Fashionable rose makeup play online. Fashionable rose makeup

Rosa Barboskina is a charming girl from a friendly family of mischievous dogs. She devotes most of her free time to her own appearance and fashion magazines. A girl can stand in front of the mirror for hours and choose her lipstick color or hairstyle. In the entertaining game “Makeup of Rose and Lisa Barboskin”, a young fashionista is going on a date with her boyfriend Timokha and wants to look her best. Help her with this.

First you need to brush your teeth, wash and dry your hair. Then you can start creating a stylish look suitable for going to the cinema or club. Tint the beauty's eyelashes, blush her cheeks and highlight her blue eyes with shadows. Give your lips a strawberry or raspberry freshness using lip gloss. Choose beautiful earrings and a headdress for her. Now Barboskina is ready to win hearts.

For each successfully completed task in the game “Makeup of Rose and Lisa Barboskin” you will receive points and be able to open new cosmetics and improve the appearance of the cartoon heroine. You will enjoy playing this colorful fun. It will give you a lot of positive emotions and lift your spirits.

The older a girl gets, the stronger her desire to be beautiful increases, so that not only other girls will envy, but also boys will pay attention to them. Rosa Barboskina is seventeen years old. She is a high school student and dreams of being beautiful like no one else. Today she is going to go on a date with Timokha, who sent her an SMS with an invitation to go to a cafe. From this moment the game itself, dedicated to the cartoon, begins. From now on, start transforming the girl, who hopes that you will help her completely change her appearance. First, you need to brush your teeth to freshen your breath and whiten your teeth. The girl's choice fell on two pastes: you can choose fruit paste or don't bother and brush with regular paste (if you play this game again, other options will become available). After that, take a shower, and then move on to makeup. And this is where “Little Fairy” cosmetics will help you. use her different tools to become magically beautiful!

Fashionable makeup of Rosa Barboskina. Game for girls and girls! Fashionable makeup by Rosa Barboskina is a cool game for girls about makeup in Russian. Rose woke up in a great mood. And then she received a message from Timokha’s friend, who made an appointment for her. Girls, help fashionista Rosa get ready for a date. She really wants to please Timokha. First of all, she needs to brush her teeth, wash her hair, and only then do her makeup. Well, beautiful Rose is ready. It's time for a date!

Fashionable makeup of Rosa Barboskina

Test: Which member of the Barboskin-2 family are you? Game for girls and girls! Girls, remember the friendly Barboskin family? The cutest hero of this family is a cheerful puppy named Baby. The puppy is very curious and cheerful. He is ready for discoveries and when he learns something new, he never ceases to admire, exclaiming: “Wow, pooh!” Two more characters are no less interesting: Druzhok and Gena. Doggie Druzhok will definitely be a football player. Dog Gena will go into science. He is interested in chemistry. Baby's sister, Rose, is obsessed with fashion. Sister Lisa is a real sneak, who is ready and inappropriate to fight for the truth. Of course, these nimble dogs also have parents. But they differ from children in their sedateness. Girls, don’t you think that you recognize yourself in the characters and actions of these cute characters? To decide who it is, you will have to answer 10 questions in the test game - "Test: Who are you from the Barboskin family -2". Play with the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the Barboskin-2 family?

Barboskina Lisa: Searching for the stars. Game for girls and girls! All the Barboskins are assembled, so jokes will soon begin in the family. This is true! Two brothers, Druzhok and Gena, their sister Rosa and even the puppy Baby decided to joke with Lisa, who more than once claimed that she had the best detective skills in their family. The hour came when the family demanded significant evidence from Lisa. The friendly team of the Barboskins scattered almost invisible stars throughout the room and gave Lisa only 3 minutes to find them. Lisa, of course, is ready to fight for the truth, but the stars are hidden so skillfully! Girls, help! To do this you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Barboskina Lisa: Searching for Stars

Barboskiny: ice cream. Game for girls and girls! It's a hot summer in the city where the Barboskin family lives. And on the street, next to their house, you girls are selling ice cream. The family simply loves this delicacy and will endlessly come for it. You have limited time to care for each family member. Follow the Barboskins' wishes carefully. They will appear in a cloud above their heads. Having completed the required order, hand it to the client. And don’t forget: you must have time to complete your task. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Barboskiny: ice cream

Learning to read with the Barboskins. Game for girls and girls! ATTENTION! Girls, if your game takes a long time to load, check - perhaps you do not have the UNITY player installed. Friends, we welcome you to this exciting game with the Barboskins about the Russian alphabet. Look at the pictures for clues. Find the required letters on the playing field. Now combine them into words that represent the objects shown in the picture. Read it. If you have not yet learned to read, ask your elders for help. Good luck!

