Dzhigan personal biography. Where does rapper Dzhigan live? You people are so closed

The popular singer Dzhigan was born in Ukraine in Odessa, where he lived for a long time. Since childhood, he loved music, studied and tried himself in different directions. I was more inclined towards hip-hop and rap music.

While still at school, in the 9th grade, the young guy wrote his own track and performed with it in the assembly hall. The first fans appeared immediately after the debut.

It should be noted that the young man matured quite early; he has been living separately from his parents since the age of 16.

Then everything began to spin and start spinning, and since the 2000s, the singer began performing in Ukrainian fashionable nightclubs, and also organized stylish hip-hop parties for which tickets were not available.

The popularity even at that time was off the charts. GeeGun is a stage name, real name is Denis Aleksandrovich Ustimenko-Weinshtein.

Until 2007, Dzhigan worked and lived in Ukraine. After meeting the famous singer and producer Timamati, Dzhigan signed a contract and settled firmly in Moscow.

Now he has become an integral part of the record label Black Star inc. The singer began to tour and gained enormous popularity in Russia and the CIS countries.

In 2013, Dzhigan’s contract with the production center expired, and he did not want to renew it and went on a free voyage, which has already given a huge number of mega hits that have long occupied the top positions of popular music charts. These tracks were recorded both solo and in duets with famous singers.

At this point in time, Dzhigan lives with his family in Moscow. Together with his wife Oksana Samoilova, they are raising two charming daughters, Ariela and Leia, who are incredibly similar to their beautiful and talented parents.

Family life

Dzhigan is an excellent husband and father. Oksana is a wonderful mother and businesswoman, raising children and running a profitable business producing and selling her own clothing line under an already promoted brand.

Despite the artist’s busy schedule, the exemplary family man spends a lot of time with his family. Children's laughter is constantly heard at home, and there is also a very pleasant family atmosphere.

Although Dzhigan and his wife have different surnames, they are still a very strong and beautiful couple, which makes some people feel happy for them, and others feel envy, because there really is something to envy: a luxurious house with a swimming pool, decorated with taste and according to the latest trends in the design world.

The house has two children's rooms, a large living room, a playroom, and many, many other large spacious rooms.

Dzhigan, together with his loved ones, lives in 2 cities, or rather in two countries, Russia and Ukraine, where the artist’s new hits are successfully rotated.

The family of the famous rapper travels very often, as evidenced by numerous photographs published on social networks by both Dzhigan himself and his wife Oksana.

But behind all these human joys there is a long journey to the top and work on oneself. Before her marriage, Oksana was a very famous and popular model, which she remains to this day.

A self-sufficient woman, she still works every day on herself, on her body. Ideal appearance, chiseled figure and rich inner world, all this is about her.

National recognition of the artist and presentation of awards

In addition to his singing career, Dzhigan devotes a lot of time to sports. He has achieved significant success and has several titles and awards. Also in the career of a rap singer, Denis has reached dizzying heights, which is confirmed by his numerous awards and awards:

  • winner of many prestigious popular awards;
  • winner of the Golden Gramophone figurine;
  • winner of the nomination “Best Hip-Hop Artist” according to Muz-TV 2014;
  • and many other awards.

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  • Adaptive signal filtering. Theory and algorithms, V. I. Dzhigan. The book discusses the main types of adaptive filters and their application in radio engineering...
  • Adaptive filtering of signals: theory and algorithms, Dzhigan V.I.. The monograph discusses the main types of adaptive filters and their application in…

Denis Ustimenko-Weinstein, or better known to everyone, Dzhigan, is a popular rap artist and a vivid example of how a person can gradually and confidently achieve great heights. It was thanks to talent, perseverance and his favorite work that he was able to become one of the brightest rappers in the CIS.

Connections, big money, influential personalities - the singer did not have all this, but he had a great desire to do what he wanted and strive for improvement. It is very interesting to learn details about Dzhigan’s career and family. For those interested, read on.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dzhigan

Like any other popular personality, a lot of people are interested in the rapper. In particular, many people wonder what his height, weight, and age are? How old is Dzhigan? Since he played sports from a young age, he has an athletic build.

Dzhigan's weight is 90 kg and his height is 172 cm. In August of this year, Dzhigan turned 32 years old. Many are also interested in what his nationality is. Rapper Dzhigan is a Jew of Ukrainian origin. If you look at photos of Dzhigan in her youth and now, the only difference is the number of tattoos and the presence of a beard.

Biography of Dzhigan

Those who dream of achieving success on their own will be very curious to find out in more detail what Dzhigan’s biography is like.

