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Leo Antonovich categorically refused to remember and list how much he had done over many years, or rather, decades of service to medicine. “It’s too early for me to sum it up! I’m not going to retire.” Give him free rein, Bokeria would not have celebrated his anniversary, spending the whole day out of habit in operating rooms. But the team insisted - traditions, they say, cannot be broken. And my fellow academics from the outside wouldn’t understand.

- Leo Antonovich, is it true that on the day of the anniversary you scheduled a complex operation in the morning?

Yes, I planned it. But I think I'll only do two. They won't give it anymore.

- Even two? What about the anniversary?

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon the official part. As planned.

Who gets up early...

- How many operations do you do in a typical day?

Yesterday - 6. All with artificial circulation. Three of the patients are very young children. So I crawled home at half past ten. On bent ones. But usually it's four. Twice a month - the Presidium of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Then - only 3.

- But, besides the Presidium of the Academy, you have other responsibilities. For example, in the Public Chamber Russian Federation, where you head the commission on a healthy lifestyle. The National Health League has the president themselves.

Everyone knows in the Public Chamber and in other organizations that only in the afternoon I am suitable for public work, excuse the pun. The first half is for the sick.

- When do you get up?

Half past six. At eight already in the operating room. Everything is ready there, I begin to operate.

- Your daughter Ekaterina admitted to a journalist that her father “is just busy with work!”, to use youth slang. And, if it were up to you, they would operate around the clock.

Well, I'll talk to her again! - the academician makes a stern appearance, but his voice sounds affectionate.

- How is your own heart enough for all the most complex operations here in the center: urgent flights during the day or at night to non-transportable patients to all corners of Russia?

I think I have many shortcomings in my work, I say this completely sincerely. But I work as best I can. The only thing that helps is that I work full days on Saturday and Sunday. If I didn’t show up at the institute on the weekend, it means I’m working at home with documents that I couldn’t review during the week. But he is still constantly in touch with the intensive care staff on duty.

Leo Boqueria: The feudal assignment of citizens to clinics and hospitals must end

- Leo Antonovich, I meant your fantastic performance. For this, both the surgeon’s heart and he himself must be healthy, despite his 70 years.

There was a time when we operated in a pressure chamber. Experiments were carried out. And if you yourself have health problems, you could have serious problems. For example, eardrums burst when coughing or sneezing. Since then I have been very careful about myself. So that the state of health does not affect medical practice. There is a double benefit here. I work systematically and remain as a person.

- It’s a benefit to others and to yourself.

My system is very simple. Firstly, I try to maintain a routine. I always get up and go to bed at the same time whenever possible. Usually at twelve, half past midnight. If I sometimes watch football, it’s at one in the morning. But I still get up at half past six. I try not to overeat, exercise physical exercise. I once loved static gymnastics. Now I spin the bike for 60 - 65 minutes, until I sweat well.

- Real?

No, an exercise bike. Eat treadmill. But I don’t run on it - I walk. They also gave me a special exercise machine, on which I hang upside down for 15 minutes. To improve cerebral circulation. Stroke prevention.

- A quarter of an hour upside down at your age?

I also do pull-ups in this position. This the best option for pumping up the abdominals. Yesterday I spent 11 hours in the operating room. Huge static load. Blood is being redistributed. Even though I bend, move, turn, move from one operating room to another, there is still a lot of load on the lower body. And when you then hang upside down for 15 minutes and also shake your abs - great! I don't put much effort top part body, it is quite well developed for me. I also noticed that if you intensively train the muscles of the arms, this is reflected in surgical activity. Movements become less smooth. This is a minus. That's why I bench press the ball and do other primitive exercises for my arms. But I don’t build muscles.

There is a mechanical foot massager. It hurts a lot, but it kneads well. I'm doing some other things. I love to walk. But mostly it works abroad. There is no possibility here.

I take a cold shower. Three minutes for the legs, one and a half for the whole body. You can't overdo it. After such a shower, uniform straightening of all vessels occurs. But I never liked the bathhouse. If sometimes in my youth I went with friends, it was only out of a sense of company, so as not to be offended.

Patriarch of the Kremlin diet

- Leo Antonovich, you were my secret consultant when at Komsomolskaya Pravda 5 years ago I conducted an experiment with a low-carbohydrate diet, which we called the Kremlin diet. Thanks a lot, excess weight haven't returned since then. Do you still stick to the diet yourself?


- What did you eat yesterday?

In the morning, your favorite cottage cheese. And I didn’t put anything in my mouth until the evening. At home for dinner there is a little soup and some kind of cutlet. That's all. I don't focus on nutrition.

- Have you really not seriously violated your eating style in thirty years?

Sometimes it happens to an old woman. According to the proverb. Okay, I admit it: I recently became addicted to dark chocolate. My beloved youngest daughter, a professor, recommended: “Daddy, eat it, it’s good for your health!”

- Well, yes, and there are few carbohydrate points in it.

I obeyed. He came from the operating room, ate chocolate, the most bitter, 99 percent! Liked. Seeing this, my wife, friends, and colleagues began to give dark chocolate in huge quantities. Once they give it, you have to eat it. And soon I realized that things were not very good, rather bitter. I had to lose weight. According to our diet. I lost 6 kg for my anniversary in two months. I still need to lose a couple or three more. It was possible to lose weight faster, but to no avail.

- I know we broke up with the smoker a long time ago.

I smoked for 20 years - I quit. I guess the next question will be about alcohol. The Kremlin diet allows it. Moreover, I am Georgian, I spent my childhood and youth in Georgia. I admit, I was also a wine drinker, a champagne drinker, a cognac drinker, and a whiskey drinker! Fortunately, I never lost my head. And at this stage, Bokeria does not drink. For a long time. You can write that way.

