The play “Viy” on the new stage of the Theater on Serpukhovka. Script for a theatrical performance based on the work of N.V.

Celtic music, flickering candles, pumpkins smiling with toothless smiles and giddy fun - all this is associated with the most fun and spooky autumn holiday - Halloween. It appeared in our holiday calendar quite recently and has not yet acquired local traditions.

However, if you turn to our festive culture, you can see with the naked eye that playing with otherworldly forces and glorifying the world of spirits is given a very honorable place in our country. Halloween is coming, and why not arrange a bright and interesting symbiosis Western traditions and local color? We bring to your attention scenario plan incendiary, based on the story “Viy” by N.V. Gogol.

Creating an entourage:
Our party involves an appeal to the unique flavor of the Ukrainian farm. The main action of the story takes place in a small church, blackened by age, where the lady’s reckoning with the philosopher takes place. We don’t have to adhere to the plot literally, let it be an interestingly decorated hall, in which there will be signs of village life and, of course, symbols of the holiday. What could it be?

  • Wooden furniture - tables, benches;
  • A small woodpile by the fireplace, dishes, buckets, brooms, etc. household items;
  • Foyer, decorated as a canopy;
  • Candles in large quantities;
  • Carefully draped windows and walls decorated with figures of spiders, bats, skeletons and skulls;
  • What if one of your employees has a black cat at home - be sure to “invite” it to the party.
The hosts of the holiday are obvious: Pannochka and her assistants are charming witches.

Start the holiday by welcoming your guests. Assistant witches meet everyone in the foyer and escort them directly to the hall, where guests are treated to treats on the tables (set the buffet with Ukrainian dishes in advance) and entertainment - a crackling hot fireplace, a video from the film "Viy" on big screen and the ritual of fortune-telling, traditional for our culture.


1. On the woodpile. Everyone pulls out a log from the woodpile and looks at it: a smooth, even log promises a kind and flexible husband (wife), a knotty one promises a quarrelsome, angry one, and an uneven one, with pieces of bark, promises a life of wealth and prosperity.
2. By the shoe. Women's fortune telling. The girls take the shoe off their foot and throw it over their shoulder. Which way the sock lies is the direction to get married.
3. On wax. Over a bowl of cold water light a candle. When the wax begins to melt, tilt the candle and let it flow into the water. Based on the resulting outlines, the witch leading this fortune-telling will reveal your destiny. Here are a few values ​​to start with:

  • Small frozen droplets - for money;
  • Grapes - good luck in business;
  • Mushroom – vitality, longevity;
  • Flowers - love story or a happy marriage;
  • Stripes - travel or relocation;
  • Stars – career success;
  • Bell - good news;
  • Human silhouette – new friend;
  • Apple – wisdom and health;
  • Egg - new hopes.
At the end, arrange a grand entrance for Pannochka. Under the solemn creepy music she can proceed through the festive hall to the stage, or she can be delivered in a fake coffin - such an exit will be very impressive. Having greeted the guests, Pannochka opens the competitive and entertaining part of the party.

