What is hidden behind the arrogance? Impudent people. How to resist human arrogance? How to recognize arrogant people by their behavior

Once upon a time it was right to remain modest - many remember Soviet films that taught modesty and obedience in children. But of course, nothing stands still. Times change, morals change. To defend your opinion, to be unbending in your rules is one thing. But being arrogant is completely different. And although everyone has a clear idea of ​​what arrogance is, defining this concept is still not easy.

We have all encountered, more than once, when people violate established norms of behavior, trying to get something for their own benefit. For example, they skip the queue when others have stood in it for a decent amount of time, and take away certain benefits from others on the basis of the rights of the stronger. So it turns out: arrogance solves problems, allows you to get what you want in a simpler way.

Signs of impudence:

  • Disregard for public opinion and established norms, if this interferes.
  • An insolent person can take what does not belong to him without a shadow of embarrassment.
  • An arrogant person considers his interests more important than yours; he will not wait, give way to ladies, cooze with children, or pay tribute to age. He needs to receive - that means he will receive, despite the fact that the interests of others will suffer.
  • Even if someone begins to be indignant, he will not change his tactics: he will remain silent or begin to answer rudely. But he will not give up his actions.
  • No shame. He doesn't care what you think.
  • Presentation of unreasonable demands, excessive persistence. They also say “he takes it unceremoniously.”
  • An insolent person interferes in other people's affairs, and can even impose his point of view.
  • Insolence, attempts by rudeness to repel the desire to interfere with him.

It turns out that arrogance is the second happiness?

Looking at such “daredevils,” many also want to be “more daring”: this way, some goals are achieved easier, faster, and with fewer losses. But is it worth it?


Previously, according to moral standards, it was customary to be modest. Soviet films brought up this quality in children. But time does not stand still, morals have changed. Remaining unbending, firm, defending your own point of view is one thing. But showing impudence is another thing. And although we all understand what this quality is, giving it a clear definition is not easy.

We often hear about happiness, but we hear no less often that happiness number 2 is arrogance. Be that as it may, this concept has many definitions, and overly arrogant individuals actually achieve success in life. What's the secret?

What is impudence

Often people are faced with situations where others violate moral norms and rules of behavior, trying to gain benefits. They skip the line when others have been standing for several hours, taking away benefits from a person using the rights of force. So it turns out that arrogant individuals solve problems in an easier way.

First of all, you need to understand what is meant by this term. People who move forward no matter what are considered arrogant. They do not stand on ceremony with others and are active. The signs of an arrogant personality are:

ignoring the foundations, norms, opinions of society, if this is an obstacle to the goal;
an arrogant person easily takes what does not belong to her;
Arrogant individuals consider their own interests above others. They do not make concessions, do not wait for anyone, do not stand on ceremony with children and do not respect age. They need to get something - they get it;
even if others are indignant, the person does not change behavior: he is silent or rude, but his actions remain the same;
the person has no shame. He doesn't care what others think;
arrogant individuals make unreasonable demands, exhibit;
insolent people interfere in the affairs of others and impose their opinions;
they are impudent, trying to fight off all obstacles with rudeness.

The concept of “arrogance” is perceived individually by everyone. For some this is a positive trait, for others it is the opposite, and still others are insolent. Some people want to become arrogant in order to survive. But someone does not understand the meaning of the word, considering it synonymous with impudence and rudeness. Arrogance is good in moderation, and in small amounts at that. People are not born arrogant, they become that way.

There are benefits to brazen behavior, but for those who act that way. This is not strange, because everything the impudent person does is for his own benefit. The advantage lies in the fact that these people go to great lengths to achieve their goals. But the downside is not that these people have a goal, but the way to achieve it. The difference is that insolent people move forward, unlike “ordinary” people.

Bravery and arrogance have different meanings, but complement each other. noble, but arrogant - poorly brought up. But without this character trait, arrogance cannot exist.

On the one hand, such actions can be considered correct. After all, if you stagnate at one point, it is difficult to achieve success. And arrogant behavior becomes a positive personality trait in this vein. On the other hand, to remain arrogant you will have to not only swim against the current, but “walk over corpses.” Thus, arrogance actually acts as a second happiness, since it is condemned by those who are left behind.

Is impudence not a vice?

It probably happened to you, when someone skipped the queue, that you mentally added a question mark to the phrase “arrogance is the second happiness”? Or does everyone believe that this is in reality true, but due to certain circumstances such “happiness” remains indecent and unattainable for us?

Let's figure out whether this is as negative and arrogant behavior as most people think it is. And where is the line drawn when boldness of action is spoken of as impudence? First, think about your own attitude towards arrogant behavior: is this a second happiness for you, a negative trait or a useful quality? Some consider it a vice, but others are thinking about how to develop it in themselves.

Isn't impudence a vice? Or is it still a negative trait? Many of us were bolder at an early age until we were instilled with a sense of guilt. For kids, daring behavior is forgiven; it is understood as spontaneity. But then it manifests itself in unceremonious behavior, rudeness, and the boundaries become narrow. In later life, everyone sets the limits for arrogant behavior for themselves. But how wide they turn out to be depends on upbringing.