Denis was born in Odessa in 1985, in the family of a sailor. It was thanks to his father’s work that from an early age he became acquainted with a tape recorder and cassettes with music from different countries, which had not yet been heard of in his native lands. Being very young, Dzhigan understood who he wanted to be. Professional sports also took place in his life. He was able to achieve great success in kickboxing, becoming the champion of Ukraine at the age of 18, and later second at the European Championship. But, as Dzhigan repeatedly said in interviews, he did not plan to continue his sports career, because he dreamed of music.

At the age of 9, Denis recorded a song while in the group “ShiZo”. The first song that many listeners heard was “My Boys”, then the solo track “Boytsovskaya” was recorded. Dzhigan was also involved in DJing at the same time. He was often invited to work at parties of the most famous Odessa clubs. Soon, he begins to tour as a DJ in neighboring countries. It is known that even today he is invited as a DJ to elite clubs in Odessa. In 2006, Dzhigan recorded three solo albums. Since 2007 he has become an active rap artist.

Dzhigan became famous due to his collaboration with the group “Karats”. Then a composition called “We are resting” was released. This was followed by clips with popular DJs and rappers. Soon, Dzhigan's songs began to occupy the top lines of the charts. This was followed by Dzhigan’s concert program, which Kievans, Odessa residents and Muscovites were able to appreciate.

Dzhigan’s collaborations with Yulia Savicheva, Anna Sedokova, Zhanna Friske, and the group “Disco Accident” became very popular. It was the song of the duet of Dzhigan and Savicheva, as well as the video for it, that brought unprecedented fame and success to the rapper. Then, he becomes the owner of such prestigious music awards as “Song of the Year” and “Golden Gramophone”.

Starting in 2010, the rapper began working on a solo career and later released his first debut album.

Personal life of Dzhigan

The famous rapper has many fans, but they are not the only ones interested in Dzhigan’s personal life. The successful and athletic young performer is closely watched by the press, and if there is any news from his personal life, he is relished in many publications.

Today, Dzhigan is a husband and father of three daughters with many children. Neither his busy schedule nor the gym, where the singer often spends time to maintain physical fitness, makes him a bad father and husband. Dzhigan always finds time for his family. The rapper's chosen one was model Oksana Samoilova, whom he met in one of the capital's clubs.

Dzhigan's family

Dzhigan's family is large. The marriage of Dzhigan and Oksana took place on December 12, 2012. By the way, the first daughter appeared before marriage. This year he became a father for the third time. The rapper has three daughters – Ariela, Leah and Maya. His wife Oksana does not deny that they do not intend to stop at three, at least until their son appears. Dzhigan values ​​his family very much. There are a lot of photos online from family vacations.

Dzhigan is one of the few male celebrities who not only are not shy about showing off their family, but are proud of it, regularly pampering fans with fresh photographs. In one interview, the rapper admitted that fatherhood has changed him a lot, making him softer and kinder. Now he has different views on life, different priorities. Like any father, he will protect his girls, so Dzhigan’s future sons-in-law will not be envied.

Children of Dzhigan

The children of Dzhigan and Oksana Samoilova are three beautiful girls. The eldest, Ariela Denisovna Ustimenko-Weinstein, was born on July 27, 2011. The second daughter Leah was born on September 3, 2014. The third daughter, Maya, was born on April 27 this year.

By the way, the birth of the last daughter coincided with Oksana’s birthday. Here is such a gift. All the girls are very beautiful, dark-haired. The eldest is a copy of her father. According to Dzhigan, at first she wanted a brother. She later stated that she no longer wanted siblings because she had a younger sister and knew what it was like to bear responsibility. Most of all, Leia was delighted to have another sister.

Dzhigan's daughters - Ariela, Leia, Maya

Dzhigan’s daughters – Ariela, Leia, Maya, are his pride. All the girls are very cute, but each has its own character. In one of the TV shows, Dzhigan said that Ariela and Leia often fight over all sorts of little things.

It is also known that the eldest daughter, Ariela, has her own page on the social network. Most likely, it is conducted by mother Oksana. Already at a young age, girls can boast of designer outfits. Little fashionistas are often photographed by the paparazzi. The youngest daughter, Maya, previously hid from prying eyes, but now the couple often pampers their fans with photographs of their youngest daughter.

Dzhigan's wife - Oksana Samoilova

Dzhigan's wife Oksana Samoilova is a model, designer and blogger. Born in Ukhta on April 27, 1988. She gained fame with her marriage. Before meeting Dzhigan, she was not so popular. The rapper's wife was born into an ordinary family, and as she grew up, she acquired a model appearance.

