Musical criticism. Profession music critic

Marina Ignatieva is the editor of the “Beauty” section of COLADY magazine, a hair and makeup specialist.


Peeling - the basis modern care behind the skin of the face. Thanks to the chemical peeling procedure, your skin will gain radiance, elasticity and a healthy color. It is clear that not everyone has the opportunity to undergo this procedure in a salon, but this does not matter. An excellent alternative to professional chemical facial peeling can be peeling at home. True, the effect on the skin of a home procedure will be weaker, but if you do it regularly, peeling will provide you with a brilliant result.

Features of home chemical peeling

Chemical peeling at home should be carried out using special cosmetic masks and compositions containing solutions of various fruit acids: citric, lactic, malic, and enzymes , which dissolve dead skin cells. Although solutions for home peeling are quite weak and affect only superficial skin cells, which is quite safe and painless, nevertheless, before you decide to carry out a chemical peel at home, think it over carefully, carefully study the instructions included with the drug you have chosen and , if you have such an opportunity, consult a cosmetologist in advance . Let's immediately figure out what indications there may be for chemical peeling at home:

  • Acne and pimple marks.
  • Hormonal changes in the body;
  • Teenage problems associated with increased oily skin.

Precautions and rules for peeling at home

  • Before the chemical peeling procedure, be sure to do allergy test ;
  • direct sunlight and chemical peeling are mutually exclusive concepts; it is advisable to carry out the procedure only in autumn-winter period ;
  • the drug you have chosen must be applied thin layer to avoid burns;
  • Before starting the procedure, cleanse your face with lotion;
  • be extremely be careful with the area around the eyes – she is very sensitive and gentle;
  • If during the procedure you feel a strong burning or tingling sensation, the composition must be washed off immediately warm water;
  • chemical peeling is necessary no more than once every 10 days ;
  • if you have sensitive skin, then you need to avoid deep chemical peels;
  • After the procedure, it is better not to use it for 24 hours cosmetics and do not touch your face with your hands.

Contraindications for chemical peeling at home

  • during exacerbation of acne (with the exception of salicylic acid);
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the selected drug;
  • during the period of herpes in the active phase;
  • when there are neoplasms and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • with increased skin sensitivity;
  • in the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • If you suffer from cardiovascular and mental diseases, then chemical peeling is not advisable;
  • Chemical peeling is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Tools for chemical peeling at home

  • A clean towel or soft absorbent cloth;
  • Cream or mask with acids;
  • Special cleansing milk or gel;
  • Liquid for normalizing the pH balance of the skin.
  • Moisturizing cream.

And now it’s time to get acquainted directly with the process of carrying out
chemical peeling at home.

Instructions for performing chemical peeling at home

  • Any cosmetic peeling product must include instructions. Read it carefully and thoughtfully before starting the procedure.
  • Now cleanse facial skin using gel or milk.
  • The skin is clean and we can apply a few drops of peeling on already dry, clean skin, excluding sensitive areas around the eyes. Peeling exposure time is usually no more than 5 minutes - it all depends on the percentage of acids in the preparation and your skin type. Do not worry if during the procedure you feel a slight tingling sensation, but if it turns into a strong burning sensation with redness, then quickly rinse off the applied composition with warm water and make a cool compress from the infusion of the string on your face.
  • If everything went well, then after the time specified in the instructions for the drug Rinse the peeling off your face thoroughly with warm water. or use a specially designed liquid that normalizes the natural pH balance.
  • All. Now you can apply it to your skin moisturizing cream.

Results of chemical peeling

  • After a chemical peeling procedure, facial skin becomes healthy, radiant and firm. Regular exfoliation cleanses the skin of dead cells, enhances the production of elastin and collagen, and accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells.
  • Small marks and spots from acne become invisible. To get such an excellent result, the peeling preparation must contain bleaching substances: vitamin C, phytic or azelaic acid.
  • The skin becomes more elastic and takes on a youthful appearance. Cell respiration processes are restored, which leads to a reduction in the number of wrinkles.
  • Chemical peels are amazing a way to combat unsightly spots and clogged pores.
  • Chemical peeling helps maintain the results of more professional procedures. Of course, home peeling is much weaker than peelings performed by a cosmetologist, but it perfectly preserves the effect of professional peeling.

Effective recipes for chemical peeling at home

Chemical peeling is quite easy to do using five percent calcium chloride solution, which you can find at any pharmacy.
There are two ways to carry out this peeling.

