Lesson: minus subtrahend difference. Minuend

Public lesson

Item: mathematics.


Class: 1.

UMK:"School of Russia"

Target:create conditions for students to discover new knowledge:names of components of subtraction actions, promote the development of computational skills.

Lesson objectives:

Formation of communicative learning skills of students.

Lesson type:

DURING THE CLASSES 1. Organizational moment. Psychological mood of students. Teacher- Let's smile at each other. May the lesson bring us all the joy of communication. Today in class, guys, you will find many interesting tasks, new discoveries, and your helpers will be: attention, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.
2. Updating knowledge Teacher- Let's start our lesson with a warm-up. Let's play the game "Tic Tac Toe". Conditions of the game: if the statement is correct, then we put a cross, and if not, we put a zero. (children received leaves with a playing field)1. The sum of the numbers 4 and 3 is 6 (zero) 2. If you reduce 10 by 3, you get 7. (cross) 3. There were 7 apples in the plate, 2 apples were eaten. There are 5 apples left on the plate. (cross) 4. 8 is 7 and 2 (zero)Sample check.

O 1

Teacher- Who doesn’t? (3 people raised their hands)What do you need to repeat so that there are no mistakes? Children: - I need to repeat the names of the components - And I need to solve problems correctly.Teacher- Well done for being able to find your mistakes. Next time, be careful.Bend the piece of paper (square) diagonally. What kind of figure did you get? Children: - The result is a triangle Teacher- What if you fold 2 triangles? What shape will you get? (work in pairs) Children: - Artyom and I ended up with a square - And we have a big triangle.Teacher - What shape can you build from 4 triangles?

(work in groups of 4 people).

The children turned to the next desk and began to build various figures.

RESULT. Well done! We completed the task. You got different figures because you are also different and think differently.
3. Working on a new topic Teacher- Today we are going to a fairy tale, the heroine of which lives in one of the houses.

Teacher- To find out, you need to complete the task:
Teacher- What two groups can these expressions be divided into? Children: - Can be divided into addition and subtraction.Teacher- Write these expressions in two columns. (Children write expressions in notebooks)
Teacher- What do the expressions in the first column have in common? Children:- In these expressions the answer is 5Teacher- Our heroine lives in house No. 5.-Did you recognize her? Children:- This is Little Red Riding Hood
Teacher- One day Little Red Riding Hood went through the forest to visit her grandmother. And as soon as she entered the forest, a Wolf appeared in front of her out of nowhere.
But I must tell you that the Wolf in our fairy tale was very polite, extremely courteous and offered to accompany the girl to her.
That forest was unusual because amazing animals lived in it: they all studied at forest school, were inquisitive, read different books, and therefore knew a lot of interesting things. Did you know that today the Day of Knowledge has been declared in the forest, and all the forest inhabitants, when they meet, ask each other various questions and tasks?The wolf was the first to offer to complete his task. Teacher- Read the math notation using the names of numbers when adding. Children: - The first term is 2, the second term is -3, the value of the sum is 5 (The guys read all the entries).Teacher- Now read the mathematical notation using the names of numbers when subtracting.(children are silent)

4. Statement of an educational problem (2 min)

Teacher- Were you able to complete the task? Children: - No Teacher- What's the problem? Children: - We don’t know what numbers are called when subtractingTeacher- What do you think the topic of today's lesson will be? Children: - Names of numbers when subtractingTeacher- What should we learn? Children: - We must learn to name numbers when subtracting, to correctly read subtraction expressions

Teacher- Today we will try to make a discovery.(Each group receives 3 envelopes with cards. In 1 envelope there are cards with the words reduced, minus, removed. In envelope 2 - subtracted, moved away, thrown away. In the 3rd envelope – difference, equality, result.)
Teacher- When subtracting, the first number decreases, so what can it be called?Choose the correct name in your opinion and put it in front of you. (the guys are doing the task)Teacher- The second number is subtracted, so what can it be called?Take the second envelope and choose the correct title.Teacher- The third number shows the difference between the first number and the second, so what can it be called?Do the same with the third envelope.Here are three names. Where can we check that the task is being completed correctly? Children: - You can check it using the textbook.Teacher- Let's open the textbook on p. 27 and read whether you guessed correctly. (students opened the textbook and are checking)- Well done. The names were chosen correctly.Tutorial page:

Now read the mathematical notation using the names of the components of the subtraction action.

Result: we completed the wolf's task and learned the names of numbers when subtracting. Let's go on our way
5. Primary consolidation Teacher - Having covered some distance through the forest, our heroes were met by Loiosoao (answer: fox. Repeated letters need to be removed)

Work in groups. Teacher- Guys, now we will try to complete task 1 in the textbook, using the knowledge we have acquired.(Task 1. The minuend is 9, the subtrahend is 4. Write down the difference of these numbers and calculate it)
Each group is given an A4 sheet and a marker.Teacher- Write down the solution on a sheet of paper large so that it can be seen from the board. Don't forget that you must explain why you chose this decision.A representative from the group comes to the board, attaches the sheet with a magnet, and explains the solution made by the group.Approximate explanation of children: The minuend is the first number that we reduce, so we wrote 9. The subtrahend is the number that we subtract, which means we put a minus sign and the number 4. We calculated the result - it is 5. So the value of the difference is 5.After listening to the opinion of each group, we draw a conclusion about the correctness of the task. . Results control: verbal answers, signal cards.Well done! And you completed this task.
And the bunny invites you to relax.

