Great operas: "Un ballo in maschera" by D. Verdi - Kaleidoscope - LiveJournal. "Un ballo in maschera" by Giuseppe Verdi: a political thriller on the opera stage Amelia masquerade ball

Verdi's opera Un ballo in maschera is one of the most mysterious masterpieces of musical theater. It is associated with two assassination attempts on European rulers, censorship bans and a mysterious love story. The creation of the great composer does not leave the stage of the world's leading opera houses even today, a century and a half after the first production.

"Masquerade Ball" Content

The events take place in the American city of Boston, Massachusetts. The opera, according to tradition, is preceded by an overture, which presents the main themes of the musical work. The first scene of the first act immerses the viewer in the atmosphere of the governor's palace. There, soldiers and other subjects of the ruler gathered in a spacious hall.

Their friendly choir sings the glory of Governor Richard, mentioning his many services to the fatherland. Those present swear allegiance to him. Periodically during this song of praise, the voices of Tom and Samuel are heard, who do not share a common feeling of gratitude to Richard, but, on the contrary, speak of their hatred of him. These people are among the conspirators preparing an assassination attempt on the ruler. Their words that the time for revenge has not yet come serve as the refrain of this opera number.

A servant named Oscar gives Richard a list of guests to a ball that is to take place soon. The governor sees the name of his beloved Amelia, who is the wife of his friend and one of his most devoted people, Renato. Richard dreams of an upcoming meeting with the object of his passion. The people, meanwhile, continue to praise their ruler, thinking that he is immersed in thoughts about the well-being of his subjects. Having declared the reception over and left alone, the ruler continues to indulge in sweet thoughts, repeating the name of his beloved. At this time, Renato appears in the palace. The servant lets him in without reporting to his master, since he is sure that the governor’s friend is always welcome in this house.

Unexpected news

The opera “Ballo in Masquerade” continues with an episode of a meeting between two friends. Renato, seeing Richard deep in thought, also mistakenly believes that he is busy with government affairs. But the governor tells him that sadness constantly torments his soul. Renato assumes he knows the reason for this disturbance. Richard is worried.

But a friend tells him about an impending assassination attempt on the governor. These words reassure the ruler: Renato knows nothing about his feelings for his wife. A devoted friend wants to tell him the names of the conspirators, but Richard stops him, saying that he does not want to know them because he hates these people. However, he still does not want anyone's blood to be shed because of him. And if the names of the rebels become known to him, the governor will be obliged to execute them. Renato objects to him, saying that he must think not only about himself, but also about the fate of his homeland, which, if he is killed, will lose a wise ruler who will have no one to replace him.

A witty idea

Verdi's opera Un ballo in maschera continues with the episode of the judge's appearance in the house of Count Richard. He submits to the governor for consideration an order to expel a certain Ulrika from the city. Richard inquires who this woman is. The judge explains that she is a witch and must be punished.

The servant Oscar, on the contrary, asks for mercy from the sorceress, who accurately predicts the fate of all people who come to her. The governor asks to call the courtiers and invites them to visit Ulrika together. He says he just wants to have fun and show everyone how gullible people are in taking her tricks seriously.

Oscar is glad to have this opportunity to ask the witch if he will ever meet a girl who will love him. The governor instructs him to get fisherman's clothes, which he will have to put on in order to get to the witch unrecognized. Count Richard sets a time for his visit to the sorceress - three hours. Everyone says that they will definitely be there on time.

The Witch's Dwelling

Richard says that he came first and therefore must know before others what will happen to him in the future.

He is wearing the clothes of a simple fisherman, so none of those gathered recognize him. They laugh at the insolent person and push him away.

The sailor Silvano speaks first. He complains that he has been serving the fatherland and the count for thirty-five years, but has not yet been awarded any awards. Richard says he likes the man's sincerity. He takes out a piece of paper and begins to write, after which he puts the document into the sailor's pocket.

A sailor's dream

The witch predicts a promotion and monetary reward for this person. Silvano puts his hand in his pocket to take out his wallet and pay the sorceress for his work, and discovers a document there that talks about the bonus due to him and the new title. He reads this paper out loud. All those gathered are surprised by what happened and thank Ulrika for her mercy. After this, Amelia’s servant comes to the witch’s home. He says that he came with his mistress. But the lady must speak to the witch only face to face, without witnesses. Ulrika asks everyone gathered to leave. Richard, disguised as a fisherman, hides, hoping to overhear what his beloved has to say.

