How to draw a good and evil fairy. How to draw a fairy with a pencil step by step

Today we will find out... Fairy is mythological creature, which came to us from Western European folklore, stories about it were passed on from mouth to mouth. It was believed that the pretty sorceress was capable of various tricky tricks: hiding things, tangling her hair. Looking at a cute girl with wings, it’s hard to imagine this. After all, as a rule, this is the image of a miniature, elegant girl with a magic wand, from whom we expect to perform a good miracle. So let's try to draw it exactly like this. So let's get started.

How to draw a fairy

Step one. Let's draw a circle - the head. On - an auxiliary cross with two horizontal lines, which will greatly help us later in drawing the face. And then we build the axial lines of the body: a short neck, narrow shoulders, a curved spine, arms with palms and a pelvis. Let's draw the legs, almost connecting at the bottom, in the middle of them in the form of a circle we will show the knee joint. In place of the foot there are two circles. Step two. Between two horizontal auxiliary lines we will draw a pair big eyes: eyelids, eyelash line, pupils. Low point vertical line should rest on your chin. Based on this, we will draw a rounded line from the circle below. Let's show a small ear on the side. : It should start from eye level and end at nose level. On top we’ll depict a fairy’s winding bangs. Step three. Let's draw the one that wasn't covered by the bangs. Let's outline the neck, which goes into the arm, and from it the line of the wing stretches up diagonally (similar to). On the top of the head we will continue to draw the hairstyle. Step four. On the face - . The mop of hair continues upward from the head. Let's show it from behind the head: it is not wide and slightly pointed at the top. Let's draw the second wing from two parts: the upper one is more elongated, the lower one is rounded. We'll dress the fairy herself in a corset. Step five. Now our task is along center lines finish drawing the hands. We'll show you in place of the palms thin fingers. In his right hand is a wand to perform miracles. And from the skirt down we draw zigzags, zigzags, zigzags... Step six. Just a little more. Let's draw the fingers of the second hand. Down we will continue the lines of the legs along the already drawn center lines. Step seven. Let's show the other leg. Now let’s draw a pointed cone from the balls that are in place of the feet to get a small graceful leg. Step eight. Now we take the eraser in our hands and carefully remove all the auxiliary lines. You can outline the eyes and wings a little brighter. Well, how did it work out? So the fairy is ready to transform into bright colors. Colored pencils will help you with this. I hope you have learned your lesson. I tried very hard to create very easy and useful lessons drawing. Just four or five steps and you will become real artists. Do you think I'm lying? Well, try drawing it yourself.

Fairies are fairy-tale characters that are associated with beauty and goodness. Therefore, we will try to depict it with just such ideas.

Necessary materials:

  • marker;
  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils in pink, yellow, light blue, brown, green tones.

Drawing steps:

1. First, let’s easily denote simple forms the silhouette of a fairy, its basic proportions and the position of many elements. The head is in the form of a small circle. From there we draw a straight line for the spine. Next, arms extend from the sides, which we will denote curved lines and circumference. Let's draw the pelvic part in the form of a skirt. In the middle of the stripes we will draw small circles - knees. Next, we’ll draw a couple more circles.

2. We begin to detail the drawing of the girl from the face. For convenience we use auxiliary lines, which need to be applied to the circle.

3. Draw the eyes, nose, and mouth in the appropriate places. You should draw the sorceress's head turned slightly to the left.

4. Draw the hair. Small strands fall on the forehead and a little on the eyes. Let's finish the ears.

5. Move on to the body and begin to draw the back, right arm and fairy wings. They consist of two elements.

6. Now we draw the robe. The girl is dressed in a beautiful blouse with bare shoulders and a cute triangle skirt. So she looks like forest fairy, but if you want to draw an assistant for Cinderella, then draw a gorgeous fluffy dress with many layers of thin fabric.

7. Let's draw arms and hands with fingers. Let's finish drawing the fairy's wand in her hands. Also, let’s not ignore the legs, because we also need to work on them and make them look like real ones with strokes. Let's draw the shoes near the bottom circles.

8. Let's outline the outline of the drawing. Let's draw small parts in the middle, including on the face.

9. Yellow pencil decorate the fairy's hair. To give a natural skin tone, we use two colors in the drawing, pink and brown.

10. Use a light green pencil to completely paint over the fairy’s attire and shoes.

11. More dark shade green will add volume to all clothes.

12. Let's make wings blue color, magic wand– brown.

On this children's drawing magical fairy completed!

Now you will study an online drawing lesson for another fairy tale character fairies. This time she will look the part. Start with the shape of the head and then draw the neck.

Start from the left side and begin sketching out the structure of the face, which then turns into her cheek and chin. Next, draw out the shapes of her eyes and the eyelashes of her left eye. Once this is done, you can draw her nose, mouth and lips like here and finally draw out the eyebrows, pupils and the rest of the eyelashes.

Now we can start sketching out her arms. Notice how her left hand rests on her right shoulder. The right arm will be wrapped around her legs when you draw her legs in the next step.

Okay, now draw the hips on the right and continue drawing her legs. Don't forget the sketch of her fingers.

This is a very simple step because all you need to do is sketch out her torso under her breasts and along her waist.

Now you will draw her hair and as you can see, she has long shiny locks.

