Message on the topic of historical monuments of Donbass. Monuments and historical places of Donetsk

In honor of the 300th Pereyaslav Rada in Donetsk, in 1954 a monument was erected to Bohdan Mikhailovich Khmelnytsky, the great hetman of Ukraine, the liberator of Ukraine from Polish domination. A copy of the same monument was installed in the city of Ukrainsk. The monument represents the figure of Bohdan Khmelnytsky sitting on a rearing horse. The hetman has a mace in one hand, and the reins of his horse in the other.

The monument was painted gray and made of bronze. In 2010, the monument was undergoing restoration, and a new mace was welded to the hetman. Now the monument is painted in different colors. The monument stands on a high pedestal made of granite chips.

The creator of the monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky is Pavel Pavlovich Geveke.

Monument to the woman-mother

In Donetsk there is a monument to a woman-mother, which is the only monument in Ukraine dedicated to a mother. The monument in the form of a woman with a child in her arms is located at the Donetsk Regional Center for the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood; its opening took place in 2003 and was timed to coincide with Ukrainian Mother’s Day.

The sculpture, two meters high, was made according to a sketch by N.V. Yasinenko by Armenian sculptor Karlen Kalantaryan made of sandstone.

The initiator of the establishment of the monument was the head of the Donetsk Regional Center for the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood, Professor Doctor of Medical Sciences. VC. Seagull, whose name is immortalized on the pedestal among the authors.

Monument to medical workers who died during the Great Patriotic War

The monument to medical workers who fell during the Great Patriotic War is located on the territory of Donetsk Medical University, between the second and first academic buildings. The author of the monument was the sculptor Nikolai Yasinenko.

The monument was erected in 1970, with funds raised by students, staff and teachers of the university, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The sculpture of the monument is represented as a female priestess, dressed in a tunic and made in the Greek style. The image of the monument symbolizes medicine, in the right hand the priestess holds a clove, and the left hand of the priestess is pressed to her heart, in which she holds the cup of Hygieia, a healing snake, a traditional symbol of medicine.

The sculpture is cast from bronze, and the pedestal on which the sculpture stands is made of pink granite. Also, not far from the monument, there is a monument - a granite block into which is cast a bronze plaque with an inscription dedicated to the fallen medical workers during the Great Patriotic War.

University students in everyday life call the monument Alma Mater.

Monument to fallen Afghan soldiers

The Lenin Komsomol Park is the main place of cultural recreation for both residents and guests of the city of Donetsk. The Donbass Arena stadium, exhibition centers and a large number of monuments are located here. One of these sculptural compositions is a monument to fallen Afghan soldiers (the second name is internationalist soldiers).

The monument was erected on May 7, 1996, not far from the monument to the Liberators of Donbass. The architect E. N. Temkin and the sculptor A. N. Porozhnyuk worked on the composition project. The appearance of the monument speaks for itself. This is a sculpture of a fighter, located on a block of stone, symbolizing the great rocks of Afghanistan. The block of stone is surrounded by 36 memorial tablets with the names of the fallen soldiers, which is 254 people. Near the monument there is a zone of silence created by the park.

The opening of the monument is associated with the large number of participants in the Afghan war who were buried in the Donetsk region - more than 302 people. About 300 people became disabled as a result of this bloody act. In 2009-2010, the monument had to be moved a couple of hundred meters, as the grandiose construction of the Donbass Arena stadium began.

Monument to Degtyarev

Monument to V.I. Degtyarev is located in the Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk. It was installed in 2001 in honor of the communist politician Vladimir Ivanovich Degtyarev. From 1953 to 1975, he headed the regional committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine in Donetsk, and under his leadership the formation of the city took place, Donetsk turned into the modern capital of the mining region, also under him the first scientific center in the republic appeared, Degtyarev spent a lot of energy on the development of the social sphere.

The bust, weighing 350 kg, is made of bronze and erected on a pedestal covered with red granite. On the pedestal there is the inscription “Vladimir Ivanovich Degtyarev” and his autograph. The architect A.L. worked on the monument. Lukin and sculptor Yu.I. Baldin.

Monument at the grave of four heroes-stratonauts

Monument to the Stratonauts - located on the grave of the heroes of the Stratonauts in the city of Donetsk.

While the stratonauts: Seraphim Kuchumov, David Stolbun, Pyotr Batenko and Yakov Ukrainsky were rising high into the air on the VVA-I substratastat, their oxygen equipment failed, as a result of which the entire crew died from suffocation. The main purpose of their flight was to study the effect of pressure on a person at high altitudes. The substratostat collapsed onto the territory of A. Shcherbakov’s cultural park. During the fall, the device landed on high-voltage lines and exploded because it was filled with hydrogen.

The testing heroes were buried at the intersection of 25th Anniversary of the Red Army Avenue and Pushkin Boulevard. The monument was erected only in 1953. The authors of the monument were sculptors E. I. Fridman, G. L. Pivovarov, E. I. Belostotsky and architect N. K. Ivanchenko.

The monument is made in the form of a two-meter sculpture of a stratonaut, who looked out over the abyss of air. The statue is cast from bronze and stands on a pedestal made of labradorite. Below the statue is a memorial plaque and a five-pointed star.

Monument to the “Hero-Rescuer”

The monument to the “Hero-Rescuer” in Donetsk was unveiled on September 14, 2006. It was installed on the square right in front of fire station No. 2. The opening of the monument took place shortly before the holiday - Civil Defense Workers' Day. The monument represents a tall figure of a rescuer (5 meters high) against the background of a stele, whose height is 7 meters.

The idea of ​​the monument is that the rescuer protects the city and people with his chest, since on the stele we see buildings and people depicted. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine in the Donetsk region took the initiative in creating the monument and also helped financially. At the base of the monument is a capsule, which must be opened by descendants after 50 years and the message read to them.

The Beatles Monument

The monument to the Beatles in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk appeared in 2006 at the entrance to the Liverpool student cafe. The author of the sculptural composition is Kharkov resident Vladimir Antipov. He made the musicians out of plastic and painted them with bronze paint. The picture turned out to be a story. The musicians are depicted during a concert. The resemblance to the real concert is amazing. To achieve such accuracy, the author rewatched the Beatles' performances, studied the artists' movements and facial expressions, and embodied this in sculpture.

