Read Ilya's three trips, a poetic version. Ilyin's three trips read

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Ilya Muromets

“Three trips of Ilya Muromets” (text of the epic retold by I. Karnaukhova)

terem kalach granular 1066.8 meters Verst tall residential building or part of it granular

gornitsa pud the smallest monetary unit in Rus' upstairs room polushka

Epics “Ilya’s Three Trips” and “Three Trips of Ilya Muromets” General Differ

“Here glory and honor go to Ilya forever...”

Homework: Prepare a retelling of one of the trips on behalf of Ilya Muromets

What did we get? Found out... Read... Compare...

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Date______ Lesson number____5____ Class __4__

Subject : “Three trips of Ilya Muromets” (text of the epic retold by I. Karnaukhova)

Target: continue to introduce students to the epic as folklore genre; introduce students to I. Karnaukhova’s retelling, help them see the difference between poetic and prose text; develop expressive and conscious reading skills; promote the development of independence and mutual control, broadening one’s horizons and vocabulary, deepening interest and love for literature and reading.

Equipment : textbook, epic text, illustrative material, presentation

Lesson type : combined

Planned educational results:

Subject: know the content of the epic, read it expressively, name the signs epic genre, answer questions, give a description of Ilya Muromets, are able to use the acquired knowledge to complete creative tasks;

Personal: understand the importance of reading fiction; adequately judge the reasons for their success/failure in their work in the classroom; show a positive attitude towards educational activities, cognitive interest in educational material;


educational –

general education : formulate questions and answers on the topic being studied; listen carefully, construct speech statements; express and justify their opinions;

brain teaser : demonstrate independent thinking, the ability to analyze language material, generalize, and draw conclusions;

regulatory – correctly perceive and understand the learning task, plan their action in accordance with the task; exercise self-mutual control;

communicative– know how to interact constructively at work, learn to listen and evaluate each other, and adequately perceive praise and comments.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time. Greetings.
  2. Updating of reference knowledge
  1. Checking d/z. Read out your prepared answers.
  2. Testing theoretical knowledge. Game "yes - no"

Chronicle is a genre of folklore (no)

The chronicle records historical events by year (yes)

Epics could sing like songs (yeah)

The heroes of the chronicles were simple people(No)

The heroes of epics were heroes and defenders of their native land (yes)

- “Three trips of Ilya Muromets” is a chronicle (no)

The singing of epics was accompanied by playing the harp (yes)

The chronicle describes tragic death Prince Oleg (yes)

The chronicle told how Prince Oleg raised his banners over the gates of Constantinople (no)

Ilya Muromets went straight to the crossroads (yes)

  1. Motivation for learning activities

In the last lesson we learned about Ilya Muromets's first trip from a roadside stone. And how many other roads branched off from the stone? (three) What is the name of the epic? (“Three trips…”) Did Ilya Muromets travel on these roads? (yes) Are you interested in knowing what happened to the hero during these trips? (...)

  1. Theme and goal setting stage

Read the title of the epic in the textbook and write it down, completing the topic. Read it in its entirety. Set goals for this lesson by completing the sentences?


  1. Work on the material of a new topic

Vocabulary work.

Let's find what these words mean (establish a correspondence between the word and its meaning):

Versta – 1066.8 meters, or 1 km 67 m (approximately).

tower – a raised, tall residential building or part of it.

granular rolls– consisting of individual particles, grains; grainy.

gorenka, upper room– room upstairs, on the top floor

pood – 16 kg

half - the smallest monetary unit in Rus'

Work with text.

Reading epics. Comprehension of what you read.

– did you like the continuation of the epic?

– Briefly tell us about the second trip of Ilya Muromets.

- How did Ilya Muromets guess that the princess was up to no good?

– who did Ilya Muromets save?

– what did Ilya Muromets get on his third trip?

– why didn’t Ilya Muromets become rich?

Physical education minute

Compare the texts of the epic “Ilya’s three trips” and “Three trips of Ilya Muromets”. What do they have in common, how do they differ? (Filling out the table)

Sample answers

General : main character– Ilya Muromets, his travels are told, the stone at the crossroads comes to mind; the second text is a continuation of the first.

