Insolvency insolvent. By origin I

Disease and healing powers - Nishi System.

Health system

The inconsistency of traditional views on diseases and their treatment is increasingly being revealed. Doctors with more and more new patented drugs find themselves unable to cope with the diseases of their many patients. But there are no fewer sick people. Alas, modern medicine is not omnipotent, so increasingly there is a need to take a different approach to the problem of diseases.
Contrary to conventional medical views, I do not offer methods to combat countless diseases, but a way to maintain health. Over many years of research, I have created a Health System, which I can call the science of health. Like any science, it generalizes the experience of mankind, analyzes it, tests it experimentally and derives a law, following which makes a person invulnerable to disease.
I view the human body as a self-regulating system, I cannot agree with those who rudely invade it, thinking that they are bringing benefit and healing. Traditional medicine, when fighting a disease, tries to suppress its symptoms with the help of drugs, which leads to a violation of the structural integrity and functional energy of organs and tissues. After all, any substance that cannot be assimilated by a living organism and used by it to maintain life is poison for it. It is necessary not to treat the disease, but to help the body awaken its own healing powers, using natural methods to remove obstacles that interfere with the proper flow of natural processes in the body. The doctor must restore cosmic forces in the countless ducts and channels of the body, help the body clear the paths along which the stream of cosmic life flows, in other words, open the path to self-healing, since the laws of self-regulation and self-healing lie at the basis of all vital activity of the human body.
A sufficiently wise nature endows every person with the potential ability to put in order any problems that may occur in his system. But the healing powers that each organism possesses have their limits. Therefore, a person must support them and help them work more efficiently. And he must do this using only natural healing methods.
Since every living being has healing powers inherent in it by nature, then treatment should be understood as the awakening of these healing powers using natural methods based on knowledge of the main biological laws governing the body.
The human body is a system where everything is interconnected. The human body is often called the "human economy". There is something wise in this expression, since in reality any healthy economy, be it state, rural, economic or public, lives under the rule of law - sometimes “inside”, sometimes “outside”, sometimes “credit”, sometimes “debit”. In the human economy, nutrition means “inside” or “credit”, excretion means “outside” or “debit”. Sweating, diarrhea, vomiting are the large unpaid debt on the current account of the human economy, which the body has to return, since this is the only suitable way to regulate the unbalanced account in the human economy.
Essentially, the healing powers of nature are one example of a reaction inherent in any living organism, when any of the reactions begins to act to save the entire organism. Losing the concept of the human body as a whole, traditional medicine fights a specific disease by suppressing its symptoms with the help of drugs. And the health system is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the healing powers of nature, thereby maintaining the health of the patient as a whole. What we call symptoms of illness are actually manifestations of the healing powers of nature. The body needs these forces. They eliminate any disorders in the human body. This does not mean that there is no need to suppress fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. They need help, because they play the role of healers: temperature burns accumulated toxins in the blood, vomiting cleanses the stomach of poisons, diarrhea clears the intestines of them. We need to fight not with them, but with the poisons that gave rise to them, and in no case should we grab onto additional poisons - medicines.
In order not to interfere with the action of the healing forces of nature, it is necessary to know the principle of self-regulation that occurs during illness; only then is it possible to create the most favorable conditions for the body. And only such treatment will be beneficial!
No method of maintaining health can be a practical and rational means until it is based on the principle: understand the reason! And only then - to interfere with the work of nature itself, rather not to interfere, but simply not to interfere and, if possible, to help. This is another important principle of the Health System.
Nature creates a living organism healthy. She puts it in protective forces- the strength of immunity, self-regulation, self-healing and self-improvement. So why do various disorders and disorders arise? In order to understand this, it is necessary to understand the concept of “health”.

