulgakov's satire. The plot and system of images of the story. The author's position and ways of expressing it. "Sharikovism" as a social and moral phenomenon. Philosophical problems of the story.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. Life and creativity (review).

"Vasily Terkin". The life of the people at the sharp turns and turns of history in the works of the poet. Poetic encyclopedia of the Great Patriotic War. The theme of service to the Motherland. The innovative character of Vasily Terkin is a combination of the traits of a peasant and the convictions of a citizen, defender home country. Pictures of the life of a warring people. The realistic truth about the war in the poem. Humor. The language of the poem. The connection between folklore and literature. Composition of the poem. Perception of the poem by front-line readers. Evaluation of a Poem in Literary Criticism.

Theory of literature. Folklore and literature (development of the concept). Author's digressions as an element of composition (initial presentations).

M. Karim. A word about the writer.Poems from the collection “Europe – Asia”. Poem "Immortality". Celebrating friendship between peoples.

Musa Jalil. Immortal feat poet-patriot. "Moabite Notebooks"

Poems and songs about the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.

Traditions in the depiction of the military exploits of the people and military everyday life. The heroism of soldiers defending their homeland: M. Isakovsky.“Katyusha”, “Enemies burned their home”;B. Okudzhava.“Song about the infantry”, “The birds don’t sing here...”;A. Fatyanov."Nightingales";L. Oshanin."Roads" and others. Lyrical and heroic songs during the Great Patriotic War. Their inviting and inspiring character. Expression in lyrical song the innermost feelings and experiences of every soldier.

B.Sh. Okudzhava.A word about the poet. Poems “Prayer of François Villon”, “Arbat Romance”. The wisdom and spiritual generosity of the lyrical hero of Okudzhava’s poetry. Author's song as a genre and as a cultural phenomenon.

V.S. Vysotsky. A word about the poet. Poems " Hunting for wolves", "Horses are finicky", "I don't like ». Lyrical hero poetry of Vysotsky. Confessional pathos and intensity of feelings in Vysotsky’s lyrics. The influence of the author's performance on the perception of his works.
From foreign literature

Jean Baptiste Moliere. A word about Moliere.

"A tradesman among the nobility" (review with reading of individual scenes). The 17th century is the era of the heyday of classicism in the art of France. Moliere is a great comedian of the classic era. "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" is a satire on the nobility and the ignorant bourgeois. Features of classicism in comedy. The comedy skills of Molere. Folk origins Moliere's laughter. The universal meaning of comedy.

Theory of literature. Classicism. Satire (development of concepts).

William Shakespeare. A short story about the writer.

"Romeo and Juliet". Family feud and love of heroes. Romeo and Juliet are a symbol of love and sacrifice. " Eternal problems"in the works of Shakespeare.

Theory of literature. Conflict as the basis of the plot of a dramatic work.

Sonnets - “Whoever boasts of his relationship with the nobility...”, “Alas, my verse does not sparkle with novelty...”.

In the strict form of sonnets - living thought, genuine hot feelings. The poet's praise of love and friendship. Shakespeare's plots are “the richest treasury of lyric poetry” (V. G. Belinsky).

Theory of literature. The sonnet as a form of lyric poetry.

Walter Scott. A short story about the writer.

"Ivanhoe." Historical novel. Medieval England in the novel. Main characters and events. A story depicted in a “homely way”: the thoughts and feelings of the characters, conveyed through the prism of home life, furnishings, family foundations and relationships.

Summing up (1 h.)
Works to be learned by heart

  1. Historical songs. About Pugachev, Ermak (to choose from)

  2. A.S. Pushkin 1 poem (to choose from those offered)

  3. M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri" (excerpt)

  4. N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General” (monologue of one of the characters to choose from)

  5. A. Block 1 poem (to choose from those offered)

  6. About the Motherland and native nature (2-3 poems to choose from)

Educational and thematic planning
Number of hours:

Total -70 hours, 2 hours per week.

Planned test lessons 1 hour..

Extracurricular reading lessons - 6.

Speech development lessons - 4,

Administrative control lessons ________.

