An Ontario family was left horrified when the baby monitor in their child's room suddenly turned on, playing eerie music and a voice saying it was watching them. Basile's sleeping beauty's name is Talia and it didn't stop there with a kiss.

Urban myths, creepy stories and legends circulate from mouth to mouth and it is unclear which of them is true and which is fiction. Top 7 shocking horrors that will drive you crazy.

1.Black Volga

Do cars in the dark seem scary? What if every day you see a black car? You begin to feel that something is wrong, you become nervous, a feeling of fear paralyzes you, or, conversely, adrenaline begins to “flow through your veins.”

In the 1960s, according to rumors, the black Volga was often spotted. In a car, they drove around Moscow in the mid-1930s Soviet officers, who kidnapped young, pretty girls to satisfy the sexual needs of high-ranking Soviet comrades. According to another version, vampires, mystical priests, nuns, Satanists, human traffickers and even Satan himself lived in the Volga.

Be that as it may, all the legends had the same outcome: children were kidnapped in order to use their blood as a treatment for rich people (for example, Brezhnev, they really liked to associate him with this legend) from different parts of the world suffering from leukemia. However, none of these versions have been confirmed.

2. Girl in the closet

Many people in early age They were afraid to spend the night alone at home. And for good reason! Many people cannot shake the feeling of the presence of someone nearby or that someone is looking at you. You know, sometimes you should listen to your intuition, even though you definitely closed the windows and doors.

So a 57-year-old elderly man from Japan lived with a thief for a whole year!

How did he not notice the changes in his house? At first, it seems to all of us that these are hallucinations and we are already “delirious” from this whole routine. But is this really so?

Living alone in his house, he began to notice that small objects were changing their place. Food was disappearing, although he could have sworn that he had not eaten it. He woke up from strange noises in the middle of the night, but every time he got up and checked what was happening, the door was locked and the windows were securely closed. There was no one in the house.

To find out what was going on, he installed several hidden cameras throughout the house. The next morning, he rewound the film in the camera: a strange woman crawled out of the cupboard, like in the movie “The Ring,” and in the end, “having done her business,” crawled into the same cupboard! Now imagine the face of that man, not only did he get it, but the closet (into which the woman crawled) was located a couple of meters away from him while he was watching the recording on the tape.

In an attempt to save his sanity, the man assumed that the woman was a burglar who had only temporarily hidden in the closet and soon left his house. He called the police, who determined that all the locks on his doors and windows were intact. There was no evidence that anyone had broken into his house - in other words, the woman had been inside the house the entire time.

After a thorough search, the woman was found hiding in a small cabinet. As it turned out, she snuck into the house and slept, ate, and even showered in it for a whole year.

3. Well to Hell

In 1989, Russian scientists drilled a well in Siberia to a depth of approximately 14.5 kilometers. The drill fell into a cavity in the earth's crust, and scientists lowered several devices into it to figure out what was going on. The temperature there exceeded 1000 degrees Celsius, but the real shock was what they heard on the recording.

Only 17 terrifying seconds of sound were recorded before the microphone melted. Many of the scientists, convinced that they had heard the cries of the damned from hell, quit their jobs - or so the story goes. Those who remained were even more shocked that night. A stream of luminescent gas shot out from the well, transforming into the shape of a giant winged demon, and then the words “I have won” could be read in the lights. Although on this moment This story is considered fiction, and there are many people who believe that this really happened.

4. Chupacabra

According to legend, the Chupacabra kills animals and sucks their blood. There is no reliable information about the existence of the Chupacabra. However, the media periodically disseminate eyewitness accounts who allegedly saw it; animals modified as a result of diseases or mutations are often mistaken for the “chupacabra”.

The legend of the Chupacabra dates back to the 1950s, when several dead goats were discovered in Puerto Rico, allegedly having their blood sucked out. In the mid-1990s, the legend became widespread, mainly thanks to television and the Internet. In the early 2000s, the chupacabra was described as a four-legged creature similar to a dog or coyote with tusks and a pig's snout.