Fulfillment of desires

The second scene of the first act of Giuseppe Verdi's opera Un ballo in maschera continues with Amelia's conversation with Ulrika. A woman comes and asks the witch to save her from her destructive passion for the man with whom she was in love while married. The sorceress says that in this case only one remedy can help. On the outskirts of the city there is a place where many atrocities were committed in years past. There is a herb growing there, a decoction of which will help a woman get rid of her troubles. An important condition is that you need to go there alone and certainly at night. Ulrika asks Amelia if she agrees to this. She says that she is ready to do anything to save her family, and says that that same night she will do what is prescribed.

Richard, who overheard this conversation, is glad that his love was divided. He says to himself that he will certainly go after sunset to the outskirts of the city, where he will have a chance to see Amelia.

The wife of his friend and secretary leaves. The room fills with many people again. Richard approaches the witch and, holding out his palm, asks to predict his fate. Ulrika says that she sees in front of her the hand of a man endowed with great power.

Silvano recognizes him as the Governor of Boston. The sorceress predicts to the ruler that he will die at the hands of a friend. When asked who exactly will be his killer, Ulrika replies that it will be the one who first shakes his hand. Richard doesn't take her words seriously.

The governor, jokingly, extends his hand, offering to shake it with anyone who wants it. None of those present dare to do this. At this moment Renato appears on the scene. Suspecting nothing, he shakes hands with his friend Richard. Everyone around laughs at the witch’s prediction, because they know that Renato is one of the governor’s most loyal subjects.

Scary date

At night, Amelia, as promised, went to the outskirts of the city. In this creepy place, near the gloomy gray rocks, magic grass really grew. The woman began to collect it, but suddenly saw a shadow approaching her. She was scared because she thought it was the ghost of one of the people killed at this place. Unexpectedly, she heard Richard's voice. The Count said that she had nothing to fear, since he loved her and was always ready to protect her. The woman replied that she came to this place in order to get rid of her passion for him.

Suddenly Renato appears on the scene and tells Richard that he is currently in danger. A whole crowd of rebels is now heading towards him. The governor's adviser does not recognize his wife, since her face is covered with a thick veil.

The opera Un ballo in maschera continues with Richard promising to leave only if Renato takes an oath to deliver his lady to the city gates and break up with her there. The secretary undertakes to fulfill his request. The governor leaves them.


The conspirators, led by Tom and Samuel, enter the scene. They see that the man whom they had mistaken for the ruler from afar turned out to be his secretary. At this time, the woman’s veil falls from her face, and Renato suddenly sees his wife in front of him. In the heat of rage, he asks the conspirators to come to him the next day for lunch. He says he wants to tell them something important.

When they came to him, Renato told them that he wanted to join the conspiracy, and offered his son as a pledge of his honesty.

After this, Tom, Samuel and Renato decided to cast lots to see who should kill the governor. They put pieces of paper with names in a vase and asked Amelia to take one of them. The lot fell on Renato.

Masquerade ball

Amelia warns her lover in a note that they are going to kill him during the masquerade. Therefore, he wears a mask that completely covers his face for the holiday. Amelia, present at the event, once again warns Richard of the danger.

The conspirators cunningly forced the governor's servant to reveal to them the secret under what mask their master was hiding. Richard is killed. Before his death, he asks for mercy for the criminals.

Thus ends Verdi's immortal opera Un ballo in maschera.

Plot history

The plot for the libretto of Un ballo in maschera was borrowed by its author from another, less well-known opera by Daniel Aubert. It is based on the tragic events that occurred in Sweden at the end of the eighteenth century: the assassination of King Gustav III.

The literary basis for that work was created by the famous playwright Eugene Scribe.

This writer was a professional author of librettos for many operas. He often took new stories from real life. This time he had to change the names of the characters and introduce a romantic storyline to avoid scandal due to the similarities with the actual events.

Problems with censorship

Despite the fact that the location was moved to the United States of America, and thus the plot was changed almost beyond recognition, the Nepalese theater refused to carry out the production. The reason for this was events in the political life of France, where at that time there was an attempt on the life of King Napoleon III.

And although this time the attempt of the conspirators was not crowned with success, they had to postpone staging the opera, where the murder of a European monarch takes place. The situation was aggravated by the fact that this crime, committed in France, had a clear Italian trace.

The first production was carried out only one year later in Rome.

