Fiction of the early 20th century. Scientific and critical works

Russian literature of the 20th century Art has gone through several periods of development, each of which is marked by the unique socio-political conditions and aesthetic trends.

The periodization of literature of the 20th century takes into account aesthetic, intraliterary and socio-ideological factors. Framework new period The development of Russian literature of the 20th century is determined by the beginning of the century before 1916. 1917 is not only the year of the revolution that turned all spheres of reality upside down. By this year we have reached its completion artistic processes, which began at the turn of the century.

Second period– 1917 – early 1930s is characterized by the division of Russian literature into two streams – the literature of emigration and the metropolis, developing in conditions of socio-political and geographical demarcation. At this time, there was relative freedom in Russian literature, which was expressed in the diversity of movements, schools, movements, and literary groups. Currents that arose before the revolution developed, and new ones emerged, born of the practice of social reconstruction. At the same time there were critical and socialist realism, modernist movements, romanticism invaded the poetics of the works. By the end of the 1920s, ideological pressure on writers intensified, the desire to unify literature, to make it a conductor of the ideology of the proletariat.

Third period– 1930s – first half of the 1950s – marked the approval of the administrative-command method of leadership in state life, and in art the dominance of socialist realism with its normative requirements as the main method of Soviet literature. Literature is divided into official (in line with socialist realism) and non-conformist (which does not fit into the framework of socialist realism).

Second half of the 1950s – first half of the 1980s – new stage associated with the ongoing crisis political system(either “thaw” or “stagnation”). At that time literary practice breaks the canons of socialist realism and goes beyond its framework. There is a turn to new topics and problems, a deepening of psychologism, increased attention to moral world person.

Recent period literary development, which began in 1986 (the beginning of political and state perestroika), brought the return of works from Russian diaspora, previously unpublished Russian literature. The emancipation of literature resulted in a variety of movements, trends, and individuals. At the end of the 20th century, there was some typological similarity in the development of literature with late XIX– the beginning of the 20th century.

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The literature of the Silver Age is a worthy successor of the Golden Age, its classical directions and traditions. It also opens up many new literary movements, artistic techniques, but most importantly, it gave talented writers and poets the opportunity to show their capabilities and demonstrate their talent. The change from one era to another presupposes not only the inheritance of previous achievements, but also, to some extent, the negation of the old, its rethinking. XX gives birth to completely new literary trends, which, in particular, include: avant-garde, socialist realism and modernism. Previous art systems– somehow realism and romanticism still remained popular and in demand among readers.

The development of literature of the 20th century was significantly influenced by the political situation in the country, the established culture, as well as various philosophical directions– on the one hand, these were the ideas of Russian religious philosophy, on the other, the works of Marxist ideology in close connection with Bolshevik politics.

The new political system and the idea of ​​Marxism inherent in it led to strict censorship in all areas cultural life, including in literature. In this regard, it ceases to be a single whole and is divided into several streams: Soviet literature, emigrant, prohibited. The reader of that time could not even imagine all the scale national literature, the directions of which were completely isolated from each other. Fortunately, today there is an opportunity to get acquainted and thoroughly study all the richness and great diversity of Russian literature of the 20th century.

In the process of formation and development of Silver Age literature, it is customary to distinguish the following four periods:

  1. end of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century
  2. 20-30s of the XX century
  3. 1940s – mid-1950s
  4. mid 50s – 1990s.

One of the central themes literary works that time is the theme of the Motherland, the fate of Russia, which finds itself at the crossroads of eras. Particular interest arises in the problem of human nature, the question of national life and national character. Solutions to these problems are presented by writers different directions differently. Realists adhere to social aspects, and also actively use concrete historical techniques to study the subject of interest to them. This approach was followed by such famous figures like I. Bunin, A. Kuprin, I. Shmelev and others.

Modernist writers solved the problem differently - using philosophical laws and elements of fantasy, thereby moving as far as possible from the realities of simple life. Symbolists represented by F. Sologub and A. Bely also offered their own answers to the questions posed in the literature of the 20th century. Representatives of expressionism in the person of L. Andreev and other famous authors were also engaged in the same thing.

