Library night. Literary coffee house "Coffee&Books"

April 23 is World Book and Copyright Day, which four years ago became the occasion for the emergence of the unique event “Library Night”. The organizers of the event decided to hold an action in support of reading books, but they did not even imagine that just two years later this initiative would grow into a large-scale international event, in which both adults and children will be happy to take part not only in Russia, but also in Belarus and Ukraine.

According to tradition, the reading holiday is held at the end of the third week of April, and this year the date for Library Night 2016 is April 22. On the night of 22 to 23, many libraries, literary museums, bookstores, galleries and art spaces will open their doors to meet book lovers of all ages! The exception will be Moscow venues, since the opening of “Library Night 2016” in the capital will take place on the night of April 23-24.

With 2016 declared the year of cinema, Library Night 2016 will put the seventh art in the spotlight. All entertainment and events included in the Library Nights program in 2016 will be united by the theme “Read the Movies,” and all guests of the event will be able to find out how interesting such a combination can be!

"Bibliotwilight 2016"

The event plan for Library Night 2016 includes many projects, including special promotion for young readers called “Bibliotwilight”. The organizers have prepared two events for kids - daytime and evening. Both will include great amount quests, quizzes, master classes, competitions, performances and even meetings with children's writers. The only difference between them will be that the daytime entertainment will appeal to the little ones, and the evening Library Night sessions will suit teenagers.

"Bibliofars 2016"

Events at Library Night in 2016 are intended not only for those who have the opportunity to visit the venues of the holiday. For example, “Bibliofars” is another special project that is carried out as part of Library Night, and the goal of this project is to introduce reading to areas where there are no libraries, and their role is played by “Libraries on Wheels.” In 2016, over 60 people will take part in the “Bibliofars from Kaliningrad to Magadan” campaign mobile libraries, and in every city, many exciting events will await holiday guests.

"Library Night in Museums 2016"

Literary museums accept Active participation in the “Library Night” event, so on April 22 and 23, a rich program will await you at the museums. For example, on April 22, at the State Literary the museum will take place movie quiz "Who framed Virginia Woolf" With game tasks and many exciting quests, and on April 23, everyone will be able to see the exhibition “My Family and Other Pictures”, as well as take part in a master class on creating animated film. Museum " Bulgakov House“has also prepared a program full of events, including an exhibition, performances, and many walking, bus and tram excursions, united by the theme “Library Night according to Bulgakov.”

"Library night 2016" » : discounts on books

It goes without saying that such a large-scale reading celebration would not be complete without compliments and discounts on books. For example, the bookstore chain “” will have a 25% discount, and the company “” will allow reading lovers to save 30% on purchases in stores and 20% on orders in the online store.

April 22 Russian state library for the fourth time I became a participant in the all-Russian campaign in support of reading “Library Night”. The theme of the event is “Read the Movie!” at the RSL were revealed by director and screenwriter Otar Ioseliani, film critic Kirill Razlogov and writer Evgeny Vodolazkin. Anyone could get into the RSL storage rooms, see rare documents from the collections and go through an exciting quest based on Soviet films. In total, about 2,000 people took part in “Library Night”.

Tour of the 19-tier book depository. Under the guidance of experienced guides, everyone got acquainted with the history of the library and found themselves in a book depository closed to ordinary readers.
Especially for the event, the library curators prepared rare materials from the collections, as well as interesting documents about the history of cinema and the most early years Russian cinema.

“How to make a self-mo-mu ki-ne-ma-to-graph”

Traditionally, “Library Night” at the RSL begins with excursions - from 18:00 a line starts from entrance No. 3 a long tail from those wishing to get into the main book depository on Starovagankovsky Lane, where today the bulk of the library’s collection is located - over 30 million items.

Here you can touch unique things. In particular, look through books from the collection of Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas I, which are distinguished by their exceptional decoration: velvet and satin bindings, embroidered with gold thread, exquisite illustrations, engravings famous artists. See documents and artifacts from the collection of the “Russian collector” military history» Alexandra Makarova: rare books and newspapers, military awards, toys and weapons.

From the dissertation department in Khimki, specially for the event they brought works on various aspects movie. For example, the dissertation of Gennady Georgievich Smolyanov “The visual solution of the character puppet film"(1984), which explores the creative and technological process of creating heroes puppet animation. The text is supplied with sketches and drawings of dolls, diagrams and tables, stills from films, and storyboard fragments. And the dissertation “Mayakovsky and Cinema” (1968) by Givi Georgievich Dolidze tells how the poet not only influenced the young Soviet cinema, but also personally took part in the creation of cinema: he wrote scripts, acted, drew posters for films and acted as a strict critic.