Behind the monument there is a wall with a British flag on it. Beatles songs are constantly heard near the monument. People far from music will take everything literally, they say, as the sculptural figures are, so were the real artists. But experts and enthusiastic fans of the group can, of course, detect some very minor discrepancies in the structure of the guitars, real and cast from plastic, as well as in the hairstyles of the musicians, if you compare the monument with photographs, but for this you will have to work very hard.

Monument to V.V. Bervi-Flerovsky

The monument to Vasily Vasilyevich Bervi-Flerovsky was erected in Donetsk in 1953.V.V. Bervy-Flerkovsky was a famous sociologist, publicist, and economist. For a long time, Bervi-Flerkovsky was an ideologist of the populism movement and constantly participated in the public life of Russia and Ukraine.

Vasily Vasilyevich died in 1918, and his faithful life partner Ermiona Ivanovna Bervi, who died six years later, was buried with him.

Bervy-Flerkovsky was from hereditary nobles. Intelligent, well-read, well-educated, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kazan University at the age of 20. He served for a long time in the Ministry of Justice in St. Petersburg. Survived searches, persecution, prison. In the last years of his life he served in Donetsk.

Monument to the Healed Patient

The monument to the healed patient is located in the city of Donetsk, directly next to the regional trauma center. The opening date of the monument was 2001. The authors were sculptors Yuri Baldin and Pavel Chesnokov.

The monument is cast in bronze and is a statue of a patient leaving the hospital. The sculpture stands on the landing of the stairs at the main entrance to the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology. The height of the monument is 180 cm, which is absolutely no different from people visiting the hospital.

The sculpture depicts a scene from the Soviet film “The Feast of St. Jorgen,” where the hero of the film, a fraudster, orders the main character to “Heal yourself, you cudgel!”, and he breaks a crutch on his leg. The monument represents a man in a three-piece suit, with a handkerchief in his pocket, a tie and bare feet, who stands with his left foot on the step, and his right leg is bent at the knee.

The initiator of the installation of this sculpture was the chief doctor of the trauma hospital, Vladimir Klimovitsky.

Monument "Glory to Miner's Labor"

The monument “Glory to Miner’s Labor” adorns Miner’s Square in the Kyiv district of Donetsk and is a symbol of the main profession of Donbass. If you enter the city from the north side, travelers will certainly see this monument, since a whole stream of traffic from the railway station, airport and bus station passes by it.

In the center of the square stands a cast-iron sculpture of a miner, with a piece of coal in his outstretched right hand. The height of the monument is four meters, weight is 22 tons. Just one piece of coal weighs 90 kilograms and is made of aluminum.

The history of the birth of the monument is as follows: the figurine in the form of a miner worker was made as a gift for Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. Degtyarev, head of the Council of National Economy, proposed making a monument based on this figurine, which was erected in Donetsk in 1967. The people who worked on the monument were the sculptor Konstantin Efimovich Rakityansky and the architect Pavel Isaakovich Vigdergauz. The bronze miner was cast at the Remkommunelektrotrans plant in the Donetsk region, and the marble pedestal was also faced there.

Monument to Sergei Bubka

The monument to Sergei Bubka, the legendary Ukrainian track and field athlete, is located in the Kiev district of the city of Donetsk, in close proximity to the regional sports complex "Olympic". The monument is considered a symbol of the achievements of Donetsk sports.

Sergei Bubka is a six-time world champion, 35-time world record holder, Olympic winner in high vault. Sergei Bubka is also an honorary citizen of the city.

The monument was unveiled on August 29, 1999, while the athlete was still alive. The authors of the monument were architect Vladimir Buchek and sculptor Nikolai Yasinenko.

The monument is made in the form of a statue of an athlete holding a pole in his hands and preparing to jump, and a swallow flies near his right leg. The material of the statue is bronze, its height is 3.5 meters. 6 meters 15 centimeters is the height that became a record for the jumper, and the height of the pedestal on which his statue stands.

Monument to Artyom

The monument to Artyom was erected on Lysaya Gora, in the Svyatogorsk State Historical and Architectural Reserve in 1927. The monument is named after Fyodor Andreevich Sergeev, a revolutionary and Soviet statesman who founded the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic and was the chairman of the Donetsk provincial executive committee. The author of the monument is the sculptor I. P. Kavaleridze.

The Artyom monument is made in a unique unique style, which displays the features of cubism. In 2001, this building was included in the State Register of National Cultural Heritage among the 44 most artisticly valuable monuments of monumental art in Ukraine.

Artyom’s words, the date of his life and dedication are carved on the pedestal. The monument was built directly on the spot - specially prepared pink concrete, reminiscent of natural granite in texture, was poured into the frame. The total area of ​​the monument is 400 square meters, its height is 22 meters, and its weight is approximately 800 tons.

The monument, damaged during the Great Patriotic War, was restored in 1983, on the 100th anniversary of Artyom’s birth.

Monument to the victims of fascism

The monument to the victims of fascism is located in the Leninsky district of the city of Donetsk. It was installed in honor of those who fell during the Great Patriotic War. The monument found its place at the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists, the very place where, during the occupation by German soldiers, a concentration camp was created, in which, according to some sources, about 25 thousand people were kept. Those who died in the concentration camp were buried in mass graves in the park near the palace. A small monument was originally erected at that place.

The subsequent transformation of the monument was the mound, which local residents made in 1956. Thus, the monument found its place already on the top of an artificial hill. Then in 1965, in honor of the 20th anniversary of the victory, instead of the monument, a monument was erected on the top of the hill, the authors of which were architect Yuri Mozhchil and sculptor Leonid Brin.

The monument is built of six pylons, each of which is 12 meters high, all of the pylons on top are united by an aluminum wreath. The monument has undergone several reconstructions, the most notable of which was carried out in 2011. Then, the inside of the monument was illuminated and the sides were illuminated with red spotlights.

Every year the liberation of Donbass and Victory Day are celebrated at the monument.

Monument to Grinkevich

At the grave of the commander of the 32nd Guards Tank Brigade, Franz Andreevich Grinkevich, in memory of his military merits, a monument was erected in the form of a T-34 battle tank. Franz Andreevich Grinkevich was mortally wounded in the battles for the village of Kharkovo during the Great Patriotic War.

