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Graduation evening in the 11th grade is usually celebrated by everyone: graduates, parents and teachers. There is clearly a lack of new ideas for organizing and holding this significant event and everything takes place according to the traditional program that has been proven over the years: a formal part, a banquet and dancing. What types of celebrations are there, what you need to pay attention to when preparing for the prom, what you shouldn’t forget, and where to find inspiration for new ideas, let’s try to find out in our article.

School format

If the school administration, in accordance with the order of the district leadership, insists on holding the prom entirely within the walls of the educational institution, then the formal part and a banquet with a disco are organized either in the classroom or in the assembly hall.

For the ceremonial part, namely presentation of certificates about the end of school, usually all graduates are invited (this can be several classes), their parents, subject teachers who taught the students, and the school administration and representatives of the district education department are also present on the stage. During the ceremony, each student is invited to the stage, where, to the applause of the audience, he receives a certificate of secondary education from the hands of the director, words of congratulations and gratitude, and parting words from class teachers and parents.

Conducting the official part of the event better rehearse and double-check everything, because a hitch can arise at any moment: the class teacher, out of excitement, cannot find a medal or certificate, the teacher who was supposed to say important words has not yet arrived, the graduates do not know who is giving flowers to whom, the music has been turned on in the wrong place screensaver. Be prepared for the fact that if more than one class is graduating, the process of awarding certificates can be lengthy and quite tedious.

Important nuance : do not forget that for the official part of the graduation it is necessary take care of the bouquets flowers that graduates present to teachers, as well as decorate the hall , where the event will take place. A new trend in fashion shows, presentations and various parties is to take pictures against the background press wall , this is a structure made of chrome-plated pipes on which a large banner is attached. On the banner you can write the school number, city, year of graduation, they take pictures as a souvenir with teachers, parents, the whole class and in splendid isolation. The advantages of such a design are its mobility and presentability, the disadvantages are the production costs. Budget option: use the walls of the assembly hall as a press wall, on which to hang your own inscriptions and photographs.

After the official part it usually starts concert , the development of the script falls on the shoulders of the deputy director for educational work or the organizing teacher; music teachers, class teachers of graduating classes and talented graduates who will perform on stage in front of classmates and parents are also involved in the work.

There is a talented person in the teaching staff or among the students leading ? This is already half the success, because he will be able to conduct the program in a fun and relaxed manner. The second, and no less important part of a good evening is a cool individual scenario , a successful creative “cabbage”: bright performances from schoolchildren, parents and teachers. Funny jokes, dances and songs, creative performances - on this day graduates will be able to show all their talents, which, perhaps, no one had previously guessed about.

At the end of the concert, children and teachers are invited to banquet , which is traditionally organized by parents of graduates. The format of the treats, their quantity, as well as the amount to be spent on it are discussed in advance at parent meetings . Of course, it’s unrealistic to imagine that teenagers spend a holiday sitting at the table and eating cutlets with potatoes, so a light buffet-snack format in this case would be the most successful solution.

Parents can buy food, cut and cover everything themselves, and if the budget allows, you can consider offers from off-site restaurants , in this case there will be much fewer problems for parents: they will offer you a menu, coordinate dishes and accessories. Depending on the amount that parents are willing to spend, the number of services provided by catering companies also varies: in addition to preparing and serving dishes, they can, for example, bring furniture for a party, build a pyramid of champagne glasses, or organize the smooth operation of a chocolate fountain.

Important nuance : Sweets are a must at the festive table at graduation. Pay attention not only to the appearance of the cakes, although this is important, but also to their freshness, because in the summer, products with cream layers can quickly deteriorate. Small cupcakes with sweet layers are an excellent solution for such an event; schoolchildren will not have to struggle with pieces of cake on their plates, and the sweet fillings and icing on the cupcakes will not spoil indoors.