What is health

Taken at its core in every sense, the word “health” means completeness, perfection of the organization, that is, vital reliability, freedom of action, harmony of functions, energy and freedom from any tension and constraint. Health is based on the principle of interaction and interdependence of organs. Health depends on the harmony or balance between the conflicting, opposing forces of the body: movement and rest, action and reaction, acid and alkali, heat and cold, absorption and excretion.
These forces are constantly at work in the body, and our healing powers are designed to maintain a balance between them. The more effective they are, the better your health. And to have good health means to never have discomfort caused by an imbalance between these opposing forces (and, if it occurs, to be able to quickly eliminate it).
However, very often we not only do not help healing powers our body, but we also interfere with them, violating the laws of nature. Knowing the basic laws of nature and following them is another principle of the Health System. Unfortunately, our world today is a world of people who are well educated in the field of non-positive knowledge, that is, knowledge that is not related to man and nature. You can be great at technology and still suffer from chronic indigestion. Unfortunately, even medical students are not required to study healthy people! Health signs and symptoms are not studied. No medical college has submitted applications for healthy subjects for clinical examination. But the health clinic on outdoors more important than a hospital bedside clinical study. A place where the population and students would be taught how to establish and maintain health, not at all at a hospital bed, but at fresh air! But no one has seen it yet medical school in the gym, on the beach, in a sanatorium or in a dining room, where issues of health and its symptoms would be discussed.
Any disease (excluding injuries and genetic diseases) is the result of a violation of the laws of life of the human body, the laws of nature. Therefore, it is necessary to treat by restoring the action of biological laws, and this is possible only with a correct understanding of their action. You can restore a person’s health only by knowing what health is and what laws it obeys. In order to defeat a disease, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence, and in order to understand these reasons, you again need to know the basic laws to which this organism is subject. The health system provides this knowledge and fills in the gaps that have arisen due to a one-sided view of health - the view from the side of illness.

Regarding these words, we must say that the difference between the doctrine of royal power, set out in the comments of the author of the critical review, and the doctrine of the same “Russian Ideology” is so great that there is no need to talk about these comments as an addition to our book.

We have already pointed out a number of our fundamental differences on issues of the divine establishment of royal power, its basis in the Holy Scriptures. Scripture and its dogmatization, or more precisely, the dogmatization of the doctrine of royal power.

In addition, we consider it necessary to note other significant differences between the teachings of the author of criticism and the teachings of “Russian Ideology”.

According to the latter's view, we declare that the power of the anointed king, in its great significance, is a value in itself. Author critical article attributes a relative value to this power.

According to the teachings of “Russian Ideology”, the personality of the Tsar-anointed of God is sacred for us, i.e. the subject of our special reverent attention. The author of the critical review says that the subject of our attention should not be the personality of the king and his power, but his attitude towards God and his royal power.

We affirm that the doctrine of royal power, as based on the words and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and His holy apostles, is a revealed doctrine, therefore this question in its essence is clearly, positively and definitely resolved in Divine Revelation. The author of the critical article rejects this and says that the doctrine of royal power is a problem, that is, that this issue has not yet been finally resolved and is therefore subject to rationalistic research.

There is a big difference between his interpretation and ours. biblical text about the origin of royal power (1 Samuel 8-12); in the interpretation of the words of Christ: “ kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36); “... who made Me judge... you” (Luke 12:14); the Gospel place, which speaks of the desire of the Jewish people to proclaim Jesus Christ as the king of the earth (John 6:15), and other places of the Holy. Scriptures; in the interpretation of the words of St. Theodore the Studite and the words of Metropolitan Philaret.

This difference indicates the contrast of the very direction of the monarchist worldview of the author of criticism compared to ours. Our direction, as we said at one time, is determined by the basic thought about the divine establishment of royal power, or more precisely, the Orthodox faith in the revealed truth about the Divine origin of this power and its basis in the Holy Scriptures. Scripture. And the direction of the author of the critical review is determined by his basic rationalistic thought, which denies this faith, due to which he looks at the doctrine of royal power at its basis not as a revealed truth, but as a problem.

