A conspiracy to fulfill the desire to read before bed. On red threads

Each person has his own deepest desire. It often happens that one has to wait for years for its fulfillment, and for some it even takes their whole life. And not everyone realizes that the realization of what they want can be brought closer, and magic will help with this.

Throughout the history of magic, many conspiracies have been invented to help dreams come true. Many of them are successfully used today. Particularly popular are conspiracies to fulfill a wish, which are read before bed.

A person who longs for the fulfillment of his desire will try in practice all possible methods. However, many are then disappointed, faced with the fact that, despite all the techniques they have tried, the dream is in no hurry to come true.

Meanwhile, the magic of desires is intended only to create conditions for the fulfillment of the wish of the performer, to arrange events in a person’s life in such a way that they help the cherished wish come true.

The lion's share of responsibility for making a dream come true lies with the person himself: the performer must do everything to get closer to his goal, notice, accept and take advantage of the opportunities that magic creates for him. Inaction here is contraindicated, otherwise not a single witchcraft ritual will help.

General rules for performing rituals

Magic should not be confused with sorcery. Remember that magic only happens in fairy tales, and magic only helps to achieve real life goals, therefore the desire must be real. You should not ask higher powers for something that is a priori impossible to achieve. Such rituals require a conscious approach.

Also, when choosing your desire and performing rituals, you need to take into account the following conditions:

  • your desire should not harm anyone, no one should suffer after its implementation. If the desire is with insidious and evil intent, higher powers will turn against you, and you will have to pay a cruel price;
  • strong belief in the power of magic. Without faith in magic, nothing will work. If you decide to do a ritual to test its effectiveness or out of curiosity, immediately prepare to be disappointed;
  • pursuit of your dream, a sincere desire to achieve it;
  • a pre-thought-out and clearly stated formulation of your desire. Avoid uncertainty and ambiguity, otherwise you will not get what you originally wanted.

As for the time of rituals, it is best suited for this period from new moon to full moon. The specific time is usually specified in the instructions for the plot. If this explanation is not available, choose the waxing moon - you definitely can’t go wrong.

Examples of effective spells to make a wish come true

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

The lunar phase does not matter for this prayer. The conspiracy is not designed for instant results. It should be said as often as possible: before bed, in the morning, after waking up. The text goes like this:

“My guardian angel! Bless you for the fulfillment of your wish. Help us carry out our plans.”

An indispensable condition is to ask only for good things, something that will not harm anyone.

On your birthday

If you are a birthday boy or will soon become one, I advise you to read the ritual from this video before going to bed:

To the waxing moon

Say the words below for the growing month, for 3 days, without interruption, before going to bed and after waking up in the morning. Text:

“A clear little star, light up in the sky, for the joy of all the baptized world, light up with an unquenchable and bright fire, for the joy of all the Orthodox. A clear star, to the house of God's servant (own name) Look, clear little star, sanctify my house with unquenchable and bright fire. Hear my deepest desire(name your wish) .

Fast-acting spell for bread

A ritual for the most impatient. Usually it helps to realize your plans before the next full moon. However, you need to make a wish that is actually achievable. It is carried out on the waxing moon.

As soon as it starts to get dark outside, go to the store and buy a loaf (loaf, loaf) of bread. Don't give it to anyone. As you begin to get ready for bed, lock the door in your bedroom, take out the bread and speak to it using the following words:

“Just as bread is the head of everything, so I am the mistress (master) of desires. What I wish comes true. What is not mine is forgotten. With bread in your head and desire in your hands. Everything that’s mine is with me, what’s someone else’s is not needed. Amen".

Place the charmed bread under your pillow and go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, break off a piece of bread with your hands and eat it. Feed the birds with the remaining bread.

On the water

Pronounced during the waxing of the moon.

Collect water from a well or natural spring in the morning and let it sit until the evening. As soon as you are ready to go to bed, speak the water 3 times using the following words:

“The water is clean, spring water (well- select the appropriate option). You carry secret power within yourself. What you need, you fill with life, and what you need, you drown forever. Give me the strength to fulfill my wish and receive what I desire. Fill me with strength and revive me, do not drown my innermost. Not to harm, but for the benefit, not for someone else, but for me. Amen".