Method No. 1

  • For the first time, use a 5% calcium chloride solution and first be sure to check your skin’s reaction to this drug. To do this, apply the solution to the sensitive skin of the inner bend of the elbow and hold for 4-5 minutes. If you feel only a slight tingling sensation, this is normal, but if there is a strong burning sensation and redness forms on the skin, then this peeling method is not suitable for you.
  • If you are convinced that everything is in order, then proceed to peeling with peace of mind. Pour the calcium chloride solution from the ampoule into a small glass bottle - it will be more convenient for you to wet the sponge. Now apply a solution of calcium chloride to dry skin cleansed with milk or lotion. Let the first layer dry and apply the next one. In this way you can apply from 4 to 8 layers, but for the first time four will be enough.
  • When the last layer has dried, lather your fingertips with baby soap and carefully roll the mask off your face. Along with the mask, the spent keratinized layer of skin will also come off. Rinse off the remaining mask and soap from your face with warm water, then rinse it with cool water. Gently pat your face dry with a tissue and apply moisturizer.
  • If the first procedure went well and the skin successfully coped with acid aggression, then in the next procedure you can increase the concentration of the solution to 10%. But no more than that, it’s dangerous. You shouldn’t experiment on yourself, my love.

Method No. 2

Soak a cotton swab in 5% or 10% calcium chloride solution and apply it to your face. After this, lather the sponge damp from the solution with baby soap and work over the entire face with gentle and soft circular movements along the massage lines. You will notice how the rolls of the stratum corneum of the skin will roll off. Rinse off any remaining soap with warm water and apply moisturizer. Although this is a fairly mild peeling, doing it more than once every ten days is not allowed , especially if you have thin and dry skin.

Classic chemical peeling at home

  • Prepare a mixture in a small vessel: 30 ml of camphor alcohol, 10 ml of 10% solution ammonia, 30 ml of glycerin, 10 g of boric acid, 2 tablets of 1.5 g of hydroperite or 30 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Finely grate some good baby or toilet soap. Add grated soap a little at a time to your bowl and stir until the mixture becomes creamy. You should end up with a light, slightly foamy cream that you can store in the refrigerator for three months. Separately, prepare a 10% solution of calcium chloride - one ampoule per 10 ml.
  • Apply the resulting cream to your face and, when it dries, wash it off with a previously prepared solution of calcium chloride.
  • Immediately after this, rinse your face thoroughly and thoroughly with lukewarm water, gently blot and dry the skin with a soft cloth.
  • When performing this peeling do not touch areas of skin with minor inflammation and small pustules.

Homemade peeling using bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide

Attention! Although the method of peeling from bodyagi with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide has been carefully verified and fully complies with the technique and method of its use at the Institute of Cosmetology, before using these masks yourself, be sure to consult a cosmetologist.
This peeling is not advisable for overly sensitive or very thin and dry facial skin, for various skin diseases and severe inflammation.

    • Cleanse your face with milk or lotion. If you have oily skin, then slightly steam your face over a steam bath for two to three minutes, and if not, then warm your facial skin with a terry towel soaked in sufficient water. hot water. Then gently blot and dry your face with a soft cloth. Tuck your hair under a scarf and wear something comfortable and loose.
    • To protect your eyebrows, eyelids, lips and sensitive eye areas from discoloration and intense exfoliation, apply Vaseline. Put thin rubber gloves on your hands.
    • Grind 40 g of dry bodyaga into powder. Pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting powder into a small container, and, stirring constantly, gradually add a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the powder until your mixture begins to foam strongly and reaches a creamy state.
    • Immediately apply the resulting mixture to your face with a cotton sponge and protected fingertips. rubber gloves, gently rub the mixture into the skin with soft and light circular movements along the massage lines.
    • Keep the mask on your face until it dries (about 15-20 minutes), and then rinse with warm water. Blot your face and dry it softly, then powder your already dry skin with talcum powder.
    • The skin peeling procedure with bodyagi should be carried out daily until the skin begins to peel off a little. As a rule, 2-3, sometimes 4-5 masks are enough for this - the oilier your skin, the more procedures will be required. On the second and subsequent days, the skin no longer needs to be steamed or warmed before the procedure, but simply wiped with a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol (otherwise known as salicylic acid) for cleaning.
    • During the days during which the peeling procedure will take place, any washing and use of creams and masks is prohibited. Any accessible ways protect your face from direct sun rays and powder it more often. And in the post-peeling period, the ones that suit you will be very useful. sunscreens. The conclusion is clear: this peeling is best done in the autumn-winter period.
    • After the procedure is completely completed, to soften and soothe the skin of the face, lubricate it for 2 days only (!) with boric Vaseline, and on the third day, proceed to a short, gentle and very light facial massage, for which use a massage cream, mixing it in half with boron Vaseline or slightly heated olive oil in a water bath, also mixed in half with boron petroleum jelly. After such a gentle massage, you should immediately apply a softening and soothing mask to your skin, selected for your skin type, for example: yolk-honey-oil, yolk-butter, yolk-honey, honey-milk, cucumber-lanolin, honey with the addition of birch juice, infusions of chamomile, parsley or calendula.

