Stars who died young. Deceased musicians

Chester Bennington died in Los Angeles. He was 41 years old. The musician committed suicide. They say that he was grieving the death of his close friend Chris Cornell, who committed suicide a couple of months ago. In this review, we remember rock musicians who passed away of their own free will.

Jim Morrison

Jim Morrison was named one of the 100 greatest singers of all time by Rolling Stone magazine. Women went crazy for him. His popularity grew at an incredible pace, and with it the musician’s heroin addiction.

Even in his youth, Jim was fond of mysticism and drugs, often fell into depression and naturally became a member of the “Club 27” - rock musicians who, under various circumstances, passed away at the age of 27. And it is worth saying that there are many of them.

Ian Curtis

Ian Curtis was said to be “a gloomy and depressive guy and an endlessly talented musician.” It was his mesmerizing drama that brought Joy Division to the wave of popularity in 1980. But unexpectedly for everyone, Ian Curtis decided to commit suicide.

He found a clothesline at home and put on an Iggy Pop record. The musician's body was found by his wife.

Since childhood, Kurt Cobain has known all the hardships of life. He lived in a trailer with his waitress mother, who did not take care of her son, but constantly arranged her personal life. And already in his youth he was constantly depressed. Trying to find a way out of his depressed state, he became addicted to heroin and left for a better world at the zenith of his fame.

On April 8, 1994, his body was found by an electrician who came to install an alarm system in Cobain's house. Through the glass door he saw the musician's body, a pool of blood and a gun.

The suicide of Chris Cornell is one of the most inexplicable and mysterious. His body was found on May 18, 2017 in the bathroom of a Detroit hotel. And just a few hours before, he presented his joint performance with the band Soundgarden.

And according to friends and family, he never complained about life.

Brad Delp

Boston's self-titled album became one of the most commercially successful debuts in the history of rock music. It sold more than 17 million copies. The second was a little less successful, the third record was barely received on the radio, although then it still took off. And then fans began to hear less and less about the rockers from Boston. The hard worker and musician Brad Delp had a hard time experiencing creative failures, and at the age of 55 he took his own life. The body with traces of intentional carbon monoxide poisoning was discovered by the rocker's fiancee.

Tommy March is a member of the popular band The Killers and a talented saxophonist. He committed suicide when he was 33 years old. He took every opportunity to make money - as a musician he collaborated with Big Friendly Corporation and Black Camaro. As a businessman, he worked as a marketing manager for the Hard Rock chain of restaurants in Las Vegas. I slept little, worked a lot, burned out...

“Quiet genius” Mark Linkus created a rock band, which, after his death, journalists from influential music publications recognized as one of the most underrated. Trying to break into the world charts, Sparklehorse seemed to remain at the level of worthy cover performers, but nothing more. Having already once experienced clinical death from an overdose of antidepressants, Linkus had a hard time experiencing his position “on the sidelines.”

In 2010, he was found in an apartment shot in the head.

In my youth I had a sin: I listened to rock music with enthusiasm. By the way, I really regret this, it did not give me anything good. I lost my virginity, weakened my will, learned to smoke, dabbled in light drugs, spoiled my ear for music and taste, wasted my time on various nonsense... The consequences of this sin still remain.

You need to renounce rock music, you need to break up with it, break off relationships, run from it like fiery hell.

Unfortunately, there are still Christians who try to reconcile Russian rock with Orthodoxy. No use. The Church has preserved the words of Christ, which were not included in the Gospel: “What I find, in that I will judge.” If you look at what Christ found the Russian rockers in (the moment of death), it will become clear why Russian rock is not compatible with Orthodoxy.

Later, the wife began to lie that Letov died of cardiac arrest and the words of the prosecutor and the words of the emergency doctor were quickly hushed up.

20. June 2, 2009. Zhan Sagadeev, famous rock musician, leader of the group E.S.T. (“Electroconvulsive therapy”), one of the founders of the heavy metal movement in Russia. He hanged himself from a telephone wire in his apartment.

