Where is Kinchev? History of Soviet rock music

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She will congratulate him today on his “square” date - his 55th birthday, and will once again remember that He is her love at first sight...

He always appreciated her beauty, impulsiveness and the fact that She lives by feelings and not by reason...

They both believe that their union is Great Love. And they have been living together for more than 20 years, despite the fact that they did not have a formal wedding. Perhaps that is why they living together It seems to them like a continuous honeymoon...


Alexandra Lokteva- one of four children of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Laureate State Prize actor Alexei Loktev, famous for the film I'm walking around Moscow(1963).

She did not follow in his footsteps - she did not become an actress. But she found herself in journalism - she worked on the TV-6 channel and published in various magazines. I tried my hand at art criticism.

She tried to start a family - she got married and gave birth to a daughter, Masha, but, in all likelihood, her chosen one was not the very hero she was waiting for, brought up on Kaverin’s literature and the novel “Two Captains”. However, whoever seeks will find. Those who wait will wait. And she waited His...


He was born and raised in Moscow on Gorky Street in the family of the rector of the Moscow Technological Institute, a doctor of technical sciences - his father, and his mother - a mechanical engineer who taught strength of materials at the same institute. Actually, Konstantin’s childhood was probably like that of many Soviet children of that time - he dreamed of being Chingachgook and taking revenge on the one-legged Silver. He ran away from home and, together with his friends, “knew exactly where to look for the pirate treasure” (and he was not embarrassed by the fact that in Tula, where he was taken off the train, there was no sea).

He deliberately joined the Komsomol, but he did not appreciate this action and “asked” Konstantin to leave after he showed up to school in an inappropriate manner (the main complaints were about the young man’s hairstyle... as a result, Konstantin simply shaved his head).

Certificate of completion high school entailed entering the institute where his parents worked, but the young man chose a different faculty - “Economics and Finance”. And in parallel, he had the opportunity to study for a year at the singing school at Bolshoi Theater. However, initially Konstantin did not intend to go there - chance decided everything for him: while relaxing in a beer hall at VDNKh, the future rocker started singing a song with his friends, which was heard by a Bolshoi Theater employee and suggested that Kostya try to take part in the competition.

He was not at a loss and appeared at the audition the very next day. And the first round passed thanks to the songs “Shine, burn, my star” and “Oh, it’s not evening, then it’s not evening,” which he performed to the accompaniment of a piano.

It should be noted that the young man linked his destiny with music long before that - even at school, instead of studying English on the brand new Dnepr tape recorder that his mother gave him, Kostya listened to recordings Rolling Stones And Black Sabbath and also tried to write own songs in the same style. In fact, it was then that he decided to become a rock star. Not less.

And he became it, having gone through the “Golden Mean”, “Circle of the Black Half”, “Third Fuck Team”, “Broken Air”, “Recreation Area”... Until he got to “Alice”. His relationship with music, with authorities, with fans - all this resembled a force of nature. “Alice” was taken note of by law enforcement agencies, and Kinchev himself (by the way, this is by no means a pseudonym, but the real - family - name of the musician, which was “hidden” in family archives because of his repressed grandfather). During this time, Konstantin managed to marry Anna Golubeva and give birth to a son, Evgeniy.

But one day in the Eliseevsky grocery store he met his Destiny... Her...


It was May 1988 - the time of queues. It was there that Konstantin and Yuri Shevchuk (who celebrated his 31st birthday that day) - in line in the wine department - noticed a bright young lady. Which turned out to be Alexandra.

"I knew Kostya by sight - shortly before the meeting I happened to be at his concert, but I was not a fan of “Alice” - rather, on the contrary, all this excitement around him aroused irritation in me, - Alexandra later said in an interview. - It was love at first sight".

The young people exchanged phone numbers, started calling each other, and meeting. At that time, Konstantin was still married, so their first kiss took place only a month after they met - after his official divorce.

Konstantin immediately moved to Alexandra. They lived together for three years, and after... They went to the registry office. But only because without a stamp in their passport they would not have been married.

"...I can only talk about a marriage sealed by the Church. I consider all other types of cohabitation between a man and a woman to be cohabitation without obligations. Source - personal experience. Marriage is a school of Christian life. It’s not easy, like all life, if you live according to the laws of faith. Easy, because you always feel the gaze of the Heavenly Father on you, Who, although he demands strictly, loves. And he constantly teaches this love to his foolish children.