Drink 3 sips of the charmed water, and with what is left, wash your face and hands. Go to bed.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

A conspiracy to make a wish come true helps us formulate our intention more clearly and express it more clearly to the Universe. And since a person is always in close connection with the world around him, his request does not go unanswered - the Universe provides the necessary opportunities to achieve what he wants. The most important thing is to see these opportunities, use them and be able to trust God so that our own desires do not turn out to our detriment.

As for the ritual, it is only a way of conveying information, and therefore you can choose it freely - from those that appeal to you most. But whatever you choose - a wish spell from Stepanova, a spell from Vanga, a magic spell or a self-invented ritual - wish and act only for the good (both for yourself and for others).

Basic Rules

Esotericism claims that almost any intention can be realized, but religion believes that God protects us from realizing desires that can cause harm. Human consciousness, unfortunately, is limited and short-sighted. While exercising independent freedom of choice, we often cannot predict all the consequences, and therefore suffer from our own thoughts and actions.

The first rule of safety is to bear in mind both the above opinions and, in expressing your desire, ultimately trust its fulfillment to the will of God.

Of course, for this, God, as such, must have a place in the picture of your world (and it must be a God who loves his creations and wishes them all the best.)

All other rules are secondary. However, it is also advisable to carry them out, since they create the conditions for the most complete and effective expression of intention. So, it is better to read the conspiracy out loud, translating the thought forms into a material state - into words and sounds (although you can first formulate the words of intention on paper). In addition, rituals should be done alone, in a calm environment, and without need to tell anyone about them. Also, it is very advisable to fulfill the requirements prescribed for each individual ritual, since they help transform the energy of desire into specific actions to realize the plan.

With water

Water spells are considered one of the fastest and most effective. They are in the arsenal of every magician and healer (including the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, Vanga and many other healers). Water is the best carrier of information, and our body contains a significant amount of it. With the help of H2O, we can “program” our body and psyche, and also make changes in the world around us.

It is better to read conspiracies about spring water - this is an ideal option for any ritual to fulfill a wish. In rituals where you don’t need to drink water, you can use rainwater, river water, sea water, or lake water (just take it in places where as few people as possible walk and swim). If the ritual requires you to drink water, but it is impossible to get spring water, use melted water. During freezing, it is necessary to discard the first crust of ice that appears, and after final freezing, the remaining liquid that has not frozen. When the remaining cubes melt, you will receive the purest water and a powerful tool for making your wishes come true.

Glass of water

This ritual is best done early in the morning, alone and before breakfast. Ideally, you need to walk to a spring and collect some water in a glass, but you can also use stored melt water. It is advisable to read a prayer or meditate first to clear your mind. Say your cherished wish three times over water in a glass, and then three times - the following spell:

“Water, water, mother and sister, you cleanse me, you fill me; May the day I started with you give me good luck, every clean sip will lead to a happy outcome.”

Slowly drink the water in small sips.

Water and salt

This ritual is very effective because it combines water and salt - substances that can quickly and effectively “remember” information. You will need a glass of clean water and three pinches of salt (ideally Thursday salt). Write your wish on a piece of paper and put it on a saucer, add salt there. Then pour the salt into a glass and stir, pronouncing your wish and spell in turn, until the crystals dissolve completely.

“Like salt dissolves, so does a wish come true.”

When the crystals dissolve, set fire to a piece of paper with a wish and read your favorite prayer, then add the ashes to a glass, go outside and pour the water into the ground.

For the night

Many believe that the most powerful conspiracies and rituals are those done at night, before bed. This effect is associated with the energy of the moon, and in addition, by going to bed immediately after the ceremony, we seem to let go of what we had planned, without interfering with the process with doubts and allowing the desire to calmly come true. In this case, you need to remember two basic rules. If the basis of your dream is the attraction of something (a happy marriage, money, meeting a worthy man, beauty, etc.), the desire should be cast on the waxing moon, and if you want to get rid of something (illness, infidelity husband, excess weight, etc.) - you should work with the plot on the waning moon.

With bread

Very simple and effective rituals before bed can be done using ordinary bread. It’s better to bake it yourself in the evening, but you can also buy it at the store. You will need the whole loaf or loaf - do not give it to anyone, and before going to bed, pray, say your wish and spell:

“As bread gives life to a man, so it does to my desire; what I need - let it be fulfilled, what I don’t need - let it be forgotten; Help, Lord, your servant “Your name” to fulfill her plans for good. Amen".