In a young and seething stream artistic images and brilliant ideas of literary thought are born absolutely new hero a “continuously growing” man forced to fight and win an ongoing war against the oppressive and oppressive environment. This is the very classic character of Maxim Gorky - the hero of socialist realism.

The 20th century marked the peak of the rise of social literature, in which almost every aspect social life has deep philosophical meaning and is of a global spiritual nature.

Main characteristic features The literature of the Silver Age are as follows:

Appeal to eternal questions: discussions about the meaning of life, about the place of each person in society and all humanity as a whole; essence national character; religion; relationship between man and nature.

Search and discovery of new artistic means and techniques;

The emergence of new literary movements, far from realism: modernism, avant-garde;

Movement towards maximum proximity literary families, rethinking classical types genre, giving them new meaning and content.

  • Jumping - report on physical education

    A jump can be called a whole process that proceeds in the following order: the animal, using the strength of its lower limbs, pushes off from the ground, then moves in the air for some distance. Life and creativity of Daniil Granina

    Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin - the most famous Soviet writer and film scriptwriter. Besides creative activity Granin was public figure, was awarded as State awards USSR

(Symbol - from the Greek Symbolon - conventional sign)
  1. The central place is given to the symbol*
  2. The desire for a higher ideal prevails
  3. A poetic image is intended to express the essence of a phenomenon
  4. Characteristic reflection of the world in two planes: real and mystical
  5. Sophistication and musicality of verse
The founder was D. S. Merezhkovsky, who in 1892 gave a lecture “On the causes of the decline and new trends in modern Russian literature” (article published in 1893). Symbolists are divided into older ones ((V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, D. Merezhkovsky, 3. Gippius, F. Sologub made their debut in the 1890s) and younger ones (A. Blok, A. Bely, Vyach. Ivanov and others made their debut in the 1900s)
  • Acmeism

    (From the Greek “acme” - point, highest point). The literary movement of Acmeism arose in the early 1910s and was genetically connected with symbolism. (N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova, S. Gorodetsky, O. Mandelstam, M. Zenkevich and V. Narbut.) The formation was influenced by M. Kuzmin’s article “On Beautiful Clarity,” published in 1910. In the programmatic article of 1913 “The Legacy of Acmeism and Symbolism” N. Gumilyov called symbolism “ worthy father“, but emphasized that the new generation has developed a “courageously firm and clear outlook on life”
    1. Focus on classical poetry of the 19th century
    2. Adoption earthly world in its diversity, visible concreteness
    3. Objectivity and clarity of images, precision of details
    4. In rhythm, the Acmeists used dolnik (Dolnik is a violation of the traditional
    5. regular alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables. The lines coincide in the number of stresses, but stressed and unstressed syllables are freely located in the line.), which brings the poem closer to the living colloquial speech
  • Futurism

    Futurism - from lat. futurum, future. Genetically, literary futurism is closely connected with the avant-garde groups of artists of the 1910s - primarily with the groups “ Jack of Diamonds", "Donkey's Tail", "Youth Union". In 1909 in Italy, the poet F. Marinetti published the article “Manifesto of Futurism.” In 1912, the manifesto “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste” was created by Russian futurists: V. Mayakovsky, A. Kruchenykh, V. Khlebnikov: “Pushkin is more incomprehensible than hieroglyphs.” Futurism began to disintegrate already in 1915-1916.
    1. Rebellion, anarchic worldview
    2. Denial of cultural traditions
    3. Experiments in the field of rhythm and rhyme, figurative arrangement of stanzas and lines
    4. Active word creation
  • Imagism

    From lat. imago - image A literary movement in Russian poetry of the 20th century, whose representatives stated that the purpose of creativity is to create an image. Basics means of expression Imagists - metaphor, often metaphorical chains that compare various elements of two images - direct and figurative. Imagism arose in 1918, when the “Order of Imagists” was founded in Moscow. The creators of the “Order” were Anatoly Mariengof, Vadim Shershenevich and Sergei Yesenin, who was previously part of the group of new peasant poets
  • In world literature, it is Russian literature as a whole that occupies a significant place. If we talk about Russian literature of the 20th century, then the beginning of the century is marked as silver Age the flourishing of literature in Rus'. During this period, the most difficult and significant contradictions for Russia of that era occurred. At this moment, interest in the study of religion began to gradually revive, which in turn had a major influence on the rapid development of Russian literature. More and more new ones began to appear talented people. Almost all writers of that era began to be troubled by questions about the essence of good and evil, life and death, as well as the inner nature of man.