Marriage teaches me patience, understanding my women's place in the family hierarchy (it’s not for nothing that I follow my husband to Communion, and not ahead of him), sympathy. Marriage teaches me to admire other people's lives more than my own, to take care of it more than myself. Marriage teaches me to trust another person who was a stranger by birth and upbringing, but has become a part of me. Marriage is the cultivation of a sense of duty, responsibility, meekness, and renunciation of personal interests. A married marriage is a constant increase in love, it is the fusion of souls", Alexandra answered questions from journalists.

On Friday, April 29, the leader of the group "Alice" Konstantin Kinchev was hospitalized with a heart attack in one of the St. Petersburg clinics, the group’s press secretary said Alexandra Panfilova.

“Konstantin has a heart attack, he is now in one of the St. Petersburg clinics,” said the press secretary, refusing to name the clinic, “so as not to injure the artist.”

AiF.ru talks about what the leader of the group “Alice” Konstantin Kinchev is famous for.


Konstantin Evgenievich Kinchev was born on December 25, 1958 in Moscow. Father - Panfilov Evgeniy Alekseevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Rector of the Moscow Technological Institute (now Russian State University tourism and service). Mother - Lyudmila Nikolaevna, a mechanical engineer, taught strength of materials at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named after D. I. Mendeleev (now Russian Chemical Technology University named after D. I. Mendeleev).

In 1966, Konstantin went to first grade at school No. 49.

At the age of fourteen, Konstantin decided to join the Komsomol. In the eighth grade, Kostya was expelled from this organization because he came to school in an inappropriate manner the day after his friend’s farewell to the army. The student was given a personal file and told not to come to school until he had his hair cut, to which he replied: “Okay,” and went to the hairdresser and cut his hair bald.

At the age of fifteen, in the Zvyozdochka pioneer camp, Konstantin heard Black Sabbath and after that he began collecting records.

After school, Konstantin worked at the Nauka plant as a milling machine apprentice, draftsman apprentice and graphic designer. Then he entered Moscow Institute of Technology(now the University of Tourism and Service) at the Faculty of Economics and Finance. At the same time, I studied for a year at the singing school at the Bolshoi Theater, which I got into by accident: while relaxing in a pub at VDNKh stranger heard Konstantin singing and invited him to take part in the competition. The next day he went through the first round, performing the songs “Shine, burn, my star” and “Oh, it’s not evening, but it’s not evening” to the piano.

The school implied a four-year course, of which Konstantin studied for a year. After leaving, the musician simultaneously worked as a model at the Surikov School, as a loader in a bakery and as a women's administrator. basketball team. It is also known that for some time Konstantin studied at a jazz studio in Zamoskvorechye. The musician avoided conscription into the army under the article “residual effects of traumatic brain injury.” From 1977 to 1980, Konstantin studied at the Moscow Cooperative Institute (now Russian University cooperation).

The beginning of a musical career

Before joining Alisa, Kinchev played in several Moscow groups. In Tushino he created his own group “Broken Air”, which performed Western rock classics. In 1983, the group “Recreation Zone” appeared, performing only Kinchev’s songs. In the summer of 1984, Kinchev moved to St. Petersburg, where he joined the musicians of the group Secret and the founder of the group Alisa. Slava Zaderij recorded the tape album Nervous Night. Soon Zaderiy invited Kinchev to join his group.

In March 1985, “Alice” performed for the first time with Kinchev as a vocalist at the third festival of the Leningrad Rock Club. In 1988, his debut was released on vinyl. studio album group "Alice" "Energy". The team began to tour actively. In 1989, the Melodiya company released two more Alice albums: “Block of Hell” and “Sixth Forester”. In 1990, at a concert in Moscow at Luzhniki, the group recorded the album “Shabash”.

In 1992, “Alice” took part in the rock event “Sabbath in the Kremlin”, the concert took place in the Kremlin Palace.

In 1996 in Moscow at the Palace of Culture named after. Gorbunov held a concert-presentation of the album “Jazz”. A little later, a collection of Alice’s songs was released in the series “Legends of Russian Rock” (Moroz records). In 1997, the album “Fool” was released.

In January 1998 in St. Petersburg, Konstantin Kinchev and St. Petersburg musician Alexander "Ricochet" Aksyonov recorded joint album"Geopolitics", which included the most famous songs Kinchev, made in a non-traditional techno style for Kinchev.