The tank is placed on a high pedestal in the Teatralnaya Square park. There were two versions of the monument - one on a brick pedestal, and the second, modern one, on a granite one. The tank itself and the location of the monument were also changed several times.

During festive city events, especially on May 9th, flowers are always laid at the monument. A street in the city is also named after the famous commander. The monument is located near the monument “To Your Liberators, Donbass”.

Monument "Energetik" in Donetsk

Not far from the tram stop opposite the Yuzhelektrosetstroy plant in Donetsk, Ukraine, there is a monument to the Energetik fitter worker. The opening of the monument took place in 1979. The main task of the monument is to honor the glorious work of Donetsk power engineers.

The author of the project was the Ukrainian sculptor Brin and architect Protsenko. The nine-meter sculpture, made of metal, represents the figure of a lineman with his arms raised up, in which he holds a coil of wire.

Yuzhelektrosetstroy, the workers to whom the monument is dedicated, is a well-known trust throughout Ukraine and beyond its borders. He is installing high-voltage poles.

A monument-bust to the Hero of the Soviet Union, General Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin, was erected in Donetsk in 2009. Its opening was timed to coincide with the day of the liberation of Donbass from the Nazi invaders. A bronze bust is installed near the city council building on the avenue named after the general.

General Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin (1901-1944) participated in the battles for the liberation of Donbass and Kyiv during the Great Patriotic War. He headed the first Ukrainian Front.

In the competition among sculptors to create a monument to Vatutin, the work of V.F. Piskun won. The work was financed through voluntary donations from citizens. The bust of Vatutin is made of bronze, and its pedestal is lined with granite.

Monument to Artyom

The monument to revolutionary Fyodor Sergeev, better known as Artyom, stands in the Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk at the intersection of Artyom Street and Mira Avenue. This grandiose monumental structure was erected in 1967 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the Soviet Union. The monument was designed by sculptor Vladimir Kostin and architects N.K. Yakovlev and N.M. Poddubny.

The six-meter sculpture represents a standing Artyom and is made in full height. Its weight is 16 tons. Together with the granite pedestal, the monument reaches more than ten meters in height.

At the monument there is a memorial plaque with the years of the politician’s life and the words: “The spectacle of the unorganized masses is unbearable for me.”

The monument stands on a high cliff. Many millions of years ago there was an inland sea, from the sedimentary rocks of which the chalk mountains emerged.

Monument to Pushkin at the Drama Theater

The monument to Pushkin was unveiled on June 14, 1969 on Pushkinsky Boulevard near the Ukrainian Academic Music and Drama Theater of Donetsk.

The monument is not a full-length monument, but a bronze bust, the height of which is 1.2 meters. The creation of the bust was carried out by a team from the Rutchenkovsky ore repair plant. The monument was erected on a pedestal consisting of four rectangular blocks, which were lined with black granite slabs.

In 2000, the pedestal was replaced by a column, and a facsimile of Pushkin was placed on the front side.

The opening of the sculpture was timed to coincide with important events - the 170th anniversary of the poet’s birth and the 100th anniversary of the city. Currently, a picturesque park has been laid out around the monument to Alexander Sergeevich, creating a unique romantic atmosphere. Events are often held near the Pushkin sculpture to coincide with Russian Language Day.

Monument to an insurance agent

The monument to the insurance agent is located in the center of Donetsk on Artema Street. It was installed for the tenth anniversary of the ASKA insurance company. Sculptor Igor Makogon, the creator of this statue, immortalized the hero of the film “Beware of the Car” Yuri Detochkin, who brilliantly reflected the work of an insurance agent in the film. The monument is cast from bronze and weighs about 350 kg.

The monument is made in full height of the actor I. Smoktunovsky, who played Detochkin. He was snapped in the middle of his grueling job as an insurance agent, briefcase and hat in hand, looking for a new client.

The bronze insurance agent has become a favorite among tourists and townspeople. Residents of Donetsk came up with a joke that if you touch the briefcase, you can avoid an unpleasant insured event.

Monument to the first political strike of miners and craftsmen in Rutchenkovo

The monument to the first political strike of miners and craftsmen of Rutchenkovo ​​is located in the Kirovsky district of the city of Donetsk, at the intersection of Petrovsky and Derzhavnaya streets.

The monument is made in the form of a flat, shapeless block, dark in color, on both sides of which there are memorial plaques that read: “Here, on July 17, 1906, the first political strikes of miners and craftsmen of Rutchenkovo ​​took place.”

The strike, or more simply put, the strike of the craftsmen and miners of the Rutchenkovo ​​mine, took place as part of the second wave of strikes taking place in the summer of 1906 in the cities of Makeevka and Yuzovka. Workers from the Karpovsky, Voznesensky, Chulkovsky, Lidievsky and Rutchenkovsky mines took part in these full-scale strikes. The strikes escalated into military clashes, but soon died down due to the temporary formation of the General Government.

Monument “Kamyshev’s Oak” at the grave of Lieutenant V. M. Kamyshev

The Svyatogorsk State Historical and Architectural Reserve has a significant number of memorable places. These include the monument to Lieutenant V.M. Kamyshev - “Kamyshev’s Oak”. It is located on the right bank of the Northern Donets River at the top of the chalk mountain.

The monument is an oak tree with a high relief of the lieutenant on it. It was opened after the end of the Second World War, in 1985, in memory of Kamyshev’s feat. The monument was erected on the spot where the hero died in 1943.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Kamyshev was born in 1923 in the Uzbek SSR, the city of Khiva. In 1941, he left to fight of his own free will.

On August 17, 1943, Kamyshev, who led the Guard, took up defense near Mount Artema during the battle on the Seversky Donets. Having opened fire on the German troops, the lieutenant's artillery did not reach its target. The reason is the lack of exact coordinates of the enemy’s location due to the hilly terrain. Kamyshev showed ingenuity: he climbed a tall oak tree growing on a hill, where he had a good view of the German positions. Having transmitted the exact coordinates to the Guard, Kamyshev achieved the destruction of the fascist bunkers by accurately hitting the target. Such courage cost the lieutenant a mortal wound: the Germans, seeing the daredevil, began shooting at the oak tree. Having reached its target, the shell hit the oak tree and destroyed its crown, and Kamyshev was wounded.

