And their curls are white as snow. Alexander Pushkin - Song of the Prophetic Oleg: Verse

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WHY I TOOK UP A PEN I didn’t have to change professions in search of a job that would be more to my liking. My whole life is connected with the Soviet Navy. I made a choice once, when I was very young, and I never regretted it. I was fifteen years old - in those years I was still

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Hello! My name is Margarita Kaponova. Many of you know me. Not so long ago, on March 1, it was exactly 8 years since I worked for the company. I wondered, how many people do I know? And what do I even know about the place where I worked for so long?

The company is growing, developing... But most of us only have information that is within the scope of our immediate activities.

We communicate with each other within the framework of the assigned tasks, prove that we are right, and achieve our goals. And we often see blurry images in each other, hidden behind the emails on our monitors, behind the phone numbers and job titles. And we don’t always see each other as people! Interesting, enthusiastic, honest people, united by working in one team, in one company. Isn't this one of the reasons for misunderstandings, squabbles, resentments and mutual hostility? And as a result, there are problems and obstacles in the wheels of the work process?

Ever since I moved to the Strategic Development Department, I have been dreaming of meeting the PEOPLE of our company. After all, one of my tasks is to connect the New Territory company with big world, both in one and the other direction. What they say to us, about us, and what we want to tell the world is all for me.

But how can I talk about something I don’t know myself? So a great idea came up to kill two birds with one stone: to patch up my “gaps” and introduce us all to each other. Let's start getting to know each other from the most unexpected and, of course, from the best sides.

Tadammm! I am glad to present my first material on a given topic.

Where to start? I won’t lie, they told me... I need to start with the RC!

Why? I believe that the DC is the heart of the company. As a person close to biology, this image is very clear to me. The heart in the human body is a tireless motor. It drives blood through the vessels, supplying the most remote corners of the body with everything necessary. Having made a circle, the blood rushes back to the heart to hit the road again. This is all about our RC! Numerous trucks, like red blood cells, are loaded and transporting, transporting, transporting our useful products along the beaten roads of the country...

The first person of the Distribution Center is, of course, the head, Oksana Valerievna Suvorova.
I went to her office.

I was immediately struck by the contrast. I heard that Oksana is a person whom many are afraid of: strict, sometimes even harsh. But in her office I was struck by the abundance of flowers, an aquarium with fish and a wall covered with photographs. They show Oksana laughing, fooling around, and making funny faces.

So what is she like - the real Oksana Valerievna? Let's figure it out together!

Before “New Territory” Oksana worked in large company, the owner of which was a Frenchman. It so happened that during his next visit general directors the companies were unable to meet him at the airport - one overslept, and the other was stuck in a traffic jam. The Frenchman was offended, dissolved the organization - and 1,500 employees ended up on the street. And so, having a wealth of work experience (warehouses, logistics, shipment control) and a “lazy” resume (10 years in one place, 10 years in another and 3 years with a Frenchman), Oksana came to us for an assessment. There were 12 men and one woman candidates. As you already understood, she was chosen out of all the applicants.

As the new manager, Oksana very quickly joined the team. In the planning department, relationships developed immediately, as if we had worked together all our lives. But with the warehouse employees it turned out to be more difficult: at that time there were various disagreements, mistakes, problems, and personnel changes were planned. It was very difficult for Oksana - she had to work 20 hours a day, constant lack of sleep, worries, misunderstandings, tears. But she stood her ground: not to fire a single person until she teaches them how to work! It was really difficult. The turning point was the day when 7 loaders simultaneously wrote applications for settlement. The issue of reducing staff turnover and team unity arose urgently.

The idea was born by itself. Oksana began to communicate with employees every day, holding five-minute meetings, explaining the meaning and importance of the work each person does, the concept quality product, packaging rules. I told stories from my life, not related to work, I just talked to people. The result was not long in coming: the employees saw that the DC is a single whole, consisting of separate pieces. We realized that no puzzle would be complete if at least one piece was missing...

Each person, with his own mind and desire, must create a comfort zone for himself and those around him in order to go to work with joy.

Ideas came one after another and were gradually brought to life. Do operators have a lot of routine work that requires them to stay late? - Automated! There is no mutual understanding with the technical service of UMK? — We created our own mini-technical service!

Step by step, Oksana created an atmosphere in which everyone would want to work.