On the third tier of a 19-tier book depository. From the dissertation department in Khimki, works on various aspects of cinema were brought specially for the event. The art publishing department provided posters of old Soviet films to decorate the exhibition.

The guardians on the third tier prepared rare materials related to early years national cinema: film press pre-revolutionary Russia And Soviet period, film catalogs, booklets about actors and films, editing recordings of domestic films, librettos of silent and first sound films, film festival programs.

And also the most interesting publications - “How to make your own cinematography: practical guide to the independent construction of a well-functioning cinematic apparatus" (1913), a book of scripts for the films "Battleship Potemkin", "Mother", "Start in Life", "Chapaev" (1935), "Watch a movie at home" (1939), “Print reviews of the Kinetophone demonstration in Vienna and St. Petersburg” (1914), text by Korney Chukovsky for the film “Moidodyr”, “Book of Honor for particularly distinguished members of the Trade Union of Cinema Network Workers in the struggle for better film service for workers” (1935) and much more .

“Screen-none-for-tion without-responsibility”

Recording of a live Internet broadcast of a meeting with Soviet, French, Georgian director and screenwriter Otar Ioseliani. Marble staircase RSL

It is already becoming a tradition to invite directors to “Library Night” at the RSL. Last year at Leninka I collected large audience Andrey Zvyagintsev, this year the legendary Otar Ioseliani came - a Soviet, Georgian and French director and screenwriter, convinced that “cinema can only be author’s.”

Otar Ioseliani today is not just a person with a movie camera - it is already culture itself. Since the early 1980s, the director has lived in Paris. It was there that he filmed the film “Hunting for Butterflies” (1992), which was shown at “Library Night”. “This picture is about a special breed of people who knew how to be content with little and who lived their lives with dignity. But still, such people still remain,” the director presented his film to those gathered on the Marble Staircase of the RSL.

The audience came prepared - the conversation was about specific films by Ioseliani, modern and not so modern cinema. On why old movies are of better quality: “In Soviet time we made a movie, thinking about what life is. That is why so many wonderful films were made in those years. But today we have fallen into the clutches of businessmen, and my colleagues today believe that cinema is a way to make money. But no one has ever made money from cinema, not one noble man“It’s a matter of honor and conscience.”

Meeting with Soviet, French, Georgian director and screenwriter Otar Ioseliani. Marble staircase RSL

On censorship: “I assess the revival of censorship positively - it makes you think more. But today's young filmmakers find it difficult to film not because of censorship, but because of commercialization: they have to film the way TV series are made, as Hollywood ordered, turning on the music at the very beginning of the film and not turning it off until the very end. Moreover, this music is not of the best quality.”

About film adaptations: “You need to read books and see what your imagination gives, and not some stranger - a director or artist. Do you know how many Anna Karenins have been filmed? Eighteen! “Everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys’ house” - well, how can I remove this phrase? Film adaptations are irresponsible in relation to literature, and we in the profession must be responsible for everything - both for the text and for the picture.”

“It's such a fun thing to make a movie, especially when you do it against all odds. Then years pass, and there is no one, and suddenly it turns out that someone needs all this,” says Otar Ioseliani.

“You have to start with yourself”

Evgeny Vodolazkin. RSL conference hall

Another bright star of “Library Night” at the RSL was the writer Evgeniy Vodolazkin, winner of the “ Big Book" And " Yasnaya Polyana" This is not the first time he has been to Leninka - it was here, in the Pashkov House, that he received the Big Book award for his novel Laurel, here he attended meetings of the Yasnaya Polyana literary award, of which he is a member of the jury. In the conference hall of the RSL, the writer gave a lecture and answered questions. Story, historical experience, personal responsibility - these were the main themes of his speech. It was just released on the eve of “Library Night” new novel“Aviator”, which he also spoke about at the meeting.