Take care of your health from a young age

As a cardiac surgeon who stops and starts hearts several times a day, I want to tell the readers of my beloved Komsomolskaya Pravda that nature has given us a very large reserve so that a person can live a long time. And we must use this. Take care of your health from a young age.

- And who didn’t have time from a young age?

Come to your senses and exert your strength to live a life that will bring you pleasure. Illness is a bad situation in every way. You cannot share the joy of communication, you cannot feel comfortable in material and all other respects. People close to you suffer. Society is losing a contributor who could benefit not only himself and his loved ones, but everyone.

I speak about this very seriously, because we must understand: we came into this world not only to look at ourselves and entertain ourselves, but also to bring joy to our parents, children, loved ones, friends, and in general to leave a memory in that country, on that street, in the house where you lived. It is very important to take care of your health.

- Good health to you and for many, many years, Leo Antonovich!

Thank you.


Leo Antonovich BOKERIA. Born on December 22, 1939 in the city of Ochamchira (Abkhazia). World famous cardiac surgeon. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chief Cardiac Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Member of many foreign medical academies. Director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva. More than 7 thousand heart surgeries are performed here annually. President of the All-Russian public organization"League of National Health". Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

His wife Olga Alexandrovna, daughters Ekaterina and Olga are doctors.

Text | Yuri KUZMIN

Photo | from the archives of the National Center for Agriculture named after. A.N. Bakulev RAMS

Director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery (SCSS) named after. A.N. Bakulev RAMS, leading Russian cardiac surgeon, famous scientist and organizer of medical science Leo Antonovich Bockeria shared with a representative of our magazine his vision of ways to improve the domestic healthcare system, spoke about the achievements of our cardiovascular surgery and what led him to the profession.

- Leo Antonovich, at the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev, you came to work immediately after graduating from graduate school. Do you remember your first working day here?

- Yes, I was lucky that this center became my main and, in fact, only place of work. True, when after graduating from school I did not pass the competition in medical school, then worked in construction for some time, and as a graduate student, he served as a doctor in a student construction team in Kazakhstan, went to rebuild Tashkent after the 1966 earthquake, and worked part-time in the surgical department of the 4th City Clinical Hospital. But all these were just episodes of my work biography.

After graduate school at the First Moscow Medical Institute named after. THEM. Sechenov I was assigned to the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakuleva - that’s what our center was called then. Do I remember my first day of work here? Of course I remember. It was September 2, 1968. In the morning I came to house No. 8 on Leninsky Prospekt; the institute was hosting a weekly conference to review all the operations performed. The director of the institute, Vladimir Ivanovich Burakovsky, my teacher, who later became a close friend, saw me. He came up to me and introduced me to my colleagues, saying: “Well, this is Leo Boqueria, our new employee. The young man wrote a very good candidate's thesis on the problem of hyperbaric oxygenation and will head the laboratory at our institute.” I must say that when people heard this, they shuddered - there were no such young heads of the laboratory, and I was 28 years old at the time, at the institute.

Then someone came up to meet me, someone congratulated me. At this meeting there were people who knew me and, to one degree or another, contributed to my coming to the Bakulev Institute. For example, Boris Alekseevich Konstantinov, who at that time headed the department of the institute, and later headed the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. acad. B.V. Petrovsky, Larisa Aleksandrovna Buzinova, who still works in our center, in its management staff, Georgy Eduardovich Falkovsky, a brilliant cardiac surgeon and scientist, currently living in the USA. All of them passed the same department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy, under the guidance of the legendary surgeon and teacher Vladimir Vasilyevich Kovanov, like me.

- As far as I know, you decided to become a doctor, following the example of your older sister. Why did you choose cardiac surgery?

- Yes, my older sister got me into medicine; she is also a doctor. My final decision to become a doctor was formed two years before I graduated from school, and, in fact, then I already knew that I would be a surgeon. The fact is that in the city of Ochamchira, and in the city of Poti, where I grew up, there were their own concepts about the medical profession - it was valued very highly among us, and at the same time it was believed that if a man becomes a doctor, then he must be a surgeon.

When I started medical school, I learned that in addition to general surgery, there was also cardiac surgery. In fact, cardiac surgery was just in its infancy: the first open-heart surgery was performed in the USA in 1953, and in 1959, when I entered university, the first single operations were performed in the USSR. And despite the fact that students received very little information about cardiovascular surgery, this branch of medicine seemed very attractive to me. From my fourth year at the institute, I began to attend the scientific student circle of the Department of Operative Surgery, headed by Vladimir Vasilyevich Kovanov. A lot of scientific and practical work was carried out there, mainly related to the cardiovascular system.

- When was the first time you stood at the operating table?

- I had a fairly early start in general surgery. After finishing my third year at the institute, I did an internship at the Ochamchira district hospital. The hospital was located on a busy highway, so the flow of patients was huge, but there were only two surgeons. I was a very diligent boy, I spent day and night in the hospital, so surgeons Khvichiya and Lapurov noticed me very quickly. During this practice, I was entrusted with performing several appendectomies.

- You continue to operate a lot today, despite the fact that you head the National Center for Surgery. A.N. Bakulev RAMS, the world's largest cardiac surgery center, you work in the Public Chamber, you are the president of the Russian Scientific Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons, the All-Russian public organization "National Health League". Can't give up your surgical practice?

- When entering medical school, I wanted to work as a surgeon, and, fortunately, my desire came true. And, of course, I would never trade this part of my activity for anything. As for combining the management of the center with surgical practice, this is the tradition, and in line with it, my example is not an exception, but a typical case. From time immemorial, both in our country and abroad, the heads of large surgical centers have been practicing surgeons. And this is very correct: the head of the surgical center must stand at the operating table, including in order to maintain his professional qualifications.