Physical education minute.

The boys dance to the music.

6. Repetition. The solution of the problem
Teacher The next one to hit the path was Kizho (answer: hedgehog. Must be read from right to left)

Teacher- He offers - Read task No. 2, p. 27.What is this problem about?Read the problem statement. What is known?What do you need to know in the problem?Here are two short notes.

Teacher - Which one is suitable for our task? Why? Children– The second one will do, because there are fewer apples left.Teacher- Raise your hands, those guys who don’t know how to solve this problem?Write down the solution and answer yourself.(When checking, we use the names of the components of the subtraction action.) Examination. Raise your hands if you did it differently.(All children completed the task)
7. Independent work. Teacher - Now I suggest you work on your own. Open your printed notebooks.Printed notebook page 16 No. 1 (according to options)Option 1 performs 1 line, and option 2 – 2 lines.

Peer review. (there is a sample on the board)Result: when completing this task, 4 errors were made in the calculation.

So our heroes went unnoticed to their grandmother’s house.

Grandmother was very happy about the guests. She decided to treat her granddaughter and the wolf with apples and asked her to complete the task: write the following expression on the apple:The minuend is 7, the subtrahend is 3. Find the value of the difference.
(The children received cut out apples and wrote an expression on them)

Now check that the task was completed correctly (there is a sample on the board). (All the guys completed this task)
8. Lesson summary. - What new did you learn in class today? Children:- Today in class we learned what numbers are called when subtracting: minuend, subtrahend, difference.

9 .Reflection. - How do you feel at the end of the lesson?Draw a smiley face on the apple and show it. Thank you for the lesson, you made me very happy, and I am also in a joyful mood now.The lesson is over.

Self-analysis of a mathematics lesson in 1st grade

primary school teachers

Nikolaeva Svetlana Mikhailovna

Item: mathematics.

Subject: "Minuend. Subtrahend. Difference"

Class: 1.

UMK:"School of Russia"

Target:create conditions for students to discover a new topic, understand new concepts and terms (introduce students to the components of subtraction), promote the development of computational skills.

Lesson objectives:

Introduce students to the concepts of “minuend”, “subtrahend”, “difference”, teach them to use new terms when composing and reading mathematical expressions for subtraction;

Promote the development of thinking, memory, attention;

To develop the ability to communicate with peers, taking into account different opinions and observing the rules of communication culture and speech culture.

Lesson type:a lesson in “discovering” new knowledge based on the technology of the activity method.

Planned educational results:

Personal:formation of educational and cognitive interest in educational material; ability to evaluate one's educational activities.


    regulatory learning tasks: be able to accept and maintain a learning task; plan your actions in accordance with the task; carry out step-by-step control of the result; adequately perceive the suggestions and assessments of comrades;

    cognitive UUD: be able to use sign-symbolic means to record new concepts and solve problems; construct a message orally; carry out analysis of objects to identify essential features, compare and classify according to specified criteria;

    communicative UUD: be able to formulate one’s own opinion and position; to ask questions; take into account different opinions and justify your position; exercise mutual control.

Subject:Students will learn to name components when subtracting; use the names of components when composing and reading mathematical equations; repeat methods for solving problems of the types studied.

Forms of organizing children's activities: group, collective, individual.

Methods used: problem presentation, explanatory and illustrative, work with a textbook, oral and written exercises.


    textbook Moro M.I., Volkova S.I., Stepanova S.V. “Mathematics”, 1st grade, part 2;

    computer, multimedia projector;

    Workbook for the textbook

    signal cards;

    reference diagrams, cards for independent work.

The lesson was held in 1st grade. It has 25 students, 2 of whom did not attend kindergarten. According to the results of diagnostics of the level of development, 3 students (12%) have a high level of development, 15 students (60%) have an average level, and 7 students (28%) have a low level of development.

This lesson number is in the section “Numbers from 1 to 10. Addition and subtraction.”
During the lesson, the age and psychological characteristics of the students were taken into account. How? In the content of the lesson, I included elements of teaching schoolchildren universal educational actions: the goals of the lesson were determined by the students themselves, based on the corresponding problem situation. I built my lesson in accordance with the requirements laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard, using information and communication technologies.

During the lesson, the principles of clarity, scientificity (children operated with scientific concepts), accessibility (implemented in the selection of material), and the principle of connecting learning with life were implemented.
An important point also in the lesson was adherence to a health-saving regime: changing types of activities, dynamic pause, exercises to relieve eye strain.
The general organization of work in the lesson made it possible to create a working environment in the class and rationally distribute time at each stage.

The following forms and teaching methods were used during the lesson:
verbal (oral message, dialogue);
visual (multimedia presentation of lesson stages);
methods of oral and written control and self-control;
practical (participation in the “transformation” of one figure into another);
problem-search method (when selecting the names of action components).
During the lesson, various forms of student work were used:
- in pairs;
- group.
During the lesson, in order to intensify the work, various types of checks were used: self-check from the board, mutual check of the work done in pairs. Thus, regulatory UUDs were formed.

