What are the elements of epic style? Definition of the genre of epics

Bylina- Russian folk epic song about the exploits of heroes. The main plot of the epic is some kind of heroic event, an episode of Russian history.

Bylina is an encyclopedia of ancient Russian life. It expresses the powerful spirit of the people:

o Patriotic theme

o History of people's life

o Spiritual qualities

Features of the historicism of epics. The epics artistically summarized the historical reality of the 11th-16th centuries, but they grew out of the archaic epic tradition, inheriting many features from it. Monumental images of heroes, their extraordinary exploits poetically combined the real basis of life with fantastic fiction. The relationship between reality and fiction in epics is by no means straightforward; along with obvious fantasies, there is a reflection of the life of Ancient Rus'. Behind many epic episodes one can discern real social and everyday relations, numerous military and social conflicts that took place in ancient times. It is also noteworthy that in epics certain details of everyday life are conveyed with amazing accuracy, and often the area where the action takes place is described with amazing accuracy. It is also not without interest that even the names of some epic characters are recorded in chronicles, where they are narrated as real personalities.

However, folk storytellers who sang the exploits of the princely squad, unlike chroniclers, did not literally follow the chronological course of events; on the contrary, folk memory carefully preserved only the most striking and remarkable historical episodes, regardless of their location on the timeline. The close connection with the surrounding reality determined the development and change of the system and plots of epics, according to the course of the history of the Russian state. Moreover, the genre itself existed until the middle of the 20th century, of course, undergoing various changes.

Cyclization of epics:

· Kyiv (Ilya Muromets, Dobryiya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich)

· Novgorodskie (Sadko and Vasily Buslaev)

Classification of epics:

· Heroic epics

· Mythological epics

· Novellistic epics (describing mainly the social and family life of the medieval Russian state)

Quantity epic stories, despite the many recorded versions of the same epic, it is very limited: there are about 100 of them. There are epics based on:

matchmaking or the hero's struggle for his wife (Sadko, Mikhailo Potyk, Ivan Godinovich, Danube, Kozarin, Solovey Budimirovich and later - Alyosha Popovich and Elena Petrovichna,Hoten Bludovich);

fighting monsters(Dobrynya and the snake, Alyosha and Tugarin,Ilya and Idolishche, Ilya and the Nightingale the Robber);

fight against foreign invaders, including: repelling Tatar raids ( Ilya's quarrel with Vladimir, Ilya and Kalin, Dobrynya and Vasily Kazemirovich), wars with Lithuanians ( An epic about the raid of Lithuanians).

They stand apart satirical epics or epics- parodies ( Duke Stepanovich, Competition with Churila).

Poetics of epics. Over the course of many centuries, unique techniques have been developed that are characteristic of the poetics of epics, as well as the method of their execution. In ancient times, storytellers are believed to have played along with themselves on the harp, later epics were performed recitative. Epics are characterized by a special pure-tonic epic verse(which is based on the commensurability of lines by the number of stresses, which achieves rhythmic uniformity). Although the storytellers used only a few melodies when performing epics, they enriched the singing with a variety of intonations and also changed the timbre of their voices.

The solemn style of presentation of the epic, which tells about heroic and often tragic events, is emphasized, and determined the need to slow down the action (retardation). For this, a technique such as repetition, and not only individual words are repeated; It is not uncommon for entire episodes to be repeated three times, with enhanced effect, and some descriptions are extremely detailed. Characteristic of the epic is the presence of “ common places", when describing similar situations, certain formulaic expressions are used. “Commonplaces” include a description of a feast (mostly at Prince Vladimir’s), a banquet, and a heroic ride on a greyhound horse. The folk storyteller could combine such stable formulas at his own discretion.

For language epics are typical hyperboles, with the help of which the narrator emphasizes the character traits or appearance of the characters that are worthy of special mention. Another technique determines the listener’s attitude to the epic - epithet(mighty, Holy Russian, glorious hero and filthy, evil enemy), and stable epithets are often found (violent head, hot blood, frisky legs, flammable tears). A similar role is played by suffixes: everything related to the heroes was mentioned in diminutive forms (hat, little head, dumushka, Alyoshenka, Vasenka Buslaevich, Dobrynyushka, etc.), but the negative characters were called Gloomy, Ignatisch, Tsarish Batuisch, Filthy Ugarishch. They take up a lot of space assonances(repetition of vowel sounds) and alliteration (repetition of consonant sounds), additional organizing elements of verse.

Epics, as a rule , tripartite:

Ø lead-in (usually not directly related to the content), the function of which is to prepare for listening to the song;

Ø beginning (within its limits the action unfolds);

Ø ending.

It should be noted that certain artistic techniques used in the epic are determined by its subject matter(thus, heroic epics are characterized by antithesis).

The narrator's gaze never turns to the past or the future, but follows the hero from event to event, although the distance between them can vary from several days to several years.