Monument to the victims of the Holocaust

The Monument to the Victims of the Holocaust appeared in Donetsk on the occasion of the death of more than three thousand Jewish families during the Great Patriotic War. It was installed in the White Quarry, now the Leninsky district of the city, where the tragedy occurred. “May their souls be exalted,” is written on the monument. The authors of the monument were sculptor Yuri Baldin and architect Pavel Vinderhaus.

The events, of course, were terrible, and this can also be learned from the inscription on the monument. It tells that innocent women and men, old people and children were thrown into the mine shaft. On the path leading to the monument there are prints of large and small feet, bare and shod. It’s terrible to even imagine what the victims thought when they went to their violent death. The monument was made with public donations. The collection of money and sculptural works were organized by the Ukraine-Israel society.

Monument to Ivan Tkachenko

Monument to Ivan Tkachenko - located in the Leninsky district of Donetsk, directly on Metallurgists Square. A street named after the immortalized hero Tkachenko departs from the square.

Ivan Tkachenko was a Hero of the Soviet Union, born and raised in the city of Yuzovka. From 1933 to 1940 he worked at the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant, specializing as a mechanic.

The monument was erected at the numerous requests of workers of the very plant where Ivan worked. The monument was opened on July 17, 1980. The authors of the monument were sculptors N.A. Baranov and L.P. Kazanskaya, as well as the architect N.M. Poddubny.

The monument is made in the form of a full-length figure; it depicts the hero himself, dressed in military uniform, with binoculars in his right hand and with a tablet at his left hip.

The monument is lined with granite, on which one can see the inscription - Hero of the Soviet Union, Ivan Vasilyevich Tkachenko.

Monument to Anatoly Solovyanenko

In the city of Donetsk there is a monument to Anatoly Solovyanenko, the famous opera tenor, People's Artist of the USSR. The monument was inaugurated on May 31, 2002 as part of the IV International Festival “Golden Scythian”. It is located in a beautiful park next to the Donetsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, which was later named after Anatoly Solovyanenko.

Among the many participants in the competition for the best design of the monument, the winner was the sculptor Alexander Skorykh.

The monument displays the figure of Alexander Solovyanenkov in the Duke’s concert costume, at full height, at the moment when he performs an aria from Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Rigoletto”, it was this role that became the debut for the artist on the stage of the Donetsk Theater. The Spaniards, seeing Solovyanenko in the image of the Duke, nicknamed him “Miner Duke”, so this nickname stuck with the singer.

The pedestal stands on a round shape supported by cylinders symbolizing theater columns. The monument amazes with its brilliance, as it is cast from bronze coated with gold leaf. Its height is 3.5 meters.

Lifetime monument to Joseph Kobzon

The Donetsk region is famous not only for its numerous mines; freedom-loving, talented people live and work here. One of them is Joseph Davydovich Kobzon, a legendary artist of the Soviet Union. For the artist’s birthday, 69th birthday, and city day, a lifetime monument was unveiled. It was installed on August 30, 2003 on the site near the Yunost DM.

The sculpture is a bronze figure of a singer, two meters high, mounted on a cement base. Joseph Davydovich is depicted in motion with a coat thrown over his shoulders.

The life story of this great artist is inextricably linked with Donbass. Joseph Davydovich was born in the city of Chasov Yar on September 11, 1937. Before the start of the war, Kobzon’s family moved to Lvov, but during the war they were forced to evacuate to Uzbekistan.

In 1940, Joseph finally moved to Dnepropetrovsk, where he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College. Later, he received a diploma from the State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnessins in vocal class. During 1959 – 1989 He worked first as a soloist of the All-Union Radio, then as a soloist of the Mosconcert.

In 1965 he took first place in the international festival “Friendship”. For 33 years he reached the final of “Song of the Year”.

Monument to a student

The monument to the student is located directly in the courtyard of the Faculty of Economics and Law, Donetsk National University, in the city of Donetsk.

The creation of the monument is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the opening of the university and the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Economics and Law. The authors of the monument were Dmitry Ilyukhin and Nikolai Novikov. The project manager was Peter Antipin.

Several options and compositions of monuments were proposed, among which one was chosen by the students themselves.

The opening date of the monument is September 6, 2007. The author of the monument, the project manager, the rector of the university Vladimir Shevchenko and the dean of the Faculty of Law Vyacheslav Volkov were present at the opening ceremony.

The monument is made in the form of a bench with a statue of a student located nearby. The student leans on one side of the bench, and on the opposite side there are textbooks, a confederate shirt and a robe. The statue is cast from bronze, at JSC Donetskstal.

Monument to Budyonny

The monument to Budyonny was erected in honor of S.M. Budyonny, a participant in the Civil War, in the Budennovsky district of Donetsk. It is known that in 1919 a group of the First Cavalry Army took part in the liberation of Donetsk (formerly Yuzovka) from the Denikinites.

The monument was erected in 1951, and the original pedestal of the monument was slightly higher than it is currently. In 2000, the sculpture was restored and moved fifty meters closer to the entrance to city hospital No. 5.

The monument to Budyonny is unique because it depicts a cavalryman dismounted, while other sculptural compositions depict Semyon Mikhailovich on horseback.

Monument to Gurov K. A

A monument was erected at the grave of Lieutenant General Kuzma Akimovich Gurov in the city of Donetsk in 1954. Kuzma Akimovich Gurov was the leader of the liberation of Donbass from the Nazis, and was a member of the Military Council of the Southern Front. The monument is a bust placed on a high cast-iron pedestal. In Donetsk, an avenue is also named in honor of Kuzma Akimovich Gurov.

General Gurov was a well-known political commissar in the pre-war period, as well as the military commissar of the sapper half-squadron. He graduated from the Military-Political Academy named after V.A. Lenin. During the Great Patriotic War he became famous as an experienced military leader. He died in 1943 from a heart attack in the village of Gusarka. The body was transported to Donetsk, where he was buried.

Monument to a nurse

The monument to the nurse is located in the Kalininsky district of the city of Donetsk, on the territory of the basic medical school.

