The group is nothing. Oksana Oleshko

“Dear Mikhail Filimonov! I think your column is the most killer in Express Gazeta. I like that you reveal the shortcomings of our stars, and not just the advantages that other correspondents diligently emphasize. It’s only a pity that you don’t write about my favorite group at all "Hi-Fi". I have a question for you: is it true that the lead singer of "Hi-Fi" Mitya Fomin is unconventionally oriented? My friend told me: they say, open your eyes, they are all gay on the stage. Mitya and really strange manners: either he is too cultured and affected, or he really is a “dove”. And he doesn’t have a wife. “Hi-Fi” themselves deny all the arguments, but you can’t hide an sew in a bag. When I wrote to you, it was above me everyone laughed: “That’s what they’ll answer you! They don’t write about anyone except Zemfira and Ruk!” But I hope that you won’t let me down. After all, I’m your friend.

Ksyusha, Khabarovsk

“I dream that my letter will be published in Vocal Analysis. I think you are a good person and will help me. The fact is that I love the star - Mitya Fomin from the Hi-Fi group. I don’t know how to live with with this feeling. I think about him day and night. And when I see or hear him, I start to shake. It’s unbearable. I even sometimes think that if I don’t get his autograph, I’ll hang myself or drown myself. And how much I’ve written poems for him! Probably 100 or even more. I'll write one of them. Maybe Mitya will read it in the newspaper and find out about my love.

You disappear unnoticed in the BLUE fog. I love you, but you don’t know what’s in my heart. For many years I have been waiting for an answer, but I won’t get an answer, No answer, no hello, who would have known that I would fall in love. No, you don't need to be loved! - I tell myself again. Well, why am I rewarded with unrequited love?” Nastya, 16 years old, Yakutsk

A year ago, during a tour in Odessa, the Hi-Fi soloists Mitya and Timofey raped me, - Dima told. - I'm tired of keeping this to myself. Let everyone know the truth. Like many teenagers my age, I collected autographs from popular artists. On November 25, 2000, “Hi-Fi” performed at the Odessa club-casino “Mirage”. I was waiting for them near the exit, but after the concert they were immediately taken to dinner. I asked the driver what hotel they were staying at and went there. The hotel was located at: Kurortny Lane, building 2 (I don’t know its name). When the Hi-Fi arrived, there was another man and a young girl with them. As I understand it, the girl was with Timofey, because she kissed him and then left. I approached Mitya and asked him to sign the poster. He looked at me with some drunken eyes, but at the same time he didn’t smell of fumes (and I was standing quite close). They stood near the hotel for about 15-20 minutes. I was interested in watching them, so I didn’t leave. Then Mitya came up to me and asked me to look at the poster on which I asked to sign, and we started talking. Everything was like in a dream: Mitya himself from “Hi-Fi” spoke to me! He asked me if I wanted to go to his room and chat some more. Naturally, I agreed. Then he introduced me to Timofey, and Ksyusha and the man left. We went up to what appeared to be Timofey's room. He immediately began to sort out some things and took out a bottle of cognac and chocolate. Mitya offered me a drink: "Are you really going to refuse me?" And I melted. I was sleepy and hungry, so I quickly got drunk. And when I’m drunk, even a little bit, it’s immediately obvious to me. Timofey went to the toilet, and Mitya told me to undress. I thought it was a joke and laughed. Then he hit me. I was scared and wanted to run away, but when I opened the door, I came across Timofey. Mitya told him to close the door, and he began to beat me. I don’t know why, but it didn’t hurt me, it was just very scary. I started crying and asking them not to do anything to me. I immediately understood what they needed from me. In response, Mitya said that if I don’t scream and kick, he will manage without unnecessary bruises. I had nothing else to do, so I agreed. To this day I can't think about it without crying. Mitya did it first, then Timofey. After this, Timofey said that if I told anyone, they still wouldn’t believe me. And Mitya laughed and told me not to be too sad, because I’m not the only one. I don’t remember how I got home. Now I understand those people who are raped. I also wanted to commit suicide. I felt the paws of these two bastards on me. I thought about this for a very long time, and sometimes it seemed to me that I myself provoked them to this, but in the end I realized that I was not to blame for anything. It seems to me that they did this out of a sense of permissiveness: they thought that no one would ever know about it. I want to appeal to the guys who suffered just like me. Do not be afraid! Do your best to let everyone know who they really are!