“Solstice”, released in February 2000, formulated the updated ideological position of the “Alice” group. Kinchev himself called “Solstice” a landmark album.

In March 2001, the Eksmo publishing house published a collection of Kinchev’s poems, “Solstice.” In addition to texts from the period 1984-2000, “Solstice” presented articles about “Alice” and photographs; the book was illustrated by the artist Katya Manshavina.

On October 15, 2003, one of Alice’s most conceptual albums, “Now Later Than You Think,” was released. In January 2005, “Alice” began recording the album “Outcast,” which was released in October of the same year and became one of the group’s most brutal albums.

On November 16, 2013, the Alisa group celebrated its thirtieth anniversary with a big solo concert on the stage of the St. Petersburg SKK.

Film work

Konstantin Kinchev has experience working in cinema. In 1985, he played a musician in the detective story Yulia Koltuna“Walk the Line”, and in 1986 he starred in the film Valeria Ogorodnikova"Burglar"


For his participation in the film “Burglar,” Konstantin Kinchev received the title “Best Actor of the Year” at the Sofia International Film Festival.

In 1991, the leader of "Alice" received music award"Ovation" in the category "Best Rock Singer".

Konstantin Kinchev was awarded the Defender of Free Russia medal for his participation in the defense of the White House in 1991. In the fall of 1994, he officially returned the medal to the “Defender free Russia", thus expressing his protest to the authorities in connection with the murder of a famous young journalist Dmitry Kholodov and the beginning of military operations in Chechnya.

On June 6, 2006, the Petropol Prize award ceremony took place on the Moika embankment near house 12. Konstantin Kinchev won in the category “For freedom, sincerity and poetry of creativity.”

January 25, 2007 in St. Petersburg in St. Isaac's Cathedral The presentation of the honorary badges of St. Tatiana, established in 1996 by the Council of Rectors of the city's universities, the St. Petersburg diocese and the interuniversity association "Pokrov" took place. Among the recipients was Konstantin Kinchev. As Pokrov reported: Kinchev is known in the church environment - at a meeting of rock musicians with Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, he received approval for “preaching from within the (rocker) environment and the ability to give listeners the right impulse.”

On October 14, 2012, he was awarded the badge “Honorary Employee of the Military Orthodox Mission.”

Personal life

Konstantin Kinchev is married for the second time. His first wife was Anna Golubeva, in this marriage a son, Evgeniy, was born. Kinchev's second wife - Alexandra Panfilova, they have common daughter Vera and daughter from Alexandra’s first marriage - Maria.

Biography of Kostya Kinchev

RIA Novosti 12/25/2008

Konstantin Kinchev(aka "Doctor Kinchev") was born on December 25, 1958 in Moscow. Real name musician - Panfilov, Kinchev - the name of his repressed grandfather.

In 1966, Kostya’s mother, a university teacher, bought him a Dnepro tape recorder and recorded a Beatles cassette, trying to interest her son in the English language. Kostya began to listen" Rolling Stones“, but I still haven’t learned English.

In the summer of 1972, Kostya went to the Zvyozdochka pioneer camp, next to which there was a hippie tent camp. From there Kinchev brought a steady interest in creativity." Black Sabbath" and, in addition, those first three thieves chords, with which anyone who picks up a guitar begins.

A year later he already tried to play Led Zeppelin, and in 1973 he wrote his first song.

In 1974, Kostya formed the group “Circle of the Black Half”.

In 1983, the groups “Crystal Ball” and “Democritus Well” collapsed in Leningrad, and from their “fragments” Svyatoslav Zaderiy gathered new team called "Alice". In 1984, Konstantin Kinchev moved from Moscow to Leningrad. In the same year, the musician recorded his first solo album“Nervous Night” with the participation of guest musicians, after which Zaderiy invited Kinchev to “Alice” as a soloist.

"Nervous Night"

At the end of 1983, two groups broke up in Leningrad - “Crystal Ball” and “Democritus Well”, from the fragments of which Svyatoslav Zaderiy assembled a new group called “Alice”. In addition to Zaderiya himself, who played the bass guitar, it included: Boris Borisov - saxophone, vocals; Mikhail Nefedov - drums; Andrey Shatalin - guitar; Pavel Kondratenko - keys. With this composition they recorded the first magnetic album “Krivozerkalye” and performed at the II rock festival of the Leningrad Rock Club. Immediately after the festival, vocalist Boris Borisov left the group.