The script for the play “Viy” based on the mystical story by N. V. Gogol
There is a white hill on the stage.
Light: ZTM_______________________________________________
Screen: Video “Prologue”
Voice: Lower your eyes and pray. Be afraid of Viy's gaze - ancient god, who resides in the eternal darkness of the dungeon. His eyelids sprouted roots through the ground. And if a person looks into his eyes, he will die immediately. That's what old people say. This is what their ancestors said from the beginning of time, when the earth was still young and the gods were young. This ancient legend lives in the souls of the Slavs, who have long accepted the Christian faith. Such are the local beliefs and ancient customs. As well as the custom of fortune telling for the betrothed to Ivan Kupala, (the girls come out) when young girls float wreaths with burning candles across the water. And if some young man catches the wreath, believe - this is your destiny
The girls sing the song “Take it away.” Another group of girls are dancing.
Light: yellow, bright, early morning_______________________
After the drop part, a phonogram sounds
Track: Evil Mountain
To the words: Previously, there was no time when the lights turned off, the red spotlight on the stage came on. The mountain comes to life, the dance of evil spirits.
Light: Blue at first, feeling of shadows on the stage __________________________________________, then strobe in the second part.__________________________________________
Lera: Three students
Masha: turned away high road to the side,
Tom: in order to stock up on provisions in the first farm that comes along,
Varya: because their bag had been empty for a long time.
Toma: Theologian: a tall, broad-shouldered man. He has an extremely strange disposition: he will certainly steal whatever was lying near him. In another case, his character was extremely gloomy, and when he got drunk, he hid in the weeds, and the seminary had great difficulty in finding him there.
Varya: The rhetorician Tiberius Gorobets did not yet have the right to wear a mustache, drink burners and smoke cradles and, therefore, his character at that time had not yet developed much; but judging by the large bumps on his forehead with which he often came to class, one could assume that he would be a good warrior.
Lera: Philosopher Khoma Brut: cheerful disposition. Loves to lie down and smoke a cradle. If he drank, he would certainly hire musicians and dance the tropaka. He often tried large peas, but with complete philosophical indifference, saying that whatever happens, it cannot be avoided.
Masha: What is to be cannot be avoided, what is to be cannot be avoided.
Together: What is to be cannot be avoided, what is to be cannot be avoided.
They leave, continuing to mutter: what will happen cannot be avoided.
Light: ZTM___________________________
Voices are heard from the audience, the guys have flashlights in their hands, the lighting is only from the rays of the flashlights.
At this time, a restructuring takes place on stage. Four screens form a gate
Khoma: What the hell! By God I can't see a damn fist!
Gorobets: Where is the road?
Theologian: Yes, the night is dark.
Khoma: See, what to do here?
Theologian: What? stay and spend the night in the field!
Khoma: No, Freebie, it’s not possible.
Gorobets: (seeing the light in the window) Farm! By God, a farm!
Theologian: Watch, brothers, don’t lag behind!
Khoma: Whatever it is, get some accommodation for the night!
They're knocking on the gate.
Together: Open it! Open......
Ksyusha: Who's there?
Khoma: Let me go, grandma, to spend the night.
Theologian: Lost our way.
Gorobets: It’s as bad in the field as in a hungry belly.
Old woman: What kind of people are you?
Khoma: Yes, people are not touchy: the theologian Freebie,
Theologian: philosopher Brutus
Gorolets: Ritor Gorobets.
Old woman: It’s impossible, my yard is full of people, and all the corners in the hut are occupied. Where will I take you? I know these philosophers and theologians. Went! went! There's no place for you here.
Khoma: Have mercy, grandma! How is it possible for Christian souls disappeared for no reason?
Gorobets: Wherever you want to place us.
Theologian: And if we do something, somehow this or any other thing,
Khoma: Then let our hands wither, and it will be that only God knows.
Together: That's it!
Ksyusha: Okay, I’ll let you in; I’ll just put everyone in different places.
The gate opens. Gorobets and Theologian carry out the bench.
Khoma: Grandma, it’s as if someone in my stomach has started to ride on wheels. From the very morning I wish I had a sliver of wood in my mouth.
Old woman: See what you wanted! No, I don’t have anything like that, and the stove wasn’t lit today.
Khoma: And I would pay for all this tomorrow properly - with cash. (speaks quietly to the side) Yes, there's no way you'll get anything!
Old woman: Go, go! and be content with what they give. What the devil brought some gentle panics!
Khoma is left alone, looking around, examining everything, looking for something to pocket. He sits down on a bench and a fish appears from the screen. Khoma smells fish and tries to get it. After some time he succeeds. He tries to eat it, but it turns out to be tasteless. I couldn’t find any other use for fish other than to make a kind of pillow out of it. I settled down for the night and almost fell asleep. An old woman comes in.
Track: Old woman before flight.
Light: ____________________________
Khoma: What, grandma, what do you want? Hey-hey! No, my dear! outdated.
He tries to get away from her, but keeps bumping into screens.
Khoma: Listen, grandma! now post; and I’m the kind of person that I wouldn’t want to make fun of even for a thousand gold coins.
Khoma: Grandma! what you? Go, go with God!
Track: Witch – no title.
Screens form a wall covering Khoma.
Vocalists emerge from the screens.
To lose, the screens form a cube, inside which Khoma is placed. Dance with hands.
In the finale, the screens return to their original position. A girl is sitting on a bench near the back.
Lera: Meanwhile, rumors spread everywhere that the daughter of one of the richest centurions returned from a walk all beaten up. She is near death and expressed a desire to have Khoma Brut read the funeral service and prayers for her.
The bench is moved to the middle of the stage (the props for the next act are already prepared on it). Khoma appears.
Khoma: Well, whatever happens, it cannot be avoided.
Lera: Whatever happens, cannot be avoided.
Track: Mermaids
Khoma: Oh, what a wonderful place! I would like to live here, fish in the Dnieper and in ponds, hunt little bustards with a gun! You can dry a lot of fruits and sell them to the city, or, even better, smoke them into vodka.
At the end, the actors come on stage and sit in a semicircle. They have glasses in their hands.
Track: oh-sya (number with glasses)
Grisha: Who are you, and where are you from, and what is your rank, good man?
Khoma: From the students, philosopher Khoma Brut.
Grisha: Who was your father?
Khoma: I don’t know, noble sir.
Grisha: And your mother?
Khoma: I don’t know my mother either. According to common sense, of course, there was a mother; but who she is, and where she came from, and when she lived - by God, I don’t know.
Grisha: How did you meet my daughter?
Khoma: I haven’t met, noble sir, by God, I haven’t met. I have never had anything to do with pannochki, no matter how long I have lived in the world.
Grisha: Aren't you lying, Mr. Philosopher?
Khoma: Right in this very place let it clap like thunder if I’m lying.
Pan: Well... that’s right, it’s not for nothing that it’s been so appointed. You must start your own business from this very day.
Khoma: To this, I would say to your honor... it would be more decent to require a deacon, or at least a sexton. But my voice is not like that, and I myself - God knows what. I have no idea.
Pan: Just as you want, but if you pray over her properly, then I will reward you; Otherwise, I don’t advise the devil himself to make me angry.
Khoma: I’ll somehow work three nights, but the master will fill both my pockets with clean chervonets.
Pan leaves, Khoma is left alone.
Khoma: And why does this entire class consider the lady a witch? Well, has she harmed or tormented anyone?
Varya: There were all sorts of things
Toma: Who doesn’t remember the huntsman Mikita, or that...
Varya: Stop! I'll tell you about the huntsman MikitaTom: I'll tell you about Mikita, because he was my godfather.
Varya steps back offended.
Toma: You, master philosopher, did not know Mikita. Oh, what a rare man he was! He used to know every dog ​​like his own father.
Varya: The current huntsman is Mikola, and he can’t hold a candle to him. Although he also understands his business, but against him he is rubbish, slop.
Toma: Only recently he began to constantly look at the lady. Has he really become entangled in her or has she already bewitched him like that?
Varya: A man just disappeared, he was completely stunned; God knows what happened; pff!
Toma: As soon as the lady would look at him, she would let go of the reins. One day the lady came to the stables
Light: ZTM, backstage lights.
Track: Horror stories about the lady Varya: Mikita was cleaning his horse.
Toma: The donut jumped onto his back and, as if on a horse, rushed to gallop across the field.
Varya: He couldn’t say anything where they went; I just came back barely alive,
Toma: and from that time on he dried up all over, like a piece of wood;
Varya: and when they once came to the stable, instead of it there was only a pile of ash and an empty bucket.
Light: _________________________________
Screens open like gates.
Masha: Come on, Pan Khoma!
Lera: It's time to go to the deceased!
Khoma enters the gate and finds himself in the church. There is a coffin with a deceased woman in the corner.
Khoma: Well, what is there to be afraid of? A person cannot come here, but I have prayers from the dead and people from the other world that, as soon as I read them, they won’t lay a finger on me. Nothing! we'll read.
Khoma: What to be afraid of? After all, she will not rise from her grave, because she will be afraid of God’s word. Let him lie! And what kind of Cossack am I that I would be afraid? Well, he drank too much - that’s why he looks scary. And take a sniff of tobacco: oh, good tobacco! Nice tobacco! Good tobacco!
Khoma: Have mercy on us, God. According to your great mercy, we pray to you, hear and have mercy. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. We also pray for the ecstasy of the soul of your deceased servant..... How are you? I can forgive her everything….. I can forgive her…. I'm... Ugh, damn (crossed himself) God forgive me, God forgive me. And forgive all sins, voluntary and involuntary.
The lady comes to life.
Track: First night
Khoma: It seemed. Apparently it's just scary the first time. Yes! it’s only a little scary the first time, but then it’s no longer scary; it's not scary at all anymore.
Khoma: Have mercy on us, God. According to your great mercy, we pray to you, hear and have mercy. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.....
Light: ___________________________
Track: Second Night
Khoma: I don’t want to read anymore!
Pan: How is it going for you? Is everything okay?
Khoma: All right, all right. Such devilry happens that you just take your hat and run away wherever your feet take you.
Pan: How so?
Khoma: Yes, your daughter... God rest her soul...
Pan: What about daughter?
Khoma: She let Satan come to her. Such fears are caused by the fact that no Scripture is taken into account.
Pan: Read, read! It was not for nothing that she called you.
Khoma: Whatever the rewards... Whatever you want, I won’t read!
Pan: Go, go! fix your problem! If you don’t fix it, you won’t get up; and if you fix it - a thousand red coins!
Khoma: Yes, but what am I, really? What am I afraid of? Am I not a Cossack? After all, I read for two nights, God will help me for the third. I won’t be afraid, by God, I won’t be afraid!
Khoma: Have mercy on us, God. According to your great mercy, we pray to you, hear and have mercy. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy...
Light: __________________________
Track: Third Night
Panochka: Bring me Viy!
From the audience, a cloth crawls across the seats and climbs onto the stage.
An orgy of evil spirits, the destruction of Khoma.


Replaceable screen;


Table, bench, window;

Musical accompaniment: sound recording of bell ringing; sound recording of a blizzard; musical composition N. A. Rimsky - Korsakov “The Night Before Christmas”.

The bright lights in the hall are extinguished. Garlands of stars are burning. A gentle, quiet instrumental composition sounds. From behind the curtain on both sides of the stage, two angels emerge in turn - the presenters.

Presenter 1:The last day before Christmas has passed. Winter clear night has arrived.The stars looked out. The month majestically rose into the sky to shine on good people and the whole world, so that everyone would have fun caroling and praising Christ.

Presenter 2:It was freezing more than in the morning; but it was so quiet that the crunch of frost under a boot could be heard half a mile away. Not a single crowd of boys had ever appeared under the windows of the huts; for a month he only glanced at them furtively, as if calling the girls who were dressing up to run out quickly into the crunchy snow.

Presenter 1:Then smoke fell in clouds through the chimney of one hut and spread like a cloud across the sky, and along with the smoke a witch rose riding on a broom.

Presenter 2:The witch rose so high that only a black speck flashed above. But wherever the speck appeared, there the stars, one after another, disappeared from the sky.

Presenter 1:Soon the witch dialed them full sleeve. Three or four were still shining. Suddenly, on the other side, another speck appeared... It was the devil who was left wandering around the last night white light and learn sins good people. Tomorrow, with the first bells for matins, he will run without looking back, tail between his legs, to his den.

Presenter 2: Meanwhile, the devil was creeping slowly towards the month, and was already reaching out his hand to grab him; but suddenly he pulled it back, as if he had been burned, sucked his fingers, swung his leg and ran to the other side, and again jumped back and pulled his hand away. However, despite all the failures, cunning devil did not abandon his mischief. Running up, he suddenly grabbed the month with both hands, grimacing and blowing, throwing it from one hand to the other, like a man getting fire for his cradle with his bare hands; Finally, he hastily put it in his pocket and, as if nothing had happened, ran on.

Presenter 1:In Dikanka, no one heard how the devil stole a month...

As the story progresses, the presenters, Solokh and the devil show all the described actions in a pantomime dance and hide behind the curtain.

Presenter 2:But what was the reason for the devil to decide on such a lawless deed? And here’s what: a blacksmith, a strong man and a fellow anywhere, who was the devil more disgusting than the sermons of Father Kondrat, will probably come to the daughter of the rich Cossack Chub, the beauty in the whole village, who will be left alone at home.