In addition to her modeling career, the girl was interested in dancing and theater. But these were just hobbies. Without graduating from college, Oksana left for the capital. There, gradually, slowly but confidently she walked towards her goal. Soon, she was invited to shoot for Maxim magazine, which became the door to Samoilova’s bright modeling future.

Oksana Samoilova also runs her own blog about healthy eating and fitness, promoting a healthy lifestyle. By the way, Dzhigan’s wife herself, despite three children, looks like a girl.

On the Internet you can find rumors that Dzhigan is cheating on his wife on tour, but these are more rumors than truth. This can be judged by the happy faces of the family, because this cannot be faked.

Photos of Dzhigan before and after plastic surgery

The rapper always monitored his parameters and welcomed sports from a young age. Today, in this regard, nothing has changed. Dzhigan regularly visits the gym. His muscles attract the attention of many fans.

If you try to find photos of Dzhigan before and after plastic surgery, you are more likely to stumble upon a photo of his wife, who definitely visited a plastic surgeon.

There was a moment in the life of the famous rap artist when he relaxed and began to lose shape, but again pulled himself together. Then news about Dzhigan’s weight loss did not leave the front pages of star news.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dzhigan

Both Instagram and Wikipedia of Dzhigan are online and are very popular. Wikipedia provides general information about the rapper, mainly about his career. Instagram has over 2 million subscribers. New photographs from Dzhigan’s life and work are regularly posted here. Most of the pictures show him with his family.

There are many photos from Dzhigan’s vacation with his wife Oksana and three daughters. Sweet, beautiful family. Happiness and prosperity to them! And, of course, we look forward to new products from Dzhigan, which will again win the hearts of millions.

Denis Ustimenko-Weinstein, better known as rapper Dzhigan, was born on August 2, 1985 in Odessa. The guy's father was a sailor and often traveled abroad on duty. It was he who brought music CDs to his son, which he listened to with great pleasure and even sang along with the performers. Apparently, this affected the choice of occupation - Denis became an excellent musician and performer.

Dzhigan's wife - Oksana Samoilova, biography, photo

Dzhigan’s personal life interests the public no less than his work. It is known that in addition to music, the young talent was also interested in sports, where he also achieved excellent results. Only the music beckoned more and more powerfully. Since his school years, the boy had a taste of the stage and really enjoyed performing in front of a large audience. Thanks to the large number of CDs he had accumulated, Denis began organizing parties and performing at them as a DJ. The public received it warmly, and many people gathered at the events.

The singer’s Instagram is replete with photographs of an interesting brunette who immediately attracts attention. After studying the photo, it becomes clear that this is none other than Dzhigan’s wife Oksana Samoilova. The girl is the organizer of the MiraSezar brand, which is very famous all over the world, collaborates with many advertising companies, and is actively working in Europe.

Fans are not indifferent to how old Dzhigan’s wife is. She was born on April 27, 1988, so it is not difficult to calculate that the girl is currently 29 years old. She was born and raised in Ukhta in an ordinary family and initially was no different from her peers. Only over the years did her appearance increasingly begin to fit model standards, which could not help but attract the attention of the opposite sex. After graduating from school, Oksana entered one of the local humanities universities, but three years later she realized that her chosen profession was not what she wanted to do all her life. She quit her studies and went to conquer the capital.

Oksana Samoilova (wife of rapper Dzhigan): photos before and after plastic surgery

It is not surprising that women who have at least once used the services of a plastic surgeon subsequently avoid this topic. Oksana Samoilova is no exception. However, the media managed to find out that Dzhigan’s wife looked somewhat different before the operation than she does now. Rumor has it that the girl went under the surgeon’s knife more than once. According to some reports, the model enlarged her breasts and lips, and also dared to undergo rhinoplasty and corrected her chin. Oksana herself does not give any comments on this topic, therefore this information cannot be considered completely reliable.

In the photo: Oksana Samoilova (Dzhigan’s wife) before and after plastic surgery

Dzhigan’s wife before and after plastic surgery (photos can be seen here) never ceases to amaze the public with her appearance. Many people paid attention to the 3 tattoos that are located on her body. Here Oksana turned out to be more talkative and said that she got her first tattoo in her youth, but she wouldn’t mind getting rid of it. But she did the other two consciously. These are Latin phrases, which when translated mean very important phrases for a girl.

Children of Dzhigan and Oksana Samoilova

At the time of Denis and Oksana’s wedding, their daughter was already growing up. The wedding took place on an unusual day - 12/12/12. How many children do the couple currently have? As numerous interviews indicate, the couple is now raising three children (all girls). While the parents do not share plans for the future and do not tell whether they will try to have a son.