At this time, in 1984, Konstantin Kinchev moved from Moscow to Leningrad, where he met sound engineer Igor “Panker” Gudkov, who by that time had managed to record Mike Naumenko’s solo work “LV”. Gudkov introduced Konstantin to Mike and after listening to the repertoire young musician he said that “this has a right to exist.”

Interview: Dana Borisova and Konstantin Kinchev.

Apostle Paul

- AT HIS time, your song “All this is rock and roll” was performed by almost the entire flower of today’s rock veterans: from Sukachev to Shakhrin. There was a feeling of a certain brotherhood and community. Is this possible today?

And for what? To be shown on TV? It makes no sense. Rockers were just different from all other people Soviet period by taking upon themselves the courage to sing and say what the entire population of the country was thinking. Accordingly, there was a feeling of unity. We were visible, and therefore it seemed that we were a united monolith in opposition to totalitarian evil. But the regime collapsed and was replaced by another. And everyone began to choose their freedom and defend their understanding of freedom. Therefore, the paths of the entire population diverged. Find now mutual language It's very difficult with each other. I don’t want to incriminate anyone; everyone has every right to their own understanding of freedom. But my position is this: we are a state with the Orthodox religion, with national language- Russians and the state-forming people - Russians. All other peoples and confessions are grouped around this. When I voice such thoughts, it seems to someone that I am a fascist.

At the end of February, he and other members of the group were summoned several times for interrogation. Kinchev is charged with “malicious hooliganism” and released on his own recognizance. At this stage, as Ilya Smirnov wrote in his book “The Time of Bells,” “ real help“Alice” was assisted by journalist Evgeny Dodolev, known for his publications about the Brezhnev family.”

On July 11, a court hearing was held at which an audio recording of the concert was heard, confirming the injustice of the accusations of Nazism and slander on the part of Kokosov. By October 1988, both processes were completed. The case against Kinchev was dropped, he was given bail to the Leningrad rock club. The Smena newspaper, without waiting for the court's decision, published a refutation and apology.

In honor of the 20th anniversary of the scandal, a video report was filmed and shown before the band’s concerts. It included fragments of a recording of the group's performance and a recording of the trial.

After visiting Jerusalem in 1992, Kinchev converted to Orthodoxy, which later radically affected his work. In the theme of Constantine's songs recent years Christian and Slavic-patriotic themes predominate. “Alice” regularly takes part in festivals in support of the church, such as “Musicians of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior”, “Rock to Heaven” and others. Also, since 2001, “Alice” has not given concerts on the days of the Orthodox fasts - the Great and the Assumption.

In 1988, Konstantin Kinchev had a hard time with the death of his friend Alexander Bashlachev. After his death, the song “Sabbath” was written and an album of the same name was released. In 1991, Kinchev took part in the defense of the White House during the coup in Moscow.

A year later, “Alice” went on tour to Jerusalem. This trip left an indelible impression on the musician. After visiting holy places, the singer converted to Orthodoxy and re-evaluated the value system. Konstantin began to fight drug addiction and defeated it in 1994. At the same time, he turned from an anarchist to a monarchist.

In 1993, after the suicide of “Alice” guitarist Igor Chumychkin, the group stopped for almost a year. concert activities. Afterwards, the memory album “Black Mark” was released. And in 1996, the record “Jazz” appeared, songs from which Konstantin played at apartment buildings, and then fans heard “Geopolitika”.

  • 1985 – Energy
  • 1987 – Hell Block
  • 1989 – Sixth Forester
  • 1991 – Sabbat
  • 1993 – For those who fell from the moon
  • 1994 - Black Mark
  • 1996 – Jazz
  • 1997 – Fool
  • 2000 – Solstice
  • 2001 - Dance
  • 2003 - It's later than you think
  • 2005 – Outcast
  • 2007 – Become the North
  • 2008 – Pulse of the Labyrinth Door Keeper
  • 2010 –Ъ
  • 2011 – 20.12
  • 2012 – Sabotage

It is considered the main fighting unit of Russian rock. Almost all the lyrics of “Alice” were written by Kinchev. In addition, Konstantin tried himself as a film actor.

Konstantin was born in Moscow into an intelligent family of professors and teachers at capital universities. His father Evgeniy Alekseevich Panfilov headed the Moscow Institute of Technology, and his mother Lyudmila Nikolaevna taught strength of materials at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. Interestingly, Kinchev is not exactly a pseudonym. This is the surname of Konstantin’s own grandfather, who was repressed. The musician, having learned about his fate, began to use this surname to honor the honor of his ancestor, but the matter never came to the point of officially re-registering the documents.