What does the term “arrogance” mean? This is the confidence that you deserve the best. In this context, everything doesn’t sound too negative. After all, there is nothing wrong with wanting to get the maximum. It is not for nothing that it is believed that arrogance can take over cities. Without daring personalities in the world, it is unknown what world history would have been like.

The situation is different, if a person does not see boundaries, there is no limit to arrogant actions. If we mean a loss of respect for others, then arrogance becomes impudence. And then it is important to know how to combat such behavior.

How to resist insolence

More often than not, the one whose actions are regarded as shameless does not even know that he is doing something inappropriate for others. It turns out that it was not he who exalted himself, but we who put ourselves lower. The peak of impudence is a relative concept. But it happens that we encounter obvious rudeness, but do not understand how to resist arrogance:

first try to understand whether the person's actions actually show disrespect for others. If brazen behavior is the result of disrespect, don't be afraid. Especially if after what happened you spend a long time coming up with possible answers;
Often the rudeness is feigned. It arises due to. If you notice such a note in a person’s actions, then you will be able to more easily perceive the desire to cover up weak points with arrogance and rudeness;
try to avoid rude people, or reduce interaction with them to a minimum.

And if you constantly encounter insolence, then think about what’s wrong with yours. Most likely, you are in the position of a victim, and everyone can easily sit on your neck. Boors have a sense of vulnerable people.

How to develop arrogance

As an example, it is worth citing the speaker from Ancient Rome, Cicero. As a child, he was often sick and suffered from a stutter. But by the age of 30, he was able to become such that not only the people, but also the politicians of Rome listened to him. Based on this, it is concluded that arrogance, as a disruptive personality trait, develops in every person. If you are thinking about how to develop arrogance, then pay attention to the following things:

Remember situations where you didn’t have the courage to say your opinion to another person’s face, and this caused a loss of profit. The examples are simple: a queue to see a doctor, where self-confident people push you aside, defending a diploma at a university, where you did not have the strength to prove the commission was right. Try to imagine what to do in such a situation in order to benefit and remain a worthy person in the eyes of others;
develop your speech, work on it. Without knowledge of rhetoric, you will not be able to defend your own point of view. This influence is most noticeable in the work of lawyers. The winner is not the one who has more knowledge of the laws, but the one who expresses his thoughts and position well and is able to entice people and persuade them to his point of view. It's the same in politics. Bills can be promoted by those deputies who are able to prove their importance to others;

develop . Self-confidence, despite the opinion of society, is a positive personality trait. There is less doubt in yourself and your own strengths; when a person does not believe in himself, no one will believe him. Every day go to the mirror and tell yourself that everything will work out, because you are always right, you know how to act;
Fear less, act more. There is no need to be afraid to speak up and take risks. Everyone makes mistakes, but those who have made more achieve victory more often. First of all, experience is important. If a person stumbles once, he will not do the same thing the second time. In addition, the risk gives minimal chances of winning. Inaction is only a loss. Do everything through “I can’t.” Only in this way can success be achieved;
become who you want, not who you are. All people have idols, role models. They think that they also want to become as popular, talented, and confident. But the days go by and nothing changes. Don't waste precious minutes. If you want to quit smoking, do it; if you want to become a successful person, look like this. and a successful businessman are not capable of spending a day in idleness. They will spend their time usefully and profitably. Become an improved version of yourself. And if a person believes in his own strength, then this faith is passed on to others.

From this it follows that arrogance is not called “second happiness” in vain. The owner of this character trait is usually happy, regardless of the opinions of others. And the rest is a factor arising from this. Stay strong, believe in yourself, say more often that you can do anything. This is the only way to strengthen your character and spirit, only this way will you achieve success in your business and endeavors. This is the road of a successful person. Ask yourself the question, are you ready to follow it, will you continue to kill your own destiny with “cultural” modesty?

29 March 2014, 16:44

Arrogance as a personality quality is a tendency to act without moral, ethical and legal grounds.

A bear, a hare, a wolf and a fox gathered to play cards. Well, the bear announces the rules: “Whoever cheats and spies on other people’s cards, we will hit the impudent red face!”

It is unreasonable to confuse impudence with rudeness, insolence, insolence, unceremoniousness and rudeness. It is not wise to lump insolent people together with rude people, impudent people and, especially, boors. For example, is the well-known lieutenant Rzhevsky impudent or impudent? Of course, he is impudent, because he has no shame. Impudence, like impudence, also presupposes pressure without any reason, but in the absence of shame. It is no coincidence that young people call impudent people bullish, fat-bass, and tractors. He is as brazen as a tank, that is, he rushes ahead, “bulls”, trying to prove his importance and assert himself.

It would seem that Gogol’s hero from the poem “Dead Souls” Nozdryov can serve as a striking example of arrogance. Not at all, he presents us with “a deceitfully impudent variety of vulgarity.” The main character traits of Nozdryov are impudence, unceremoniousness, boasting, energy and unpredictability. His actions are well calculated, and his impudence is characterized by improvisation, shocking the victim so that his mouth opens in amazement.

At the whirlpool there are two fish: a large one and a small one. The big fish looks at the little fish predatorily and says: “But big fish always eat little ones.” The little one answers: “I agree! Where can we find them? The big fish opened its mouth from such impudence, and at that time the small one swam away. Audacity second happiness.