As you have probably noticed, peeling compositions that you can make yourself at home cost mere pennies, but the result is smooth, radiant skin. Remember that the most important thing is carry out procedures according to the rules, observe all precautions and make sure that you have there are no contraindications to the chosen peeling.
Below is a useful video in which you can get acquainted with the features of peeling at home.

Video: home chemical peeling

Attractive appearance is, first of all, a clean and healthy face. Stylish and fashion makeup coupled with natural beauty may not be enough if the pores are clogged, the skin is uneven, rough, or excessively thick. The optimal solution to this problem is peeling. Many women are accustomed to having this procedure done in a beauty studio, and therefore know that its cost can significantly affect the wallet. This is why ladies often decide to do facial peeling themselves at home. However, it is worth clearly separating the compositions for normal, dry and oily skin, not forgetting about contraindications.

Types of facial peeling

So what is peeling? And why does this procedure allow you to monitor not only appearance skin, but also its health and youth? The whole point is that facial peeling is a deep cleansing of the epidermis. An integral part of the procedure is grinding, which removes dead cells. As a result, the regeneration process starts in the tissues, they are rejuvenated and aligned. But there are several types of facial peeling. Below are the most popular types of peeling, among which the most popular are chemical and hardware.

Hardware peeling

Hardware peeling is one of the most popular types of this cosmetic procedure. Its focus is skin rejuvenation. In addition, the procedure restores the beauty of the problematic skin. It is aimed at eliminating a variety of aesthetic flaws.

Hardware facial peeling is based on a complex of physical effects on the skin. Thanks to this, the fabrics are cleaned. Some of the cells simply evaporate along with the water. As a result, dead cells are eliminated. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Through the use of special mechanisms, strict dosage of exposure to the face and maximum accuracy are ensured. That is why the risks of complications are reduced to zero.

Photo peeling

Photo peeling is another type of procedure. This type of cleansing allows you to activate the growth of the formation of new cells, get rid of pigmentation, wrinkles, and eliminate various defects on the skin.

Photo-peeling favors in a wonderful way to prolong the youth of the skin. The secret of the procedure is the use of biological natural ingredients. That is why the action is as prompt as possible. Peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis begins literally immediately. Thanks to this, after just a few sessions you can notice a significant improvement in the condition of your skin.

Chemical peeling

There is another variety. This is a chemical facial peel. This type of cosmetic procedure is essentially a burn to the skin. However, its depth is clearly controlled. That is why the result can be the elimination of defects in the integument and its rejuvenation. Chemical peeling of the face is usually divided according to the level of intensity into medium, superficial and deep. Each type of chemical scrub is aimed at eliminating specific problems. It is worth considering that the deep version is the most effective and powerful. It not only removes the top layer of cells, but also smoothes the surface of the face.

Physical peeling

Physical peeling for the face is usually classified as a special category. This cosmetic procedure is carried out using innovative technical means. Its result is rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin. Physical facial exfoliation can eliminate wrinkles and sagging. There are two main types of physical facial peels. These are laser peeling and cryopilling. They are equally effective for oily and dry skin.

Mechanical peeling

Mechanical peeling - special variety. This facial care option is based on the use of mixtures based on special abrasive particles. Such compositions are applied to the skin under high pressure. This is why the top layer of the epidermis is literally removed. What is the result of this impact? Mechanical peeling allows you to:

  • restore skin elasticity;
  • get rid of wrinkles;
  • eliminate traces of post-acne;
  • smooth out small scars.

In turn, mechanical peeling is divided into gommage, brossage, and scrub. This is exactly the type of peeling that is usually done at home.