Differences : the first text is poetic, the second is prosaic; the first is like a song, the second is like a story; in the first there is a visible connection with nature, in the second there is no such connection.


Did you like Ilya Muromets? What exactly? If you met Ilya Muromets, what would you tell him? Do you think you have fulfilled last words epics? (“Here glory and honor went to Ilya forever”) Look at the monument to Ilya Muromets that stands in one of the cities of our homeland, Vladivostok.

Would you like to be like Ilya Muromets? Homework will help you imagine yourself in his place.

  1. Homework: retell one of the trips on behalf of Ilya Muromets
  2. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Back to goal setting. Were you able to achieve your goals?

Let's finally read how, after three trips by Ilya Muromets, the inscription on the stone began to look like?

Peer assessment.

The epic tells how Ilya Muromets fought the enemy.

  • What epic events could actually happen? Write it down.

Meeting with robbers (Tatar-Mongols), releasing prisoners, building churches.

  • Find in the epic and write down the words that describe the appearance of Ilya Muromets.

Description appearance Ilya Muromets is found only in the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips”, in the episode when the month illuminated his military equipment: “A helmet shone at forty thousand...”, “yachon stones shone.”

  • Copy from the textbook (p. 20 No. 6) those character traits that you consider the most important.

Brave, courageous, wise, intelligent, fair, strong, kind, selfless, capable of compassion.

  • Find and write down words that seem unusual to you. For example, the night is dark and dark, wealth is countless,

Glorious Russian heroes, popular robbers, cracked oak, low bushes, flint pebbles.

  • Write a story about the hero Ilya Muromets. Write down the supporting words you use in your story.

Love for the native land, stands guard over the Motherland, comes to the aid of its people, saves them from enslavement, the embodiment of the ideal of a courageous, honest person devoted to the Motherland and people, does not fear the countless forces of the enemy, not even death itself.

Ilya Muromets loves native land, stands guard over its borders, in a moment of danger comes to the aid of his people, saving them from enslavement and humiliation. He is the embodiment of the ideal of a courageous, honest person devoted to the Motherland and people. He is not afraid of the countless forces of the enemy, not even death itself! Ilya Muromets evokes my admiration, joy, and faith in the powers of the people. Ilya Muromets is a hero-warrior, defender of the Motherland, so he needs to choose the road where the robbers are hiding. He needs to free this road from evil spirits. Ilya is so strong and smart that he can handle any obstacle, even an insurmountable one, and he can deal with any enemy effortlessly.

  • Write down your plan or use this one.
    The first feat of the hero.
    The second feat of the hero.
    The third feat of the hero.
    Ilya Muromets is the defender of the Russian land.

1. The origin of Ilya Muromets, his miraculous recovery.
2. Portrait of Ilya Muromets (appearance and military equipment).
3. The character and actions of Ilya Muromets.
4. My attitude towards the hero of epics.

  • Which version of the epic (prose or poetic) did you like better? Read both versions of the epic out loud to each other. In what case can the melodiousness of a work be conveyed?

Poetic. Epic word especially beautiful, solemn, melodious and poetic. The rhythm is easily captured in the epic verse, so the melodiousness of the work can be conveyed in the poetic version.

  • Write down how epics were performed in the old days (they were sung or told). What musical instruments were used?

The epics were performed by singer-storytellers. Once upon a time in Ancient Rus' they were called boyans (or bayans). This is where the name comes from musical instrument. True, epics were never performed with the accordion, and the name was given to the instrument in the 19th century simply in honor of the ancient singers. Once upon a time, in the old days, epics were performed to the measured, leisurely plucking of the gusli (the gusli is a Russian folk plucked multi-string instrument such as a harp). In the 18th–19th centuries, when scientists began to collect and record epics, they were performed, as a rule, without accompaniment.