    Scientific discoveries, which were made during that period, greatly shook modern ideas about life. NEW VIEWS OF THE WORLD BEGAN TO DETERMINE NEW UNDERSTANDINGS OF THE REALITY OF THE 20TH CENTURY. It differed very significantly from the vision of life of their predecessors. This all became the first and main step towards the deepest crisis in consciousness. At almost every difficult moment in life, a person simply needs a strong surge of emotions, and even more so if the person is of a creative nature. During these years, not everyone could simply and freely express their experiences. Only writers could do this, and only on paper, because she can endure anything. Literature has made a huge contribution to the ongoing revaluation life values.

    The influence of 20th century literature in Rus' quickly spread beyond its borders. It felt pretty good right after finishing October revolution. She made it obvious that Russian literature of the 20th century has a progressive influence on human consciousness. Thanks to the works written in this century, everyone outside Rus' considered the Russian man to be a true and brave fighter with strong spiritual qualities of self-knowledge. The works written by the classics of Russian literature of the 20th century began to appear in gigantic editions. Thus, every day more and more new people appeared who read them.

    During this significant period of the heyday of Russian literature, most of the writers of that era were expelled from the country, and some voluntarily decided to emigrate, but cultural society Russia and its literary life Since then she hasn’t stopped for a second. Very talented young writers began to appear who took part in Civil War.

    You can't ignore creativity brilliant writers like Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Tolstoy, Platonov, as well as dozens of many other writers, whose works to this day remain world classics and examples for novice poets and writers to follow. During the Great Patriotic War, patriotism began to appear more and more in literature, which appealed to the people. They quite vividly described scenes of the battle of the Russian people with the fascist invaders and occupiers.

    Russian literature of the 20th century (first half)


    Averchenko A.T.. Stories from the collections “Cheerful Oysters”, “Circles on the Water”, “Weeds”.

    Andreev L.N. Bargamot and Garaska. Angel. Petka at the dacha. Lived once. Nipper. Life of Vasily of Fiveysky. Red laughter. Judas Iscariot. The Story of the Seven Hanged Men. To the stars. Human life. Anathema.

    Annensky I.F.. Cypress casket. Book of Reflections.

    Arbuzov A.N. Tanya.

    Akhmatova A.A. Poems from the collections “Evening”, “Rosary”, “White Flock”. Lyrics of the 20-60s. Requiem. A poem without a hero.

    Babel I.E.. Cavalry. Odessa stories.

    Balmont K.D. Poems.

    Bagritsky E.G.. Thought about Opanas. Conversation with Komsomol member N. Dementiev. Last night. Man of the suburbs. Death of a pioneer.

    Bazhov P.P.. Malachite Box.

    Poor Demyan. Poems. Fables.

    Bely Andrey. Poems and poems. Petersburg. Silver dove. Between two revolutions.

    Belykh G., Panteleev L. Republic of Shkid.

    Belyaev A.R. Amphibian Man. Professor Dowell's Head.

    Blok A.A. Poems about a Beautiful Lady. Showcase. King in the square. Stranger. Song of Destiny. Rose and cross. Retribution. Nightingale Garden. Twelve. Scythians. Intelligentsia and Revolution. The collapse of humanism. Vladimir Solovyov and our days.

    Bryusov V.Ya. Poems. Fire Angel.

    Bulgakov M.A.. White Guard. Days of the Turbins. Diaboliad. Fatal eggs. dog's heart. Run. The cabal of the saint (Molière). Theatrical novel. Master and Margarita.

