Why did the blueberry nickname become bald? Nikita Chernikov - biography, photos, songs, personal life, wife, videos, height, weight

Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, singer, YouTuber Nikita Chernikov first saw the light on March 19, 1991 in Samara. I felt a craving for music from childhood.
Judging by photographs on social networks, already in 2007 the young man took part in live performances in front of the public.
After receiving secondary education, Chernikov entered the Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. However, Nikita never became an architect, as he realized that this was not his calling.
Before becoming famous, Nikita worked part-time as a street musician; passers-by donated good money to the guy for his performances.
In 2011, with his group Ravanna, he released the single “Your Madness”. In the future, the team will present several albums.
Chernikov began his activities on YouTube with the program “MUZAD”, which aired on the comedian’s channel since April 2012. The show was a humorous review of music videos of varying quality and was conducted jointly with Nick’s friend, Viktor Davydov.

Later, the young man gets the idea to make comic compositions for the Internet. By October, a video for the track “I Want a Vagina!”, which tells about a guy’s love for a rubber, inflatable woman, will be released.

Having caught the wave, Chernikov released several more thematic songs, which were clearly a success with the young audience. It is worth noting that the well-known public page on VKontakte “MDK” contributed to the promotion of Nick’s work.

Nick Chernikov & Successful Group - Valyat Tazi (2012)

In addition to music videos, you can find other projects on Nikita’s channel, most of which are related to music in one way or another (Covers, Musiclogs, Tips to fit in, RockBlog, etc.).

MUZVLOG Nika Chernikova - MUZVLOG Nika Chernikova #2 Cooler Than It Is (2013)

Such Russian YouTube figures as Muzychenko and others appeared in Chernikov’s musical works.

In March 2014, the video for the song "No Claims" by the group "RAVANNA" premiered.

In the same year he created the Nick Chernikov Band. Unlike Ravanna, this group focuses on a more simple, humorous component.

However, the debut album also contains serious compositions. The album “It’s Harmful Not to Dream!”, published in 2015, includes 10 songs, one of which took part in the recording Preview: YouTube
: vk.com/nik_chernikoff (Official VK page)
: instagram.com/nikchernikoff (Official Instagram page)
Stills from Nikita Chernikov's videos from YouTube video hosting
Stills from Ravanna music videos from YouTube
Personal archive of Nikita Chernikov

Nikita Chernikov is a video blogger, musician, anti-hero, a kind of young RuNet trickster who has filled the virtual space with uncut humor. Among the hits of Nick “Almighty” are “Valat Tazi”, “Song of the Nerd”, “Be patient, Ashot”, as well as [censored], [censored], [censored]...

For Nick Chernikov, his work is a direct dialogue with generation Z (representatives of humanity born in the new millennium and focused on communication through social networks). Moreover, the conversations take place in a relaxed atmosphere (via the YouTube service), on the most relevant topics for the generation: sex, labor migration, the new iPhone 6, etc. The disseminated cultural heritage of Nika Chernikov is a simple game of “trolling” embodied in video sketches, which replaced the “flame” popular in the 2000s. However, according to Nick himself, the past is over, Runet is “writing” new pages in the life of Nikita Chernikov, who is ready to realize his main purpose - to become an offline rock star. Cultural humanity, “at the ready”! Nikita packed a suitcase with gadgets and went to cities and villages with concerts. By the way, I-idol promised to come to Krasnodar. The upcoming cultural event became the reason for Nick and I to play a question-and-answer game on one of the social networks. Nikita turned out to be a polite and responsible young man; he answered questions kindly, competently, and thoughtfully. Here is such a modest anti-hero...

Nikita Chernikov

Nick Chernikov began his rock career, as befits a representative of this subculture, performing songs with a guitar in underground passages. I decided to ask: what “pushed” Nick from underground passages to vloggers and “clip giants”?

Nick Chernikov: There is only one thing that can push you out of the transition - the realization that you are working in a transition. Otherwise it is called need. In addition, my wife at that time was pregnant, and I urgently needed to come up with something to get out of the conditions in which we lived.

Why did you move to St. Petersburg? Is it important for an Internet hero where he broadcasts from?

Frankly, I fled to St. Petersburg. From college, parties, friends, parents. Everything was good: studies, friends, but everything was alien. I arrived in St. Petersburg and simply became happy. I love this city. When I arrived there, I had 10k in cash in my pocket, I didn’t even have a guitar. I rented a room in a communal apartment without hot water. It was a very cool time. I bought the guitar used. Two years later he played on the streets and in subway passages. And then YouTube appeared in my life and changed everything. I believe that in this way I gave back to the city. And he repaid me three times! Therefore, now I consider myself a St. Petersburger. And because registration now exists.

Did you feel the difference between life in the cultural capital and outside it?

The difference is in mentality, dialect, traditions, education, and humor is the connecting link between all this. Perhaps if people laughed more often, everyone would be better off.

Write a recipe: how to subordinate the Internet to your own goals?

Subdue the Internet? Perhaps you need to show up at the right time with the right video. At least that's how it worked for me.

How long can you live without the Internet?

I can’t do without the Internet for long; for me it’s home, work, and stage at the same time.

Nick Chernikov

How to find your own style and not get lost in the “crowd” of talents and competitors?

To find your own style, you need to look at analogues in the West. Everything has already been invented there a long time ago, you just need to sleep it wisely.

Let's remember that you were a music reviewer. What characteristics would you give to your musical material?

I was a reviewer of clips that I thought were extremely bad. I consider mine to be not without a bit of humor and meaning.