This is where you can start adding texture to the hair. When everything is determined with her hair, you can draw lilies in her hair, or a simple flower of your choice.

Finally you have come to the last step. All you need to do now is draw her fairy wings. Of course, you can draw any style of wings you want, but I thought a simple wing would suit her best. Add patterns to the wings, and then start erasing your mistakes.

So your fantasy of a fairy girl came true in the drawing when you did everything right.

Charming, magical fairy, which all girls will certainly like, will not be entirely easy to draw, but with the help of our website, step-by-step tips and, of course, your efforts, drawing it will be much easier than it seems at first glance.

Stage 1. If you are already watching more than the first lesson on our website, then you know that the first stage we always advise you to draw auxiliary lines, which in the future will really make our drawing much easier. This lesson will not be an exception, so we start by drawing a slightly complex auxiliary frame, since the drawing itself is not entirely easy.

Stage 2. At this stage we will be drawing the fairy's face. The picture on the left shows how to draw the contours of our fairy’s face, and with the help of the picture on the right, you and I draw the eyes, nose and mouth of our fairy.

Stage 3. Let's move on to the third stage, at which we will begin to draw the body of our fairy like this:

Stage 5. The next stage will be drawing the legs of our charming sorceress.

Stage 6. Now we will draw the most important thing about our fairy, of course her magic wings

Stage 7. Now let's draw small details on the wings of our fairy.

Stage 8. At the next stage we will add her to our drawn fairy beautiful hair, gathered in a high ponytail

Stage 9. And on last stage, we will decorate our charming fairy in delicate pink tones

I will be happy to help you place this charming beauty in your album!

Watch the video and learn how to draw the Disney fairy Tinkerbell in flight.

Now in step by step instructions learn how to create a fairy portrait or a life-size drawing of her.

How to Draw a Tinker Bell Portrait Step by Step

1. First, on blank paper we draw an oval of the head and mark two auxiliary lines: the central line of the face and the line of the eyes.

It is important to know!At the first stages of drawing, do not press hard on the pencil, so that later it will be easier to erase the auxiliary lines.

The oval of the head should look like an inverted egg, because usually in a person’s face the chin is narrowed and the forehead is widened.

The center line is shifted due to Tinker Bell turning her head to the right side. The eye line is always in the middle of the oval of the head.

2. At this stage, we draw the characteristic features of Tinkerbell’s face: the depression at the eyes, a convex forehead, a pointed chin, plump cheeks and ears, like an elf.

We also schematically draw the fairy’s hairstyle, but for now we’ll skip the details.

3. Before you start drawing the eyes, lips and nose, you should use light movements to mark the places where they will be located with auxiliary lines.

4. Draw the eyes and eyebrows of Tinkerbell.

Clue. The fairy's eyes are shaped like sunflower seeds. So draw them big and expressive.

5. Now let's move on to drawing the nose and lips.

It is important to know! The upper lip is usually thinner than the lower lip.

6. Once you've drawn the face, you can move on to the hairstyle. Some strands of hair fall onto Tinkerbell's face, it's worth depicting. A characteristic feature of her hairstyle is a fluffy bun tied with a ribbon.

7. Face and hair are ready! Now let’s draw the fairy’s thin neck, arms and just a little bit of her torso. You don’t need to draw a lot of the body, because this is a portrait, and the main thing in a portrait is the face.

8. Congratulations! The portrait is ready! Now you can safely erase the auxiliary lines.

Can you finish the portrait? with a simple pencil, shading some parts of the body, or you can paint with colored pencils or watercolors.

How to draw the Tinker Bell fairy in full height step by step

1. First we outline the oval of the head, reference points and fairy body lines. The result will be something like a human skeleton.

It is important to know! At this stage, you should trace the position of Tinkerbell's arms and legs. Correctly drawn reference lines will later help you depict the entire body.

2. Let's build the fairy's body using various geometric shapes.

Interesting! Every artist knows that any object, plant, or animal can be drawn in the form geometric shapes. This method is very important for the development of your imagination. Practice at home! All you have to do is take any object from your desktop and try to depict it only with the help of geometric shapes (no curves or smooth lines!). Such training will help you draw complex objects easier.

In the meantime, let's try to depict the body of Tinker Bell using geometric shapes.

3. Now we have a body design for Tinker Bell, somewhat similar to a wooden doll. Using it we can easily draw the entire body of the fairy. To do this, first draw a smooth face with plump cheeks, a convex forehead and a sharp chin.

Then we draw the torso and arms using smooth lines, as shown in the diagram.

Now let’s move on to the legs, and with light pencil movements we outline the wings.

It is important to know! At this stage, we draw the body without details, rather than drawing out fingers, hair and clothes.

4. When the fairy silhouette is ready, move on to the details. Let's start with the head: draw the eyes, nose and lips of Tinkerbell. Then move on to the hairstyle.

5. After this, draw the fairy’s fingers, clothes and shoes, and also draw the wings clearly and in detail. After all, what kind of fairy is she if she doesn’t have beautiful wings?

6. Congratulations! The Tinker Bell drawing is ready! Now you can safely wipe out all the auxiliary lines.

If desired, finish the portrait with shading using a simple pencil, colored pencils, or paint with watercolors.