Break off a piece of bread and put it under the pillow, and the rest just at the head of the head. In the morning, eat a piece yourself and give the rest to the birds.

With a candle

To fulfill your cherished desire using this ritual, you will need a thin candle, pen and paper. In the evening, rub the candle in your hands to warm it up thoroughly, and carefully twist it seven times to make seven turns. Write your wish on paper, light a candle and place it on top of what you wrote. While the candle is burning, read your favorite prayer seven times, and then think about those desires that have ever come true for you - firmly tell yourself that the same will happen with your current intention. Think about your dream while the candle is burning, and on the last turn say seven times

“The candle burns out - it fulfills my dream.”

For the holiday

According to the reviews of those who tried to fulfill a wish on a holiday, much of what was planned really quickly came true, and in the most incomprehensible way. New Year's holidays are especially popular for making wishes, as well as Angel's Day, Birthdays, Palm Sunday and the Annunciation. On Christmas Day you can bake special “lucky cakes” using holy water. While kneading the dough, you need to say three times:

“The Bright Lord and the Mother of God sent grace to people - whoever eats a flatbread will find happiness in the palm of his hand.”

You need to eat the flatbread and treat it to your family, while making good wishes.

On Angel's Day and Birthday, you can make a request to your Guardian Angel for the fulfillment of a wish:

“Bright Angel, give blessings for the fulfillment of good wishes.”

For speedy implementation, read the conspiracy request on a burning candle twice a day - in the morning and before bed, combining it with three favorite prayers. On Palm Sunday, you can make wishes during traditional rituals: when you are whipped with a twig, when you bring willow into the house and place it in the corners. There is a popular belief: if you eat a willow bud on Palm Sunday and drink it with holy water, your plans will certainly come true. In addition, on Palm Sunday it was recommended to make wishes “for love” - you just need to think about your loved one so that he comes, calls or sends a message about himself (however, this does not mean that in this way you can evoke a reciprocal feeling - if a guy came, it means he already had the feeling, and on Palm Sunday some kind of barrier simply disappeared).

other methods

  1. A quick and easy way to “speak” water is to get into the rain and say your desire out loud (for the female half of humanity this is a particularly powerful remedy). If you happen to walk in the rain for a long time, take the opportunity and meditate on your dream, formulate your desire in one phrase and repeat it out loud several times.
  2. An effective and, most importantly, emergency way of making a wish come true can be brought to life with the help of an ordinary handkerchief. Formulate a desire, pronounce a spell; “If I tie a knot, everything will be done on time, God help me.” When pronouncing the words, tie the handkerchief in one knot and carry it with you until your plan comes true.
  3. You will need a red wool thread (twenty centimeters), a candle, white paper and a pen with black ink. Light a candle and write your wish on paper, and then say it out loud three times. Tie nine knots on the thread in turn, saying: “The first begins, the second knows the truth, the third resolves, the fourth strengthens, the fifth unites, the sixth secures, the seventh guides, the eighth embodies, the ninth fulfills God’s will.” Burn the piece of paper with desire, hide the thread with the knots, and let the candle burn out to the end.
  4. The shadow spell should be carried out in the first half of the day, standing facing your shadow (with your back to the sun). Just say: “On a bright sunny day, I ask you, shadow, to be with me in the light to make my dream come true.” Some believe that shadow spells belong to dark magic and appeal to dark forces - this is true for some spells. However, the above ritual simply involves bringing the light and dark sides of our subconscious into balance to achieve a common goal.
  • Any ritual must be approached in absolute harmony. Forgiveness and reconciliation play a very important role - both with other people and with yourself. Mentally forgive all people their “debts” and think that you are also forgiven. Take as much time as necessary to begin the ritual with a pure heart and clear mind.
  • Another important skill in magic and life is to be able to accept any outcome in advance. Whether your wish comes true or not, you must be equally grateful. Such a state of mind will attract good luck to you and, perhaps, after some time, your seemingly “unpromising” desire will unexpectedly come true.
  • Every person has their own cherished dream that they want to realize in real life. If you start reading an effective conspiracy to make a wish come true, it will come true faster than you might expect. Sometimes, lack of financial resources, lack of time or other obstacles prevent you from realizing your cherished fantasies. To implement them, you can sometimes turn to forces that are higher than man. They are able to help in achieving what you want, but not completely. It is good to be a dreamer and it is bad not to realize your dreams in real life.