Of great importance for understanding ancient Russian literature is the question of what were the features of epics. This type of genre was very popular among our distant ancestors, so consideration of the problem posed is still relevant. School literature classes should be preceded by a short explanation from the teacher on the topic, as this will help to understand their content, style features, meaning and ideological load.

Literary devices

The features of epics can be easily traced based on the most famous works of this genre. When reading at least a few texts, a technique such as repetition immediately catches your eye. With their help, anonymous authors sought to strengthen the main idea and main meaning. In addition, in this way ancient storytellers achieved a special sound and melodiousness of their works.

It should be noted here that these ancient epic songs were performed on especially solemn occasions, so it was very important to set the listeners in a certain mood. Based on the above, we can add that the features of the epics reflected the spirit of their time, when the military enterprises of the princely squad became an object of respect and glorification.

The role of epithets

This expressiveness plays perhaps the most important role in conveying in words a visual picture of what is happening. Unknown authors spared no expense in color, glorifying the strength and power of ancient knights and warriors. The features of epics are easily explained by the purpose for which they were created: the desire to praise and perpetuate the exploits of heroes.

To emphasize their glory and greatness, the singers used the same epithets, which, with constant repetition, created an expressive and colorful picture of the battle in the listener’s imagination. As a rule, epithets were applied to characterize the appearance of a warrior, his horse, and also the enemy. The descriptions of ancient Russian cities are unusually beautiful: princely chambers, palaces, squads.


The artistic features of epics reflect the thinking of medieval Russians, who were inclined to exalt the exploits of their favorite heroes. For this purpose, the authors used hyperboles that were intended to capture the imagination of the listener. In fact, the exploits of the knights are presented in unusually epic tones. For example, in ancient legends, the hero defeats the enemy with one swing and blow; from the blow of his horse’s hoof, the earth trembles and leaves fall from the trees. The same techniques apply to the description of negative characters. For example, the Nightingale the Robber whistles so much that all living things around scatter, and a strong wind rises.


The artistic features of epics also reveal some features of the musical art of our ancestors. These ancient epic songs were built according to special rules that gave them melodiousness, regularity and a certain rhythm of sound. The lines of these works use several accents, usually three. They were placed on the third syllables from the beginning and from the end.

This principle was not mandatory, but was applied quite often. This performance gave the epic a special sound expressiveness and epic quality. However, sometimes, to enhance the melodiousness of the text, the syllables were sung as one word, without divisions or pauses.


No less important is the question of what features of the construction of epics were used most often. All works of the genre under consideration began with a beginning - an introductory word that revealed the time and place of action. Here we should draw the attention of schoolchildren to the high degree of historical authenticity: the legends always indicate a real city, they talk about the prince who ruled at the time when the events described took place, sometimes the author mentioned specific places, which gave the story credibility and truthfulness.

This is followed by the plot and climax, which are revealed literally in one breath, without pauses, delays or retreats. Thus, the storytellers painted one picture of the event, not allowing the listener to be distracted for even a single minute. The denouement, as a rule, came quite quickly: it talks about the honors that the hero received as a reward for his feat.


The features of Russian epics reveal the inner world of ancient Russian man. Thanks to these amazing legends, we can understand what exactly interested our distant ancestors. Of course, the most favorite subjects were stories about the exploits and military battles of heroes. However, in addition to this, there were also themes dedicated to the glorification of simple toiling farmers. There were epics about the extraordinary adventures of heroes; for example, tales about the merchant Sadko were very popular. These epics glorify not the military prowess of the knights, but such character traits as cunning, daring, and worldly wisdom, which allowed them to find a way out of the most difficult situations.

The epic is a folk-epic song written in tonic verse. Each piece consists of a chorus, a beginning and an ending. The first part of the epic was rarely connected with the main plot; mainly the introduction was written to attract attention. The beginning is the main event to which the epic is dedicated. The ending is the last part of the epic, which, as a rule, contains a solemn feast dedicated to victory over enemies.

There are several types of epic melodies - strict, stately, fast, cheerful, calm and even buffoonish.

Each legend was distinguished by its patriotic character; its plots were always laudatory and told about the invincibility of Rus', the merits of the prince and the brave defenders who immediately came to the rescue if the population was in danger of trouble. The term “epic” itself began to be used only in the 1830s, it was introduced by the scientist Ivan Sakharov. The real name of songs about heroes is “old times.”

The main characters were mighty heroes. The characters were endowed with superhuman strength, courage and courage. The hero, even alone, could cope with anyone. The main task of these characters is to protect Rus' from the attacks of enemies.

Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich and Vladimir the Red Sun - these names can be found in almost every legend. Prince Vladimir was the ruler of the Russian lands, and the heroes were the hope and protection of the Russian people.

Authors of epics

Many facts concerning the authors of epics, the time and territory of their writing remain a mystery to this day. Most researchers have come to the conclusion that the most ancient tales were written no more than three hundred years ago. On Wikipedia, for example, you can study several different theories and facts that scientists have discovered.