21. July 2013. The cause of death of the leader of the rock group "King and the Clown" Mikhail Gorshenev was alcohol and drugs. A syringe was found next to the musician’s lifeless body. It is known that Gorshenev abused alcohol and “other things.”

22. July 2013. The homosexual drummer of the legendary group “Kino” Georgy Guryanov dies, “according to the official version, from cardiovascular failure.” He lived only 52 years. The media write about liver cancer and the chemotherapy that Guryanov underwent in Germany.

However, it is known that Guryanov was sick with AIDS for a long time (which, according to some sources, he and Timur Novikov contracted in America in the early 1990s from some homosexual). Recently, Guryanov has been leading trainings on Eastern meditation.

How many more needless deaths and corpses must there be before we stop lying to our children about the legends of Russian rock?

Over the past half century, music has changed significantly. This happened thanks to talented musicians who completely devoted themselves to what they loved. These people were able to quickly become major world stars and pioneers of new musical genres. Their concerts were attended by millions of spectators around the world. But not everyone ended up living a long, rich life. We present to your attention a list that includes deceased musicians who passed away at a young age.


The list opens with one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century named Jim Morrison. In just a few years, this man managed to make The Doors a real world sensation. The concerts had incredible energy. And the main credit for the success belongs to Morrison. He was not only a vocalist, but also a composer of music. Thanks to the created image, he was able to attract attention from listeners from different parts of the world. Jim Morrison promoted a destructive lifestyle, using drugs, alcohol and nicotine in inhumane quantities, which led to his death at the age of 27. It happened on July 3, 1971 in Paris. The cause of the death of the legendary musician was cardiac arrest.

We recommend all fans of The Doors to check out the wonderful biopic of Oliver Stone, released in 1991. From it you will learn a lot of new interesting information.


This name is familiar to every resident of our country. It was Viktor Robertovich Tsoi who once and for all changed the face of Russian rock music. It only took him a few years. At a young age, Victor became interested in Western and Soviet music, which ultimately led to the formation of the legendary Kino group. The band played in the popular post-punk genre of the 80s. Viktor Tsoi was not only the main vocalist, he also personally composed the lyrics and played the guitar.

The musician died on August 15, 1990 as a result of a car accident. His car crashed into an Ikarus bus driving along the highway. Tsoi died on the spot, but left an incredible legacy in the form of songs that can be heard on the streets of cities today.


Thrash metal band Metallica is well known even to people who have little interest in foreign rock music. Their songs are heard on the radio, in films and TV series, the musicians travel all over the world every year, invariably attracting stadiums of thousands to capacity. Metallica's influence on modern music is difficult to overestimate. And one of the key members of the band, undoubtedly, was bass guitarist Cliff Burton.

He was distinguished by an atypical manner of playing, as well as incredible virtuosity. In 2011, Rolling Stone magazine recognized Cliff as one of the greatest bass players of all time. However, the musician did not live that long. Cliff Burton died on September 27, 1986. This happened while traveling on a bus from one city to another. It was on that fateful night that the driver lost control, causing Cliff to fall half out of the window and be crushed to death by the same bus. The rest of the group were fortunately not injured.


Despite the fact that many years have passed since the death of Bob Marley, he remains to this day the greatest musician who performed reggae music. Thanks to Marley's talent, this direction became known far beyond the borders of his homeland - Jamaica. As a result, he quickly managed to conquer the listeners of America, where the musician moved. He released a huge number of tracks that became classics of the genre many years ago.

Bob Marley died on May 11, 1981 due to a malignant tumor on his finger that appeared after one of his football games. The musician had the opportunity to undergo an operation that would help avoid death. However, Bob refused: in his opinion, the human body should remain “whole.” This was the philosophy of life of the Rastafarians of that time, to which Bob Marley belonged.


First on the list is the most famous musician of the last 25 years, who managed to literally change the face of the American underground rock scene. By the end of the 80s, thrash and heavy metal, popular in those years, began to lose ground, changing their sound and trying to keep up with the times. Hardcore and punk also experienced far from the best times in their history. The audience wanted to hear something new and unusual. It was during this period that the young musician Kurt Cobain assembled the group Nirvana and began performing music in the grunge genre. In fact, it was he who was one of the founders of this musical movement, which was distinguished by the somewhat careless sound and appearance of the musicians.