The most important graduation moment for boys and girls is of course disco . And here, too, there are options: the disco will be hosted by the school DJ or you can use the services of an invitee. As a rule, the more experienced the “musical genius” is, the fewer problems with equipment, sound and playlist will arise at the party. Be sure to tell the invited DJ the area of ​​the room in which the disco is held and the number of invited people, and also clarify his technical capabilities not only regarding equipment, microphones and speakers, but also regarding lighting solutions. To take into account the musical wishes of graduates, you can conduct a survey in each class in advance and pass this information on to the DJ.

Usually the celebration lasts until the morning, after which fairly tired, but happy (we hope so) graduates gather meet the dawn . Parents also need to prepare this part of the graduation: agree on where exactly this event will take place, how to deliver the children to the place, which adults will be there with them, and also how to deliver the graduates home after a sunny morning.

Important nuance : clothes for a festive evening and a dawn morning should be different. If possible, prepare things that the child can change into, offer the child comfortable shoes and a warm jacket that can be thrown over the shoulders on a chilly morning.

Away format

Does the school administration mind if graduates spend the holiday in a restaurant or cafe? In this case there will be an official part at school with the presentation of certificates and a concert, and already for a banquet and disco, graduates, parents and teachers will go to the chosen institution.

The choice of a cafe or restaurant also falls on the shoulders of the parents, and deciding on the establishment necessary in advance to reserve the day. This is important because graduation ceremonies are held throughout the city on the same day, so a good, trusted cafe may be occupied by the graduating class of a nearby school.

Due to the fact that in cafes and restaurants payment is made depending on the number of people, then clarify the guest list , will be simply necessary. If all the students in the class go to the restaurant, which is also not always the case, you need to clarify which parents will be present in the restaurant, which teachers you invite, and also do not forget to include a representative of the school administration, a DJ and a photographer on the list.

Speaking of photographer - This is an important person at the prom, because the quality of your memories depends on his skill. In addition to the usual school albums, which are necessarily offered in the vast majority of educational institutions, if you wish, you can invite a photographer and videographer who will film your children's graduation party.

A camera in the hands of worried parents is also a good and budget option, but if finances allow and you want to get high-quality photos, choose a professional. Choose proven people, look at their portfolio, collect reviews, use the advice of last year’s graduates. Remember that shooting in semi-darkness at a disco is rarely interesting, so it’s better to demonstrate outfits and hairstyles in first half of the holiday , which means calculate in advance the number of working hours of the photographer.

Check the technical equipment of the invited specialist, because working with various spotlights and reflectors significantly improves the quality of photographs, especially if there is insufficient lighting in the room. A videographer often works in tandem with a photographer and captures the best moments of the holiday, from which they can later make a short film.

You will spend almost the entire night in the chosen establishment, so be sure to check work schedule , and entertainment program , which can support and improve the mood of guests. It is important that the employees of a cafe or restaurant can organize an entertainment program according to the age of the guests, because if on graduation day you hear a restaurant singer whose repertoire includes “Blue Fog” or “Blue Frost”, this is unlikely to please 16-17 year olds .

It’s quite easy to please young music lovers – it’s necessary organize a good disco with various special effects. Just a disco ball and a laser may not be enough; now you can rent fog machines, soap bubble generators, confetti cannons, cold tabletop and floor “fountains” - columns of silver sparks - look great.

You also need to take a break from dancing, and you don’t always want to spend this time at the table. Try to organize a connection with the future, for example, make a video recording during which each graduate will talk about how he sees himself in 10 or 20 years. Give the recording on a shared disk to the class teacher or one of the students in the class, and at the alumni meeting, when everyone has forgotten what they said “on air” that day, this disk will become an unforgettable highlight of the program. Another entertainment option is a comic lottery with original and funny predictions about the future of each graduate. You can sign the pulled out lot to remember who got what and also leave it as a “highlight” for future alumni meetings.

Not like everyone else : It is absolutely not necessary to hold a prom in a traditional format. Celebrate on a boat with a night disco, hold a beach party in an establishment near the water, organize a quest, a themed holiday in the style of gangsters or vampires - if children and parents agree with such an unusual format, and you also have a trusted person who will organize the holiday, your graduation will definitely be a bright and unforgettable event.