Music in the biography of Konstantin Kinchev was with early years. Even in the first grade, he listened to the songs of the group, and later, fascinated by “Black Sabbath,” he became a real music lover. Childhood future star Russian rock can be called eccentric. He ran away from home to search for treasure, had conflicts at school because of his reputation as a rocker, and when he was not allowed into class because long hair, went to the hairdresser and protested by cutting his hair bald.

The second hobby in Konstantin Kinchev’s biography after music was hockey. The teenager trained for several years at the Spartak club, but by the age of 14 he realized that he would not become a sports star and quit classes. Things weren't going well with my studies either. After school, the young man entered the Moscow Technological Institute, whose father was the rector, then studied for a year at the singing school at the Bolshoi Theater and three years at the Moscow Cooperative Institute. But Konstantin did not feel any craving for academic knowledge.

At the same time, Kinchev managed to work as a milling machine apprentice at a factory, as a graphic designer, as a loader in a bakery, as an administrator for a women’s basketball team, and even as a model at the Surikov School. Last place The work was obtained thanks to his athletic physique and proportionate figure (with a height of 177 cm, Konstantin’s weight did not exceed 65 kg). But all that time, Kinchev wanted one thing - to go down in the history of rock music, and he succeeded.


Kinchev's first groups were unknown to the general public. The musician played in the groups “Golden Mean”, “Circle of the Black Half”, “Third Fan Team”, “Broken Air”, “Recreation Zone”, but no recordings from that time have survived. Under the authorship of “Doctor Kinchev and the Style Group”, Konstantin released the solo album “Nervous Night”, after which he was noticed and invited to become a vocalist in the St. Petersburg team “Alice”. It is interesting that initially this group perceived the new singer exclusively as a studio performer, and leader Svyatoslav Zaderiy still sang at concerts. But Kinchev soon proves that he is capable of more.

The debut album was “Energy”, which gave fans of Russian rock the hits “Meloman”, “My generation”, “To me”, and the song “We are together” became business card"Alice". The second disc “Block of Hell” is interesting first of all famous hit“Red on Black,” but the compositions “Time to Change Names” and “Hey, You, There, on the Other Shore” were also very popular.

Soon the group had problems with the authorities: the musicians were accused of promoting Nazism and malicious hooliganism. Kinchev is arrested several times, but each time he is released. These events influenced the content of the albums “The Sixth Forester” and “St. 206 part 2.” In Konstantin Kinchev’s songs “Totalitarian Rap”, “Shadow Theater”, “Army of Life” one can feel the opposition of his opinion to the official way of thinking.

The album “Shabash” was dedicated to a talented musician who passed away early, and “Black Mark” was a tribute to the guitarist of “Alice” Igor Chumychkin, who committed suicide. In the mid-90s, Konstantin Kinchev and the Alisa group participated in the large-scale political action “Vote or Lose.” The singer showed solidarity with representatives of the new government in Russia on the issue of attitude towards the communist regime. In 2000, the landmark album “Solstice” appeared for the group. According to the authors of the disc, the music was supposed to give listeners an impulse to a new life. The album includes the tracks “Christmas”, “Red Mountains”, “Orthodox”.

Three years later, the group pleased fans with a conceptual project - the disc “Now Later Than You Think,” which gained popularity thanks to the tracks “Without a Cross,” “Motherland,” “Sky of the Slavs” and “Antichrist.” Another successful album was the disc “Outcast,” which was released in 2005. While creating musical material Constantine again used philosophical and religious themes. The album included the songs “Sun-Jerusalem”, “Baptism”, “Beasts”, “My War”.

The album “Pulse of the Guardian of the Labyrinth Doors,” which appeared in 2008 and became the 15th disc in the work of the Alice group, was dedicated by Konstantin Kinchev to Viktor Tsoi. A video was created for the track “Power,” which was received with hostility in Ukraine.

From more late creativity It is worth noting the hits “Spindle”, “Route E-95”, “Mama”, “On the Threshold of Heaven” and “Rock-n-roll”. The most recent album released is 2016's Excess.