    Bunin I.A.. Leaf fall. Antonov apples. Village. Sukhodol. Mister from San Francisco. Brothers. Cycle " Dark alleys" Damned days.

    Vaginov K.K. Goat song.

    Vasiliev P.N.. Lyrics. Poems in honor of Natalia. Song about the death of the Cossack army.

    Veresaev V.V. No road. Doctor's notes.

    Vesely Artem. Russia, washed in blood.

    Vishnevsky Vs.V. Optimistic tragedy.

    Voloshin M.A.. Demons are deaf and dumb. Poems 1919-1929 Our Lady of Vladimir.

    Gippius 3.N. Poems, literary critical articles.

    Gorky M. Makar Chudra. Old Isergil. Chelkash. The Orlov couple. Song about the Falcon. Twenty six and one. Foma Gordeev. Three. Song about the Petrel. Bourgeois. At the bottom. Children of the Sun. Enemies. Confession. The town of Okurov. Childhood. In people. My universities. Stories from the collection “Across Rus'” Latest. About how I learned to write. Conversations about craft. Untimely thoughts. Lev Tolstoy. The Artamonov case. Life of Klim Samgin. Egor Bulychev and others.

    Green A.S. Scarlet Sails. Pied Piper. Running on the waves.

    Gumilyov N.S.. Poems.

    Yesenin S.A.. Lyrics 1915-1925 Singing call. Comrade. Jordan blueberry. Inonia. Heavenly Drummer. Pantocrator. Mare ships. Sorokoust. Pugachev. Country of scoundrels. Persian motifs. Anna Snegina. Black man.

    Zabolotsky N.A. Celebration of agriculture. Poems of the 20-30s.

    Zazubrin V.Ya. Sliver.

    Zamyatin E.I.. Islanders. We. I'm afraid.

    Zoshchenko M.M.. Stories. Sentimental stories. Restored youth. Blue Book. Before sunrise.

    Ivanov Vs.Vyach. Armored train 14 – 69.

    Ivanov Vyach.I. Poems and poems.

    Ilf I., Petrov E. The twelve Chairs. Golden calf.

    Isakovsky M.V.. Lyrics of the 30s. and war years.

    Kaverin V.A.. Scandalist, or Evenings on Vasilyevsky Island.

    Kedrin D.B. Poems. Architects. Dowry.

    Kirillov V.T.. We. Sailors. Iron Messiah.

    Klychkov S.A.. Lyrics. Chertukhinsky balakir.

    Klyuev N.A.. Poems from the 10s to the 30s. Pogorelschina.

    Kuzmin M.A.. Lyrics. Alexandrian songs. Trout breaks the ice.

    Kuprin A.I.. Moloch. Olesya. Duel. Gambrinus. White poodle. Emerald. Shulamith. Garnet bracelet.

    Lavrenev B.A. Forty-first.

    Leonov L.M. Thief. Polovchansky gardens.

    Lugovskoy V.A. Poems of the 30s.

    Makarenko A.S.. Pedagogical poem. Flags on the towers.

    Mandelstam O.E.. Lyrics 10 - 30s. Voronezh notebooks.

    Mayakovsky V.V.. Myself (autobiography). Poems. Mystery-buff. Vladimir Mayakovsky. A cloud in pants. War and Peace. Human. About it. Fine! In a loud voice. Bug. Bathhouse.

    Merezhkovsky D.S.. Christ and Antichrist.

    Neverov A. Tashkent is a city of grain.

    Novikov-Priboy A.S. Tsushima.

    Olesha Yu.K. Envy.

    Ostrovsky N.A. As the Steel Was Tempered.

    Pasternak B.L. Lyrics different years. Nine hundred and fifth year. High illness. Lieutenant Schmidt. Spectorsky. Childhood Eyelets. Doctor Zhivago.

    Paustovsky K.G. Kara-Bugaz. Colchis.

    Pilnyak B.A.. Naked year. The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon.

    Platonov A.P.. Epifanskie locks. Doubting Makar. Pit. Chevengur. Juvenile sea. In beauty and furious world. Potudan River. Fro. Jan.