"IN historical scale we confess to ourselves. And it depends only on us whether we choose self-justification - and they are usually justified by external circumstances - or try to find the underlying reasons that ultimately lie within us. Searching for reasons makes it possible to draw conclusions. This, apparently, is the beginning of repentance, which literally, translated from Greek, means “change of thoughts.” I tried to pose these questions in the new novel “The Aviator”. In Soviet times, I thought: socialism will go away and we will live. Communism is gone, but things haven't gotten any better. Therefore, the last thing I would like is for my speech to be viewed as anti-communist - no, it’s not the communists who are to blame, it’s us. This means that there is something in us that attracts these ideologies, these terrible events that were in our history. And the pathos of my novel is that you have to start with yourself. There is personal responsibility for everything - there is no collective responsibility. Don't assume that you can fix anyone - not even your neighbors. Correct yourself - that's enough."

Meeting with writer Evgeny Vodolazkin. RSL conference hall

“There is a universal history, and there is a personal one - this is the history of sounds, phrases, smells, and so on. These seem like small things, but for our hearts and for our soul they are more important than tens of centuries of conquest, mutual claims, and coups. For a person even General history is just a part of his personal - almost every person realizes this. And my novel is dedicated to how a person fences off his own space. He restores his personal consciousness. And personal, personal consciousness is the only hope that you will not be captured by any social movements that seem to give indulgence for everything. It is very important to be an individual, it is very important to have a personal sphere. This is not at all something that opposes the social - it is only something that does not allow social ideas to swallow you up with the entire history of your life.”

“I don’t trust people who save humanity - there’s something inappropriate about that. Develop your personal consciousness, cultivate your garden - a society of a completely different quality will be created from individual developed personalities.”

A little earlier - at 20:00 - in the conference hall of the RSL there was a lecture by film expert and cultural critic, professor of the film studies department of VGIKA, director of programs of the Moscow International Film Festival Kirill Razlogov “From Faust to Irony of Fate and from Dracula to Space Odyssey“: Is it possible to live without remakes?”

Throughout the history of cinema, film adaptations of classic films have been the subject of heated discussions. literary works, and in last decades and numerous remakes of popular films at the time. The reactions of critics and the public were very different - from accusations of profanity to delight. Kirill Razlogov told what transformations they are going through literary masterpieces on screen and in today's digital context.

Film quest in the library. This is both a fun trip through the library and a test of erudition. All questions and riddles of the quest were related to the history of Russian cinema.
In the photo: in the second reading room, the quest participants had a meeting with Father Fyodor and Ellochka the cannibal, characters from the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov

Library Nights program at the RSL


  • 20:00-21:15 at conference hall of the RSL (3rd entrance, 3rd floor)- lecture by film critic and cultural critic, professor of the film studies department of VGIKA, program director of the Moscow International Film Festival Kirill Razlogov “From Faust to Irony of Fate and from Dracula to A Space Odyssey: is it possible to live without remakes?” Throughout the history of cinema, the subject of heated discussions has been film adaptations of classic literary works, and in recent decades, numerous remakes of films that were popular in their time. The reactions of critics and the public were very different - from accusations of profanity to delight. Kirill Razlogov will talk about the transformations literary masterpieces are undergoing on screen and in the modern digital context. The lecture will be supported by "Enlightener" Prize.
  • 20:30 on Marble staircase RSL (entrance through the 1st entrance)- meeting with Soviet, French, Georgian director and screenwriter Otar Ioseliani. Otar Ioseliani will talk about his work and answer questions from the assembled audience. Then there will be a screening of his film “The Butterfly Hunt”. .
  • 21:30 V conference hall of the RSL (3rd entrance, 3rd floor)- meeting with a famous writer, winner of the “Big Book” and “Yasnaya Polyana” awards, author of the text “ Total dictation- 2015” by Evgeny Vodolazkin.


  • 18:00-23:00 - excursions around the library. Under the guidance of experienced guides, everyone will be able to get acquainted with the history of the library and get into the book depository, which is closed to ordinary readers. Especially for the event, the library curators prepared rare materials from the collections, as well as interesting documents about the history of cinema and the earliest years of Russian cinema.
    Groups for excursions are formed on a first-come, first-served basis near the 3rd entrance.
  • 18:00-23:00 - excursions around Museum of Books RSL. Groups on excursions are formed on a first-come, first-served basis at the cloakroom.
  • 20:30-23:00 - library quest. This is both a fun journey through the library and a kind of test of erudition. All questions and riddles of the quest will be related to the history of Russian cinema.