Over the course of several years, Cobain brought grunge from basements to large arenas, thanks to which millions of fans around the world learned about the group. However, being at the peak of his fame, Kurt Cobain, for reasons unknown to anyone, shot himself at home. It happened on April 5, 1994.

Each of the above musicians made a tremendous contribution to the development of music. Several generations of listeners have grown up listening to their songs. But unfortunately, we will never hear new compositions performed by them.

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April 23, 2013, 11:33

The infamous “Club 27” (eng. 27 Club; second name “Forever 27”) of world famous rock stars, into which they are “accepted” only posthumously. This so-called club includes talented musicians who had a significant influence on the formation and development of rock and blues music. They made a huge contribution to music, but not only this unites them - they all died at the height of popularity at the age of 27, often under strange, and sometimes completely mysterious and unclear circumstances. These people were so young, but they already left behind an imperishable legacy of music and lyrics and millions of fans around the world. Personally, I find it difficult to think about what they would have achieved had they lived a few more decades.

The history of Club 27 began in 1938. And the impetus for the “creation” of such a club was three deaths over a period of 10 months. These were Brian Jones, guitarist and one of the founders of the Rolling Stones (February 28, 1942), Jimi Hendrix - one of the best guitarists in the history of rock music (November 27, 1942), Janis Joplin - one of the greatest rock vocalists (January 19, 1943).

What is this? A tragic coincidence or some kind of ridiculous pattern? Why do people at the peak of fame leave us, and at such a young age? Where does this desire for self-destruction come from? Reading the biographies of musicians, I was amazed at how they simply burned themselves, burned their lives. What kind of fire was it that burned them from the inside? The destructive power of their talent, which threw them from one extreme to another, the “curse of the number 27,” or the awareness of the imperfection of our world that even their talent cannot change? And understanding this, somewhat differently with their heightened creative perception than ordinary people, they preferred to leave this life so as not to see what was happening? Or realizing that they have already performed their best songs and will not write anything better and forces them to leave this world? Maybe they can't stand the pressure of fame. Or is it a critical age of 27 years that they need to step over, and they did not have the strength to take this step.

There are currently 48 musicians on this list. Club members are divided into two groups. The first group includes seven musicians who were world famous and incredibly popular. First on the list of seven musicians was Robert Johnson. The list also included Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin. Brian Jones was later added to the list, with Morrison and Jones dying on the same day, but two years apart. Then Kurt Cobain, who died in 1994, at the peak of his popularity, was included in the Club. After the death of English singer Amy Winehouse in 2011, she was also included in the Club.

One of the most famous bluesmen of the 20th century. He had a powerful influence on the development of blues and rock, and became one of the first musicians to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The official version is that he was shot by the jealous husband of one of his mistresses. According to another version, he was poisoned with strychnine. There is a very interesting fact in his biography. One fine day, a guy who couldn't play the guitar disappears, and after returning he becomes the best bluesman of his time. According to legend (and the musician himself), Johnson made a deal with the devil at the intersection of 61 and 49 roads in Clarksdale, but did not read the terms of the agreement written in small letters and that is why the devil continues to take the souls of the greatest 27 year old musicians.

In his most famous songs (Me and the devil blues, Hellhound on my trail, Crossroad blues) he directly mentions this crossroads.

The founder of the oldest rock band in the world, the Rolling Stones, is a talented musician and complex person. Less than a month before the musician’s death, his colleagues kicked him out of the group. Around midnight on July 3, 1969, Brian Jones was discovered at the bottom of the swimming pool at his Hartfield estate. He went into the water for a few minutes, and his girlfriend Anna Wolin, who was present at the house during the incident, is convinced that Jones was alive when they pulled him out of the water, claiming that the musician had a pulse. Arriving doctors confirmed death. The conclusion of the examination states “death by negligence”; it also notes that the heart and liver of the deceased were deformed as a result of alcohol and drug abuse. There was also a possibility of suicide. In 1999, Anna Wolin stated that the musician was killed by a builder who, along with a companion, was helping them restore the estate, Frank Thorogood, which the latter allegedly confessed to before his death to Rolling Stones driver Tom Keylock, but there is no other evidence to prove this version.