According to fans of the group "Alice", this is not just music, but a real movement. From the first years of existence musical group A massive community of fans arose, called the “Alice Army”. Fans communicated through the newspaper “Shabash”. Fans then took to the band's official website and social media, including Instagram. Photos of Konstantin Kinchev and his colleagues are posted on virtual pages, as well as announcements of upcoming concerts of the Alisa group.


The rock musician began to agree to roles in films solely in order not to fall under the article “Parasitism” and not have additional problems with legislative bodies. The artist first appeared in the detective story “Walk the Line” by Yuli Koltun, where he played the vocalist of the group “ Kite" Then there was the short film “Ya-Kha”, in which Kinchev also acted as a composer. Some admirers of the rock singer claim that they recognize their idol among the nameless teenagers in children's film“The Boy and the Moose,” so it is possible that Konstantin Kinchev has been involved in films since 1975.

Konstantin’s main film success came from Valery Ogorodnikov’s youth drama “Burglar,” in which the musician played main role. Kinchev himself reacted coolly to the results of this work and was dissatisfied with his own performance. However, he became the winner in the category " Best Actor of the Year" at the Sofia International Film Festival. Later, the artist appeared many more times in various projects, but already in the role of himself. Kinchev can also be seen in the video clip of Yuri Shevchuk and the group for the song “Autumn”.

Personal life

In the personal life of Konstantin Kinchev there were two marriages. He first got married when he was not yet a nationally famous musician. His wife was Anna Golubeva, who gave birth to her husband’s only son, Evgeniy. For Anna's sake, Konstantin moved from the capital to St. Petersburg. When Kinchev’s son grew up, he became a journalist and worked in a sports magazine, and now in the Alisa group he deals with issues of paraphernalia.

Konstantin Kinchev met his second wife shortly after the birth of his first child. He and Yuri Shevchuk took a line in the wine department of a grocery store, and in front of them stood beautiful girl, whom Kostya decided to meet. It turned out that her name is Alexandra and she is the daughter of an honored artist. Soon Konstantin moved in with his beloved, divorced his first wife and has been happy with Alexandra ever since. With his second wife, Konstantin raised two children. In 1991, their daughter Vera was born, who chose acting career. The musician also became an adoptive father for Maria, the daughter of Kinchev’s wife from her first marriage.

Konstantin and Alexandra live in the village of Saba, located in Leningrad region. This is 170 km from St. Petersburg, but such a distance does not frighten the spouses at all. The singer is fond of fishing and loves to sit with a fishing rod by the lake. By the way, few people know that Konstantin Kinchev is left-handed, although he writes and plays the “uncomfortable” guitar right hand. It is worth adding that Constantine tamed the rebellion characteristic of him in his youth and youth in the early 90s after he first visited the holy places in Jerusalem. The musician was baptized and became a religious person.

At the end of April 2016, Konstantin Kinchev medical center named after Almazov with a heart attack. According to doctors, the artist’s life was under threat, his condition turned out to be extremely serious. But treatment and further rehabilitation helped Konstantin survive the crisis and recover. However, the Alice group immediately canceled concerts for six months in advance.

Konstantin Kinchev now

In 2017, Konstantin Kinchev returned to the stage again, but, according to the artist, after suffering from an illness, his activity during concerts decreased.

In 2018, the Alice group, in honor of its 35th anniversary, went to tour around the country, which will end with a performance in Moscow. In the summer, Konstantin Kinchev will present a grandiose program at music festival“FILM tests. SOLSTICE", which takes place annually in the Novgorod region. Together with the groups “DDT” and “Alisa” she received the status of headliner of the show.


  • 1985 - “Energy”
  • 1987 - “Block of Hell”
  • 1989 - “St. 206 part 2"
  • 1991 - “Sabbath”
  • 1994 - “Black Mark”
  • 1996 - “Jazz”
  • 1997 - “Fool”
  • 2000 - “Solstice”
  • 2001 - “Dance”
  • 2003 - “It’s later than you think”
  • 2005 - “Outcast”
  • 2008 - “Pulse of the Guardian of the Labyrinth Doors”
  • 2012 - “Sabotage”
  • 2014 - “Circus”
  • 2016 - “Excess”


  • 1985 – “Walk the Line”
  • 1986 – “Ya-Hha”
  • 1987 – “Burglar”

This is not just one of our famous rock bands. ALICE is, in a certain sense, a state of mind. ALICE leader Konstantin Kinchev is the idol of many young music fans. Writes poetry, composes melodies, sings... And I met a star domestic rock not at a gala concert, but... in the dairy kitchen, in line for baby food. Kinchev was preoccupied and gloomy, and I would not be surprised if he refused the request for an interview. But Kostya agreed. And here we are sitting in the small cozy apartment of the Kinchev couple.