Preparation for the procedure

Before carrying out home peeling of the face, you should definitely prepare for the procedure.

Per month before date “X” the first preparation is carried out approximately. To do this, it is optimal to use products that contain glycolic, ascorbic, azelaic, phytic, kojic or other acids in low concentrations. These are special creams and masks that prepare pores and tissues for a more powerful and deeper effect. By applying these drugs to the skin, you can achieve the required level of thinning of the upper layers of the epidermis. As a result, the effectiveness of the facial peel itself will be higher.

During the week Before the expected date of peeling, you should stop any procedures that cause some degree of skin trauma. These are hair removal, cleansing or scrubs.

In 2-3 days Before the session, you must stop applying products that contain AHA acids.

Facial peeling recipes at home

To care for problematic facial skin, peeling is often done at home on your own. There are a huge number of recipes that allow you to carry out the procedure efficiently and effectively. The main thing is to consider that almost all recipes do not involve the use of water. You just need to wash your face with it afterwards.

Recipe 1: for oily skin

To cleanse problematic oily skin at home, it is worth exfoliating. The optimal solution is to use a recipe based on sea salt. It will need to be mixed with honey.

On a note! Homemade peeling with sea salt can also be done for dry skin, but in this case you will need to mix it with olive oil.

The composition should be rubbed into the skin with massaging movements. This should be done for several minutes, after which the mixture is washed off with cool water. For optimal care, you should use infusions of mint, chamomile or sage instead. You need to wash your face after the procedure, which helps open the pores and clean them. You can use a cream with a light texture.

Recipe 2: anti-aging peeling

You can achieve a rejuvenating effect by performing a special facial peeling at home. An excellent solution is to use mandelic acid.

The face must be cleaned of traces of makeup and care products. It is equally important that no traces of sebum remain on the skin. It is also recommended to steam your face before the procedure. First of all, a tonic with mandelic acid with a concentration of 5% is applied to the skin. Next, pre-peeling is done with ten percent mandelic acid. Only in the third stage is the drug used at 30%.

The procedure ends with a soothing mask. However, first you need to wash your face with water. It is optimal to make a composition with lactic acid, kelp and collagen. The mask in the form of applications is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Recipe 3: peeling for dry skin

Dry skin needs cleansing no less than oily skin. However, the procedure requires delicate compounds. Peeling for dry skin should not be performed more than once every 2 weeks. There are many recipes. Here is one of them: you need to take 3 strawberries and one medium-sized apple. All fruits should be grated and rubbed into the skin in a circular motion for a couple of minutes. You can leave the mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour and only then wash it off with water. You can wash your face not only with water, but also with herbal decoctions. At the end of the session, it will not be superfluous to use a nourishing cream with a light texture.

Recipe 4: for whitening

Peeling at home helps solve a number of the most different problems. For example, such a procedure can get rid of traces of not so beautiful tanning or pigmentation. Cucumber peeling works well. This recipe uses 1 cucumber. The fruit should be washed, peeled and juice extracted from the resulting mass.

Carefully add a large spoonful of oatmeal into this liquid. The mixture is thoroughly kneaded, after which a large spoon of sea salt is added to it. The result is a composition that is very similar in consistency to cream. Next, add a couple of drops of rose oil into the paste.

The resulting mixture is rubbed into the face for 2 minutes. The movements should be massage. Then this composition should be left on the skin for 10 minutes. Only then should the product be washed off.

Note! To achieve optimal results, 2-3 sessions of whitening peeling are necessary.

Recipe 5: for normal skin

Procedures for cleansing and exfoliating normal skin are recommended once a week. The recipe suggests mixing:

  • 3 large spoons of oatmeal;
  • 3 large spoons of orange zest;
  • 3 large spoons of chamomile infusion (can be replaced with milk).

The resulting mixture, which does not need to be diluted with water, as in previous recipes, is rubbed in a circular motion into the skin. Then you need to leave it on your face for 5 minutes. Rinse off optimally with herbal infusions or softened water. The composition of this scrub perfectly removes dead cells from the surface layer of the epidermis. This mask has no effect on deep tissues. But there are contraindications. This homemade scrub should not be used by those who are allergic to citrus fruits.


Peeling, even at home, remains a cosmetic procedure. That is why there are a number of contraindications to skin cleansing sessions. It is very important to be careful when treating problem surfaces. If there is a lot of inflammation and pimples, then any type of peeling should be abandoned. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.