Do you love money?

Money is such garbage, by God. They are even less useful than popularity. Neither one nor the other makes you happy.

Does everyone perceive your work with humor or is there a different reaction?

For some time I decided to expand the boundaries of songs about genitals, because I quickly got tired of it. My viewers took it well as they too grow and become smarter with time. Now I’m preparing to release my debut album, which I’ve been working on with the band for over a year. It will not contain everyone’s favorite swear words, but, of course, there are funny and cheerful songs. In fact, whatever the song, such is the reaction.

What's the most unexpected feedback you've received about your work?

I have one really sad song called "Unloved". One day, a girl wrote me a message after a concert, saying in all seriousness that she came to my concert to laugh, and everything was going great until I played this song. She filmed it and cried the whole time. I came home, listened to it 10 times, and couldn’t stop crying. Moreover, she was an adult, about 25 years old... Why, she says, did you write such a song, music should give smiles, not tears. By all indications, she's crazy. Just kidding, I'm actually a genius.

Do you have loyal fans? Who are they?

Previously, most of my listeners were schoolchildren, but time passes, and now they have become students.

Nikita Chernikov and the guys

You make fun of vices. What kind of vices do you most often encounter in your life?

I think the most disgusting vice is meanness. The main goal is to burn fire out of people's hearts, of course.

How to walk the line between good old-fashioned humor and outright insult?

I never got personal in my videos, much less offended anyone. Everything that happens to the characters in the song happens only within the confines of this song. People just see reflections of themselves in my videos, and this touches them, one way or another. Not all of them, of course, and not always.

What new qualities did you discover in yourself when you realized that you are a famous, serious person, and ready for new achievements?

To be honest, I didn’t open any new ones. Popularity and money come and go. It is unlikely that they are capable of making someone better. Maybe it's worse, but I seem to be holding up well.

Who and what can distract you from your creative work?

I really want to see the whole world. I love to travel. To date, my music has allowed me to travel the length and breadth of Russia on tour several times. I even performed in Kamchatka, and it’s quite exotic there. Russia, although big, is almost all the same, now I want music to help me travel around the world.

Nick Chernikov

Why did you break out from online to offline?

I’m trying to go offline, because the Internet is the Internet, and life offline is still more interesting.

How would you define the musical style you work in?

Humorous rock, perhaps, no?

What new things have you brought to the art of music?

New topics, of course, a fresh and daring look at current problems of young people. Well, and laugh, of course.

The main thing is fame, money, or rock and roll?

The main thing is to be happy and do what brings happiness. If you like money, earn it.

Nikita Chernikov. Transition.

Since you are going to Krasnodar, a question to understand the local “socioculture”: what vices are common in Krasnodar?

What are the vices in Krasnodar? I don’t know, maybe the watermelons are underweight? We'll come and figure it out.

What can we expect from your concert?

At my concert in Krasnodar you will be able to hear the best of what I have done online, that is, almost everything: songs from videos, music blogs, covers and, of course, all the songs from the new album, which will be released on September 1, 2015.

What is rock and roll to you?

Rock and roll is a lifestyle. Once, my band’s tour almost fell through, we were simply abandoned, and we ended up with a naked ass in a strange city. It would be logical to go home - well, it didn’t work out, what can I do? But I withdrew personal funds from the card, and we finished the tour, in the end everyone was happy and earned money, no matter what, and we didn’t let the fans down, and we had a blast. This is rock and roll!

And finally.How often do people tell you that you are stupid and can’t come up with anything smart, so you just sing crap?

Yes, of course often. But you and I know how everything really is.

On March 19, 1991, the leader of the Ravanna group, Nikita Chernikov, was born. The guy developed a love for music as a child. In various photographs from 2007, you can see how Nikita is already actively participating in “live” performances. It’s hard to believe, but Chernikov studied to be an architect in Samara, but never became one. He was most attracted to music. Before the guy became famous, he tried himself as a street musician. He was paid good money for his work. And since his zodiac sign is Pisces, he is quite dreamy. But, despite this, he persistently strives to achieve his “ideas”.

Nikita Chernikov's parameters

There is no information on the Internet about Nikita’s exact parameters. Fans do not know his exact height and weight. What is clear is that the guy currently has no hair on his head. Not everyone can decide to do this at the age of 26, but this is what distinguishes him from other performers as an extraordinary person.

The fame of Nikita Chernikov and the popularity of the group “Ravanna”

The leader of the famous group “Ravanna” started with the show MUZAD, which was released on the YouTube channel and had a humorous character. In it, Nick and his friend Viktor Davydov reviewed music videos. Later, the talented Nikita wanted to make funny videos for the Internet. The first of them was a clip that talks about how a young man fell in love with a rubber girl. Next, Nikita also releases several more songs that are loved by young audiences.

Nikita Chernikov can probably handle anything. After all, he is an ordinary guy from the people who knows how to joke, and this is highly appreciated by the public. The Ravanna group became a great success thanks to the young man. After all, before that it was an ordinary rock band. And after the musicians began performing humorous compositions, the project gained new fans. In 2011, the group “Ravanna” released the song “Your Madness.” After that, they managed to record several albums. In addition to Nick, the team also includes: Sasha, Anton, Vlad and Phil. All the guys are very talented. Each of them perfectly complements the group.

Personal life of the group leader

The leader of the Ravanna group, Nick Chernikov, has a wife and child. On the pages of his social networks, he actively posts photos of his family. Despite his young age, the guy proves that he can be a wonderful family man and be creative. As fans can observe, family only makes this person the happiest and most talented.