Presenter 1: In his spare time from business, the blacksmith was engaged in painting and was known as the best painter in the entire area. The triumph of his art was the picture painted on the church wall in the right vestibule, in which he depicted St. Peter on the day doomsday, with keys in hands, expelling an evil spirit from hell...

Vakula, with a brush in his hands, “paints” angels on the stage curtain. The devil peeks out from around the corner, gets angry, threatens Vakula with his fist.

Presenter 2: And from that time on, the devil swore to take revenge on the blacksmith. There was only one night left for him to wander around in this world; but even that night he was looking for something to take out his anger at the forge.

Presenter 1:Now let's see what the beautiful daughter does when left alone. Oksana was not yet seventeen years old, and in almost the entire world, both on the other side of Dikanka and on this side of Dikanka, there was nothing but talk about her. The boys proclaimed in droves that there had never been and never would be a better girl in the village. Oksana knew and heard everything that was said about her, and she was capricious, like a beauty. The boys chased after her in crowds, but, having lost patience, they left little by little and turned to others, who were not so spoiled. Only the blacksmith was stubborn and did not give up his red tape, despite the fact that he was treated no better than others.

All this time, Oksana twirls in front of the mirror and preens herself, trying on one piece of jewelry, then another.

Oksana (looking at herself in the mirror):Why do people want to tell me that I’m good? People lie, I'm not good at all. Are my black eyebrows and eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What's so good about that upturned nose? and in the cheeks? and on the lips? as if my black braids are good? Wow! You can be scared of them in the evening: they, like long snakes, twisted and wrapped around my head. I see now that I am not good at all! (Moves the mirror a little further away from himself and exclaims) No, I'm good! Oh, how good! Miracle! What joy will I bring to the one I will marry! How my husband will admire me! He won't remember himself.

Vakula enters quietly and unnoticed. He shrugs and watches Oksana twirl in front of the mirror.

Vakula (speaks quietly to the side): Wonderful girl! And she has little boasting! He stands for an hour, looking in the mirror, and can’t get enough of it, and still praises himself out loud!

Oksana (continues talking to herself, looking in the mirror and grinning):Yes, boys, am I a match for you? Look at me, how I move smoothly; My shirt is made of red silk. And what ribbons on the head! You will never see richer braid in your life! My father bought all this for me so that the best guy in the world would marry me!

Oksana (turns around, sees the blacksmith, screams in surprise and immediately attacks him with the words): Why did you come here? Do you really want to be kicked out the door with a shovel? You are all masters at approaching us. You'll know in no time when your fathers aren't home. ABOUT! I know you! So, is my chest ready?

Vakula (speaks, crumpling his hat in his hands with excitement): He will be ready, my dear, after the holiday he will be ready. If you only knew how much you fussed around him: he didn’t leave the forge for two nights; but not a single priest will have such a chest. And how it will be painted! Even if you go out all the way around with your little white legs, you won’t find anything like this! Red and blue flowers. It will burn like heat. Don't be angry with me! Let me at least talk, at least look at you!

Oksana (changing anger for mercy, flirtatiously):Who is stopping you? Speak and see!

Vakula(speaks cautiously and tries to sit down next to him on the bench): Let me sit next to you too!

Oksana (jumps up, shakes off her dress and speaks haughtily):What else do you want? When he needs honey, he needs a spoon! Go away, your hands are tougher than iron. And you yourself smell of smoke. I think I got soot all over me!

Vakula(to the side, hanging his head sadly): She doesn't love me. All toys for her; and I stand in front of her like a fool, and don’t take my eyes off her. And he would still stand in front of her, and never take his eyes off her! Wonderful girl! What I wouldn't give to know what's in her heart, who she loves. But no, she doesn’t need anyone. She admires herself; torments me, poor thing; but I don’t see the light behind the sadness; and I love her as no other person in the world has ever loved or will ever love.

Oksana(funny):Is it true that your mother is a witch?

Vakula(also fun):What do I care about my mother? you are my mother and father and everything that is dear in the world. If the king called me and said: blacksmith Vakula, ask me for everything that is best in my kingdom, I will give it all to you. I will order you to make a gold forge, and you will begin to forge with silver hammers. I don’t want, I would tell the king, neither expensive stones, nor a gold forge, nor your entire kingdom. Better give me my Oksana!

Oksana:See what you are like! only my father himself is not a mistake. You'll see when he doesn't marry your mother. (looks worriedly out the window) However, the girls don't come ... What would that mean? It's high time to start caroling. I'm getting bored.

Vakula:God be with them, my beauty!

Oksana (boldly, defiantly):No matter how it is! The boys will probably come with them. This is where the balls begin. I can imagine the funny stories they will tell!

Vakula(with bitterness in his voice): So are you having fun with them?

Oksana(coquettishly):It's more fun than with you. A! Someone knocked, probably girls and boys! (runs to the window and looks).

Vakula(aside): What should I expect more? She's making fun of me. I am as dear to her as a rusty horseshoe. But if that’s the case, at least someone else won’t get to laugh at me. Let me just perhaps notice who she likes more than me; I'll wean you off... (loud)Wait, I'll open it myself!

A crowd of girls with bags runs in, laughing, and surrounds Oksana. They take gifts out of bags for caroling and show off. Oksana is having fun. The blacksmith stands aside. Suddenly Oksana pays attention to the boots of one of the girls.

Oksana: Uh, Odarka! You have new boots! Oh, how good they are! And with gold! It’s good for you, Odarka, you have a person who buys everything for you; and I have no one to get such nice boots.

Vakula:Don’t worry, my beloved Oksana! I’ll get you the kind of booties that a rare lady wears!

Oksana(arrogantly, with irony): You? I'll see where you can get boots that I could put on my leg. Will you bring the same ones that the queen wears?

Girls (funny): See which ones you wanted!

Oksana: Yes! Be all of you witnesses, if the blacksmith Vakula brings those same booties that the queen wears, then, here is my word, that I will marry him at that very moment.

The girls run away laughing.

Vakula(to himself): Laugh, laugh! I laugh at myself! I think, and I can’t figure out where my mind went. She doesn't love me - well, God bless her! as if there is only one Oksana in the whole world. Thank God, there are many good girls in the village even without her. What about Oksana? She will never be a good housewife; She's just a master of dressing up.

Behind the curtain you can hear the ringing laughter of the girls and Oksana’s words: “Get, blacksmith, the Tsarina’s booties, I’ll marry you!”

The blacksmith clasps his head in his hands and runs away.

In Solokha's house.

The devil silently curls around Solokha, now kneeling in front of her, now pressing his hands to his chest and rolling his eyes to the sky. At this time there is a knock on the door. The devil begins to rush around the room. Finds empty bag(the bags are made without a bottom). Jumps into it. Solokha opens the door and Mr. Head enters.

Head: I went to see the clerk, but a snowstorm arose, and I was lost for about a month. And I saw a light in your house and decided to look into the light.

Solokha approaches the Head with a tray to treat her dear guest, but at this time there is a knock on the door again.

Head (alarmingly): Hide me somewhere. I don’t want to meet the clerk now.

Solokha hides it in a bag and lets the clerk in, who walks around the room, rubbing his hands, sits down at the table and asks with some caution.

Deacon (touching Solokha’s hand): What do you have, magnificent Solokha?

Solokha(playfully, somewhat surprised): Like what? Hand, Osip Nikiforovich!

Deacon(cordially, pleased with himself): Hm! Hand! Heh, heh, heh! (walking around the room, touching the jewelry on Solokha’s neck) And what do you have, dearest Solokha?

Solokha(playfully, shrugging his shoulders somewhat in surprise): As if you don’t see, Osip Nikiforovich! Neck, and on the neck there is a monisto!

Deacon (with a satisfied smile): Hm! Monisto on the neck! Heh, heh, heh!

An unexpected knock on the door takes the clerk by surprise.

Deacon(scared): Oh, my God, a third party! What now if they find a person of my rank?.. It will reach Father Kondrat... For God’s sake, virtuous Solokha, your kindness, as Luke’s scripture says, is the head of the trin... trin... They are knocking, by God, they are knocking! Oh! Hide me somewhere!