My other positions that you listed are social work. I find time for it.

- For a number of operations at the Scientific Center for Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev RAMS has accumulated unique experience. And what achievements of the center would you highlight, a person who has worked here for 43 years and is the “culprit” of many of its victories?

- At every stage of the center’s existence, and this year we will celebrate its 55th anniversary, it had very major achievements, so it’s quite difficult for me to single out just one thing. What is the most memorable thing from my field? For example, how in 1976, together with Vladimir Ivanovich Burakovsky and Vitaly Alekseevich Bukharin, we received the Lenin Prize for the development and introduction into clinical practice of hyperbaric oxygenation (operations under high oxygen pressure. - Ed.). We have created a fundamentally new development to protect the body during operations under increased barometric pressure of oxygen; for this we made a special barooperative chamber, I emphasize - domestic. I personally performed more than 250 high-pressure heart surgeries in the barooperative room, including on children, and for them at that time the risk of cardiac surgery was very high.

In our center, for the first time in the country, operations for life-threatening arrhythmias were put on stream, and for several years our center has overtaken leading American and European clinics in the number of such operations. By 1986, when we received the USSR State Prize for the treatment of life-threatening arrhythmias, I had more than 2,500 such operations, and this is the experience of only one person. And, say, at the Duke University clinic in the USA, a pioneer of surgical arrhythmology, by that time 1000 operations were performed, and at the Pitié Salpêtrière clinic in Paris - about 700.

If we talk about the modern achievements of the Scientific Center for Agricultural Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev RAMS, then to today We have made a real breakthrough in the surgical treatment of newborns and infants with complex congenital heart defects. Only last year, doctors from the Scientific Center for Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev performed 3,500 such operations, and of these, 1,800 operations were performed on infants of the first year of life. For comparison, I’ll say: ten years ago, only 870 such operations were carried out annually in all of Russia.

These are just some of the center's achievements.

- Why have the statistics of cardiovascular diseases become so “younger” in Russia, and diseases of the cardiovascular system are increasingly being detected in children? younger age, including in newborns?

- We have made a big step forward in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, including prenatal diagnosis. For example, we now have a detection rate of complex heart defects in the fetus already at the 16th week of pregnancy of the mother exceeds 20%. In addition, heart disease is very well diagnosed in children in the first year of life. Firstly, because a new medical specialty has appeared in the country - pediatric cardiologists, and secondly, because midwives have become well versed in the symptoms of cardiac diseases in newborns.

Played a big role in all this active position specialists from our center and the public organization “National Health League”. We do a lot of educational work: we travel around Russia, organize events for doctors, maternity hospital specialists, and the population. There are things that both doctors and parents should know about; I hate to talk about them, but we cannot remain silent about it. Today, approximately eight to ten children per thousand births have congenital heart disease. And out of 100 children born with this disease, 36, if they are not helped in time, will die within the first month of life, another 35.5 - over the next 11 months.

- And if such a child is promptly provided with surgical assistance, will he be saved?

- Certainly! 97% of people operated on are very early age, then live a normal, full life, the same as their peers.

- Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the confrontation between the medical community and officials responsible for the development of Russian healthcare. Both are interested in solving the same problems, but sometimes do not understand each other. In your opinion, does such a contradiction exist? And is the state always attentive to the needs of the medical community?

- There is probably some confrontation, but, as my friend, a lawyer, says, “when two sides argue, neither is 100% right.”

As an answer to the question about the state's attention to health problems, I will give you an example from the life of the National Center for Agricultural Surgery named after. A.N. Bakuleva. In 1997, our building opened on Rublevskoye Shosse in Moscow; today our Institute of Cardiac Surgery is located here. IN AND. Burakovsky. It so happened that we purchased equipment for it in 1995-1996, and at that time these were the most the best devices in the world. To purchase them, the center received a state (commodity) loan from the American ExIm (export-import) bank, and, according to its terms, had to take equipment containing at least 58% of the parts made in the United States. I admit, when I came across this, I was very upset: we could not purchase angiographic complexes produced by the world’s leading concerns, neither Philips, nor Siemens, nor General Electric, because most of their parts were made anywhere, but not in America. And when I, upset, came to the bank with this, they told me: “You shouldn’t be so worried. In the United States, about 250 clinics operate on XRE equipment, which is entirely made from American parts.” This is how we got the most modern angiographs in the world at that time. All other equipment of the center were also of the highest level.

Time passed, our equipment became morally and physically outdated, and in order to update it, I began to contact different authorities. My requests were signed by the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, and the Minister of Finance, but with dead center the matter did not move forward. Then to the Ministry of Health and social development a new minister has arrived. In the very early period of Tatyana Golikova’s work in this post, I managed to get an appointment with her. I came with a bunch of papers, told about the situation, and the minister responded. First, she came to our center, inspected and checked everything, then agreed on the issue of updating our material and technical base with the President of Russia and the Ministry of Finance - this is how the center received 1 billion rubles. for the purchase of new equipment. We used this money to update angiography units and some computer tomographs. Then NTsSSKh them. A.N. Bakulev was included in the state program for the development of cardiovascular surgery, within the framework of which we began to train specialists; another 170 million rubles were allocated to the center for work under this program. And soon we received funds to purchase an ultra-modern magnetic resonance imaging scanner with a power of 3.0 Tesla. Thus, today the Scientific Center for Agricultural Sciences named after. A.N. Bakulev is again equipped with last word technology.

- Recently, you initiated a professional and public discussion of the issue of increasing the availability of highly specialized cardiac surgical care for Russians. How do you see his decision?