Festive look

Of course, each of us (this applies more to girls) not only remembers our prom dress, but also the torment of choice associated with it, as well as the difficulties during its creation. It's like a wedding rehearsal: for a girl to find your dream prom dress , in which she will look like a queen and proudly appear in front of her classmates for a vital task. Don't forget about buying chic shoes (it would be nice if they were also comfortable and did not rub), as well as such an important component of the holiday look as hair and makeup. With the latter, we advise you to contact specialists who will be able to choose a style and color scheme taking into account the individual characteristics of the graduate.

U boys preparing for prom It’s a little simpler - the main thing is to buy a decent suit in size and choose good shoes. A white or colored shirt, a tie or a bow tie, and most importantly a good mood and your suddenly grown gentleman is ready.

It would seem that just recently you accompanied them to the first grade, carried a briefcase for the little students and did homework together... Time flies quickly, and the main thing is what it leaves behind - memories . What they will be like that evening, whether the graduate will not be disappointed when he sees what is happening, and whether he will be able to maintain a good mood for a long time, largely depends on the organization of the holiday, and therefore on parental care and attention. Graduation is a magical night in the life of each of us, this is the time when a young dreamer who has graduated from school is sure that all roads are open to him, and it is important to choose the right one from among them.

Graduation from an educational institution is an important and exciting moment not only for students, but also for their parents, who want to arrange a good, sincere holiday for their children. As a rule, prom problems begin to be solved already in the middle of the current school year, since such a serious event requires careful preparation. How to celebrate the completion of school and entry into adulthood, which is alluring and full of events and interesting adventures?

Traditionally, parents strive to make a holiday somewhat similar to a wedding or anniversary, but graduates do not always need such pomp. Dinner in a cafe, dancing and walking around the city until dawn is the traditional program of almost all proms. Some schools organize their own prom, but not every modern student is ready to touch this culture that has gone into the distant past.

What can former students expect from the school's latest event? Of course, they want lightness, brightness, amazing impressions and warm emotions. This does not mean that you urgently need to cancel dinner in a cafe; you just can diversify the cultural program by adding a lot of surprises to which graduates will not remain indifferent.

A fire show, a flight in a balloon, launching kites and hundreds of balloons, plunging a capsule with wishes and plans for the future underground, performances by favorite artists, touching congratulations from dear teachers, a boat trip, a crazy disco and anxious anticipation of the dawn - all this can decorate prom night and make it unforgettable.

Before the holiday, the whole class can draw up a so-called event map, develop an interesting, unique walking route, providing it with all sorts of surprises. Boys can make separate gifts for classmates, and girls can make surprises for classmates. It is worth thinking about original congratulations. The less banality there is, the more interesting the graduation will become. Don't forget about photos for your graduation album.

In the traditional vein, only the solemn part can be done: congratulations from teachers and parents, presentation of certificates, parting speeches and, of course, a farewell waltz. As a rule, after the ceremony, graduates release balloons into the sky, saying goodbye to school and carefree childhood. And then all the fun begins; how impressive it will be depends only on the imagination of the organizers of the graduation event.

At the end of spring, a large number of high school students and students are wondering how and where to celebrate graduation. After all, everyone wants this day to be unforgettable. You should start preparing for this celebration two months before the start of the event. After all, you need to not only decide on the location of the holiday, but also come up with what the theme of the graduation will be. Each graduation consists of two parts: official and unofficial. During the official part, graduates are awarded certificates or diplomas, congratulations and wishes are heard in verse and gratitude to teachers for their efforts and patience. This celebration is also accompanied by various dance numbers. The official part ends with a group photo of the graduates and their teachers.

How to celebrate graduation

The unofficial part is attended only by graduates, or graduates with parents and teachers. Most often, the unofficial part of graduation is celebrated in cafes, restaurants, nightclubs or on a ship. You can celebrate graduation outside the city on the river with tents. In nature there is an opportunity to organize a large number of games, competitions and relay races. You can also take several kayaks and organize competitions by placing several two-meter gates and tying a small weight to them using plastic bottles. To win, you need to swim the fastest through all the gates. It will be very fun and interesting to meet the sunrise on the river. At night you can light a fire, jump over it, sing songs with a guitar, and set off fireworks. To make it more fun, you need to bring music with you. In the evening or morning you can grill kebabs and bake potatoes. You can also play volleyball and football during the day.