Kostya, what were you like in your youth?

A shy and reserved person, he preferred to remain silent in companies.

- So, meeting a girl was a problem for you?

Well, in general, of course, this was a problem.

- Sasha, are you amorous by nature?

Not now, but in general, yes.

- Do you recognize love at first sight?

Yes, Kostya is love at first sight.

- Tell me how you met.

Kostya: We met by chance - in the Eliseevsky store, in the wine department. Shevchuk and I stood in line: it was his birthday, and we were just about to celebrate it. And Sasha stood a little ahead.

- And that’s when Cupid let go of his bow?

Yes, no doubt. We called each other and started dating.

- Why do you think Sasha had her eye on you and not Shevchuk?

How should I know? I have no idea.

-What captivated you about her?

Beauty. Impulsiveness. Sensuality. Sasha is a woman who lives not by reason, but by feelings.

- Sasha, what quality in Kostya captivated you, what did you fall for?

To his defenselessness.

- Did you recognize Kostya in Eliseevsky?

I found out. Because before that I saw him on TV, heard his songs, and once, quite by chance, I attended his concert. But I wasn't his fan.

- What remains in your relationship from those first days of acquaintance and what has gone away?

Sasha: I can only answer for myself. I think everything is left. And a lot has been added.

- Kostya, do you remember the first time you kissed Sasha?

This was about a month after we met. I was married at that time, and then I got divorced and moved in with Sasha. Or rather, he first moved and then got divorced.

- How did your parents react to this decision of yours?

Nothing happened for them. They are still on excellent terms with my first wife and son.

- So, great, true love has come to you?

Kostya: Yes, that's true.

- But it’s interesting: could you live with an unloved person?

I don’t know, it’s hard to say... But when you’re so lucky that you still live with your loved one, it’s absolutely wonderful.

- What do you think is the place in family relationships takes sex?

Kostya: I think that’s the main thing. First place.

Sasha: A family is based on sexual compatibility. But there are many cases when sexual compatibility For some reason it doesn’t translate into family life. So there must be something else. But even without this factor, a happy family will not work. If you don't like going to bed with this woman, you won't live with her.

Kostya: You will pretend, pretend, but you will still be looking for something else.

- Did you have a honeymoon?

Sasha: We have a lot honeymoon trips it happened all over the country, on all trips.

Kostya: We didn't have a wedding as such. Therefore, it is still a continuous honeymoon trip.

Kostya, I hope you won’t be offended if I say that your musical fame has a taste of scandal. What are you like in family life?

Kostya: How do I know? Sasha, what am I like in family life?

Sasha: Kind, caring, impulsive.

Kostya: An evil, ruthless tyrant.

- So the stage image and the family image coincide?

Sasha: No, fortunately. What good is it if a person is the same on stage and in life?

- What was the brightest event that happened in your life together?

Kostya: The Birth of Vera.

-Who does she look like: mom or you?

Kostya: It seems to me like my mother, it seems to my mother like me.

Sasha: Most people think it’s Kostya.

- How old is she?

Kostya: One year turned on the first of September. good girl, persistent, Nordic character.

- What is Father Kinchev like? Do you rock the child, feed him, put him on the potty, wash the diapers?

Kostya: Basically, all these responsibilities fall on the mother. That is why she is freed from other labor.

- How many children would you like to have?

Sasha: I would like to have as much as I have.

Kostya: And I would like a little more.

- How much do you have?

Sasha: I have two.

Kostya: And I have three.

- Wait a second, I'm confused.

Kostya: I have a son, Zhenya, from my first wife. He lives with her.

Sasha: I have a daughter, Masha, from my first husband, who lives with us.

Kostya: Faith is the third.

- Kostya, don’t you have any difficulties communicating with Masha? Still someone else's child...

Kostya: There are no difficulties! She is not someone else's child, but mine!

- Do you maintain a relationship with your eldest son?

Kostya: I support him, but I see him less often than I would like. He lives either in Moscow or in St. Petersburg.

- By the way, ALICE is a St. Petersburg group, and you are a Muscovite. How to connect this?

Kostya: Somehow we still connect. We live here and there.

- ALICE, it seems, occupies the highest level in Russian rock music?