- This is a very pressing question. At the end of January, Rossiyskaya Gazeta published my long article on how, from a professional point of view, this problem can be solved. Now I'll tell you about some key points your idea.

In Russia, where, according to statistics, mortality from cardiovascular diseases holds the first position, the state has already done a lot to ensure that highly specialized cardiac surgical care becomes available as much as possible. more citizens. However, cardiovascular surgery is, by definition, expensive. And it is impossible to make it available to the entire population within the framework of government funding alone. No state in the world can do this.

The only way is to create a system of self-developing medicine in the country, which cannot exist without insurance. We must insure our entire people - from newborns to the oldest people. Our country has already moved in this direction: a reform of compulsory health insurance has been carried out, the reform is absolutely correct, in my opinion. Now it is necessary to quickly decide on sufficient insurance for any type of medical care. There should be several sources of insurance: the state, the employer, the citizen himself and, perhaps, charitable organizations.

Having an insurance policy covering all types of medical care, the patient will choose the medical institution for his treatment. This, firstly, contributes to the development of our best clinics, and secondly, it stimulates the restoration of the medical instrument manufacturing industry in Russia. I believe that when manufacturers see that real money has come to the best surgical centers, they will begin to produce good competitive equipment, disposable medical supplies, suture materials for their needs. Today, the lion's share of products used in Russian cardiovascular surgery is imported. If these products, I emphasize - high-quality products, are produced in our country, they will become cheaper and, accordingly, more accessible.

- What domestic products are currently used in our cardiac surgery, and how competitive are they?

- In Russia they make heart valves of simply excellent quality. Moreover, the tricuspid valve, a device that is completely unique and has no analogues in the world - domestic development. In 2007, our center was the first in the world to use this new design in surgical practice, and to date I have already supplied about 50 such valves to patients. The results are amazing!

We also produce very decent pacemakers, and soon we will surprise the world with cutting-edge developments in this area. In addition, the country began to produce some suture accessories and stents.

It is vital to develop domestic medical instrument manufacturing. However, this issue must be approached very carefully: it is important to understand in advance whether this or that product will be in demand by our healthcare system and what its competitive advantages in comparison with foreign analogues. I'll give you a very shining example. In the last years of existence Soviet Union in Podolsk they decided to build a plant for the production of pacemakers - two large buildings with a production capacity of 100 thousand devices per year. The idea was very unsuccessful. Firstly, at that time only 22 thousand pacemakers were implanted in the country per year, what would we do with another 78 thousand units of these products? Secondly, the model of the Siemens pacemaker was taken as a basis, which had been used in surgical practice for many decades, which means it was morally outdated, it is clear that the new product simply had no future. The project in Podolsk failed - different times came, and, fortunately, they forgot about it. Can you imagine what would have happened if they had managed to launch this plant?

- Today many people complain that the level of training of young doctors has dropped greatly. Is this noticeable in cardiovascular surgery?

- At all times there have been superbly trained specialists, but there have also been weak ones. Unfortunately, there are still poorly trained doctors today.

Here, in my opinion, everything depends on what medical school graduated as a young specialist. If we're talking about about three leading Moscow universities - First Moscow medical university them. THEM. Sechenov, Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov and the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, then I categorically disagree with those who say that the level of their graduates has decreased. When these guys come to my center, from the very first day of their work I talk to them as equals. These are good doctors. Moreover, in many issues these graduates are better prepared than we were in our time. Firstly, students are now studying disciplines that we were not taught, for example genetics, and secondly, they are well versed in modern trends medicine, for example in computer technology, and thirdly, they speak fluent foreign languages. To give you an idea of ​​the level of their training, I will say that I know some guys who, soon after graduating from leading Moscow medical universities, went to the United States - there they completed a residency and received practice within a very short period of time.

Another question is that Russia still cannot develop a system of continuous medical education, which today exists in all developed countries of the world. This system is best supplied in the USA. There, a practicing physician, regardless of his work experience and professional status, must annually acquire a minimum of 500 hours of continuing medical education - through participation in various professional and educational activities. For example, a doctor comes to a conference that lasts, say, two days - he gets 20 hours. If he gives a lecture or a master class at this conference, more hours are added. It is clear that during the year the doctor must take part in several events and that from a professional point of view this will only benefit him. In addition, every three years, an American doctor must pass an exam to confirm his qualifications.

Russia, by and large, has not even begun to form a system of continuous medical education, although everyone is now talking about the need to introduce it. Perhaps a psychological factor plays a certain role here: at one time, our medical community reacted very painfully to the introduction of a system of certification and certification of medical workers. In my opinion, this was a very correct and timely decision.

- There are a lot of educational programs about medicine on television now, but, unfortunately, very often their participants say contradictory things. On one channel, for example, they praise dietary supplements and advise taking antibiotics, while on another, citing serious consequences, they categorically prohibit the use of both. Who should the viewer believe? And what, in principle, role can and should educational methods of increasing the medical literacy of the population play in improving the health of the Russian nation?

- I'll start from the end. Educational methods are urgently needed. In Russia, there is a complete lack of infrastructure for training the population in medical knowledge and skills. Let me give you an example. Once I participated in a medical conference that took place in France, and in the interval between its sessions I went to my room to rest. I turned on the TV and somehow accidentally found a channel on which a cardiac surgery was broadcast. I remembered this channel and turned it on again in the evening - this time they also showed a surgical operation. I was very intrigued and the next day I asked my French colleagues: “What is this channel you have that is so unusual and highly specialized? Who's watching it? And they answer me: “This is very popular in France.” TV channel. Surgeons watch it because they are interested in the experience of other doctors, patients who want to understand what is happening on the operating table, and their relatives. In general, the audience of this channel is the entire population of the country.”