Among other contraindications it is worth noting:

  • vitiligo;
  • presence of papillomas;
  • dermatitis;
  • melanoma;
  • increased sensitivity.

Another contraindication is open wounds. It is equally important to approach sessions with caution for those who are allergic to certain medications. When carrying out procedures, the use of such hazardous components should be avoided.

Video: how to do facial peeling at home

Doing facial peeling yourself at home will not be difficult if you use the video recommendations below. Recipes will help you do everything right:

The concept of the program is associated with an unconventionally broad understanding of “music criticism” - as a form of activity that is close to curating. The curriculum is focused on training specialists capable of, in addition to traditional forms critical work, initiate, plan and implement projects within modern cultural institutions - opera and ballet theaters, philharmonic societies, concert organizations, festivals.

The program is addressed to specialists and bachelors with knowledge in the field of academic music. Master's students master practical skills at the Alexandrinsky Theater and the Academy of Young Composers, at the Diaghilev Festival in Perm and the " Golden mask", Earlymusic and reMusik festivals, and the annual festival at Bard College. Graduates of the master's program, in addition to the diploma from St. Petersburg State University, receive a diploma from Bard College and have good job prospects due to the acute shortage in domestic cultural space personnel with appropriate qualifications.

Vasily Efremov, Head of the Public Relations Department of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater
Personally, it’s already difficult for me to imagine the Diaghilev Festival without students of the Master’s program “Musical Criticism”. It’s even more difficult without the “Resonance” award, which was invented and created by program graduates Anastasia Zubareva and Anna Infantieva. Every year, with our students, we tell our viewers about what is happening at the Diaghilev Festival: we do interviews, write news, and publish short reviews. Graduates of the program, already established music critics, Bogdan Korolek and Aya Makarova this year became not only our authors, but also the presenters of the Laboratory of the Modern Spectator. I can say with confidence: we still have many joint projects ahead.

Tatyana Belova, head of the Literary and Publishing Department of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia
With master's students of the Music Criticism program Grand Theatre I’ve known her almost since her birth – since the fall of 2012. Many of them actively write, translate, and edit articles for booklets, programs, the theater website, and various projects related to both opera and ballet. There is always a shortage of authors who can write concisely, engagingly and very accurately about music. Graduates of the Music Criticism program know how to do this, and reading the articles they write or the interviews they record is a pleasure.

Basic courses of the program

Selected works of teachers

  • . From Ives to Adams: American Music of the Twentieth Century. St. Petersburg: Ivan Limbach Publishing House, 2010. 784 p.
  • . Experiments in melosophy. About paths not taken music science. St. Petersburg: Publishing house named after N.I. Novikov, 2014. 532 p.
  • Vadim Gaevsky, . Talking about Russian ballet. M.: New publishing house, 2010. 292 p.

Publications prepared by teachers, undergraduates and graduates

  • New Russian musical criticism: 1993-2003: In 3 volumes. T.1. Opera / Edited by: Olga Manulkina, Pavel Gershenzon. M.: NLO, 2015. 576 p.
  • New Russian musical criticism: 1993-2003: In 3 volumes. T.2. Ballet / Edited by: Pavel Gershenzon, Bogdan Korolek. M.: NLO, 2015. 664 p.
  • New Russian musical criticism: 1993-2003: In 3 volumes. T.3. Concerts / Edited by: Bogdan Korolek, Alexander Ryabin. M.: NLO, 2016. 656 p.
  • The century of the “Rite of Spring” is the century of modernism. M.: Bolshoi Theater, 2013.
  • Gerard Mortier. Drama of passion. Seasons of Mortier. Interview. Essay. St. Petersburg, 2016. 384 p.
  • Schola criticorum. A collection of works by master's students in the Music Criticism program. Faculty liberal arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg, 2016.
  • Schola criticorum 2. Works of master's students in the Music Criticism program. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg, 2017.

Alumni reviews

Olga Makarova, 2016 graduate, music critic
In my first year, it seemed to me that I could already do, if not everything, then quite a lot: I had work experience, I had some knowledge, I had the ability to watch opera performances carefully and thoughtfully. And the point, perhaps, is not that I was able to learn a lot of new things. The main thing I was able to learn is to ask the right questions, not to take anything for granted, not to rely on other people’s opinions, to always look for clues - that’s what they teach in our program. It seems to me that this is necessary not only for music critics.

