We are regular theatergoers. Theater magazine gathers friends

Dear readers of our magazine! We continue the series of thematic lists of periodicals from the RGBI collections.

The previous post was dedicated to fashion
Today we invite you to get acquainted with modern theatrical periodicals.
The list includes magazines and newspapers last decade. Additionally, the addresses of websites or informational Internet pages of publications are provided.

All publications can be found at reading room, some of the magazines can be taken home from the Subscription Department. We remind you that to register in the library you only need to have your passport with you.

You can check the availability of certain issues using the “Catalogue of Periodicals” databasehttp://www.liart.ru/opacg/nog.htm Couldn't find the right edition on your own? We will be happy to answer all your questions by phone
8-495-692-48-92 or by email
cio @liart.ru


Theater issues. PROSCAENIUM: magazine (Moscow)


MIT-info = ITI-info: magazine (Moscow)


Our theater: about your favorite artists on stage and at home: magazine (Moscow)

St. Petersburg Theater Magazine (St. Petersburg)


http://ptzh.theatre.ru/ (part of the magazine archive)

Planet beauty: Moscow theater magazine (Moscow)


Stanislavsky: a magazine not only about theater (Moscow)


Strastnoy Boulevard, 10. Russian theater: information, problems, trends:

monthly magazine (Moscow)


Theater: magazine about theater (Moscow)


Theatergoer. Theater New Izvestia: magazine (Moscow)

(formerly Theatrical New News: newspaper)


Theater poster: theater repertoire, annotations for performances: magazine (Moscow)


Theater life: literary and artistic magazine (Moscow)


Theater box office = TK: monthly information magazine for audiences (Moscow)

Theater Bulletin: information publication (Rostov-on-Don)

(formerly - Southern Theater Bulletin)


Theater Petersburg (St. Petersburg)

Ukrainian theater: popular science magazine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

http://uaculture.com/default.aspx (you can see the latest issue)


American Theater (New York, USA)


Asian Theater Journal: the official publication of the Association for Asian Performance, an affiliate of the Association for Theater in Higher Education ( Honolulu, USA)



L`Avant-scene theater (Paris, France)


Canadian Theater Review (Toronto, Canada)



Die Deutsche Buhne: theatermagazin fur alle sparten ( Berlin, Germany)


Latin American Theater Review: journal ( Lawrence, USA)


Maske und Kothurn: International Beitrage zur Theater- , Film- und Medienwissenschaft ( Vienna, Austria)


New Theater Quarterly (Cambridge, UK)


Theater Heute (Berlin, Germany)


Theater History Studies (Alabama, USA)



Theater Notebook: a Journal of the History and Technique of the British Theater ( London, Great Britain)


Theater Research International ( Cambridge, UK)


Theater Survey: the Journal of the American Society for Theater Research ( New York, USA)



Modern dramaturgy: literary and artistic magazine (Moscow)

http://www.rucont.ru/efd/177911?cldren=0 (part of the magazine archive)

Repertoire for children's and youth theaters: [supplement to the repertoire and methodological library "I am entering the world of art"] (Moscow)


TDR:the Drama Review: the journal of performance studies ( Cambridge, USA)



Musical Theatre

Big: magazine Bolshoi Theater(Moscow)

Musical life: musical critical and journalistic illustrated magazine (Moscow)


Ballet theater

Ballet: literary-critical, historical-theoretical illustrated magazine (Moscow)


Ballet ad libitum (St. Petersburg)


Line: "Ballet" magazine in newspaper format (Moscow)


Studio Antre: version of the magazine "Ballet" for children (Moscow)


Ballet Art: St. Petersburg ballet magazine (St. Petersburg)


Ballet review: journal (New York, USA)

Danse: European Dance News (Paris, France)


Dance Today: the World of Dance at your Fingertips ( London, Great Britain)

(formerly Ballroom Dancing Times)


Dance Magazine (New York, USA)


Dancing Times (London, UK)


Tanz: Zeitschrift fur Ballett, Tanz und Performance ( Selze, Germany)

(previously - Ballettanz: Europe`s Leading Dance Magazine)


Opera theatre

Line. Opera: supplement to the magazine "Ballet" (Moscow)

L`Avant-Scene Opera (Paris, France)


Opera (London, UK)


Opernwelt: das internationale Opernmagazin ( Berlin, Germany)


Orpheus (Berlin, Germany)



Scene: magazine on scenography issues, stage technology and technology,

architecture, education and management in the field of performing arts (Moscow)