At the end of the film quest in the library, all participants were given old Soviet badges


More than 350 events will be held in Moscow as part of the Moscow

"Library Nights"- 2016"

Detailed information on the website yalyublyumoskwu.rf

Annual promotion "Library Night"- 2016", organized by the Moscow Department of Culture, will be held in the capital from April 23 to 24. The date of the promotion is dedicated to World Day books and copyright. In addition, on April 23, Moscow libraries switch to new schedule work, with a single day off - Monday. Libraries within the Third Transport Ring, TiNAO, ZelAO, as well as central libraries administrative districts Moscow will be open from 10 to 22 hours, and children's from 10 to 21 hours.

State public libraries cities, cultural and leisure institutions and museums of Moscow will be held as part of "Library Nights"- 2016" more 350 events.

One of the central events of the action will be "Library night on Triumfalnaya".

On this day Triumfalnaya Square will turn into an interactive art space. Muscovites and city guests can expect performances by famous and emerging writers, poets, journalists, and laureates literary prizes, actors and musicians.

Archival performances will be shown on video screens installed in the square. famous poets XX century. In addition, those who wish will be given the opportunity to sit comfortably in the recreation area and read books. A massive flash mob will be held on the square, timed to coincide with the 130th anniversary of the birth of the poet Nikolai Gumilyov: participants will read poems by the hero of the day.

Visitors will also be able to take part in the filming of a poetic short film, which will be organized in the pavilion Film poetry named after Gennady Shpalikov. IN "Labyrinth of Scribes" Muscovites and city guests will be able to try on “the clothes of poets and writers” from different eras.

In the project's boundaries "Mayakovsky lotteries" the presenters will act out books, and poets, journalists, actors, literary prize winners, musicians and writers, as well as participants in the following literary associations and competitions will perform for the audience: “City Theater of Poets” by Vlad Malenko, “Literary Mondays at Ars-Pegasus”, poetic duel "Word for Word", All-Russian Poetry Prize named after Leonid Filatov "Filatov-Fez".

Among the speakers we can name such well-known
V modern poetry names like:

  • poet, director of the Taganka Theater, winner of the Golden Delvi award Vlad Malenko;
  • Russian rock and roll legend, virtuoso musician Sergei Letov;
  • musician and poet, leader of the NedRa group Alexey Vdovin;
  • famous poet, winner of many awards Andrey Shcherbak-Zhukov;
  • actress Ekaterina Mistryukova;
  • musician, actor, director, singer, founder and leader of the group “Dresses for 130” Anna Morozova (Novosibirsk);
  • poet, editor of Channel One, semi-finalist of the Filatov-Fest festival Veniamin Borisov;
  • organizer of the “Word for Word” project Rita Saar;
  • participant in duels, finalist of the “Grand Slam” A. Rodionova, member of the art group “Salmon Jump” - Maxim Markevich;
  • duel participant, finalist of the HSE poetry competition Alexey Kolesnichenko;
  • participant in duels, participant in the poetry competition "Pushkin's Grandmother" Anastasia Milyugina.
  1. Also, as part of the campaign, cultural institutions will host events dedicated to Year of Russian cinema. So in the Library of Cinematography named after. CM. Eisenstein will host an event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the legendary “Kinotavr”, where the guest of the evening will be the creator of the festival, producer Mark Rudinshtein. The Moscow Cinema chain of cinemas will host free screenings. legendary films, such as “Solaris”, “Andrey Rublev”, “A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov”, “ Garnet bracelet" and others. In the library named after M.Yu. Lermontov there will be a platform "Movies are being made", where everyone will be able to take part in screen tests for the film. The secrets of creating "Animation for children and adults" will be revealed at the "animation site", and at meetings with Editor-in-Chief of the educational TV channel VGTRK "History", documentary film director Alexei Denisov, guests will learn about how "Documentary Film on the Screen" is born.

Digest most bright events as part of the "Library Night" event- 2016" in Moscow:



Venue: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Gogol's House", Nikitsky Blvd. boulevard, 7 A

Time: 04/23/2016, 22:30 - 23:30

Talented actor Provincial Theater, star of the television series "Molodezhka" Alexander Sokolovsky will read as part of the city event "Library Night - 2016" best excerpts from the works of N.V. Gogol. During the breaks between excerpts he will perform jazz band. The actor’s wonderful performance of the works of the great classic will allow the audience to remember their favorite passages, and the jazz performance will lift their spirits!

