Drawing early spring in the preparatory group step by step. Drawing lesson in a preparatory group on the theme "spring", "winter", "space"

When it got warmer outside, the snow began to melt, and inspiration appeared, it’s time to take some paints with your child and paint spring.

Spring, which everyone looks forward to after a frosty and snowy winter, brings not only changes in nature, but also changes in a person’s mood. It becomes upbeat, joyful, you want to renew yourself, like nature, you want to create and create. And then the children were given the task of drawing early spring, so they can combine their creative impulses with completing it.

How to paint early spring with children step by step with paints for beginners?

Several simple, feasible options for children are offered.

Early spring means swelling buds on trees and bushes, which become larger every day and are about to turn into young leaves or flowers. Therefore, you can first draw a branch using a wider brush, and then use a thinner brush to draw small shoots and leaves on the branches.
To make the drawing bright and life-affirming, the sheet on which the branch is drawn can be pre-colored, for example, blue.

Children's drawing of spring with paints: steps 5-7.

Children's drawing of spring with paints.

Early spring means the first flowers.
We draw a snowdrop, tulip, or any other flower with petals around the core. Children will do well with such simple drawings. Children will be happy to draw a cheerful, bright sun over the flowers. Those who are older can add an insect to the drawing, which will bring the image to life.

Spring flowers in stages: tulip.

Spring flowers in stages: snowdrop. Spring flowers in stages: daffodil.

You can also suggest drawing a landscape, for example, hills from which the snow is gradually but steadily melting. Therefore, in some places you will need to leave the color white in the drawing, and in some places you will need to paint over the hill with a dark brown color. Let the bright yellow sun shine again over the hills and ravines, bringing the long-awaited warmth closer.

Spring landscape.

An interesting option is to create a design in a non-traditional form simply with paints and brushes, but, for example, by dipping a small diameter of the bottom of a plastic bottle into paint. So, a branch is first drawn. Then the bottom, which has convexities, is sealed onto it, so it turns out to be a very elegant and beautiful design, and it is interesting for the child to use different methods of creating it.


How to paint spring in the forest step by step?

  1. Spring needs to be painted with bright colors - blue, yellow, brown.
  2. The composition of the picture is determined, for example, a forest standing in the distance and a field in front of it.
  3. The horizon line is marked, and it does not need to be in the middle of the sheet.
  4. The contours of the forest are outlined against the sky, and shades for the trees are chosen. Trees can be painted in a circular motion with a brush. Remember the rule: the further away the object, the blurrier its image should be, and vice versa.
  5. The sky is painted with diluted blue paint.
  6. I also detail the trees using thicker brown paint. By mixing blue and bright yellow, you can get a soft green tint of young foliage.
  7. Now we draw the melting snow, make clearings in the forest using brown paint.

How to draw spring with gouache quickly?

  1. Take a sheet of paper and gouache paint. Mix white and blue colors, paint over about a quarter of the sheet. It will be a spring sky.
  2. Mix white, blue and red paints to get a lilac-purple hue, and use circular movements at the top of the picture to create the outline of the forest in the distance.
  3. Apply a little white or blue paint on top to add dimension.
  4. In the foreground, blue and white paint can be used to depict a melting, shapeless snowdrift.
  5. Add yellow paint to the center of the picture, separating it from the image of the forest and from the snowdrift with white stripes.
  6. Add more detail to the forest by painting the trunks and branches of the trees in the forest with a richer blue color. Add green young sprouts on top of the yellow background in the center.
  7. Once you're done with the background, wait until the drawing is completely dry.
    Next, you can draw birch trees, they are just getting ready to awaken in early spring after winter. First draw their outlines.
  8. Throw shadows onto the white contours of the birches with blue paint.
  9. Then add texture to the birch bark by mixing black and white paint.
  10. Draw branches on the birches and apply black paint to the trunks to finish off the bark.
  11. Complete the drawing by adding brown and white paint to the ground to show that in some places the snow has already melted, and in others it remains in a shapeless form.

Spring in gouache.

Drawing, one of children's favorite activities, allows preschoolers to maximize their creativity. Pupils of the preparatory group are able to create compositions on a wide variety of topics, including depicting expressive pictures of nature. Drawing a landscape is closely related to the process of understanding the surrounding reality (through observations, familiarity with works of art, etc.). This is a complex aesthetic and developmental activity that enriches various aspects of the child’s personality.

Features of drawing landscapes in the preparatory group of a preschool institution

Creating landscape compositions is one of the main directions of drawing classes in the preparatory group. Preschoolers depict objects of nature at an earlier age, starting with simple drawings of a dandelion, chamomile or Christmas tree. Six-year-old children can already realistically depict any season of the year, conveying the characteristic features of autumn and winter, spring and summer.

The independent creation of one or another picture of nature is always preceded by familiarity with the works of outstanding landscape artists. Pupils of the preparatory group perceive such works well, despite the lack of an entertaining plot in them. The children easily determine the season being described in the painting and analyze the colors that helped the painter convey the image. Preschoolers are able not only to understand the content of the landscape, but also the feelings that the artist wanted to convey.