What's going on here? Level of medical education Russian citizens extremely low. You know that today many of our compatriots go abroad for surgery and treatment. So, Western colleagues call our patients patients with African syndrome. African syndrome is an extreme neglect of the disease. Why do our people cause diseases? Yes, because due to their medical illiteracy, they simply do not know the possibility of a complete cure for many life-threatening diseases!

It is for this reason that in 1999 I started the “Touch a Child’s Heart” campaign. At that time, there were a lot of abandoned children with congenital heart defects in the country - young parents, when they learned about this diagnosis of their newborns, simply left them in maternity hospitals. Meanwhile, we already knew with absolute certainty that 97% of sick children who were operated on in a timely manner could be completely cured. To show this to people, I agreed with Oleg Gazmanov, then the head of a very popular amateur football team“Hit-FM”, and gathered children who were operated on at an early age, and who have now reached the age of 18-20 and are fond of sports, and with the help of the capital’s authorities organized a football match at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. Our former patients, by the way, won it. At first I thought that the “Touch a Child’s Heart” campaign would be a one-time event, but it received such a huge response that it continues to this day and takes place two or three times a year in different cities of Russia.

As for the contradictory information that is sometimes heard in medical programs, this is the cost of our television. In most cases, it now reflects the interests of the industrial part of society - producers. Have a nice transfer Unfortunately, we have few data that provide a systematic understanding of human health. And I can only advise TV viewers one thing: if you are particularly concerned about some medical issue, go to a specialist doctor and consult with him.

- Your sister brought you into medicine. And today, it seems, all members of your family are doctors?

- Yes, we have full set. My wife is a doctor, we studied together at medical school, and were in the same group from the first year. Daughters also became doctors, and sons-in-law are doctors.

- When your daughters chose a profession, did you somehow guide them?

- The eldest, Ekaterina, yes. She had some doubts in high school. The fact is that the wife’s father, Alexander Alekseevich Soldatov, was famous ambassador, and then rector of MGIMO. And of course, that side of her relatives really wanted the girl, who got straight A’s at school, to enter MGIMO. When I felt this, I called Katya to my place for a conversation and asked the question: “Daughter, who among the diplomats do you know?” “Well, Semyon Pavlovich,” she answered uncertainly. Semyon Pavlovich Kozyrev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, was a friend of her grandfather, and their dachas were nearby. “And who else?” - I asked. The daughter is a couple of her grandfather's neighbors holiday village called. “And in medicine, surgery, who do you know?” And then Katya enthusiastically listed a dozen names of our doctor friends. “Well, did you understand anything?” - I asked her the last question. “Yes,” she nodded. And she became a doctor.

And the youngest daughter, Olga, decided everything herself. It was she, when it was her turn to go to college, who called me to talk. I remember he walks around me, walks, and then asks: “Dad, will you call me for a conversation?” I had to ask her the same questions, although she had already had answers to them long ago. Olga is now a professor and works at our center.

- Will your grandchildren also be doctors?

- Oh, I don't know. The eldest, Antosha, turns 16 this year. As a child, he kept repeating: “I will be a heart surgeon.” And at 13 he said, as he snapped: “I don’t want to work the way he works,” he points to my photograph.” So we'll wait and see.

-You really have a very hard and stressful job. How do you relieve this burden? Does the sport that you have always loved help with this?

- I really love sports. I used to be very active in it - football, in which I have a rank, and tennis, basketball, and chess, in which I also have a rank. Now, of course, I don’t exercise as much as in my youth, but I still regularly go to the pool and train at home on an exercise bike. And at the dacha, even though we have a small plot of land, I installed a basketball backboard and a tennis net, so in the summer I enjoy warming up there.

Books also help me relieve stress. I love to read and have collected a large library at home, numbering several thousand volumes. I don’t have a more favorite activity after a hard day at work than sitting in the evening with my books. I especially love reading the classics. I also really like the books of the wonderful writer Alexander Petrovich Potemkin, with whom I was lucky enough to become friends, I think that he writes simply brilliant things. I also have other writer friends, for example Svyatoslav Yuryevich Rybas, the author of magnificent historical novels and chronicles. I also collect art albums. In addition, my wife and I really love art and try, if possible, not to miss interesting cultural events in Moscow.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria- Director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakuleva RAMS, academician and member of the presidium Russian Academy Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Born on December 22, 1939 in the city of Ochamchira, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1965 he graduated from the First Moscow Medical Institute named after. THEM. Sechenov and entered graduate school at the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery. In 1968 he was assigned to the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev, where he headed the laboratory of hyperbaric oxygenation, worked as deputy director for science, head of the department of surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. Candidate's and doctoral dissertations of L.A. Boqueria were devoted to the topic of hyperbaric oxygenation in cardiac surgery.

In 1994, L.A. Bockeria became first acting and then director of the National Center for Agricultural Agricultural Sciences named after. A.N. Bakulev RAMS.

In 2005, he was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and in 2006-2009 he headed the commission on promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Main directions scientific activity L.A. Boqueria - surgery for arrhythmias and coronary heart disease, congenital and acquired heart defects, terminal heart failure, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, minimally invasive heart surgery, the use of laser in heart surgery, the use of computers in surgery and math modeling, modeling of cardiovascular system pathology in experiment, target planning and scientific methodology.

L.A. Bokeria is the author of more than 1000 published works, has more than 150 patents for inventions, utility models and innovation proposals. Editor-in-chief of a number of Russian medical journals, member of the editorial boards of journals in the USA and Great Britain.

L.A. Bockeria is the President of the Russian Scientific Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons, President of the Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons of the Russian Federation, full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons, member of the Presidium (Consul) of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons, honorary member of the American College of Surgeons.