Jimi Hendrix

According to Rolling Stones magazine, Jimi Hendrix is ​​the greatest guitarist of all time. Jimi Hendrix was born in the USA but first gained fame in the UK.

The night before his death, Hendrix ate a tuna sandwich, then took nine Vesperax sleeping pills, which his girlfriend Monica Danneman was taking, washed down the pills with red wine and went to bed. According to Danneman, when she woke up at approximately 10:20 a.m. on September 18, 1970, Hendrix was lying on his bed covered in vomit and did not respond to her attempts to wake him. After this, the girl called an ambulance. According to the official version, the cause of death was aspiration of vomit after barbiturate poisoning. Many years later, a police patrol report was made public with a completely different version. The police did not find anyone in the hotel room except the deceased; the musician was fully dressed and “had been dead for some time.” It is then unclear why Monica Dannemann was allowed to make statements until her own death (also quite strange) in 1996. In 2009, one of the experts in the history of the music business stated that Hendrix was killed on the order of his manager, with whom he was going to terminate the contract. A doctor who examined the musician’s body in 1970 agreed with the plausibility of this version. Again, it is not clear why he remained silent for forty years.

Shortly before his death, in an interview with Swedish journalist Anna Bjorndal, Jimi Hendrix noted that he was unlikely to live to see 28 years of age. “The moment I feel that I can’t offer anything new in music, I will cease to exist on this planet... Unless I have a wife and raise kids? Otherwise, my life loses all meaning...” Strictly speaking, Hendrix was already 28 years old at the time of his death. But due to the exclusivity of his services to the world of music, he was nevertheless included in Club 27.

Jim Morrison.

The leader of one of the most famous rock bands of all time, The Doors, songwriter and sex symbol, Jim Morrison was the driving factor that elevated the group to the rank of cult. According to the official version, Jim Morrison died on July 3, 1971 in Paris from a heart attack, however, no one still knows the real cause of his death. Among the options were: a heroin overdose in the Parisian club “Rock-n-Roll Circus”, suicide, a staged suicide by the FBI, which was then actively fighting participants in the hippie movement, and so on. There are still rumors surrounding his death. The only person who saw the singer's death was Morrison's girlfriend, Pamela Courson. But she took the secret of his death with her to the grave, as she died of a drug overdose three years later. The public became aware of the musician’s death after the funeral, which was very quiet and modest.

The circumstances of Morrison's death, as well as his hasty, secret funeral, have led to a variety of conspiracy theories, ranging from the plausible to the completely crazy. Kurson's explanations also caused confusion. At first, she said that after they watched movies and listened to music all night, she found the musician dead in the bathtub. Then, a person who knows members of The Doors closely said that after returning to the United States, Kurson admitted that Morrison died from an overdose of heroin, which he began to inhale, confusing it with cocaine. According to another version, he died by choking on his own vomit. There is another theory that claims that the musician faked his own death in order to be able to lead the ordinary life of a normal person. In 2007, they again started talking about Morrison's death due to a heroin overdose. This time, the owner of a Parisian club said that the musician died while in his club, where he came to buy heroin for Courson. Drug dealers then carried Morrison's body out of the club and placed it in a bathtub in his own apartment.

Jim Morrison is buried in Paris at the Père Lachaise cemetery. His grave became a place of cult worship for fans, who covered the neighboring graves with inscriptions about their love for their idol and lines from The Doors songs.

Janis Joplin.

Date of birth - January 19, 1943, date of death - October 7 (according to other sources 4), 1970. Joplin was also the brightest woman in the music world of her time - in the 1960s. She was ugly (one of the students at the college where Janice studied very briefly called her “the ugliest guy in college”), unloved at school, and was introduced to drugs and alcohol early.