The fate of opera in Russia

“Ballo in Masquerade” was first staged at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow in the early eighties of the nineteenth century. Before the beginning of the new century, this opera returned to this stage several more times. However, those performances, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, were not particularly successful and did not leave a noticeable mark on the history of Russian art. After this, “Ball in Masquerade” returned to these walls only in the late seventies. This production lasted on stage for about thirty years. Such famous singers as Zurab Sotkilava, Yuri Mazurok, Elena Obraztsova took part in it.

This opera recently returned to the Bolshoi.

This time the performance was staged by an Italian director. Some parts were also entrusted to singers from the Apennine Peninsula.

You can find the most varied reviews about this “Masquerade Ball”: from sharply negative to the warmest. Basically, almost everyone who has seen the production agrees that the vocal performance of the current actors and their acting are inferior to the troupe that took part in the 1979 production.

The current “Ballo in Masquerade” at the Mariinsky Theater, directed by Andrei Konchalovsky, has gained greater success with the public. Decoration played an important role in this. At the Mariinsky, the Masquerade Ball is staged in 17th-century costumes.

In any case, it is safe to say that the work of the great Verdi is of great interest to the modern public.

Degree of preparation difficulty



candles, garlands, velvet, masks, flower arrangements


white and dark red roses, purple tulips, green and white buldenezh


Bach, Corelli, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Fuchs, Purcell

Purple, green, gold, silver, black, red, white, burgundy, purple


Beef tenderloin medallions, seafood salad, rosemary chicken, French bread, pastries, cookies, cake, fruit, champagne

Themed entertainment

Dancing, auction, walk, theater game, dance cards, voting for the best costume, photo shoot

Theme party idea ball - masquerade

Idea masquerade ball made the heart beat faster and blood flow in the veins since the 16th century. Some smart (or too much in love) Frenchman came up with the idea of ​​wearing a mask to the royal ball. A little later, the mask became a symbol of equality between rich and poor, smart and stupid, men and women. Only motley birds without gender, age, or even, sometimes, voice took part. It was an ideal environment for treacherous intrigue, gossip, and, of course, forbidden love. And yet, the man in the mask could allow himself to be different. For some, the mask helped them overcome their complexes, while for others, on the contrary, it allowed them to carefully hide their depraved essence. The true “I” remained somewhere there, in the light of midday. In the twilight of the masquerade ballroom, a new man was born, who wrote his own, mysterious story. So what will be the mysterious story of your holiday? Let's start planning the party!


1. Choosing a masquerade theme

The choice of topic depends on several factors. First of all, your general vision of the holiday and preferences. Here are some tried and tested suggestions:

Mardi Gras

(thematic for admirers of bright colors and colors, feathers, wild fun and dancing)

Phantom of the Opera

(a more subdued celebration in the spirit of Victorian grandeur, with classical music and drama to match the theme)

Aristocratic ball of the 18th century

(a luxurious event, the main emphasis of which is the pomp of outfits, a lot of precious jewelry, delicious food)

Old Hollywood

(the world of glamor of a socialite, whose representatives coquettishly cover their eyes with an exquisite mask)

In addition, the choice of theme may be influenced by the location of the holiday (for a Victorian ball you need to rent a large dance hall, and for Old Hollywood, a modest living room of your home will suffice). And, of course, the budget. If, for example, “Hollywood” and “The Phantom of the Opera” are low-budget events, then for “Mardi Gras” and “Aristocratic Ball” you will have to fork out a lot.

2. Invitations to the ball - masquerade

Once we have decided on the theme, we begin to invite guests. The dominant symbol for any holiday theme in the spirit is, of course,.

The front side of this stylish invitation card uses the idea of ​​Venetian boudoirs. The walls are painted with gold, flowers flickering in the light of candelabra, expensive, sophisticated fabrics...

This option is simpler and more economical. We cut out the base mask from thick paper (cardboard) and decorate it using available materials. Instead of serpentine (or together with it), you can use aerosol silver glitter based on glue or metallized large “peas” of confetti.
The text of the invitation is formulated arbitrarily. It is important to indicate the date, time, theme of the holiday, location, dress code, and timing of RSVP information.

3. Outfits for a masquerade ball

There's nothing worse than a themed party with guests who ignored the dress code line. Masquerade without costumes, it is initially doomed to failure. Three simple rules will help you avoid awkwardness, embarrassment and spoiled mood:

I. Invitation cards must be given to all guests at least two weeks before the event;

II. Raise the issue of the dress code clearly, loudly and categorically.

Try to explain to your guests that their fabulous costumes will bring the theme of the party to life, that during the Renaissance, masquerades were held only for a select few, the elite of society, and finally, announce a competition for the best carnival costume (with a subsequent reward for the winner).