Kostya: I don’t care! I'm not interested in steps...

Sasha: But generally yes...

Sasha, when at Kostya’s concerts you see these jumping, screaming, screaming fans, do you feel a sense of pride for your husband?

What does this have to do with the jumping crowd of fans? I feel a sense of pride in him without any crowd - because this man has such inner strength.

- Kostya, give a presentation human qualities his wife.

Kostya: Everything best qualities, which exist among people, are inherent in it.

- But Sasha is a living person and, like all of us, probably has some shortcomings?

Kostya: Love is precisely because you love a person for who he is, with all his qualities. And I love Sasha for who she is, and dismembering is the job of surgeons.

- Here you are raising three children...

Kostya: Not three. Unfortunately, I have two.

Well, let it be two. But it was not easy before, but now it is a hundred times more difficult. Are you familiar with financial difficulties?

Kostya: Everyone has material problems. And we are concerned about the question of where to get money so that we can have what we have. Our well-being depends on the number of concerts, and we don’t give very many of them. Let’s say we came from Pavlodar and all the money we earned there was sent to record in the studio. And there are still 110 thousand left. So, we need to go on the trip again. But these are particulars, and all of them are not worth a damn. Life is short enough to only worry about not having enough money to buy, say, potatoes. Of course, it would be easier if everyday problems did not exist. But you need to live the main thing, the main thing and not dramatize the situation.

- Kostya, does your wife’s opinion mean anything to you?

Kostya: Yes, I listen to Sasha’s advice, because she is interested in all the issues that interest me.

- Sasha, when a problem arises, which of you makes the decision?

Sasha: We don’t have family problems. What problems could there be?

- For example, Kostya is watching football, and you ask him to switch to “The rich also cry.”

Kostya: She doesn’t ask to switch to “The rich also cry.” And besides, I don’t have such a great love for football to insist. We don’t have any conflicts on this basis.

- Which ones are they on?

Kostya: Very high. I will not say.

- Do you give Sasha the opportunity to have fun, go, for example, to visit a friend, to the cinema?

Kostya: She practically doesn’t have time for this.

- Sasha, do you actually sometimes want to unwind, take a break from household chores?

Sasha: I would like to, of course, but I can’t. Yes, in fact, there is nowhere to go. The entertainment that is presented is uninteresting. Kostya and I are not fans of restaurants; we avoid all kinds of bohemian parties. Therefore, all entertainment fits in this kitchen. In any case, I am content with communicating with my friends who come to visit us. And, of course, the main thing is Kostya’s work.

- Do you go on vacation together?

Kostya: What does it mean to rest?

Sasha: We don’t have such a thing - “we’re going on vacation!” Previously, before Vera was born, I went on trips with Kostya - this was a vacation.

Touring life sometimes puts family relationships at risk. You are here, he is there, hobbies arise on the side.

Sasha: Hobbies are possible outside concert life. I think that some mechanic Pupkin may have a lot of hobbies on the side, although he regularly comes home at six o’clock. Then we spent all the time together on tour, I didn’t go with him for only the first year.

Kostya: Everyone decides for themselves: if you want to have something else besides family, then you will have it. And if you don’t need it, then you don’t need it.

- Is Kostya available to fans?

Sasha: Depending on your mood. I think I'm more than available.

Kostya, you said that one of the most strong feelings What you have experienced in your life is love for your child...

Kostya: In general, I experience love every second, and in particular, love for the baby.

- Did having a child change anything in you?

Kostya: It’s difficult for me to talk about Verka, I already had a child before her. She appeared as the joy of our life together with Sasha.

- Would you like your daughter to sing from the stage?

Kostya: I don’t care! If she likes it, why not? The main thing is to have a profession, and the rest is unimportant.

- Please tell me what is more valuable to you - family happiness, warmth of the hearth or fame, popularity?

Kostya: Naturally, the first, because fame is nothing, scales. And family is part of my life.

- Which part is large, small, main, secondary?

Kostya: Well, that’s up to the family to decide. The family thinks that I am insufficient, but I think that I am large.

Every marriage has difficult periods. What saves your family from various potholes and ravines? What is it based on?

Kostya: I think that love saves her. Spiritual - first of all, and not earthly. Sasha's love.

- If you could return that meeting - in Eliseevsky, would you choose each other again?

Kostya: Yes.

Sasha: Certainly.

- You know, it seems to me that you are very suitable for each other.

Kostya: I think so too.