Janis Joplin rose to fame in 1967 as the lead singer of Big Brother and the Holding Company. But in 1961, Joplin began to actively participate in the music scene in California, where she became addicted to heroin, and in subsequent years became addicted to strong alcohol. Before becoming a celebrity, Janice was a loser, burdened with many complexes associated primarily with her ordinary appearance. This turned her into a rude teenager who would never part with a can of beer. She was shunned by her peers, but she made many friends among older people. At the moment when Janice became famous, she waged an unsuccessful fight against her addictions: alcohol, drugs, as well as promiscuous sex life, as a result of which the singer contracted gonorrhea.

There are few details about her death. It is said that after listening to tracks for a new album with her third group, Full Tilt Boogie, she drank one or two drinks at the Hollywood club Barney's Beanery on Santa Monica Boulevard. She then returned to the hotel and injected herself with heroin. under the skin. With this method of administration, the drug enters the bloodstream much longer than when injecting it into a vein. She was then seen in the hotel lobby, where she bought a pack of cigarettes. Presumably, this was after she injected herself with the drug. The morning of Janis Joplin did not show up at Sunset Sound Studios, where the album was being worked on. After it became clear that she was not answering phone calls, the band's producer Paul Rothschild, tormented by a feeling of foreboding, sent one of his assistants to room 105 of the Landmark Hotel "in Los Angeles. Attempts to awaken the guest by knocking on the door were unsuccessful. An employee was called with a service key. Janice was lying between the bed and the night table in a short nightgown. Her lips were bloody. When the body was turned over, it turned out that her nose was broken. She was clutching money in her fist - $4.50. Experts say she lost control of herself when the heroin began to take effect and collapsed, hitting her head on the dressing table. The official version of the singer's death is acute morphine poisoning after a heroin overdose. The investigation revealed that the drug dealer sold Joplin and other clients lethal doses of heroin because the pharmacist who usually tested the product was out of town. At the same time, eight more people died who bought heroin from the same dealer.

The album with the symbolic name Pearl ("Pearl") was released posthumously. The death of the 27-year-old rising star gave the release a sensational character. "Pearl" soared to the top of the American charts. The last song that Janice did not have time to record was called “Buried Alive in the Blues.”

Kurt Donald Cobain

Guitarist and vocalist of the cult group Nirvana, which opened a new direction of alternative music - “grunge” (which for a long time remained the main trend of the music world). Cobain is a classic example of a man who got too much, too fast. Back in the mid-80s, he was unknown to anyone, and then he quickly soared to the heights of fame. And he failed this test.

He tried to drown out his internal contradictions with alcohol and analgesics, which he claimed he needed to treat and prevent stomach diseases. On April 8, 1994, an electrician found the musician's body in the guest room above the garage of his Washington Lake home, but experts determined that he died much earlier - around April 5. For several days before his body was discovered, nothing was known about his whereabouts, and his wife Courtney Love had already asked a private investigator to find the musician. All evidence points to Cobain committing suicide with a single shot to the head. But conspiracy theorists are convinced that the musician was killed. However, no evidence was found to indicate murder. But there was a lot of indisputable evidence that Cobain was suicidal. As a child, he suffered from attention deficit disorder, which in adolescence developed into bipolar affective disorder, and as a mature musician, into depression. There were rumors that Cobain was eager to become a member of the infamous Club 27 and complained of severe stomach pain. He stated that he takes heroin instead of medication because it is the only thing keeping him from shooting himself in the forehead. The police did not investigate the case in depth. It is known that at the time of suicide, Kurt was pumped up with a heavy dose of heroin.

Those. If Cobain had not shot himself with a gun before the drug took effect (less than a minute), he would not have been able to do so after. He would simply not be able to pull the trigger. No fingerprints were found on the gun either. According to the unofficial version, Courtney Love is considered a suspect in Kurt's murder. Cobain left a suicide note, written in red pen, in which he admitted that he no longer had passion and felt no excitement when listening to and creating music. “I have no more passion, so remember: it’s better to burn out than to fade away, peace, love, compassion. Kurt Cobain” - these were the last words of the grunge rock icon. The musician’s mother, hearing about his death, shrugged her shoulders: “Here you go - you’ve become a member of this stupid club!”