The teacher’s task is to select colorful and emotional works of art that clearly demonstrate the signs of a particular season or natural landscape. As examples, let us cite the works of A. Savrasov “The Rooks have Arrived”, I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, “March”, I. Shishkin “Rye”, E. Panov “Winter in the Forest”.

Photo gallery: a selection of landscape compositions by famous artists

Reproduction of a painting by A. Savrasov Reproduction of a painting by I. Levitan Reproduction of a painting by I. Levitan Reproduction of a painting by E. Panov Reproduction of a painting by I. Shishkin

Children’s personal observations of nature, which are carried out during a walk, play an important role. This contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of aesthetic feelings. In the process of such contemplation, it is good for the teacher to read to the children poems by Russian poets that are suitable for this or that picture of nature. Thus, preschoolers will learn to compare the landscape described in a poetic work with what actually exists in the surrounding reality.

The preparatory group also practices drawing a landscape based on a poem: children embody artistic images on paper.

Children aged six to seven years already have well-developed color perception: they learn to correlate color shades with the background of the picture. For example, preschoolers understand that bright green or yellowish leaves look contrasting against a blue or gray sky, and pale blue flowers on a pale green stem will look impressive against dark green grass.

During a walk, it is good for the teacher to emphasize the beautiful colors that are found in nature, for example, bright snow-white snow sparkling in the sun or emerald spring grass, bright yellow dandelions.

Pupils of the preparatory group also know how to competently compose the composition of a drawing: they clearly distinguish between the foreground and background and depict objects of the appropriate size, know the horizon line, etc.

When creating landscape compositions, preschoolers should not have a teacher’s model in front of them - this will avoid template work. The sample is replaced by reproductions of paintings by artists or photographs. The teacher can only show children how to depict individual objects that cause difficulty.

An important point in a drawing lesson is the analysis of finished compositions. Note that this process is closely related to the development of speech. First of all, the children are invited to admire the resulting landscapes, and then the discussion begins. Attention is drawn to the expressive rendering of images, be it golden autumn, a winter forest or awakening spring nature. The addition of original details to the drawing is encouraged. The teacher seeks detailed comments from preschoolers regarding the color of the drawing: delicate, muted, or, conversely, juicy, rich. The children can optionally be asked to talk about their work, for example, what moment of spring does the composition depict.

The most appropriate materials and basis for work

To create a landscape composition in the preparatory group, a variety of materials will be appropriate - paints (gouache and watercolor), colored pencils, wax crayons, as well as sanguine and charcoal pencils. Also at this age, drawings with a simple graphite pencil are practiced.

The easiest way to convey the color richness of nature (clear blue sky, sunrise and sunset, deep blue of the sea), of course, is with the help of paints. However, such work, compared to pencil drawing, is more labor-intensive and requires refined technical skills. When painting with watercolors or gouache, it is necessary to take care in advance of the appropriate background for the base - preschoolers independently tint it on the eve of class. So, for example, a blue-white background would be appropriate for a winter landscape, and a bright blue sky and a green lower part of the base (grass) for a summer landscape.

As always, an interesting effect is obtained by combining materials. For example, in a picture of an autumn forest, trees drawn with watercolors and colored pencils stand nearby.

Drawing with watercolors and pencils

Another original solution - on a floral landscape drawn with delicate wax crayons, catchy butterflies, made with bright felt-tip pens, flutter.

Drawing with wax crayons and felt-tip pens

Drawing techniques and techniques used by students (including prints/prints, monotype, blotography and others)

When creating landscape compositions, pupils of the preparatory group improve previously learned traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques.

Since most often pictures of nature are depicted with paints, the children practice techniques for working with a brush - all the bristles and the tip. In addition, an integral part of the work when drawing landscapes is composing the necessary colors on the palette. For example, tree trunks have different shades - dark brown, dark gray, gray-green. And preschoolers should be able to obtain these tones from the basic colors of paints. Snowdrifts do not have to be painted just white. The image will become more interesting if you add a drop of some other color to the white gouache - the snow will shimmer in shades, which will convey its beauty and fabulousness.

The teacher should warn children against the same type of depiction of landscape objects. For example, trees should be drawn in different ways: young, slender, but also old, spreading, with straight and curved trunks, etc.

When creating pictures of nature, the composition of the drawing is important: in order to convey a wide space, it is necessary to draw on the entire surface of the sheet. Objects located in the distance appear small, while objects in the foreground appear large.

In addition, drawings that have a horizon line separating the sky from the earth look beautiful. The teacher should explain to the children the technique of creating such compositions.

The horizon line is drawn in blue watercolor. Next, paint the sky with a brush well moistened with water. If a winter landscape is depicted, then the snow on the bottom of the composition should be lighter than the sky. It is painted with white paint, diluted with a drop of another color, for example, red - you get a delicate, slightly pinkish tint. The resulting mixed paint is heavily diluted with water - the result is snow that shimmers in the sun.

The snow should be lighter than the sky

Let us remind you that white watercolor or gouache must be applied with a thoroughly washed brush, having first checked on the palette that the brush leaves a transparent mark.

