What does the Unified State Exam in Literature consist of? Unified State Examination in Literature: how best to allocate time and what you should pay attention to during the exam

Style (Greek stylo - stick, pen) is a type of language that serves any aspect of social life. It is called functional because it performs a certain function in society in each specific case.

Functional style is a subsystem of the literary language, which is implemented in a certain area social activities(for example, in the field of science, business communication, everyday communication, etc.) and is characterized by a certain set of stylistically significant linguistic means. Term functional style emphasizes that varieties literary language are allocated on the basis of the function (role) that the language performs in each specific case. It is the goals of communication that dictate the choice of stylistic devices, compositional structure speeches for each specific case. Functional styles are heterogeneous; each of them is represented by a number of genre varieties, for example, in scientific style scientific monographs and educational texts, in official business - laws, certificates, business letters, in newspaper journalistic - article, report, etc. Each functional type of speech has its own specific features, its own range of vocabulary and syntactic structures, which are implemented to one degree or another in each genre of a given style.

In accordance with the spheres of social activity in the modern Russian language there are functional styles:

· scientific,

· official business

· newspaper and journalistic,

· artistic (not distinguished by all linguists),

· colloquial and everyday.

All functional styles are manifested in both oral and written forms and, except for colloquial and everyday styles, are classified as bookish.

IN practical application Often there is a mixture of styles that begin to interact with each other. This process is called "speech flow". To understand the stylistic affiliation of the text, it is necessary to highlight the main stylistic direction.

Stylistic richness makes the Russian language flexible and strong, emotionally expressive and strict.

Occupies a special place literary and artistic style. Home distinctive feature language fiction is its purpose: the whole organization linguistic means is subject not simply to the transfer of content, but to the transfer artistic means, creating an artistic image that reflects the world and the person in it. For this purpose, dialects, vernacular, and jargons can be used in a work of art. This is the language of feelings, emotional experiences, philosophical logical conclusions, it conveys the birth of the thought process, the “stream of consciousness” of a person. Russian literature has always been the bearer of the spiritual principles of the Russian people and is closely connected with their language.

The language of fiction influences the development of literary language. It is writers who form the norms of literary language in their works. Works of fiction take advantage of all possibilities national language Therefore, the language of fiction is extremely rich and flexible. “And the weather is magnificent! The air is quiet, transparent and fresh. The night is dark, but you can see the whole village with its white roofs and streams of smoke coming from the chimneys, trees silvered with frost, snowdrifts. The whole sky is strewn with cheerfully blinking stars, and Milky Way appears so clearly, as if it had been washed and rubbed with snow before the holiday,” A.P. wrote so amazingly simply, accurately, and poetically. Chekhov.

Conversational style It is used not only in everyday life, but also in the professional sphere. In everyday life it has oral and written forms, in the professional sphere - only oral.

Conversational speech is different in that its features are not recorded. Colloquial speech is uncodified speech. Its signs are unpreparedness, informality, and participation of communicants. Also, this style does not require strict logic or consistency of presentation. But he is characterized by emotional expression, an evaluative character, and a certain familiarity.

For example, in the fairy tale by V.M. Shukshina “Until the third rooster”: “No,” said the librarian, “I think it’s millet. He's a goat... Let's go and trample, right? Then let's go to Vladik... I know that he is a sheep. But he has “Grundik” - let’s sit... Yes, I know that they are all assholes, but we need to waste time somehow!.. I don’t understand anything, - someone said quietly... either Onegin or Chatsky - to his neighbor, ...it seems Oblomov. Oblomov smiled. “They’re going to the zoo.”

Conversational speech uses neutral vocabulary, emotionally charged words, and expressive vocabulary. There are many addresses, diminutives and affectionate words in it, the word order is free. The sentences are simpler in construction, sometimes incomplete, unfinished. (- Will you take the test? - Well...) They often contain subtext, irony, and humor of the speaker. Colloquial speech is extremely rich and contains many phraseological units, comparisons, proverbs and sayings. She gravitates towards constant updating and rethinking of linguistic means. Knowledge of speech etiquette and extra-linguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, intonation, environment.