During the work, the guys showed a high level of mastery of the material, developed computational skills and abilities, were attentive, polite, patient with each other, and presented the studied material consistently and logically.
The material selected for the lesson was available to all students in this class. The chosen type and form of conducting the lesson justified itself.

This was a lesson from OHS. During the lesson, the concepts of “minuend, subtrahend, difference” were introduced. For self-determination in the activity, a problematic situation was created, which demonstrated to the students a lack of mathematical knowledge. Students learned to determine the topic of the lesson and formulate the immediate learning goal. As a result of group work, children made suggestions on how to name numbers when subtracting. The children's guesses were checked using the textbook. This work was carried out so that students learned to acquire new knowledge, find answers to questions using the textbook, their life experience and information received in the lesson. To consolidate the learned material through the children’s activities, another goal of the lesson was set: to learn to write down and make differences. A game moment was used for this. Knowledge testing was carried out during independent work in workbooks, which contained tasks of varying levels of complexity. Independent work was checked as a result of a step-by-step self-test using a sample. Self-assessment completed.Feedback was provided when working with a mathematical fan and emoticons.

Testing the development of skills and abilities was organized throughout the lesson:

Answers to teacher questions;

Verbal counting;

Arithmetic dictation;

Solving problems of the studied types.

A variety of forms of organizing educational work:


Steam room;


Creating an emotionally favorable situation:

Gaming techniques;

Entertaining material for counting;

Tasks aimed at developing spatial thinking.

Types of control:

Student - student (for group work and pair work)


Student - teacher (comparing your work with a model)

At various stages of the lesson the following methods were used:



High performance of students throughout the lesson was ensured by:

Correct regulation of the duration and rational alternation of various types of activities;

Using a visual teaching method;

The presence of dialogue between the teacher and students;

Moments of switching from one type of activity to another;

Maintaining interest in the learning process through non-standard tasks and developmental tasks.

The psychological atmosphere was maintained through a democratic communication style, creating a situation of success for each student, stimulating student activity, which ensures emotional comfort and psychological safety.

I believe that all the objectives set during the lesson were achieved. The children learned the material, taking into account the abilities of each child, and there was no overload.
Study time in the lesson was used effectively, the planned volume of the lesson was completed. The intensity of the lesson was optimal, taking into account the physical and psychological characteristics of the children.
The lesson was summed up. Students learned to ask each other questions about the topic of the lesson and answer them. At the end of the lesson, a self-analysis of the students’ activities in the lesson was carried out. Children assessed their work in class using emoticons. I think the lesson achieved its goal.


Class: 1

Subject." Minuend. Subtrahend. Difference".

Lesson objectives:introduce students to the concepts of “minuend”, “subtrahend”, “difference”, teach them to use new terms when composing and reading mathematical expressions for subtraction; develop mathematical speech and logical thinking; cultivate the ability to self-esteem, love for nature.

Lesson type:learning new material.

Working methods:explanatory - illustrative, partially - search, verbal, visual, practical.

Equipment:Winter drawing, cards, images of birds.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

Count, guys, count quickly.

Feel free to add a good deed,

Get rid of bad things as soon as possible.

Hurry up and start your work!

II. Updating basic knowledge.

Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white.

And the queen sits in the sleigh,

White-haired, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered in silver.

(Winter and winter months)

Do you remember what the winter months are called? Write down the date.

1. Oral counting.

Winter brought us interesting tasks. Do the math.

The sparrows sat on a branch carefree,

Then three of them flew away,

Seven sparrows shook a branch,

How many were there at the beginning? (10)

5 tits sat on a branch,

2 jackdaws flew to them.

Count quickly, kids.

How many birds are sitting on the branch?(7)

Swim across the stream

the cat saw 5 rooks.

They flew through the forest

They sat down on the birch tree with importance.

The cat decided to scare them

And drive everyone away from the birch tree.

He climbed a tree

He meowed and disappeared.

The three rooks could not resist

They got up and flew away.

How many rooks are there on the birch tree now? (2)

To the gray heron for a lesson

seven forty arrived,

and of them only three are magpies

prepared lessons.

How many quitters - forty

Arrived for class?(4)

The jay heated the kettle,

invited 9 jays.

“Come everyone for tea!”

How many jays, answer!

How do birds live in winter? Help the birds!

2. A minute of penmanship.

Write down the number that represents the largest single-digit number (9)

Writing the number 9 in a notebook according to the model.

3. Mathematical dictation.

Someone is clouding me like a feather bed,

Ripped in half

Feathers fell down -

Silvery... (snowflakes)

Winter dusted everything around and snowflakes flew into our classroom. Examples are written on them. Read them differently and solve.

9-1= 6+3= 7-4= 10-5= 8-2=

8+2= 5-4= 9+1= 6-2=

Multi-level cards for individual work.

Easy level

Solve examples

6+2= 4-1= 9-1=

0+4= 5-0= 7-7=

Average level


3+1*5 7-3* 4 9-4* 6

6+3*8 5-4* 2 8-3*4

Difficult level

7-*=3 *+5=9 *-3=5

4+*=8 *-4=6 2+*=7

III. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Write an example for addition with the number 9. Read the example using different methods. Write an example for subtraction. Read the example using different methods.

Today we will learn the names of numbers when subtracting.

IV. Working on new material.

1. Discovery of new knowledge.

The teacher posts a picture.