The opening date of the monument was September 1, 1980, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the school. The monument is dedicated to the employees and students of the school who died during the Great Patriotic War. The monument was erected on the initiative and with funds raised by teachers and students of the educational institution.

The author of the monument was the sculptor Alexander Porozhnyuk. The statue of the monument is forged from copper, and its height is 280 cm. The statue stands on a marble pedestal measuring 3 X 3.5 m. There was also a five-pointed star on the pedestal, but it was stolen by looters and has not been restored until now. There are no inscriptions on the monument at all.

The statue is made in the form of a girl – a military nurse. The girl is wearing an army uniform, a cap, a skirt with a belt, a tunic and boots a couple of sizes too large. A nurse's bag hangs at her side. The small height of the pedestal on which the statue is located allows it to be brought closer to the audience.

Monument to Nikolai Kutsenko

Monument to N.E. Kutsenko was installed at the site of his grave in the park of the Lidievka mine. Kutsenko was a navigator of the 73rd Guards Aviation Regiment and died heroically in a battle with German fighters. The captain's plane was shot down by the enemy, he fell, drilling the ground up to two meters in the area of ​​​​the mines, which were under German occupation. Local residents tried to dig up the plane, but managed to save only Kutsenko’s tablet, which was secretly hidden from the Germans. The remains of the aircraft were discovered by accident during construction work; the remains of the navigator were reburied on the Alley of Heroes. On his grave there is an obelisk stele with a star. Previously, the monument was also decorated with a model of the captain’s plane, but, unfortunately, it was not preserved.

Monument to John Hughes

The Ukrainian city of Donetsk was once called Yuzovka, named after its founder John James Hughes. At first, John Hughes was an ordinary engineer at an English factory. And then he made, as they would say now, an excellent career as a businessman, and founded the city of Yuzovka-Donetsk, already becoming a major industrialist.

The monument to the founder of Donetsk appeared, by historical standards, quite recently, in 2001. The city executive committee announced a competition to create the monument. It was won by sculptor Leonid Brin. And after the ceremonial laying of the monument’s stone, disputes flared up in the city about historical justice and the true date of the founding of Donetsk. Some townspeople believed that the founder was John Hughes, others wanted to give the laurels to the local Cossacks. Due to heated debate, the installation of the monuments was postponed indefinitely.

After Brin’s death, his project turned out to be unnecessary to anyone. But a monument to John Hughes appeared. But his author is already different - Alexander Skorykh. The monument stands at the Technical University because John Hughes was an engineer.

Museum of the History and Development of the Donetsk Railway, Donetsk, Ukraine Cinema named after T. G. Shevchenko, Donetsk, Ukraine

According to Zakharchenko, on Monday another monument was erected in Donetsk - the deceased commander of the Sparta battalion of the self-proclaimed DPR Arsen Pavlov with the call sign "Motorola".

“Today marks exactly one year since the death of Arsen Pavlov. A monument to him was unveiled today in Donetsk. He gave his life for the ideals and faith that he lived and believed in. To all volunteers, to all residents of the Russian Federation, to the residents of Rostov - a huge bow from the residents of the Donetsk People’s Republic republic," Zakharchenko said.

History with the monument

The customer of the monument is the interregional public organization "Union of Donbass Volunteers". According to the acting head of the Rostov branch of the organization, Timur Okkert, the monument was erected using extra-budgetary funds; just under 1 million rubles were spent on it.

The height of the monument is 6.5 meters, the stele with a square base is lined with granite slabs, and the cross of the “Union of Donbass Volunteers” is installed on it.

The pedestal for the future monument appeared in the Ostrovsky Park in the first half of September. The concept of the monument was approved on September 15 by the Rostov-on-Don interdepartmental commission on naming socially significant places, installing memorial signs, perpetuating the names of prominent people and memorable events. According to the object’s passport, work on installing the monument began almost 1.5 months before the commission’s official approval.

Every city has a history and heroes. Donetsk is a young city, and therefore cannot boast of a rich past. The official date of his birth is 1869 - the beginning of construction of the metallurgical plant. Consequently, our city of Donetsk, previously called Yuzovka, then Stalino, is only 140 years old. However, even in such a short period of time, the capital of Donbass managed to capture a short history of its “life” in its open spaces. Now in Donetsk there are 16 architectural monuments and 262 historical and cultural monuments - sculptures, memorials, memorial signs, memorial plaques.

Of the main memorable places in Donetsk, the first to be highlighted is the house where the founder of the city, namely John Hughes, once lived. It’s no wonder that the house itself now bears his name and is called nothing less than.

This is Yuz's second home and was built in 1974. At first it was a one-story building consisting of 8 rooms. The façade was made of red brick and the roof was covered with iron. Behind the house there were outbuildings. Not far from the house there was a large garden. The estate itself was surrounded by a fence made of wild sandstone. In front of the house there were flower beds with flowers that decorated the entrance to the house and a path of decorative stones, which made the overall picture even more picturesque.

At first, Yuz and his sons lived in the house, but soon his wife, daughter and youngest son arrived from England. The wife wanted to make the house even more spacious and add a second floor to it. For this occasion, John hired one of the best architects from England. However, the construction of the house was repeatedly interrupted. This was due to sudden tragic events in the family: first, the youngest son of Iuz died, followed by John's wife. And a few years later he himself died.

The Yuz brothers resumed reconstruction of the house. A few years later its construction was completed. The house, built of pink and scarlet brick, was made in Renaissance style. The first floor was decorated with a terrace with a Renaissance arcade. On the second floor there was a spacious balcony, from the windows of which a wonderful view of the city and the metallurgical plant opened. A gentle staircase of small height and width led from the main entrance to the courtyard. The yard was paved with paving stones and decorated with flower beds, fountains, gazebos, twined with vines.

The brothers lived here until 1903. Then its owners were the managers Anderson, Svitsyn and other directors of the metallurgical plant.

The building was badly damaged during the Second World War. It was finally repaired only in the early 1980s. After the war, the house housed a maternity hospital, a non-alcoholic beverage production cooperative, and a deaf-mute society cooperative. However, in the late 1990s, the building was rented by a closed enterprise. The new owners do not allow strangers near the house.

Everyone knows that our city is the heart of the Donetsk coal basin and is famous for the work of its miners. That is why monument “ Glory to miners' labor is the “calling card” of Donetsk.