V. Vasnetsov. Heroes, oil on canvas, 295.3x446 cm State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 3

About the painting “Bogatyrs” by V. M. Vasnetsov The field stretches wide and wide. Boundless, irresistible. The free wind hums in the feather grass steppe. High in the summer afternoon sky, wisps of clouds float slowly and proudly. Eagles guard the mounds. A gusty whirlwind picked up, scattered the manes of the mighty horses, and brought the bitter smell of wormwood. The eye of the frantic Burushka, the beloved horse of Ilya Muromets, sparkled. A stern hero. A spear has been made. The heavy right hand is raised. Looks far, far into the distance. His friends are wary - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. There is a formidable force in this silent expectation. Sleepless squad. Not a single creature, not even a winged one, will break through. Vasnetsov worked on this painting for many years. He painfully searched for people from whom he could write epic heroes. The prototype of Ilya Muromets was the peasant Ivan Petrov, who worked as a cab driver in Moscow in the winter. In the face of Dobrynya Nikitich there are features of Vasnetsov himself, his father and uncle. The artist based Alyosha Popovich on the young son of Savva Mamontov. In the Russian epic tradition there are many heroes. But Vasnetsov chose these three. Probably because they successfully complement each other. The powerful, stern Ilya Muromets, the noble Dobrynya and the savvy, resourceful Alyosha Popovich all together form the image of the good force of the defender of the Russian borders. This picture is so well known that, wherever the conversation turns to the epic knights, everyone remembers these three, standing at an outpost in a wind-swept field. It seems that they are the most popular and beloved heroes of the Russian people of all times. 4

EPIC is a folk epic song, a genre characteristic of the Russian tradition. The basis of the plot of the epic is a heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence popular name epics - “old man”, “old woman”, implying that the action about which we're talking about, occurred in the past). The term “epic” was introduced into scientific use in the 40s of the 19th century.

Origin of the word “hero” Where does the word “hero” come from? It is believed that it was borrowed from Turkic languages, where is in various forms- baghatur, bagadur, batur, batyr, bator. Scientists (Shchepkin, Buslaev) directly derived “hero” from “God” through “rich”

Scientists classify heroes into older and younger. The older heroes include Svyatogor, Volga Svyatoslavich, Samson, Sukhan, Polkan, Kolyvan Ivanovich, Don Ivanovich, Dunay Ivanovich and others. The younger ones include Dobrynya Nikitich, Ivan Danilovich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets, Mikula Selyaninovich, Churila Plenkovich, Duke Stepanovich, Danil Lovchenin and others.

MONUMENT TO ILYA OF MUROMETS IN THE CITY OF MUROM In the image ancient Russian hero embodied folk concepts about high moral qualities what you should have true hero. One of the most important qualities of Ilya Muromets is a sense of justice and awareness of his duty to stand for the truth. He is ready to go into direct conflict with the prince, with the boyars, when he sees that they are not doing the truth. He is a national, all-Russian hero. “I am going to serve for the Christian faith and for the Russian land, and for the capital city of Kyiv-grad, for widows, for orphans, for poor people.”

Vocabulary work To cover up - To overwhelm - Don't be a simpleton - Bashlyks - Ravens - Barns - convert to the Catholic faith. lock in the basement. Don't be deceived. a warm headdress over a hat. Cloth hood with long ends. black. sheds for storing crops, supplies, goods. 19

Physical exercise 20 We stood up together - one, two, three. We are now heroes. We will put our palms to our eyes, we will spread our strong legs. Turning to the right Let's look around majestically. And you also need to look to the left from under your palms. And to the right, and also Over the left shoulder. Let's spread our legs in the letter L, exactly in dance hands to the sides. Leaned to the left, to the right, It turns out great!