Amy Winehouse

Chris Goodman, the singer's manager, told Us Magazine that Amy passed away alone in her bed. Her body was discovered by a security guard, Andrew Morris. Before her death, the singer said that she wanted to rest and went to her room. And when the security came in to wake her up, the singer was no longer breathing. The Sun writes that death could have occurred about 6 hours ago before it was discovered. Moreover, as the examination reported, no traces of drugs were found in the star’s apartment; moreover, the night before Amy, who suffered from alcohol and drug addiction, visited her doctor, who, after an examination, did not reveal that there were drugs or alcohol in her blood.

However, many saw (there was probably a long line) how Amy bought drugs before her death - ecstasy, cocaine and ketamine. The singer’s family is reluctant to discuss the topic of the star’s death with the tabloids. In one interview, Janice Winehouse (Amy's mother) admitted that she knew that her daughter's death was only a matter of time. And her father allegedly began preparing a eulogy a couple of years before the incident. The result of death was made public only 4 months later; it was alcohol intoxication. Amy's latest achievement was a song recorded with the great jazz singer Tony Bennett, which brought Amy her 6th Grammy Award. The audience gave this victory a standing ovation...

The second group included 42 musicians who were slightly less popular. Here are the names of some of them.

Richie Edwards- Rhythm guitarist for the Welsh rock band Manic Street Preachers - is the only member of Club 27 who may still be alive. During the band's heyday, Edwards was its most talented member and had a significant influence on its style and on many of its songs. This is despite the lack of deep musical knowledge or ability. Edwards also brought the band to public attention when, following an argument with NME journalist Steve Lamacq, who questioned the band's authenticity, he used a razor blade to carve the words 4REAL into his hand. In addition, the musician openly spoke about the fact that he suffered from bouts of depression and mental disorders - at that time it was not customary to talk about such things.

During his time with the Manic Street Preachers, the band released their first three albums - Generation Terrorists, Gold Against The Soul and The Holy Bible - which were well received and helped make the band's name. But on February 1, 1995 - the day he was supposed to fly to the United States to promote The Holy Bible album - Richie Edwards disappeared. Two weeks later, his car was found at a service station near a bridge in Wales, the site of many suicides. This is how the version of the musician’s suicide was born. His body was never found, and attempts to find the musician were made for many years. And only in 2008 the musician was declared dead.

Kristen Pfaff. June 16, 1994. Bass player of “Hole”. A classically trained pianist and cellist, Kristen Pfaff picked up the bass guitar in the early 1990s to form Janitor Joe. Impressed by her performance, Hole band members Courtney Love and Eric Erlandson invited Pfaff to work with them. She eventually agreed and moved to Seattle, where she helped the band create the Live Through This album. This album was a turning point for Hole, but its release was overshadowed by tragedy, as Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love's husband, committed suicide a few days earlier. Kristen Pfaff, who became Cobain's friend, was shocked by his death and returned home to Minneapolis. She left the band Hole and was about to reunite Janitor Joe. Leaving Seattle, Pfaff intended to give up drugs - during her stay in the northwest, the girl developed a heroin addiction. But two months after Cobain's death, Pfaff died of an accidental heroin overdose.

Chris Bell. December 27, 1978. Vocalist, songwriter and guitarist for Big Star. Car accident, hit a telephone pole. The founder of the power-pop rock band Big Star, widely known in the 1970s, Chris Bell never reached the heights of his career during his lifetime. He was the main driving force behind the release of the band's debut album, #1 Record, which received accolades from music critics but was not a commercial success. Bell soon left the band, apparently unwilling to be overshadowed by fellow lead vocalist and Big Star songwriter Alex Chilton, or depressed by the failure of their debut album. The band's second album, Radio City, also included several songs by Bell, who, however, decided to pursue solo work.