It all comes down to the fact that our doctrine of royal power is based on the clear and positive teaching of Divine Revelation and Orthodox faith in it, and for the author of the criticism it, as a problem, is the subject of rationalistic study. Hence, our monarchical worldview, as emanating from the revealed truth and the Orthodox faith in it, is true, ecclesiastical; and we cannot call the monarchical worldview of the author of the critical article, as rationalistic, true and ecclesiastical.

Therefore, it can in no way be an addition to our book “Russian Ideology”. Due to the listed differences and opposites, and especially due to its basic negative rationalistic thought, the monarchical teaching of the author of criticism is the destruction of the true monarchical worldview.


The relevance of the topic is obvious given Russia's transition to market economic methods, the most important of which is the presence of a modern and efficient banking system. Since the 1930s In Russia, legal relations related to the insolvency of enterprises were practically not regulated. The official doctrine did not recognize the institution of bankruptcy, since in a planned socialist economy there is no place for insolvency. Early 1960s Bankruptcy rules were generally excluded from USSR legislation.

In legislation Russian Federation The institution of bankruptcy received legal recognition in 1992 in the Law of the Russian Federation of November 19, 1992 No. 3929-1 “On the insolvency (bankruptcy) of enterprises.”

Thus, the main reasons for the need to reform bankruptcy legislation were the lack of experience in its application and the inappropriateness of borrowing practices from other, more economically and politically developed countries without taking into account Russian reality. As a result of this, the Russian legal system insolvency regulation. Federal Law of January 8, 1998 No. 6-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" was in to a greater extent aimed at protecting the interests of creditors. As a result, it turned from a means of improving the economy into a source of conflicts and led to the ruin of many solvent enterprises. Often, creditors were not interested in taking measures for the financial recovery of enterprises, but in their bankruptcy and taking possession of their property.

These and many other circumstances necessitated the development and adoption of a new Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” in 2002.

The purpose of this work is to consider issues of insolvency of credit institutions.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. Explore Russian legislation on the insolvency (bankruptcy) of credit institutions;

2. Consider the concept, criteria and signs of insolvency (bankruptcy).

The difference between the concepts of “insolvency” and “bankruptcy”

According to widespread tradition, insolvency is understood as the poor financial condition of an enterprise, characterized by its inability to pay its obligations. Often in domestic research When studying this phenomenon, it is overlooked that the insolvency of an economic entity for its obligations is only an external form of its internal problems, or rather the result of production inefficiency. Economic assessment the activities of the enterprise also comes down to only a statement of fact: whether or not the enterprise is able to fulfill its obligations to counterparties. IN Russian practice application of the insolvency mechanism, the decision on bankruptcy of an enterprise is made only on the basis of studying it external signs. In conditions of stable market systems, when the insolvency of any economic entity is an exception and is caused, first of all, by internal inefficiency of production, such a simplified approach to understanding insolvency is acceptable. But the massive failure of domestic enterprises requires a different definition of this economic category.

A thorough study of any economic phenomenon involves studying both its external form and internal content. The external form of insolvency of an enterprise is insolvency, that is, its inability to timely pay its financial obligations (according to Russian legislation to counterparties for monetary obligations and for tax and other obligatory payments to the state).

The internal content of inconsistency in normal market economy is the degree of business performance below a certain level.

There are 6 stages of business before the final financial collapse:

1. Profitable activity - the business is so effective that it generates cash flow in an amount sufficient to reimburse current expenses (taking into account tax deductions, which can also be classified as current expenses), as well as obtain net profit.

2. Break-even activity - the cash flow generated by the business covers only current expenses, and no net profit is generated.

3. Unprofitable activities without signs of insolvency - the cash flow generated by the business is insufficient to cover current expenses, however, liquid assets accumulated over previous periods ensure that all current expenses are covered.