Anastasia Zubareva, 2014 graduate, curator of the Resonance Prize
This best school in Russia, where they teach how to write about academic music and make musical projects. Just practice and helpful informationperfect place for those who do not want to waste time and intend to learn a real profession.

Alexander Ryabin, 2014 graduate, music critic
The master's program gave me an incredible amount of information: how to listen to music, how to watch it, how it works, what happened a long time ago and what is now. You could write however you wanted, without limiting yourself at all, and get paid fairly for what you wrote every time. None of the teachers taught me to think like them, but everyone helped me learn to think and perceive what was happening. And so, step by step under sensitive leadership I learned a lot. Ideas about the world were reassembled several times, and new knowledge arrived uninterruptedly. I had to keep up and listen. It was as if I had been transplanted from a cart with a horse harnessed to it, slowly rolling along the off-road, into a spaceship.

Master's theses

  • Leila Abbasova (2016, director –) “Gergiev and Prokofiev: strategies for promoting the composer at the Mariinsky Theater (1995-2015)”
  • Alexandra Vorobyova (2017, director – , consultant – ) “Ballet librettos of the 19th century: from narrative to choreographic text”
  • Natalya Gergieva (2017, director –) “Operas and ballets of Rodion Shchedrin on the Mariinsky Stage: performance, criticism, reception”
  • Philip Dvornik (2014, director – ) “The phenomenon of opera in cinema: methods of representation”
  • Anna Infantieva (2014, director –) “Modern music in modern Russia: society, economy, culture"
  • Bogdan Korolek (2017, director –
  • Vsevolod Mititello (2015, director – ) “Motives of resistance to innovations in the musical environment (experience of insider observation)”
  • Ilya Popov (2017, director –) “Director’s Opera theatre as a territory of cultural transfer"
  • Alexander Ryabin (2014, director –) “Reduction of Wagner’s myth in modern popular culture»
  • Alina Ushakova (2017, director – ) “Heiner Goebbels’ post-opera: digital narrative in scenography”

Master's students' texts are published in booklets of the Mariinsky, Bolshoi, Perm and Yekaterinburg theaters, on the Kolta portal, in the Kommersant newspaper and other media.

Graduate curatorial projects

How to proceed?

To enroll in the program, you must submit documents and a portfolio. detailed information about the admission algorithm, portfolio, rules for submitting documents through

MUSICAL CRITICISM - an assessment of the phenomena of modern musical life, associated with the op-re-de-la-noy es-thetical in-zi-tsi-ey and you-ra-zhae -may in literary-public-literary genres: critical articles, reviews, but-graphic notes, reviews yah, essays, on-le-mic re-p-li-kah, es-se.

In a broader sense, as an assessment of the phenomena of musical art, music criticism is part of all research. knowledge about music. musical criticism is closely connected with mu-zy-ko-ve-de-ni-em, musical es-te-ti-koy, fi-lo-so-fi-ey mu-zy-ki. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, musical criticism was not yet a well-established independent phenomenon. The assessment, on the one hand, is not on the average, but op-re-de-la-la-was applied to us for the mu- zy-ki (look Applied music), with the other - based on broad, non-specific artistic cri-te-rii ( look

When Sosedov invited the Express Gazeta reporter to his home to talk about music, he did not hesitate for a second...

Veteran of the "Sharks of the Feather" program, superhero of the star show "You're a Superstar!" famous music critic Sergei Sosedov has always been extremely a closed person. Therefore, when he invited an Express Newspaper reporter to his home to talk about music, he did not hesitate for a second. In life, one of the most competent specialists in the field of show business turned out to be as frank as viewers are accustomed to seeing him in various television projects.

- Seryozha, what is the secret of your success?

I always speak out openly, moderately harshly, regardless of faces. I don't know how to lie and be a hypocrite. But I feel the threshold of what is permitted acutely. I never stoop to insults and dirty fights.

- But not everyone likes the truth.

Our society, alas, is immoral. On Channel One, I’m generally persona non grata. They can’t forgive how I said everything I think about the third place “t.A.T.u.” on the air. at Eurovision: “This is not a shame, but a colossal advance for these girls. They sang disgustingly.” And he explained why. Thus, he broke the entire structure of Malakhov’s transmission. After all, the channel invested a lot of money in promoting the group in the West.