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In 2005, farmer Reggie Lagow caught a hairless, dog-like creature in a trap that was attacking his livestock. As a result of DNA research, the creature turned out to be a very old hairless coyote.

However, there is no reliable scientific information confirming the existence of the Chupacabra.

Chupacabra often becomes a hero feature films, TV series, books and cartoons.

5. Kuchisake-onna

In Japan and China, there is a legend about the girl Kuchisake-Onna, also known as the woman with the torn mouth. This legend has two stories. According to the first, she was the wife of a samurai. But having cheated on her husband with a young and handsome man her husband, in a rage, took his sword and cut her mouth from ear to ear.

Another version of the legend says that the woman was cursed - she will never die, and still walks around the world so that people can see the terrible scar on her face and feel sorry for her. There are eyewitnesses who claim to have seen a young beautiful girl, who asked them: “Am I beautiful?” And when they answered positively, she tore off her mask and showed a terrible wound. Then she repeated her question - and anyone who stopped considering her beautiful was waiting for tragic death, however, if you answered that she is beautiful, expect the same “gift” on your face.

At a time when the legend was “at the peak of his fame,” schoolchildren walked together so that nothing would happen to any child.

6. Painting by J. Bragolin “Crying Boy”

In September 1985 British newspaper « The Sun” published the article “Blazing Curse of the Crying Boy”. In the article, married couple Ron and May Hull from Rotheremer claimed that after their house burned down in a fire, amid the destruction, a painting of a crying boy remained intact on the wall.

Also, one of the firefighters, Alan Wilkinson, claimed that very often at fires firefighters found an intact reproduction of “The Crying Boy.”

Although the word “curse” was not written in the article, it was accompanied in context, thereby making it clear to the reader that this was not just a wall painting.

At the end, the article was accompanied by a photograph of a reproduction with the caption “Tears for fears... the portrait that firemen claim is cursed" (Tears for fear... a portrait that firefighters consider cursed).

7. Skeleton in the wall

During the renovation of the Abeville National Bank, a pile of old rags and several human bones. This confirmed the hypothesis that little orphans, the remains of human skeleton were found several meters above, in an old fireplace chimney. Through DNA testing, the remains were identified as belonging to one Joseph Schexnayder.

His body was not discovered as it was stuck on an unused floor, and even when the body began to decompose it was not found. His corpse was walled up behind a brick wall for 27 years, while his unsuspecting friends and other townspeople went about their banking business right below him.

When you put down a book Stephen King or watch end credits film Hitchcock, then you can breathe a sigh of relief and even laugh at what scared you, because it’s fiction.

But real world scarier than we can imagine. Specially in honor of Halloween: here is a selection from seven creepy stories , which have actually happened in the United States in recent years.

Death Eliza Lam

IN last time Elisa Lam was seen on January 31, 2013 at the Cecil Hotel in the center Los Angeles. The girl was resting on West coast, documented the trip on her blog and talked with her parents every day, when suddenly these calls stopped - Eliza disappeared.

In February, the Los Angeles Police Department released video recording security cameras in the hotel elevator where Elisa was filmed before she disappeared. The girl behaves strangely, talks to invisible people, looks around the corner, crouches, opens and closes doors. Theories ranged from psychosis to possession or a conversation with someone not in the picture.

Around the same time, hotel guests began talking about strange things occurring with water supply. As reported, the guests talked about black water, about water with a disgusting taste that is difficult to describe.

On the morning of February 19, hotel staff went to the roof to check the water tanks. It was there that the decomposing, naked body of Elisa Lam was discovered. The strangest thing was that the roof was equipped with an alarm and a door with a complex lock.

If that's not enough for you, here are three facts: In the 1980s, serial killer Richard Ramirez lived in a single room at the Cecil Hotel. In the 90s - another maniac, Jack Unterweger. In 1962, a guest jumped out of a hotel window. Both she and the pedestrian died.