    What you need to know about wish spells

    The desire must be clear and understandable, for you first of all.

    Some people think that a conspiracy read once will immediately fulfill all their desires and dreams. This is not true, because there is a set of rules that will bring you as close as possible to the desired result.

    1. Believe in your strengths and those you turn to;
    2. Success depends on how badly you want it;
    3. Don't be afraid to take risks! Fate will throw up some reminders and signs that you should take advantage of;
    4. Don’t think that your dream will come true on its own - move towards your goal and do everything to make it come true;
    5. After performing the ritual, believe that the wish has already come true;
    6. Don't say you're going to use magic.

    Guided by these rules, you can get closer to the desired result and gain useful experience. The power of the universe attracted through a spell will be an excellent addition to speed up results.

    A collection of wish-fulfilling spells

    Most of the spells presented relate only to white magic, which does not harm a person. Only strong magicians can turn to black. The rituals require precise execution, and you will have to turn to dark creatures. Light magic is an appeal to the saints, the forces of nature. It does not bring anything bad and, on the contrary, it helps to cope with some of life’s difficulties.

    Spell words for water

    To fulfill your wish, you will need to read water spells. The text must be repeated exactly in the order in which it was written. Draw clean spring water or from a well in the morning. Leave it until the evening, and before going to bed, say the spell three times:

    “Water, water, your dear sister, you carry secrets within yourself, filling you with living force. Help me find the strength to fulfill my cherished desire. I ask not for trouble and not for grief, but for happiness and joy in my home. Amen"

    Spell and handkerchief

    This ritual is in third place in terms of its effectiveness. According to old beliefs, a scarf tied in a knot brings not only good luck, but can also help with health problems, attract love, etc. You are required to believe in your desire and say the following words, squeezing a clean handkerchief in your hand:

    “As this knot is tied, so it would soon come together for me, the servant of God (name). Amen (three times)."

    Wish spell before bed

    There is such a sign that if you dream about what you want, it will definitely come true

    Reading a conspiracy to fulfill a wish before going to bed is very simple, since no special preparation is required. Read the indicated prayer three times a week, three days in a row. You can also read it after waking up to enhance the effect. The words of the spell must be pronounced in a whisper:

    “A clear dawn flares up in the sky, rides across the baptized sky in peace. Look into the house of God's servant (name) and bring joy with you. Illuminate my house with a bright fire, make (name it) a dream come true. Amen".

    Prayer for wish fulfillment

    There is one prayer that will help you solve all your problems. Say it six days in a row and then everything will gradually begin to come true. Before and after, be sure to read the “Our Father” three times to consolidate the effect and cleanse yourself. Words of prayer:

    “Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Mother of God, Our Heavenly Father - I turn to you and bow to you, servant of God (your name). I wish you happiness and peace in your home, may my wish come true (name your dream). Amen".

    Amulet of wishes

    As you know, on a person’s birthday, fate can give him everything he dreams of. A birthday plot to make a wish come true is as effective as possible, so you will need a small amulet that you will always carry with you. It could be a ring or a pendant. The main thing is to remain in a good mood during the ritual. Not suitable as an amulet:

    • Cloth;
    • Stationery;
    • Gifts from friends or enemies;
    • Things related to a bad past;
    • Gold jewelry

    The talisman should be cleaned by leaving it overnight in a glass of clean water. Ideally - spring or melt. In the morning, take it out and wipe it with a clean towel. Hold it in your hand and imagine what you want most. You can pray to Nicholas the Pleasant to enhance the effect.

    A conspiracy to fulfill all desires

    You need to find seven small icons: the Mother of God, Nicholas the Pleasant, the Savior, Seraphim, the icon of all saints, your personal one and others that are important to you. It is desirable that they all relate to making wishes come true and helping people. After you collect them all, take a small piece of paper and write your wishes on it. Place the icons next to this sheet, light a church candle (bought on Sunday) and say the following words:

    “All Saints and Wonderworkers, I turn to you for help. Fulfill my cherished desire, for good, and not for harm, I ask you. Help the needs of the Servant of God (name). Amen".