How work is organized at the DC:

The order is received by the planning department and can be adjusted during the remaining days before shipment. After formation, the plan is transferred to logisticians and the DC. The ordered products are generated on the day of shipment using a computer. The storekeeper enters the order number on the tablet and the program itself generates a list for shipment: the name of the product, including the number of the place on the rack, the number of the dock where the machine is waiting. Until the storekeeper and controller have checked all the items and ticked all the necessary boxes, the program does not allow you to print shipping documents. For products rejected for some reason, the program allocates a separate address in the warehouse and blocks this cell for shipment. There have never been any failures in the program, however, a backup server is provided for this case, and all employees are able to work manually.

When Oksana came to the plant, only 270 tons of products could be stored at the distribution center; the employees were spinning like squirrels in a wheel. Now 750 tons are stored painlessly. Everyone works with dedication. For example, according to the state there should be 40 loaders working, but only 30 can cope!

— Oksana, not so long ago the branches were transferred to your jurisdiction. How do you feel in your new status?

Oksana: The first week was difficult. Previously, there was some understanding: the DC is mine, and the branch is somewhere out there... Of course, you worry about it, you try to do “the best,” but there is still a border, a separation between the DC and the branches. Then everything settled down inside me, settled down, and I found a bunch of advantages of also having branches under my jurisdiction. I sincerely wanted to set up the work so that everything would function as a single organism: the heart nourishes and all organs work perfectly.

I see my function in relation to the branches not as a mentor-controller, but as a mentor-assistant.

I’ve already visited some, and I’m planning on some. I communicate closely with everyone. I want my work to be easy, simple and clear. I note every visit to the branch as fruitful in terms of cooperation. I can say that I enjoy interacting with absolutely everyone.

I have my own approach to work: if I’m interested, I go ahead and do it. Nobody bothers me. I manage to realize myself on my own. I’m not bored: every time there’s a sea of ​​ideas, a sea of ​​projects. I have this peculiarity of my brain: during the day I can’t think of anything, but at two in the morning I wake up and ideas are gushing out! Sometimes I can’t remember the name of some artist, but you ask me about work, what are our plans, what needs to be done, checked, found out or anything else - here I will tell you everything. How can you say how many hours a day you work?

Now there is another big idea. I would like to create a program that, based on an order made by a client, would provide information on all materials and raw materials necessary to complete this order. This will allow the planning and production department to work as a single, well-coordinated mechanism and create a holistic picture. There is also a request for early shipment, so I’m now thinking about the idea of ​​order picking at night in order to send cars to branches in the morning.

Overall, I can say that I am proud of RC. I'm proud of how together we were able to organize the process, taking into account many restrictions, and with our workload we work with a minimum of errors.

Of course, in such a large enterprise with complex logistics, a wide range and a large number of orders, inconsistencies, misunderstandings, and overlaps arise. I am always open, ready to discuss this and look for a way out. Every problem has a solution, you just need to see it, find it, even if not right away.

-Where do you get the energy for everything?

Oksana: I live this way and it’s natural for me. I never hang out in the “covered” state; it can last a maximum of 5 minutes. I can’t allow myself to become limp, because people come to me...

— What do you do for a living besides work? And in general, with such active and varied activities, is there any time and energy left for anything else?

Oksana: I don't have a single free day! There is not a single evening when I sit at home. I prefer an active, eccentric and desperate lifestyle.

We have a very friendly company: my classmates, girls from the prosecutor's office. We go to all quests, scary, funny, educational. We spend evenings together, writing poems and songs. It all started 5 years ago. We often got together, just talked, played “goat”. I wanted a more active pastime and I suggested holding Pioneer Day. We found clothes, attributes, got ready... Then there was Komsomol Day, then Military Party, where we shot, solved puzzles... These are our mini-quests, we come up with them for each other ourselves. It's really addictive.

In the same group we play table tennis, skate, ski, bike and travel a lot, with or without tents. Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan... I’ve been almost everywhere in Russia: Seliger, Zolotore Koltso, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Baikal. Various adventures there are. Once we got lost and had to spend the night in the taiga. It’s good that it happened on an island; there are no bears there. I usually divide my vacation into 2 parts - tourist and beach. Once upon a time I went to Turkey-Egypt, but I realized that an all-inclusive vacation was not for me, the food and drink were not interesting. This time we chose Vietnam, there is a lot to see there.