Having fun with the Barboskins. Game for girls and girls! Girls, if you suddenly get bored, join the cheerful Barboskin family. You won't be bored with them. Now this family has come up with a fun puzzle. Together they hide a series of numbers. They hide almost in plain sight. You must find these numbers. You should be able to find the numbers in just 3 minutes. Be careful! The wrong click will take your life. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Having fun with the Barboskins

Coloring book with Lisa Barboskina. Game for girls and girls! Girls, hello! Meet us! This is Lisa from the famous Barboskin family. Although she is a sneak, she is, in general, a good sister and friend. They say about her that she is the best at finding lost things. Lisa believes that they deservedly talk about her. Her little brother, a puppy named Baby, lost his music receiver today. Lisa immediately found him in the bushes near the house. This painting depicts the moment when the overjoyed Lisa hurries to inform her family about her find. Girls, use paints and complete the artist’s work by giving color to Lisa’s outfits. Good luck!

Coloring book with Lisa Barboskina

Lisa Barboskina is looking for sheet music. Game for girls and girls! Lisa Barboskina is looking for notes - a game for girls in Russian, for attention. Girls, help Lisa Barboskina find all the notes in the room. Be careful! Notes can be everywhere: on furniture, on the ceiling, on the walls, on the floor... Good luck!

Lisa Barboskina is looking for sheet music

Coloring book with Rosa Barboskina. Game for girls and girls! Girls, hello! Have you forgotten the cartoon about the famous Barboskin family? Here is Rosa Barboskina, who is obsessed with fashion. Remember her favorite colors in clothes and return them to the photo. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Coloring page with Rosa Barboskina

Making pizza with Lisa Barboskina. Game for girls and girls! Cooking pizza with Lisa Barboskina - a game for girls in Russian, about cooking, for our littlest friends. Wow, girls! In addition to the fact that Lisa Barboskina knows how to sneak around, she also knows how to quickly cook pizza. Want to make sure? Then hurry to her kitchen! Now act as Lisa does. Click on the pizza ingredients. One, two, three... and you're done! Lisa did it!

Cooking pizza with Lisa Barboskina

Dress up with Rosa Barboskina in the style of Pony girls. Game for girls and girls! Dress up with Rosa Barboskina in the style of Pony girls - a cool game for our little friends to dress up Rosa from the famous Barboskin family. Ever since Rose learned the story of the Pony girls from the fairy-tale country of Equestria, she has become their most devoted fan. Now Rosa is trying to be like these cute girls in everything. She is interested in the same music as the Pony girls. But most of all, our fashionista would like to dress the way girls from Equestria dress. Girls, if you are ready to help her, follow us. Now we will show you a cool boutique with an assortment of outfits in the style of Pony girls. Here you can choose everything for Rose: from the hairstyle of your favorite Pony girl right down to her shoes. Play with the mouse.

Dress up with Rosa Barboskina in girls' style

Flight of the Barboskins in space. Game for girls and girls! The Barboskins' flight in space is a cool, multi-level skill game for girls, in Russian. In space, one of the representatives of the Barboskin family is the dog Gena. To interact with Gena, you girls will need the UP/DOWN, RIGHT/LEFT arrow keys. To move from one level to another, you need to score a sufficient number of points in the time allotted by the game. While flying, help Gene catch balls, hearts, and batteries. For them you will be awarded points. Don't let Gena collide with flying monsters, comets, spaceships and stations. Because of them you will lose points and lives. Good luck!

Flight of the Barboskins in space

Test. Which Barboskin family are you? Game for girls and girls! Test. Which Barboskin are you - a cool game Test for girls in Russian. Girls, of course, here we are talking about the characters of the members of this lovely family. As you remember, a cheerful puppy named Baby is very curious and cheerful. He is ready for discoveries and when he learns something new, he never ceases to admire, exclaiming: “Wow, you guys!” Two more characters are no less interesting: Druzhok and Gena. Doggie Druzhok is interested in football, and doggie Gena is interested in science. He is interested in chemistry. Their sister, Rose, is obsessed with fashion. Sister Lisa is a real sneak, who is ready and inappropriate to fight for the truth. These are the Barboskin children. And their parents are respected individuals who have such cute children. So which of the Barboskins can you be like? Find out!

Test. Which Barboskin family are you?

Roller skating with Rosa Barboskina. Game for girls and girls! Roller skating with Rosa Barboskina is a cool, multi-level skill game for girls, in Russian. To complete a level, you must score a given number of points in the time allotted for this task. To make this work, you will need the arrow keys to interact with Rose. Catch fruits, sweets, hearts, skates. Points will be awarded for them. Beware of falling school supplies. Because of them you will lose points and lives. Good luck!

Roller skating with Rosa Barboskina

Puzzles. The Barboskins gather for a competition of young talents. Game for girls and girls! It's noisy in the Barboskins' house. Their children learned about a competition for young talents on television and decided to submit their own video to the competition. But bad luck, they could not distribute roles among themselves. And only the parents who appeared were able to try on their children. Girls, collect the picture and you will witness this cool reconciliation. Play: with mouse.