Obsession in Indianapolis

In 2014, she published an article about a family that was terrorized by children, allegedly possessed by demons. And this is not just the fabrication of a sensation-seeking journalist - the article contains links to 800-page reports from police officers, doctors and other specialists.

According to them, the children spoke in unnatural voices. A 12-year-old girl during the period of “enlightenment” told psychiatrists that someone invisible periodically held her by the throat, and she could not speak or move.

Valerie Washington, a child care services manager, said she saw the woman's 9-year-old son walk on the walls and ceiling, then jump off and land on his feet.

Mass suicide in Utah

In September 2014, a Utah teenager returned home to find his parents and three siblings dead. IN notebook mother, Christy Strack, had the usual to-do list, but no suicide notes, no indication that the family intended to kill themselves.

For about a year, the police did not have a single lead, reported. An investigation later concluded that the children's parents were afraid "the coming apocalypse", and were also obsessed with the Utah killer, Dan Lafferty (the man said he killed his daughter-in-law and her one-year-old daughter on the orders of his brother, who allegedly received a revelation from God).

Christy Strack and her husband visited Lafferty in prison before the tragedy.

Calls from nowhere

In 2007, the Kukendall family from Washington State began to receive hundreds of terrifying calls on Cell phones. The callers told what the family members were wearing, what they were doing, and threatened to cut their throats.

The calls were heard day and night for several months, it was reported. The police were powerless to do anything, since, tracing the calls, it turned out that they were coming... from the Kukendalls' own mobile phones. Even when the mobile phones were turned off.

The creepy calls stopped as suddenly as they started.

The Observer from New Jersey

After moving into their $1.3 million dream home, a family with children from... New Jersey I started receiving letters from an unknown person.

He called himself "Observer", - the channel reported and wrote that “the house belonged to him for decades, and now they will wait for his second coming”.

“Have you already discovered what is inside the walls of the house? I am glad that I learned your names and the names of the young blood that you brought to me.", - said in next letters. As a result, the family simply ran away from the house and then filed a lawsuit against the previous owners.

Missing girls in North Carolina

On the morning of September 5, 2017, in Lumberton, North Carolina, 20-year-old Abby Patterson told her mother she would be back in an hour, got into an old brown Buick... and never returned.

In Lumberton (population - 22 thousand people), since April, the corpses of young women, all near the same abandoned house.

After the first two cases, journalists interviewed the local population, including 28-year-old Megan Oxendine. It was Megan who soon became the third victim of the unknown or unknown. As for Abby Patterson, she is still considered missing.

In each other's arms

21-year-old California couple Joseph and Rachel were last seen on July 27 in the National Park Joshua Tree. Later, they did not show up at their apartments reserved through Airbnb, and then their relatives sounded the alarm.

For several months, rescuers and volunteers combed the park, but there were no traces of the guy and the girl.

And in mid-October, a group of rescuers suddenly found bodies hugging each other. It is believed that Joseph, who had a gun, first killed Rachel and then shot himself as they died from heat and dehydration.

The only mystery that remains is why, in 100-degree heat, the couple went to a remote area of ​​the park without phones, why they didn’t leave suicide note. There is no one to shed light on these questions.

7 creepy stories that actually happened in America updated: October 31, 2017 by: Alina Dykhman

“Cinderella”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Tom Thumb” - these fairy tales are familiar to us from childhood and our children too they are loved. They were invented in the distant Middle Ages, and before they were written down, they were passed on from mouth to mouth for a long time. And then, as we know, it was not the most joyful time, so at first the fairy tales were appropriate - gloomy and definitely not designed for the child’s psyche.It was only later that they were combed and brought to mind.

Majority European fairy tales came to us in the presentation of Charles Perrault, who slightly ennobled them, but did not touch the essence. Then the brothers Grimm, Hoffman, Andersen and Pushkin took over the baton of literary adaptation of the “sources”, and when cinema appeared, it was Walt Disney’s turn. However, the latter did not stop at medieval subjects and continued to make cartoons based on the stories of other non-children’s writers, for example Victor Hugo.