I participate in the work of the Tula Kayak Club. Twice a summer we conduct an excursion: we gather families with children near Efremov who have never gone kayaking, and arrange a master class for them: how to set up a tent, how to assemble a kayak, how to make a fire correctly... And then we organize rafting on the Krasivaya River Sword.

In general, outdoor recreation is one of my favorites. Silence, Fresh air, the birds are singing. And so, last June, the four of us with our friends got together and bought a dacha. This whole project. Still, sometimes they learn, they try to do something for the first time. So our dacha is a field for self-development.

For example, I became interested in what electricity actually is (I have never even tried to install an outlet in my life). I decided to do it myself at the dacha, read a bunch of literature and... reconnected all the wiring, installed boxes and sockets where I needed them. The next thing we started doing was laying paving slabs, also ourselves and also for the first time. At the same time as construction, they started gardening. We laid out borders, decorated the beds in the shape of the sun, planted strawberries and tomatoes. The trees were cleared, whitewashed, and made beautiful! Overall, last year we accomplished 300% of our plans! This year I plan to build a gazebo. I want a large one, wooden, with a canopy. There must be an artificial pond around, a bridge from the gazebo to the barbecue area, a fountain...

We say goodbye. Oksana takes it out of the closet outerwear, notices a wooden plank on the shelf and hands it to me. On the board there are ornamental elements, patterns, curls, some are simply drawn, others are cut out. “It was in my spare time that I decided to try my hand at sawing wood,” comments Oksana. At that moment, I finally decided to write my first article not about the RC as a whole, but about its leader, Oksana Valerievna Suvorova.

I am truly impressed by such irrepressible energy and love of life! What do you say?

Margarita Kaponova
Coordinator of the Company's reputation formation

mail: , phone: 8-977-774-68-08

May-June 2013

“Sorry, dear co-author,” said Academician Pyatitomov to the visiting Professor Sinitsyn. “I forgot to warn you: we won’t be able to work together today.” Taken on too many responsibilities: theses, graduate students, exams... Sorry for disturbing your plans. You should go for a walk or something - this is how the weather has turned out.

“I’d better, since I’ve already come, sit and chat with Seryozha,” answered the professor. “I don’t have any such special plans.”

The grandson of the academician Sergei smiled joyfully.

- That's good. “And I’m at my desk,” grandfather sighed. - I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.

“Everyone understands this,” the professor nodded.

The academician disappeared into the office. Seryozha and the professor went to the kitchen.

“But I don’t understand,” the grandson admitted, biting his teeth into an apple. - What is this “buzz”? What kind of “dozen”?

“Eh, young and green,” Sinitsyn smiled into his mustache. -Have you ever seen a horse?

“Of course,” Seryozha recalled. - In zoo. And recently they showed dressage competitions on TV. Beautiful.

“Well, that’s not quite right,” said the professor. “Your grandfather and I found it was still time for work horses.” They carried loads. And to do this, you first had to harness the horse to the cart. This is not an easy matter. First of all, you need to fasten the clamp with the shafts...

Seryozha chuckled.

- Why am I explaining the incomprehensible through the incomprehensible! - Sinitsyn came to his senses. — A collar is a somewhat elongated wooden ring that encircles the horse’s neck and top part her breasts. Lined with felt to prevent chafing. And the shafts are two poles. Each of them is attached at one end to the clamp, and at the other to the front axle of the cart wheels. But! - and the professor waved his hand.

- In what sense - “but”? - asked Seryozha.

- The fact that the driver urges the horse, tells it to go forward. She, of course, obeys the owner, begins to step with her feet, presses her chest on the collar, the movement through the shafts is transferred to the wheels, and the heavily loaded cart moves! Faster and faster! But…

- The owner is pushing the horse again! - Seryozha realized.

“No,” Sinitsyn corrected him, “this time the “but” was in a different sense. So, the cart moves, but if the shafts are poorly connected to the clamp, the whole system will fall apart. Just imagine: the horse is separate, the cart is separate... To prevent such trouble from happening, tugs are needed - leather loops on the collar that connect it to the shafts. Only a very strong - that is, hefty - person can tighten the tugs properly. This is how the historical saying arose: “When you grab a tug, don’t say that it’s not strong.” Having accepted voluntary obligations, one must not retreat in the face of difficulties, citing weakness or unfavorable circumstances.

“Now it’s clear,” Seryozha nodded his head.