Actualite de la scenographie. AS: la technique au service du spectacle vivant, de l"evenement et de l"exposition ( Nantes, France)


Buhnentechnische rundschau: zeitschrift fur veranstaltungstechnik, ausstattung, management ( Berlin, Germany)

Magazine about stage technology, theatrical architecture and scenography


Theater Design & Technology. TD&T: the peer - review journal for design, production and technology professionals in the performing arts and entertainment industry ( Syracuse, USA)


Puppet Theatre

KukArt: magazine of the international league of puppeteers "Kukart" (Moscow)

Theater of Miracles (Moscow)


Theater for children

World children's theater: literary and theatrical magazine: supplement to the magazine

"Modern Drama" (Moscow)

Operetta theater

Operetta Land: magazine for everyone (Moscow)


Bolshoi Theatre: a newspaper for those who live in theater (Moscow)

Newspaper of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia

Doctor Chekhov: newspaper about the theater (Moscow)

Actor's house. YES: newspaper about the theater (Moscow)


Volkov's House: theatrical information newspaper (Yaroslavl)

NewspaperRussian academic theater dramas named after F.G. Volkova

Another theater: newspaper (Moscow)

Golden Mask: festival newspaper (Moscow)


Empire of Drama: newspaper Alexandrinsky Theater(Saint Petersburg)


Mariinsky Theater: newspaper (St. Petersburg)

Siberian Colosseum (Novosibirsk)

Newspaper of the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater


Scene of Chuvashia: republican newspaper (Cheboksary)

Theater newspaper (Ekaterinburg)

Newspaper "Kolyada-Theater"

Festival editions of the newspaper for 2008-2011:



Screen and stage: periodical (Moscow)

The Theater of Nations is hosting the premiere of the musical “Hipsters,” directed by Alexei Frandetti. A story dedicated to youth subculture The 50s, many remember from the film of the same name by Valery Todorovsky based on the script by Yuri Korotkov “Boogie on the Bones”. According to the plot, Komsomol member Mels finds himself in the company of “ideological enemies”, where he unexpectedly finds friends and meets his love. Read the material at the link in the profile header. - 2 days ago

March 11 and 12 at New scene Theater named after Vakhtangov will host a tour of the St. Petersburg Bolshoi Puppet Theater. @btk_theatre The team will present the play “My Grandfather Was a Cherry” - staged by Ivan Pachin based on the book by Angela Nanetti. “To be honest, I didn’t expect that there would be a whole performance,” director Ivan Pachin told Teatral. – It’s just that in August 2017, the BTK artists and I made a sketch based on Angela’s book (this was as part of the “BTK-LAB - a laboratory for young directors under the leadership of Ruslan Kudashov on new children’s literature”). I chose the work “My Grandfather Was a Cherry” because it doesn’t just interesting story. There is a lot of irony and at the same time bitterness. Main character In this story, the boy Tonino learns to understand the world of adults: he pays attention to the little things that make up life, knows the taste of joy and remembers how acute sadness can be. Next to Grandfather Ottaviano, he learns to remain a child, to be sincere and uncompromising, to accept life, not to be afraid to talk about death and to believe that we are capable of changing something. In general, we made a sketch. And at some point I doubted: are we moving there? Have you found the right key to this work? But director Ruslan Kudashov came and supported us, saying that this could be very interesting. We calmed down. And we took different steps. We discovered this interesting material. - 4 days ago

On February 7, the Luna Theater hosted the premiere of Pavel Ursul’s play “My Sunshine” with Anna Terekhova and Alexander Peskov in the lead roles (pictured). The Teatral correspondent learned about the work on new production first-hand. Read the material via the link in the profile header. - 4 days ago

At the end of February, the premiere of the play “Marriage” will take place at the School of Dramatic Art theater. On the eve of this event, Teatral talked with production director Alexander Ogarev. Read the interview via the link in the profile header. Photos provided by the ShDI press service (Natalia Cheban) - 6 days ago

At the end of January, the theatrical agency "Art-Partner XXI" of Leonid Roberman presented to the public the premiere of the theatrical rhapsody "Henry and Ellen" based on the play by modern playwright Don Nigro. One of the main roles in the play is played by Alexander Domogarov. We managed to talk with the actor about how the work on the play went. Read the interview via the link in the profile header. - 10 days ago