In confusion, he tries to hide under the table, under the bench... Solokha pulls him out from everywhere and puts him in a sack. Chub enters.

Forelock(fun, ironic):Hello, Solokha! Maybe you weren't expecting me, huh? Really, you didn’t expect it? maybe I got in the way... Maybe you've already hidden someone, huh?

Solokha hurries with a tray to treat the guest.

Forelock:I think my throat is frozen from the damn cold God sent such a night before Christmas! How she grabbed, do you hear, Solokha, how she grabbed ... My hands are numb: I can’t unfasten the casing! How the blizzard hit

Vakula (angrily): Open it!

Forelock(scared): Someone is knocking!

Vakula (angry, impatient): Open it!

Forelock(scared):It's a blacksmith! Do you hear, Solokha, take me wherever you want; I wouldn’t want for anything in the world to show myself to this damned degenerate, so that he, the devil’s son, would have a bubble the size of a shock under both eyes!

Solokha, frightened herself, rushes about like mad, and, having forgotten herself, gives a sign to Chub to climb into the very bag in which the clerk is already sitting.

The blacksmith entered without saying a word, without taking off his hat, and almost fell onto the bench. The blacksmith absentmindedly looked around the corners of his hut and fixed his eyes on the bags.

Vakula:Why are these bags lying here? It's time to remove them from here long ago. This stupid love has made me completely stupid. Tomorrow is a holiday, and all sorts of rubbish is still lying in the house. Take them to the forge! Will this worthless Oksana really not get out of my mind? I don't want to think about her; but I keep thinking, and as if on purpose, about her alone. Why is it so that thoughts creep into your head against your will? (trying to lift the bags) What the hell, the bags seem to be heavier than before! There must be something else here besides coal. I'm a fool! I forgot that now everything seems harder to me. Previously, it happened that I could bend and straighten a copper coin and a horse's shoe in one hand; and now I won’t lift bags of coal. Soon I will fall from the wind. No, what kind of woman am I! I won't let anyone laugh at me! At least ten of these bags, I’ll lift them all.

Vakula “lifts” the bags without a bottom, “puts them” on his shoulder (those who are in the bags quietly walk from the stage behind the curtain in the bags).

Laughter and carols are heard behind the curtain:

Shchedrik, bucket!
Give me a dumpling,
A breast of porridge,
Kilse cowboys!

A blacksmith runs out onto the stage from behind the curtain. He has one bag behind him. He throws it. The devil gets out of the bag and jumps on his shoulders from behind.

Crap (mysteriously):It’s me, your friend, I’ll do anything for my comrade and friend! I'll give you as much money as you want. Oksana will be ours today!

Vakula(scratching the back of his head in thought): Please! For this price I'm ready to be yours!

Crap(to the side, laughing): Now we've got a blacksmith! Now I’ll take it out on you, my dear, all your pictures and fables, raised against the devils. What will my comrades say now when they find out that the most pious man in the entire village is in my hands? (squeaky) Well, Vakula! You know that they don't do anything without a contract.

Vakula: I'm ready! I heard that you sign with blood; wait, I’ll get a nail in my pocket!

Vakula contrived and caught the devil by the tail.

Crap(laughing): Look, what a joker! Well, that's enough, enough of the naughtiness!

Vakula(crossing himself and holding the devil by the tail): Wait, my dear! But how does this seem to you? Wait, you will learn from me to teach good people and honest Christians to sin.

The blacksmith, without letting go of his tail, jumped up astride the devil and raised his hand to make the sign of the cross.

Crap(plaintively): Have mercy, Vakula! I’ll do everything you need, just let your soul go to repentance: don’t put a terrible cross on me!

Crap(plaintively, sadly): Where?

Vakula: To St. Petersburg, straight to the queen!

Vakula, riding the devil, disappears behind the curtain.

They appear from the other side of the stage. Vakula gets off the devil. He tries to run away immediately. The bells are ringing.

Vakula (holds the devil by the tail): Where? Wait, buddy, that's not all: I haven't thanked you yet.

Grabbing a twig, he gave him three blows, and the devil began to run. The blacksmith runs away after him.

In Chub's house.

Chub enters and sits down. There is a knock on the door. The blacksmith enters. He kneels in front of Chub.

Vakula:Have mercy, dad! Don't be angry! Here's the whip for you: hit as much as your heart desires, I surrender myself; I repent of everything; Hit me, but don’t be angry!

Forelock(lightly hitting Vakula on his bent back several times): Well, that's it for you, get up! Always listen to old people! Let's forget everything that happened between us! Well, now tell me, what do you want?

Vakula: Give me Oksana for me, dad!

Forelock(after thinking a little, he pats Vakula on the shoulder): Good! Send matchmakers!

Vakula rises from his knee. Oksana enters. Seeing the blacksmith, he screams in surprise.

Vakula(unfolds the package and takes out his shoes): Look what boots I brought you! The same ones that the queen wears.

Oksana(smiling shyly at the blacksmith): No! No, I don't need booties! I don’t even have booties

A cheerful crowd of boys and girls runs in. They surround Vakula and Oksana. Sounds funny music. Everyone is having fun. A curtain.

I re-read N.V. Gogol: Tatiana Parfenova, teacher German language high school No. 16 named after. D.M. Karbysheva of the city of Chernogorsk, Republic of Khakassia

Illustration: still from the film “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”.

1 action
1 picture

For you, lovers of legends
Hoary distant antiquity,
I, after much hesitation,
I decided to write a story,
Which I have heard more than once,
In distant childhood.
It’s about what secrets the universe sometimes reveals,
And as witnesses who then stepped beyond the line of prohibition,
I had to pay. It was a high price...
So, the city of Kyiv, early hour at the beginning of summer,
A ray of sun gilds the cathedral on the square,
Next to it is a bursa and a seminary, and opposite them is a bazaar. The bells are ringing.
A crowd of seminarians and students rushing to class pours into the square.
On their way there is a bazaar, on their way there are traders...

Students chant:
The sun will rise
The morning will come
The bell is ringing
Calls me to class.
Get ready for school
Wash, get dressed
Orthodox, Christ Glorious
Seminaries people.
But first we’ll walk through the bazaar, let’s walk,
And let’s fill our empty bellies, let’s fill them:
Apples, gingerbread, bagels, cucumbers,
Seeds, rolls, rolls, lollipops.

(high characteristic tenor):
hot dumplings...

(low bass):
and, of course, lard.

Have you seen the auctions at the Kiev Bazaar...
The city's motley people
Villagers and monks, students,
Portly thoroughbred aunts,
Dressed up young men in monists,
Excitement, burning eyes,
Throats torn to the point of wheezing...
Not a bargain, but a battle of empty stomachs
With a full belly.

1st trader:
“Gentlemen, oh gentlemen! Here, here, here,
You won't find food like this anywhere else.
The axis of the bun, the axis of the rolls... "

2nd trader (grabbing the student by the hem of his coat):
"The best plums, the best watermelons,
Oh, angrily - cheap, eat from the belly..."

3rd trader:
“I’ll treat you to seeds.
I'm lining your pockets,
For free..."

4th trader:
“Apples and pears, come and eat!”

5th trader:
“Dumpling axis, dumpling axis,
Hot like cannonballs...

“We are poor students,
We don't have much money
You women are not harmful,
How much is lard?

"Half a hryvnia pound."

"Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, robbery
You will leave without pants...”

“It’s good without pants...”

“Dear, slow down more...”

"Boys, handsome boys,
Buy, don't skimp,
Don't hurt bellies.
You won’t get enough to eat in the bursa...”

“Then let’s try:
Pour, cut,
Pour it, treat it..."

“Just a little, just a little,
The thing is familiar: eat for free and go away...”

“No, no, no, no, my God...”

The bell rings, the bargaining stops, the students are on the move,
Grabbing various foods from the stalls of unreadable traders,
They run from the market to their classrooms. Only Khoma remained on the square.

“Before you, I, student Khoma, philosopher, merry fellow,
You're not a fool who wouldn't mind sipping your skirt and drinking.
I don’t bother myself at all with studying in classes.
And, if I can take a walk, of course I will.
The other day I was at the tavern, spent a day and two nights,
He talked to her about the stars, about the magic of the night luminaries,
With her I learned ancient Greek, ate dumplings, drank vodka,
He loved the girl so much that he was barely alive, completely exhausted.
But suddenly some kind of anxiety settled in me:
And I have nightmares and long journeys,
I've reached the point. It's a matter of confusion: it's a dream or it's not a dream,
Is this a white fever, or is my brain inflamed?