  • TUG V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. A loop in the clamp that fastens the shaft to the arc. I took up the city, don’t say it’s not hefty (ate: ...
  • TUG in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    || picked up the tug, don’t say: don’t...
  • TUG
    Obs horse-drawn, horse-drawn transport Cartage. tug loop in the clamp, fastening the shaft with the arc. Took hold of the g., don’t say, ...
  • GUZH in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. loop, wreath, ring, roll, lobe, blind leash. | In the harness, there is a blind leather loop secured in the clamp claws; the buzz is swirling...
  • TUG
    tugha, m. (special). 1. A loop in a harness that connects the collar with the shafts and the arc. When you grab the tug, don’t say that...
  • TUG in the Dictionary of Automotive Jargon:
    1) horse traction; 2) element for fastening the shaft to...
  • TUG in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    cm. …
  • BEHIND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    someone-what and by whom-what, preposition with wine. and TV clause I .1. On the other side, outside, behind someone. Step over the threshold. ...
  • TUG
    (Maria Olympia Gouges, by her husband Aubry, 1748-1793) ? French writer and activist Great Revolution. The daughter of a small merchant in Montauban, she...
  • TUG in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    gu"zh, guzhi", guzha", guzhe"th, guzha", guzha"m, gu"zh, guzhi", guzho"m, guzha"mi, guzhe", ...
    No... me about...
  • TUG in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • TUG in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    a loop, …
  • TUG in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • TUG in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    tug, -`a, tv. ...
  • TUG full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    buzz, -ah, tv. ...
  • TUG in the Spelling Dictionary:
    tug, -`a, tv. ...
  • BEHIND in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    2 over any limit He is over forty. The conversation went past midnight. The frost is already thirty degrees. for 2 sake, in...
  • FOR in Dahl's Dictionary:
    sentence with wine and creativity | With an accusative to the question Where, shows the limit of movement behind, behind, outside of what. Behind the night...
  • BEHIND in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    grasps at straws. Proverb. 2. for what. To take something, to start something. do (colloquial fam.). He takes on any task. They grab onto the most...
  • BEHIND in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    (without stress, except in those cases when the stress from the noun is transferred to the preposition, for example, by the nose, beyond the sea), preposition with creative. ...
  • TUG in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    m. 1) A leather or rope loop at the clamp, which serves to fasten the shaft to the arc. 2) decomposition Guzhevoy...
  • TUG in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1. A leather or rope loop at the clamp, used to fasten the shaft to the arc. 2. decompression Guzhevoy...
  • TUG in the Bolshoi Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    I m. A leather or rope loop at the clamp, used to fasten the shaft to the arc. II m. Guzhevoy...
  • RUSSIAN PROVERBS in Wiki Quotation Book.
  • UKRAINIAN PROVERBS in the Wiki Quote Book.
  • ENGLISH PROVERBS in Wiki Quotation Book.
  • SPEAK, DON'T SPEAK! SPEAK, AND LOOK BACK. in Dahl's Proverbs of the Russian People.
  • JAPAN*
  • FRANCE* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • FINLAND* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • FEUDALISM in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • FACTORY LEGISLATION in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? In our country, this name, not entirely correctly, means the entire department of legislation, which in the West bears a more appropriate name...
  • UNIVERSITY in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • TURKISH WARS RUSSIA in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    [From this general outline the histories of some individual wars of more important importance are further highlighted.] ? I. Relations and wars of Russia...
  • TRADE in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (theory). ? Trading is understood as fishing activity aimed at overcoming obstacles separating producers and consumers in time and space. This …
  • SIBERIA* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • ROME CITY* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • PEASANTS in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    Contents: 1) K. in Western Europe. ? 2) History of Kazakhstan in Russia before liberation (1861). ? 3) Economic situation of K. ...
  • GREAT BRITAIN* in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    Contents: A. Geographical outline: Position and borders; Surface design; Irrigation; Climate and natural works; Space and population; Emigration; Rural...
  • BIBLIOGRAPHY in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • BANKS in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? in the modern economic system, banks are the highest form of credit intermediation and the most important bodies of bill and money circulation. The purpose of banking...
  • CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE OF THE RSFSR in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB.
    FEDERATION - This code defines the legal, economic and organizational foundations customs affairs and is aimed at protecting economic sovereignty and economic security...
  • RUSSIAN LABOR CODE in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    FEDERATION (approved by the Supreme Court of the RSFSR on 12/09/71) The preamble is excluded. - Law of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 1992 No. 3543-1. (as amended by Decrees of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 1973, dated ...
  • BREAD in Wiki Quotebook:
    Data: 2009-08-06 Time: 11:23:49 = B = * We mow down the barns, but ask for bread for ourselves. * You can’t fill a bin with fables. *...
  • DOCTOR HOUSE in Quotation Wiki.
  • BAKHTYAR MAMEDOV in the Wiki Quote Book:
    Data: 2009-04-19 Time: 07:29:03 Bakhtiyar Melik oglu Mamedov was born on January 5, 1962 in the city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. Education …
  • TOUCH TO PICK in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - …
  • AESTHETICS in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? constitutes a special branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and art. The very term E. comes from the Greek ??????????, which means sensual, and ...