The French general Male was an unconditional insolent person. Having forged documents, he appointed himself military commandant of Paris in 1812. Arriving at the central barracks, he declared: “The Emperor is dead. He was killed on October 8 near Moscow...” Then the order of the military commandant of Paris was read out. The barracks commander, who had received the rank of colonel, was ordered to immediately lead the troops entrusted to him to Greve Square. It was necessary to occupy the town hall and, together with the prefect of the Seine department, prepare a meeting room for the provisional government. The order was signed by Divisional General Male. So, on the rainy night of October 23, 1812, one of the most amazing adventures in world history began. Everything was going smoothly. The troops unanimously went over to the side of Male. Male got burned by chance. Napoleon could not recover from such impudence for a long time. On his orders, Male and his comrades were shot.

In Russian history, Grigory Rasputin can easily claim the place of the first insolent person. All the necessary attributes of arrogance came together in this man. Matryona Rasputin recalls: “It was an amazing picture when Russian princesses, countesses, famous artists, all-powerful ministers and high-ranking officials courted a drunken man. He treated them worse than footmen and maids. At the slightest provocation, he scolded these aristocratic ladies in the most obscene manner and in words that would make the grooms blush. His impudence was indescribable."

Arrogance is good in moderation, but if it is based on greed, envy, anger and the desire to subjugate everyone to your whims, it is absurd to expect any favors from it. Impudent people like Rasputin are ready to do anything to achieve their goals. Arrogance always comes from selfishness. Only the trouble is not that they have goals, but in the means by which they go towards them. Rasputin could only reach such heights if he had courage. Impudence and courage complement each other, but if courage is a sign of nobility, then impudence is a sign of marriage in upbringing. However, arrogance without courage does not exist.

Impudence is indifferent to the assessments of the surrounding world. If it comes from a riot of evil power and fermentation of the spirit, then it is capable of shocking people not in order to humiliate them, but simply because of a complete disregard for the significance of someone else’s opinion. Matryona Rasputina says: “Most often my father ate with his hands. He was not used to using utensils, with the exception of a spoon, and therefore did not consider them necessary. He said: “God gives us food, so why poke it?” He pulled me back when I tried to eat according to all the rules of good manners.” Rasputin did not disregard secular conventions in order to rise above the courtiers. He did this based on his arrogant nature: he couldn’t care less about secular manners and conventions. He had no idea of ​​adopting the manners of the aristocratic salons of the well-bred St. Petersburg nobility. He considered his behavior natural, and not provocative and arrogant.

When a person’s behavior does not correspond to social regulations, when he does not behave like everyone else, then the verdict is born: “He is insolent. He behaves defiantly." In society, as B. Shaw joked, “every person has the right to his own opinion, provided that it coincides with ours.” Rasputin behaved defiantly and impudently, that is, he did not laugh when everyone else laughed, he did not rejoice when others showed joy. The expression on his face never matched the obsequious masks of those around him. In order to resist the dictate to behave in a non-defiant manner, independence of judgment, independence and a certain courage are needed. Rasputin's impudence is a protest against conformism and the swamp of social coercion. He wanted to be himself, and not like everyone else in the court camarilla. Such claims to personal freedom could not but arouse envy. Most of us want to be arrogant in the good sense of the word, like Rasputin - self-sufficient and courageous. Rasputin was not impudent, boorish and rude. He was a shining example of positive impudence. Becoming a darling of fate, and therefore a positive impudent person, is the dream of many people.

Do you think Rasputin was self-confident? Undoubtedly. His impudence lacked fear and reverence for the importance of the outside world. It is very important to understand that, often, arrogance is a mutation of self-confidence, efficiency, strength and determination. Manifestations of Rasputin’s arrogance are the splashing out into the world of a powerful force dormant within him, which does not want to put up with the swamp of life. Self-confidence is impossible in the presence of fear and importance. Outwardly, arrogance and confidence are very similar, but if confidence loves itself and people, then Rasputin’s confidence could not love a gang of bribe-takers, hangers-on and sycophants. “Rasputin’s one word was enough for officials to receive high orders or other distinctions. That’s why everyone was looking for his support,” wrote Aron Simanovich. - Assignments that required long-term service were carried out by Rasputin in a few hours. He brought people positions that they had never dared to dream of before. He was an all-powerful miracle worker, but at the same time more accessible and reliable than some high-ranking person or general. No tsar’s favorite has ever achieved such power in Russia as he did.”

Rasputin's positive impudence was based on powerful self-confidence, but it did not generate goodwill towards the royal clique of rogues. The courtiers were jealous that a simple, uncouth man ruled the king. In fact, an unusually gifted man, with the power of his powerful will and positive arrogance, supported the weak-willed and worthless ruler of a sixth of the earth with the short name “Rus”.

The courtiers were irritated by Rasputin’s impudence, because they were not given the opportunity and were afraid to demonstrate this quality; opportunism was in the way. Rasputin lives inside every person, but not everyone can release him into freedom. Rasputin's impudence is a projection of our inner Rasputin onto the outside world. But we keep our Rasputin in chains, and now he is breaking out of there in the form of our condemnations. That is, we do not recognize our inner arrogance, we reject it, and we do not even admit to ourselves its existence. But as soon as we see the impudence on the outside, that’s it, the trigger has worked, we recognize our native impudence and begin to condemn and reproach it.