III. Prepare spare masks for those guests who suffer from “hearing defects” or are too pragmatic in nature to feel the whole deep philosophy of the future holiday.

A spare one, along with strict instructions: men in tails, women in evening dresses, is quite capable of saving a masquerade ball that may be on the verge of failure.

And if guests add a little zest to the outfit - shoes in the style of the bright birds of Rio - it will turn out wonderful fancy toilet.

Suit for masquerade ball It can be either a carefully thought out pompous outfit or some humorous image with erotic overtones.

Men, depending on the theme of the holiday, can come either in a formal tailcoat with a bow tie, or in the costume of a cheeky pirate in a cocked hat, or Zorro.

4. Masks for a party ball - masquerade

An excellent solution for an expensive ball in the spirit of the Middle Ages would be this one based on plaster.

You can make it at home using a few available tools and artistic talent. For one masks You will need: 20 strips of medical plaster on a gauze base (2.5 cm wide and 4 cm long), fatty cream, water. Lubricate your face with cream (to avoid irritation and allergic reactions), apply plaster strips soaked in water. Let the plaster dry on your face. Use a sharp knife to shape the finished print into the desired shape. And then - give free rein to your creativity and imagination.

A simpler option is mask-glasses from fabric. Guipure, pearls, rhinestones, leather - these are just a small part of the tools that can make a woman's look from under a mask mysterious, enigmatic, perfect.

And the most basic option masks- guipure blindfold. Mystery, expression, charisma - these are just a few words from the galaxy of those that you will hear thanks to the mask addressed to you at the party.

5. Decor for a masquerade ball

An ideal place for masquerade ball will become a Renaissance dance hall. Tapestries, paintings, candelabra with candles, bulky carved furniture... Unfortunately, there are no more than a dozen of these left in the world, and even those are museums. What to do? Take your (or rented) home back in time several centuries!

Drapery . Buy several pieces of velvet to drape the “ballroom” walls. Burgundy, dark green and dark blue fabrics are perfect.

Candles . Masquerade ball requires creating a romantic, mysterious atmosphere. Turn off the central bright lighting for the evening, use side lights and beautifully decorated candles.

Masks . Masquerade masks(with feathers, rhinestones, ribbons) will be an excellent decoration for walls, tables, and the entrance doors of your home.

Glasses. Wine, champagne and other drinks should also be decorated in the spirit of the holiday.

Menu. If you are planning a self-service buffet, then you will not need this attribute. And if your masquerade ball According to the script, it should slowly turn into a dinner party - prepare such a menu for each guest. The impression of your holiday will increase several times.

Fairy lights. Unusual pendants made of flowers or butterflies will add charm, unusualness, and mystery to your evening.

Other for masquerade . Silver, gold, purple, green balloons, streamers and electric garlands can also be used as decor for a masquerade ball (especially if the theme is Mardi Gras). For a bright holiday, live greenery as decoration and multi-colored ribbons are suitable.

6. Music for an adult party - masquerade ball

Participants masquerade ball During the Renaissance, they listened to the elite music of that time: Bach, Corelli, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Fuchs, Purcell. Records and CDs of classical music can be found on sale. Timeless melodies will set the tone for your evening, encouraging guests to get into character, chat about timeless topics and just have a good time.


1. Fun at a masquerade

Of course, the main activity of masquerade ball are dancing. Classic (if you are at a French or Italian court), fiery Latin (if you are at a vibrant carnival). It would be nice if one of the guests gave the birthday boy an unusual gift - invited a ballroom dancing instructor for a festive master class.

You can also play with the idea of ​​dance cards at your party. Remember, at the court of Louis 14, the lady danced the following dance with the gentleman whose name was on her card. You can also experiment with the dance card, and enter not the real names of your guests, but the names of the characters in which they reincarnated.

Game "Theater"

Intellectual, creative and at the same time a fun activity. Guests are divided into two teams. One team writes a short script, the other follows the “director’s” instructions. The basis of the script can be a famous film (which you will jointly make a parody of), a theatrical performance, or a children's fairy tale.

A mandatory competition that needs to be held among your guests if they came to the holiday in masquerade suits and carefully worked on their image. Arrange a secret vote (by installing a box for notes with votes in the hallway), or an explicit one (by counting the loudest applause for one or another hero of the evening). And reward the winner with a prize.