How to celebrate graduation

If you decide to celebrate your graduation in a cafe or restaurant, then you need to agree on the menu, find out the prices, collect money from everyone, decide on the toastmaster, and live music. With a professional toastmaster, there is no need to think through the scenario and worry that the celebration will be boring. The restaurant hall must be decorated in advance. To do this, you can use helium balloons, from which you can make an arch, or other interesting shapes. Chairs can be wrapped in beautiful golden fabric, napkins can be in the form of diplomas.

How to celebrate graduation video

In addition to the toastmaster, if your budget allows, you can invite professional dancers, artists, magicians and clowns to make the holiday truly unforgettable. To capture all the events and emotions for many years to come, you should hire a videographer and photographer who can make an excellent film and photo album.

The theme of the prom also needs to be thought up in advance so that everyone can prepare the appropriate outfit. Graduation can be in retro or dudes style. The presenter should be chosen to be creative so that the young people present will find it interesting. It is important to take into account various little things in the script. You can come up with poems or skits that will reflect certain character traits of each graduate. Also, each graduate can prepare some kind of performance, showing their talent. The more jokes, games, competitions and quizzes there are at graduation, the more fun it will be for all participants and guests of this celebration.

Any room, be it a gym, a dining room, an assembly hall, or a school hall, can be decorated beyond recognition. Multi-colored ribbons, balls, a red carpet, a retro car or bike can completely transform the interior, creating a certain festive atmosphere. In addition to fireworks, you can launch sky lanterns into the sky. When 30 or more lights rise into the sky at the same time, it will be a beautiful and unforgettable sight.

If you want to celebrate the unofficial part of graduation, and at the same time save a significant amount of money, then the best way to do it is at school. Here you can get the necessary equipment for music for free. In addition, the school is usually located close to the graduates’ place of residence. The money saved on rent and transport can be spent on a good presenter or professional artists. Or the role of toastmaster can be entrusted to one of the parents. To please the teachers, you can give them a small gift.

The only drawback of the restaurant in relation to the school is the cost of rent. But you don’t need to worry about the festive table, music, and other attributes of the holiday.

If parents and graduates agree to fork out money to celebrate graduation in some original way, then you can rent a boat. As a rule, it has its own restaurant and music. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the festive table either. If you want to celebrate graduation on a boat, then you need to agree on this with all parents at the beginning of the year so that everyone can collect the necessary amount of money.

The most expensive, but most memorable will be the graduation celebration in the form of a Eurotour, traveling through several countries at once. If graduates visit Paris, Rome and Venice, they will remember this trip and graduation for the rest of their lives.

Whatever restaurant you choose to celebrate your graduation, you need to book it in advance. Therefore, you need to clearly determine the number of guests. If you decide to celebrate without a toastmaster, then you need to write a script for the event. To save the overall budget, at the parent meeting you need to ask around what parents of graduates can do. Thus, among the parents there may be a videographer, toastmaster or musician.

If your class was distinguished by its love of extreme sports, then you can start celebrating the unofficial part of graduation with skydiving. When celebrating graduation, don’t limit yourself to just one day. After all, it took you many years and effort to study. Therefore, you deserve to celebrate your graduation to the fullest. If you wish, you can celebrate graduation on the seashore to wash away all school failures and stress, since a new and even more interesting life awaits you. Celebrate as if it were your last holiday.

For high school graduates of 2018, the farewell party to school will take place on the night of June 23-24. It’s March, and it was necessary to decide where and how to hold graduation for the 11th grade “very yesterday,” or rather, in the fall. If you have not done this, we offer you help in selecting ideas for organizing this event.

Party on the boat

A romantic trip along the Moscow River on a beautiful ship will be symbolic: entry into a new life, open spaces and... a rocking deck under your feet. To get to solid ground you need to go a certain way; time will tell whether it will be difficult or easy. In the meantime, you can dance, sing, enjoy treats, discuss plans and remember the coolest moments of your school years.