In speech practice there may be interaction of styles, penetration lexical means, assigned to one or another sphere of social activity in spheres of communication unusual for them. In the event that the use of a stylistically colored word in an unusual context is motivated by a certain communicative goal (for example, creating a positive assessment of the statement, a visual effect - reasonable pricing policy, a flexible system of discounts (formal business speech), it is justified and enhances the impact of the statement If a stylistically colored word is used in an alien sphere of communication without a specific communicative purpose, such use is qualified as a stylistic error (for example, a regional forum of livestock farm workers; to involve the human factor (official business speech).

As experts note, any use can be correct if it is determined by the nature of the sphere of communication, the tradition of selection speech means different categories of native speakers (physicists, journalists, poets, sailors, miners, diplomats, etc.). That is why even something that contradicts the norms of general literary speech can find a functionally justified application and act as an indicator of the originality of the form of communication. For example, phrases that are outside the general literary norms are stylistically significant and acceptable in professional speech: compass, give away the ends, cake, esters, cements, etc.

So, literary language styles serve certain areas human activity, are socially conditioned. They interact with each other and act as forms of existence of language.


Russian language and culture of speech: Course of lectures/G.K. Trofimova – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2004 – 160 p. (pp. 54 – 57).

QUESTIONS for self-test

On what basis is literary language divided into functional styles?

What is the peculiarity of literary artistic style?

Are the concepts “colloquial style” and “colloquial language” synonymous?

What feature is defining for each of the functional styles?

Tasks for independent work

Task 1. Write small text(from 7-10 sentences) and present it in different styles.


Test 1. Which statement is not true?

  1. Functional style is a type of common language.
  2. Functional style is a type of literary language.
  3. Functional styles are historically established and socially conscious systems of speech means used in a particular area of ​​communication.
  4. Functional language styles are given this name because they perform the most important functions, being a means of communication.

Test 2. Mark the erroneous statement: The following book styles are distinguished.

  1. Official business;
  2. scientific;
  3. authoritarian;
  4. journalistic.

Test 3. Which of the following styles is not a book style?

  1. Official business;
  2. scientific;
  3. colloquial;
  4. journalistic.

Test 4. Which book style cannot be considered generally accepted?

  1. Scientific;
  2. art;
  3. journalistic;
  4. official business.

Test 5. What style of speech is characterized by such stylistic features as informality, ease and expressiveness of verbal communication?

  1. Official business;
  2. scientific;
  3. colloquial;
  4. journalistic.

Test 6. What linguistic function does the conversational style perform?

  1. Accumulative;
  2. cognitive;
  3. communicative;
  4. aesthetic.

Test 7. Which of the following traits is not a special feature? conversational style?

  1. Informality and ease of speech;
  2. spontaneity and automatism;
  3. accuracy and logic of speech;
  4. ordinariness of content.

Test 8. Mark the incorrect statement.

  1. Conversational style great attention renders the situation of speech.
  2. This allows you to make your statement as short as possible.
  3. Compression – necessary condition for the existence of a conversational style.
  4. The main form of existence of the conversational style is the monologue form.

Test 9. What vocabulary is not typical for conversational style?

  1. Scientific terminology;
  2. spoken words;
  3. common words;
  4. colloquial words.

Test 10. In which style of speech is clericalism not a disadvantage?

  1. Scientific style;
  2. official business style;
  3. journalistic style;
  4. art.

Test 11. Which style of speech is based on terminological vocabulary?

  1. Scientific style;
  2. official business style;
  3. journalistic style;
  4. art style.

Test 12. In what style of speech is not only vocabulary represented?literary language?

  1. Scientific style.
  2. official business style;
  3. journalistic style;
  4. art.

Test 13. Find a row that contains morphological forms that are not characteristic of a conversational style of speech.

  1. Sixty grams, with fifty percent;
  2. driver, on vacation;
  3. shorter, softer;
  4. five kilograms of orange.

Test 14. What vocabulary include the words honey, bunny, hard worker?

  1. Neologisms;
  2. evaluative vocabulary;
  3. archaisms.
  4. historicisms.

Test 15. What stylistic feature is characteristic of the scientific style of speech?

  1. Abstractness;
  2. accuracy;
  3. consistency;
  4. emotionality.

Test 16. Is social evaluation the dominant style?