In ancient times, storytellers played along with themselves on the harp; later, epics were performed in recitative. Epic poems are characterized by a special pure-tonic epic verse. Although the storytellers used only a few melodies when performing epics, they enriched the singing with a variety of intonations and also changed the timbre of their voices. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov “Guslars”

V. Vasnetsov. Ilya Muromets. (Fragment of the painting “Bogatyrs”) Ivan Petrov, peasant Vladimir province Study for the figure of Ilya Muromets in the painting "Bogatyrs" 1883, oil on canvas, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Ilya's three trips 23
The plot of a stone at a fork in the road is found in many fairy tales and epics. The stone shows the traveler what fate awaits him on each of the diverging paths. Vasnetsov, having chosen such a plot for the picture, tried to make it as believable as possible. He wanted to convince the audience that everything told in the epics actually happened, albeit in the distant past. The artist was well acquainted with the archaeological research of his time, so he accurately recreated the appearance of the knight of epic times. The landscape is also depicted with great historical accuracy, a wild steppe strewn with boulders that were brought here by the last glacier. On one of the stones there are strange half-erased letters. Whose hand knocked them out? In what time immemorial did this happen? What kind of power begins to control the destinies of travelers as soon as they read letters promising death, or marriage, or the loss of a horse? The knight is alone in the endless steppe, and there is no one to tell him which road to choose. Under the stone lie two skulls, a human and a horse. This is the only clue. If you take too long to choose, you can lay down your head right here without ever setting foot on any of the roads. 25

Homework: with vyr. Thurs., section. into parts, find proverbs, conversation, riddles about heroes (f.) 27


Goals: introduce the poetic text of the epic “Ilya’s Three Trains”; generalize and enrich knowledge about epics; teach them to read them correctly, understand the historical text; work on the content of the epic; teach expressive reading, find analogies with real historical events; develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination.

Planned results:

subject: the use of different types of reading (studying (semantic), selective, search), the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the heroes;

meta-subject: P - formulation educational task lesson, based on the analysis of the textbook material in joint activities, understanding it, planning together with the teacher activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating your work in the lesson, P - analysis of a poetic text, highlighting the main idea in it, K - answers to textbook questions based on work of art;

personal: developing a sense of pride in one’s homeland, its history, and people.

Equipment: printed text of the ballad by A.S. Pushkin's "Song of prophetic Oleg", reproduction of a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "The Knight at the Crossroads".

During the classes

    Organizing time

    Checking homework

    What passages from A. S. Pushkin’s work “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg” have you learned?

(Expressive reading by heart.)

    Updating knowledge. Communicating the topic and setting lesson goals

    Continue the sentence and find out what we will talk about in our lesson.

Songs about heroic deeds People called heroes...(bylinas, or antiquities).

    That's right, these are epics. What epics have you already read and know? (“Dobrynya Nikitich”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”.)

    Name the names of the heroes you know. (Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets.)

    Read the title of the epic on p. 12 of the textbook, look at the illustrations to the text on p.13-15, guess what this piece is about.

    Work on the topic of the lesson

(Reading the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips” by the teacher on p.12-16 textbook.)

    Follow my reading, underline unclear words and expressions.

    Tell us about your impressions. What feelings did you experience while listening to the epic?

    What words and expressions did you not understand?

    Physical education minute

    Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

The epic verse, the endings of words characteristic of folk song poetry, the length of the lines suggest a leisurely, somewhat slow pace of reading, a solemn, smooth and at the same time calm narrative tone, corresponding to the heroic content of the epic, telling about the events of bygone centuries.

(Reading the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips” by students.)

    Look carefully at the reproduction famous painting V.M. Vasnetsov "The Knight at the Crossroads". Tell me what you see.

(The teacher can make a report on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov. See the material for the lesson.)


    Summing up the lesson

    So, let's summarize what we already know about the epic* What is an epic? (Bylina - Russian folk ethical song - legend about heroes.)

    Who are the heroes? How can you characterize Russian heroes? (Bogatyr - warrior, defender of his Motherland, endowed with self-esteem and distinguished by extraordinary strength, courage and daring.)

    What are distinctive features epics? (Epic beginning, second, figurative language - hyperbole, epithets, melodious rhythm, lack of rhyme, detail of the narration.)


    Prepare expressive reading epics “Three trips of Ilya Muromets” on p.17-19 textbook, find an explanation of unfamiliar words. Complete illustrations.