The monument is located in the center of Miner's Square, right at the entrance to the city center from the north. The monument, symbolizing the main profession of Donetsk, was created by sculptor Konstantin Efimovich Rakityansky and architect Pavel Isaakovich Vigdergauz.

It is a full-length sculpture of a miner holding a piece of coal in his outstretched right hand. The material for making the sculpture was cast iron, its weight is 22 tons, and for coal - aluminum, its weight is 90 kilograms.

Boris Gorb, a molder at the foundry shop of the Donetsk regional plant “Remkommunelektrotrans”, where the figure was cast, posed for the sculpture.

An interesting fact is that the miner's sculpture was originally made in the form of a figurine as a gift for Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. True, for some reasons the gift never reached the hands of the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and, on the initiative of Degtyarev, a monument was created on the basis of this figurine.

After the reconstruction of Shakhtarskaya Square, the monument was moved slightly, its pedestal was made higher. In addition, the miner used to have a cape around his neck, but it was removed when the monument was moved.

Monument to N.S. Bubke

Monument to N.S. Bubke. Our region is also famous for its athletes! Our fellow countryman, Sergei Nazarovich Bubka, is a 10-time world record holder and Olympic champion. A lifetime monument was erected to such an honorary citizen of Donetsk near one of the largest sports complexes, “Olympic”. The monument was erected in 1999, under the leadership of architect V.S. Buchka and sculptor N.V. Yasinenko.

It is a bronze sculpture of an athlete with a pole in his hands, who is preparing to perform a jump. At the right knee of the sculpture is a flying swallow.

The height of the monument itself is 3.5 meters. The length of the pedestal on which the sculpture stands is 6 meters 15 centimeters. Sports fans know that this is the record height of Sergei Bubka's jump.

Residents of Yuzovka also strived for education, like modern youth. One of the oldest educational institutions in Donetsk is Brotherhood school. It was founded by the church brotherhood of the Transfiguration Church in 1896. Just 7 years later, a three-story building was built for the school, which was one of the tallest buildings in Yuzovka.

It was a church school, but it also taught secular subjects, the same as in secondary schools. Children from families of any income could study there - from merchants to workers. A little later, in 1925, the Stalin Regional Museum of Local Lore functioned on the second floor of the school.

During the Great Patriotic War, the school building was dilapidated. While its reconstruction was carried out, the Donetsk Pedagogical Institute was located in the building. However, the building area was too small for the institute. Students studied in two shifts, evening classes were held, but this did not save the situation. Additional classes and consultations were sometimes held in the corridors and even on the stairs! Only thanks to the joint efforts of teachers and students was the building completely renovated, and in 1959 the Pedagogical Institute allowed itself to move to new academic buildings.

Then an incomplete secondary school functioned here, and a little later - an evening school for working youth. After a while, even a car driving school was organized here. The building currently hosts evening school classes.

In Donetsk there is also memorial sign “Bochum” . This gift is from the German city of Bochum. In 1997, city representatives gave us a copy of their famous bell, which was cast in 1949. The Donetsk copy, however, is 10 times smaller than the original.

The bell, installed in front of the town hall in Bochum, is the first bell in the world to be produced by shaped steel casting. It was cast by Bochum foundry Jakob Mayer in 1851. At the World Exhibition in Paris in 1867, his work was a great success. Mayer even became envious of Alfred Krupp, his competitor. He claimed that the bell was cast from cast iron. However, justice prevailed and the value of the bell was proven.

Now such an expensive gift decorates the territory near the administration building of the Donetsk City Council. The Donetsk residents appreciated the gift, and with their inherent belief in miracles, they also awarded the bell with “supernatural powers.” They say that if you make a wish near the Bochum bell while the church is ringing nearby, it will definitely come true!

Donbass Arena is a modern football stadium in Donetsk. This is the first sports ground in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, designed and created in accordance with UEFA standards in the “Elite” category.

The stadium was built in 2009 by the Turkish company Enka for the Shakhtar football club and is designed for 52,187 spectators. The design of the structure as a whole resembles a “flying saucer”, with the roof sloping from north to south, thereby improving natural light and facilitating ventilation of the football field. Also, the Donbass Arena is distinguished from other famous European stadiums by its oval shape and all-glass façade.

The Arena's football field was created using the most modern technologies; the turf was grown in Slovakia and is one of the best in the world. The chairs are designed and manufactured by the famous "Camatic" (Australia).

The stadium has 53 fast food cafes, a fan cafe, 4 bars, 3 restaurants, a media cafe and a lounge bar. These establishments can together accommodate 1,830 visitors. There are more than 1,000 parking spaces near the stadium (of which 245 are in underground parking).

Glade of fairy tales

In the 80s, a fairy-tale town called “Glade of Fairy Tales” was opened in the Lenin Komsomol park. It is a small area hidden in the treetops, on which there are figures of fairy-tale heroes cast from concrete. Individual figures were decorated with mosaic tiles.

Over time, due to lack of proper care, the clearing turned into an overgrown area with gray monsters. And so on August 22, 2012, the updated, restored “Glade of Fairy Tales” opened. The reconstruction of the clearing was carried out by the management of the Donbass railway. A huge number of architects, builders, and designers worked on the appearance of the site.

On the opening day of the clearing, the park was completely filled with children who were entertained by fairy-tale characters: wizards, fairies, Indians, pirates and even clowns. The fountain is of particular interest to both children and adults. He dances merrily, releases cool steam and envelops those around him with a bluish cloud.

At the "Glade of Fairy Tales" you can meet such fairy-tale characters as: the Frog Princess, the Bear, the Old Man and the Goldfish. The updated mosaics, preserved from Soviet times, are pleasing to the eye.

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On May 8, 2012, on the eve of the Victory Day on May 9, a museum of the Great Patriotic War was opened in Donetsk in the Lenin Komsomol Park at the memorial “To Your Liberators, Donbass”. The exhibition area of ​​the museum is 927 square meters.

The museum consists of two levels. In the lower level of the museum there are exhibition halls, a newsreel hall, as well as an armory hall and a military uniform hall. The weapons in the museum are presented from a private collection. The upper level rooms are decorated with thematic panels and dioramas. The museum presents an audio tour in Russian, Ukrainian and English.