4. Temporary insolvency - the efficiency of a business's cash flow generation is weak to the extent that both previously accumulated liquid assets and the cash flow generated are insufficient to cover current expenses. At the same time, there are illiquid assets sufficient to satisfy the claims of all creditors. But it is necessary certain time to transform them into liquid form and satisfy the requirements of creditors.

5. Intermediate insolvency - the insufficiency of the cash flow generated by the business, as well as the lack of liquid assets of the enterprise, can only be overcome by a qualitative change in the business. In this case, naturally, it will take more time than when transforming illiquid assets into liquid form.

6. Absolute insolvency - the business’s cash flow generation is so weak that even with qualitative change business Money will not be enough to make current payments (obviously unprofitable activity).

This classification is based on the assumption that all sales revenue generates cash flow.

Thus, the internal content of insolvency, as a complex economic phenomenon, is the inefficiency of a business, and the external form is its insolvency. Any change in the external form (business insolvency) is derived from changes in the internal content (business efficiency).

Insolvency, which is an external form of insolvency, does not appear immediately, but only in the last three stages of business inefficiency. Accordingly, three types of enterprise insolvency can be distinguished:

1. temporary insolvency;

2. interim insolvency;

3. absolute insolvency.

IN foreign countries Bankruptcy procedures are applied only in cases of absolute insolvency. The basis of the current Russian insolvency legislation is not the criterion of absolute insolvency, but the concept of insolvency in general.

Unfortunately, still in many domestic economic research, dedicated to insolvency, there is no definition that reveals the content of this economic category. Researchers in best case scenario are limited to citing the legal definition given in the Russian insolvency law and revealing its legal side, and in worst case They don’t explain this concept at all. But it is necessary to take into account that the legal category of insolvency is completely derived from the economic category of insolvency (more in a broad sense the legal superstructure of society is derived from its economic basis).

IN Federal law 2003 “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) provides the following definition of insolvency: insolvency (bankruptcy) - the inability of the debtor, recognized by an arbitration court or declared by the debtor, to fully satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) to fulfill the obligation to pay mandatory payments. Such a simplified approach to insolvency in the form of an inability to fulfill one’s obligations in a timely manner leads to the replacement of the content of the insolvency of an economic entity with its external form.

Based on the above judgments, the concept of insolvency can be defined as follows.

Insolvency is a degree of ineffectiveness entrepreneurial activity(business), in which the volumes of cash generated, as well as liquid assets accumulated over the entire period of the business’s existence, are insufficient to satisfy all external requirements associated with such activities (to contractors, employees, tax authorities).

Both in economic research and in legal practice, no distinction is made between the concepts of “insolvency” and “bankruptcy”. Russian insolvency legislation also does not distinguish between the concepts of “insolvency” and “bankruptcy” and uses these terms as synonyms. Whereas in many countries a distinction is made between them. In some countries, only the term "insolvency" is used and the term "bankruptcy" is not used at all. In the USA, only the term “bankruptcy” is used. In the neighboring Republic of Belarus, there is a clear distinction between the concepts of “bankruptcy” and “insolvency”. It is obvious that both in legal norms and in economic science it is necessary to make a distinction between these similar, but having different economic and legal meanings. Many lawyers propose to legally distinguish between the concepts of “insolvency” and “bankruptcy” and to apply the concept of “bankruptcy” only in cases of unlawful behavior of the debtor that caused damage to creditors. There is even a point of view that insolvency is the insolvent state of the debtor, and bankruptcy is the actions of the debtor (mostly illegal) that led him to such a state.