"Library Night"

Location: State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Library-reading room named after A.S. Pushkin", st. Spartakovskaya, 9, building 3

Time spending: 23.04.2016, 18:00 - 24:00

The "Library Night" event in the library-reading room named after. A.S. Pushkin will be opened by a children's brass band, which will greet guests of the evening in the library courtyard. Next on the program: performance musical group"Arsenal", master classes on decorative needlework, concert of the "Belcanto" ensemble, film lecture "Literature and Cinema at International Film Festivals" Noble world", quizzes and competitions and more.

"Film lecture hall of the Mayakovsky Museum"

Location: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Library-Reading Room named after I.S. Turgenev", per. Bobrov, 6, building 1

Time spending: 23.04.2016, 19:00 - 22:30

Film lecture hall of the V.V. Mayakovsky. The program will cover the following topics:

Mayakovsky and cinema of the 1920s. (with screening of the film "The Young Lady and the Hooligan" (1918)

Gothic motifs of expressionism in silent cinema and the poetics of early Mayakovsky with demonstration of fragments of films of the 10-20s.

Screening of the film "Living Mayakovsky"

"Read the movie"

Location: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Central Library of the Southern Administrative District", Library No. 164 "Education of Workers", st. Serpukhovskoy Val, 24, building 2

Time spending: 23.04.2016, 18:00 - 22:00

Houses of Culture

"Lecture by Oleg Lekmanov "Russian poetry of the 20th century among other arts"


Time spending: 23.04.2016, 19:00 - 21:00

Lecture by Oleg Lekmanov "Russian poetry of the 20th century among other arts." Literary meeting with a famous philologist, literary critic and columnist, dedicated to the 20th century, namely Russian poetry and its connection with world art. For examples, poems by Mandelstam and Pasternak will be used, paintings Mantegna, Raphael, Van Eyck, Velazquez, films by A. Tarkovsky and T. Abuladze.

"Lecture by Yuri Poteenko on music in cinema"

Location: GAUK Moscow " Cultural Center ZIL", Vostochnaya St., 4, building 1

Time spending: 23.04.2016, 21:00 - 22:00

A lecture introducing the basic concepts and objectives of film music, its features, role and place in an audiovisual work. Lecturer Yuri Poteenko - presenter Russian composer in the field of film and television, arranger, choral conductor, teacher. Author of music for more than 50 films and TV series.

"EBRU-dancing drawing on the water"

Location: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "House of Culture "Youth", Shushenskaya St., 7

Time spending: 23.04.2016, 18:00 - 20:00

As part of the city event "Library Night - 2016", a master class "EBRU - dancing drawing on water" will be held at the Yunost Palace of Culture. A dancing drawing on water, a mystical reflection of your emotions and feelings, can be transferred to paper, fabric, ceramics or glass and this unique work will decorate your interior.


Location: M.A. Bulgakov Museum, Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10, entrance 6, 4th floor, apartment 50

Time spending: 22.04.2016, 19:30
On April 22, as part of the Bulgakov Library Night program at the Museum of M.A. Bulgakov, on the eve of the Moscow premiere of the suite "Dances of the Hippopotamus" there will be a meeting with its author, Steven Johnson, famous British composer, musicologist, author and presenter of popular music programs on the BBC.

"Musical and poetic solo performance "Yesenin through the eyes of women"

Location: State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "MGM S.A. Yesenin", st. Klyazminskaya, 21, bldg. 2

Time spending: 23.04.2016, 17.00-18.00

The memories of the women who loved and surrounded Sergei Yesenin and his contemporaries formed the basis of the one-man show “Yesenin through the eyes of women.” The performance harmoniously combines accordion music and church chants, conveying the atmosphere of the dashing tavern of Moscow and internal state the poet, his torment, doubts and thoughts. The few sets of the one-man show also serve to understand Yesenin’s image.

"Lecture "Fashion in Literature"

Location: State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Museum and Exhibition Center "Museum of Fashion", Ilyinka St., 4

Time spending: 23.04.2016, 18.00-19.00

The history of fashion is the history of symbols. The lecture will feature heroes of Russian and foreign writers 19th and 20th centuries, their characters and the costumes in which they could be dressed. We will definitely look into “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy, look at Balzac’s “Treatise on the Elegant Life” and appreciate “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. There will be other heroes. Literature lovers and connoisseurs of stylish clothing are invited.