  1. Scientific;
  2. official business;
  3. journalistic;
  4. artistic.

Test 17. For which style is the dominant dominant?precision and abstraction?

  1. Official business;
  2. scientific;
  3. artistic;
  4. journalistic;

Test 18. What style? big influence do extralinguistic factors exert?

  1. Journalistic style;
  2. official business style;
  3. scientific style;
  4. conversational style;

Test 19. What is the dominant artistic style?

  1. Abstractness and precision;
  2. imagery and aesthetic significance;
  3. standard;
  4. evaluativeness and appeal.

Test 20. To what style would you classify the text that contains graphs, charts, diagrams?

  1. Art;
  2. scientific style;
  3. journalistic;
  4. official business.

Test 15. Morphological forms that are not typical for the colloquial style of speech are given in a row

Test 14. Vocabulary not only of the literary language is presented in the style of speech

Test 13. Emotionally expressive vocabulary is most fully represented in

Test 12. The language of fiction influences development

Test 11. Extralinguistic factors have a great influence on style

Test 9. Vocabulary not typical for colloquial style

Test 7. Such a trait as

Test 6. The main linguistic function of the conversational style is

Test 3. Does not apply to book style of speech

a) official business;

b) scientific;

c) colloquial and everyday;

d) journalistic.

a) scientific;

b) artistic;

c) journalistic;

d) official business.

Test 5. Style features such as informality, ease and expressiveness of verbal communication characteristic of the style

a) official business;

b) scientific;

c) colloquial and everyday;

d) journalistic.

a) accumulative;

b) cognitive;

c) communicative;

d) aesthetic.

a) informality and ease of speech;

b) spontaneity and automaticity;

c) accuracy and logic of speech;

d) ordinary content.

Test 8. The following statement is incorrect:

a) The conversational style is greatly influenced by the situation of speech.

b) This allows the statement to be extremely short.

c) Compression, simplification is a necessary condition for the existence of a conversational style.

d) The main form of existence of the conversational style is the monologue form.

a) scientific terminology;

b) spoken words;

c) common words;

d) colloquial words.

Test 10. In practical application, a mixture of styles often occurs, which begins to interact with each other. This process is called:

a) semantic flow;

b) written stream;

c) speech flow;

d) oral flow.

a) journalistic;

b) formal business style;

c) scientific;

d) colloquial.

a) vernacular;

b) dialects;

c) jargon;

d) literary language.

a) colloquial speech;

b) official business speech;

c) scientific speech;

d) technical style.

a) scientific;

b) official business;

c) journalistic;

d) artistic.

a) sixty grams, with fifty percent;

b) driver, on vacation;

c) shorter, softer;

d) five kilograms of orange.

Test 16. Words honey, bunny, hard worker refer to

a) neologisms;

b) evaluative vocabulary;

c) archaisms;

d) historicisms.

a) abstractness and precision;

b) imagery and aesthetic significance;

c) standardization and objectivity;

d) evaluativeness and recruitability.

Text 6

(In) view of the department head’s imminent departure on a business trip, a meeting was held. At the meeting, Pyotr Petrovich said that in the absence of... management, he granted Alekseev an extraordinary leave according to his personal... statement... (as a result... of which the workload on each employee increases. Then he summed up the preliminary results of the internship in the department by two graduate students:

“Trainee...r Andreev is an intellectual...l...gent...a conscientious...taxpayer. As a responsible person, he will achieve a lot. This is a future professional (s, ss)ional, as... . He deals with issues of (personnel) management work in (industrial) developed countries and has already prepared a dis(s, ss)ertation on the topic “Go(s, ss) service as social institution" During his internship, he proved himself to be excellent. By the way, yesterday he was summoned to court as a witness in the case of co(r,rr)option.

(B) distinguish... from him, the intern...r Fedorov is a prudent man...a prudent, a...uninitiative worker who works (at) half his strength, and besides, he’s not very (k,kk)uratious. Look at his work desk, pieces of smoked...sausage, carbon stove...and grapefruit...you have a silver...n...medal...n. As they say, ko(m,mm)entaries are unnecessary. He did everything contrary to our... demands... and wishes.... After communicating with him, the head of the department was in a pre... heart attack state... (for) for... a month. As you know (half) of the summer he was in the hospital, but (during) the continuation... of winter (n...) he was not sick once. (In) connection with the current situation (c) the consequences... it is advisable to discuss candidates for interns in advance. We are interested in (professionally) trained personnel. Upon arrival... the head of the department in Moscow, we will once again return to the issue of (professional (s, s)ional) business qualifications of employees.”