Khoma suddenly sees: a maiden has appeared before him.
From the student, without taking her eyes off, she goes to him...

Look, here it is again... again a vision...
Oh, maiden... lady... beauty... heaven's creation...
Coming... coming... come to me, my little girl,
I’ll hold you to my chest, sweet little daddy.

Khoma tries to hug her, but catches air. The beauty in it
Dissolved without a trace

Khoma (to himself):
“Oh no,...don’t...where are you going?...Don’t go...wait”...
“Gone. That's a sign. Trouble, trouble will happen to me.”

The philosopher, shocked by what happened,
hiding behind the door of the bursa.

End of 1st picture

2 picture

Anyone who studied at the bursa remembers well,
What excitement reigned in the classrooms before the lesson.
They played whatever they wanted,
Until a loud voice was heard
Auditor: “It’s coming, it’s coming, everything is in place...”
And the rector himself, myself
The door opens into a silent class.
The rector holds a pointer in his hand,
He is the king, judge, executioner in the class,
Father to students and director,
Teacher, doctor of the souls of the lost.
He's breaking discipline
Accustomed to stopping with a pointer,
Over heads, shoulders and backs
He lets her go for a walk.

“Be healthy, Mr. Rector,
Our class is ready for classes.
I am responsible for the preparation:
Bursak, auditor Kablukov."

“Give me the list. Who is a slacker, a quitter,
Who smokes, who drinks vodka,
Who curses in God's temple
And who lies in confession..."

(Picks up the list)

“So, Gorodenko - ten rods,
So, Krivonos is only five,
Chernokopytenko, Dobrov -
Stand overnight on the peas.
Two slaps on the head - Popovka,
Two - Stepanenko. Everyone is silent!
Here you are, loudmouth. Get up.
March to the corner - babysit the spiderlings.
Now open the prayer book,
Everyone look at me...
Oh my God, what asses
I have to teach...
So let's begin, with blessings,
We read loudly “Our Father...”

They read a prayer.

One (in a loud whisper):
“Taras, Taras, heads or tails?”


“I didn’t guess, you idiot...
Substitute your forehead - one click.

Pointers wave - and across the tops
The rector's cannon fired...

"Today we will discuss
About what we will soon find out;
About what Christ bequeathed...
What do you have, what is your question?
No, just sit there like a mouse...
That your mouth is open, that you are rustling...

Those who scratch their tongues at their desks,
Retribution awaits from the rector’s hand...

“What the Son of God bequeathed to us,
How a Christian should live
And what is truth and what
No one should do it.
All this is in the commandments,
There are ten of them, they are easy to read.
But it’s always difficult to fulfill -
Therein lies our trouble...”

“H-hey, Roman, let’s wave without looking...”

“Come on, what do you have...”

"Look, cunning uncle
Your knife on my fist..."

"What's in the fist?"

“No matter how it is, I’m not a fool...”

The pointer comes closer to them
And immediately finds their backs...

"Love as yourself
His parents, the king
With the queen, relatives,
Someone else's wife and his own...
No, no... about someone else's wife
I got a little excited
But this is not my fault -
The tongue, the scoundrel, has gone astray..."
"Do not love someone else's wife,
Love your wife all your life...
Listen, Kochubey, no stranger.
Hold on to your little wife..."

“And if there is no wife?...”

“It will be...
Eros, brother, will not forget you..."

“Listen. at the market today
One, how he looks at me...”

"Yah! And you?"

"And in my pocket
A hole, not a penny, only dreams..."

“Don’t drink vodka, yes, yes, yes...
Well, only for a holiday, sometimes...
Freebie, you hear, straight to hell
You will thunder... like this, brother...

“I haven’t drunk for days
I'm too lazy to go to the tavern
I drink milk, eat sour cream,
I completely forgot about the vodka..."

“Wow... an example from you
Half the class needs to take it.
You understand me, friends...
(About myself):
Damn you, children of the enemy...

(Walks around the classroom again,
continues out loud):
Do not make yourself an idol...
What is an idol?
Pork snout,
What are you looking at, quickly say...
I'm counting: five, four, three..."

"Pig snout":
“You, Mr. Rector, are my idol,
Since you understand this world,
What is hidden in God's commandments:
After all, for many it is the essence of granite...”

“You are a fool, brother. Oh, fool...
You understood the question, but not so,
As it should, but for flattery
You must bear the punishment.
So... s, further... Don't steal...
From a friend, matchmaker, family,
Not in the neighbor's garden,
Not at the market, in front of the people;
Nowhere... can you hear me...
Damn you for this
They'll throw you in hell
And they won’t ask permission...”

(Walks around the classroom again)

“What’s next... next “Thou shalt not kill”...
Here you are, Khoma, just like Viy
I lowered my eyelids down...
And if you suddenly offend someone,
Someone else's life for a wallet
Suddenly you take it away, God forbid...
Then, Khoma, you are the judgment of God,
Or maybe something even stricter
He will punish..."

“Mr. Rector, I...”

"I was joking; so, friends,
All life is a struggle with yourself,
Passions, and behind that struggle
The Lord watches and sends
When an Angel wishes you well..."

“But what’s wrong with me, I’m falling asleep,
And I don’t have the strength to lift my eyelids,
And thoughts melt, flying away,
You can’t return them, you can’t catch up with them.

End of the 2nd picture

3rd picture
Ah, summer is hot, it’s time for spiritual laziness.
Go away, classes with their studies, the holidays have come.
Now it's time to enjoy
IN home, vivid impressions
Have a free life, a holiday of the soul.

We are free birds
And we can't sit still
Within the hateful walls of Bursat.
To freedom, to freedom,
Look for your share
We are going to Kyiv Shliakh.
Some are waiting for their parents, a farm, a melon patch,
Another is a tutor for a rich man's children,
Who dances, plays, who sings songs:
Our skinny belly doesn't like idleness.
And best of all, we sing carols,
When we sing carols, oh, we live well.

Carol of the students
Good people, good people
Let's worship Christ
And Mother of God and Mother of God
Let us bow our knee.
Christ was born
God became incarnate.
The angels are singing
They give bows,
A miracle, a miracle is announced.

Good people, good people
Let's glorify Mother God
To all Christians,
To all Orthodox
The road to it is open.
Be honest at heart
With peace and with yourself,
Take communion more often
And repent of your sins
And save yourself through prayer.

Good people, good people
Listen to the epic
About Ridna's mother, whom we love,
About Ukraine.
About valleys, mountains,
About the dense forests,
About the wheat fields
About the Dnieper water
About the king and about the queen...

And the free flock took off, flying away,
Has melted, died away in the distance,
Only three remain at the city gates:
One grammarian and two philosophers -
Tiberius, Freebie, Khoma,
It will be easier for the three of us to make it through the road,
They will support each other, help each other,
There is no danger on the way...

“You, Khoma, what are you going to do?

“Where are you going, Freebie?”

“Where the eyes look.
Tiberius, are you coming with us, or into the bushes?

“I am with you, with you, gentlemen.
One in the field is a weak warrior..."

All three:
“Well, friends, let's go forward,
A long road awaits us."

They also leave through the same gate.

End of the 3rd picture.

4th picture.

Sunset gentle pastel
Behind the distant forest it is fading,
The moon shows its misty face,
Opening the door at night.
Blurred edges, breeze
The penumbra barely sways,
And it seems: in serene laziness
The stream of eternity flows.

They wander along the Kyiv Highway,
Three students. Night fell.
She instilled fear in them,
They don't have the strength to walk. .
Suddenly a light flashed, hope
She drove them forward for bread and sleep,
They are as determined as ever
Students are such a people.
They come closer and see the hut,
Large shed in the corner of the yard,
The end, the end of the night terrors
Food and relaxation await... Hurray!

All three
Open up, good people, let us spend the night...

Old woman:
"Not allowed. It’s cramped, there’s no room to sit, lie down, or sleep.”