– Ancient Egypt and contemporary France, medieval Spain, Sicily and Genoa... the composer did not ignore the United States of America. However, when conceiving the opera “Ballo in Masquerade”, the author least of all imagined that its events would unfold overseas. Initially, it was about a true fact from the history of Sweden: in March 1792, the leader of the aristocrats, dissatisfied with the liberal attitude of King Gustav III, inflicted a mortal wound on the monarch during a masquerade ball. The French playwright Eugene Scribe wove a love affair into this political story: in his play Gustav III of Sweden, the king's murderer is jealous of his wife. Scribe's drama was already taken as the basis for an opera by the French composer Daniel Aubert, but Verdi also decides to turn to this plot.

The libretto, at the request of the composer, was written by the Venetian writer Antonio Somma. In January 1858, Giuseppe Verdi completed the opera, which was originally called Revenge at the Dominoes, and transferred it to the Teatro San Carlo in Naples. And then politics intervened in the plans of the composer and the theater: in France there was an attempt on the life of Napoleon III, and it was carried out by a political emigrant from Italy. Given the violent reaction that followed the event, showing the king's murder on stage was truly unthinkable. At first, the opera was categorically banned, then the composer was offered a modified version of the libretto, written ... by an employee of the police censorship department: the action was transferred to medieval Florence, the king became a simple nobleman, and the murder scene at the ball was excluded.

Giuseppe Verdi was deeply outraged by this treatment of his work and refused to make the requested changes. The matter reached a serious conflict: the theater impresario intended to sue the composer, who also sued, the case became public and caused indignation among the Neapolitans. Verdi had problems with censorship before - but it had never come to such a scandal; even King Ferdinand II had to intervene. In the end, a compromise was found: the ban on the opera was lifted, and changes were made to the libretto - but not as originally intended. The action moved to the USA - a country where there were never kings at all, Gustav III turned into Richard Warwick - the governor of Boston, Count Ankarström - into his secretary named Renato, other conspirators - Counts Ribbing and Horn - received the names Samuel and Tom. Antonio Somma refused to recognize such a libretto as his work, and it was signed NN. The text was subsequently revised by Francesco Piave.

The music of the opera “Un ballo in maschera” is extremely rich in melodic terms, it is replete with expressive orchestral touches, many melodies are based on everyday dance and song genres - for example, Renato’s arioso in the first act (“Entrusted with power from above” is sustained in the rhythm of a bolero, and Amelia’s address to the sorceress Ulrika (“I want to forget”) is reminiscent of a romance in its intonation. The main conflict is reflected already in the overture, where the ominous theme of the conspirators is compared with the lyrical theme of love, which will subsequently play an important role in Richard’s characterization - in particular, his aria in the first act (“Once again she will flash before me”), and during his monologue in the second scene of the fourth act she appears in the orchestra. In general, there are many contrasts in the opera: in the gloomy scene in Ulrika’s home it sounds romantically upbeat, filled with youthful enthusiasm Richard's aria in the rhythm of barcarolle (“The wave will not change me in the gray sea”), and the tragic denouement occurs during a masked ball. Even individual numbers are built on contrasts - for example, the quintet from the fourth act combines the thirst for revenge that gripped Renato and the conspirators, Amelia’s grief and the carefreeness of the page Oscar. In general, this character, with his carelessness, often sets off the terrible events of the opera - for example, in the final scene, the tragic denouement is preceded by his elegant song in a waltz rhythm.

The stage fate of the opera Un ballo in maschera, which became so seriously complicated even during its creation, remained difficult in the future. It was never staged in Naples - the premiere took place in February 1859 in Rome, at the Apollo Theater. The performance was a huge success.

Subsequently, when staging the opera Un ballo in maschera, the action is often transferred to Italy or, as Giuseppe Verdi originally intended, to Sweden. Sometimes inconsistencies arise - when the location of the action is changed, but the names of the characters remain the same (however, sometimes the list of characters changes - the main character becomes Gustav III). But, despite all these difficulties, the opera “Ballo in Masquerade” is staged in various theaters around the world. It is immortalized even in space: the main belt asteroid, discovered by Russian astronomer S. Belyavsky in 1917, was named Ulrika - in honor of the sorceress from the opera.

Musical seasons

December 3, 2015

What exactly do you associate with a masquerade ball? With something mysterious and romantic or mysterious and ancient?

Unsolved mysteries of masks and silhouettes in the twilight, stunning images and songs that penetrate straight to the heart - all this is a masquerade ball for adults! Only here can every guest feel like an aristocrat of the Middle Ages, feel the full depth of colorful colors and costumes in the MardiGras style, an exquisite carnival in Venice, a noble ball in the palace of Louis XIV or a Victorian operetta.