Why aren’t we offended by the parrot’s impudence when he shouts: “Fool! Cretin!?” Why aren’t we outraged by the defiant behavior of the monkey who spat at us at the zoo? Here we are walking down the street, and we see a drunk, dirty homeless man lying in a puddle. He raises his head and says, “Freak.” Why don't we tell him: "Insolent"? Because our inner Rasputin does not see in them his equal, does not perceive his own likeness. Therefore, if you want not to react to impudence at all, then you need to either strangle your inner Rasputin or give him a sleeping pill. In this situation, you will react to an insult from an insolent person in the same way as to a parrot, a monkey or a drunken homeless person in a puddle. In a psychiatric hospital, a doctor, making his rounds, sees the patients grimacing and jumping, and hears blatant insulting cries at his own expense. He indifferently walks by, dictating to the nurse: “Ivanov - imizin, Petrov - nialamide, Sidorova - sibazon.” You, too, can, instead of anger, react to the tirade of the tram insolent with the words: “So, so. Daily dose of bromine, valerian root and motherwort herb tea. Before meals, three times a day. In two weeks we’ll meet at the same time on this tram.” Can you imagine how the impudent guy's face will stretch out? Almost like this story.

One of the flights has been cancelled, and all the passengers on that flight are patiently standing in line with a charming company representative to be transferred to the next flight that is convenient for them. And suddenly, pushing others aside, some impudent guy rushes up and says that he needs to rewrite a ticket for such and such a flight. Well, the girl politely tells him that maybe he would be so kind as to stand in line like everyone else. To which the impudent guy literally hissed at her: “Do you know who I am!?” The girl calmly takes the microphone and announces to the entire airport: “Ladies and gentlemen! A man near the eighth post needs help. Can anyone identify him? He forgot who he is!!!" The line burst out laughing, and the greyhound guy could only say, “I had you...” To which the cute creature, without changing her facial expression, said: “I’m very sorry, but for this you will also have to stand in line!!!”

When we hear an impudent cry, and in response there is silence, we learn a lot of unpleasant things about ourselves. It is useful to let your depressed Rasputin out for a walk from time to time in the form of confidence. This is how we show our hidden secret side of personality. When we meet an insolent person, we learn to understand ourselves better and realize how to be ourselves. The insolence of others contributes to our personal growth.

In contrast to Rasputin’s impudence, the ordinary ordinary impudent person is weak. He tries to compensate for his weakness, to prove it by humiliating those around him. The lack of intelligence is compensated by an excess of arrogance. Insolence willingly attacks when defense is weak. Sometimes, to turn the tide of a fight, you need a little arrogance to achieve victory. Impunity encourages arrogance to degenerate into rudeness. A self-confident person will not prove anything, make excuses or be indignant. He loves and values ​​himself, living in harmony with the outside world. He treats people favorably and nobly. Rasputin treated ordinary people favorably. Rasputin's apartment was always full of the most diverse people. Many came here as if to their own home - they brought some food and drank tea in the dining room, where a huge samovar with boiling water was available to guests at any time. You could come here without food. For those who came, as they say, empty-handed, a simple treat was always prepared on the table. Most often - boiled potatoes, sauerkraut and black bread, both fresh and in the form of crackers. In other words, arrogance is selective. To those who have cut their hair - insolence, to ordinary people - honor and respect. This is what Rasputin did. According to Rasputin, impudence harmonizes the world. Insolence bows its head in respect to love, strength and respect and straightens its shoulders when faced with weakness and fear.

Often, arrogance becomes a derivative of fear. The weak experience the fear of losing a loved one, a job, or some benefits. For him, the cure for fear is arrogance. Criminals, when they are taken by the “gills,” become impudent from fear and, in order to hide their sticky fear, shout: “Wolves are shameful. The cops are filthy." We always feel creepy when we see this fear behind the impudence. It’s creepy because we recognize our hidden fear in the inappropriate behavior of the insolent person. This is a very unpleasant state for our Ego.

On the “Arrogance - Modesty” scale, the question is always resolved - how much a person respects other people. If you are not destined to die from modesty, it means that the manifested side of you is arrogance. Dont be upset. In the world of prevailing egoism, arrogance in moderation is a positive quality. Most people have formed stereotypes: Arrogance more quickly takes what modesty did not have time to grab; Excessive modesty is an infringement of oneself. Excessive arrogance is an infringement of others; The arrogant is naked, and the modest is hidden. Anatole France said: “One must observe moderation in everything, even in modesty.” Immense impudence attracts troubles and difficulties.

Society calls any desire for independence arrogance. Let's imagine that arrogance is dead. All people live an inert, ordered life. Nobody behaves provocatively. Einstein sips beer in a local bar, Lomonosov fishes in the Pomors, Suvorov takes serf girls to the hayloft, Newton grows apple trees, and Salvador Dali teaches drawing at a local school. Everything is quiet and decent. Nobody stands out. Technological progress has stopped. This is how the world works that if there is no development, degradation begins, if there is no progress, regression begins. The world freezes in stillness. Realizing his doom, he stretches out his arms outstretched in prayer to the sky and exclaims: “Come!” Come, life-giving insolence!”