How many bunnies are there in the picture? How many bunnies are running away? How many bunnies are left? Make an example.


What happens to the first largest number when subtracting? (It decreases).

What happens to the second number? (He is subtracted).

And the third number (reported by the teacher) shows the difference between the first number and the second.

As you work, the names of numbers appear on the board MINUS, SUBTRACT, DIFFERENCE.

2. Work according to the textbook.

Read the lesson topic on page 29.

Look at the first drawing. Create a task. Read the solution. What are numbers called when subtracting?

V. Physical education minute.

Musical physical education "Snowman"

VI. Consolidationstudied material.

1. Working on task No. 3.

Read the problem. Name the condition, the question. Determine the task type.

Decide. Read the example using the names of the numbers. Write down the task.

2. Work in groups.

Create your own subtraction problems.

3. Creative work in pairs.

Guess the riddle.

Who flies in the spring?

Entertains with a sonorous song.

For whom is the palace ready?



Spring will come soon. Migratory birds will return to us. Build a house for starlings from geometric shapes.

VII. Lesson summary.

What new did you learn?

What do you remember about the lesson?

What was difficult, what task?

Tell us according to the diagram what you learned in the lesson?

I know….

I remembered….

I was able.....

If you enjoyed the lesson, choose a snowflake. If you are disappointed -


Math lesson “Minuend, Subtrahend, Difference”

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

The bell rang

The lesson begins.

Which lesson? (math lesson)

Why do we study mathematics? What do we study in mathematics lessons?

Let's check your mood: (sunshine, cloud).

Let's check your jobs.

You should have: a mathematics textbook, notebook, pen, pencil (simple).


What can we say about the number 4 (single digit, consists of four ones, even, stands between 3 and 5)

Therefore, they are migratory birds.

The behavior of the rooks on this day predicted the nature of spring. “If the rooks fly straight to old nests, the spring will be friendly, warm, sunny. And we will succeed in class today. We will work together. Let's smile at the sun and write down the number in the notebook.

    Updating knowledge.


What numbers do we still know? (let's look at the number tape)

123456789 10 is a segment of a natural series of numbers.

How many numbers? 10

Let's write them down nicely.

Why did we learn how to write numbers? (write numbers, inequalities and equalities, solve problems).

    Verbal counting.

While you were beautifully writing down the numbers, an owl flew to us. Is this a migratory bird?

The owl symbolizes wisdom. She will appreciate the oral calculation that is in the electronic space (working on MACBUKS)site name…….

Why do we perform mental calculations?

Raise your hand: Who did everything correctly, who deserves the praise?

Who made the mistake?

    Creating a problematic situation.

In the land of mathematics, everything is clear, precise and definite. Everything here is subject to the laws of mathematics. Any relationships, concepts have their exact names - terms.

Soroka, unfortunately, doesn’t know them and brought us a task.

Is the magpie a wintering bird or a migratory one?

She brought pictures.

What two groups can they be divided into?

Which of these equalities can be applied to the pictures?

What other equations can we make? (4+2=6)

Read in different ways: plus, add, increase by, sum.

Write a subtraction expression with these numbers.

What rule did you use when composing an expression for subtraction (the inverse action of a sum is a subtraction).

Read the expression in different ways: subtract, minus, reduce by, ?.

What did you notice?

Minuend, subtrahend, difference - cards.

Work in groups.

    Formulation of the problem.

Want to know what numbers are called when subtracting?

In the notation for subtraction, each number must also have its own name, and today we will define them.

Lesson topic.

The topic of our lesson is: Names of components in subtraction.

Why do we need this knowledge? (learn to correctly read subtraction expressions, solve problems, equations, etc.)

We need this knowledge for further training.

What is the purpose of the lesson?

    Remember the names of numbers when subtracting.

    Set the name of the components when subtracting.

The white-sided magpie chatters a lot and mixes everything up. She brought the names of the components of numbers when subtracting, but she was so confused that she couldn’t do it without our help. Let's try to help the magpie.

Work in groups: on A4 sheets the expression 6-2=4

Assignment: you received sheets with the expression 6-2=4 and cards with subtraction components (minuend, subtrahend, difference). Glue one card under each number.

How to find out who is right?

Consult a textbook, an encyclopedia, ask a teacher, or electronic resources.

    Discovery of new knowledge.

What steps do we take when discovering new knowledge?

What I do not know?

I'll find a way myself.

Let's start the research.

To figure it out, you need to remember what it means to subtract? (take, put aside, put away).

In front of you is a geometric figure (circle).

Is he whole? (Yes)

How many parts does it consist of? (6)

Can we take some from it? (Yes)

Will the circle get bigger or smaller? (will decrease)

What will happen to it if we take a part from the whole? (the whole will decrease)

Therefore: the integer 6 is the minuend.

What happens to the second number, to part of the circle. We add or subtract this part 2.

Therefore: Part 2 is the subtrahend.

How many pieces are left? (4).

4 is the difference between the first and second number, i.e. How much more is 6 than 2? (at 4).

The question “by how much” is asked when comparing to find the difference.

Therefore: part 4 is the difference.

Minimum subtrahend difference

If the result of subtraction is called the “difference,” then expression 6-2 can be called the same – the difference of numbers.

How to prove? (between 6-2 and 4 there is a = sign)

difference difference

All numbers received names when subtracted. We repeat the components when subtracting in unison.