All these ideas can be brought to life at a birthday party, corporate event, prom, New Year, Halloween, wedding or just a meeting of good old friends. A masquerade ball is a holiday where old traditions and modernity harmoniously combine.

The essence of a masquerade ball

Masquerades originate from ancient Greece, where noisy holidays were held with dressing up and processions in masks accompanied by music, singing and fiery dancing in honor of the god Dionysus. In medieval Europe, masquerades became very popular in aristocratic circles starting from the 14th century. By changing into a different costume or putting on a mask, a person went beyond the norm and was transported into a world of prohibitions, harmony, and otherworldly power. Feeling like someone else, at least for one evening, people took a break from the daily hustle and bustle and were distracted from the harsh reality of the world. Soon the mask began to symbolize equality between different segments of the population; it did not divide people by their religion or status.

The masquerade was an ideal event for weaving intrigues, gossip, unbridled fun, and, of course, forbidden love. Everyone who was wearing a mask could pretend to be a different person for the evening, show a different side of themselves, which had a positive effect on the fight against their own complexes. The true “I” of each person was lost at the ball, in the twilight of the masquerade a new personality was born, with its own mystical story...

What kind of story you write depends on how the party is organized correctly.

Defining the topic

A masquerade ball can have different themes, and depends on the preferences and imagination of the organizers, as well as the general vision of the holiday. Let's consider the most striking topics for the event:

  • MardiGras is a holiday for lovers of rich colors, unusual images and unbridled fun.
  • The Phantom of the Opera is a Victorian party set to classical music.
  • An aristocratic party in the spirit of 18th-century France - a celebration of luxury, pompous outfits, expensive jewelry and gourmet food.
  • Old Hollywood is an event dedicated to glamor and high life, all guests of the event coquettishly hide their faces behind exquisite masks.
  • Movie-cartoon masquerade is a celebration of the heroes of your favorite cartoons and movies, suitable for both children's and adult parties.

Important factors when determining the theme of the party are the allocated budget and the location of the holiday. Some masquerade balls are relatively budget-friendly, such as the Old Hollywood themed party, while MardiGras requires you to shell out quite a bit for the ballroom and costumes.

Invitations to a masquerade ball

After determining the theme of the masquerade, you need to organize invitations for guests. The main symbol of such celebrations is a mask, so it is not surprising that invitations are most often made in its style. The front side can be decorated like a Venetian boudoir, that is, covered with elegant fabric, painted with gold paints and sparkles.

You can make simpler options, for example, cut out a mask from cardboard, paint it with glitter glue, paints, markers or confetti.

The text of the invitation may be different, but it is important to indicate the date, location of the event, theme, and dress code. Each guest can come up with a name for themselves in accordance with the theme of the holiday. For example, if the party is in the style of the French aristocracy of the 18th century, then the guests can become Josephines, Constances, Jacques, Louis, etc. This will be interesting and at the same time piquant.

Masquerade outfits

Attire is very important for a theme party, and it is bad if some guests ignore the line warning about the theme of the evening. To avoid embarrassment, you need to introduce several rules:

  • Invitations are given to guests of the event at least 2 weeks before the masquerade.
  • The dress code is required to be discussed with each guest.
  • You need to have a few extra masks for those who still do not properly prepare for the holiday.

A costume for a masquerade ball should be thought out to the smallest detail and extremely luxurious, with notes of sexuality and humor. He must show all the mystery of the image.

There are many places in cities where costumes, wigs and necessary accessories are rented; you just need to provide the phone number to the guests. The suit can also be made to order or by hand if you have the skills of a seamstress.

For the holiday, girls can dress up as a queen, lady, movie diva of the 20s, or Princess Elsa from the cartoon “Frozen.” For men, suits in the style of a count, baron, Zorro, or even the image of Marlon Brando are perfect - a black tailcoat with a bow tie will always be in place.

Party masks

Separately, it is worth mentioning the masquerade mask as a symbol of this holiday. Even an ordinary tailcoat or little black dress together with an elegant mask will look harmonious at the ball. The ideal plaster mask can be easily prepared at home. You will need some equipment and the skills of a decorative artist. For preparation you need:

  • 20 strips of medical plaster based on gauze, measuring 2.5 cm by 4 cm.
  • Cream.

The face is smeared with cream, and plaster strips soaked in water are applied to it. After drying on the face, the impression is taken and given the desired shape using a sharp knife. Then everything depends solely on will and imagination. The mask can be painted, decorated in different styles, decorated with different materials, stones, threads, sequins, etc.