(B) conclusion... Pyotr Petrovich emphasized that (despite) some shortcomings (c) general department coped with a difficult task.


1. Which statement is not true?

a) Functional style is a type of common language.

b) Functional style is a type of literary language.

c) Functional styles are historically established and socially conscious systems of speech means used in a particular area of ​​communication.

d) Functional language styles are related to the communication situation.

2. Mark the erroneous statement:

The following book styles are distinguished:

a) official business

d) journalistic

3. Which of the following styles does not belong to book styles?

a) official business

b) scientific

c) conversational

d) journalistic

4. What style of speech is characterized by such stylistic features as informality, ease and expressiveness of verbal communication?

a) official business

b) scientific

c) conversational

d) journalistic

5. What vocabulary is not typical for the conversational style?

a) scientific terminology

b) spoken words

c) common words

d) colloquial words

6. In what style of speech is clericalism not a disadvantage?

a) scientific style

b) formal business style

c) journalistic style

d) artistic

7. In what style of speech is terminological vocabulary based?

a) scientific style

b) formal business style

c) journalistic style

d) artistic style

8. What vocabulary do the words belong to? big guy, pussy, hard worker, runt?

a) neologisms

b) evaluative vocabulary

c) archaisms

d) historicisms

9. Social evaluation is the dominant… style?

a) scientific

b) official business

c) journalistic

d) artistic

10. For which style is conceptual precision and abstraction dominant?

a) official business

b) scientific

c) conversational

d) journalistic

11. What is dominant journalistic style?

a) abstractness and precision

b) imagery and aesthetic significance

c) standard

d) evaluativeness and appeal

a) 1st person singular

b) 1st person plural

c) 2nd person plural

d) 3rd person singular

13. Vocabulary is not typical for the scientific style of speech:

a) commonly used

b) general scientific

c) vernacular

d) terminological

The modern Russian literary language is heterogeneous in its composition. The existing facilities allow us to serve all spheres of human activity. In the system of the modern Russian literary language, there are five functional styles (FS), which are unique subsystems, the functioning of which is determined by the goals and conditions of communication in any field of human activity. Each functional style has a certain set of multi-level stylistic means, the use of which is characteristic of it. Currently, most researchers distinguish scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic styles, as well as colloquial speech as independent functional styles. Within functional styles, based on certain features of functioning and the selection of linguistic means, corresponding substyles can be identified. In addition, there are no hard boundaries between the FSs themselves: a number of texts, in accordance with the conditions and purposes of their creation, can combine features various styles. However, the presence of the most common characteristic features allows us to talk specifically about five corresponding functional styles of the modern Russian language.

Scientific style. The main areas of use of the scientific style are science, technology, and education. Conceptual precision acts as a stylistic dominant, compliance with which is necessary for accurate and adequate recording of the results of knowledge of the world, transmission scientific knowledge. Most scientific texts exist in written form.

Official business style. Scope of use officially business style– administrative and legal relations in society, their organization and regulation. The extreme standardization of speech and the dominance of the written form of speech are due to style dominant, which can be designated as “precision that does not allow other interpretations.” The need to maintain precise wording is primarily explained by the requirement for an unambiguous interpretation of texts of a legislative nature. In general, texts in official business style have a connotation of imperativeness and prescriptive-obligatory meaning. As a manifestation of the dominant style, the language of official business texts is characterized by lexical monotony; the almost complete absence of pronominal replacements, which is a consequence of the need to fully name an object or action each time if it is mentioned in the text; nominal character of speech; syntactic cumbersomeness, ensuring accuracy and unambiguity of formulations. Distinctive feature official business style is the presence in it of numerous speech standards - clichés.