    Physical education minute.

    Primary consolidation.

A). Let's check our conclusions using the textbook. (p.29).

What birds do we see on p. 29. (Bullfinches) migratory or not?

b). Let's consolidate our knowledge by solving problem No. 3 p. 29.

Create your own subtraction problems.

V). While we were coming up with problems, another bird came to visit us - a jackdaw. She brought examples. Let's check all expressions for differences.

3+5 - sum

5-1 - difference

4-9 – incorrect, the minuend must be greater than the subtrahend.

7-4 - difference

6-3 - difference

8+2 – sum

G). To make spring sunny and our class even friendlier, let's build houses for rooks using geometric shapes.

What geometric shapes do you see on your desks? (circle, square, triangle).

What science studies them in detail? (geometry).

Build a house.

Check each other, everyone succeeded. Help each other if difficulties arise.

d). Differentiated task.

Turn over the pieces and choose a task.

Circle: Square: Triangle:

(easy level) (medium level) (difficult level)

7 – 4 = … 5 - … = 3 9 - … = 6

6 – 3 = … 4 - … = 2 … - 3 = 7

8 - 5 = … 6 - … = 4 10 - … = 10

Select a level. Insert a number or arithmetic symbol instead of dots.


Tell us according to the diagram what you learned in the lesson?

I remembered….

I was able.....

Has your mood changed?

Summary of a mathematics lesson on the topic “Components of subtraction: minuend, subtrahend, difference” (grade 1).

About myself: My teaching career began at school immediately after graduating from college in 1988. My pedagogical and life credo is to love a child and accept him for who he is.

Lesson type: lesson of discovering new knowledge.
Lesson format: lesson - game
The purpose of the lesson: Familiarize yourself with the names of the components when subtracting.
1. Work on the correct use of these terms in speech.
2. Continue getting to know the region and border.
3. Strengthen counting skills within 6.
4. Learn to determine the relationship between part and whole.
5. Repeat addition and subtraction on a number line.
Developmental: develop mathematical and creative abilities, speech, logical thinking, memory.
Educational: cultivate a love for the subject, a sense of camaraderie, and collectivism.
- cards with the words “reducible”, “subtracted”, “difference”;
— drawing by Karabas Barabas;
— image of three chests on envelopes;
- cut numbers, typesetting;
- textbook - notebook “Mathematics” by L.G. Peterson.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment. Formulation of the problem. (2 minutes)
- Guys, you and I already know what numbers are called when adding. How?
— Today in class we must learn what numbers are called when subtracting.

The bell rang for class
Znayka is looking forward to meeting you.
He will introduce you to new names.
He brought them to class in this envelope.
(I take the envelope and take out a note from it):
“I, Karabas Barabas.
Stole the names!
Do you want to know them?
Complete my tasks."

- What, guys, are we going to save the names?
- Then let's get to work.

2. Oral counting. (5 minutes)
1. State the answer:

Decrease by 1:

Decrease by 2:

Students create examples and solve them.

2. Solving problems:
Brought by the mother goose
Six children take a walk in the meadow.
All the goslings are like balls.
Three sons, how many daughters?
(6 – 3 = 3)

On a bush in front of the fence
Six bright red tomatoes.
Then four came off.
How much is left on the bush?
(6 – 2 = 4)

Tatyana embroidered beautifully
Two lilies and two tulips,
Three apples and pears.
What wonderful flowers!
Tell me how many of them you know.
(2 + 2 = 4)
Answers are posted on the board

— Add up the answers you received and guess which subject Karabas Barabas loves most:

- Why does Karabas Barabas love the golden key most of all?
(Because this key opens the door behind which the treasures are kept)

— Let's complete the last task of Karabas Barabas:
Karabas Barabas has three chests.
They store gold, silver and our names of numbers.
Guess what is in which chest, if in the 2nd chest there is silver, and in the 1st there is no gold.

3 envelopes with images of chests are hung on the board.
Under the guidance of the children, the teacher writes on the board under the envelopes what is in which chest:
1 chest: names of numbers
2 chest: silver
3 chest: gold

The teacher takes out and hangs cards with the names of numbers on the board.
- Well done!

3. Discovery of something new. Introduction of subtraction components. (10 min)
1. Practical work.

— Place 6 circles on the desk. Move 2 circles to the right.
- How many circles are left? (4)
- How to write this operation in numbers? (6 – 2 = 4)
-Which number is the largest? (6)
— What is the name of the number 6? (whole)
— What is the name of the number 2? (Part)
- What is the result? (Part)
- Return 2 circles to their original place. Now move them aside again.
— What can you say about the number of circles on the left side?
(It was 6, now it’s 4. The number of circles has decreased.)
— What do you think is the name of the number 6? (Minuend)
(Cards with names are fixed on the board, children choose one of three)




The “decrease” card is assigned to the number 6
- What do you think happens when we move and remove objects?
- What are we doing? Say it in mathematical language. (Subtract)
— What name will the number 2 have? (Subtrahend)

The “deductible” card is posted under the number 2
- What is the number 4? (Difference)
- Or the result of a subtraction action.
- What else is called difference? (6 - 2)
- Well done! You have put forward your own versions of the names of the numbers.