To tell the truth, Dima’s story cast doubt on me. Well, why would the participants of “Hi-Fi” rape someone when there are a lot of hunters voluntarily providing any services to celebrities?! Did the young man invent this whole heartbreaking story? Maybe at the indicated time “Hi-Fi” were not in Odessa?

No, in November 2000 we really came to Odessa, - the band's concert director did not denyMaxim Alexandrov. - But I don’t remember the hotel on Kurortny Lane. In my opinion, when we worked at Mirage, we lived in the Red Hotel, where they filmed the film Deja Vu. What happened? What did Mitya and Timofey do with this boy? Beaten up, or what? Oh, they raped me... I don’t know anything about this. And then I can’t really imagine Timofey’s participation in this: he’s really not on this topic. Well, you understand... Because of this, he and Mitya never even hang out together. Of course, different stories happen on tour. But even if something happened, they will never admit it to you. You know, let me try to find out from Mitya myself whether this happened or not. He'll tell me...

After talking with Mitya, Mr. Alexandrov noticeably darkened and hastened to end the conversation with me, inviting me to get comments from my ward myself.

Of course, there was no such story, - Mitya Fomin muttered dissatisfiedly. - It is basically impossible. I don't practice po-pa... po-pa... - starting to stutter, the singer involuntarily revealed his excitement, - this kind of entertainment. We get too tired on tour. Usually after a performance I rather eat and go to bed. The most I do is go to some clubs. And my communication with fans is limited to the fact that they give me po-pa... po-pa... pillows, toys, chocolates, books, flowers. I rarely even enter into conversations with them. But inviting them to your room and offering them a drink is out of the question. Are you going to publish this in the newspaper? I don’t think that my comments will somehow change the impression of this boy’s story. And why on earth should I answer you whether it’s true or not? To be honest, I seriously doubt that you actually received the letter. It seems to me that you made it all up yourself. But even if the boy wrote to you... Maybe he is jealous of me. Maybe I didn’t get something in life. Don't, don't, don't waste my time! Print whatever you want!

It became clear that this dirty story could only be sorted out with the help of disinterested witnesses. And such witnesses - oh, miracle! - found. Exactly as ordered, an invitation to visit the website of a young singer from Odessa came to my email address Maxima Petrenko, performing under the stage name Maxiwave. Looking at the indicated address, I was amazed to find, among other materials, photographs of Mitya and Timofey embracing this young singer...

These photos were taken during the "Hi-Fi" tour in Odessa in the summer of 2001, - explained Maxim Petrenko.- My manager introduced me to them. Lena Kruglenko, which used to transport “Hi-Fi” around Ukraine. True, my communication with Mitya did not work out. But Timofey and I immediately found a common language. Just don’t think, I didn’t have any intimacy with him. I'm straight. And I wouldn’t say that they drink a lot either. It's true that they smoke something. Unfortunately, I know nothing about the arrival of “Hi-Fi” in November 2000. I was not in Odessa then. Better ask Lena about this... - Indeed, in November 2000, "Hi-Fi" stayed on Kurortny Lane, - confirmed by Lena Kruglenko. - This is the former Profsoyuznaya hotel, which is now called “Valentina”. Of course, fans were waiting for them near the hotel. They stood there around the clock. This is a common situation. But then... After the performance, Mitya seemed to go, as always, to the gay club "69". The fact is that he has a friend in Odessa Volodya Chichushkov, former program director of the Rio club. And when he comes to Odessa, Mitya usually goes with him to this gay club or to Volodya’s dacha. And Timofey usually relaxes in a room with a girl. He really likes girls more than young men. I remember during the “Hi-Fi” tour in Western Ukraine, on the way to the concert venue, he met a beauty coming from the market with a bag of cherries. Timofey fell on his knees in front of her and said: "I love you! Come on tour with me." After which the girl gave herself unconditionally to him and, without even going home, she followed him from Lvov to Lutsk. Mitya’s love is clearly not for girls. And he likes to take a walk after concerts. On the other hand, Mitya is too sensitive to his person. It is not so easy to touch it with your finger. Especially for the boy standing near the hotel. And it’s unlikely that Mitya could be interested in the boy. It seems to me that he likes to communicate more with men older than him, like Volodya Chichushkov. Isn't this boy's name Zhenya by any chance? And not Seryozha? And that is, here we have two such fanatics who constantly hover near the “Hi-Fi”. Similar things could well have come from them. In general, in Odessa we have a lot of all sorts of mischievous entertainers. For that matter, our Maxim Petrenko also had an idea to tell the press that he slept with Timofey. Thank God, Maxim came to his senses in time. By the way, what about you Vitas Are you interested by any chance? And he came here recently...