Peter Kovalev

Pay attention to their conversations. Don't eavesdrop, but when they speak to you or those nearby, listen carefully. Do they only talk about themselves? Do they get angry or irritated if they are no longer the center of attention? These are quite serious signs of arrogance.

  • Arrogance and complacency often simply indicate a lack of life experience and a concern that those who have more of it "have an advantage over them." Instead of learning more, asking questions and learning something (which they perceive as weakness), insolent people tend to generalize from their limited experience and try to impose their narrow point of view on everyone else.
  • Envy of your accomplishments or lifestyle may cause some to ostentatiously show superiority over you for things they think they do better or for things they have that you don't.
  • Arrogant people feel a strong need to look good. If you make them look bad - even the slightest comment - their reaction is usually very aggressive. For example, if you question (or seem to question) their appearance, intelligence, athletic ability, or anything else related to their image.
  • Challenge their worldview. Don't be aggressive - just sound skeptical and inquisitive. If this upsets them, try to gauge the intensity of their anger. If it's minimal, they're just having a lousy day. But if they're angry, they feel like you're questioning their "perfect little world." Namely, the presence of such determines arrogance and impudence.

    • At one point or another, people realize that the world does not revolve around them. Insolent people counter this in their own way: they create an atmosphere that revolves around them, and get angry if they are reminded of reality.
    • Ambiguity frightens bold people because it suggests imperfection, change, or a lack of confidence (realities we struggle with as best we can). That is, instead of accepting that our world is unpredictable and sometimes things don’t happen the way we want them to, an arrogant person tries to control everyone and everything. And this, in turn, is an impossible mission.
    • Reality can hurt; Therefore, insolent people are not very prone to reflection and introspection, thus they do not notice their own flaws. They may also take credit for other people's accomplishments instead of considering other people's contributions and circumstances.
  • Find out the value of their friendship. There is no need to pry into other people's affairs or gossip, but if one day they are inseparable friends with someone, and the next person already hates each other, this is a sign that they have many friends before the first disaster. This is also a sign of impudence and arrogance, because it is difficult to be a good friend to someone who is fixated on himself. Arrogant people feel the need to look good, and an effective way to achieve this is through self-sufficiency. A good friend is always obliged to help, so they cannot even bear the thought of a reliable friendship.

    • Oddly enough, insolent people often cannot understand why they do not have reliable and supportive friends.
  • How do they treat those who are different from them? In other words, how do they relate to people of different views, cultural backgrounds, or those who see the world differently? If the attitude is essentially negative, then they are either indifferent to others or tend to avoid those who oppose their illusory world, which is focused exclusively on them. This can be determined by their general personality traits and the people they interact with.

    • Many arrogant people are seriously convinced that there is only one correct opinion, and this opinion is their own. This is a defense mechanism for their false ideas or illusory world.
  • What is the essence of their personality? Pay attention to how they act, talk, and use their social status. Do they have “coolness” in the generally accepted sense? Maybe they are talkative? Do they act like they own everything or like "a player who has no chance of winning?" Are they very worried about their own image?

    • Many insolent people have a false charm that no one seems to be able to see through. But insolent people are usually just happy to show off their unflattering side to those they don't like.
    • When they act cruelly, their friends usually ignore it or simply do nothing to stop it. They are afraid that this may anger their so-called "friend".
  • Mention those who, how much you you know, I like too. Not to start a conflict, but to gauge their rivals' irritants and hostility. If their censure is justified and moderate, most likely they cannot be called insolent. If they immediately demonstrate harsh judgments, feel free to assign them to the arrogant type.

    • For the most part, insolent people perceive people they don’t like as a threat to their ideal world. The more they hate someone, the more dangerous that person is to their land of illusions. And, in turn, the greater the threat, the stronger the criticism.
  • Ask around to find out what they say about you. If you hear bad things about yourself, maybe they just don't like you. If they smile in your face but say nasty things behind your back as if it's their favorite hobby, they most likely have pride issues.

    • Insolent people usually subconsciously know that they do not have truly good friends. They compensate "quality with quantity", creating impression that they have many friends. Therefore, they simply insult their “trophy” friends when they don’t see it.
  • Be responsive. Don't judge insolent people harshly, or you risk developing the same negative views of the world as they do. Arrogant people often try to hide their weaknesses and fears. For the most part, the need for a strong and undeniable self-presentation stems from deep-seated pain. Obviously, you should also not give in to their assurances of superiority over you. Behave in a principled and detached manner. But you can establish contact and see sincere goodness in them, praise real merits, and not imaginary talents. Sometimes, if you get through the feigned rudeness, you can free a person and allow him to be himself, not to block himself so violently.