In our opinion, insolvency is qualitative characteristics business inefficiency, the external side of which is insolvency in the form of the debtor’s inability to fulfill its obligations and satisfy the claims of creditors on a certain date. And bankruptcy, in turn, is the result of insolvency and represents the cessation of the existence of a business within the framework of a given organizational, economic, production and technical system due to its non-compliance with the requirements. The insolvent situation of an enterprise can end either in bankruptcy or in its recovery (reorganization). If bankruptcy is a negative result of business insolvency, then financial recovery is a positive result. Therefore, depending on the future prospects of an economic entity, two types of insolvent situation of an enterprise can be distinguished:

1. with a possible improvement in financial condition and recovery from the crisis;

2. without a real possibility of improving financial condition (bankruptcy).

In the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" reveals the inconsistency and inconsistency of the theory of nihilism, of which he is an adherent main character Evgeny Bazarov.

Firstly, it is impossible to name a single true follower of the theory except Bazarov.

So, Arkady Kirsanov respects Evgeniy for his intelligence and loyalty to ideals, but cannot share his views.

Arkady admires nature, accepts art and feelings, but in his soul he is soft, sentimental and generous, outwardly hiding behind a mask of nihilism. In addition, at the end of the novel, Arkady became an economic landowner.

Another “follower” - Viktor Sitnikov, who was ashamed of his merchant origin, called himself a liberal and a nihilist, imitating Bazarov. He loved to express contempt, especially towards women, which explained his views. Sitnikov did not think about ideas, he was too stupid for that. But, despite his “principles,” he got married and “cringed before his wife, born a princess.”

And finally, Evdoksiya Kukshina is unkempt, vulgar and stupid woman“emancipe”, which is always harsh in its assessments and irreconcilable in its views.

She is interested in the status of women in society and natural sciences. Kukshina has an unhappy fate: her husband abandoned her, she is ugly and does not enjoy success with men. External interest in nihilism is determined by the desire to be part of an “important cause.”

Secondly, Bazarov’s worldview is gradually collapsing. Love for Anna Odintsova broke one of Evgeniy’s principles, which was the reason for the weakening and fall of the rest. He could not control his feeling, for a long time not realizing that love is not subject to man.

Thirdly, before his death, Bazarov understood and accepted love, and thought about whether the world needed him.

Thus, by showing the “followers” ​​of the protagonist and leading Eugene through the test of love, I.S. Turgenev proves the inconsistency of the theory of nihilism.

Updated: 2017-09-29

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Useful material on the topic

Option 1

1. Turgenev’s novel is dedicated to memory
A. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky B. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev
V. Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov G. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

2. The inconsistency of Bazarov’s views is revealed:

3. Finish Bazarov’s statements:

A. “Nature is not a temple, huh.?” B. “If you like a woman, try.?.”

4. Whose description is this:“a man of average height, dressed in a dark English suit and a fashionable low tie and patent leather ankle boots... He looked about 45 years old: his short hair White hair shone with a dark shine, like new silver...”

5. “In the morning everything in the house was already gloomy, the dishes were falling out of Anfisushka’s hands... Vasily Ivanovich was fussing more than ever” Why?

6. Which of the novel's heroes is it talking about?“She believed in all sorts of omens, fortune-telling, conspiracies, dreams; she believed in holy fools, in brownies, in goblins, in bad encounters, in damage, in folk medicines... in the imminent end of the world.”

7. ESSAY: Which side are you on in the conflict of the novel? Explain and prove your point of view.

Option 2

2. Who calls himself “self-deluded”

A. Sitnikov B. Vasily Ivanovich V. Pavel Petrovich G. Bazarov

A. “A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than anyone else.”

B. “I find it beautiful to speak...?”

4. Whose portrait is this:“... she was a young woman of about twenty-three, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childishly plump lips and tender hands. She was wearing a neat cotton dress; the new blue scarf lay lightly on her round shoulders?


7. ESSAY Do you agree with the statement that the Kirsanovs are "insignificant and pathetic fathers"? Give reasons for your point of view.