Of course, Vitas could not help but interest me. But about him is a separate story. Read the upcoming issues of "EG"! And I take this opportunity to congratulate Mitya Fomin on his birthday! For those who don't know, he turns 28 on January 17...

Hi-Fi (Hi gh Fi delity - high fidelity sound reproduction) is a Russian musical group founded by composer and arranger Pavel Yesenin, as well as producer and lyricist Eric Chanturia.

The band's songs have repeatedly topped the Russian charts. In 2005, the group became a laureate of the Muz-TV 2005 Award in the category “Best Dance Project”.

Not given, Homeless Child, About Summer, Black Raven, Stupid People, Secondary School 7 (And We Loved), I Love, Trouble, In the Footsteps, The Seventh Petal (remix), The Right to Happiness, We Are Not a...


Pavel Yesenin himself planned to become the soloist of “Hi-Fi”, but deciding that touring life would not leave time for composing music, he abandoned this idea, and Mitya Fomin became the frontman of the group. However, Yesenin did not like Fomin’s vocals, and he began to sing for him on the group’s recordings.

The official founding date of the group is August 2, 1998. From this day on, artists Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko began working together on filming a video clip for the song “Not Given”.

It is noteworthy that until this moment the participants did not intersect with each other, did not know each other, and even recorded in the studio at different times.

At the beginning of 2003, Oksana Oleshko left the group: she decided to leave show business and devote herself entirely to her family. Two weeks later, a new soloist was found, she became the professional model Tanya Tereshina.

In May 2005, Tatyana Tereshina decides to pursue a solo career and leaves the group. At the beginning of 2006, Katya Li, a student of the jazz department of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, was appointed to the role of soloist.

At the beginning of 2009, against the background of the decline in the popularity of “Hi-Fi,” Mitya Fomin, tired of “animating” Pavel Yesenin, left the band for a solo career. He is replaced by a new member - Kirill Kolgushkin, but Timofey Pronkin becomes the de facto leader of the group.

In February 2010, Ekaterina Lee announced her departure from the team for “greater self-realization on stage.” Later she became the lead singer of the Fabrika group instead of the departed Sati Casanova. In March 2010, after passing the casting, a new soloist Olesya Lipchanskaya joined the team.

In April 2011, Kirill Kolgushkin announced his intention to leave the team.

In February 2012, Vyacheslav Samarin became the new soloist of the group, however, he left the group in October of the same year.


Timofey Pronkin
Olesya Lipchanskaya


The band's songs have repeatedly topped the Russian charts. In 2005, the group became a laureate of the Muz-TV 2005 Award in the category “Best Dance Project”.


Pavel Yesenin himself planned to become the soloist of “Hi-Fi,” but deciding that touring life would not leave time for composing music, he abandoned this idea, and Mitya Fomin became the frontman of the group. However, Yesenin did not like Fomin’s vocals, and he began to sing for him on the group’s recordings.

The official founding date of the group is August 2, 1998. From this day on, artists Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko began working together on filming a video clip for the song “Not Given”. It is noteworthy that until this moment the participants had not crossed paths with each other and were not familiar: Fomin worked as a pediatrician, Pronkin as a stripper in a gay club, Oleshko as an employee of a karaoke bar.