When drawing landscapes, it would be very appropriate to use unconventional methods of depiction. This is a monochrome technique, especially suitable for winter nature paintings: the guys paint exclusively with white gouache on a colored background - the image turns out to be contrasting and effective.

Drawing by preparatory group pupils in monochrome technique

Unusual summer and autumn landscapes are obtained using the monotype technique - this is how trees reflected in water are usually painted.

Drawing using monotype technique

Any time of year can be beautifully depicted using leaf prints.

Imprint with beet leaves

In addition, original trees and shrubs are obtained using blotography.


To depict a winter landscape, it is good to use cotton swabs and use them to draw large snow flakes. The technique of painting with salt or semolina is also suitable for this purpose - the material is sprinkled on top of the paint that has not yet dried.

Preschoolers should also be introduced to the wet-on-wet technique. The upper part of a tinted sheet of paper is wetted with foam rubber. Thus, objects depicted in the background will appear blurred or covered with snow. This method is very suitable for drawing spring landscapes.

Additional types of visual activities that can be used when creating works, implementation of an individual approach in the classroom

In order for preschoolers to fully experience the joy of creativity in class, the teacher must encourage their desire to supplement the composition with additional types of visual activities. This is, first of all, the inclusion of appliqué and sculpting elements into a landscape drawing. So, for example, the work will turn out to be very original if, mixed with brightly painted flowers, plasticine flowers grow in a summer meadow.

Drawing with modeling elements

Another interesting option is that beautiful applique “flowers” ​​bloomed on the apple trees.

Drawing with applique elements

A win-win option in terms of originality is the inclusion of origami elements in the drawing. For example, a fox made using the origami technique fits harmoniously into a colorful picture of an autumn forest.

Drawing using non-traditional techniques (cotton swabs, leaf prints) with origami elements

Specific composition options

Pupils of the preparatory group are offered landscape drawing at the very beginning of the school year. The children are invited to create a composition on the theme “Summer”, where they depict corresponding pictures of nature.

A little later (also in September) preschoolers improvise on the theme “Golden Autumn”. The purpose of such activity is to convey the characteristic bright color of the early period of this time of year

At the end of October, the guys create the “Late Autumn” landscape. Here, on the contrary, the emphasis is on the absence of rich colors; the picture is depicted in neutral tones (various shades of gray, brown, black, white).

From December, pupils of the preparatory group begin to practice drawing beautiful winter pictures of nature. These are “Winter Landscape” (December), “Hoarfrost covered the trees” (January), “Winter” (February). In these works, preschoolers reflect the characteristic features of the coldest time of the year, practice techniques for working with paints, and improve the ability to harmoniously arrange natural objects on a sheet of paper.

At the end of the school year (May), children are traditionally invited to draw spring landscapes - “Blooming Garden” and “Spring”. In the first case, children convey the appearance of spring flowers, paying attention to their shape and structure, and color palette. In a lesson on the topic “Spring,” preschoolers learn to draw on damp paper using the technique of blurring the image.

In addition, it is advisable throughout the year to offer the preparatory group students such topics as “Seascape”, “Mountain Landscape” (especially if the children live in a similar area), “Fantastic Landscape”.

Drawing a picture of nature can be organized as a team effort, when children depict elements of the landscape against a common background. These could be themes such as “Autumn leaf fall”, “Winter forest”, “Blossoming garden”.

Organization of a motivating beginning of direct educational activities: demonstration of pictures, observation on a walk, conversation, poem, fairy tale, etc.

In order for drawing landscapes to become exciting for children and to take place in a relaxed atmosphere, the teacher must, at the beginning of the lesson, set the preschoolers up for a creative wave and create the necessary motivation in them. In the preparatory group this could be a conversation. For example, the guys tell what they saw in the summer or what the trees look like in early autumn.

You can recall a couple of songs about a certain time of year (for example, “Song about Summer” from the cartoon “Santa Claus and Summer”), talk about what from the plot of the song can be depicted in a picture.

Visibility is important in class. For example, a teacher can cover tree branches with artificial frost - cover them with glue and sprinkle them with salt, semolina, sugar or small pieces of foam. Having such a nature before their eyes, it will be easier for preschoolers to depict trees covered with frost in winter. Before drawing on the theme “Blossoming spring garden,” the teacher invites the children to examine the fresh flowers standing in the vase. These can be daffodils, tulips, snowdrops. Children specify the shape and length of the stem, the location of the petals, the color of the plants, etc.

Of course, game motivation always arouses keen interest among students. For example, the teacher tells the children that on the way to work the postman handed her a letter. It is from Golden Autumn. She writes that the trees in the city are dressed in beautiful lemon and copper clothes. But soon the leaves will fall off and nature will fall asleep. The guys must help extend this autumn fairy tale - draw landscapes on the theme “Golden Autumn”.

Another creative solution is for preschoolers to have a Spring doll come to visit them. The children tell her why they were waiting for her and love her. Spring complains to the guys that Winter doesn’t want to give up its place for the owl - it will either add snow or let in frost. Spring alone cannot cope with it: children must help - draw beautiful spring pictures of nature.