Material for teachers

Description of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”

The painting “The Knight at the Crossroads” was painted by V.M. Vasnetsov no with Russian influence folk tale"Ilya Muromets and the robbers." The first sketches for this plot date back to the beginning 1870s gg.

The first version of the work was completed in 1877 g., and a year later the author presented it for public viewing at VI Traveling exhibition; IN 1882 The final version was released, which was intended as a gift for Savva Ivanovich Mamontov, an entrepreneur and philanthropist.

In the center of the composition is the figure of the hero himself - Ilya Muromets. First V.M. Vasnetsov planned to turn the figure of the warrior towards the viewer, but in final version the knight is shown from the back from the side, so that his face is not visible.

Ilya Muromets sits on a powerful white war horse and is armed with a spear, mace, shield and bow with a quiver full of arrows. His whole figure is monumental, it expresses fatigue, but also determination.

His thoughtfulness is indicated by a slightly bowed head and a spear tilted down. The author wants to show the unity of thoughts of the warrior and his brave horse: the horse’s pose repeats poseIlya Muromets, she also bows her head, while confidently standing on stronglegs.

In front of the character there is a gloomy stone with the inscription “How to drive straight - I livenot to be - there is no way for either a passer-by, or a passer-by, or a flyover,” the text completely repeats the epic. The words following this phrase, already known to any resident of Russia, were hidden and partially erased by the author in the process of processing.

The general mood of the picture is emphasized by the gloomy background. The swampy terrain, inhospitable skinny vegetation, stones of gloomy gray, green and brown tones scattered around, as well as bones lying on the ground and a raven flying over the field make it clear that it is not easy for a glorious warrior in a foreign land. He is faced with a responsible choice, and it is difficult for him to make the right decision.

By clean field, the old Cossack Ilya Muromets was riding along a wide expanse and came to a fork three roads. At the fork there is a flammable stone, and on the stone there is an inscription written: “If you go straight, you will be killed, if you go right, you will be married, and if you go left, you will become rich.” Ilya read the inscription and became thoughtful:
“For me, an old man, death is not written in battle.” Let me go where I will be killed.
No matter how long or how short he drove, thieves and robbers jumped out onto the road. Three hundred thieves [Tat - robber, robber.] - plantains. They are bawling and waving their shawls:
- Let's kill the old man and rob him!
“Stupid people,” says Ilya Muromets, “if you don’t kill the bear, divide the skin!”
And he unleashed his faithful horse on them. He himself stabbed with a spear and struck with a sword, and not a single murderer-robber remained alive.
He returned to the fork and erased the inscription: “If you go straight, you’ll be killed.” He stood near the stone and turned his horse to the right:
“There’s no need for me, old, to be married, but I’ll go and see how people get married.”
I drove for an hour or two and came across white stone chambers.
A beautiful girl-soul ran out to meet her. She took Ilya Muromets by the hands and led him into the dining room. The heroes fed and watered and exhorted:
– After the bread and salt, go to bed and hold [Bed to hold – to rest, to sleep, to rest.]. I probably got tired on the road! – She led me into a special room and pointed to a feather bed.
And Ilya, he was a savvy, dexterous person, noticed something was wrong. He threw the beautiful maiden onto the feather bed, and the bed turned, overturned, and the mistress fell into a deep dungeon.
Ilya Muromets ran out of the chambers into the courtyard, found that deep dungeon, broke down the doors and let him out. White light forty prisoners, unlucky suitors, and the beautiful maiden mistress was locked up tightly in an underground prison.
After that I came to a fork and erased the other inscription. And he wrote a new inscription on the stone: “Two paths were cleared by the old Cossack Ilya Muromets.”
- I won’t go to the third direction. Why should I, old, lonely, be rich? Let someone young get the wealth.
The old Cossack Ilya Muromets turned his horse and rode to the capital city of Kiev to perform military service, fight with enemies, stand for Great Rus' and for the Russian people!
That's the tale of the glorious mighty hero Ilya Muromets and ended.

Retold by: Nechaev A.V.