It just so happens that today many are familiar with the Disney version of events, and when you read the originals, you can’t help but think that maybe it’s for the better...

1. Cinderella

In the Disney version, as in the 1947 Soviet film with Yanina Zheimo, the dirty Cinderella goes to the ball in the guise of a beautiful princess. There the prince falls in love with her, but Cinderella has to urgently run away before midnight and in her haste she loses a tiny elegant shoe, by which the prince finds her. And they live happily ever after.

This is exactly how everything happens in Charles Perrault, but in the edition of the Brothers Grimm, the story becomes overgrown with bloody details.

There is no sorceress godmother in Grimm's version. Instead, Cinderella is helped by a tree growing on her mother’s grave and two dove birds. These birds, it must be said, are not at all simple - they not only perform for Cinderella various works about the housework, but also peck out the eyes of the stepmother's daughters in the ending of the fairy tale. As if the girls haven't suffered enough! One of them has already cut off her heel, and the second - her finger, in order to fit into Cinderella's shoes. They both succeeded, but were exposed due to blood dripping from their shoes. By the way, the prince’s attention to this fact was attracted by the same Hitchcock doves.

2. Sleeping Beauty

Does everyone remember the plot? A prophecy, a spindle, a pricked finger - and the princess sleeps like a dead sleep, and then the prince finds her and wakes her up with a kiss. And they live happily ever after.

Charles Perrault’s version became a textbook, but half a century before its publication, Giambattista Basile’s fairy tale “The Sun, the Moon and the Thalia” appeared.

Basile's sleeping beauty's name is Talia, and it didn't stop there with a kiss.

In the original, the unconscious girl was discovered by the king of a neighboring country. First, of course, he tried to wake her up, and then, unable to control himself at the sight of the unfading beauty... in general, nine months later, still in a dream, the princess gave birth to twins - a son and a daughter. It was only when the babies tried to find the breast that the son accidentally sucked a splinter from his mother's finger and the sleeping beauty woke up to a life full of surprises.

The fact that the king is married adds spice to the plot. However, after some time he decides to visit the cave again (we don’t know why). Seeing Thalia there conscious and with offspring, he gives the children names - Sun and Moon, and falls in love with the beauty - so much so that when he returns home, he calls her in his sleep.

The wife, of course, is outraged and finds a completely natural way out in such a situation - to eat the children of her mistress. Luckily, a kind-hearted cook replaces the children with goats. The king's wife believes, eats the roast and, on a full stomach, decides that now it is time to get rid of her rival - to burn her at the stake. It’s good that the husband returns home in time and restores justice - he burns the wife herself. Serves it right!

Charles Perrault softened the text of the tale by removing the rape scene, replacing the prince's wife with his mother, and legitimizing cohabitation with a secret engagement. The children in Perrault's version are called Day and Dawn, and they are born entirely from a voluntary relationship, and not as a result of the rape of a sleeping girl.

3. Beauty and the Beast

The monster in the cartoon is an enchanted prince who looks like a horned hamster. Destroy evil spell maybe only a girl who fell in love with him, despite his terrible appearance, which is what happens. And they live happily ever after.

The original story, which is traditionally published as an appendix to “Tales of Mother Goose” by Charles Perrault, is much closer to our “The Scarlet Flower” than the Disney musical.

In the original Belle is not only daughter in the family, but the “youngest”. She has two sisters - naturally, selfish and treacherous. The Scarlet Flower, which the father brings to the youngest is a rose plucked from the garden of the beast. Well, then everything follows a familiar scenario, with the only difference being that the sisters beg Belle to stay at home longer in the hope that the Beast will get angry and devour their relative. And the enchanted prince himself becomes a monster after he refuses evil fairy V intimacy. The last piquant detail appears only in the very first edition of Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, and then it disappears.