2.Working with the textbook.
— Open the textbook on page 62 No. 1.
— Look at the note in the frame.
— What is the name of the largest number in the record?
- What is the name of the number that was subtracted?
- What is the name of the number that you received in the answer?
- What else is called difference? (The example itself)
- How can we read this example?
— We read in chorus the entry in the textbook.
- Read our example (on the board) in different ways.

3. Finding unknown components by selection method

No. 2 page 62
a) 1st line of the table:
- What is known?
- Name the minuend, subtrahend.
- What is difference? (Part)
- What is it equal to? (6 is 2 and 4, which means the difference is 4, therefore, write the number 4 in the “window”)

b) 2nd line of the table:
- Underline the minuend in red, the subtract in blue.
- What is the difference?
— Write the result in the “box.”

c) 3rd line of the table:
- What is known?
- What is the minuend equal to?
- What is the difference?
- name the whole and parts.
- What is the subtrahend equal to?
- Prove it.
- What other expression can be made with these numbers?
(5 – 3 = 2)
d) 4th line of the table:
- What is known?
- What do you need to find?
- Circle the whole and underline the parts.
- How to find the whole?
— Write down the result.
- What expressions can be made based on what was received?
(5 – 1 = 4, 4 + 1 = 5, 1 + 4 = 5)
- Read the examples. Name the subtrahend, the difference.

4. Physical education minute. (1 min)
One, yes, three, four, five.
The children went out for a walk.
We found ourselves in a meadow
I run the fastest.
Buttercups, daisies, pink porridges.
Collected our first class -
This is the bouquet we have!

5.Repetition of the studied material. (12 min)
1. Areas and boundaries.
No. 3 page 62
Examples are illustrated from life.
a) Game “How to Catch Wolves”
— We need to make two fences from high stakes - one inside the other. Let's try.
The guys line up in two circles.
—Where is the border and the region?
(The island border consists of one external and two internal).

2.Independent work.
No. 4 page 62

3. Solving examples using a number line.
No. 5 page 63

4. Compiling numerical expressions from a drawing
No. 6 page 63
a) By size:
— What groups were the first set of figures divided into?
(To size)

- What expression did you get? (2 + 4)
- How many figures are there in total? (6)

b) In form:
-Indicate the sign of partitioning of the second set.
(According to form)
— How many figures are in each group?
- Write down the expression. (3 + 3)

c) By color:
— How many groups are there in the third set?
— How many figures are in each group?
- On what basis were they divided into groups? (By color)
-What expression did you write down? (2 + 2 + 2)
- What do all expressions have in common?
— What unites them?

5. Action signs.
No. 7 p. 63 (Solved with commentary)
6. Solving examples on addition and subtraction.
No. 8 page 63
— Explain the meaning of this task.

6. Lesson summary. (1 min)
— What did you learn about in class?
- What did you study?
— What did you like most about the lesson?
-What did you do best?

Public lesson

Item: mathematics.


Class: 1.

UMK:"School of Russia"

Target: create conditions for students to discover new knowledge: names of components of subtraction actions, promote the development of computational skills.

Lesson objectives:

Formation of communicative learning skills of students.

Lesson type:


1. Organizational moment.

Psychological mood of students.

Teacher- Let's smile at each other. May the lesson bring us all the joy of communication.

Today in class, guys, you will find many interesting tasks, new discoveries, and your helpers will be: attention, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.

2. Updating knowledge

Teacher- Let's start our lesson with a warm-up. Let's play the game "Tic Tac Toe". Conditions of the game: if the statement is correct, then we put a cross, and if not, we put a zero.

(children received leaves with a playing field)

1. The sum of the numbers 4 and 3 is 6 (zero) 2. If you reduce 10 by 3, you get 7. (cross) 3. There were 7 apples in the plate, 2 apples were eaten. There are 5 apples left on the plate. (cross) 4. 8 is 7 and 2 (zero)

Sample check.

Teacher- Who doesn’t?

(3 people raised their hands)

What do you need to repeat so that there are no mistakes?

Children: - I need to repeat the names of the components

And I need to solve problems correctly.

Teacher- Well done for being able to find your mistakes. Next time, be careful.

Bend the piece of paper (square) diagonally. What kind of figure did you get?

Children: - The result is a triangle

Teacher- What if you fold 2 triangles? What shape will you get? (work in pairs)

Children: - Artyom and I ended up with a square

And we have a big triangle.

Teacher - What shape can you build from 4 triangles?

(work in groups of 4 people).

The children turned to the next desk and began to build various figures.

RESULT. Well done! We completed the task. You got different figures because you are also different and think differently.

3. Working on a new topic

Teacher- Today we are going to a fairy tale, the heroine of which lives in one of the houses.

Teacher- To find out, you need to complete the task:

Teacher- What two groups can these expressions be divided into?

Children: - Can be divided into addition and subtraction.

Teacher- Write these expressions in two columns.

(Children write expressions in notebooks)

Teacher- What do the expressions in the first column have in common?

Children:- In these expressions the answer is 5

Teacher- Our heroine lives in house No. 5.

-Did you recognize her?

Children:- This is Little Red Riding Hood

Teacher- One day Little Red Riding Hood went through the forest to visit her grandmother. And as soon as she entered the forest, a Wolf appeared in front of her out of nowhere.

But I must tell you that the Wolf in our fairy tale was very polite, extremely courteous and offered to accompany the girl to her.