A large number of war photographs, posters, newspapers, simply things from the Great Patriotic War - all this can be seen in the museum’s exhibitions. Some of the museum's exhibitions offer sound design to enhance the experience for visitors.

Another asset of Donetsk Park named after. Lenin Komsomol is a museum of the Great Patriotic War. The museum is quite young, it opened in 2012. The museum is located in the memorial complex to the Liberators of Donbass. The museum has two entrances: one is made of glass and is located near the “eternal flame”, and the second leads to the exhibition hall where exhibitions are held. The museum is adjacent to an administrative block and a cafe.

The museum's exhibition is located on two levels, connected by a spiral staircase. The banners of the divisions that liberated Donbass are also placed there. The lower level includes a common room, a newsreel room, and a room with a collection of military uniforms and weapons of participants. The main, final element is the “Victory Hall”.

On the upper level there are inclined galleries with photographic materials and panels. The museum's collections include more than 300 exhibits, arranged in chronological order: from the beginning of the war to its victorious conclusion. The museum shows documentaries about the beginning of the war, occupation, and liberation.

Special emotions are evoked by the exhibitions, which are accompanied by musical accompaniment. This moment significantly enhances the impression. Visiting and foreign guests are provided with audio accompaniment in English.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Donetsk was opened on May 8, 2012. It was built with money provided by the city and local entrepreneurs.

The area of ​​the museum is nine hundred twenty-seven square meters. Its exhibition is located on two levels. On the lower floor there is the main exhibition hall, the “Victory Hall”, and the war newsreel hall. There is also an exhibition of collectible weapons from the Great Patriotic War and military uniforms. There are several galleries on the second floor. In this place you can see thematic photo panels, exhibitions and dioramas.

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War contains more than two hundred documentary photographs, over one hundred and fifty posters, newspapers and wartime leaflets. There are other items with a military past. By the way, so that foreign tourists can also absorb information about the exhibitions, the museum has a special audio accompaniment for excursions in English.

Museum of Nature

Museum of Nature – located in the small town of Konstantinovka, in the Donetsk region. This is one of the most interesting and most educational museums in the entire region. The museum was opened in 2003, with the direct participation of local authorities, residents, educational institutions of the region, enterprise managers, as well as with the help of the Toretsk regional environmental inspection.

Nowadays, the museum has about 1000 exhibits dedicated to living and inanimate nature. Here you can look at a variety of carcasses and stuffed animals of the region, remains and fossils, eggs of various birds, samples of minerals and rocks, a small collection of meteorites, various casts and dummies.

The museum is a real treasury and natural heritage of the entire Donetsk region,

City Garden

The city garden of Donetsk began its existence at the end of the 19th century, when the city administration decided to lay out a park near a former industrial pond in the Yuzovka district.

Once upon a time, the park had a main fountain, around which all local entertainment was concentrated: a restaurant, a dance floor, and an outdoor concert hall.

The city garden was especially popular during the Soviet years. In those days, the park was surrounded by a massive artistic forged lattice. True, the fence was soon removed for unknown reasons. In spring and summer, a huge flower exhibition was held in the park.

Today the square has almost lost its popularity, but even now you can find young mothers with strollers peacefully walking along paths in the shade of trees or playing with children on playgrounds.

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Museum of Electric Transport

The Museum of Electric Transport is a new ideological development of the team of trolleybus depot No. 2 in Donetsk. The museum consists of two parts, the first is the so-called museum on wheels, which was put into operation in 2010 and during this time has gathered a wide audience of interested people.

The old, already decommissioned, trolleybus was restored, the chassis was completely repaired, the seats were replaced and the lighting was redone. Reminiscent of a retro tram inside, decorated with bright posters with history and beautiful views of the city, the festively decorated trolleybus runs along a pre-selected route and tells people the story of the emergence of electric transport.

The second part is a permanent exhibition, where Soviet books about trolleybuses, photographs and uniforms of drivers from different periods are located. Considering that today the staff of trolleybus depot No. 2 in the city of Donetsk is 180 drivers and 160 conductors, we can assume that the founding of such a museum is a pattern for those people who are proud of their profession

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Located in the east of Ukraine, the million-strong city of Donetsk is the administrative center of the region of the same name. From 1869 to 1923, in memory of its founder John Yuzovka, it was called Yuzovka. Then it was called Stalino, and since 1961 its modern name.

The city has a rich history associated with industrial development. Along with this, it became a famous cultural center. It is officially registered over 250 cultural heritage monuments. It attracts guests with the best hotels in Ukraine, the most modern sports and entertainment facilities.

In 2001, a memorial sculpture to the English engineer John Hughes was erected on the territory of the Donetsk National Polytechnic University. A hereditary British metallurgist, at the age of 55 in 1869 he bought a plot of land from the Russian Prince Kochubey on the banks of the Kalmius River. He builds a metallurgical plant and a workers' settlement for it, called Yuzovka. Thanks to the plant, the village developed and became a city called Donetsk. The plant today is one of the leaders in the metallurgical industry.

Location: Artema street - 96.

This temple was consecrated in 1886. It was founded under him fraternal school. In the thirties of the last century, the church was destroyed for building materials. In 2006, a new cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration was built of stone on the Cathedral Square of the city.

There is a bronze statue at the entrance Archangel Michael. The Church of Sergius of Radonezh was built next to the cathedral. Its highly artistic interiors were created by the country's best artists.

Location: Artema street-1.

One of the outstanding people who left an indelible mark on the history of this city was the Englishman John Hughes. He founded this city and built a metallurgical plant that made it famous. In 1873, not far from the factory, he built a red brick house for his family. The building was decorated with a balcony with openwork metal railings and a spacious beautiful terrace. A garden was laid out around it.

After the Yuzov family returned to their homeland, it was used for the residence of the company's managers; a maternity hospital and other organizations were located here. There are plans for its restoration and display as a historical object of interest to city residents and its guests.

Location: Klinicheskaya street.

When Donetsk was called Yuzovka at the end of the 19th century, it was crossed by a single street called the First Line. In the 20s of the last century, an asphalt surface appeared on it. It was renamed the street named after the famous revolutionary Artem.