A toy that can be used in a lesson on drawing a spring landscape

Let's consider another interesting option for motivation - the group receives a letter from children from distant, hot Africa. They have never seen winter and ask to draw pictures of winter nature for them.

Children always perceive fairy-tale motivation with interest. This could be works about the seasons, in which they are endowed with anthropomorphic properties. For example, the fairy tale “Dispute”, which was invented by a kindergarten teacher from the city of Neftekamsk, Safargulova I.S., is suitable. Four sisters, smart and beautiful, Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn always lived together. But one day they argued about which of them was the most important. Winter claimed that the year began with it, and everyone loved winter activities. Spring objected that it was her that people were always waiting for. Birds greet her with singing, and animals get out of their holes. Summer and Autumn, of course, were also considered each in their own way. The four sisters argued for a very long time and could not come to a consensus. In fact, each of the sisters is good in their own way: Winter with its blizzards and snow, gentle Spring with its warm sun and streams, Summer with its heat and coolness, and Autumn with its rich harvest.

After reading such a short fairy tale, the teacher can ask preschoolers what season they like, and then invite them to choose to draw a landscape related to their favorite season.

Poems about nature are very suitable for a motivating start to a lesson. The teacher selects works that clearly reveal the characteristics of a particular time of year. For example, the following are suitable:

F. Tyutchev

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands -
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -
Not dead and not alive -
Enchanted by a magical dream,
All entangled, all shackled
Light chain down...

Is the winter sun shining
On him your ray with a scythe -
Nothing will tremble in him,
It will all flare up and sparkle
Dazzling beauty.

A.S. Pushkin

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

“Autumn” A. Pleshcheev

Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up,
And they look sad
Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows
It's just turning green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field,
The rain is drizzling..

The waters began to rustle
of the fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warmer climes.

E. Baratitsky

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

The streams are noisy! The streams are shining!

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge

The ice she raised!

“Bird cherry” S. Yesenin

The bird cherry tree is pouring snow,
Greenery in bloom and dew.
In the field, leaning towards escape,
Rooks walk in the strip.
Silk herbs will disappear,
Smells like resinous pine.
Oh, meadows and oak groves, -
I'm besotted with spring.
Rainbow secret news
Shine into my soul.
I'm thinking about the bride
I only sing about her.
Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,
Sing, you birds, in the forest.
Unsteady run across the field
I will spread the color with foam.

“Summer” V. Orlov

- What will you give me, summer?
– Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
– What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
“Tell me your fortune quickly!”
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

Note that if the poetic work is small in volume and describes a specific image, then a conversation on its content is carried out immediately at the beginning of the drawing lesson. If the poem consists of several quatrains reflecting a number of natural phenomena, then it is advisable to first conduct on its basis a lesson on the development of speech, which will smoothly flow into visual activity.

Drawing lessons should include riddles about the seasons and the names of the months. For example, the following:

Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk,

Sews down feather beds,

By decorating all the windows? (winter)

Name it, guys,

A month into this mystery.

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass -

We are celebrating the New Year. (December.)

It stings the ears, stings the nose.

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly:

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun turned towards summer.

What month is this? (January.)

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house.

Those are storms and blizzards

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has increased noticeably

Well, what month is this? (February.)

There are a large number of physical education classes and finger exercises on the theme of nature. Let's take the following as an example:

Physical education lesson “Spring has come”

Physical education lesson “Snow” (based on a poem by I. Tokmakova)

Physical education lesson “Autumn has come”

Physical education lesson “Autumn”

Physical education lesson “Winter”

A little white snow fell
We'll go for a walk, buddy.
movement in a circle, holding hands
Snow, snow, white snowswing your arms left and right
Spinning and falling on everyonesmooth movements of the hands from top to bottom
The children are all up on skis
They ran after each other
simulation of skiing
We made things out of snowmaking a snowball and a woman
They blinded the snow woman.
Snow, snow, white snow
swing your arms left and right
Our grandma is the best!hands in a ring in front of you
We sit on the sleighstood in pairs one after another, clasped hands
And we quickly rush downhillmoving in circles
Wow!everyone fell to the floor
Oh, well, get up, get up, my friend!
And shake off the snow!
We walked for an hour!
Let's warm up now!
Got up off the floor and dusted yourself off

Finger gymnastics “Spring is red”