That forest was unusual because amazing animals lived in it: they all studied at forest school, were inquisitive, read different books, and therefore knew a lot of interesting things. Did you know that today the Day of Knowledge has been declared in the forest, and all the forest inhabitants, when they meet, ask each other various questions and tasks?

The wolf was the first to offer to complete his task.

Teacher- Read the math notation using the names of numbers when adding.

Children: - The first term is 2, the second term is -3, the value of the sum is 5

(The guys read all the entries).

Teacher- Now read the mathematical notation using the names of numbers when subtracting.

(children are silent)

4. Statement of an educational problem (2 min)

Teacher- Were you able to complete the task?

Children: - No

Teacher- What's the problem?

Children: - We don’t know what numbers are called when subtracting

Teacher- What do you think the topic of today's lesson will be?

Children: - Names of numbers when subtracting

Teacher- What should we learn?

Children: - We must learn to name numbers when subtracting, to correctly read subtraction expressions

Teacher- Today we will try to make a discovery.

(Each group receives 3 envelopes with cards.

In 1 envelope there are cards with the words reduced, minus, removed.

In envelope 2 - subtracted, moved away, thrown away.

In the 3rd envelope – difference, equality, result.)

Teacher- When subtracting, the first number decreases, so what can it be called?

Choose the correct name in your opinion and put it in front of you.

(the guys are doing the task)

Teacher- The second number is subtracted, so what can it be called?

Take the second envelope and choose the correct title.

Teacher- The third number shows the difference between the first number and the second, so what can it be called?

Do the same with the third envelope.

Here are three names. Where can we check that the task is being completed correctly?

Children: - You can check it using the textbook.

Teacher- Let's open the textbook on p. 27 and read whether you guessed correctly.

(students opened the textbook and are checking)

Well done. The names were chosen correctly.

Tutorial page:

Now read the mathematical notation using the names of the components of the subtraction action.


Result: we completed the wolf's task and learned the names of numbers when subtracting. Let's go on our way

5. Primary consolidation

Teacher - Having covered some distance through the forest, our heroes were met by


(answer: fox. Repeated letters need to be removed)

Work in groups.

Teacher- Guys, now we will try to complete task 1 in the textbook, using the knowledge we have acquired.

(Task 1. The minuend is 9, the subtrahend is 4. Write down the difference of these numbers and calculate it)

Each group is given an A4 sheet and a marker.

Teacher- Write down the solution on a sheet of paper large so that it can be seen from the board. Don't forget that you must explain why you chose this decision.

A representative from the group comes to the board, attaches the sheet with a magnet, and explains the solution made by the group.

Approximate explanation of children:

The minuend is the first number that we reduce, so we wrote 9. The subtrahend is the number that we subtract, which means we put a minus sign and the number 4. We calculated the result - it is 5. So the value of the difference is 5.

After listening to the opinion of each group, we draw a conclusion about the correctness of the task. .

Results control: verbal answers, signal cards.

Well done! And you completed this task.

And the bunny invites you to relax.

Physical education minute.

The boys dance to the music.

6. Repetition. The solution of the problem

Teacher The next one to hit the path was

Teacher- He offers

Read task No. 2, p. 27.

What is this problem about?

Read the problem statement. What is known?

What do you need to know in the problem?

Here are two short notes.

Teacher - Which one is suitable for our task? Why?

Children– The second one will do, because there are fewer apples left.

Teacher- Raise your hands, those guys who don’t know how to solve this problem?

Write down the solution and answer yourself.

(When checking, we use the names of the components of the subtraction action.)


Raise your hands if you did it differently.

(All children completed the task)

7. Independent work.

Teacher - Now I suggest you work on your own. Open your printed notebooks.

Printed notebook page 16 No. 1 (according to options)

Option 1 performs 1 line, and option 2 – 2 lines.

Peer review.

(there is a sample on the board)

Result: when completing this task, 4 errors were made in the calculation.

So our heroes went unnoticed to their grandmother’s house.

Grandmother was very happy about the guests. She decided to treat her granddaughter and the wolf with apples and asked her to complete the task: write the following expression on the apple:

The minuend is 7, the subtrahend is 3. Find the value of the difference.

(The children received cut out apples and wrote an expression on them)

Now check that the task was completed correctly (there is a sample on the board).

(All the guys completed this task)

8. Lesson summary.

- What new did you learn in class today?

Children:- Today in class we learned what numbers are called when subtracting: minuend, subtrahend, difference.

9 .Reflection.

How do you feel at the end of the lesson?

Draw a smiley face on the apple and show it.

Thank you for the lesson, you made me very happy, and I am also in a joyful mood now.

The lesson is over.

Self-analysis of a mathematics lesson in 1st grade

primary school teachers

Nikolaeva Svetlana Mikhailovna

Item: mathematics.

Subject:"Minuend. Subtrahend. Difference"

Class: 1.

UMK:"School of Russia"

Target: create conditions for students to discover a new topic, understand new concepts and terms (introduce students to the components of subtraction), and promote the development of computational skills.

Lesson objectives:

Introduce students to the concepts of “minuend”, “subtrahend”, “difference”, teach them to use new terms when composing and reading mathematical expressions for subtraction;

Promote the development of thinking, memory, attention;

To develop the ability to communicate with peers, taking into account different opinions and observing the rules of communication culture and speech culture.