"Paintings and graphics from the collection of Andrei Lvovich Smetankin and Maria Vasilievna Smetankina-Gudkova (Paris)"

Location: GBUK Moscow "House of Russian Abroad named after A. Solzhenitsyn", Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya, 2

Time spending: 23.04.2016, 12:00-19:00

A special place in the Smetankins’ home gallery belonged to those works that were born in a foreign land, primarily in France. Among them are works by Russian classics Philip Malyavin, Alexander and Albert Benois, very prominent artists abroad Boris Krylov, Sergei (Serge) Ivanov, famous writer and portrait painter, naval officer Alexander Gefter, military engineer and graphic artist Nikolai Kuraksin, artist Vera Brook and other authors. It is this category of works from the Smetankins’ collection that constitutes a gift to the House of Russian Abroad and includes more than 120 paintings and drawings.

"Lecture "The scene is Moscow-kva-kva. How did the city become Vasily Aksenov’s character?”

Location: Museum of Moscow, lecture hall, Zubovsky Boulevard, 2, bldg. 3, 2nd floor

Writer V. Aksenov lived in Moscow for 50 years (1958-2008). From the story " Star ticket"(1962) Moscow is a landscape, background or character in the works of V. Aksenov. In the novels "Burn", "Island of Crimea", "Say Raisins" Moscow is depicted satirically, and in the novels "Love of Electricity", "New Sweet Style", "Moscow Saga" and

"Moscow-kva-kva" our city is shown as a place of the most important historical events XX century, in which Aksyonov’s characters participate. At the lecture, Natalia Karlina will share her thoughts and discoveries about the specifics of Vasily Aksenov’s image of Moscow. Together with N.N. Karlina those present will perform virtual tour in Aksyonovskaya Moscow".

Evening of April 22, 2016. It's cloudy outside. Heavy clouds hung over the city. Lights have been burning in the windows of the houses for a long time and sparingly illuminate the narrow path to library branch No. 2. If you strain your eyes and look closely into the darkness, you will notice that a stream of people is flowing along this path to the library. Seven p.m. End of the working day. But why are the lights on in the library and music and cheerful human voices coming from there?

Here, as throughout the country, it’s BIBLE NIGHT!

It turned out that it was not so easy to get to the event. Those who arrived were greeted by guards. Only by uttering the treasured password - the correct answer to a tricky question - did the visitor become an equal guest and enjoy all the benefits provided by the library that night.

Library night was a great success! Its motto was the wonderful words of Ridley Scott: “The best cinema in the world is the brain, and you understand this when you read a good book.”

Immediately upon entering the library, those who came found themselves in the backstage of the filming of the film. On an impromptu film set everyone could try themselves as a film artist. We filmed the fairy tale “Turnip”. Costume room, tests, take after take, and then editing. The entire process of making the film took place before my eyes. The resulting “masterpieces” could be viewed in the “Sami with a Mustache” cinema hall. What a laugh it was!

In any cinema and film studio, photos are placed on stands famous actors, this tradition has been preserved in our library. Also along the wall of the foyer was a film strip drawn by artist A. V. Markeev. Each frame is an event from the life of the library and its readers. We called this photo gallery “Those were nice days.”

In the first hall, guests were greeted by an interactive exhibition-quiz “Favorite films on book pages.” Each book at the exhibition is the ancestor of the script famous film. Questions were placed on the covers, the answer to which can be found either in the text of the work or by watching an excerpt from the film. It should be noted that Russian cinema, based on the works of the great masters of words, is well known to our readers, and they played with the librarians at this exhibition with undisguised pleasure.

The climax of the entire evening was the library fireworks display “Vivat, cinema, vivat!” Explosion positive emotions caused a performance by our homegrown actors from the Inspiration studio. Each of the participants devoted themselves to the action as much as possible. At the festival, songs from Russian films based on famous films were performed. works of art. Librarians talked about interesting cases events that happened during the filming of films, we were introduced to the biographies of great directors, actors, composers and poets who worked on the creation of the presented masterpieces. Sparkles of enthusiasm rained down from those participating in the game “Guess the melody”. There were so many applicants that we all had to guess together. Songs, games, watching excerpts from beloved and long-loved films - everything merged together and exploded with a bright fireworks display of smiles, joyful exclamations, laughter and gratitude for the warm welcome. For 100 people this cloudy evening became a joyful event. We left tired and happy.