Journalistic style. Texts of journalistic style function in the socio-political sphere, mainly in the media mass media, as well as in public speaking. The main functions of journalistic style texts are the transmission of information to the audience, as well as influencing it in order to convince it of the correctness of a particular point of view. Journalistic style texts are aimed at a mass audience, while in most cases the nature of the audience and its quantitative characteristics can only be assumed and predicted with a certain degree of reliability due to the dispersion of the masses (audience, Internet users). The dominant style is determined by social evaluation. One of the main characteristic features of the journalistic style is the tendency to combine expression and standard in texts. Standard speech patterns and generally accepted formulations facilitate the process of creating a text by the author and the perception of information by the audience. In turn, the use of such means of speech expressiveness as evaluative vocabulary, lexical and phraseological units, figurative expressions, expressively colored neologisms, colloquial, vernacular vocabulary, jargon, etc., make it possible to make a more effective impact on the addressee and focus attention on the most significant issues.

Artistic speech. The specificity of the artistic style is due to the fact that the sphere of its use is fiction, that is, a type of art. The main function of artistic style texts is influence through individual figurative modeling of the world. The main form of speech is written, but with a focus on sound, especially in the poetic variety. The artistic style is the only FS in which the linguistic means of other styles are actively used. However, in texts of fiction they appear in a specific way - aesthetic function, functioning as a means of figurative understanding of reality. In essence, fiction texts model, create new reality, for the depiction of which the entire arsenal of language means is used. Characteristic feature artistic style is not only the regular use of means of other functional styles: for texts of fiction, the norm is the use of extra-literary (colloquial, dialect, etc.) forms, because they, along with the means of literary language, serve to create certain artistic images. The dominant artistic style is aesthetic significance and imagery of speech. The manifestation of dominance is lexical richness artistic speech, the use of various tropes and figures of speech in order to create vivid imagery. The artistic style is characterized by the exclusive author's originality of texts, reflecting the writer's worldview, his idea of ​​beauty, expressed in the organization literary text.

Colloquial speech. The sphere of use of colloquial speech is everyday communication. Unlike other FS, Speaking in the overwhelming majority of cases it is presented orally (exceptions are diaries, everyday letters, communication in Internet chats (has its own specifics)). The dominant feature of colloquial speech is the reduction to a minimum (and even complete absence) of concern for the form of expression. Colloquial speech is used in situations of informal communication between native speakers of a literary language. In most cases, participants in communication are in direct contact and have the opportunity not only to hear, but also to see their partner. Personification of communication (its personal nature, often – familiarity of the participants, the presence of general knowledge on certain issues), the possibility of immediate questioning, clarification in case of misunderstanding, as well as taking into account factors external to speech (the ability to accompany it with some actions, to express an attitude using intonation, facial expressions, gestures) allow participants in communication not to purposefully focus their attention on the selection of linguistic means . Due to the conditions and personal nature of communication, colloquial speech is saturated with emotionally expressive linguistic elements.

Lecture No. 89 Style system

The system of functional styles of the modern Russian language, as well as the concept of stylistic dominant, is considered.

Style system

The system of functional styles of the modern Russian language, as well as the concept of stylistic dominant, is considered.

Lecture outline

89.1. Subject and tasks of stylistics

89.2. Functional style

89.3. Style dominant

89.1. Subject and tasks of stylistics

Term stylistics, which appeared in the 19th century, still does not have a common understanding. This is explained by the fact that stylistics as a linguistic discipline has developed in different directions. IN Lately The object of research in this science has expanded significantly. In the very in a broad sense stylistics is defined as the science of language use.

Stand out three leading directions this discipline:

1) resource style, studying stylistic means language (stylistically colored vocabulary, phraseology, means of morphology and syntax);

2) functional style, which studies functional styles of language;

3) stylistics of artistic speech, studying the means of artistic expression.

The subject of the study of stylistics was characterized by G. O. Vinokur: “Stylistics has the property that it studies language across its entire structure at once, but from a special point of view. This special point of view creates for stylistics its own subject matter in foreign material.”

So, subject of research stylistics are:

1) expressive possibilities and means different levels language system, their stylistic meanings and colors;

2) patterns of language use in different areas and communication situations.

Main task stylistics - to help improve the linguistic culture of society, to teach how to correctly and appropriately use the means of language, depending on the specific communication situation, the goals of the speaker and other extra-linguistic factors.