Lesson type: a lesson in “discovering” new knowledge based on the technology of the activity method.

Planned educational results:

Personal: formation of educational and cognitive interest in educational material; ability to evaluate one's educational activities.


    regulatory learning tasks: be able to accept and maintain a learning task; plan your actions in accordance with the task; carry out step-by-step control of the result; adequately perceive the suggestions and assessments of comrades;

    cognitive UUD: be able to use sign-symbolic means to record new concepts and solve problems; construct a message orally; carry out analysis of objects to identify essential features, compare and classify according to specified criteria;

    communicative UUD: be able to formulate one’s own opinion and position; to ask questions; take into account different opinions and justify your position; exercise mutual control.

Subject: Students will learn to name components when subtracting; use the names of components when composing and reading mathematical equations; repeat methods for solving problems of the types studied.

Forms of organizing children's activities: group, collective, individual.

Methods used: problem presentation, explanatory and illustrative, work with a textbook, oral and written exercises.


    textbook Moro M.I., Volkova S.I., Stepanova S.V. “Mathematics”, 1st grade, part 2;

    computer, multimedia projector;

    Workbook for the textbook

    signal cards;

    reference diagrams, cards for independent work.

The lesson was held in 1st grade. It has 25 students, 2 of whom did not attend kindergarten. According to the results of diagnostics of the level of development, 3 students (12%) have a high level of development, 15 students (60%) have an average level, and 7 students (28%) have a low level of development.

This lesson number is in the section “Numbers from 1 to 10. Addition and subtraction.”
During the lesson, the age and psychological characteristics of the students were taken into account. How? In the content of the lesson, I included elements of teaching schoolchildren universal educational actions: the goals of the lesson were determined by the students themselves, based on the corresponding problem situation. I built my lesson in accordance with the requirements laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard, using information and communication technologies.

During the lesson, the principles of clarity, scientificity (children operated with scientific concepts), accessibility (implemented in the selection of material), and the principle of connecting learning with life were implemented.
An important point also in the lesson was adherence to a health-saving regime: changing types of activities, dynamic pause, exercises to relieve eye strain.
The general organization of work in the lesson made it possible to create a working environment in the class and rationally distribute time at each stage.

The following forms and teaching methods were used during the lesson:
verbal (oral message, dialogue);
visual (multimedia presentation of lesson stages);
methods of oral and written control and self-control;
practical (participation in the “transformation” of one figure into another);
problem-search method (when selecting the names of action components).
During the lesson, various forms of student work were used:
- in pairs;
- group.
During the lesson, in order to intensify the work, various types of checks were used: self-check from the board, mutual check of the work done in pairs. Thus, regulatory UUDs were formed.

During the work, the guys showed a high level of mastery of the material, developed computational skills and abilities, were attentive, polite, patient with each other, and presented the studied material consistently and logically.
The material selected for the lesson was available to all students in this class. The chosen type and form of conducting the lesson justified itself.

This was a lesson from OHS. During the lesson, the concepts of “minuend, subtrahend, difference” were introduced. For self-determination in the activity, a problematic situation was created, which demonstrated to the students a lack of mathematical knowledge. Students learned to determine the topic of the lesson and formulate the immediate learning goal.

As a result of group work, children made suggestions on how to name numbers when subtracting. The children's guesses were checked using the textbook. This work was carried out so that students learned to acquire new knowledge, find answers to questions using the textbook, their life experience and information received in the lesson.

To consolidate the learned material through the children’s activities, another goal of the lesson was set: to learn to write down and make differences. A game moment was used for this.

Knowledge testing was carried out during independent work in workbooks, which contained tasks of varying levels of complexity. Independent work was checked as a result of a step-by-step self-test using a sample. Self-assessment completed.

Feedback was provided when working with a mathematical fan and emoticons.

Testing the development of skills and abilities was organized throughout the lesson:

Answers to teacher questions;

Verbal counting;

Arithmetic dictation;

Solving problems of the studied types.

A variety of forms of organizing educational work:



Creating an emotionally favorable situation:

Gaming techniques;

Entertaining material for counting;

Tasks aimed at developing spatial thinking.

Types of control:

Student - student (for group work and pair work)


Student - teacher (comparing your work with a model)

At various stages of the lesson the following methods were used:



High performance of students throughout the lesson was ensured by:

Correct regulation of the duration and rational alternation of various types of activities;

Using a visual teaching method;

The presence of dialogue between the teacher and students;

Moments of switching from one type of activity to another;

Maintaining interest in the learning process through non-standard tasks and developmental tasks.

The psychological atmosphere was maintained through a democratic communication style, creating a situation of success for each student, stimulating student activity, which ensures emotional comfort and psychological safety.

I believe that all the objectives set during the lesson were achieved. The children learned the material, taking into account the abilities of each child, and there was no overload.

Study time in the lesson was used effectively, the planned volume of the lesson was completed. The intensity of the lesson was optimal, taking into account the physical and psychological characteristics of the children.

The lesson was summed up. Students learned to ask each other questions about the topic of the lesson and answer them.

At the end of the lesson, a self-analysis of the students’ activities in the lesson was carried out. Children assessed their work in class using emoticons.

I think the lesson achieved its goal.