All three:
“We just need a roof.
We have a long journey
Completely brought me to the brink,
Let me go, for God’s sake.”

Old woman:
“Well, have it your way, but I’ll just resettle everyone one by one:
One to the hut, the other to the outbuilding,
and the third - in the barn, to sleep on the floor.”

The door creaked and an old woman appeared on the porch,
With a strange grin she stepped aside,
Letting freebies into the hut with Gorobets,
She grabbed Khoma tenaciously by the elbow, pulled her off the porch, and went to show her the barn.
A minute later she returned to the courtyard filled with pale light,
She stretched out her hands to the moon...

Old woman:
“My soul, where are you: above, above the clouds,
Or down in the darkness you communicate with devils,
Who am I - my father's favorite, an enviable bride,
Or a witch with a broom who belongs in the graveyard.
During the day - lady, the centurion's daughter, mistress of the house,
And at night I’m ready to harness the Cossack
And well, jump until the morning,
Yes, it is my bitter destiny to be between heaven and earth...
It's time, it's time to decide: I am either a witch or a maiden,
I'll try in last time I'll take a ride
And in the morning everything should be decided, not now...
There is languor in the body, you need to warm up,
Well, philosopher, I’m going for a ride...”

Slowly she descended from the shaky porch,
Along a narrow path winding between burdocks,
She went to the blurry shadow of the old barn and, after a little hesitation,
Opened the door...

"Who's there? And it's you...
Listen, grandma,
Are you bringing me a quarter of a goose?
After all, I haven't eaten since morning
There is emptiness in the stomach,
There's not a crumb. It's time for dinner."

Like a raven, with outstretched wings, jumping along the ground,
The old woman moved towards Khoma...

“But, but... don’t... I’m young
And I don't need you for nothing...
Go to the house - it's time to sleep
You’ll be on the stove until the morning...”

Suddenly a sharp wave of his arms, taking off to the ceiling,
And landing on the philosopher’s shoulders...

“Oh, what’s wrong with me?... she’s on me like she’s on a horse...
And my legs are asking to run... no, no, jump, jump... jump, I don’t want, I don’t want... I’ll gallop... I’ll gallop..."

End of the 4th scene

5th picture

Now the philosopher has become a horse.
And the witch is the rider on it.
Below there are fields, a forest, a lake with still waters...
Mermaids in it, naked, with tails. .
They dance and sing...
“The sky is decorated with diamond beads.
At night, mermaids dance in a circle.
The full moon illuminates them,
They are attracted by the meadow and dewy grass.
They sing about the past, about love,
About bitterness in the heart, about fire in the blood.
About my former life, about my dreams.
Unfulfilled, crumbling into dust.
How graceful, flexible, how light -
Mirage. Deception. After all, these are ghosts.
They are just shadows of a life that is gone
And she took their souls with her.”

Song of the Mermaids
"We are light shadows,
We are river fairies,
As soon as the sunset fades.
And a month in the sky
And the stars in the sky
They will sparkle in the darkness of the night,
We go ashore
We go ashore
frolic, and sing, and dance.
And in songs and dances.
And in song and dance
Remember your life.
We were young.
We were virgins
The blood stirred the hearts,
Oh, how we loved
And how they loved us
We believed: love is eternal.
But something happened
But something was breaking
And our life went downhill:
And here we are mermaids.
Now we are mermaids.
Our shelter is an untrodden reach.
We look through the water
We see through the water
How life goes on without us.
It's endless
It continues -
The sunset of life has not gone out.”

Khoma's voice:
“From the witch, from the serpent, from the enemy’s power...
I will find justice for you, no matter where you go.
Well, brother Khoma, save yourself -
Read the Lord's Prayer...
(Reads a prayer, after the words: “Give us this day our daily bread...” - short pause)

(Is reading):
“And forgive us our debts, as we
We leave our debtor..."

“Earth, earth, dear mother...
Read, read, read, read...
“And do not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.”

It is impossible for evil spirits to overcome prayer,
And the witch falls. Khoma became a horseman
Jumping onto her back.

“Well, witch, that’s it, it’s over for you,
Now you're in my control,
I'll ride to my heart's content, go ahead!
Ride faster, demonic race..."

Old woman:
"I'm tired..."

"Oh, you're tired...
Have you stopped casting spells?!
To suck blood from lads, from women, children,
I will kill you…

Old woman:
"Don't hit me, don't hit me...

Khoma’s hand did not waver: he used a thick stick
He hit the witch once, twice, until she fell...
The philosopher was stunned when he saw before him
The old witch...the beauty who
She appeared to him, lay in front of him and died...

“Oh, I can’t take it anymore...”

Khoma is terrified. He recognizes the stranger


Khoma runs away.

End of 1st act.

Act 2

1st picture

And again Kyiv-grad, and again Bursa, again the rector.
Khoma was recalled back, he should soon
Show up here in the office. The rector is waiting...

“This is grief, this is misfortune:
The centurion's daughter was killed. Us
The news was stunned -
At seventeen her grave
I already took it.
The father asked to perform the funeral service for her, and urgently,
On your own farm, and not in absentia
Philosopher Khomu, about this, they say, she
She asked before she died.
But why student Khoma,
Lover of women and wine
Her funeral service is obligatory -
I just can't understand.
He should appear soon
I'll make him explain...
Enough about the sad things, at the medal,
As everyone knows, there are two sides:
One - worries and sorrows,
Another... I think they should
Replenish my supplies
Cereals, sugar and meat...
So... there's a knock on the door...”

A quiet timid knock. Anxious Philosopher
He steps across the threshold, followed by a Cossack...

“Be healthy, Mr. Philosopher...”

“And you, Mr. Rector, be healthy...”

"I think Father Kleosoph
The charter has hammered into your heads:
“My words are not to be discussed.
My orders are to be carried out."

(After a pause)
Go immediately to Potylitsa-
The village is about fifty miles from us,
There you will sing to one girl -
Her order and my order..."

"Neither in sleep nor in spirit, but the girls
According to the regulations, I am not allowed to know...
IN forgotten by God Potylitsa...
They slandered me in vain...
Let the thunder strike..."

“Wait, Khoma...
Or have you forgotten about our rods?
Just like they'll strip naked,
So during the day you will see stars in the sky...
Do you understand?!"


“Well, go ahead, don’t forget my words.
The tent is in the yard, and in it
Five Cossacks. Go quickly."

“Mr. Rector, we are a reliable people.
No mouse can run between us,
And a man, even a serious beast
He will fall into our traps.”

Rector (Spiridou):
“Listen, tell the centurion,
To send two pounds of rye,
A bag of wheat and oats
More lard, butter,
A dozen chickens, five turkeys,
Yes, a couple of singing canaries.
Half a pound of sugar and honey
How much? How much will he collect?
And sterlet and sturgeon,
Half a bucket more caviar
More than a bag of crayfish, well,
And a small pot of cream.
That’s it, that’s all...”

(...Continues to Spirid):
Remember, right?
My bow to the centurion, always
I will be glad to provide a service
And I will be faithful to our friendship.
Now go..."

Spirid and Khoma leave.

End of the 1st picture.


In the centurion's house.
Fate, fate...Oh, to know what awaits you, Khoma...
The Cossacks brought him to the centurion’s house...
The house is filled with trouble, the centurion is full of trouble...

"Who are you? Who are your father and mother?
And how did you get to know
Are you my daughter?
But it’s from here to Kyiv
How about fifty versts to ride?!”

“I, sir, am a student. I, sir, am a philosopher.
I didn’t know my parents
Grew up an orphan. Father Kleosoph
He noticed me and picked me up.
But I haven’t seen your daughter in the eyes,
Hey, the Lord won’t let you lie.
I've never hurt a fly in my life
And what about the girl?! Don't stand
In this very place I-
Burn over low heat..."

"So why is my daughter
Did you ask me to perform your funeral service?”

“I don’t know, Master Centurion, I...”

"Perhaps my swallow
I heard that you, Khoma
Great hunter to sing the funeral service,
Read sorrowful prayers,
You know the ancient rituals
And you execute with precision...”

“But, sir...”

“And also Khoma,
Apparently you are known for holiness,
You don’t drink wine, you fast, you’re honest...”

“But, sir...”