At the end of 2008, against the backdrop of the decline in Hi-Fi’s popularity, Mitya Fomin, tired of “animating” Pavel Yesenin, left the band for a solo career. He is replaced by a new member - Kirill Kolgushkin, but Timofey Pronkin becomes the de facto leader of the group.

In February 2010, Ekaterina Lee announced her departure from the team for “greater self-realization on stage.” Later she became the lead singer of the Fabrika group instead of the departed Sati Casanova. In March 2010, after passing the casting, a new soloist Olesya Lipchanskaya joined the team.

In April 2011, Kirill Kolgushkin announced his intention to leave the team. In February 2012, Vyacheslav Samarin became the new soloist of the group. The band’s repertoire included his song “Don’t Leave,” for which a video was shot. However, Vyacheslav left the group in October of the same year.

Today the Hi-Fi group is a duet of Timofey Pronkin and Olesya Lipchanskaya.

Composition of the group

Period Compound
08.1998-02.2003 Timofey Pronkin Mitya Fomin Oksana Oleshko
02.2003-05.2005 Tatiana Tereshina
02.2006-12.2008 Ekaterina Lee
02.2009-02.2010 Kirill Kolgushkin Ekaterina Lee
03.2010-04.2011 Olesya Lipchanskaya
02.2012-09.2012 Vyacheslav Samarin


  • - First contact
  • - Reproduction
  • - Remember
  • - New collection 2002 D&J Remixes
  • - Best

Video clips

Year Clip Compound Album
Not given Timofey Pronkin, Mitya Fomin, Oksana Oleshko First contact
Homeless child First contact, Reproduction
About summer Reproduction
Black Raven
Foolish people Remember
And we loved Remember, Best
I love
Trouble Timofey Pronkin, Mitya Fomin, Tatyana Tereshina
In the footsteps Timofey Pronkin, Mitya Fomin, Ekaterina Lee
Seventh Petal (remix)
The right to happiness
We are not angels
It is time Timofey Pronkin, Kirill Kolgushkin, Ekaterina Li
Forgotten September
Time has no power Timofey Pronkin, Kirill Kolgushkin, Olesya Lipchanskaya
I am there
Do not leave Timofey Pronkin, Vyacheslav Samarin, Olesya Lipchanskaya


"Golden Gramophone Award"

  • - “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Black Raven”
  • - “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Follow me”
  • - “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Secondary School No. 7 (And we loved)”
  • - “Golden Gramophone” for the song “The Seventh Petal”

"Muz-TV Award"

  • - “Muz-TV Award” “The most fashionable group” (World Fashion TV)

Write a review about the article "Hi-Fi (band)"



  • - official website of the Hi-Fi group
  • - Website about the Hi-Fi group
  • on "Yandex.Music"

An excerpt characterizing Hi-Fi (group)

“Well, okay,” Denisov said. And, turning to his subordinates, he made orders that the party should go to the resting place appointed at the guardhouse in the forest and that an officer on a Kyrgyz horse (this officer served as an adjutant) should go to look for Dolokhov, to find out where he was and whether he would come in the evening . Denisov himself, with the esaul and Petya, intended to drive up to the edge of the forest overlooking Shamshev in order to look at the location of the French, at which tomorrow’s attack was to be directed.
“Well, God,” he turned to the peasant conductor, “take me to Shamshev.”
Denisov, Petya and the esaul, accompanied by several Cossacks and a hussar who was carrying a prisoner, drove to the left through the ravine, to the edge of the forest.

