Walking 6 7 September. South-Eastern Administrative District

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

On September 6 and 7, 2014, Moscow celebrates City Day. This year the capital will turn 867 years old.

These days, Moscow streets will be decorated with posters, steles with views of the capital, and tricolor illuminations. In the city center there will be stand-screens with an interactive quiz about the history of the capital, responding to hand movements. If you wish, you can sing a song about Moscow at karaoke, take a photo with the wings of a tricolor butterfly, a symbol of celebration.

All residents and guests of the capital will enjoy a grandiose festive show, which will include more than a hundred events in different districts and districts of the city. Among them are festivals, concerts, fairs, sports competitions, and excursions. Many museums will welcome visitors for free. The festive event will end with colorful evening fireworks.

Main events:

12.00 – 13.00. Grand opening of City Day on Red Square (entry by invitation)

10.00 – 22.30. Pushkinskaya Square is the venue for the Moscow Press Festival.

11.00 – 22.30. Time for free excursions. Details here: mosbureau.com.

12.30 – 13.30. A parade of military bands participating in the competition of the international festival “Spasskaya Tower” will take place along Tverskaya Street.

13.00. The Moscow Anthem will be played at all concert venues.

13.00. Red Square. The opening of the annual international festival of military bands “Spasskaya Tower” will take place.

13.00 – 22.30. Festive events will begin on Kuznetsky Most, Arbat, Pyatnitskaya.

13.00 – 22.00. At this time, Tverskaya Street will become a huge area for a citywide picnic. Art objects, recreation areas, and shopping arcades will await visitors. Street concerts will also be held here.

18.00. Performance by the groups “Surganova and Orchestra”, “Bravo” and others. On September 7, viewers will see “roving” artists - those who entertain citizens on the streets of different countries, “Asea Sool”, Peter Nalich and others.

Teatralny Proezd (from Teatralnaya Street to Lubyanka Square) is the venue for various relay races and family competitions. The race of waiters with trays and meeting with Guinness World Records record holders will be very interesting. There will be a Russian mass wrestling championship and a concert.

13.00 – 22.30. On Moscow boulevards (Tsvetnoy, Gogolevsky, Nikitsky, Chistoprudny Tverskoy, Petrovsky, Yauzsky Strastnoy, Rozhdestvensky, Sretensky, and Pokrovsky) a “Boulevard-length table” will unfold. There will be street concerts theatrical performances, fairs and master classes.

13.00 – 22.30. Suvorov Square and the green areas between Olympic Avenue and Samotechnaya Street are the venue for the Good Moscow charity festival of charitable foundations. Its program includes bicycle racing, a fair, master classes, a concert, and various quests.

13.00 – 22.30. Neglinnaya Street – venue for the festival “ Bright people", this is the name of the street art festival and family creativity. Musicians, actors and mimes, theater studios and groups will gather here, street performances and carnivals will take place. There will be a large cardboard city and workshops.

13.00 – 22.30. The Bulgakov Festival on the Patriarch's Street is a meeting place for second-hand book dealers and jazz bands. Brass bands will play and a retro photo studio will operate.

19.00 – Beginning of a grand opera concert on the water at the Patriarch’s with the participation of diva Khibla Gerzmava.

13.00 – 22.00 Children's Day in the city. At VDNH it will be organized children's city ok, where every child can become an adult for a certain time - a firefighter, a doctor, a rescuer. On Children's Boulevard you can dance, take part in a doll show, and ride on a carousel. On Tsvetnoy Boulevard you can watch circus performances.

13.00. Arbat. Thematic platforms will be organized that will “connect” them into a common celebration moving from one to another circus performers and orchestras.

15.00 – 22.30. Bolotnaya Square. There will be a board games area, a kicker championship, and you can learn to dance in the Lindy Hop and Boogie Woogie style. The music is performed by young MetroonStage musicians.

20.00 – 22.30. On Pushkinskaya square will pass classical music concert “To the Eternal City – eternal music» against a colorful background light show. Spectators will be able to see performances by Evgeny Kungurov, Khibla Gerzmava, the group “Kvadro”, artists Bolshoi Theater, orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

22.30. Fireworks festival “Lights in honor of your beloved city” – extraordinary beauty the spectacle will take place in parks and on the streets.

23.00. "I'm walking around Moscow." The broadcast of Georgy Danelia’s film will begin in open-air cinemas in the capital’s parks.

13.00 – 22.00. On Tverskaya Street there is a continuation of the citywide big picnic.

16.00. Tverskaya Square. Concert with the participation of “wandering artists”, the group “Asea Sool” and Peter Nalich.

16.00. Hermitage Garden. Festive show “Youth in the City”.

More than a thousand events have been prepared in Moscow in honor of City Day. Moreover, for the first time the city is implementing entertainment projects proposed by the residents themselves. This was reported by the press service of the Moscow City Hall.

The capital's Department of Culture received more than 300 proposals, of which the 10 best were selected. Based on the results of voting on the portal " Active Citizen» Most of the presented projects will be implemented. Among them are a citywide day of excursions, an eco-friendly lifestyle festival, a classical music concert with open air, festival of songs about Moscow, festival of charitable foundations and others.