"When evening comes,
They take you to church, candles
And you will find the books you need,
There is a coffin with a deceased woman, you begin
Read the prayers order by order...”

“But, sir...”

"For her death
I will take revenge...

(short pause)

“Oh, my God, what grief,
How hard, how bitter is the fate
Parents. Losing children -
There is nothing worse in life
Why the death of a daughter, or a son...
What am I sinful about, why is fate
Turned her back on me -
The loss of my own daughter.
Why was the innocent killed?
Her eyes and lips begged
Leave life, don't kill,
Do not take mortal sin upon your soul,
Oh, if only I could find out
Who beat her, who is her thief!
I'm ready to give my life.
To find the killer,
tear him apart with your hands
And bury without prayer
In a deep forest...
Oh, how I loved my daughter.
I am my life without a trace
He gave it to her. Death took her, and with her
She also took the life of my soul.
Dove, swallow, here - here
My hour of death will strike,
You won't be alone for long,
We will meet you soon.,
"I'm scared..."

“Uh...uh...hey, Spirid, take the philosopher with you,

(shouts at the door):
Take me to the house, feed me,
Put me to bed so I can be fresh,
I would say prayers all night,
And to ask the Lord
Remove the sins from my little dove
And give it into the hands of an Angel.
Go with God..."

Spirid and Khoma leave.

End of the 2nd picture

3rd picture.

The yard of the centurion's house. It's lunch time. Khoma with
The Cossacks sit in a common circle, next to him
Spirid. The portly cook takes it out onto the porch
A large pot of dumplings, steam rising from the pot.
The Cossacks perked up, they pulled spoons from their belts
Hidden, or behind the boot...

“Tse dumplings are good,
Eat, sir."

Spirid (Home):
“O tse dobri, o tse garni,
In no other food place
You won't find anything tastier
At least you can go around all of Kyiv.”

“Yes, the dumplings are good,
Made with all my heart..."

For a Cossack dumplings without wine,
Like a Cossack woman's house without a window.
And immediately it is placed in the center of the circle -
A bucket of vodka, bread wine.
As if on command, the mug grew in front of each Cossack,
Everyone is looking at Spirid, waiting...

“Hey, pour it fuller,
Don't forget anyone..."

“First of all, brothers, be healthy,
Forget about illnesses and illnesses,
Let them bypass us..."

“Oh, love, love, oh...”

They clink glasses, drink and have a snack.

“Well, Cossack, on the second one,
Whoever you don't look at is a hero.
The Cossacks go into battle like a wall,
For prowess in battle, on the second..."

“Oh, love, love, oh...”

“Why are we going to drink the third one?
For the memory. After all, in this wide world
Dearer than the memory of fathers
There is nothing for the Cossacks..."

“Oh, love, love, oh...”

Everyone drinks.

“Well, Cossack, it’s not time
Shall we dance?..."

“It’s time, it’s time... Our legs are already numb
And they want to dance the hopak..."

They dance hopak. After dancing, they sit in a circle again.

Khoma (Spiridu):
“They say here that the lady knew
With evil spirits..."

“I knew it, and how.
She was wearing me all night
On horseback until the morning..."

“You’re lying, it can’t be
So that a witch could live among people,
I went to church and was baptized...”

“Both during the day and at night it rushed
On a broomstick what my mother gave birth in...:
Yes, everyone remembers the huntsman Mikitka...
This was the huntsman for everyone - the huntsman,
On horseback, with a dog will catch up
And he will shoot any creature..."

“And the fact that I fell in love with the lady.
I used to spend the whole day fiddling around
With dogs and horses,
As if with small children,
And here he can’t take his eyes off the lady,
Walks around her in circles
And he strives to serve her:
That will help you get on a horse
Then he will pick meadow flowers
Yes, he will bring it to her as a gift.
Then on a hot day he will serve you some water.
In short, girl
She mastered it before
That he forgot what to call him...
I’m not lying, by God, just listen. Overnight
Misfortune awaited the hound.
The lady comes to him and asks the horse to ride,
In response to Mikita: “And on me
Would you like to take a walk?”
And he gives her his back.
Jump on your back and quickly
Get out of the yard...
They weren't there until the morning
And in the morning he crawled back alive
And in front of everyone it burned to the ground.
The ash was left over from the huntsman Mikita,
What the witch did to him is all unknown.

“And she drank blood...
At night I conjured...
And if a young girl looks into the lady’s eyes,
This girl will get sick
And she won’t give birth to any more children...”
Witch, witch, Satan is her friend,
What fear did you create around you?
It’s not enough to sing her funeral service -
Drive her aspen stake
To the grave..."

"My God…
Take on Satan himself,
Fight against evil spirits
I'll have to go to church at night.
Lord, save and preserve
Raise me to the feat..."

“Well, philosopher, it’s not time
We should go to church from the yard.
Will you stay there overnight?
Read the necessary prayers,
To bury the sins of the deceased...
Let's go to..."

End of the 3rd picture.

4th picture.

Khoma and three Cossacks go to the ancient church, where the black coffin stands.
Before she died, she bequeathed the funeral service to the philosopher Khoma.
And here is the church.
Having risen to the porch, they open the door...
What desolation... The spirit of loneliness and vague fear...
The Cossacks, crossing their foreheads and bowing to the ancient images, left Khoma inside. They themselves locked the door from the outside.
It’s scary to think what will happen to him, to Khoma...

“How dark and gloomy it is here,
And it’s quiet, like in the forest,
I see a pack of candles
I'll take them, bring them,
If I light it, it will become brighter,
Their light will drive away fear,
And the face of the saints will rise
In ancient images.
There's a book on the lectern,
Blackening, the coffin stands,
Its lid is open,
The lady lies in it.
Fear rises to the throat:
I want to see
The face of the one I sing the funeral service
That she chose me.
Step... Well, one more step... Bolder,
Don't take your eyes off...
Oh God, I'm freezing...
Look, look, look...
Ah-ah-ah-ah, mom...
Old woman... witch... crazy...
The door is locked...
The bars on the window... guard!
Prayers are my salvation,
The premonition came true:
So this is what the vision is for
It appeared - everything came together.
I need to draw a circle
Around you, the devil himself,
All evil spirits, the forces of hell
The circle will not cross.
Homa, don't lose heart
And get to work,
Well, neither feather nor fluff,
Start praying.

Read, Khoma, read, atone for the sins of the newly deceased,
Bring prayers to God
And whether he will forgive her or not, you have no way of knowing...

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
With the depth of wisdom, humanely
Build everything and be useful to everyone
Give to the One Creator.
Rest, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant...”

Read, Khoma, read, don’t look up at the coffin,
After all, the dead has risen...
I couldn't stand it, I picked it up...

“Oh... Lord... he gets up, he gets up in the coffin...
Save and preserve... now I’m going crazy..."

(Grabs a book and reads):
“I have placed my hope in you,
Creator and Founder
And our God..."

Read, Khoma, illuminated by prayer.
She and the circle outlined by you will save the enraged witch from the revenge.
Not finding the killer, but hearing his voice,
The old woman - lady - fell into the coffin again.
With a whistle, the coffin took off and let's fly: in circles, along and across,
However, the lifeline is not touched.
And suddenly a crazy rooster, barely opening his stuck eyelids,
A heart-rending scream erupted... The coffin immediately sank
And slammed the lid.
The morning has come...

5th picture.

All day the philosopher came to his senses.
Rich food, vodka quart
Added excitement to him
And the spirit of fortress. After all, he, Khoma, is a Cossack...
Everything would be fine
Yes, just a day has passed,
The second night has arrived.
Still the same guard, the same door,
Again the black coffin, and the witch rose again.
The philosopher began to read again, without raising his gaze,
And the witch, in search of him, goes around the entire temple again.
And again the circle cannot be overcome by evil spirits,
Be patient a little longer and... she will lie in her grave.
Be patient a little longer
To make the east glow,
And crow loudly for the rooster.
Khoma did it all, endured it,
The second night he overcame
But my head turned gray,
And paid with gray hair
For yours evil spirits the battle

End of the 5th scene.

6th picture.

And now the third night has come,
And the witch immediately rose up,
Throwing away the coffin lid, and to Khoma...