It is much easier to make a fabric goggle mask at home. Pearls, guipure, sequins are a small part of what can bring notes of mystery and perfection to the look of a woman in a mask.

The most affordable accessory for a party will be a blindfold mask. Its presence will make a woman’s look full of charisma, expression and mystery.

Room decoration

The atmosphere at a holiday of this type simply must be mysterious and unusual for all guests, otherwise the whole meaning will be lost.

If you are planning a large party, you can order the services of special agencies for the design of banquet halls. If the masquerade will take place in an apartment or private house, then the organizers themselves should take care of decorating the rooms.

The main decorative elements for a festive room will be beads, feathers, candles, and mirrors. Well, masks, they should be everywhere. On the walls you can hang thematic posters depicting Venice, French balls of the 18th century, paintings by famous artists of that time, tapestries and candelabra.

An interesting and practical idea would be to decorate the room in one color scheme. This will significantly reduce the problems of choosing matching colors and save money.

The walls of the room can be draped with burgundy, green and blue fabrics. Garlands will perfectly complement the decor of the room; these can be pendants made of flowers and butterflies.

If the party is planned in a fun and modern movie-cartoon style, then you can decorate the walls with posters of your favorite cartoon and movie characters, install several funny tantamares (decorations with holes for faces for photography), and scatter confetti and streamers around the rooms. Gold, silver, yellow, red, blue balloons and electric garlands are also used as decorations for masquerade balls.

Musical arrangement

If the party is organized in the style of a masquerade ball from the Middle Ages, then the best music will be classics: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and other masterpieces. Eternal music, like no other, will fill the evening with a pleasant atmosphere, encourage the guests' imagination, and invite them to talk about important topics or just have a good time with friends.

If the party is organized in a movie-cartoon style, then the musical accompaniment can be modern hits, songs that remind friends of a fun time in their youth, or any other fun music.

Entertainment at the ball

Undoubtedly, the main type of entertainment at the ball is dancing: classical, Latin or modern.

At the masquerade ball of the times of Louis XIV, dance cards were in circulation; each lady was awarded a certain gentleman with whom she was obliged to dance the entire evening. A similar practice can be offered to single guests at your masquerade. The ladies themselves will draw a card with the gentleman's name, and maybe by the end of the evening several more strong couples will be organized among your friends.

At such a themed holiday, you can conduct the following entertainment.


The guests are divided into two groups. One draws up an interesting and fun scenario, and the other implements it on an improvised stage under the clear guidance of the “director” from the first group. The team's script could be a parody of everyone's favorite movie, theatrical performance, or fairy tale.

"Competition for the best image"

A traditional competition at almost all events. It is important that participants carefully prepare for it and think through their image to the smallest detail. The participant who receives the most applause for their costume wins.

"Queen of the Masquerade Ball"

Girls are simply in awe of various beauty contests. The most beautiful, mysterious, sophisticated, sexy and at the same time interesting lady becomes the queen of the masquerade ball. The winner will wear the crown all evening and be surrounded by all sorts of honors.


Holding an auction is an aristocratic occupation. As lots you can use an unusual handmade mask, a bottle of rare wine, a shoe from the queen of the evening, etc. An important feature of this game is the sense of humor of the presenter, who is able to conduct an auction in a positive and cheerful atmosphere.

At the very beginning, a minimum bid per lot is set; it can be a coin of a designated denomination or a small bill.

"Themed photo shoot"

Who wouldn’t want to get a photo as a souvenir, and in such a chic look? Therefore, an interesting and positive photo session of holiday guests will give everyone present a great mood.

"Dress-Up Competition"

In the company of your best friends, you can be a little frivolous and, for example, dress up in a costume of the opposite sex. Ladies will become gentlemen and vice versa. After a fun dressing up and applying make-up on the newly minted “young ladies”, you can hold a competition where participants will compete for the title “Mrs Gentleman” and “Mr Lady”.

"Roomy petticoat"

Such a competition is only suitable for a party in the style of Europe of the 18th century, since it requires ladies in dresses with full skirts. The essence of the competition: two girls in dresses and a team of guys choose, the more gentlemen each can fit under their skirt, the team wins. You need to hide completely under a fluffy dress, no peeking arms or legs. Fun is guaranteed for all guests of the holiday.

Another version of this competition: one of the girls has a gentleman hiding under her skirt. Guests must guess which of them is hiding the lucky one.