    Pogodin N.F.. Man with a gun.

    Prishvin M.M. Ginseng. Crane Grove. Nature calendar.

    Remizov A.M.. Cross Sisters. Pond. Trimmed eyes. Fire of things.

    Svetlov M.A. Grenada.

    Severyanin Igor. Poems.

    Serafimovich A.S.. Iron stream.

    Smelyakov Ya.V. Poems from the collection “Work and Love”.

    Soloviev Vl.S. Poems.

    Sologub F.K.. Poems. Little devil. A legend in the making.

    Tikhonov N.S.. Poems from the collections “Horde”, “Braga”.

    Tolstoy A.N.. Mishuka Nalymov. The Adventures of Rastegin. Lame gentleman. Nikita's childhood. The Road to Calvary. Peter the First. Stories by Ivan Sudarev.

    Trenev K.A. Lyubov Yarovaya.

    Tynyanov Yu.N. Death of Wazir-Mukhtar. Kyukhlya. Second Lieutenant Kizhe. Pushkin.

    Teffi. Stories from the collections " Humorous stories", "Unliving beast".

    Fadeev A.A. Defeat. Young guard.

    Fedin K.A. Cities and years.

    Forsh O.D. Crazy ship.

    Furmanov D.A. Chapaev.

    Kharms Daniil. Poems.

    Khlebnikov Velimir. Poems and poems 1917-1922.

    Tsvetaeva M.I.. Lyrics of the 20s - 30s. Swan camp. Poem of the mountain. Poem of the end.

    Black Sasha. Poems from the collections “Satires” and “Satires and Lyrics”.

    Schwartz E.L. Shadow.

    Sholokhov M.A. Don stories. Quiet Don. Virgin soil upturned. The fate of man.

    Erdman N.R. Mandate. Suicide.

    Mineralova I.G. Russian literature of the 20th century. Poetics of symbolism. M., 2004.

    Russian literature at the turn of the century (1890 - early 20s): In 2 books. / Ed. V.A. Keldysh. Book 1. M., 2000. Book. 2. M., 2001.

    Russian literature of the 20th century: In 2 vols. / Ed. L.P. Kermentsova. T. 1. 1920-1930s. T.2. 1940-1990s M., 2002.

    Literature of Russian Abroad



    Bunin I.A. Life of Arsenyev. Mister from San Francisco.

    Kuprin A.I. Dome of St. Isaac of Dalmatia. Junker.

    Shmelev I.S. Sun of the Dead. Pilgrimage. Summer of the Lord. Nanny from Moscow.

    Remizov A.M. Swirling Rus'. In pink glitter. Trimmed eyes.

    Zaitsev B.K. Avdotya-death. Venerable Sergius Radonezh. Gleb's journey. Blue Star.

    Gippius 3.N. Radiance.

    Balmont K.D. Gift of the land. Mine is hers. Poems about Russia.

    Ivanov V.I. Roman sonnets.

    Adamovich G.V. In the West.

    Otsup N.A. Hail.

    Khodasevich V.F. By way of grain. Heavy lyre. Critical articles.

    Berberova N.Ya. Biyankur holidays.

    Ivanov G.V. Roses. Sailing to the island of Cythera. Atomic decay.

    Tsvetaeva M.I.. Poems from the books “Swan Camp”, “Craft”, “After Russia”. Pied Piper. Poem of the mountain. Poem of the end.

    Osorgin M.A. Sivtsev Vrazhek. Witness to history. Time.

    Gazdanov G. Evening at Claire's. The ghost of Alexander Wolf. Night roads. Evelina and her friends.

    Aldanov M.L. St. Helena is a small island. Belvedere torso.

    Nabokov V.V. Mashenka. Luzhin's defense. Invitation to execution. Gift. Lolita. Spring in Fialta. Pnin.

    Poplavsky B.Yu. Home from heaven. Flags. Snow hour. Airship of unknown direction.

    Averchenko A. A dozen knives in the back of the revolution. Stories.

    Cherny S. Poetry. Who can live well in exile? Soldier's tales.

    Teffi N. Stories.