The main character of the cartoon was sheltered in the forest by gnomes, saving her from anger evil stepmother, owning magic mirror. The stepmother poisons Snow White with an apple. The gnomes, pursuing the witch, drive her onto a rock, from where she falls into the abyss and dies, crushed by a heavy cobblestone. Then a handsome prince appears and saves the girl with a kiss. And they live happily ever after.

IN original fairy tale Brothers Grimm, the death of their stepmother was not so easy. They put red-hot iron shoes on her and forced her to dance in them at Snow White's wedding until the witch fell dead - apparently from painful shock. And she didn’t want to go to this wedding! But curiosity turned out to be stronger - “she had no peace - she wanted to go and look at the young queen.”

By the way, about the famous kiss that woke up Snow White - it wasn’t in the original either. After the girl got a piece of poisoned apple stuck in her throat, the dwarves did not bury her - they did not raise their hand to bury such beauty in the ground. Instead, they put the beauty in a crystal coffin, where a passing prince saw her. And he began to desperately sell the coffin with the beauty to the dwarves (we don’t even try to imagine why he needed it). And only when the prince’s clumsy servants stumbled, placing the tomb on their backs, a piece of the poisoned apple flew out of Snow White’s throat and she woke up.

In the Disney version, the little mermaid Ariel, daughter of the king of the sea, traded her voice for a pair of legs and went to land in search of love, which she met in the person of Prince Eric. Together they dealt with the witch with whom Ariel made a deal and lived happily ever after.

IN original story Hans Christian Andersen was much worse. Firstly, the little mermaid experienced severe pain when walking, “as if walking on sharp swords, stepping hard enough for her legs to bleed terribly.” Secondly, she lost the prospect of living 300 years in exchange for the illusory possibility of gaining an immortal soul - if she received the prince's kiss as proof true love. If the prince marries someone else, the little mermaid will die with a broken heart and turn into sea foam.

Since constant pain and muteness do not go well with flirting, the prince fell in love with another and married her. The little mermaid did not take advantage of her last chance to regain her fish tail - to kill the prince and sprinkle his blood on her feet, and ended up becoming sea foam.

6. Thumb Thumb

In the cartoon “Tom Thumb and Thumbelina,” only the name of the main character remains from Charles Perrault’s fairy tale. And that's a good thing, because The Boy's original story is blood-curdling.

So, hold on - it will be scary. The drama of Charles Perrault is filled social issues. The poor woodcutter has nothing to feed his seven sons, which his wife regularly reminds him of, she is also the mother of the poor fellows (although this is hard to believe).

As a result, the couple make a well-informed decision to get rid of seven extra mouths - to take the children into the thicket of the forest and leave them to be devoured by the wolves. The smallest one, nicknamed Thumb Thumb for his short stature, overhears their conversation and prudently stocks up with stones. He scatters them along the way to the forest and leads the brothers back home along them. The parents were unexpectedly happy - while the children were walking, the lumberjacks were paid off their wage arrears and financial issue temporarily resolved.

But everything comes to an end, especially money. After some time, the parents repeat their attempt to get rid of their numerous offspring. This time the mother acts more cunningly - she locks the boys up all night and they fail to collect pebbles. The clever Little Thumb crumbles the last piece of bread for the road, but the crumbs are eaten by birds and the children still have to spend the night in the forest.

Luckily, they come across a hut. Unfortunately, a nice lady opens the door and immediately warns that this house belongs to a scary ogre who adores little boys. But the children decide to stay anyway - they are tired, they want to sleep and they have younger brother who will find a way out of any situation. He finds it and puts his brothers’ caps on the Ogre’s seven sleeping daughters. The Ogre ends up cutting his throat. to my own daughters, and the boys run away.

The enraged ogre gives chase in his running boots. Tired, he rests on a stone, behind which the children will hide. Little Thumb decides to end the family's financial problems at once. He sends his brothers home, steals the wonderful seven-league boots and returns to the ogre's wife. There he shamelessly lies to a woman (who, by the way, lost all her children in one night and initially showed sympathy and warned the boys about the danger) and forces her to give him all her wealth.