The rain passed, only fog and drops of water fell from tree branches. Denisov, Esaul and Petya silently rode behind a man in a cap, who, lightly and silently stepping with his bast-clad feet on roots and wet leaves, led them to the edge of the forest.
Coming out onto the road, the man paused, looked around and headed towards the thinning wall of trees. At a large oak tree that had not yet shed its leaves, he stopped and mysteriously beckoned to him with his hand.
Denisov and Petya drove up to him. From the place where the man stopped, the French were visible. Now, behind the forest, a spring field ran down a semi-hillock. To the right, across a steep ravine, a small village and a manor house with collapsed roofs could be seen. In this village and in the manor's house, and throughout the hillock, in the garden, at the wells and pond, and along the entire road up the mountain from the bridge to the village, no more than two hundred fathoms away, crowds of people were visible in the fluctuating fog. Their non-Russian screams at the horses in the carts struggling up the mountain and calls to each other were clearly heard.
“Give the prisoner here,” Denisop said quietly, not taking his eyes off the French.
The Cossack got off his horse, took the boy off and walked up to Denisov with him. Denisov, pointing to the French, asked what kind of troops they were. The boy, putting his chilled hands in his pockets and raising his eyebrows, looked at Denisov in fear and, despite the visible desire to say everything he knew, was confused in his answers and only confirmed what Denisov was asking. Denisov, frowning, turned away from him and turned to the esaul, telling him his thoughts.
Petya, turning his head with quick movements, looked back at the drummer, then at Denisov, then at the esaul, then at the French in the village and on the road, trying not to miss anything important.
“Pg” is coming, not “pg” Dolokhov is coming, we must bg”at!.. Eh? - said Denisov, his eyes flashing cheerfully.
“The place is convenient,” said the esaul.
“We’ll send the infantry down through the swamps,” Denisov continued, “they’ll crawl up to the garden; you will come with the Cossacks from there,” Denisov pointed to the forest behind the village, “and I will come from here, with my ganders. And along the road...
“It won’t be a hollow—it’s a quagmire,” said the esaul. - You’ll get stuck in your horses, you need to go around to the left...
While they were talking in a low voice in this way, below, in the ravine from the pond, one shot clicked, smoke turned white, then another, and a friendly, seemingly cheerful cry was heard from hundreds of French voices who were on the half-mountain. In the first minute, both Denisov and the esaul moved back. They were so close that it seemed to them that they were the cause of these shots and screams. But the shots and screams did not apply to them. Below, through the swamps, a man in something red was running. Apparently he was being shot at and shouted at by the French.
“After all, this is our Tikhon,” said the esaul.
- He! they are!
“What a rogue,” Denisov said.
- He will go away! - Esaul said, narrowing his eyes.
The man they called Tikhon, running up to the river, splashed into it so that splashes flew, and, hiding for a moment, all black from the water, he got out on all fours and ran on. The French running after him stopped.
“Well, he’s clever,” said the esaul.
- What a beast! – Denisov said with the same expression of annoyance. - And what has he been doing so far?
- Who is this? – Petya asked.
- This is our plastun. I sent him to take the tongue.
“Oh, yes,” Petya said from Denisov’s first word, nodding his head as if he understood everything, although he absolutely did not understand a single word.
Tikhon Shcherbaty was one of the most necessary people in the party. He was a man from Pokrovskoye near Gzhat. When, at the beginning of his actions, Denisov came to Pokrovskoye and, as always, calling the headman, asked what they knew about the French, the headman answered, as all the headmen answered, as if defending themselves, that they didn’t know anything, to know they don't know. But when Denisov explained to them that his goal was to beat the French, and when he asked if the French had wandered in, the headman said that there were definitely marauders, but that in their village only one Tishka Shcherbaty was involved in these matters. Denisov ordered Tikhon to be called to him and, praising him for his activities, said a few words in front of the headman about the loyalty to the Tsar and the Fatherland and the hatred of the French that the sons of the Fatherland should observe.
“We don’t do anything bad to the French,” said Tikhon, apparently timid at Denisov’s words. “That’s the only way we fooled around with the guys.” They must have beaten about two dozen Miroders, otherwise we didn’t do anything bad... - The next day, when Denisov, completely forgetting about this guy, left Pokrovsky, he was informed that Tikhon had attached himself to the party and asked to be left with it. Denisov ordered to leave him.
Tikhon, who at first corrected the menial work of laying fires, delivering water, skinning horses, etc., soon showed greater willingness and ability for guerrilla warfare. He went out at night to hunt for prey and each time brought with him French clothes and weapons, and when he was ordered, he also brought prisoners. Denisov dismissed Tikhon from work, began to take him with him on travels and enrolled him in the Cossacks.
Tikhon did not like to ride and always walked, never falling behind the cavalry. His weapons were a blunderbuss, which he wore more for fun, a pike and an ax, which he wielded like a wolf wields his teeth, equally easily picking out fleas from his fur and biting through thick bones. Tikhon equally faithfully, with all his might, split logs with an ax and, taking the ax by the butt, used it to cut out thin pegs and cut out spoons. In Denisov's party, Tikhon occupied his special, exclusive place. When it was necessary to do something especially difficult and disgusting - turn a cart over in the mud with your shoulder, pull a horse out of a swamp by the tail, skin it, climb into the very middle of the French, walk fifty miles a day - everyone pointed, laughing, at Tikhon.
“What the hell is he doing, you big gelding,” they said about him.
Once, the Frenchman whom Tikhon was taking shot at him with a pistol and hit him in the flesh of his back. This wound, for which Tikhon was treated only with vodka, internally and externally, was the subject of the funniest jokes in the entire detachment and jokes to which Tikhon willingly succumbed.
- What, brother, won’t you? Is Ali crooked? - the Cossacks laughed at him, and Tikhon, deliberately crouching and making faces, pretending that he was angry, scolded the French with the most ridiculous curses. This incident had only the influence on Tikhon that after his wound he rarely brought prisoners.
Tikhon was the most useful and brave man in the party. No one else discovered cases of attack, no one else took him and beat the French; and as a result of this, he was the jester of all the Cossacks and hussars and he himself willingly succumbed to this rank. Now Tikhon was sent by Denisov, at night, to Shamshevo in order to take the tongue. But, either because he was not satisfied with just the Frenchman, or because he slept through the night, during the day he climbed into the bushes, into the very middle of the French and, as Denisov saw from Mount Denisov, was discovered by them.