    Nesmelov A. Poems about Harbin. Five handshakes. Descendant.

    Pereleshin V. The Lost Argonaut. Three homelands.

    Prismanova A. Poetry.

    Golovina A. Poetry.

    Don Aminado. Poetry.

    Achair A. Poetry.

    Bozhnev B. The fight for non-existence. Fountain.

    Klenovsky D. Poetry.

    Morshen N. Poetry.

    Sinkevich V. Poetry.

    Anstey O. Poetry.

    Elagin I. On the way from there.

    Narokov N. Imaginary quantities.

    Ginger A. Heart. Poetry.

    Dovlatov S. Our. Suitcase. Reserve. Foreigner.

    Sokolov S. School for fools. Between a dog and a wolf. Essay.

    Brodsky I. Nobel lecture. Letters to a Roman friend. Twenty sonnets of Mary Stuart. The end of a wonderful era. Less than one.

    Bobyshev D.V. Poetry .

    Kublanovsky Yu. Poems from the books “With the Last Sun”, “Favorites”.


    Adamovich G.V. Loneliness and freedom.

    Annenkov Yu.P. Diary of my meetings.

    Berberova N.Ya. Italics are mine.

    Bunin I.A. Damned days.

    Gippius 3.N. Living faces.

    Gul R.V. I took away Russia: Apology of Russian emigration.

    Don Aminado. The train is on the third track.

    Ivanov G.V. St. Petersburg winters.

    Zaitsev B.K. Youth - Russia.

    Nabokov V.V. Other shores.

    Odoevtseva I.V. On the banks of the Neva. On the banks of the Seine.

    Sedykh A. Distant, close.

    Stepun F.A. The former and the unfulfilled.

    Terapiano Yu. Meetings: 1926–1971.

    Shakhovskaya 3. In search of Nabokov. Reflections.

    Khodasevich V.F. Necropolis.

    YanovskyB. C. Champs Elysees: book of memory.


    Tsvetaeva M. Distance: versts, miles...My attic palace, palace attic! You'll be in a hundred years.

    Khodasevich V. God Lives! Smart, not abstruse... In front of the mirror. "Ballad (1921).

    Black S. Spring in Charlottenburg. Forget for a moment - and again you are home... Night lamentations.

    Bozhnev B. A tornado is rushing over the city... Ingratitude is the blackest sin... Bach is being played on the fourth floor.

    Prismanova A. From the heights of the night they do not take their eyes off... Radiance (in memory of Raisa Bloch). Cloud.

    Poplavsky B. Black Madonna. A delightful evening was full of smiles and sounds... Hamlet's childhood.

    Nesmelov A.V. Christmas Eve. Tikhvin. Poor in spirit.

    Nabokov V. Execution. To Russia (Get rid of me, I beg you...) Love only what is rare and imaginary... (from the novel “The Gift”).

    Brodsky I. Christmas romance. Letters to a Roman friend. I entered instead wild beast in a cage...

    Kublanovsky Yu. Angel. Return. Yesterday we met with you...


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    Buslakova T.P. Literature of Russian abroad: A course of lectures. – M.: Higher. school, 2003.

    Glad D. Conversations in Exile. Russian literary abroad. – M.: Book. Chamber, 1991.

    Journalism of Russian abroad in the 19th–20th centuries: Textbook. allowance / Ed. G.V. Zhirkova. – St. Petersburg, 2003.

    Ilyin I . About darkness and enlightenment. Book art criticism: Bunin. Remizov. Shmelev. – M.: Scythians, 1991.

    History of Russian literature of the 20th century: Textbook. manual: in 4 books. / Ed. L.F. Alekseeva. – M.: Higher. school, 2005. – Book. 2: 1910–1930. Russian abroad.

    Criticism of Russian diaspora: in 2 hours / Comp., preface, preamble, notes. O.A. Korosteleva, N.G. Melnikova. – M.: Olympus: AST, 2002. – (B-ka of Russian criticism).

    Cultural heritage of Russian emigration. 1917–1940: In 2 books. – M.: Heritage, 1994.