Happy ending: the children are at home, there is no money, everyone is happy, except, perhaps, the cannibal’s wife, but in the plot you don’t feel sorry for her.

7. The Hunchback of Notre Dame

In the cartoon, Quasimodo is a young hunchback who falls in love with the gypsy Esmeralda and saves her from execution.

In the original and not at all children's work"Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris"Victor Hugo, the weak-minded but kind hunchback Quasimodo fails to save Esmeralda and can only watch her execution. The unfortunate hunchback dies of exhaustion on the grave of his beloved, who never reciprocated his feelings (she loved another, naturally handsome man). Years later, the grave is opened and the skeletons of Esmeralda and Quasimodo are found together. When you try to separate them, they turn to dust.

Today's selection is dedicated to ominous paintings that you might have missed. Exclusively 18+ with dismemberment, crazy bloody scenes and shocking plots.

We warn you that horror films have a negative impact on the psyche and moral state of a person.

To warm up, we suggest you go to our Telegram, where you will already find classics of the genre about heroes who become someone’s lunch, and a hot new release based on the canons of Stephen King’s works.

One of best films This year's horror series combines gritty family drama with classic chamber horror about demons.

Let's note the “nightmarish” visual and sound sequence. Cinematographer Pavel Pogorzelsky really scares the viewer without any “boo” effects. The strictly constructed composition and the unusually horizontal “floating” camera are more frightening than severed limbs.

2. Scream

Gokseong, 2016
Genre: horror, thriller
Director: Na Hong-jin
Actors: Kwak To-won, Hwang Jong-min, Jun Kunimura, Cheon Woo-hee
Age rating: 18+
KinoPoisk / IMDb rating: 6.7 / 7.4

This atmospheric South Korean horror film about a terrible epidemic combines the genres of detective noir and mystical thriller. Despite the 2.5 hour running time, the film keeps you in constant suspense due to its interesting script.

There is a mysterious ending that you definitely won’t be able to guess.

3. Shadowkeep

Marrowbone, 2017
Genre: horror, thriller, drama
Director: Sergio J. Sanchez
Actors: George MacKay, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Mia Goth
Age rating: 18+
KinoPoisk / IMDb rating: 6.7 / 6.6

Another disturbing film in today's selection that has been pretending for a while family drama, and then embarks on the rails of mysticism.

This leisurely, atypical movie, gradually revealing the characters' characters, will make the viewer surprised and shuddered at the same time thanks to the unpredictable final twist.

4. Killer animation

Deo weptun: yegosarin, 2013
Genre: horror, thriller, detective
Director: Na Hong-jin
Actors: Lee Si-young, Uhm Gi-jun, Hyun Woo, Moon Ga-young
Age rating: 18+
KinoPoisk / IMDb rating: 6.6 / 6.4

This detective puzzle has a driving plot, unusual presentation material and philosophical message will definitely not let the viewer get bored.

Animation combined with a bloody thriller? Only Asian filmmakers can do this. It's memorable and quite scary.

5. The hills have eyes

The Hills Have Eyes, 2006
Genre: horror, thriller
Director: Alexander Azha
Actors: Maxime Giffard, Michael Bailey Smith, Tom Bower, Ted Levine
Age rating: 16+
KinoPoisk / IMDb rating: 6.5 / 6.4

Many fans of the genre will definitely call this film (a remake of the 1977 film) one of the best examples of the “heroes take a wrong turn” genre.

Despite the predictable cliché of the plot, the story will delight you with its filming in endless atmospheric spaces and absolutely crazy bloody scenes (the cruel nightmare in the trailer will be remembered for a long time).

Unfortunately, the film's stupid sequel, released a year later, killed the franchise.

6. The terrible will of the gods

Kamisama no iu tori, 2014
Genre: horror, thriller
Director: Takashi Miike
Actors: Ryunosuke Kamiki, Mio Yuki, Sota Fukushi, Hirona Yamazaki
Age rating: 18+
KinoPoisk / IMDb rating: 6.6 / 6.5

An absurd story can be described as a cocktail of the ordinary school life, frightening talking dolls and bloody mayhem.