The opening ceremony of City Day will take place on September 6 at 12.00 on Red Square. 7.5 thousand Muscovites are invited to the ceremony, among whom will be honorary citizens of Moscow, veterans, representatives public organizations, winners of various citywide competitions, official delegations from sister cities, including Sevastopol. Viewers will be presented with a colorful show that will tell about the landmark projects implemented over the past year. At 13.00 the Moscow anthem will be played at all venues.

Traditionally, on City Day, Tverskaya Street will become a pedestrian street. There will be lawns for picnics, various art objects and shopping arcades.

Festive concerts are also planned for two days, including a procession of orchestras participating in the Spasskaya Tower festival. On September 7, Tverskaya will host the “City of Meeting - Moscow” festival, during which residents of the capital will be able to get acquainted with music of different genres from all over the world.

Another traditional City Day project is “A table the length of a boulevard,” which will be organized throughout the Boulevard Ring. Each boulevard will receive its own theme during the holiday: Gogolevsky will become artistic, Nikitsky - bookish, Strastnoy - retro, and Chistoprudny - children's. Poklonnaya Hill will turn into a venue for an eight-hour concert. In the afternoon there will be a festival of songs about Moscow, at which six new songs about our city written by Muscovites will be performed. In the evening, performers who are in the top 10 of the country's main music charts will perform at the venue.

On Patriarch's Ponds As part of the “Classics in the City” festival, a unique gala concert on the water will take place. Classical music concerts will also be held in Tsaritsyn, Sokolniki and Theater Square. The concert “Eternal Music to the Eternal City” at the Bolshoi Theater will be accompanied by a light projection on the façade of the building.

For the first time, the “Good Moscow” festival will be held as part of City Day. More than 40 charitable foundations will take part in it and tell Muscovites about their activities. In addition, at the fair, everyone will be able to take part in various master classes and buy goods made by hand by the foundation’s wards. In addition, every Muscovite on City Day will be able to take part in a charity race and bike ride. All proceeds will be transferred to participating funds. You can register for participation on the websites yalyublyumoskvu.rf.

On City Day, festive areas will be organized on all pedestrian streets in historical center capital Cities. Thus, on Arbat pedestrians will find a poetry platform and a free microphone, on Kuznetsky Most guests will be able to play along with the ensemble, on Pyatnitskaya Street everyone who likes to sing in chorus will be able to take part in a vocal flash mob. The “Bright People” festival will be held on Neglinnaya, and pianos will be installed along Nikolskaya.

Special programs will also prepare large metropolitan parks. In particular, Gorky Park will present the “Singing Park” program, Muzeon will host the fashion festival for youth “Youth”, the Hermitage will host the Seasons festival, and Tagansky Park will host the contemporary music festival “Afisha. Wave". In the Bauman Garden on September 6, Slava Polunin’s “Color Carnival” will be presented to the audience for the first time.

On City Day, Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to get acquainted with the history of Moscow by visiting museums and excursions. By order of the Minister of the Moscow Government, head of the Moscow Department of Culture Sergei Kapkov, 67 Moscow museums will operate free of charge on September 6 and 7.

The citywide tour day will also feature more than 170 free walking and biking tours around historical places cities. Many venues will host free film screenings. Thus, the documentary film festival “Center” will be held in the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow, and the “Film Festival about Moscow” will be held in the “Moskovskoe Kino” cinema chain from September 1 to 7. On the 6th, the Cinema Association for Children and Youth will present a series of entertainment programs.

The culmination of the holiday will be a fireworks display at 20 sites, which will begin at 22.30 and last eight minutes. The City Day celebration will end on September 6 with a screening of Georgy Danelia’s film “I’m Walking Through Moscow,” which will begin at 11 p.m. in open-air cinemas in nine Moscow parks.

Southeastern administrative District

More than 230 cultural and mass events sports grounds will be used in the South-Eastern district of Moscow to celebrate City Day on September 6 and 7.

“The celebration of City Day in the district will be as close as possible to the place where citizens live. In the regions of the South-Eastern Administrative District we will hold 75 courtyard festivals, at which children's folklore groups, there will be games and sports events for adults and children,” said Vladimir Zotov, prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District.

Mass festivities will also be held in parks, squares, areas near cinemas, palaces of culture, fountains, and museums. Celebrations will also take place in the adjacent territories of educational, cultural, social protection institutions, government agencies on working with children and children's and adolescent clubs.

As part of the celebration of City Day, the XII Moscow international festival music of Russian estates "Noble Seasons". The program includes performances by leading performers of classical music, romances, a promenade defile in historical costumes, an equestrian performance, “living pictures” - costumed stories about the history of the estate and its owners - the Stroganov barons and the Golitsyn princes.

For residents receiving home care, an apartment cleaning campaign “Help Your Neighbor” will be organized. On the first weekend of September, the district will celebrate the anniversaries of gold and diamond weddings, and will organize online congratulations using Skype programs and much more.