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Gerega S.A. "Spring mood"
Educational objectives: learn to draw spring landscapes using a variety of art materials and tools, using standard and non-traditional techniques, consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring.
Developmental tasks: develop compositional skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in collective creativity, the ability to coordinate one’s actions with other participants in the work.
Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.
Demo material: illustrations depicting a spring landscape, audio recording “The Sound of the Wind”, a beautiful box with balls, pillows.
Handout: Whatman paper, toothbrushes, foam sponges, cotton swabs, silhouettes of palms, cocktail straws, paper towels, yellow paste, fabric flowers, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, sippy cups.
Progress of the lesson:
An audio recording of wind noise plays. The teacher notices a piece of paper on the table. It has the inscription “Spring mood”. The teacher and the children realize that a spring landscape was previously depicted here, but the colors were probably washed away by the rain. The picture needs to be restored (motivation).
Children “go” to the country of Risovandia to solve this problem: they sit on an imaginary cloud (pillows), “rise above the ground” and “fly”.
Preschoolers are offered the didactic game “Mystery Boxes”. The teacher shows them a beautiful box filled with magic balls. Each child chooses a ball and winds it until he leads it to a small box. There is a drawing tool (toothbrush, foam sponge, silhouette of a hand, cocktail straw, etc.). After this, the guys “set off” back, and during the flight they remember the signs of spring.
The guys are distributed: some will depict natural objects on the top of the Whatman paper, others on the bottom. The teacher recalls drawing techniques with non-traditional materials, notes specific images that are best obtained with a toothbrush (grass, Christmas trees), foam rubber print (clouds), palm (trees), blowing with a tube (bushes, hedgehog, sun).
Finger gymnastics is carried out.
Independent work of preschoolers. The children who quickly completed the task are offered dandelions made of fabric, which need to be attached to the drawn grass using a drop of yellow paste.
Everyone admires the resulting picture together.
Reshetnikova E.
The teacher brings the children a letter that the postman gave her on the way to kindergarten. To find out who it is from, the guys must guess the riddle:
  • The days have become shorter
    The nights have become longer.
    Who will say, who knows -
    When does this happen?

The letter was written by Autumn. She worries that soon the trees and bushes will shed their beautiful yellow outfit and fall asleep. And I really want to extend the autumn fairy tale. The guys readily agree to help - to draw beautiful pictures on the theme “Autumn Forest”.
The teacher offers the preschoolers an autumn landscape located on the board for consideration, emphasizing that the objects in the background are depicted as small. Then the children's attention is drawn to drawing materials (brushes, watercolors, wax crayons) and options for depicting trees (for this, two children are called to the board to show).
Physical education “Autumn” is held with elements of finger gymnastics.
Independent work of preschoolers. Review of works. One of the children chooses, in his opinion, the most expressive work, then the most neat, and also the one where objects are correctly placed, taking into account proportions.
Reading an excerpt from I. Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves”:

  • The forest is like a painted tower, lilac, gold, crimson,
    It stands like a cheerful motley wall over a bright clearing.
Isimova M.K. "Trees in Frost"
(drawing by representation)

A preschooler is given a riddle about winter:

  • The cold weather has set in and the bear has stopped roaring.
    The water turned into ice. A bear hibernated in the forest.
    Long-eared gray bunny
    Turned into a white bunny.
    Who will say, who knows:
    When does this happen?

Children are offered reproductions depicting a winter landscape. Conversation about the signs of winter: what are periods of warming in winter called (thaw), what the sky looks like at this time of year, what kind of precipitation we see in winter (blue, frost), etc. For each correct answer, the guys receive a snowflake.
The teacher reads lines from outstanding Russian poets about winter:

  • Under blue skies
    The transparent forest alone turns black,
    Magnificent carpets,
    And the spruce turns green through the frost,
    The snow lies shining in the sun;
    And the river glitters under the ice.
    (A.S. Pushkin)
    Enchantress in winter
    The forest is bewitched
    And snow fringe,
    motionless, mute
    He shines with a wonderful life.
    (F.I. Tyutchev)
    Bewitched by the invisible
    The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep,
    Like a white scarf,
    The pine tree has tied up...
    (S.A. Yesenin)

A physical education session “Snow” is being held based on a poem by I. Tokmakova.
Listening to the composition of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter Morning".
Preschoolers are invited to depict the beauty of a winter landscape - trees covered with frost - on paper using sanguine sticks. This material conveys the roughness of tree bark well. You will need brown, black (for the trunks) and blue (frost on the branches) colors.
The teacher points out that sanguine is fragile: there is no need to squeeze it tightly with your fingers and press it onto the paper.
Children draw a winter landscape to the composition “Winter” by P.I. Tchaikovsky (album “Seasons”).

Exhibition of drawings. Telling proverbs and sayings about winter:

  • December ends the year, winter begins.
  • A good snowfall will save the harvest.
  • Not the snow that sweeps, but that which comes from above.
  • The frost is great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand.
  • And in severe frost the work will warm you up.
  • New Year - a turn towards spring.
Balakireva M. "Apple trees are blooming"

A conversation about spring and its signs. Children list the trees that bloom in spring.
There is a knock on the door - a toy bunny appears with an apple tree branch in its paws. The buds on the branch are swollen - leaves will appear soon.
Children describe what an apple tree branch looks like, and then they are asked to draw apple trees with blossoming leaves and flowers, so that they can then give the drawings to the bunny.
A physical education session is held:

  • You and I went to the field
    (Step in place)
    And they found flowers there.
    Bent over for one
    (Lean forward)
    And then for the second one,
    (Lean forward)
    We quickly ripped off the third one
    (Lean forward)
    And they ran with the bouquet.
    (Running in place).