President of the all-Russian public organization “National Health League”.

Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery No. 2, Faculty of Postgraduate Studies vocational education doctors of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventional Cardiology at the Moscow Medical University.

Honored by a number of state, church, public awards and insignia of foreign countries, including Lenin Prize, State Prize of the USSR, State Prize of the Russian Federation, State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and II degrees, etc.

Everyone in our country knows a world-famous doctor, cardiac surgeon-inventor, organizer of medicine as a science, teacher, academician Leo Bockeria. He can be counted among the narrowest circle of cardiac surgeons in the world, who uses the entire currently known arsenal of heart operations, considering a wide variety of pathologies. Many of the operations that Leo Bokeria performs have no analogues in the world. He never completely devoted himself to administrative work, although the great doctor also has a remarkable talent for this. And a great many patients who were considered inoperable have thanked Dr. Leo Bockeria for many happy years.


The famous doctor was born in December 1939 in the Abkhaz city of Ochamchira. In 1965, he graduated from the best medical university in the country - the Sechenov First Moscow Institute and immediately entered graduate school (department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy). In 1968, Leo Bockeria was sent to the Bakulev Institute (cardiovascular surgery), where he worked as a senior researcher.

In 1974, he took charge of the hyperbaric oxygenation laboratory, in 1977 he was appointed deputy director for science and headed the department of surgery for cardiac arrhythmias. To this day, since 1994, cardiac surgeon Leo Bockeria has been the director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery ( Science Center Cardiovascular Surgery) named after Bakulev at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

The science

The scientific activity of the talented surgeon developed in the direction of surgical treatment of a wide variety of heart diseases, where the newest diagnostic and treatment methods were invented and applied. More than two hundred heart surgeries under barooperative conditions were performed personally by Leo Antonovich Bockeria. His biography was entirely related to helping people suffering from heart rhythm disturbances and coronary heart disease.

With him light hand The possibilities of cardiac surgery have expanded significantly, and it has become possible to treat patients previously considered inoperable. All his life he was an ascetic in a new direction - minimally invasive surgery. A special merit is the implantation of artificial cardiac ventricles, as well as defibrillators-cardioverters. For the first time in the world, the Leo Bockeria Clinic began performing such operations on children.


Leo Antonovich not only actively, but also successfully used the experimental method during his medical activities. He would have tested in experiments and then introduced into the clinic techniques and operations in a huge number. Now they are widely used in Russia and abroad. Personal experience Leo Boqueria is unique: he performed many thousands of heart surgeries during his life, repeatedly performing them abroad - significant.

On his initiative, new clinical units with enormous therapeutic and diagnostic potential were created in his native Scientific Center for Surgery. His operational activities were extremely intense, but nevertheless he managed to do a tremendous amount of work as a director. In addition, he is an active teacher who created the largest cardiac surgery school in the country, being the head of the department at his alma mater, Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, he trained many generations of doctors who put Leo Bockeria’s methods into practice. The photo shows us this connection between generations.


Bockeria is an academician and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a full member of various associations of surgeons abroad, President of the National Health League, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and professor. He has patented more than one hundred and fifty inventions, innovation proposals and utility models, and has published many more than a thousand articles, including more than a hundred abroad.

Written by him whole line problematic monographs, as well as the only manual on heart surgery in the country. Leo Boqueria - Chief Editor two medical journals and founder of two more. He is a laureate of the Lenin Prize and State Prize. Honored Scientist, awarded many orders, medals, state and international awards.

Recognition abroad

Leo Bockeria was elected in 1991 as a full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons, a year later in the European Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons, in the International Cardiothoracic Center of the State of Monaco, and a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences.

Regularly attends international conferences in Switzerland, Italy, France, and is a member of editorial boards medical journals in England and the USA. Since 1998, Boqueria has been an honorary member of the American College of Surgeons, the highest title in the hierarchy. Since 2003, he has been a member of the presidium, that is, consul of the European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery.

National Health League

As the president of this public organization, where prominent scientists, artists and writers, politicians and athletes, businessmen and best teachers, Leo Bockeria was involved in creating a model of self-developing medicine, developing sports for everyone, strengthening the family, and disseminating the experience of a healthy, active lifestyle. The main objectives of the League are to create conditions for physical and spiritual development personality, revival of cultural and national traditions.

How did the son of engineer Anton Ivanovich, who died back in 1943, and a teacher primary classes Olga Ivanovna from a distant Abkhaz town could become like this outstanding personality- Leo Boqueria? Nationality certainly played a role, Georgia - the movement itself, the dance, the flight. Exactly these wonderful qualities and the outstanding doctor is trying to instill in Russian society. “Walks with a Doctor” at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, in which Muscovites participate weekly, promote a healthy lifestyle.

Optimism and movement

A person who wants to stay healthy should take at least ten thousand steps every day, and that’s forty minutes of walking without a break. Not running, no. Just a walk, even at the most leisurely pace. Leo Boqueria is convinced that this initiative will become a tradition. At the All-Russian Exhibition Center, walking Muscovites have their blood pressure and pulse measured if they wish. This way you can even out your heart rate and breathing, and this is how your blood vessels and muscles are trained.

The morning of every person who is committed to health should begin with a smile. From here comes the correct state that accompanies the whole day. It is not so important who you smile at: loved ones, family or your reflection in the mirror. Leo Boqueria raised both his wife and two daughters in this vein. By the way, they all also chose medicine as their profession. Even grandchildren are taught to be optimistic from an early age. Then life becomes longer.