The tour of the Moscow Theater is coming to an end in one of the largest theater centers in Europe, London's Barbican. drama theater them. Pushkin. Saturday, February 9, is the last and most eventful day, during which famous performances of the Pushkin Theater will be performed twice in two halls of the Barbican - large and small: in the small hall, in the afternoon and evening, they will show "Mother Field" by Chingiz Aitmatov, directed by Sergei Zemlyansky , and in the big one it will pass twice " a kind person from Szechwan" by Yuri Butusov. Read the continuation via the link in the profile header. - 14 days ago

Sergei Yursky passed away. It's so hard to find words to express my pain. Everything that is said in such cases sounds banal in relation to him. I can see him grinning and saying: “You can’t say anything, boss...” Jokingly, he began to call me “the boss of all artists” when I became the chairman of the STD. He himself knew how to find words that were ironic, but not offensive. He was a master of words, an author wonderful books, plays - this was also one of his talents, and he had many of them. Sergei Yursky was a legend of Leningrad. They say that when there were performances with his participation in the BDT, mounted police were called. He was a completely unique artist. Not a single passing role, either in the theater or in the cinema. Everything he managed to do remains forever. And in my memory this happy time remained forever, when we rehearsed and then played the play “Players XXI” together. Yursky brought Gogol's "Players" into modern times. How he accurately chose Gogol to play a play about fraud in the 90s was a real epiphany. The performance became a breakthrough; Yursky’s production stirred up the then fading theatrical life Moscow. How he managed to assemble his “Artel” - this word “artel” was important to him - to gather professionals the highest level. I know that everyone immediately agreed and were happy to work with him - Evstigneev, Nevinny, Filatov, Khazanov, Yatsko, Tenyakova. Seryozha was not just, as they say, an intellectual artist, he was a personality of enormous scale and power. And, naturally, the acting framework was too small for him; he should have and did a lot more - he directed, he wrote, he was a virtuoso reader. He was incredibly gifted. He was the standard of an artist and a person. IN last years worked at the Theater. Mossovet, and this was important for everyone who worked in this theater. Sergei Yursky was nearby, it was a sign of the highest culture. His passing is a huge loss for the theater, for our entire culture and for me personally. I express my condolences to the entire team of the Theater. Mossovet, his colleagues and friends. My dear Natasha, I know how much you are hurting right now. In our acting environment, your family was a model for everyone. I share your pain with all my heart, take care of yourself for the sake of Seryozha’s memory, for the sake of Dasha. May his memory be blessed. A. Kalyagin - 15 days ago

The Oleg Tabakov Theater restored the play “Sailor's Silence”, in which Vladimir Mashkov again played his star role (the role of a small-town Jew, a swindler who dreamed of happiness for his only son). Link to the material in the profile header. Photos: Lena Morozova - 24 days ago

The premiere of “One Day in Macondo” was played at STI. Egor Peregudov staged the production based on the novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez almost a year and a half ago with graduates of Sergei Zhenovach’s course at GITIS. Then it seemed that the student production would suffer the same fate as many graduation performances - having pleased the students at graduation, it would remain a happy memory. Continue reading via the link in the profile header. - 25 days ago

On Monday, January 21, actor and director Rodion Nakhapetov turns 75 years old. Now he lives in the USA, but from time to time he visits Russia. On one of his previous visits to Moscow, our correspondent talked with the artist about life and work. - 1 month ago

On December 27, the premiere of the most anticipated event took place at the Megasport Sports Palace. New Year's show this season: Tatyana Navka presented her new ice performance “ The Scarlet Flower». Magic story O true love, kindness and true beauty based on the work of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, it was first staged in the genre of a musical on ice. In the new project of the famous Russian athlete in a fabulous way combines the professionalism of world-class figure skaters, the latest special effects and stage solutions, as well as amazing music written specifically for the show. The artists skated on a platform suspended in the air, spun under the dome of the ice arena, set fire to the ice and even danced with eyes closed. The admiring audience greeted each show number performed by the most famous skaters with thunderous applause. “The Scarlet Flower” is a gift to you, Dear friends. I really want every home in New Year came a real fairy tale and gave everyone goodness, happiness and love,” Tatyana Navka said after the premiere to a standing ovation from the audience. Judging by the enthusiastic reaction of the audience, she really succeeded in making the guests believe in a miracle. “The Scarlet Flower,” an ice performance for adults and children, can be seen at the Megasport Sports Palace until January 8, 2019 inclusive. More detailed information about the show is available on the official website of the project navka.show - 2 months ago