    Spell for a basket of wishes

    One of the most beautiful rituals is with a basket. You will need a set:

    • Small basket;
    • A piece of paper;
    • Bells and red ribbon;
    • Church candle.

    It is imperative that the basket is woven from wooden rods. Take a piece of paper and write your deepest wish on it. Then place it in the already decorated basket. You need to place a lit candle on top and say the spell:

    “The sun rolled out from behind the sky, the moon rose over the stone castle, my mother gave birth to me in a stone city house, and she said: from arrows and swords, from battles and fighters. May fate be favorable to me and may not refuse my request. Amen"

    Not only the paper itself should burn, but also the basket. Collect the ashes after the ritual and take them to a place where no one will be. When returning home, do not turn around or talk to anyone.

    Conspiracy to make a dream come true

    To implement this ritual, you need to draw an equal triangle on the floor, directed to the South. Place a small transparent crystal or ball in the middle. You should write your deepest desire on a piece of paper. Set fire to the paper and read the plot:

    “Our Father is Fiery, not created. You are always moving, absorbing everything in your path. I appeal to you, a servant of God, for the fulfillment of everything visible and invisible in the world. Help me fulfill my cherished dream (name it). Let it be as I have said. Key, tongue, lock"

    Ritual for a wish according to Feng Shui

    If you really want to, you can even fly into space.

    The teachings of Feng Shui will help you normalize the situation in your home, find methods on how to attract happiness and love into your life. Thanks to this ritual, you can gain wealth and health, restore warm relationships with relatives and peace in the house.

    One of the simplest and most interesting ways is the “Treasure Map”. Arm yourself with scissors and colorful magazines, take a Whatman paper to place all your dreams on it. Cut out all the things that make you feel joy and happiness and paste them into a collage. At the very end, place your photo. The “Treasure Map” should be hung in the most convenient place where you will often refer to and look at it. It is desirable that she was in the East.

    How to speed up the manifestation of your dreams

    To attract constant good luck in any business, read a good luck plot that will help you become more successful. The oldest ritual that brings good luck is done on a thing. You can cast a spell on any new things or objects; most often, the spell is cast on jewelry that you will wear every day; this jewelry becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. Among the magicians

  • Those who know the text of the prayer - the white conspiracy, once a year can fulfill their most important desire. You need to read the text of the conspiracy to fulfill a wish on your birthday; you need to go to church in advance and buy twelve yellow candles there. On your birthday, place and light 12 candles around you and holding a glass of water in your hands while the candles are burning, read the plot on

  • On December 31, on New Year's Day, your intended wish comes true, and if you read a special plot at the moment when you wished something on New Year's Eve, then after the New Year's ritual, your wish will definitely come true. Magic for the New Year is the most powerful white and black magic that can almost immediately fulfill any dream that you make at the moment of reading a wish spell, the main thing is

  • It happens that a person is constantly unlucky in all matters. Most likely, the person was damaged by bad luck and failure. The conspiracies will tell you a ritual to remove the bad luck of a miserable person from a person using a conspiracy and a chicken egg. Only a special egg laid by a black hen is suitable for the ritual. You can buy an egg from a black hen in the village, but you can always tell the difference

  • A magical way of punishing an offender (an offended person) is done using a spell on water in windy weather. This is the most powerful way you can punish a man or woman who has offended you with the rituals of black magic. It was this method that was used for more than 12 centuries by magicians to punish the enemy and bring damage to him. A conspiracy to punish the enemy - the offender is needed

  • If you want to get a rich harvest, read this powerful plot for a good harvest. After a plot to harvest, everything you plant will grow strongly on your plot of land, estate or garden. In the fall you will get the best harvest in all previous years. The plot must be read twice for the growing month, once in the morning in someone else’s garden, the second time in the evening in your own, and the words of the plot

  • To make a wish come true, read a conspiracy to fulfill your intended desire. The technology for fulfilling a wish using white magic is quite simple. Any wish will come true if you read this strong conspiracy three times: once at home before going to church, the second time before entering the church and the third time when returning home from church and then a strong ritual to fulfill your desire

  • If you want your wish to come true and happy days to come in your life, perform a magical ritual. At night on Ivan Kupala, go into the forest and find a blooming fern. Don’t rush to pick it, you need to perform a simple ritual and pick the blooming fern by saying the words of the conspiracy to it. After this, you will always be accompanied by good luck, happiness, health and financial wealth.