The festival “Visiting a Book” starts at noon in Kuzminki Park. Book Town." Master classes and sports competitions are prepared for visitors. The holiday will end with a flash mob “Release your dream into the sky!”: hundreds of balloons with the deepest desires of guests of the fairy-tale book town will soar upward, and dreams will begin to come true.

In the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow it is also planned to hold charity dinners and provide free household services for disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War and low-income groups of the population. More than 70 catering establishments will participate in these events, which will feed about 1.5 thousand people free of charge.

Northern Administrative District

The festive program planned in the Northern Administrative District includes more than 200 events. The district holiday will take place on September 6 from 14.00 to 22.00 on the territory of the Northern River Station park. A theatrical concert program with the participation of popular performers and an entertainment program for children with the presentation of gifts are planned. The expected number of participants in the event is more than 10 thousand people.

From 14.00 to 18.00, a multi-sports festival dedicated to the celebration of City Day will be held in the park, in which more than 1000 people will take part. A creative alley will also be organized here: exhibitions creative works, conducting master classes and competitions. The State Public Institution “Health Directorate” will place “Health Center” tents.

In addition, festive concerts are planned by the administrations of the Airport, Dmitrovsky, Western Degunino, Khoroshevsky districts. The East Degunino District Administration is organizing a festive event “I am a Muscovite!” with honoring veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers.

In order to support low-income residents of the district, district governments, together with consumer market enterprises, will organize charity holiday dinners for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and hand out food packages to residents preferential categories.

Cultural institutions are planning to hold quizzes, literary compositions, concert programs for children's students music schools And creative teams cultural centers and clubs.

At the end of the celebration of Moscow City Day on September 6 at 22.30 there will be a festive fireworks display in Friendship Park. September 7, 2014 from 12.00 to 16.00 in all administrative districts The Moscow Department of Culture has planned a performance by participants of the Spasskaya Tower festival, in which three Russian and 12 foreign orchestras will take part.

Central Administrative District

The Central Administrative District of Moscow has prepared more than 400 events for residents in honor of the celebration of City Day on September 6 and 7, including more than 90 city, 140 district and 170 district.

The libraries have prepared an extensive program for residents of all age categories, including concerts, lectures, thematic and photo exhibitions, excursions to libraries and historical places of the district, literary and musical evenings, etc.

In particular, on September 6, from 12.00 to 16.00, a library festival will take place in Muzeon Park as part of the Reading District festival. Everyone will be able to take part in the city network event “Read Moscow. Great City Journey”, for which 27 excursion routes have been developed.

On the same day from 16.00 in the library-reading room named after. I.S. Turgenev will host a program of events dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of M.Yu. Lermontov, and in the courtyard of the library “House of A.F. Losev" a family celebration will take place.

On September 7, the libraries of the Central Administrative District of Moscow will hold similar festive events in the Tagansky and Krasnaya Presnya parks of culture and recreation.

In addition, on September 6 from 10.00 to 16.00 on Strastnoy Boulevard near the monument to Vladimir Vysotsky, the 3rd children’s and youth festival of art songs “Young Muscovites - City Day”, prepared by the Art Library named after. A.P. Bogolyubova. The best children's and youth groups in Moscow, engaged in original song in clubs, studios and circles, will take part in it. Concerts of students and teachers, as well as exhibitions of paintings by teachers and students of departments visual arts Children's art schools of the Central Administrative District will be held.

The central festive event in the district will be the action “Central Administrative District - Territory of Peace, Friendship, Harmony,” which will be held on September 6 from 14.00 to 18.00 on the territory of Catherine Park in the Meshchansky district. The event will be attended by 2.5 thousand people. The program includes a ceremonial part and a gala concert, an exhibition-fair of folk crafts and souvenirs, a tasting national cuisines, demonstration national costumes and rituals, as well as sports competitions and a dance and game program.

Moreover, on City Day, hot meals will be provided in cafes and restaurants for 340 war and labor veterans of the district who will take part in festive events and festivities.

It is planned to hold more than 100 events of various formats with the participation of more than 15 thousand people in territorial social service centers and their branches, as well as in the Krasnoselsky social rehabilitation center and the Family center for social assistance to families and children.

“We will do everything to make the holiday bright, interesting and safe for all residents, regardless of age and health status. It is important for us that disabled people and veterans living in the center of Moscow know that they are remembered and cared for,” said district prefect Victor Fuer.

Thus, more than 11 thousand wards of social service centers will congratulate them on the holiday at home.

Families with disabled children, large and low-income families, former minor prisoners of concentration camps, and Leningrad siege survivors will receive 2,150 units of household appliances, including durable items: televisions, washing machines or refrigerators. Citizens of special benefit categories who are especially in need will be given holiday charity food packages.

Zelenograd administrative district

City Day celebrations in Zelenograd will begin on September 5. On this day in Ice Palace“Zelenogradsky” there will be an ice show (starts at 18.00). Admission to the performance is free. Professional figure skaters will perform for the audience, and then a disco will begin on the ice for everyone.