Do you remember how Lolita, during the filming of “Superstar,” put a bridle on me and performed artificial respiration? - continues Sosedov. - She is generally a great inventor, a brilliant improviser, a very courageous woman. “Serega, I have nothing to do here without you! Of all the jury members, I can easily communicate only with you,” she admitted.

The emphasis in the program was on me - this was planned according to the script. Although some characters like Guzman behaved very obscenely. A petty, dirty person, jealous of other people's success. Constantly pulled the blanket over himself. And, as it turned out, he doesn’t know our songs very well. He doesn't understand music at all. That's why I judged in the kitchen. In helpless rage, he threw out the words: “A man with such a goat-like tone - this is about me - teaches artists how to sing!” This is the level of his polemics. I could, of course, answer: “Can you, fat goose, even play one note?” But to stoop to such a level? I pretended not to notice the rudeness. And Guzman was being strangled by a toad. After all, the star of “Superstar” turned out to be not he, but Sosedov.

- Seryozha, haven’t you thought that maybe people like Guzman are put off by your mannerisms and timbre of your voice?

But this is my nature. There is no pretense here.

- In “Superstar” someone asked the question: “Do you have a favorite girl?” You answered: “There is no girl, but there is a boy.”

What to hide - for me everything is already visible.

- Don’t women warm you up at all?

“By the way, there are not so many gays on the stage, but these are very worthy artists: Borya Moiseev, Lazarev, Leontyev, Kirkorov, Basque... Maybe I forgot who?”

Well why not? They were also in my life. There is a special breed of women who are passionate about gay conversion. “How can it be, why is he with men?” they think. “Does he really hate the weaker sex?” The woman gets turned on, begins to undress, show off her charms, twirl her butt - to convince me that she has intimate parts better than men. It's fun! - It turns out that you know firsthand about the blue mafia in show business?

There are gays in any professional environment. It’s just that those on the screen can be seen by their behavior, manners, and voice. I don't believe in the blue mafia. Why are gays so actively involved in art and show business? Yes, because they are refined, gentle, passionate natures. By the way, there are not so many gays on the stage, but these are very worthy artists: Borya Moiseev, Lazarev, Leontiev, Kirkorov, Basque... Maybe I forgot who? Of course, no one held a candle over them, but, as they say, you can’t hide an sew in a bag...

Gay singers are embarrassed to come out. They invent all sorts of tall tales about their affairs with women. You know, this is because of the fear of losing the attention of most of the fans. Ordinary complex. Can you imagine, they, so beautiful, dressed up, successful, rich, have complexes! Although in fact there is nothing but subjective perception in this ill-fated topic. As singer Lyudmila Nikolaeva once said: “They also found a problem! I have half a team like that!” Now even schoolgirls understand what “color” their idol is. And it was only when I was 18 that I first learned what a condom was. For some reason it seemed to me that these were pills. Those were the times...

-Who do you consider female stars?

I really like Zemfira. It's a pity that she doesn't perform much... Obviously, she doesn't understand the scale of her talent. Although many blame her for imitating Aguzarova. But this is unlikely to be the case. The nature of their voices is simply very close.

MakSim is sweet. Although not without abilities. She certainly has a melodic gift. It has been called a "handkerchief for teenagers who are unlucky in love."

Valeria is very good and professional. But I think she lacks self-irony. To the “Watches” and “Keys” for the trilogy it would be good to add the disposable, cheerful “Panties”.

I don’t understand the success of Zhanna Friske and Anna Semenovich. Everything is empty, primitive, voiceless, artificial. Except, excuse me, boobs, there is nothing there. But they are on stage, and on ice, and under the circus big top... Probably someone is lobbying them hard.

Alla Pugacheva doesn’t need to skate on ice or hang out under the circus big top. She hovered there, and without any insurance, when all these “singing panty bras” were not in sight. And now it’s soaring above everyone! But I’ve already done everything creatively. Although...

- What do you think about her connection with Galkin?

Her patronage to Maxim, good, talented artist, but, to put it mildly, not to Arkady Raikin or even Khazanov; of course, it is of a personal nature. It's a kind of game with the public. Of course, he is, in his own way, “the jester at the queen’s throne,” which she once sang about in “Harlequin.” Moreover, he is a rich jester. What is important for Pugacheva: she always loved money. But there is also a sexual-medical aspect: it is no secret that the sperm of young men has a good effect on the hormonal levels of older women. And, believe me, there is nothing terribly scandalous about this.

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