In general, the usual Japanese script madness, which will definitely evoke a diverse range of emotions in the Russian viewer.

If you couldn't grab a movie from the first minutes, you shouldn't try to watch it through. The closer the denouement, the more “hell” there will be.

7. Sinister

Sinister, 2012
Genre: horror
Director: Scott Derrickson
Actors: Ethan Hawke, Juliet Rylance, Fred Dalton Thompson
Age rating: 18+
KinoPoisk / IMDb rating: 6.6 / 6.8

This solid, well-made horror film can cause adrenaline rushes and goosebumps.

Primarily due to the combination of pseudo-documentary amateur filming and the cruelty of what is happening. In the second, thanks to a plot twist closer to the end of the story.

The haunting soundtrack by Christopher Young adds points to the film.

Places and buildings covered in legends and mystical stories. Places that give you goosebumps.
Hunters looking for thrills and adrenaline, glasses splashing in the blood, can not only jump with a parachute and run from avalanches. Less athletic citizens, especially those inclined to travel, prefer to travel to strange and scary places, of which there are plenty on our planet. And it’s not always Pripyat where it really happened terrible disaster. These are places that are the stuff of legends. About which you can make horror films.

(1) House of Winchester

160 rooms, 40 stairs and one big secret. This is what the Winchester house is like - a huge manor in San Jose, where a crazy widow and a whole family of ghosts lived. It all started when Sarah Winchester lost her husband and inherited his multi-million dollar fortune. Later, the spirit of the deceased appeared to her, who told her the sad news: money was made on human bones, all Winchesters were cursed, and the ghosts would take revenge. You can make peace with them only by starting to build a house. Preferably without stopping. Because if the hammering stops, the woman will die.
Sarah immediately got to work. The newly minted millionaire bought out in California old mansion and hired workers. New rooms, corridors, balconies and secret passages began to appear in the house. The floors were intertwined with a web of stairs, which most often led to nowhere - Mrs. Winchester, who was gradually losing her mind, hoped to lead the ghosts that were pursuing her astray. The house grew by leaps and bounds, construction did not stop for more than a day, and eventually continued for 38 years! Today, tourist excursions are taken to this grand mansion. You cannot fight off the group - otherwise you will instantly get lost in the maze of creepy rooms. In which, as they say, ghosts are still waiting for their victims.

(2) Aokigahara Forest

The gloomy forest at the foot of Mount Fuji would be suitable for filming The Blair Witch Project. Through the dense trees national park The sun hardly breaks through, people's compasses stop working here. The Japanese themselves nicknamed this place the “Forest of Suicides”: since the 1950s, more than five hundred people have committed suicide in the remote thicket. In terms of the number of suicides, only the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is ahead of Aokigahara.
Instead of signs saying “Don’t throw trash!” There are notices in the forest asking people to think about their loved ones. Telephone numbers of psychological services are written everywhere. Video surveillance is underway. But people (most often these are clerks tortured by office life in business suits) continue to die regularly: peaceful tourists from time to time stumble upon the bodies of the dead or “murder weapons” in the form of tablets and rope loops in the forest. In general, have a nice walk!

(3) Overtone Bridge

The old arch bridge is located near the Scottish village of Milton. Next to it is the powerful Overtown mansion, which could become a refuge for dozens of disgruntled ghosts. But we have no complaints about the house, but we do have complaints about the bridge. In the middle of the 20th century, strange things began to happen on it: dozens of dogs suddenly threw themselves from a 15-meter height, fell onto rocks and were killed. Those that survived returned and tried again. The bridge has turned into a real “four-legged killer.”
Over the course of ten years, several hundred dogs died on the bridge. They all jumped from the same parapet. No one could understand what pushed the watchdogs into the abyss. Zoologists, veterinarians and other specialists tried to unravel the terrible mystery. It soon became clear that rats and minks lived under the bridge, on which dogs driven by the hunting instinct could rush. But there was another version - they say, the bridge is located on the border between the worlds of the living and the dead. Sensing something paranormal, the dogs followed the trail and died as punishment for their curiosity.