On September 6, a festive procession of work collectives, public organizations, youth and schoolchildren will take place along Central Avenue of Zelenograd (at 17.00). From 18.00 to 20.00, 13 thematic sites will operate in Victory Park and Central Square. The City Day celebration will traditionally end with colorful fireworks.

North-Eastern Administrative District

In NEAD on September 5 at 16.00 the festive program “Pink Ball” will begin, which will be held in the main rose garden of the Main botanical garden RAS. It included a theatrical performance, a performance by brass bands, a fashion show and a show of ball gowns.

The city's Children's Day will be organized on September 6 at VDNKh. The holiday will begin on the Central Alley at 12.00. The festival program includes performances by children's brass bands, street musicians, artists, creative workshops with master classes for children in modeling and drawing, viewing best films children's festival « Scarlet Sails", the work of laboratories for chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, robotics and design, outdoor games and much more.

At the Singing Field at 13.00 there will be a district theatrical event “My Moscow - you are the most beloved!” - a festive program with the participation of district creative groups, as well as a music and dance program.

On September 7, the festival of brass bands “Orchestras of Our Youth” will be held at the Ostankino cultural and entertainment center.

Northwestern Administrative District

More than 150 events will be held in the Northwestern Administrative District of Moscow. These are court holidays, sports competitions, entertainment programs in public parks.
The main venue for the celebration has been three years is the area in front shopping center"Kaleidoscope". The holiday will last from 12.00 to 22.00 and will end with fireworks.

The program includes dance master classes, congratulations the best people Northwestern Administrative District, theater and dance performances, congratulations from children's groups of the district.

One more large platform Severnoye Tushino Park will be used for City Day. It is expected that about 10 thousand people will visit it on September 6. The program includes a festival of cultures, animation program for children and a festive concert.

Southwestern Administrative District

Traditionally, the main venues for City Day in the South-Western Administrative District will be the Troparevo recreation area and Vorontsovsky Park. District holiday “Happy Birthday, Moscow!” will officially open at 13:00. At this time, both the cultural program events and the district sports festival “District of Sports - South-West” will begin simultaneously.

Concert programs will be presented on the small and main stages of the Troparevo recreation area. Thematic venues will host master classes, games and quizzes for children of all ages, presentations of creative groups, and a music and dance marathon. The district's libraries will present the bibliopicnic “LitParkovka” (based on the themes of the book “12 Chairs” by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov).

At 15.00, the “Singing District” holiday will begin in the amphitheater - its culmination will be the performance of the choir from three thousand Human. Songs dedicated to Moscow, war songs and songs about peace will be performed. This part of the holiday will be accompanied by live music performed by the National academic orchestra folk instruments Russia named after N.P. Osipova. At 17.30 hits of the 20th century will be performed. At 18.00 the festive gala concert “Evening in the South-West” will begin with the participation of masters of art and pop, theater and film stars.

As part of the district sports festival, championships will be held in several sports: beach volleyball, workout, table tennis, Russian bench press, arm wrestling, chess and mas-wrestling. Due to the need for qualifying rounds, competitions in some events will begin at 11.00 - 12.00.
A cultural and entertainment program “Moscow Autumn” is planned in Vorontsovsky Park.

Throughout the pre-holiday week, elderly residents of the district will receive congratulations. Also during this period, numerous holiday programs, tea parties and other charitable events will be held for pensioners, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other socially vulnerable citizens.

The festive program in the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow will not be limited to events at the district level. A total of 223 events will be held across all districts. Among them are demonstration performances by Sambo-70 representatives in Khrustalny, a concert opera studio Moscow House of Scientists, a celebration at the Darwin Museum and much more.

This year Moscow will celebrate its 867th birthday. Traditionally, it is celebrated on the first weekend of the first autumn month, so on September 6-7, be prepared for a huge number of events dedicated to this event. They are already saying that more than 110 million rubles have been allocated for them, and there will be more than 1,000 events themselves. Is it possible to choose in such quantity exactly those that will be remembered for a long time and will definitely lift your spirits? Of course, you won’t cover everything, but you can certainly choose your own.

1. Opening of Moscow City Day

Traditionally, the opening of the holiday is held on Red Square with congratulations from the President of the Russian Federation and city authorities. Then a show program will unfold here, in which the most famous artists will take part. This is, of course, the biggest event of the day.

2. City Day at the Flacon design factory

A gift for Moscow’s birthday from the Flakon plant will be the festival of young art “Will”. The main idea of ​​the event is the combination of classical and modern art. Moreover, in four directions: cinema, music, theater, dance. Therefore, the festival program is rich in musical performances and performances. In addition, guests will be surprised by interactive art objects.

3. Butterfly is one of the symbols of Moscow City Day

If you want to feel like this colorful creature, you will have the opportunity to do so with modern technologies: you take a photo against the backdrop of huge butterfly wings, which, by the way, can easily be adjusted to any height, then your photo will be projected onto one of three 9-meter-high media facades located in the center of Moscow. And in city parks and squares, structures will be placed on which multi-colored butterflies with a wingspan of about 70 centimeters will be attached.