  • Fresh air,
  • relative freedom in terms of making noise and having fun.
  • high cost - from 7000 per person,
  • not very comfortable in cool or rainy weather,
  • Now a banquet on a ship is already a banality.

We have selected several equally impressive, but more affordable ideas for 11th grade graduation and places where you can perfectly celebrate the end of your school life.

Unusual banquet

See which ones you can choose from on the site. They differ from traditional ones in both the atmosphere and the opportunity to organize a luxurious musical party, and not just a feast.

Create a banquet menu, taking into account that the dishes should be interesting, unusual, and “solemn.” Choose desserts that will not spoil in hot weather - do not order cakes and pastries with cream, it is better to replace them with delicious shortbread cookies, muffins, pasta cookies with jam.

Find a venue that has party speakers and a DJ booth. Service managers will help you if necessary - just call.

Hire a professional DJ who knows the musical preferences of modern teenagers well - he will create the atmosphere of a cool youth party.

  • solemn and beautiful,
  • unusual,
  • much cheaper than a banquet in a restaurant,
  • two in one: a festive feast and a cool dance party.
  • you will have to worry about choosing food from an extensive menu
  • the cost depends greatly on the number of people

BBQ party

Don’t know where to celebrate your 11th grade graduation in Moscow in a way that will be memorable? You can also have a festive picnic within the Moscow Ring Road! Choose a beautiful one and organize a cool barbecue party with aromatic kebab and grilled vegetables. You can serve food on the terrace, and dance, hold competitions, and sing karaoke in the hall.

If your budget allows, book a fireworks show. This will not only delight graduates, but will also become an excellent backdrop for bright photographs. You can limit yourself to sparklers, bright candles - that will be cool too!

And the holiday will end with the traditional meeting of the dawn - right there, on the terrace.

  • cost up to 5 thousand per person
  • unusual,
  • you can make some noise
  • Fresh air,
  • there is a place to meet the dawn,
  • opportunity to have fireworks.
  • evening dresses are not suitable for such a party,
  • The views of the city at night are not the same as on the ship.

Theme party

Having chosen the theme of the holiday, you can hold a fun and interesting 11th grade graduation at one of the. You can easily choose a suitable hall for a vampire party, for a holiday in the Middle Ages or retro style.

Of course, you will have to work hard on the script, but on the Internet you can find ready-made stories based on which you will organize an unforgettable costume party.

  • there is an ideal site for any scenario,
  • chamber atmosphere of the premises,
  • you can make noise around the clock,
  • large selection of ready-made scripts.
  • additional costs for costumes and props,
  • often the sites are not on the 1st line of the street,
  • You definitely need to order a buffet, since there is no kitchen here.


Yes, even for a real royal ball you will find a venue here! Graduates dress in appropriate attire and come to a beautiful, elegant place where the hall has already been decorated, the buffet table has been set and the musical equipment is ready. The dance floor is at the complete disposal of the heroes of the occasion! Let the music of Strauss, Beethoven, Chopin sound at the beginning of the evening - prepare the most beautiful excerpts from the compositions in advance. Then leave the musical accompaniment in the hands of a DJ or, using the venue’s equipment, create a playlist yourself.

At the end of the holiday, the king and queen of the ball are solemnly announced, then the whole company of graduates goes to greet the dawn.

  • inexpensive,
  • you can wear evening dresses,
  • Beautiful,
  • You'll get great photos.
  • not everyone likes classical music, but it’s not for the whole evening...

Graduation photo shoot

You can also make a holiday out of a photo shoot! Especially if you spend it in the right place :)

Pick up. In any of them you can successfully combine a fun party and professional photography. In such places there are rooms for changing outfits between different stages of the photo shoot, the basic necessary props and high-quality backgrounds.

You can use any scenarios to make this evening interesting, and the photographer will make sure that the graduates have a beautiful memory of every wonderful moment of this holiday!