How the prophetic Oleg is getting ready now
Take revenge on the foolish Khazars;
Their villages and fields for a violent raid
He was doomed to swords and fires;
With his squad, in Tsaregrad armor,
The prince rides across the field on a faithful horse.

From dark forest, towards him,
An inspired magician is coming,
An old man obedient to Perun alone,
The messenger of the covenants of the future,
He spent his entire century in prayers and fortune-telling.
And Oleg drove up to the wise old man.

“Tell me, magician, favorite of the gods,
What will happen to me in life?
And soon, to the joy of our neighbors-enemies,
Will I be covered with grave earth?
Reveal to me the whole truth, do not be afraid of me:
You will take a horse as a reward for anyone.”

“The Magi are not afraid of mighty lords,
But they don’t need a princely gift;
Their prophetic language is truthful and free
And friendly with the will of heaven.
The coming years lurk in darkness;
But I see your lot on your bright brow.

Now remember my words:
Glory is a joy to the warrior;
Your name is glorified by victory;
Your shield is on the gates of Constantinople;
Both the waves and the land are submissive to you;
The enemy is jealous of such a wondrous fate.

AND blue sea deceptive shaft
In the hours of fatal bad weather,
And the sling and the arrow and the crafty dagger
The years are kind to the winner...
Under the formidable armor you know no wounds;
An invisible guardian has been given to the mighty.

Your horse is not afraid of dangerous work;
He, sensing the master's will,
Then the humble one stands under the arrows of enemies,
Then he rushes across the battlefield.
And the cold and the lashing are nothing to him...
But you will receive death from your horse.”

Oleg grinned - however
And the gaze was darkened by thoughts.
In silence, leaning his hand on the saddle,
He gets off his horse gloomily;
AND true friend with a farewell hand
And he strokes and pats the cool guy’s neck.

“Farewell, my comrade, my faithful servant,
The time has come for us to part;
Now rest! no one will step foot
Into your gilded stirrup.
Farewell, be comforted - and remember me.
You, fellow youths, take a horse,

Cover with a blanket, a shaggy carpet,
Take me to my meadow by the bridle;
Bathe; feed with selected grain;
Give me spring water to drink.”
And the youths immediately departed with the horse,
And they brought another horse to the prince.

The prophetic Oleg feasts with his retinue
At the clink of a cheerful glass.
And their curls are white as morning snow
Above the glorious head of the mound...
They remember days gone by

“Where is my friend? - said Oleg.-
Tell me, where is my zealous horse?
Are you healthy? Is his running still as easy?
Is he still the same stormy, playful person?”
And he heeds the answer: on a steep hill
He had long since fallen into deep sleep.

Mighty Oleg bowed his head
And he thinks: “What is fortune telling?
Magician, you lying, crazy old man!
I would despise your prediction!
My horse would still carry me.”
And he wants to see the horse's bones.

Here comes the mighty Oleg from the yard,
Igor and old guests are with him,
And they see - on a hill, on the banks of the Dnieper,
Noble bones lie;
The rain washes them, the dust covers them,
And the wind stirs the feather grass above them.

The prince quietly stepped on the horse's skull
And he said: “Sleep, lonely friend!
Your old master outlived you:
At the funeral feast, already nearby,
It’s not you who will stain the feather grass under the ax
And feed my ashes with hot blood!

So this is where my destruction was hidden!
The bone threatened me with death!”
From dead head coffin snake
Meanwhile, hissing crawled out;
Like a black ribbon wrapped around my legs,
And the suddenly stung prince cried out.

The circular buckets, foaming, hiss
At the mournful funeral of Oleg;
Prince Igor and Olga are sitting on a hill;
The squad is feasting on the shore;
Soldiers remember days gone by
And the battles where they fought together.