4. Game "Scrabble"

In two places in the capital, everyone will be able to answer questions about Moscow, which can be answered by pressing their hands on a touch screen. If you want to receive prizes for your knowledge, then come to the game.

5. Moscow Day on Sakharov Avenue

Be sure to visit Sakharov Avenue during the day, as during the day there will be a carnival parade, festivals and other entertainment, and in the evening you can watch a movie right in the open air.

6. Moscow Day in the squares and boulevards of the capital

On Tverskaya Square you can witness a parade of military bands, on Teatralnaya - performances by Bolshoi Theater actors, on Manezhnaya - concerts of bards and jazz bands. On the Boulevard Ring you will enjoy theatrical performances, concerts and circus performances.

7. Moscow Day in the parks

On Moscow's birthday, a lot of entertainment events await you in city parks. Bolshoi Theater productions, poetry readings by Diana Arbenina and Vera Polozkova, an exhibition of retro bicycles, musicals, drummer shows, sports competitions and, of course, festivals. The main program in the parks will take place on September 6.

8. Karaoke venues on Moscow Day

As you know, holidays are not complete without songs, so on September 6, 4 karaoke venues will operate in the capital, equipped with red carpet and soft poufs, on which you can sit and sing your favorite songs about Moscow.

9. Festivals on Moscow Day

On City Day, you can become a participant or witness of festivals taking place in the capital. "Bright People" is one of them. Its feature, first of all, is exclusively premiere content, and it will also involve such a number of participants that it is possible to hold not just one carnival procession, but several.

10. Day of excursions

Moscow Day this year will be very rich in excursions. This wish was expressed by Muscovites themselves based on the results of a survey about their entertainment preferences on this holiday. In this regard, on September 6, the Department of Culture will offer more than 170 excursions to Muscovites and city guests. Walking tours will depart hourly from nine points in the city (within the Garden Ring). Along with this, youth centers took upon themselves the organization of bicycle excursions and bicycle quests. Tour guides will be waiting for everyone who wants to learn more about Moscow near the entrance to the central metro stations.

11. Sports events on Moscow Day

If you want to play sports or cheer while watching the competitors, come on September 6 to sport's event“We are together”, which will begin at 10:00 at the Yunost interschool stadium.

12. Fireworks on Moscow Day

But, as it became known from surveys of Muscovites, the most anticipated event of City Day is the festive fireworks. In 2014, it will begin simultaneously at 10 pm in the Kuzminki and Izmailovo parks, in Nagatino, Yuzhny Butovo, Otradnoye, on Vorobyovy Gory, Poklonnaya Hill, near the Kursky station, on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, in Mitino, Solntsevo, Troitsk and Zelenograd. This colorful and bright event it will be 15-20 minutes. Don't go to bed until you see this beautiful sight! For the best viewing, we advise you to take seats on Red Square, on Sparrow Hills, on the Moscow City observation deck and on the bridges over the Moscow River.

According to tradition, on the first Saturday of September the capital Russian Federation- the city of Moscow celebrates its birthday on a grand scale - City Day. This year will celebrate its 867 birthday. Traditionally, the day on which the main wave of holiday events occurs is the first Saturday in September. On this day in 2014 the year will be 6 September.

According to government decree, in 2014, City Day celebrations in Moscow will fall on September 6 and 7. For the capital's leaders, it has become a matter of honor to turn City Day 2014 into a bright and memorable event, which will be filled with many exciting events: parades, fairs, carnival processions, festive concerts, as well as performances by Russian and Russian stars. foreign stage at hundreds of outdoor holiday venues. The climax The holiday will traditionally include a grandiose fireworks display, which will certainly fill the hearts of all residents of the capital with unprecedented delight!

City Day, a little history

In the capital, the first City Day celebrations took place back in the 19th century. It was decided to coincide with the 700th anniversary of the founding of Moscow. The greatest Russian Emperor Nicholas the First issued a decree according to which Moscow Day was celebrated on January 1, 1847. By today's standards, the holiday was quite modest in those days. Festive illumination was held in the city center, and prayer services for the glory of Moscow were held in all Moscow cathedrals and churches. Exactly one century later, in 1947, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin ordered on September 7 to organize large-scale celebrations in the capital dedicated to the 800th anniversary of Moscow.

In Moscow, starting from September 1986, celebrations of City Day began to take place annually. In many ways, this became possible thanks to the active support of Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, who in those years held the high post of head of the capital committee of the CPSU. Every year on this day, food fairs were organized throughout Moscow, which were incredibly popular among the local population. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1997, on the 850th anniversary of the founding of Moscow, with the support of the city mayor Yuri Luzhkov, a large-scale celebration of City Day was organized. Since then, all Muscovites and guests of the city have had a glorious tradition of celebrating this day with general folk festivities, fireworks and all kinds of concert programs.