The teacher recalls the techniques of drawing a tree. The trunk is depicted as a whole pile. To paint delicate apple tree flowers, you need to mix pink and white paint. The leaves are depicted using the dipping method.
Finger gymnastics is performed:

  • The sun is rising -
    The flower is blooming!
    The sun is setting -
    The flower goes to bed.

Independent activity of preschoolers. Exhibition of works.

Landscape compositions of pupils with comments on the completion of work

Summer compositions for preparatory group students are, as a rule, bright and color-rich works. Thus, huge colorful butterflies circle over a green meadow in the drawing “Ah, summer!” Blue clouds float in the clear sky here, and daisies peek out from the grass. The drawing is filled with a positive mood. A similar work is “Picture about summer.”

The work “Colors of Summer” is very expressive, where the child depicted a water landscape - soft pink water lilies growing on a lake.

A charming bright rainbow is depicted in the drawing “Summer Rainbow”. The work was done using an unconventional technique - poke painting. Let us note the interesting image of the sun with very long rays reaching almost to the ground.

The trees in the composition “Summer in a Birch Grove” are drawn in detail. An original detail - birch trees are endowed with anthropomorphic features - they have a human face.

A very delicate work – “What color is summer”, made in muted pastel colors. The drawing “Flower Meadow” produces a similar impression – the technique of drawing on wet is used here. This resulted in a beautiful blurry sky.

Photo gallery: selection of summer drawings

Drawing with gouache Drawing with watercolor Drawing with watercolor Drawing with watercolor Drawing with a poke Drawing with watercolor Drawing with watercolor on wet

Preschoolers create very colorful landscapes on the theme of golden autumn. The drawings are distinguished by an abundance of bright colors and are often made in gouache. Works using the monotype technique (“The Autumn Sunset”) are always original.

Children distinguish well between the foreground and background of a composition. In this regard, the composition “Autumn... Fairytale Palace” is indicative, where a beautiful tree with yellow foliage is clearly drawn in front.

The work “Goodbye, Autumn”, done with a pencil in soft pastel colors, looks very gentle. Let's note the beautiful mountain landscape in the background.

The composition “In the Park in Autumn” is charming: we see slender trees with multi-colored foliage and a graceful curved bridge over the river. Fallen leaves look beautiful against the background of blue water. The sky is made in very beautiful gradient transitions of shades.

The blue sky with a snow-white cloud in the “Autumn Day” picture is also picturesque.

Photo gallery: compositions with autumn landscapes

Watercolor drawing Pencil drawing Gouache drawing Monotype Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing Poke drawing Watercolor drawing Leaf imprint Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing

The winter theme predisposes to the use of non-standard drawing methods. In this regard, the work “Winter Magic Tree” is indicative, which is a combination of unconventional techniques: the tree itself is depicted using blotography, frost on the branches is poked with a semi-dry brush, owls on the branches are drawn with a finger, and snow flakes are painted with cotton swabs.

An entire winter forest, similar to a fairy tale, was created using a cabbage leaf print (“Winter Forest”). Also interesting is the composition “Winter’s Tale”, where the snow-covered crowns of trees are depicted with a poke, and bullfinches flying above them with the help of a stamp with an eraser. The mysterious forest is depicted in the drawing “Winter in the Forest”; a funny red fox is hiding near the tree.

Monochrome winter paintings are always expressive, for example, a tree dusted with white snow in the drawing “Tree in Frost.” Also impressive are the compositions “Winter Tree” (the trees look like snow clouds) and “Trees covered with frost” (the branches are intricately curved).

Charming Christmas trees in a snowy outfit are depicted in the drawings “Winter-Winter” and “Winter-Beauty”.

Abstract classes By drawing in the senior group Early...»

Maam.ru > Lesson notes on

Plan- abstract classes By drawing(senior group) on the topic...

Unconventional technique drawing « Early spring spring and signs Abstract events on non-traditional technology drawing (drawing plastic fork) in the older group. "I came spring and the hedgehog...

Nsportal.ru > Lesson plan for

Plan- abstract classes By drawing(middle group)...

Integrated class By drawing. « Early spring" Middle group. Prepared and carried out - observation on walks for spring changes in nature (color of the sky, snow, earth); - observation of trees in the kindergarten area at different times of the year

Nsportal.ru > Lesson plan for

Abstract classes By drawing in the senior group on the topic...

Topic: "I've arrived spring». Abstract classes By drawing in the older group. EducatorTasks classes: Educational: introduce children to the works of I. Levitan Now come up with definitions for the word “ spring"What is she like? (warm, early, beautiful, kind...).

Infourok.ru > Lesson notes on

Abstract GCD By drawing on the topic of: Spring using...

Abstract GCD using non-traditional technology drawing Spring clearing Author: Elena Vladimirovna Shalnova, teacher at MBDOU Kindergarten No. 391 Samara Description: this material is intended for educators.

Ped-kopilka.ru > Abstract of GCD for drawing

Abstract OOD By drawing "Early spring"

Abstract OOD By drawing in the older group. Subject: " Early spring. Arrival of rooks." TasksPreliminary work: Bird watching on the street. Looking at illustrations about spring. Reading a poem about spring.