Today it is a busy ten-kilometer highway with heavy traffic. It houses theaters, educational institutions, business centers, hotels, shopping malls and other important urban infrastructure facilities. Among the most interesting objects are the opera and music-drama theaters, the building of the former Ministry of Coal Industry.

In 1938, four testers conducted experiments in the stratosphere on the effect of high altitude pressure on the human body. They flew on a special substratostat filled with hydrogen. When the oxygen equipment failed, they died from suffocation. The gondola of the device fell in a city park.

In this place in 1953, a two-meter bronze monument was erected depicting a pilot peering into the sky. Below it is a five-pointed star and a memorial plaque with bas-reliefs of four fallen stratonauts.

Location: Pushkin Boulevard-2.

In the city park of culture and recreation in 1984, the Monument to the liberators of Donbass from the Nazi invaders in 1943 was built. This is one of the largest sculptural complexes in this region of Ukraine. Next to it is a site where military equipment from the war period is exhibited.

There is a memory bell, a stele in honor of underground fighters and partisans, and a veteran's park. In the interior of the monument there is a museum of the Great Patriotic War with a rich exhibition and a hall of military newsreels, various thematic exhibitions are shown.

Location: Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Lenin Komsomol.

In the center of Donetsk, shows are regularly held at the Nemo Dolphinarium. It is part of a network of similar complexes with the same name. The performances include bottlenose dolphins - Black Sea dolphins, fur seals from South America and sea lions. The entertainment enterprise, along with making a profit, popularizes knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas.

The Dolphinarium provides adults and children with opportunities to snorkel and swim with dolphins. Dolphin therapy sessions are organized here. In the future, it should turn into a multi-level complex with underwater reservoirs, hotels and restaurants. Unfortunately, there was a fire in the dolphinarium and nothing is known about possible restoration yet.

Location: Stadionnaya street - 1D.

There are no similar museums in Ukraine. It appeared thanks to the activities of the Heritage charitable foundation. The museum's funds were replenished by exhibits received from Ukraine and Russia, gifts from photojournalists and residents of other cities. There are fascinating exhibitions about the work of journalists who captured many outstanding events with their cameras. Particular attention is paid to photojournalists of Donbass.

The museum houses their personal belongings, awards, documents and photographs. There is a unique collection of photographic equipment here, and a photography library has been created.

Location: Shakespeare street - 11.

Aquosphere" - one of the largest and most modern in Ukraine. It was opened in December 2012. Its uniqueness is that the huge dome of the room can be moved apart, and visitors spend time in the open air. Five thousand people can relax in it at the same time. There are several unique water slides here.

There is a 25-meter-high, 85-meter-long complex attraction, a calm river and a wave pool. An artificial beach and a special area for children have been created. The water park is among the ten best in Europe.

Location: Shcherbakov Park, Stadionnaya Street - 1st.

In front of the Donetsk City Council there is a copy of the Tsar Cannon located in the Moscow Kremlin. It was manufactured at one of the enterprises of the Russian Izhevsk and donated to the city by the Moscow government. This was a reciprocal gesture to the gift to the capital of Russia of a copy of the unique Mertsalov Palm.

Unlike the original, the cannon installed in Donetsk differs in that its barrel is cast from cast iron rather than bronze. It is 6 cm shorter than the original and weighs 44 tons. The cannon, along with a 20-ton carriage, was delivered to the city by two powerful tractors.

One of the most important landmarks is the stadium with that name. It was built in 2009 and is the base of the famous football club Shakhtar. It is natural that the design of the complex is made in black and yellow team colors. It is often called a flying saucer due to its special roof design and completely glass-enclosed façade.

Huge 53 thousand capacity arena amazes with the originality of the architectural solution. Those entering the stadium are greeted by a fountain, which is a 28-ton granite ball rotating in two powerful jets of water. It is a contender for inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest rotating ball.

Location: Chelyuskintsev street - 189e.

Since 2008, the city has had a renovated planetarium, which has been operating since 1962. Today it is the best of two hundred digital planetariums in the world. It is equipped with the most modern digital equipment that allows you to create three-dimensional images of the planets of the solar system, the effect of presence in space travel.

Here, unique audio and visual effects are simulated, and family viewings of films about cosmonautics and astronomy are organized. The planetarium is named after pilot-cosmonaut G.T. Beregovoy.

Location: Artema street - 46B.

Near the city administration you can see a park of metal sculptures. It represents unique works of art made by outstanding blacksmiths of Donetsk and Ukraine. It began in 2001 with a dozen forged sculptures. Now there are more than one and a half hundred of them.

Location: Artema street - 98.

Installed opposite the Olympic sports complex and depicts the great athlete Sergei Nazarovich Bubka. He is a thirty-five-time world record holder in pole vaulting, a six-time world champion and an Olympic champion. Today S.N. Bubka is a member of the International Olympic Committee, chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, an honorary citizen of Donetsk.

The monument was erected in August 1999. It is a sculpture of an athlete with a pole preparing to jump. The height of the pedestal under the monument, 6 meters 15 centimeters, is equal to the record set by the athlete in indoor pole vaulting.

Location: Artema street - 145.

This monument to those killed in the Great Patriotic War was erected near the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists. In this place, during the occupation of Donetsk by Nazi troops, a concentration camp was created where 25 thousand Soviet prisoners of war were kept. Dead prisoners were buried in the park near the Palace of Culture.

Later, a hill was raised in this place and a small monument was erected. For the 20th anniversary of the Victory over Germany, a monument of six twelve-meter pylons was erected. They are connected at the top by a wreath welded from metal sheets. There is an eternal flame between the pylons; they are illuminated from the inside. Victory Day and the anniversary of the liberation of the city are celebrated here annually.

Location: Kuibysheva street-67.

Next to the railway station built in 1951, in the premises of a former depot, a unique museum of the history of the Donetsk Railway was opened in 2001. Its peculiarity is that here you can see rare examples of railway rolling stock. These are over fifty locomotives and carriages of different years of production, more than a thousand other rare exhibits.

These include the carriage of Marshal K.E. Voroshilov, made in 1898, and the legendary steam locomotive “Cuckoo”. In addition to archival documents and photographs, you can see here railway tools and apparatus, a Morse telegraph, and uniforms of railway workers of yesteryear.

Location: Artemovskaya street - 47.