How to celebrate City Day in Moscow

Moscow- this is one of the most beautiful cities a world that can rightfully be proud of its historical and cultural heritage. Today, the capital offers endless opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people. Moscow, with its ambitious and large-scale development plans, is truly looking to the future! This 2014, the white stone will celebrate its 867th anniversary. On the first weekend of September, during the celebration of City Day, all Muscovites will not only be able to feel like one big Moscow family, but will also have a wonderful opportunity to feel well-deserved pride in Moscow - the beautiful capital of Russia!

If you have never seen how City Day is celebrated in Moscow, then you have missed a lot in your life. After all, here they are used to celebrating this holiday on an incredible scale. Every year, at least a thousand various entertainment events are organized for residents and all guests of the capital dedicated to the founding day of Moscow!

Traditionally, all celebrations on the occasion of City Day begin in the Alexander Garden. A solemn ceremony takes place near the Kremlin, during which the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the monument to Marshal Zhukov, twelve memorial signs to the hero cities and the obelisk military glory Flowers and wreaths are laid. The event is attended by the mayor of Moscow, members of the capital's government, deputies from the Moscow City Duma, veterans, as well as representatives of most city youth organizations.

In addition, the official opening of City Day in Moscow is preceded by the annual festival of military bands, which received the sonorous name “Spasskaya Tower”. Starting from ten in the morning, all festival participants march in a parade from Pushkin Square along Tverskaya.

Then, on Red Square at exactly noon, a bright, solemn and exciting event begins - the opening ceremony of Moscow Day. At the celebration, the first speaker is the President of the Russian Federation, who not only congratulates the residents of the capital on the anniversary of the founding of Moscow, but also opens the festive concert program, which combines centuries-old history, the present and future of the Russian capital. Thousands of guests who have received special personalized invitations can enjoy this unforgettable spectacle. For many years now, the opening of City Day on Red Square in Moscow has been attended by veterans, honorary residents of the capital, guests from near and far abroad, winners of various all-Russian competitions, honored artists, as well as representatives from social protection authorities and city schools. On this day main square Russia unites children's theaters and orchestras, pop stars and opera stage, soloists of show ballets and the Bolshoi Theater. One of the main highlights festive concert- songs about the capital, performed by the most famous Russian musicians.

After the official part of the opening of Moscow Day ends, all the main festive events, which have never been without the most interesting premieres, traditionally move from Red Square to the most popular places among citizens and guests of the capital, for example, to city parks, nature reserves, to the central squares, as well as to Poklonnaya Gora, the Boulevard Ring and Sakharovsky Prospekt. Military bands perform in Moscow estates and parks. Mass festivities are organized on Pushkinskaya and Teatralnaya squares. On Poklonnaya Hill there are music festivals, and most of the capital’s boulevards in honor of Moscow Day are transformed into thematic sites for history buffs, writers, artists and gourmets. Sakharov Avenue these two days reminds fairytale city, in which numerous children's entertainment activities smoothly flow into unforgettable carnival processions. All celebrations end with stunning fireworks, which are simultaneously launched from several sites in Moscow.

City Day 2014 program

In Moscow, the celebration of City Day is a grandiose event that can amaze anyone not only with the scale of preparation, but also with the number of participants involved in its organization! This year the program of events scheduled for Saturday and Sunday (September 6 and 7) will be truly diverse. City Day 2014 in Moscow will be remembered by everyone for its various fairs, colorful theatrical carnival processions, concerts, festive fireworks and much more. As for the venues, they remained virtually unchanged. Just like last year, citizens will be able to see a lot of memorable and interesting things on Poklonnaya Hill and, of course, on Tverskaya. Colorful fireworks displays are expected as dusk falls.