    • Huge vulnerability can be hidden behind arrogance. This leads to overcompensation aimed at suppressing vulnerability. For example, if a arrogant person grows up poor but later becomes rich, he or she becomes a snob about everything they can afford because they are covering up fears of poverty from the past.
  • About the mental phenomenon “arrogance”

    Manifestations of impudence have been little studied from the standpoint of psychophysiology. The article will show that this is an important mark of the stage of passing the process of forming any skills, a side effect of a skill that is not yet quite confidently developed in conditions of the urgent need to obtain the desired result with certain obstacles to this.

    The word “arrogance” in everyday life is clearly shocking in nature, but should not interfere with the correct consideration of its psychophysiological background, and there is no reason yet to choose a more euphonious, “scientific” term for it.

    Of course, what the development of individual manifestations of arrogance into a style of arrogant behavior can lead to, goes far beyond the root causes, as happens with literally all the makings of adaptive mechanisms of creativity: art and science, which, in turn, are qualitatively divided into many types. So this article will only consider the primary mechanism and its manifestations.

    Current understanding of the meaning of the word .

    As a rule, the word arrogance is understood as daring behavior that encroaches on generally accepted norms, an expression of protest through scandalous (shocking) means.

    Impudence (the original meaning of this word is “suddenness, speed, courage,” cf. the expression How dare you!) - audacity, impudence. Possible manifestations are increased tone, louder voice, looking straight into the eyes without looking away (piercing gaze, staring), attempts to somehow confuse the interlocutor, the use of lies, grinning, sticking out thumbs and wiggling them. It may be a consequence of self-confidence, high social status, another sense of superiority, despair, indignation, or consciousness of one’s safety. Typical reaction: irritation, contempt, opposition.

    By the way, shocking characteristic avant-garde, and partly modernist (one way or another, but any destructive) art, however, refers “to extra-aesthetic and, even more so, extra-artistic reactions.” From a psychological point of view, shocking is one of the forms of demonstrative behavior.

    Arrogance and self-doubt as two polarities

    ...Impudence- it's something like shamelessness and daring self-confident impudence, which borders on rudeness. Sometimes arrogance has a positive connotation when the emphasis is on confidence in the actions performed, and not in their unceremoniousness. In our time diffidence often contrasted with such “positive” arrogance.

    With all this seemingly quite unambiguous understanding, the boundaries of the phenomenon turn out to be quite blurred, and the manifestations of arrogance themselves are controversial, if we do not consider how and why arrogance arises, at what time in the development of the individual it begins to manifest itself and what is the reason for this. Moreover, the phenomenon has almost not been studied from the position of psychophysiology, although a lot of literature provides purely empirical studies of the manifestations of arrogance in describing the periodization of the development of the organism. And these manifestations concern not only humans.

    A specialized complex of brain regions that controls social behavior was first discovered in mammals, then in other land vertebrates, and even in fish. American biologists have shown that different groups of vertebrates have similar not only the structure of this complex, but also the nature of the work of key genes in it. Those differences that do exist affect to a greater extent the synthesis of signaling substances (neurotransmitters) and, to a lesser extent, the distribution of receptors that respond to these substances. Apparently, already the last common ancestor of ray-finned fish and terrestrial vertebrates had a socially oriented neural network, the basic structural and neurochemical properties of which changed very slowly during further evolution.

    ... The most amazing property of the SDM network is its evolutionary conservatism, that is, the extremely slow pace of evolutionary changes...the basic socially oriented tasks of all vertebrates are similar: to attract good sexual partners, defeat competitors, increase your social status, raise more healthy offspring... This fundamental similarity of life aspirations probably creates the preconditions for the development of more or less universal socially oriented neural structures during evolution.

    The commonality of the mechanisms of manifestation of arrogance and the existing factual materials allows us to systematize and specify the mechanism, thereby more correctly clarifying the formal definition. This is what will be done in this article.

    Here are some illustrative examples of their empirical articles.

    When a child is rude and bickering

    Yes, children tend to be arrogant at times!... Most often, the reason for this behavior is that a small child is simply testing on his parents what he learned from TV shows or heard from older children living next door.

    Even if your six-year-old child, when you put him to bed, shows great ability in an argument, proving that he is not yet tired at all, let him know that you know more. You can, of course, praise his manner of dialogue and promise that you will listen to him later, but at the same time point out that you still know better when he should go to bed.... Families where children do not hesitate to approach their parents in order to calmly presenting their arguments on a particular issue can be considered healthy families. However, even in such democratic families, where everyone can say what they think, there are situations when the last word must remain with the parents. If you find yourself in a situation in which you must demonstrate your power, then you need to immediately clearly determine that this is the moment, and then resolutely stop any discussion.

    Hyperactivity - one of the most common behavioral dysfunctions, which has a significant impact on the development of the child...In the age group up to 7 years, behavioral disorders in the form of hyperactivity with attention disorders are accompanied by delayed psychomotor development: a lag in the development of fine and gross motor skills, auditory and visual perception, etc. .d. There is a slight transition from tears to laughter. Age-related interests, including intellectual ones (for example, to the contents and illustrations of books), may not be sufficiently developed. There are disturbances in social interactions, primarily with adults: children do not keep their distance, are familiar, and tend to be arrogant. Peers often reject such children because of their impulsiveness and outbursts of anger, inability to adhere to the rules in games, and sowing discord.