  • Conspiracies will tell you how to quickly attract good luck into your life with the help of magic and what kind of conspiracy will help you catch luck and success in all your undertakings. Believe me, this is a fairly simple and at the same time very effective magical ritual of white magic that will help you independently catch luck in business, study, at work, in the lottery... by the tail and become the luckiest

  • The conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a scarf is in third place in terms of its effectiveness and speed of fulfillment of the wish. Even in the old days, a knot was tied on scarves as a memory or when wishing for an important event that should happen and come true. Old people knew that a knot tied on a handkerchief has a magical effect (the magic of wish fulfillment) and believe me this

  • If you have a dream that you can’t even imagine how to fulfill, then magic is exactly what you need.

    In fact wish fulfillment ritual You can do it at least every day.

    In principle, this is exactly what real magicians do.

    Why bother fooling yourself in vain by coming up with methods of influencing people when your powers help them?

    Do you want to learn this too? Then let's see how it's done.

    When you get used to the sheet, remove it from the butt and attach it in a place so that you can bump into it more often.

    This ritual works 100%.

    Your wish will definitely come true if you do everything as it should. That is, put energy into the ritual.

    Rite of wish fulfillment with bay leaf

    Let's move on to classical magic. After all, not everyone masters fun magic.

    To fulfill your wish you need to buy:

    • a pack of bay leaves;
    1. Go where the water flows. Better than a river or stream. But keep in mind that the more powerful the flow, the faster your desire will come true.
    2. Sit on the shore.
    3. State in an affirmative form what you want.
    4. Take out three leaves. Choose intact ones, not damaged.
    5. Tie them by the cuttings with a cord.
    6. Say out loud what you want.
    7. Throw the leaves into the water with the words:

    “It will come true just as I want! Amen!"

    Go home.

    Try not to remember what you wished for anymore.

    And also, in order for it to materialize faster, grounding is necessary. This is physical activity.

    So, it’s better to go for a run home or do some squats there on the shore.

    And keep yourself busy with some kind of work.

    You won’t notice how what you dreamed of will come.

    This is the best time to attract the help of a Guardian Angel into your life. You know, he is always nearby.

    But on your birthday, he always comes closer and pays all his attention only to you. This is the date when the Angel makes plans for the next year.

    Naturally, it can be adjusted in the direction you wish. You just need to tell the Angel about your dream.

    1. Wake up at dawn on your birthday (then sleep through).
    2. Stand by the window to see the rising sun.
    3. Turn to your Angel with words of gratitude for protecting you and accompanying you through life.
      • Then, in your own words, express what you dream about. You should speak in detail, substantively and out loud. It is very important to formulate thoughts so that there is no “not” in them. Higher Powers do not perceive her like children. Therefore, if you say “I don’t want,” the words will be perceived as “I want.”
    4. When you finish speaking, .
    5. Look at the fire and imagine how you will feel when your dream comes true.

    An angel perceives emotions better, not words. Show him exactly what you want.

    Believe me, he is nearby, standing behind you and carefully delving into your wishes.

    What matters to him is your state when your plans come true.

    Put out the candle and sleep some more if you want.

    To make your wish come true in a short time

    If there is no time, then the method must be exceptional.

    1. Turn on a fan or create a strong draft in the room.
    2. Take a piece of paper and write down your wish.
    3. Formulate it in an affirmative form.
    4. Read it out loud. Tell:

    "Let it be so!"

    1. Now take a box of matches.
    2. In the wind, try to light the leaf without sheltering from the air currents.
    3. Focus on this process. You will notice that thoughts of desire disappear from your mind. The task of starting a fire from a leaf comes forward. You should definitely burn it without avoiding the wind.
    4. Finish, throw the ashes outside and go about your business. You yourself won’t notice how everything you dreamed will come true.

    And, you know, this ritual is suitable for those desires that are not real at all. Only they take longer to incarnate.

    But only if you are able to correctly make the transition from concentrating on desire to concentrating on lighting the leaf.