But between leaving the group in 1972 and his death in 1978, he only released two songs. One of them - I Am The Cosmo - became the title track of the musician's posthumous solo album, which was released in 1992, receiving the most enthusiastic reviews. Bell suffered from depression and was addicted to drugs, but he died in an accident. It happened just at the moment when the musician was expecting a new takeoff in his career. The single for the album I Am The Cosmos had just been released, and Bell was trying to put together a new band. And at that moment he dies, crashing his car into a tree, losing control at high speed. This happened two days after Christmas, in 1978. Bell never saw the release of his album, nor the recognition of his work with Big Star by a new generation of indie-pop fans.

Dee Boone. December 22, 1985. Guitarist and vocalist of the punk band Minutemen. The Minutemen are an iconic band that has had a significant impact on the world of music. And even after its breakup in 1985, it still had many fans. Across four full-length albums and several EPs, the band has spanned a variety of musical styles, combining off-kilter funk with elements of jazz and punk rock, which often uses spoken word, as well as elements of the blues or a touch of country, helping them create a completely unique form of alternative rock. (at that time this term was not yet common). At the height of their popularity, the band released the epic 45-track double album Double Nickels On The Dime. To this day it is considered one of the best albums of the 1980s. But with the death of guitarist Dee Boon came the end of glory.

In 1985, two days before Christmas, the band was returning from a concert tour and Dee Boon, recovering from an illness, was riding in the back of a van without a seat belt on. Suddenly the van went off the road and Dee Boon, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was thrown from the vehicle and broke his neck. Such was the sad end of a progressive and talented guitarist, who was later named by Rolling Stone magazine as one of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time. His Minutemen bandmate Mike Watt still dedicates each of his new records to his friend Dee Boon.

Alexander Bashlachev. February 17, 1988. Soviet rock musician and poet. Fell out of the window. Possibly suicide. On the morning of February 17, 1988, he fell from an eighth-floor window and died on the spot. The most likely version of death is suicide, but the true causes of the fall have not been precisely established.

Pete da Freitas. June 14, 1989. Drummer of the band “Echo & the Bunnymen”. He crashed on a motorcycle while returning from filming a video.

Igor Chumychkin. April 12, 1993. Russian rock musician, lead guitarist of the Alisa group. He died on April 12, 1993, jumping out of the window of his Moscow apartment. There is no doubt that Chumychkin fell out of the window under the influence of drugs. He was deeply depressed for a long time due to drug abuse, and eventually walked out of his apartment window. Such death is typical for a person under the influence of drugs. He said that he was not a kamikaze, but in the end he played exactly this role. Before his death, he wrote the last quatrain, leaving the paper on the table: “If I were Tsiolkovsky, I would build a big rocket, load it with black and white, leave into the night, but return by dawn...”.

Jeremy Ward. May 25, 2003. Sound engineer for the bands “The Mars Volta and De Facto”. Heroin overdose.

Jesse Belvin. February 6, 1960. Rhythm and blues musician and songwriter. Died in a car accident.

Ellen Wilson. September 3, 1970. Leader, vocalist and composer of the group “Canned Heat”. Overdose of barbiturates, possibly suicide.

Leslie Harvey. May 2, 1972. Guitarist for Stone the Crows. Electric shock at your own concert.

Ron “Pigpen” McKernan. March 3, 1973. Original member and keyboardist of the Grateful Dead. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage caused by alcoholism.

David Alexander. February 10, 1975. Bassist of The Stooges. Pulmonary edema, was hospitalized for acute pancreatitis caused by alcoholism.

Peter Ham. April 24, 1975. Keyboardist, guitarist and founder of the band Badfinger. Suicide by hanging.