Gifts and prizes

Beautiful masks, hair accessories, pendants with keys, butterflies under an elegant tailcoat, or comic prizes can be used as gifts and prizes at a masquerade ball. For example, a bandage on a leg, a mustache on a stick, a mask with a nose or a funny shape.

Treats and table setting

The idea of ​​a classic masquerade ball does not provide for a standard feast. Guests of the party are treated to a buffet. Ideally, hire waiters, but if this is not possible, then you can simply organize the delivery of snacks and drinks yourself.

The evening's treats may include beef medallions, mussel or shrimp salad, rosemary chicken, French bread, sesame buns, etc. Cognac, red or white dry wines, and champagne are perfect drinks.

Dessert can consist of “mask” cookies, strawberries, grapes, cakes decorated with lace chocolate patterns, and, of course, a cake decorated according to the theme of the holiday.
The masquerade ball is a fun and original event, the relevance of which has not been lost for centuries. Each guest of the evening can feel like an aristocrat of the 19th century, an actor from the era of the 20s, or partners Bonnie and Clyde, by trying on the appropriate image. The main thing is that it is fun, interesting and unusual.

A masquerade is a place where time periods intersect, the past becomes the present so that a beautiful and bright future can take place.

Have you been dreaming of throwing an amazing party for a long time, but don’t know what theme to choose? We propose to organize a masquerade carnival, which will not only bring its own special atmosphere, but will also allow you to create a truly unusual celebration!

Mysterious masks and silhouettes, exquisite outfits and beautiful music - all this is a masquerade ball-style party for adults! Here you can enjoy the truly magnificent spirit of the Middle Ages, because that period was so full of interesting and colorful balls.

You can organize a masquerade for a corporate party or a birthday party, because a masquerade is always fun, unrestrained dancing and many, many original competitions! you can find interesting options for kids!

How to organize a masquerade so that everyone is happy? Read in our article today!

Invitations and outfits

Invitations to such a holiday must fully correspond to the theme. Therefore, it is better to decorate them with images of masks.

Don't forget to include dress code requirements!

When choosing an outfit for a masquerade, you can choose a simple image of a mysterious guest.

But if you are looking for more original and interesting ideas, then we can please you! we have collected all the best for those who dream of winning a prize for the best costume :).

By the way, you can make a mask for your costume from feathers. It looks very unusual and stylish!

Themes for masquerade

Of course, it is important in what season the holiday takes place. For example, here we have collected interesting ideas for an autumn ball. You can also tie it to a specific holiday, for example, Halloween!

The theme of your holiday can be very diverse. For example, “film adaptations” of famous children's fairy tales or cartoons - Cippolino, Cinderella or even Shrek. Each of those present can be assigned roles in advance and then their costumes will fully correspond to the image :).

The circus theme will also be interesting, you can play as courtiers under King Louis and even become the heirs of the Qin dynasty for one day!

A “Masquerade Ball” themed party with a musical or vintage theme will be no less interesting.

You can choose characters from your favorite movies or computer games. The main thing is that everyone present is completely imbued with the idea and the chosen topic.

How about an urban theme?

Or the animal world?

It would be great to play with a single color scheme in a masquerade. This can be embodied both in the costumes of the guests and in the overall design of the holiday.

Indoor decor: ideas for a masquerade ball

What is a masquerade? This is to be able to pass off wishful thinking as reality :). This means you need to try to create an atmosphere that is unusual for you and your guests.

Let the main decorations of the premises be feathers, beads, mirrors and lights. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about the main attribute of the holiday – masks! You can draw them and add them wherever your heart desires!

By the way, a great idea would be to decorate the rooms in a single color style. This will not only make the task of decorating easier, but will also save you from the problem of combining colors and shades!

Don’t forget about elegant and at the same time chic table setting!

And, of course, how can you have a masquerade without a chic table? It is best to choose not a banquet menu, but a buffet table format. This will allow guests to move around the restaurant or home and find time to communicate with friends and colleagues.

A delicious and themed cake can also be the highlight of your evening!


When looking for interesting entertainment, pay attention to the games and competitions that we have selected for you here.

Asking the question “How to organize a masquerade ball?” think about what holiday you would like to attend. After all, a corporate masquerade or a masquerade at home should in any case be fun, lively and leave a sea of ​​positive photos! That’s why it’s best to ensure that your guests take the time to take photos in a magical photo booth, which should be placed in one of the areas of the room!

To ensure that the mood of your guests is always at its best, it is necessary that the music for the masquerade ball is also carefully thought out and selected. You can use our selection posted