Diet Leo Boqueria

Witty in purely Georgian style, the never-aging doctor told reporters how he once misled his colleagues by accidentally finding his fifty-year-old suit at home, which looked quite decent. Leo Antonovich came to work in it. And no one noticed anything unusual, except for the strange cut. A healthy person has approximately the same weight throughout his life, and his clothing size does not change, as has been demonstrated.

The diet should be varied, but moderate, then you will definitely be able to keep yourself in good shape, and most importantly, your heart will be very grateful for it. In addition, Leo Bokeria’s recommendation: “Give breakfast to the enemy,” although in folk proverb it says quite the opposite. In the morning, a person is not yet tired, he does not need to replenish his strength, so the more suitable advice is “eat dinner yourself.”

Astronauts from America

The low-carbohydrate diet, which is used by American astronauts and recommended by Leo Boqueria, is considered an effective method of losing weight. Gradually, this diet “went to the people”, and now the broadest masses of the population of many countries limit flour, sweet, salty foods, as well as legumes, cereals and vegetables.

This is an effective nutrition system, because after just a week of strict adherence to its rules, it allows you to lose more than three kilograms. Carbohydrates are sharply eliminated from the menu: potatoes, flour, sweets, rice, bread, fruits. But there is a lot of protein in the diet: meat, fish and poultry, as well as skim milk and vegetables that do not contain starch. The level of carbohydrate content is taken as a basis. Products are carefully listed in a special table, and each gram of carbohydrates is calculated before eating.


This weight loss technique is only for healthy people. It should absolutely not be used by people with diseases of the heart, intestines, blood vessels, digestive organs, especially kidneys. Even for completely healthy people, it makes sense to discuss this diet with your doctor. It is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Eating the way the famous doctor does is only possible for those who live his life. Although the so-called Kremlin diet itself has gained the greatest popularity in the country. True, many nutritionists claim that using it for more than a month is harmful. Boqueria lives like this for a quarter of a century. Although - it is completely impossible for him ordinary person diet.

To live long

In the first place among the dangers to human life is hypertension, in second place is atherosclerosis. And the third place is confidently taken by physical inactivity with excess weight. Smoking is also harmful, according to doctor Bockeria, who himself smoked for more than twenty years. But alcohol should decorate life - of course, good alcohol, high quality. But even for them it is unacceptable to get drunk, warns Leo Antonovich. Because intoxication, that is, a hangover, is a real threat to life. There is no cure for it, it’s just that life ends forty years earlier.

Of course, everything is God's will. Many are very healthy people go away quickly and unexpectedly - from oncology or injuries in old age. For most, only proper nutrition and moderate physical exercise. No miracle pills, herbs, lotions, or poultices are needed. Only walks and food restrictions. Leo Boqueria provided his recommendations with details in many ways mass media. It is his job to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Food should rarely be tasty!

At six thirty the doctor is already on his feet - every day, always. For breakfast, he eats just a little cottage cheese without sugar, but with natural yogurt. Operations begin at eight in the morning and last until at least sixteen, eighteen hours. Already evening! During all this time, not a crumb fell to Leo Antonovich. But now there will be no lunch. Yogut again. And a glass of mineral water. Then the work continues - the most varied, requiring effort of will, mind, memory. Leo returns home at night. Then there is lunch in the form of a large piece of fish or meat with vegetables, most often with tomatoes, which he eats every day (or rather, night).

Bockeria gave up first courses - soups and other borscht soup - many years ago. And, contrary to the opinion of nutritionists, nothing bad happened to his stomach. Rarely, rarely can he eat candy or cookies, no more than once a week. Fruits - two to three times a month: pears, tangerines, bananas, peaches. Even less often - honey instead of sugar. This is all. I would like to add that the human body is not only unique, it is also individual. Very few people could exploit their body with impunity the way Leo Bokeria does.

Director of the Scientific Center for Agricultural Sciences named after. A. N. Bakulev and the Institute of Cardiac Surgery named after. V. I. Burakovsky Scientific Center for Agricultural Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev RAMS, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Leo Antonovich Bokeria is a leading cardiac surgeon, a famous scientist and organizer of medical science. Born on December 22, 1939 in the city of Ochamchira, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

  • In 1965, L. A. Bockeria graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I. M. Sechenov of the USSR Ministry of Health and entered graduate school at the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery with Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V. V. Kovanov.
  • In 1968, having completed his graduate studies, Leo Antonovich was assigned as a senior researcher to the A. N. Bakulev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, with whom he forever connected his life.
  • From 1974 to 1977 supervised the hyperbaric oxygenation laboratory.
  • From 1977 to 1993 worked as deputy director for science, head of the department of surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Since September 1994, Leo Antonovich Bokeria has been acting, and since November 1994, director of the Scientific Center for Agricultural Sciences named after. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS.
  • Since 1994, Leo Antonovich Bokeria has been the Chairman of the Academic Council and the Chairman of the dissertation council of the Scientific Center for Agricultural Sciences named after. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS.

International recognition of the works of Leo Antonovich Bokeria is his election as a full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991), a member of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons and the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992), a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (1997), a member of the Faculties of a number of regular international conferences in France, Italy, Switzerland, member of the editorial boards of journals in the USA, Great Britain.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria repeatedly traveled abroad to perform demonstration operations and performed the first successful operations for tachyarrhythmias in Italy and Poland. Of particular note is the election of L. A. Bockeria in 1998 as an Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons - the highest title in the surgical hierarchy.