And if some consider the age of 27 fatal for rock musicians, others are sure that this is nothing more than a myth, and not a curse. If we analyze the biographical information of famous musicians over the last 100 years, we can clearly come to the conclusion that they die at the age of 27 no more often than at any other age. Yes, musicians die earlier than “ordinary” people, and many of them actually die before they reach 40. There is a simple explanation for this “phenomenon”: the lives of rock musicians are accompanied by alcohol and drugs. To this you can also add a busy lifestyle, constant travel, tours, and emotional overload. Many musicians like to believe that turning to drugs and alcohol is a consequence of overload. But the fact remains that the existence of Club 27 is the result of a biased selection of random coincidences. And in fact, there is no “curse 27”. In 2011, researchers from the Australian University of Technology tried to question the Club 27 phenomenon based on statistical analysis. Having studied information about the deaths of not only great or significant musicians for rock history, but also everyone who managed to get to the top of the British hit parade in the period from 1956 to 2007 (1046 names, both soloists and members of pop and rock -groups), they found that musicians die at the age of 27 no more often than at any other age. In their sample, 71 people (7%) died. Although in general musicians die earlier than ordinary people (often before the age of 40), the existence of the special “club 27” was called by researchers the result of a biased selection of facts and random coincidences. However, scientists also found some evidence of an increase in the number of deaths in the 20-30 year old musicians cluster in the 1970s and early 1980s, and the mortality rate for young musicians in this age group was 2-3 times higher than that of the general UK population.

Every time young and talented people pass away (no matter at 27 or 47), I think about how much more they could have “created” in the good sense of the word. Write, perform. Perhaps these unwritten creations would illuminate our existence, and who knows, maybe they were the ones who could change this world?

"It's funny how much most people love dead people. Once you die, the living will become interested in you. You have to die to decide that you're worth something."

No matter how bad an example these rockers set, they will still remain forever in our hearts.

No. 10. Yura Khoy

Leader of the Gaza Strip group. As a self-respecting outcast, he died of cirrhosis of the liver (according to the most official version, of a heart attack). Did he know that eleven years later his bandmate would also give his soul into the clutches of the green serpent?

Video fragment of one of the concerts in the Gaza Strip. Song - “In the evening on a bench.”

Attention: profanity

No. 9. Vadim Glukhov

Guitarist of the band Gaza Strip. All Soviet boys picked out his guitar parts by ear, learning simple tunes with equally simple words. Now we will have to be content with what remains in the recording - Vadim will not play anything else: on January 18, 2011, he drank 8 bottles of Corvalol and joined the clan of the late rockers, poisoning himself with the ethyl alcohol contained in the medicine. Here are the lyrics:

No. 8. Victor Tsoi

Leader of the Kino group. Thanks to him, August 15 is considered a black day for all “Soviet youth”: it was on that fateful morning that the artist’s Muscovite encountered the ill-fated Ikarus near Riga. It is still believed that Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel.

No. 7. Igor Talkov

Until now, music historians cannot decide: who fired the fatal shot into the rock singer’s heart - Aziza’s bodyguard Malakhov, or Talkov’s administrator Valery Shlyafman? The only 100% fact is that Igor is no more.

No. 6. Jim Morrison

Leader of The Doors. There are still many options for his death: a heroin overdose in the Parisian Rock-n-Roll Circus club, an ordinary suicide, a staged suicide by the FBI, which is actively fighting members of the hippie movement, and so on. No one knows the truth except Morrison's friend Pamela. But - bad luck - the girl died three years later from an overdose, without telling anyone anything.

No. 5. Jimi Hendrix

The greatest guitarist partly refutes the canons of rocker death: he is one of the few who actually died in bed. In bed with a lady, choking on vomit after taking 9 sleeping pills. In an apartment filled with drugs - it was because of them that Jimmy’s girlfriend was afraid to call an ambulance, leaving the musician to die.

No. 4. Sid Vicious

The bassist of the famous punk band Sex Pistols, once again released from prison, took some heroin. Yes, the thing is that the drug was not 5 percent, as usual, but practically undiluted (80 percent). So, with a smile of peace, another rock and roller left.

No. 3. John Lennon

Vocalist of The Beatles. One of the few musicians who did not think about suicide. In any case, four out of five bullets from Mark Chapman prevented the world from knowing whether the greatest Beatle had such thoughts.

No. 2. Janis Joplin

The famous singer died from an overdose of heroin mixed with alcohol. It’s interesting that just before this, Janice was working on an audio congratulation for John Lennon’s birthday: the cassette with the recording was found near her after his death. I congratulated you, I congratulated you!

No. 1. Kurt Cobain