    Hyperactivity is characteristic not only of developmental pathologies caused by internal factors, but also as the initial period of developing adaptive skills in any area and at any age. In this case, problems with attention and assessment of the significance of what is perceived in the context of the development of new ideas will have the specifics of the DVGA. The fact that this provokes manifestations of arrogance speaks of the conditions of insufficient sophistication, insufficient confidence and inability to be weighed judiciously in these new circumstances.

    The teenage crisis is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There are different variants of manifestation, let us designate extreme cases: the teenage crisis of “excessive independence” (denial of authorities, negative behavioral manifestations, aggression, rudeness, the desire for independence by any means, stubbornness, arrogance, opposing oneself to others, etc.) and the teenage crisis “ excessive dependence" (complete lack of independence, dependence on other people, infantilism in views and behavior, the desire to be with everyone and "like everyone else", loyalty to authorities, the desire to be a "correct" child, a return to more childish interests, etc.)

    Psychophysiology of the phenomenon .

    Considering that the child goes through critical periods of development of brain structures, each of which is characterized by its own specificity of the best sensory activity (which is discussed on the parallel website Chronotope) and specific manifestations of mental reactions arise, it is possible to find the place of the beginning and development of manifestations of impudence.

    The period of trusting learning is replaced by a period of playful trampling of authority. However, the origins of arrogance arise earlier, when there is an urgent need (no matter what the condition is), or rather, there is a dominant motivation that determines the context of behavior and demands that this behavior be performed at all costs.

    What distinguishes this state from the commonly used understanding of the word “arrogance” is that the action is not hindered by any motivation that contradicts it, and it is carried out as soon as it arises. Of course, an annoyed parent may think about a child who literally ruined the clothes they just changed that this is impudence. But arrogance is active opposition to someone or something, provided by a subject who has shown such arrogance without a sufficiently confident forecast of the consequences. Although the baby has no forecast of consequences at all, he does not make a conscious volitional effort to overcome the internal conflict, his impudence is still involuntary.

    During the period of playful violation of authority, there is already a baggage of perceived norms of behavior, which often turns out to be in conflict with the current dominant motivation, and there is still no confident forecast for how the attempt to violate the norm will end. If motivation exceeds the blocking influence of norms, it becomes possible to display impudence in behavior in all cases where there is no time or ability to comprehend the situation more creatively.

    During the period of the end of trusting learning for the entire period of gaming trampling on authorities, the individual displays more decisive, revolutionary options for testing behavior with still very little life experience, cutting off many such options, which, of course, ends in tears in many attempts to gain extreme experience. This dependence is gradually corrected by the sad experience of unsuccessful attempts, leaving more conservative options viable. (see Revolutions are in vain in young countries)

    So, impudence is an attempt to take active action 1) in conditions of motivational dominance, 2) in conflict with previous experience, with 3) significant uncertainty (lack of a confident forecast) and 4) lack of time or comprehension skills. If the dominant exceeds uncertainty and moral taboos, then the action is performed.

    It seems that such a definition, which formalizes the identified mechanisms of the psyche (a triggering stimulus in the context of active motivation, exceeding the risk of predicted consequences accessible to awareness) most fully correlates with the current understanding of the word “arrogance”.

    Impudence is always an act of conscious will, requiring volitional effort to exceed the limiting factors of previous experience, if it has not already become a style of unconscious behavior.

    Impudence is a step dictated not by reason (creative understanding of the situation with finding an acceptable course of action in the face of risks), but by an acute subjective need for action (see About dangers). This is aggression, first of all, in relation to one’s previous experience.

    An impudent action that ends happily with the desired results receives a positive assessment (“impudence is the second happiness”) and this is where the dominant is exhausted, freeing up the area of ​​awareness.

    In case of failure, a negative experience is acquired that blocks such actions, but the motivational dominant may remain, more inclined to creative rather than extreme behavior.

    In the case of a delay in action, the dominant can exist for years and develop as an unresolved, but very pressing problem, acquiring many subjectively produced assumptions, of which those that promise the desired result have a clear preference. This is the path of increasing subjectivism and inadequacy. This is the way of developing a fixed idea in conditions of conflict with carriers of unacceptable views, and, accordingly, with all the attributes of the development of paranoid schizophrenia, with obligatory conspiracy theories and with increased chances of irreparable mental disorders.

    In attempts to justify the desired idea, with insufficient determination or the ability to implement it, more and more absurdity, obvious from an outside point of view, arises, mental defects that are not noticed by the bearer of an important idea.

    Examples of manifestations of impudence and its consequences .

    Anyone who has raised a child has encountered the situation of being unable to rationally explain something to him if the child still lacks the intermediate concepts necessary for understanding, but he really wants something to the point of impatience. There is a feeling of powerlessness, despite all the wisdom of the adult. When you persistently try to reason and explain something with the active impudence of bickering, sometimes such states arise that in addition to powerlessness a feeling of the absurdity of your own understanding of the situation is added, which, with accumulated fatigue and endless attempts to explain and counter bickering, can actually damage the psyche.