In the photo: Dzhigan with his wife and daughter

What are the names of Dzhigan's children? The parents decided to name the beautiful girls with somewhat unusual, but very beautiful names: Ariela, Leia and Maya. Why they chose these particular names remains a mystery to the public. Neither the musician nor his beloved want to reveal this family secret.

How old are the girls now? It is known that the eldest Ariela was born in 2011, so she is already 6 years old. After this, Oksana gave Leia to her beloved husband. This event occurred in 2014, which means Leah is now 3 years old. And just recently, in 2017, the couple gave birth to little Maya. The family was incredibly happy about this happiness.

Unfounded rumors constantly appear in the press that Dzhigan is cheating on his wife. It is unclear where this information comes from. The singer simply adores his feminine kingdom and tries to pamper the girls with everything he can. Denis regularly takes them on holiday to world resorts, and gave his beloved wife a very expensive and luxurious Bentley car. But the family has not only been vacationing together lately, but also working. Dzhigan and his wife, whose song “More Than Life” gained enormous popularity, starred together in the video. This caused real delight among the public. Some fans were perplexed how the girl was able to recover so quickly after giving birth.

The family has a good income and can afford to provide for the future of their children. Naturally, with such a work schedule, young parents have to resort to the help of a nanny. After all, Dzhigan’s wife’s store, whose name is known all over the world (Mira Sezar), takes up no less time than Denis’s touring activities. However, parents certainly try to spend every free minute with their kids and personally engage in their upbringing.

As for creative activity, the video “Love-Anesthesia” by Dzhigan and Stas Mikhailov became a very unexpected turn. No matter what, this joint experimental work was very warmly received by fans of both sides. The musicians were also very pleased with the cooperation. Who knows what surprises Dzhigan has prepared for the public, but so far they have only been pleasant surprises. I would like to believe that in the future the singer will continue to give only positive emotions and bring a smile to people’s faces. Or maybe his family will finally be replenished with another man and his beloved wife will still give him a son? Who knows who knows…

The wife of a popular rapper, the owner of fashion boutiques and the happy mother of two charming daughters, who is expecting her third child, Oksana Samoilova has become the envy of thousands of less successful girls. However, the life of Dzhigan’s 28-year-old wife was not always a beautiful glossy picture.

Denis (real name of the rapper. - Approx. ed.) and Oksana met in a nightclub in 2009. According to the official version, the feelings that flared up between them turned out to be so strong that the then unknown musician literally a few days later invited the girl to spend a romantic vacation with him by the ocean.

Eight years ago, rapper Dzhigan, one of the many artists of the Black Star company, was not expected on red carpets and at high-profile parties. The family had to huddle in a modest apartment - without panoramic windows, European-quality renovation and special amenities. The girl Ariela, the first-born of the musician and his wife, was born in an ordinary regional maternity hospital. Unlike sister Leia, who was born in the elite Lapino clinic near Moscow. The artist arrived at Ariela’s discharge in a tracksuit, giving his wife a modest bouquet of flowers. Leia left the maternity hospital in her dad's brand new Bentley with armfuls of roses and a dozen balloons.

By the time Leah was born, the couple had moved from a modest apartment to a luxurious penthouse in the center of Moscow. While the newborn was sleeping on the white feather beds of an expensive cradle, Oksana was arranging the family nest according to the latest fashion trends.

Having turned into a beautiful swan, Samoilova started her own fashion business and bit by bit began to create the image of an ideal family. But, as expected, it was not possible to hide the skeletons in the closet for long. Spiteful critics do not remember her achievements in the fashion industry and in the family field, but plastic surgery and numerous erotic photo shoots. There are more than enough of the latter in the photo archives of the decent keeper of the hearth these days. Here are pictures in red underwear, and here is a naked girl enjoying relaxation in a jacuzzi with her future husband and another young lady.

The owner of ideal facial features and a slender body never tires of denying that the plastic surgeon’s knife never touched her appetizing forms. However, the fact of operations is obvious: installation of veneers, lip augmentation, nose surgery, installation of fillers in the cheekbones, breast augmentation. It was this list of procedures, according to those who tirelessly follow Samoilova’s life, that allowed Oksana to become a dream woman.

Samoilova turned not only a fashionable clothing brand into a business, but also her family, earning millions from the perfect picture. Who knows how popular the designer’s outfits would be if it weren’t for five-year-old Ariela and two-year-old Leah, who take part in numerous photo shoots, thereby replenishing their mother’s bank account.