Multiurok.ru > Abstract of OOD on drawing

Drawing in the senior group on the topic “ Early spring» ( abstract...)

Move classes: Guys, so ours class was successful, we need to “call” a good mood. Let's hold hands, and friend, guys, let's start drawing, and to inspire you to work, you will draw to the music of the Russian composer P. Tchaikovsky.

Detsad-169.ru > Drawing in the senior group

Abstract GCD By drawing

Abstract GCD By drawing in the pre-school group. " Early spring" Goals: to form a positive and emotional attitude towards beauty. Looking at illustrations about spring. Reading a poem about spring. Move classes: Educator.

Pandia.ru > Abstract of GCD for drawing

Abstract lesson By drawing"What colour spring? - iso, lessons

Abstract lesson By drawing"What colour spring drawing drawing

Kopilkaurokov.ru > Lesson summary on

Plan- abstract classes By drawing(senior group) on the topic...

Unconventional technique drawing « Early spring drawing « Early spring" in the older group. Objectives: to consolidate children’s ideas about spring and signs of attack spring

Dsdnr.ru > Lesson plan for

Abstract classes By drawing. Early spring.The arrival of rooks.

Abstract classes By drawing on the topic of: " Early spring. Arrival of rooks." Educator: Gaivoronskaya N.V. Subject: " Early spring. Arrival of rooks." Program content. Introduce the work of the artist A.K. Savrasov.

ProfHelp.net > Lesson notes on

Abstract classes GCD By drawing on this topic " Early spring»...

Abstract conducting GCD By drawing with children of the middle group on the topic “ Early spring» using unconventional technology drawing threads.

Pedportal.net > Notes for the GCD lesson

Abstract lesson By drawing"What colour spring? - iso, lessons

View document contents " Abstract lesson By drawing"What colour spring? "The teacher shows a sample drawing tree trunk using paint blowing method. Other details drawing(tree, buds, leaves, streams, thawed patches, birds, sun, sky, etc...

Kopilkaurokov.ru > Lesson summary on

Plan- abstract classes By drawing(senior group) on the topic...

Unconventional technique drawing « Early spring"in the senior group. Non-traditional technique drawing « Early spring" in the older group. Objectives: to consolidate children’s ideas about spring and signs of attack spring(the day is getting longer, the sun is getting hotter, the snow is melting...

Dsdnr.ru > Lesson plan for

Fragment classes By drawing. Subject " Early spring" (1 part)

Subject " Early spring" (Part 2) - Duration: 1:56 Elena Kuzina 715 views. Class drawing in the middle group Green Christmas tree - Duration: 12:53 Elena Makarevich 211,486 views.

Youtube.com > Fragment of a lesson on

Plan- abstract classes By drawing(senior group) on the topic...

Plan- abstract lesson By reading (grade 1) on the topic: Open lesson literary reading in 1st grade on the topic: “S. Mikhalkov.” Storks and Frogs.” Calendar-thematic planning in mathematics (grade 2) on the topic: QTP lessons mathematics in 2nd grade according to the program L.G. Peterson.

StudyDOCX.ru > Lesson plan for

Abstract classes in the senior group for art activities " Spring...»

Kazakova R.G. " Classes By drawing with preschoolers: Non-traditional techniques, planning, notes classes". - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2009. Kvach, N.V. Development of imaginative thinking and graphic skills in children 5-7 years old [Text] / Manual for preschool educational institutions / N.V. Kvach.

Xn--d1abbusdciv.xn > High school lesson notes

Abstract spring GCD By drawing in group 2 early...

Abstract GCD By drawing in Group early age in the spring.3. consolidate the signs spring like the time of year. 4. continue to learn to paint with a brush, paints, squeeze water from the brush on the edge of a jar of water, draw carefully, and implement your plans on paper.

Portal2011.com > Summary of the spring GCD on

Class By drawing in the preparatory school group...

Early in the spring– clear blue sky, on thawed patches – gray or black earth, green grass; melted snow, blue streams. And wherever you look, everything around is light. Download abstract classes By drawing in the preparatory school group " Spring melodies."

Vospitatel.com.ua > Drawing class in

Abstract open classes By drawing"What colour spring?...

PLAN CLASSES: 1. Invitation to the art studio (3) 2. “Photography” will accept spring in the kindergarten hall. (3) 3. Looking at paintings, having a conversation about color. (5) 4. Physical exercise “Streams” (3) 5. Didactic game “Let’s help the artist.” (4-5) 6. Finger game “Streams”...

Portalpedagoga.ru > Abstract of the open

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Integrated class « Early spring drawing spring we call the red one" Author notes.

Estero.ru > Drawing with spring paints

Classes By drawing subject spring. Abstract GCD for...

Integrated class « Early spring" Using unconventional technology drawing- “drop therapy” Organization of continuous direct educational activities of children in the middle group on the topic “ spring we call the red one" Author notes.

Optistore.ru > Drawing classes theme

Class By drawing preparatory spring. Plan- abstract...