Russian academic youth theater(RAMT) announced New Year's promotion: when purchasing a ticket for the productions “Northern Odyssey” (December 20) and “The Last Days” (December 21) at the theater box office, the viewer receives a second ticket as a gift. The play “Northern Odyssey” by Ekaterina Granitova, based on the script by film playwrights Pyotr Lutsyk and Alexey Samoryadov, premiered in 2015. “The writers borrowed the title from Jack London, whose story of the same name is a Western about the titanic characters of the Klondike conquerors,” says the annotation for the performance on the theater’s website. – “Northern Odyssey” is an “Eastern” about the adventurous spirit of the Russian people, which broke free during the years of “perestroika”, when some tried to survive, while others tried to profit. This is a theatrical “road movie” about the adventures of Siberian smugglers who walk through the taiga through snow storms, bandit ambushes and border patrols - and suddenly find themselves in a completely different place than where they were going.” The premiere of the play “The Last Days” directed by Alexei Borodin took place on March 2. This is a performance in which not only fictional and real heroes different eras, but also authors separated by centuries: Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Bulgakov and Boris Akunin. “The Last Days” is a historical performance, but at the same time timeless,” says Alexey Borodin. “Boris Akunin’s play seems to tell about Peter’s youth, but the ghosts of those darkened by slander already appear in it.” last days» Pushkin and the III Department with his denunciations. The rhythmic clatter of hooves completes the picture. Bronze Horseman" After all, they still knock to this day. We must hear them and clearly realize: all times are reflected in each other.” - 2 months ago

ITALY, Desenzano del Garda
Theater "Multigorod"

Year founded: 2009
Head: Maria Kuzmina, director.
Troupe: theater team - not professional actors different age groups. The actors and the theater director took classes at the Summer Theater School “Theater Vacations” of the STD of the Russian Federation. Regular classes with them are conducted by professionals - choreographer Marina Nezdolya, worked as part of the Kremlin Ballet troupe, director ballet school Danzareasolferino and vocal teacher Elena Blitonova.
Theater "Multigorod"– participant and laureate of International Theater Festivals. Organizer of the International theater festival Russian-language theaters in Desenzano del Garda.

ITALY, Turin
Theater "Balaganchik & Co"

Year of foundation: 2010
Supervisor: Olga Kalenichenko, actress. Graduate of Kharkov University music school them. B.N. Lyatoshinsky, specialization - pop artist, director vocal ensemble. She also graduated from the Kharkov University of Arts. I.P. Kotlyarevsky with a degree in drama and film theater actor. Actress of the Kharkov Drama Theater.
Troupe: three age groups– children, youth, adults. Acting classes are taught by the theater director. Master classes and trainings are conducted experienced teachers, teachers and professional actors in Italy and Russia.
Olga Kalenichenko – organizer International festival children's and youth creativity"Balagan Fest", which has been taking place in Turin since 2011.
Theater "Balaganchik & Co" - laureate International Prize“Theatrical Star” in the category “Best Russian Theater Abroad”.

USA, New York
Theater company STEPS

Year of foundation: 1997
Supervisor: Slava Stepnov, director, playwright, teacher. Graduate of GITIS (Russian Institute theatrical arts).
Troupe: The company employs professional actors from Italy, Israel, Peru, France, Germany, Ukraine, New Zealand, Ecuador, Norway, Russia and the USA.
Slava (Vyacheslav Yuryevich) Stepnov– Laureate of the 21st International Theater Festival “Russian Classics. Lobnya - 2016”, in the category “Best Director”.
Author of four plays, as well as articles and essays on acting and theater theory. Guest Professor Theater school Britannico Institute (Lima, Peru) and Theater Workshop at the Academy of Dramatic Art (Wellington, New Zealand).

FINLAND, Jyvaskyla
Theater "Art Master"

Year of foundation: 2010
Supervisor: Kira Mirutenko, actress, theater historian, theater critic, graduated from RATI-GITIS.
Troupe: The first actors were students of a course on Russian culture at the University of Jyväskylä. Today, the team members are the people of the most different ages and professions, passionate about theater, looking for the opportunity for self-realization and preservation of the Russian language and culture. The theater actively participates in festivals and forums of Russian-language theaters abroad, shows its performances in different cities Finland.
Kira Mirutenko - former senior researcher State Institute art history, teacher at the Moscow Art Theater School; teacher at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), head of the cultural and educational center "Academy of Joy", director of the International Festival of Russian-language theaters "Art-Workshop", the International Festival of Russian-language children's and youth theaters and theaters for children "Sampo - Mill of Happiness" and the international multimedia poetry festival and video poetry “My Poet” (Finland).