Saturday, September 06, 2014



10:00 Sports event "We are together" Interschool stadium "Yunost", st. Grekova, 11a
10:00 -22:30 Festival of the Moscow press on Pushkin Square. Pushkinskaya Square
11:00-22:30 Free excursion day
You can read more
all over the city
11:00-21:00 City Day in Luzhniki
A traditional large-scale sports and music festival, which will include a champions' cup in sports dancing, competitions for the mayor's cup in workouts, a festival of wheelchair sports, and the finals of a sports competition. The festival program includes dozens of entertainment venues, competitions, competitions and master classes, four stages - Popular music, Big Rap, Jazz Festival, Electonic music ELECRIQUE MOSCOW and a grand concert after 14-00 with the presenters of Russian radio and VJs of the RU-TV channel.
Olympic complex Luzhniki
12:00-13:00 Opening ceremony of Moscow City Day
12:00-18:00 The Moscow Zoo will host the premiere of a new interactive performance street theater Tall Brothers, during which everyone will receive a lesson in theater skills. Moscow Zoo
12:00-22:00 Festival " Best city Earth" Sakharov Square
13:00 General musical start
Exactly at 13:00, the Moscow anthem will sound at all city venues, which will serve as a symbolic start to the City Day celebrations. Theater orchestras, street musicians and music school students will simultaneously perform the anthem in all corners of the capital.
City concert venues
13:00-14:00 Festival "Spasskaya Tower"
This annual festival brings together the most interesting military bands from around the world. The beat of drums, the sounds of brass instruments, dress uniforms and the march of military music ensembles - this is not something you see every day!
Red Square
13:00-22:00 Citywide picnic on Tverskaya Street with recreation areas, shopping arcades and art objects. st. Tverskaya
13:00-16:00 Festive event in the Yeseninsky courtyard with a demonstration traveling exhibition, concert and walking tours of Zamoskvorechye. The program includes the performance of songs about Moscow in the 50s and 60s. in a jazz arrangement and reading of Yesenin's poems about Moscow. MGM S.A. Yesenina
13:00-22:00 Children's City Day
A special program for small townspeople was prepared for City Day. A film festival for the whole family, dancing, dolls and carousels on Detsky Boulevard, a circus on Tsvetnoy and a real children's city at VDNKh, where every child can briefly become a fireman, rescuer, doctor or policeman.
13:00-22:30 Family festival of creativity and street art “Bright People”
1000 actors, mimes, musicians and artists, dozens of theaters and studios from around the world, 30 art objects, 15 street performances, 10 art cars, 5 workshops, 3 colorful carnival processions and a large cardboard city
st. Neglinnaya
13:00-22:30 "A table the length of a boulevard"
The program includes fairs, master classes, street theater performances, concerts and much more.
On the circus Tsvetnoy, artistic Gogolevsky, book Nikitsky, sports Tverskoy, retro Strastnoy, monastery Petrovsky, artistic Rozhdestvensky, green Sretensky, children's Chistoprudny, shopping Pokrovsky and gaming Yauzsky boulevards
13:00-22:30 Charity festival “Good Moscow”
Charity fair, bike ride, 8-kilometer race along the boulevards, concert, bike circus, master classes and quests.
Suvorovskaya Square
13:00-22:30 Festive program of events on pedestrian areas Arbat
Kuznetsky Bridge
Pyatnitskaya street
13:00-22:30 Events on Poklonnaya Hill
ITAR-TASS photo exhibition, master classes from Moscow restaurant chefs and whole roasted stuffed ox at a gastronomic festival
Poklonnaya Gora
13:00-22:30 Bulgakov Festival at Patriarch's Ponds
Second-hand book dealers, jazz bands, brass bands, retro photo studios. At 19-00 - a grand opera concert on the water with the participation of Khibla Gerzmava
Patriarch's Ponds


According to an already established tradition, all sites will be divided by theme, but marching bands, artists, magicians and circus performers, moving from one zone to another, will link them into one common holiday. Arbat
15:00-22:30 Concert of young musicians Metro on Stage, board games area, kicker championship, Lindy-hop and boogie-woogie lessons on Bolotnaya Square Bolotnaya Square
16:00 State Concert brass band Russia under the leadership of Vladimir Chugreev. State Museum of A.S. Pushkin
18:00-22:00 Concert of the group “Bravo”, “Surganova and the Orchestra” and others.
20:00-22:30 Classical music concert “Eternal Music to the Eternal City” accompanied by a grandiose light show. Performers: Khibla Gerzmava, Evgeniy, Kungurov, artists of the Bolshoi Theater, the Ministry of Internal Affairs orchestra, the Quattro group. theatre square
22:30 International fireworks festival “Lights in honor of the beloved city”
The final chord of the holiday is fireworks that will color the sky throughout Moscow!

Fireworks in the parks:
Sokolniki Park"
Muzeon Park
Garden named after Bauman
Hermitage Garden
Krasnaya Presnya Park
Park "Northern Tushino"
Tagansky Park
Kuzminki Park
Fili Park
Park "Lianozovsky"
Babushkinsky Park
Perovsky Park
Goncharovsky Park
Vorontsovsky Park
Park "850th Anniversary of Moscow"
Nagatinskaya Poima Park
Friendship Park
PKiO "Izmailovo"
PKiO "Kuzminki"

- Poklonnaya Gora, Victory Park
- Luzhnetskaya embankment
- st. Bolshaya Academicheskaya
- st. Kazakova in the Central Autonomous District
- Yuzhnoye Butovo, vacant lot on the street. Kadyrov
- Solntsevo
- Zelenograd, Victory Park
- Izmailovo, town named after. Bauman
- Mitino
- Tushino
- Troitsk, Moscow sports town
- Otradnoe
- Obruchevsky
- Novo-Peredelkino, st. Fedosino, 18, on the shore of the pond
- Lianozovo, st. Novgorodskaya 38, on the shore of the pond
23:00 Screening of Georgy Danelia’s film “I’m Walking Around Moscow”
The open-air cinemas in 9 Moscow parks will begin showing Georgy Danelia’s film “I’m Walking Around Moscow.”
Gorky Park
Muzeon Park
Garden named after Bauman
Sokolniki Park"
Babushkinsky Park
Krasnaya Presnya Park
Park "Lianozovsky"
Hermitage Garden
Perovsky Park
during the day Documentary Film Festival "Center"
See the schedule on the website:
Zubovsky Boulevard

Sunday, September 07, 2014

On Moscow's 867th Birthday there will be many bright festivals, 200 festive sites will be installed in the city, free excursions will be sent every hour, there will be more than a hundred of them, and fireworks will be held at 29 points in the city.