(4) San Zhi Ghost Town

A luxurious resort on the sea coast was built specifically for the local rich. Futuristic-style houses with round rooms and curved staircases were intended for those who were tired of everyday life. However, already at the construction stage it became clear that San Zhi was under a curse. Dozens of workers died under strange circumstances: they broke their necks falling from a height (even with safety ropes), and died under collapsed cranes. The surrounding residents were sure that the town was inhabited evil spirits. There were harrowing stories about a Japanese “death camp” that had once been located here.
At the end of the 1980s, construction stalled. Investors expected that San Zhi’s “space” apartments would find their buyers, but all negotiations ended in nothing. Having learned about the ominous features of this place, superstitious Taiwanese refused to invest money in real estate. As a result, the resort gradually turned into a ghost town. Pot-bellied houses stand in disrepair, beautiful beaches are deserted, paths are overgrown with weeds. The authorities even wanted to demolish the abandoned resort, but were stopped by a wave of protests: local residents They are afraid that after the destruction of houses, evil spirits will go for a walk in the nearest villages.

(5) Poveglia Island

The tiny island of Poveglia near Venice is surrounded by thick fog horror stories. For several decades of the 14th century, during the Black Death that raged in the world, people infected with the plague were brought here - hopelessly ill people who had no chance to survive. Here, on the island, a “ mass grave", in which thousands of bodies were buried. There is a version that the corpses were not buried, but burned, which is why the soil on Poveglia consists of 50 percent human ash.
However, this is only the beginning of the horror story. In 1922, a psychiatric hospital was located on the island. Almost all of her patients soon began to suffer from terrible headaches and complain that the clinic was literally filled with the ghosts of the dead. But this only played into the hands of the chief doctor, who fed the mentally ill with neuroleptics and experimented on them. The dilapidated clinic building with barred windows, beds and fragments of medical equipment still remains on the island. There is also a bell tower here (now it serves as a lighthouse), from which, according to legend, a crazy doctor threw himself at the end of the story.


The village of Jatinga in the mountains of the Indian state of Assam has long been nicknamed “the graveyard of birds.” Every August, large flocks of birds appear in the sky above the local valley and fall to the ground screaming. The mass suicide lasts for several days in a row, some of the birds die, while the rest, as if under the influence of hypnosis, easily allow themselves to be controlled. The peasants call this eerie phenomenon “nights of falling birds” and specially gather around the fires in the evenings to watch the almost constant fall of birds. Indians consider it a gift from God.
Ornithologists have been studying the Jatinga phenomenon for many years. According to one version, the culprit is geophysical anomalies that throw migratory birds off course. Another idea is that the birds get caught in powerful wind currents, lose their strength, and are blown towards the village. Noticing the lit fires, the birds rush into the light and, not calculating the distance, die.

(7) Island of the Dolls

You can get to this kingdom of fear in the land of the Aztecs by boat along the famous canals of Xochimilco. The views will appeal to fans of films about Chucky the killer doll: every tree and every building on the island is covered with creepy dolls with empty eye sockets, broken limbs and crushed heads. All this was done on the island by a guy named Julian Barrera. Once, when a girl drowned in a canal, he accidentally found a doll at the place of her death. Believing that the toy was connected to the spirit of the deceased, Barrera left it on the island. And then I found another doll. And he could no longer stop, continuing to collect discarded dolls for the next 50 years.
The crazy Mexican (who, by the way, loved to pawn his collar) even built a hut on the island, where he settled. The collection of mutilated toys continued to grow. One day, the island suddenly went under water (this sometimes happens in Mexico), and soon surfaced again, but by that time its inhabitant had already disappeared without a trace. All that remains are the dolls, which today tourists who are partial to horror stories come to see.