    The child believes that the parent is wrong on some important issue for him, and tries to blatantly challenge the rightness with aggressive attempts to impose his naive ideas. In this case, accordingly, any reasoning arguments are useless. The two sides conflicting in this way differ in that the more experienced one easily sees the essence of the naive’s misconceptions, but cannot explain this due to the naive’s lack of intermediate ideas. The arrogant one, with the strength of his motivating dominant, eliminates everything that contradicts it, strengthens all positive forecasts for his idea, comes up with arguments in support, without noticing (not wanting to notice) what is contradictory. His confidence turns out to be no less than the confidence of an experienced person, despite the obvious inadequacy and untested idea in practice.

    Many examples of arrogance can be easily found in the statements of naive oppositionists. Thus, they ardently convince themselves and others that there were 200 thousand participants at the “March of Millions” on June 12, 2012, not noticing that the capacity of the venue does not exceed 50 thousand, and an indication of infidelity only causes attempts to justify in any way, first of all, in your words, this figure and transfer the depravity of arrogant logic onto your opponents, attributing to them exactly what they themselves are incorrect in.

    Characterized by impudence about Onishchenko, where the author is in a shocking form ( G. Onishchenko banned Russians eat sushi) complains that the country's chief doctor does not recommend eating sushi in a restaurant - as a result of checking these restaurants to comply with sanitary standards for controlling fish for helminths. As an additional argument against the country's out-of-mind top specialist, the author cites Onishchenko's deadly recommendation, in his opinion, not to be afraid to consume GMOs. The author, obviously for specialists, showed himself to be a complete layman in the issues raised, far from Onishchenko’s level of understanding, but some features of Onishchenko’s speech gave him reason to suspect him of absurdity and malicious intent. All the signs of impudence are present in this example.

    One can cite and recall many examples of manifestations of arrogance in relation not to an opponent, but to inanimate deterrents. If you really need to jump over a fast current, but you are not sure that you will jump to the other bank, but you really need to, then this state of aggressive arrogance may arise with the commission of risky actions. The experience gained will correct ideas about the possible, but if you do not decide and develop these ideas, for example, in a strong desire to fly with the power of thought (or something paranormal), then a complex of inadequacies will arise, provoking multiple manifestations of arrogance that are already difficult to correct from -for a developed motivational dominant (fixed ideas).

    Almost always, people who have achieved some heights in the development of professional skills are in many other ways perceived as ordinary, unremarkable, even repulsive people and, moreover, often demonstrate signs that are perceived negatively (eccentric professor, crazy scientist, etc.) .p.), which are sufficient grounds for those who in this area do not have ideas comparable in depth to try to challenge them, but have a pronounced motivation to aggressively challenge the undesirable.


    Dissatisfaction with the existing, giving rise to creativity, is positive for the adaptability of not only the individual, but also those associated with the common culture of other representatives of the species, but if this is combined with a motivational dominant that requires immediate action or the manifestation of one’s attitude in order to influence others, then an aggressive attempt arises subordination of one’s will, just as the will has already subordinated to the dominant the previous personal experience that conflicted with it. But the uncertainty generated by the lack of experience in such actions carries a very high probability of inadequacy, i.e. in most cases, such actions will be detrimental to the overall adaptability of the species. This is somewhat reminiscent of the situation with mutations, the vast majority of which are harmful and only a few, which turn out to be successful by chance, provide an evolutionary advantage.

    In view of the overwhelming majority of inadequate outcomes of arrogant actions, arrogance is generally perceived negatively, so pointing out arrogance is perceived as an insult, although this should be a signal for the insolent person to come to his senses.

    A revolutionary is a carrier of a motivational dominant, who has overcome its conflicts in himself and is trying to do this in relation to others. The results of revolutions have the most dire consequences for all who did not share the convictions and all who unwittingly found themselves under the destructive influence of the inadequacy of ideas. If the desire for innovation is mainly characteristic of a relatively early age, but arrogance can manifest itself at any age if the conditions for its occurrence are met.

    In any country, at any level of democracy and prosperity, there is a percentage of people who, in certain situations, find themselves in conditions conducive to the manifestation of arrogance. It would not be correct to call them full-fledged oppositionists. These are naive oppositionists or insolent people.

    Russian hooligans will be deported from Poland by court decision

    Russians found guilty of hooliganism are deported from Poland and placed on the “black list” of Schengen countries... Mass riots in Warsaw, according to the Polish authorities, were provoked by local hooligans.... Total results of clashes before and after the match Poland - Russia detained 184 people: 156 Poles, 24 Russians, one Hungarian and one Spaniard... Among the detained Russians is a man suspected of throwing fire on the field during the Russia-Czech Republic game on June 8. Then, due to an unsuccessful attempt by the stewards to detain the alleged violator, a scuffle between fans and security broke out in the tribune area..

    How to recognize manifestations of arrogance in yourself and others?

    Unexpected manifestations of ardor in considering a problem, motivating the impudence of manifestations of this ardor, may in itself surprise the person showing arrogance, make him perplexed, but not give up the idea.

    As already noted, from the point of view of sophisticated people, naivety is recognized instantly on the basis of experience and, accordingly, arrogance is recognized. There are no problems here: the teacher immediately sees the student’s mistake, no matter how he makes excuses. And he usually has sufficient skill and ability to overcome impudent resistance.