Plan- abstract classes By drawing(preparatory group) on the topic: Drawing according to the theme: “ Spring on the street. Early in the spring– clear blue sky, on thawed patches – gray or black earth, green grass; melted snow, blue streams.

The older the child gets, the more demands are placed on him. For example, children in the younger groups of kindergarten do not have to prepare for school, but in preparatory groups, children purposefully develop skills that will be useful to them later. And this is in any institution. The lesson is aimed at preparing the child for school lessons. Its main goal is to test imagination and the level of moral readiness for a change of environment.

Main topics of classes

Of course, children draw in kindergartens, and quite a lot. But about once a week there is a special lesson. goes on a specific topic. The most basic of them are:

  • spring;
  • winter;
  • summer;
  • autumn;
  • space;
  • animals;
  • nature;
  • transport.

Sometimes something completely special happens. Non-traditional drawing (preparatory group) involves the use not of paints, but of any other material suitable for depicting thoughts.

What kind of technique

This approach allows the child to develop comprehensively. That is, he himself chooses which material to use to bring his idea to life. For example, children often take colored cardboard from which they make appliques, which also apply if they are decorated with paintings. Sometimes children choose oil crayons or wax pencils. They are convenient for drawing, and most importantly, they do not stain your hands and clothes. Although a drawing lesson in a preparatory group is planned by teachers, it is usually completely controlled by the children themselves. It is they who decide how and with what their drawings will be made.

Theme: winter

In December, January and February, teachers usually set just such a topic for classes. Children decide what exactly they want to create on paper. A drawing lesson in a preparatory group on the theme “Winter” usually includes an image of the following elements:

  • snowflakes;
  • or nature;
  • New Year's houses and decor;
  • outdoor games;
  • favorite winter games.

What are the kids depicting? Usually these are activities based on the imagination: everyone decides for themselves what is more interesting and closer to them. For example, many people draw sleds or skis, their family on the street, New Year's Eve at home, winter nature. Children love creative freedom! In the preparatory group, children usually already know exactly how to draw this or that element. For example, that a Christmas tree can be depicted with several triangles, and a house consists of other shapes that are familiar to them.

The teacher's task

If a child does not know how to depict one or another element, then the leader should tell him, show him, and help him. This is his main task. In addition, the teacher should talk about what figures will help in drawing, what they are called, where they can be seen. All this knowledge will be useful to children at school later. Moreover, some educational institutions do not even admit poorly prepared children to school.

Parents' task

Drawing classes in the kindergarten preparatory group help the child develop. The task of parents is to support all the endeavors of their children, to tell them exactly what knowledge they will need in the future, why it is important, why it is necessary. And, of course, draw at home with him. Classes in kindergarten are not enough; you should also pay attention to home exercises.

Theme: space

This is one of the most important topics for drawing in kindergarten. Why? Because space exploration is so interesting! What do kids usually draw:

  • rockets;
  • planets;
  • stars;
  • asteroids;
  • comets;
  • aliens;
  • space cars.

And this is far from the limit of fantasy. It is noteworthy that a drawing lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “Space” is accompanied by a story from the teacher about what space is, what is in it, who the astronauts are, what they do, why it is important and necessary. These are not just fine arts lessons, these are entire interesting mini-lectures that influence the development of children, their thinking, their worldview.

Theme: spring

This theme is very similar to winter, although it naturally has its own characteristics and nuances. Firstly, a drawing lesson in the preparatory group on the theme “Spring” includes several subtopics. Secondly, educators need to additionally prepare various materials for the exercises. What subtopics are usually used:

  • what is spring?
  • spring in the forest;
  • city ​​spring;
  • March 8;
  • Easter.

What materials are usually prepared by educators:

  • why winter is leaving;
  • what is drops;
  • how green leaves and grass appear;
  • what kind of holiday is “March 8th”, why is it celebrated, how are mothers, grandmothers and sisters congratulated;
  • and everything connected with it.

All this knowledge will certainly be useful to children in the future. In addition, at school they often ask questions about the world around us, natural processes, how and what works in nature. Children who have known this since kindergarten perceive new information much easier, feel more confident in a new environment, and adapt faster.

Why preparation is important

When children come to school, they experience some stress at first, because the situation changes, the demands placed on them are different, the form of teaching material is completely different, there are new people around. But you have to get used to everything! Therefore, it is important already in the preparatory group to begin teaching children what may be useful to them in primary school. And prepare them for change. It is noteworthy that it is drawing classes that help children perceive new information more easily and quickly. Child psychologists have proven that information presented in a pleasant and kind environment is well absorbed. Drawing promotes all-round development: children not only do something with their hands, but also listen, remember, and apply the acquired knowledge in practice. It is very important that parents support children’s interest in the fine arts, give them new knowledge and topics for exercise. In no case should these be orders to be executed, but rather recommendations and advice. Children do not like and do not accept what is imposed on them, but they like it when attention is paid to their interests. Parents and educators should encourage their children's endeavors and skills in order to stimulate their further development. At the same time, errors also need to be pointed out, but in a soft and correct form.