Option 3

1. The basis of the conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is:

A. Quarrel between P. P. Kirsanov and E. V. Bazarov.

B. The conflict that arose between E.V. Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov.

B. The struggle of bourgeois-noble liberalism and revolutionary democrats.

D. The struggle between liberal monarchists and the people.

2. Whose description is this:“a tall, thin man, with tousled hair and a thin aquiline nose, dressed in an open old military frock coat. He stood with his legs spread apart, smoking a long pipe and squinting in the sun” and “a round, short old woman in a white cap and a short colorful blouse”?

3. Which replica does NOT belong to Bazarov
A. “Raphael is not worth a dime...”
B. “She would only have to wear a train at the back and a crown on her head.”
V. “... and a burdock will grow out of me.”
G. “You, to my taste, are superfluous here; I can’t stand you, I despise you...”


6. Who gave this description to whom:“You were not created for our bitter, tart, bogly life. You have neither insolence nor anger, but only youthful courage and youthful enthusiasm. Your brother, a nobleman, cannot go further than noble humility, and this is nothing... You are a glorious fellow; but you’re still a soft, liberal gentleman.”

A. Bazarov - Pavel Petrovich B. Bazarov - Sitnikova V. Bazarov - Arkady G. Sitnikov - Arkady.

7. ESSAY. Pisarev: “Turgenev does not like merciless denial, and yet the personality of the merciless denier emerges as a strong personality and inspires involuntary respect in every reader. Turgenev is prone to idealism, and yet none of the idealists depicted in his novel can compare with Bazarov either in strength of mind or strength of character.”

Bazarov, according to Antonovich, is “a glutton, a chatterbox, a cynic, a drunkard, a braggart, a pathetic caricature of youth, and the entire novel is slander against the younger generation.” Whose point of view is close to you? Prove why?

Option 4

1. The inconsistency of Bazarov’s views is revealed:

A. in ideological disputes Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov B. in a love conflict with Odintsova

V. in dialogues with Arkady Kirsanov G. in relations with Sitnikov and Kukshina

2. Which statement is wrong?

3. Complete Bazarov’s statements:

A. ".?. not worth a penny"

B. “Human moral illnesses are due to the bad state of society. Correct society - and...?”

4. Which of the characters in the novel “Fathers and Sons”...“dreamed that in the biography of his son there would be a phrase: “the son of a simple staff doctor, who, however, managed to figure him out early and spared nothing for his upbringing””?

5. Whose description is this:“A gentleman of about forty years old, in a dusty coat and checkered trousers... we see him in the month of May 1859, already completely gray-haired, plump and slightly hunched, he is waiting for his son, who, like himself once, received the title of candidate”?


A. Irony B. Satire C. Hyperbole D. Oxymoron


Option 5

1. I. S. Turgenev gave overall assessment political content of his novel “Fathers and Sons”: “My whole story is directed against...” Finish the sentence.

2. Whose description is this?: "A girl of about eighteen, black-haired and dark-skinned, with a somewhat round but pleasant face, with small dark eyes. Everything about her was still young-green: her voice, the fluff all over her face, her pink hands, and slightly clenched shoulders".

3. What completes last chapter novel?

A. Report future fate Pavel Kirsanova
B. Description of the old Bazarovs’ visit to their son’s grave
V. Story about the events in the house of Nikolai Kirsanov
G. Information about the “nihilists” Sitnikov and Kukshina

4. Complete Bazarov’s statements:

A. “Such a rich body, even now in...?..”. B. “There are no principles at all, but there are...?..”.

5. Who calls whom? retired man" And " ladybug»?

6. Which artistic medium dominates the description of Arkady's love for Odintsova?

A. Hyperbole B. Satire C. Irony D. Oxymoron

7. ESSAY.Describe your views Bazarov the nihilist. What is he denying? What is he guided by in his denial? Are his views specific? Do you agree with Bazarov?