    Lanin B.A. Prose of Russian emigration: The Third Wave: A Manual for Literature Teachers. – M.: New school, 1997.

    Leiderman N.L., Lipovetsky M.N. Modern Russian literature: Textbook. manual: in 3 books. – M.: Editorial URSS, 2001.

    Literature of Russian abroad: 1920–1940. – Vol. 2. – M.: IMLI – Heritage, 1999.

    Literature of Russian abroad (1920–1990): Textbook. allowance / Under. ed. A.I. Smirnova. – M.: Flint; Science, 2006.

    Mikhailov O.N. Literature of Russian abroad. From Merezhkovsky to Brodsky. – M., 2001.

    Poets of Russian emigration: Textbook. allowance. – Pskov, 1993. – Issue. 1.

    Pletnev R. History of Russian literature of the 20th century. – New York, 1987.

    Raev M.I. Russia abroad. History of the culture of Russian emigration, 1918–1939. – M., 1994.

    Russian literature in emigration / Ed. N.P. Poltoratsky. – Pittsburgh, 1972.

    Russian Paris. – M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1998.

    Modern Russian abroad. – M., 1998.

    Sokolov A.G. Russian fate literary emigration 1920s–40s – M., 1991.

    Spiridonova L.A. The immortality of laughter: Comic in the literature of Russian abroad. – M., 1999.

    Struve G.P. Russian literature in exile: experience historical review foreign literature. – Paris, M., 1996.

    Struve G.P. Seventy years of Russian emigration. 1919–1989. – Paris, Fayard, 1996.

    Tolstoy I.N. Book corner // Tolstoy I.N. Italics of the era. – St. Petersburg, 1993.

    Yudin V.A. Historical novel Russian abroad: Textbook. allowance. – Tver, 1995.

    “Return to Russia in poetry...” 200 poets of emigration: Anthology / Compiled, author of the foreword, commentary. and biogr. information by V. Kreid. – M. Republic, 1995.

    Literature of Russian Abroad: Anthology: In 6 volumes. – M.: Book, 1990–1993.

    “We lived then on a different planet...” Anthology of poetry from Russian diaspora. 1920–1990. Book 1–4 / Comp. E.V. Vitkovsky. – M., 1995–1997.

    Third wave. Anthology of Russian abroad. – M., 1991.


    Alekseev A.D. Literature of Russian abroad. Books 1917–1940. Materials for bibliography / Answer. Ed. K.D. Muratova. – St. Petersburg, 1993.

    Studying the literature of Russian emigration abroad (1920–1990). Annotated bibliography. – M., 2002.

    Studying the literature of Russian emigration abroad in the 1980s. Annotated bibliographic index (textbooks, monographs, collections). – M., 1995.

    Cossack V. Lexicon of Russian literature of the 20th century. – M, 1996.

    Literary Encyclopedia of Russian Abroad. 1918–1940 / INION RAS; Under. ed. A.N. Nikolyukina. T. 1–3. – M., 1994–1997.

    Writers of the Russian Abroad (1918-1940): Directory: In 3 parts. – M., 1993–1995.

    Russian abroad. Golden Book of Emigration. First third of the 20th century: Encyclopedic biographical dictionary. – M., 1997.

    Russian abroad. Chronicle of scientific, cultural, public life. France. 1920–1940: In 4 volumes / Under. ed. L.A. Mnukhina. – M., 1995–1997.

    Russian writers of the 20th century: Dictionary: In 2 volumes / Rep. ed. ON THE. Groznova. – M., 1998.

    Dictionary of Russian Poets Abroad / Ed. V. Kreid. – St. Petersburg, 1999.

    Russian dictionary foreign writers/ Comp. V.F. Bulgakov; Ed. G. Vanechkova. – New York, 1993.

    Foster L. Bibliography of Russian foreign literature (1918–1968). T. 1-2. – Boston, 1970.


    Azadovsky K.M., Lavrov V.V. 3.G. Gippius. Essays. – St. Petersburg: Khud. lit., 1991.

    Alexandrov V.E. Nabokov and otherworldliness. – St. Petersburg, 1999.

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