“He’s here, he’s come, I hear him,
I feel that he is breathing quickly
And stutters, cold sweat
Kicked him to the toes -
He is overcome with horror...”

"Give rest, O Lord, to Thy servant
And bring it to heaven..."

Pannochka (furious):
“To heaven... He is my earthly executioner,
He beat me, hearing me cry,
His hand didn't move
Beat a girl..."

Khoma (reading):
"Peace, our Savior,
With the righteous Thy servant..."

Pannochka comes out of the coffin and, spreading her arms, goes towards Khoma’s voice.

“I came here alive -
You'll leave here dead
And straight to hell.
Everyone will be happy there
To torment you..."

He reaches the circle, but cannot cross the line.

"All Holy Theotokos,
During my belly
Don't leave me..."

“It’s not convenient for me to kill you right away,
I want to play with you like a cat and a mouse..."
"Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner..."

Pannochka (walking in a circle and grabbing the air with her hands):
“Homa, I don’t see you,
Where did you hide?
I'll find it anyway
I'll tear your throat with my claws
And I will greedily fall to the wound,
Drink your hot blood..."

And again the coffin torments the air,
And again the lady shouts: “Homa, where are you,
Khoma, open up to me, Khoma, let me kill you..."

(Khoma is reading at this time)

"Lord and Master of my life, spirit
Idleness, despondency, lust and
Don't give me idle talk...
The spirit of chastity, humility,
Grant me patience and love,
To Your servant...
To her, Lord, King, grant me to see
My sins and do not blame my brother
Mine, for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages.

The coffin stopped flying and fell into place...
The witch is tired of catching the philosopher two nights on end,
She needs help.
Turning his closed eyes to Khoma, trembling in horror,
She bursts into a frantic growl...

"All the powers of darkness, all the powers of hell,
Hurry here, to me, I have to
Find, kill and tear to pieces
The enemy and my killer.
Hey you bloodsucking vampires,
Hurry here for a feast on the mountain
With all the devilish horde,
Hey devils, werewolves, gnomes,
Swamp kikimoras, familiar
Fill you with: a living soul
Drive you crazy with fear
Kill and eat, leaving no ashes..."

There was a roar, and from the hinges
The forged door fell off,
They burst with the sound of glass...
And a host of monsters from terrible dreams
Ready to find a philosopher...

“Seek, seek,
Catch him, bring him..."

Khoma (reading):
“O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice,
Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you,
Blessed are You among women
And blessed is the fruit of Your womb,
For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls...”

“Found, found, is he here?
I hear his voice..."

"We hear, but we do not see,
He is here, however, he is not there..."

“Viy, bring Viy...
“Our Father, who art in heaven...”

The orchestra depicts a heavy tread and Viy appears at the door.

“Oh, finally, Viy...
You see what's on earth
Hidden for others...
Help me see the killer.
I really want to catch him and punish him.
Because he killed me in that life..."

“Raise my eyelids...”

“Read, read without raising your eyes,
Don’t look at Viy...”

Don't give in to evil spirits
Be strong in faith until the end,
The spirit weakens and you are in the grave,
The spirit will endure - you are with the Creator...

“I don’t see him...”

The soul gave up and, exhausted,
Khoma raised his eyes to Viy,
Their gazes met...

"That's it, no more strength.. .

"Here he is..."

Khoma fell and his spirit left his body...
All the evil spirits screamed and thundered
And she rushed to him...
But the rooster crowed
And the devil’s army did not have time to leave the church,
Stuck in the window bars and doors.
And in the morning they found her all
Frozen in ridiculous poses
The priest, seeing the shame of this shrine,
He refused the funeral service.
Since then, the road to the church began to become overgrown,
Over time, a forest grew in this place...

Bogovo - to God, and to everyone else
The fate is the same and the end is the same for everyone.
There is no immortality in the sublunary world,
Our whole life is vanity is vanity...

The Mystery of the Theatrium Revealed! While the kids are being entertained on the ground floor musical performances, on the second something terrible happens. There's a new one coming, premiere performance “Viy” based on Gogol’s story. Why scary? How else. This is Viy!

What could be scarier than the old film “Viy”? Pannochka opens her eyes, looks for Khoma, flies in a coffin. However, our Soviet thriller still inspires some hope. After all, if Khoma’s fatal mistake had not happened (he looked at Viy at the wrong time), everything would have ended well. Still, both the circle and prayers help. Against evil spirits. Against ghouls and ghouls. What helps against a person? Nothing.

Well, I don’t know, it was somehow more lively in the theater.

Gleb said after watching the above-mentioned film.

Performance “Viy” 16+

Livelier is not the right word. It's creepy, actually. I want to warn you right away about age restrictions. The performance is strictly 16+. I personally am skeptical about the age limit, Gleb and I go everywhere, but in in this case I agree. And the point is not even that there are explicit scenes in the play, but that the acting is too natural. The witch murder scene scared me. Firstly, I thought that you shouldn’t beat a woman, even one like that. She's in pain.

And secondly, the impression was that Khoma was pushing a real corpse under the wheel. In detective stories, corpses often look aesthetically pleasing. And the play turned out to be a very naturalistic scene, and the audience was like witnesses to a murder. So, as a witness I say: the murdered woman caused more moral damage than physical damage. She had plans for the body, but they don’t kill for them.

Something terrible is happening in the church. What's going on there at night - turn out the lights! That is, candles. The first night is the most unexpected. Khoma defiantly stands with his back to the murdered woman; of course, it was in vain that he found someone to give his back to. Reads prayers, naive soul. And at this time... we are pushing elbows with Gleb with all our might: look, look, what’s going on.

On the second night, Khoma and the victim meet with knowledge of the matter, like acquaintances, so to speak. Khoma already knows that it won’t be easy, but still maintains faith in a good outcome. And madam came up with something tricky for him.

The third night is an homage to the film “Viy”. Remember the scene with the hands coming out of the wall?

And in the finale something happens that turns everything that happens on its head. You immediately remember “The Key to All Doors”, “The Sixth Sense”, “Others”. And “The Call”! Is it just me that the witch reminded me of that scary girl with hair?

How is it different from Gogol?

In terms of plot and dialogue, it’s not much different. The visuals are just completely different! The scene of action is not a popular Ukrainian farm and a church with icons, but rather some kind of abstract settlement. If we draw parallels with modern times, then this is probably what the place of residence of some sect that worships a certain cult might look like. And Khoma is a person who is converted to his religion. In principle, this explains, if not everything, then a lot.

Let's say so. The sect lives in solitude, as it should. But where can we get new members? Therefore, they have an agent working on their side, let’s call him the Witch. She's looking for a young, handsome, fresh guy and... that one. He is taken to the settlement and the initiation rite begins. So, I urgently need to tell this version to Gleb. It even fits cabbage! If we assume that sectarians, for their cult purposes, prefer this product to the entire Ukrainian menu.

And, of course, in such a work the emphasis is placed differently. If in the traditional plot Khoma and the Witch are separated by a magic circle, then in Andrei Ermokhin’s play they are in close contact. Well, how much more crowded?

Those were not the ones Khoma was afraid of. It was necessary to enter into dialogue with the Witch. Since she was disposed towards him.

Modern theater

The performance “Viy” by Andrei Ermokhin is not at all classical, do not expect a traditional reading from it. On the contrary, this is a performance where you can see anything. For example, how can the scenery be interpreted? Actually, the only prop on stage is a rotating circle. It can be seen as simply a podium, a strong move to emphasize the action. And you can see a sacrificial circle in it.

IN modern theater the emphasis is on the visual part. And just as we often cannot match the feeling with contemporary art, then the same thing happens with performances. I think those viewers who coincided with director Andrei Erokhin received great pleasure. I can say for myself that it was not a 100% hit. But what the performance produces strong impression, it is a fact.

Even before the action, I was perplexed for a long time why such an age limit was set. After all, the target audience of performances based on Gogol, in my opinion, are schoolchildren who are tormented school program. And just like that, depriving the performance of the audience right away seemed to me a very bold step.

In fact, the target audience of the play “Viy” is everyone who is not indifferent to interesting theater spectators. And, you see, these are the majority. And if my review helps someone come to the new stage of the Theater, I will be only happy. We'll discuss our impressions later. And my version about the sect.