The predominant number of epics were recorded by scientific collectors from the words of residents of certain areas. In total there are about forty plots of legends, but the number of texts already reaches one and a half thousand copies. Each epic is of particular value for Russian culture, folk epic, as well as for scientists and folklorists.

The storytellers could be people of different professions, so in the texts they mentioned comparisons that were more understandable and close to them. According to the tailor narrator, for example, a severed head was compared to a button.

The epics were not written by one author. These are tales that were compiled by the Russian people, and the lyrics were passed down from generation to generation. Songs were performed by certain people who were called “storytellers.” Such a person must have special qualities. The fact is that the text of epics was never memorized by storytellers, so the narrator had to independently connect the plots, select comparisons, remember important facts and be able to retell them without distorting the meaning.

The epics were created in tonic (also called epic, folk) verse. In works created in tonic verse, the poetic lines may have a different number of syllables, but there should be a relatively equal number of stresses. In epic verse, the first stress, as a rule, falls on the third syllable from the beginning, and the last stress on the third syllable from the end.

Epic tales are characterized by a combination of real images that have a clear historical meaning and are conditioned by reality (the image of Kyiv, the capital Prince Vladimir), with fantastic images (the Serpent Gorynych, the Nightingale the Robber). But the leading images in epics are those generated by historical reality.

Often the epic begins with lead singer. It is not related to the content of the epic, but represents an independent picture that precedes the main epic story. Exodus- this is the ending of the epic, a short conclusion, summing up, or a joke (“then the old days, then the deeds,” “that’s where the old times ended”).

The epic usually begins with the beginning, which determines the place and time of action. Following it is given exposition, in which the hero of the work stands out, most often using the technique of contrast.

The image of the hero is at the center of the entire narrative. The epic greatness of the image of the epic hero is created by revealing his noble feelings and experiences; the qualities of the hero are revealed in his actions.

Triplicity or the trinity in epics is one of the main depiction techniques (there are three heroes at the heroic outpost, the hero makes three trips - “Three trips of Ilya”, Sadko is not invited to the feast three times by the Novgorod merchants, he casts lots three times, etc. ). All these elements (threefold persons, threefold action, verbal repetitions) are present in all epics. Hyperboles used to describe the hero and his feat also play a large role in them. The description of the enemies (Tugarin, Nightingale the Robber), as well as the description of the strength of the warrior-hero, are hyperbolic. There are fantastic elements in this.

In the main narrative part of the epic, the techniques of parallelism, stepwise narrowing of images, and antithesis are widely used.

The text of the epic is divided into permanent And transitional places. Transitional places are parts of the text created or improvised by narrators during performance; permanent places - stable, slightly changed, repeated in various epics (heroic battle, hero’s rides, saddling a horse, etc.). Storytellers usually assimilate and repeat them with greater or less accuracy as the action progresses. The narrator speaks transitional passages freely, changing the text and partially improvising it. The combination of permanent and transitional places in the singing of epics is one of the genre features of the Old Russian epic.

The work of the Saratov scientist A.P. is devoted to elucidating the artistic originality of Russian epics and their poetics. Skaftymov “Poetics and genesis of epics”. The researcher believed that “the epic knows how to create interest, knows how to excite the listener with anxiety of expectation, infect the listener with the delight of surprise and capture the winner with ambitious triumph.” 1

D.S. Likhachev in his book “The Poetics of Old Russian Literature” writes that the time of action in epics refers to the conventional era of the Russian past. For some epics it is the idealized era of Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, for others it is the era of Novgorod freedom. The action of the epics takes place in the era of Russian independence, glory and power of Rus'. In this era, Prince Vladimir reigns “forever”, the heroes live “forever”. In epics, the entire time of action is assigned to the conventional era of Russian antiquity. 2

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Ilya is accustomed to freedom and space and does not regret leaving the service of the prince - this is the hero’s life position.

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In the Russian epic “The Quarrel of Ilya Muromets with Prince Vladimir,” Ilya, “angry” and “irritated” by the fact that the capital Prince Vladimir forgot to call him as the “best hero” “to an honorable feast,” began to shoot from a bow at the “gilded poppies,” who "fell to the damp earth." By basing his poem on the epic conflict between the Russian hero and Prince Vladimir, Tolstoy softened it in many ways. How does Ilya Muromets appear in this conflict?

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By comparing folk epics about Ilya Muromets and Tolstoy’s poem, one can trace the fate of the hero in its development. Try to create such a life story.

Ilya Muromets lay on the stove until he was 33 years old, and heroic strength awakened in him only due to the need to stand up for Mother Earth. Kaliki passersby hand Ilya the sword of the Russian hero Svyatogor. Since then, Ilya Muromets has defended Rus', selflessly served his homeland and people. He won victories over the Nightingale the Robber, the filthy Idol, Kalin the Tsar along with his countless army and accomplished many more glorious feats.