After talking a little more time with the esaul about tomorrow's attack, which now, looking at the proximity of the French, Denisov seemed to have finally decided, he turned his horse and rode back.
“Well, damn, now let’s go dry off,” he said to Petya.
Approaching the forest guardhouse, Denisov stopped, peering into the forest. Through the forest, between the trees, a man in a jacket, bast shoes and a Kazan hat, with a gun over his shoulder and an ax in his belt, walked with long, light steps on long legs, with long, dangling arms. Seeing Denisov, this man hastily threw something into the bush and, taking off his wet hat with its drooping brim, approached the boss. It was Tikhon. His face, pitted with smallpox and wrinkles, with small, narrow eyes, shone with self-satisfied gaiety. He raised his head high and, as if holding back laughter, stared at Denisov.

Hi-Fi group is a Russian musical group founded by composer and arranger Pavel Yesenin, as well as producer and lyricist Eric Chanturia.
The history of Hi-Fi began long before the official date of the creation of the team - August 2, 1998 - in the capital of Siberia. It was in Novosibirsk that the future founders of the group, Pavel Yesenin and Eric Chanturia, met and became friends. After numerous musical experiments (some of them, by the way, were very popular among the Novosibirsk and later Moscow public), it was decided to create a group.The original composition of the group since the formation of the group: Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko.It is noteworthy that until this moment the participants did not intersect with each other, did not know each other, and even recorded in the studio at different times.Today the Hi-Fi group is an established brand, a popular trademark.
Both older fans of the 90s and a new generation of viewers who love bright, high-quality and original music get pleasure from the “Hi-Fi” lifestyle.
The inspirers and founders of the group, Eric Chanturia and Pavel Yesenin, set the direction of the group’s movement in the mainstream of show business, and the guys are ready for new victories, conquering the charts and, of course, for new meetings with their listeners. The concerts feature the best and most popular Hi-Fi songs of all time. Remembering that life is moving, the producers of the group, together with the guys, are actively working on new songs in the studio, and the production of new dance numbers for the ballet show is already ready.The main thing is that the creative life of the group is fresh and full, that every minute on stage is dedicated to the audience, and that new songs this spring sound in everyone’s heart.On the official website of Vipartist you can familiarize yourself with the work of the Hi-Fi group, watch photos and new video clips of the group, and use the specified contact numbers to invite the Hi-Fi group with a concert to your event. You can order a hi-fi concert performance for a celebration and, of course, invite a hi-fi band to a corporate event or a wedding.

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