  • You can bring food and drinks with you or order delivery,
  • two in one: party and photo shoot,
  • interesting for the participants of the holiday.
  • additional costs for a good photographer.

Look on our website at everything where you can celebrate 11th grade graduation in 2018, choose the best place in Moscow or the near Moscow region for a wonderful party and don’t forget that it’s better to book a hall right now, while there is still a good choice. Have an unforgettable graduation!

designer, founder of the LO and JN brands

Graduation evening is the front door to a huge, beautiful, unfamiliar, but so attractive adult world. At graduation, no one ever thinks about the fact that sometimes the front doors are closed and every day you have to use either the back door or the passage rooms, which gradually turn from temporary into permanent.

And yet our life gives us a chance an infinite number of times, opens up incredible opportunities to realize our dreams. Graduation evening is that wonderful holiday / trait / rubicon when you are still a child for your parents, but no longer seem to be a schoolboy. And every girl wants to be the queen of the ball this evening.

Princess Bride

When choosing your dream, the most important thing is to understand the purpose and meaning of this often expensive purchase. If the task is to wipe the noses of all the girlfriends and kill them on the spot, it will most likely be similar to a wedding dress: fluffy, floor-length, with a crinoline - at least hang a price tag on it! The parents spent a lot of money, and we need to tell everyone about it.

Well, you have every right. But we must remember that slender young girls look heavy and awkward in such dresses. Graduates walk around the city until the morning, and managing an uncomfortable crinoline is not so easy. It is much easier for a bride at a wedding - she is driven around the city by car (and some brides are even luckier - they are carried across 7 bridges in the arms of their newly-made spouse). This is why I am against wedding dresses for prom. You still have everything ahead of you, no need to rush life. It goes by too quickly anyway.

Planted mother

Another option that is not very successful, in my opinion, is in the style of a “mother’s” evening dress. Perhaps the most popular group of prom outfits is also the most dubious in terms of appropriateness. The mistake is this: many girls want to be like their beautiful mother on this day when she is going to the theater or to some special event! As a rule, “mom” cocktail dresses are dark colors, often made of knitted fabric with sparkles, sequins, with a deep neckline on the chest or a high slit on the skirt, reaching down to the very underwear.

Too revealing outfits that expose all parts of the body, as we see in the photos of Western stars, are unlikely to bring you additional points in the eyes of your classmates. Most likely, dubious jokes await you behind your back, and even on Instagram. A stage outfit or a mother's dress and a seventeen-year-old girl's prom dress are completely different dresses in meaning. Why do you need to look 10 years older? What's the hurry? You will definitely still be older, but you will definitely never have such a beautiful evening in a delicate girlish dress that will emphasize your youth.

So what should you wear to prom?

Romantic scenario

In my opinion, flowing silk romantic dresses in pastel colors with flounces, bows and ruffles emphasize the beauty of youth and the grace of a slender figure. You can do without decor, but then it is better to choose an impeccable silhouette. Now dresses with year-over skirts are back in fashion. A model made of flying silk (both artificial and natural) and a sun dress will look impressive. A girl in such a dress looks like an exotic butterfly against the backdrop of the bright and rich greenery of June.

Million Dollar Baby

Incredibly good for prom dresses in the baby doll style, gathered at the waist, fluffy, above the knee or mid-calf - whatever you like. When else to wear them, if not at this wonderful age? Made from light jacquard or even fashionable neoprene, which perfectly holds the shape of such dresses. Be careful - neoprene is not the best choice in hot weather.

Difficult girl

If you don’t want to look “like everyone else” this evening and want to be original, your option is more brutal prom dresses; by the way, they are also more practical. Beautiful lightweight silk jumpsuits that can be worn all summer long look great at prom. Pantsuits made from cupro or tencel fabric also look great. They flow, look great, look like boiled silk.

Let's clap cotton

If you live in one of the hot regions of Russia, why not wear a beautiful cotton summer dress, richly decorated with lace, to your prom? These dresses are quite affordable in price, practical, effective, and can be worn for more than one season. These are the fashionable, original dresses that future stylists, designers, and architects wear at proms.