Calendar-thematic planning in literature (grade 8)

Section title, lesson topics


Type and shape

lesson, types of control

Elements of compulsory minimum education

Requirements for the level of training of students


the date of the



Introduction. Literature and history. The interest of Russian writers in the historical past of their people.


introductory control of reading literature assigned for the summer

The interest of Russian writers in the historical past of their people. Meaning work of art in the cultural heritage of the country

Know the figurative nature of verbal art.

Be able to write abstracts and plan what you read; own various types retelling

Read the textbook article pp. 3-4, Retell the introductory article; answer the questions.

Oral folk art. Reflection of the life of the people in folk songs. Lyrical and historical songs. Chastushka as a small song genre.


Combined. Current control - answers to textbook questions

Historical and lyrical songs as a genre of oral folk poetry. Expression in them of the patriotic aspirations of the people. Artistic originality songs.

Know folk songs as a genre of folklore, lyrics, the definition of “folk song”, “historical song”. Be able to listen, work with literary text, determine the genre features of historical folk songs, the role of temporary detention facilities in them.

Learn and perform a song.
Legends as a Russian historical genre folk prose". Legends “About Pugachev”, “About the conquest of Siberia by Ermak.”


Legends “About Pugachev”, “About the conquest of Siberia by Ermak” Features of content and artistic form. Tradition (development of representation).

Know the features of the content and artistic form legends

Read the article by D. S. Likhachev “At the Origins of Russian Culture” from 22-23.
Hagiographic literature as a special genre ancient Russian literature. "The Life of Alexander Nevsky." Defense of Russian lands from enemies and the abusive exploits of A. Nevsky


Combined Current control - answers to textbook questions

The history of writing “Life ...” Defense of Russian lands from invasions and raids of enemies. The abusive exploits of Alexander Nevsky and his spiritual feat of self-sacrifice. Artistic features of military stories and lives. Life as a genre of literature.

Know the patterns of development of DRL, genres. Be able to select definitions that characterize the tone of literature Ancient Rus', her artistic world.

Prepare an oral or written description (optional) of A. Nevsky

Extracurricular reading “Shemyak loved “promises”, that’s why he judged that way.” “Shemyakinsky Court” as satirical work XVII century.


Combined. Current control - answers to textbook questions

Depiction of real and fictitious events are the main thing innovation of 17th century literature. New literary heroes - peasants and merchant sons. Satire on the theme of court, comic situations with two rogues Features of the poetics of an everyday satirical story. Satirical story as a genre

Be able to analyze a work, reason on moral theme. Know the features of medieval literature, its literary innovation



D. I. Fonvizin. A word about the writer. The satirical nature of the comedy "The Minor". The concept of classicism.


Studying new material, portrait lesson Current control - answers to textbook questions

A word about the writer. Creation of “Undergrowth” The concept of classicism. Basic rules of classicism in dramatic work.

Know the author, the facts of his life and creative activity, its place in the development of drama and theater, the history of the creation of the play and its stage fate, the content of the play, the definition of the concept of “classicism”, features of classicism; characters, comedy plot. Be able to independently draw conclusions and reason morally -ethical topics, characterize the hero, express your attitude towards the actions of the heroes

Be able to identify semantic parts of a literary text, analyze an episode, compare characters; independently draw conclusions, build reasoning on moral and ethical topics; identify the author's position

Learn the definition of “humor”, “satire” (Dictionary literary terms). Know the basic rules of classicism.


Analysis of the episode of D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” “Mitrofanushka’s Exam”


Analysis of the episode Current control - answers to textbook questions

“Talking” names-characteristics. The main conflict of the comedy.

Give characteristics to Mi Trofanushka


D. I. Fonvizin “Minor” Ideal heroes comedies and their conflict with the world of serfs.


Portrait lesson. Comedy, idea.

The ideal of human dignity, civil service to the Motherland. Humanistic pathos of comedy. Characters expressing the author's position on what is happening.

1.Write down aphorisms.

2. Starodum about education.


The problem of education and the idea of ​​civil service in the comedy “Minor.” The idea of ​​retribution for immorality


Combined, heuristic conversation with elements of analysis

Problems of education in comedy. Mrs. Prostakova and her idea of ​​life. The immortality of Fonvizin's comedy.

Know the content of the play, the features of classicism.