Our speech during official communication (speeches on radio and TV, on scientific conferences etc.) differs from the one used in everyday life. The use of language in various social spheres leads to the appearance of varieties in the language, which are called functional styles.

89.2. Functional style

Functional style- this is a type of literary language associated with a certain sphere of human activity and having its own norms for the selection and combination of linguistic means.

Each style differs from others in the following ways:

1) sphere of use (sphere of communication);

2) the purpose of communication;

3) speech genres;

4) a set of language tools.

The modern Russian literary language is a system of styles.

Book styles are characterized by an attitude towards monologue speech. A typical form of conversational style is dialogical speech.

The question of classifying the styles of the modern Russian literary language is solved differently by scientists.

For example, not all linguists recognize the existence of an artistic style for the following reasons:

1) the language of fiction goes beyond the literary language (may include colloquial, dialect words, etc.);

2) the language of fiction is multi-styled, open-ended, and incorporates features of various linguistic styles;

3) it has no special linguistic features.

Other scientists include artistic style in the system of styles of the Russian language, since it serves a separate sphere of human activity (art) and fulfills special function- aesthetic.

The issue of identifying a colloquial style remains debatable: there is an opinion that all functional styles reveal a contrast between codified literary and colloquial language.

Recently, the question has arisen about identifying a special religious and cult style.

There are no clear boundaries between styles, so it is possible to distinguish unique “hybrid” style forms. For example, popular science literature combines the features of scientific and journalistic styles (some scientists talk about identifying a separate popular science style). Thus, there are transition zones between styles.

There is a close connection between the use specific style and the situation of communication, the type of thinking (logical-conceptual, information-emotional, figurative), the content of speech and its purpose (communication of information, influence, recording of knowledge). This connection does not allow free choice style in a specific speech situation. The inconsistency of style with the situation, type of thinking or content of speech is often used in parodies

89.3. Style dominant

The selection of linguistic means within each style and the principles of speech construction are determined by the stylistic dominant.

Dominant- this is the main feature of a functional style that determines its linguistic features.

The dominant of the scientific style is conceptual precision, which determines the use of systematically organized terminology and emphasized logic of speech. Thus, special logical connectives are widely represented in scientific texts it follows from this, this leads to, therefore, in this way. Precision in the scientific style is abstract, generalized.

The dominant of the official business style is precision, not allowing for double interpretation. Hence the syntactic cumbersomeness, the prohibition of pronominal substitutions, long sentences with a lot of clarifying phrases, digital markup of the text, standardized construction of speech, exclusively written form speech.

The dominant of the journalistic style is social evaluation, which appears in newspaper “labels”: fascist, democrat, partocrat, in words with an evaluative meaning: the leader is the leader, the initiator is the instigator, the congress is a gathering. The assessment attitude determines the selection of facts, the use of phraseological units and expressive syntax.

Dominant artistic style - imagery and aesthetic significance each text element. Hence the desire for a fresh image, uncluttered expressions, the use expressive means speech, rhythm, rhyme.

Dominant conversational style - minimal concern for the form of expression of thoughts. This explains the phonetic imprecision, syntactic sloppiness, and widespread use of pronouns.

Almost all styles are used both in written and oral form, but the dominant business style contradicts disabilities oral form: it is impossible to achieve the necessary accuracy if preliminary thinking through the phrase is impossible.

The differences between styles are most clearly revealed at the level of vocabulary, since there are words assigned to a certain functional style: terms in a scientific style, clericalism ( the following, named, etc.) in official business, evaluative vocabulary ( aspirations, accomplishments, consolidation, etc.) in newspaper journalism. And yet, the basis of each style is inter-style, uncolored vocabulary.



Official business






Science, technology, education

Legislation, office work.

Media, public speaking.


Everyday communication


purpose of speech

Message, recording knowledge

Message, statement of fact

Message and Impact

Impact through figurative modeling of the world


Conceptual accuracy

Extreme precision, not allowing for misinterpretation

Social evaluation

Imagery and aesthetic significance

Minimal care about the form of presentation of thoughts

Date: 2010-05-22 11:08:00 Views: 7005