What's worth seeing? The most interesting!

Since the beginning of September pleases the residents of the capital with fairly warm and sunny weather, almost all events and concerts in honor of Moscow Day will traditionally be held in numerous open areas. According to official sources, this year it is planned to organize at least two hundred festive venues in different areas of the city, including on the Boulevard Ring, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Poklonnaya Gora, Vasilyevsky Spusk and Tverskaya Street.

So where is it worth going and what to see? Of course, first of all, everyone dreams of attending the opening of City Day, which is to take place on Red Square. There the president will congratulate the townspeople, and after that the entertainment show program with the participation of the most famous pop stars.

If you don’t manage to get to Red Square, then under no circumstances rush to get upset! After all, on September 6 and 7, carnival processions, festivals, fairs, performances, children's entertainment events and concerts will take place throughout Moscow. Muscovites and visiting guests are guaranteed to be pleasantly seen and pleased interesting performances, circus performances, meetings with your favorite artists, children's performances, concerts of opera performers, many attractions and, of course, entertaining competitions. The largest festive events will be held in the Kolomenskoye and Tsaritsyno museum-reserves, at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, in Luzhniki, on Poklonnaya Hill, on Novaya, Lubyanskaya, Teatralnaya and Pushkinskaya squares.

If, by the will of fate, you find yourself in Moscow to celebrate City Day, then you should definitely visit Sakharov Avenue, where during the day there will be festivals, entertainment events for kids, an unforgettable parade-carnival, and in the late afternoon - watching films right in the open air. As for Teatralnaya Square, there you can fully enjoy the performance of Bolshoi Theater artists. Poklonnaya Hill is worth visiting for those who love jazz and classical music, but parents with small children are better off going to the Biryulevsky Arboretum, where kids can have a good time watching thousands of kites. Youth art festivals, concerts and theatrical shows will be held on such popular Moscow boulevards as Rozhdestvensky, Tsvetnoy, Strastnoy and Petrovsky.

The program of events will appeal to all guests who want to watch the performance of military bands. The parade of orchestras will first take place on Tverskaya, and after the performances will continue in Moscow squares, estates and parks. On the Garden Ring, in Kolomenskoye, at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, in Kamergersky, as well as on Manezhnaya Square at the monuments to Russian poets and writers, according to official poster there will have to be an aerial acrobatic show and parade theatrical arts, a concert of Moscow bards and jazz teams, a street art festival for youth, as well as poetry readings. Sokolniki Park and Kuskovo Estate, popular among Muscovites, will turn into music venues for the weekend, where foreign and domestic performers. Saturday's festive evening will end with large-scale fireworks. With the onset of Sunday, the festivities will continue in the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky, on Poklonnaya Hill and, of course, in the Kolomenskoye and Tsaritsyno parks.

Where to watch fireworks on Moscow Day

Moscow City Day in 2014 promises to be diverse - the program of entertainment events is very rich. But no matter how interesting and exciting the holiday events are, many still look forward to the fireworks that usually end the celebrations.

This year, the night sky will be illuminated with fairy lights at 22.00 on Vorobyovy Gory, on Poklonnaya Gora, on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, in Izmailovo and Kuzminki parks, near Kursky Station, in South Butovo, Solntsevo, Nagatino, Otradnoye, Mitino, in Zelenograd and in Troitsk.

The festive extravaganza will last 15-20 minutes. Where to observe it depends on many factors. If you have not yet decided on this issue, when choosing a place from where you will admire the fantastic sky, keep in mind that the most stunning views of the festive fireworks open from Red Square, Sparrow Hills, observation deck"Moscow City" and on bridges over the Moscow River.

How to get home after the holiday

The poster of events dedicated to City Day in Moscow is striking in its diversity. All of us will undoubtedly want to immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of general fun by visiting as many more concerts, exhibitions and exciting show programs. But after the evening sky over Moscow lights up with the last flashes of fireworks, every resident and guest of the capital will be faced with the question of how to get home on the evenings of September 6 and 7.

Until the end of mass celebrations in the city, traffic will be closed on the following streets: Ilyinka, Tverskaya, Moskvoretskaya, Varvarka, Mokhovaya, Lubyansky proezd, Okhotny Ryad, Vasilyevsky Spusk, Teatralny Proezd, Bolotnaya Embankment, Krymsky Val, Tverskoy Boulevard and . Among the optimal detour routes you can choose: Novy, Vozdvizhenka, Garden Ring, Shabolovka, Nikitsky Boulevard, Third Transport Ring, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Frunzenskaya embankment, as well as such streets as Maroseyka, Mytnaya and Solyanka. At the same time, there should be no restrictions on the movement of public transport along the outer ring, but along the inner ring it will stop at the sidewalks.

We wish all Muscovites and guests of the capital, local residents and visitors, a pleasant weekend and sunny weather. Happy City Day!