Since 2003, Leo Antonovich has been a member of the Presidium (consul) of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria - President of the Russian Scientific Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons. since 1995. In this capacity, he achieved the holding of regular congresses with the wide participation of nursing staff and young specialists, and attracted leading foreign surgeons to give lectures and demonstrate operations.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria - during 1993-1998. was the Chairman of the Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on antiarrhythmic implantable devices and electrophysiology, and since 1998 - Director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health. In this capacity, he contributed to the creation of the most important regulatory documents, the creation of new types of electrical stimulators, and the formation of regional centers.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria is the editor-in-chief of a number of journals: “Annals of Surgery”, “Childhood Heart and Vascular Diseases”, “Bulletin of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS " Cardiovascular diseases", "Creative Cardiology", "Annals of Arrhythmology", "Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulation", "Bulletin of Lymphology", information collection "Cardiovascular Surgery".

Together with Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. Savelyev, L.A. Bockeria is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Breast and Cardiovascular Surgery”. Leo Antonovich was also the initiator of the creation of the popular science publication “Doctor”.

In June 2003, Leo Bockeria was elected President of the All-Russian public organization “League of National Health”, in the creation of which the most prominent scientists, literary and artistic figures, athletes, politicians, and businessmen participated. The League’s mission is to achieve the creation of a model of self-development in medicine, develop “sport for all,” strengthen the family, spread the experience of a healthy and active lifestyle, create conditions for the spiritual and physical development of the individual, and the revival of national cultural traditions.

Since 2003, Leo Bockeria has been a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In 2005, Leo Antonovich was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation under the President of Russia.

From 2006 to 2009 - Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Prizes, honors and awards

  • Lenin Prize laureate (1976)
  • Honorary citizen of Poti (1985)
  • Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1986)
  • Full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991)
  • Member of the Scientific Board of the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992)
  • Full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1994)
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1994)
  • Memorial sign “For courage and love for the Fatherland. 1941-1945" (1996)
  • National Award "Person of the Year" (1996, 1997, 1999, 2002-2009)
  • Honorary Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (1997)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (1999)
  • Georgian Order of Dignity and Honor (1999)
  • Order of the Holy Right-Believing Tsarevich Demetrius, Moscow and Uglich Wonderworker “For Works of Mercy” (1999)
  • Honorary citizen of Tbilisi (1999)
  • Honorary Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (1999)
  • Gold medal of B.V. Petrovsky “Outstanding Surgeon of the World” (2001)
  • Order St. Sergius Radonezh II degree (2001)
  • Vernadsky's Star (2001)
  • Laureate of the Akaki Tsereteli Prize (2001)
  • Medal "For Services to National Healthcare" (2002)
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2002)
  • Prize Laureate Medal International Association children's funds (2002)
  • Insignia in honor of the Day of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “Civil Valor” (2003)
  • Badge-medal “Honor and Benefit” (2003)
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2003)
  • International Golden Hippocrates Award (2003)
  • Member of the Presidium of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons (2003)
  • Badge-order “Patron” (2004)
  • RAS "Triumph" Prize in the field of science (2004)
  • Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology (2004)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2004)
  • Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts “Worthy” (2004)
  • Medal of Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts (2004)
  • Order of international ambassadors (2004)
  • Order "For Honor, Valor, Creation, Mercy" (2004)
  • Medal “To the Faithful Son of Russia. Matvey Platov" II degree (2005)
  • Medal " Public acceptance. 60 years of Victory" (2005)
  • Medal of I. I. Kartukov (2005)
  • Memorial sign “75 years of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra” (2005)
  • Order of N. I. Pirogov (2005)
  • Medal of the Order “Spiritual Unity of the Peoples of the World” (2005)
  • European Avicenna Medal (2005)
  • Order of Nikolay Pirogov (2005)
  • Medal of E. N. Meshalkin (2006)
  • Medal of the Order " A great victory"(2006)
  • Order of Peter the Great (2006)
  • Special national award“Kremlin Grandee” with the honorary title “Lion of Medicine” (2006)
  • Badge-order “For Mercy” (2006)
  • Honorary Diamond Order "Public Recognition" (2006)
  • Order “For Honor and Dignity”, “Kremlin Grand” Award (2006)
  • Order "Pride of Russia" (2006)
  • Order of Kuzbass "Key of Friendship" (2006)
  • Gold star “Honour, pride and glory of Russia” (2006)
  • Order "Good Angel of the World" (2006)
  • "Scientist of the Decade" (2007)
  • Order "Sovereign Rus'" (2007)
  • Order of St. Nina Equal to the Apostles, Illuminator of Georgia, IV degree (2007)
  • Laureate of the All-Russian competition “National Treasure” (2007)
  • Medal "For Merit" Chechen Republic"(2007)
  • Order of F. E. Dzerzhinsky (2007)
  • Medal "Man of the year" (2007)
  • Medal of I. I. Mechnikov (2008)
  • Medal “To the 100th anniversary of Academician B.V. Petrovsky” (2008)
  • Order of “Honour”, “Sovereign” award with the title “Support of Honest Business” and the honorary title “Outstanding Cardiac Surgeon of Our Time” (2008)
  • Medal "Dank" (2008)
  • Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences “For practical contribution to strengthening the health of the nation” (2008)
  • Medal “Viktor Rozov. For contribution to national culture"(2008)
  • Memorial certificate “On the inclusion of the name of the Cavalier of the highest public awards of Russia in the Golden Fund of Russia” (2008)
  • Medal “Peter the Great. For selfless work" (2008)
  • Order of Saint Daniel (2008)
  • Order of Kadyrov (2009)
  • A. N. Kosygin Prize “For great achievements in solving problems of economic development in Russia” (2009)
  • Moscow City Prize in the field of medicine “For the development and implementation into clinical practice of a new biological heart valve “Bioglis” (2009)
  • Medal "For Valiant Labor" - for services to healthcare (2009)
  • Honorary medical badge "Red Cross" - for services to the development of healthcare (2009)
  • Honorary title “Person of the Year” (2010)