Option 6

1. The disputes between the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” revolved around various issues, worried social thought Russia. Find the odd one out:

A. On the attitude towards the nobility cultural heritage.

B. About art, science. B. About the system of human behavior, about moral principles.

D. On the situation of the working class. D. About public duty, about education.

2. Arkady Kirsanov tells E. Bazarov the life story of his uncle, P. P. Kirsanov, in order to:

a) satisfy Bazarov’s curiosity b) keep a bored friend busy

c) to place Bazarov in favor of his uncle d) to justify P. P. Kirsanov’s sybarism

3. How did Arkady and Bazarov spend their time in Maryino?

A. Arkady plowed the land, Bazarov was idle

G. Arkady was dragging after Dunyasha, Bazarov was reading Pushkin

4. Which of the characters in the novel “Fathers and Sons”… “... lived very well and quietly: they

they almost never parted, read together, played four hands on the piano, sang duets; she planted flowers and looked after the poultry yard, he occasionally went hunting and did housework”?

5. Who says and under what circumstances:
“Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out”?

6. What is the fate of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov after the duel and death of Bazarov?


Option 7

1. At the heart of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is a conflict:

a) father and son Kirsanov (generation conflict)

b) landowners and serfs ( social conflict)

c) common democrats and liberal nobles (ideological conflict)

d) Bazarov and Odintsova ( love conflict)

2. Who is this?"A girl of about eighteen, black-haired and dark-skinned, with a somewhat round but pleasant face, with small dark eyes. Everything about her was still young-green: her voice, the fluff all over her face, her pink hands, and her slightly compressed shoulders ".

3. Complete Bazarov’s statements:

A. “A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than anyone else.” B. “I find it beautiful to speak...?”

4. What artistic medium dominates in the description of Sitnikov and Kukshina?

A. Personification B. Satire C. Hyperbole D. Oxymoron

5. I. S. Turgenev gave a general assessment of the political content of his novel “Fathers and Sons”: “My whole story is directed against...” Finish the sentence.

A. The proletariat as an advanced class. B. The nobility as an advanced class.

B. The peasantry as an advanced class. D. Democrats as an advanced class.

6. Which statement is wrong?

A. Odintsova Anna Sergeevna never got married B. Kukshina went abroad

V. Katerina Sergeevna had a son, Kolya

G. Two weddings took place; Arkady with Katya and Nikolai Petrovich with Fenechka

7. ESSAY. What attracts you and what repels you in Bazarovo? Explain and prove your point of view.

Option 8

1. The basis of the conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is:

a) Quarrel between P. P. Kirsanov and E. V. Bazarov.

b) The conflict that arose between E.V. Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov.

c) The struggle of bourgeois-noble liberalism and revolutionary democrats.

d) The struggle between liberal monarchists and the people.

2. Who is this? A tall, thin man “with tousled hair and a thin aquiline nose”, dressed “in an open old military frock coat”

3. Who gave this description and to whom:“You were not created for our bitter, tart, bourgeois life. You have neither insolence nor anger, but only youthful courage and youthful enthusiasm. Your brother, a nobleman, cannot go further than noble humility, and this is nothing... You are a glorious fellow; but you’re still a soft, liberal gentleman.”

a) Bazarov - Pavel Petrovich b) Bazarov - Sitnikova c) Bazarov - Arkady d) Sitnikov - Arkady.

4. Which replica does NOT belong to Bazarov
A. “Raphael is not worth a dime...” B. “If only she could wear a train behind her and a crown on her head”
V. “... and a burdock will grow out of me.” G. “You, to my taste, are superfluous here; I can’t stand you, I despise you...”

4. What artistic medium dominates in the description of the duel?

A. Personification B. Satire C. Irony D. Oxymoron

5. What happened to Anna Sergeevna Odintsova (epilogue of the novel)

A. Got married B. Continues to live the same life C. Dies D. Moves abroad

6. Which assessment of the main character is correct?

7. ESSAY. What do you think: why couldn’t the love of Bazarov and Odintsova take place? Prove your opinion. Is Odintsova to blame for not answering Bazarov?