Useful information for festival of light spectators. In November, a festival of light will be held on St. Isaac's Square. Light show on St. Isaac's Square.

At the same time, several attractions - St. Isaac's Cathedral, Mariinsky Palace and neighboring buildings - will turn into a colorful world of light fantasy for two days. On November 4 and 5, the city on the Neva will host an amazing “Festival of Lights”.

St. Petersburg residents and guests of the city will be treated to a full-fledged performance in which their beloved city will play the main role. With the onset of darkness, the centuries-old history of the Northern capital will flash across the façade of the Mariinsky Palace. Viewers will be reminded of the most significant and dramatic episodes of St. Petersburg and Leningrad history.

We really wanted to do something that would be dedicated to the city. But at the same time, the performance should not turn into a retelling of the main events that have happened to St. Petersburg since its founding. We tried to convey the feeling of the city,” say organizers Ekaterina Galanova.

The show at St. Isaac's Cathedral will be dedicated to the brilliant creation of Auguste Montferrand and the role of the cathedral in shaping the architectural appearance of St. Petersburg. Viewers will see 4 short stories about the creation of a unique monument of Russian spiritual culture.

Sessions will start every 20 minutes, starting at 20:00. So everyone can see the amazing light show.

The sound of the show was also important to us. This was the first step in creating the Festival. The composers who worked on the project combined many fragments of works by different composers. These are Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, Schnittke, Prokofiev, Mozart, Beethoven, say the organizers of the Festival.

The cost of the "Festival of Light" project is 50 million rubles.

According to the Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development in St. Petersburg Andrey Mushkarev, the project will embody the best European experience in lighting design and 3D-mapping technologies and turn the festival into a truly St. Petersburg brand with a special recognizable style.

It will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children to look at the dancing columns and the square flooded with light. By the way, viewers of the last sessions are in for a surprise. For the convenience of citizens, on the night of November 3 and 4, as well as from 4 to 5 and from 5 to 6, night buses will transport St. Petersburg residents home.

Public transport routes will also be changed, and some streets will be blocked. In order not to spoil your holiday, we advise you to plan your route in advance. You can enter St. Isaac's Square from Voznesensky Prospect, Antonenko Lane, Bolshaya and Malaya Morskaya Streets, as well as from Pochtamtskaya and Admiralteysky Prospekts.


During the Festival of Lights the following streets will be closed:

- With 00.00 before 23.59 02 November, 00.00 03 November to 13.00 04 November, from 01.30 05 November to 13.00 05 November, from 01.30 06 November to 00.00 07 November: extreme right lane of St. Isaac's Square. in the direction from the street. Yakubovicha to Pochtamtskaya street; the far right lane of Admiralteysky Prospekt in the direction from Isaakievskaya Square. to Senate Square; extreme right lane of Senate Square. in the direction from Galernaya street. to Admiralteyskaya embankment; extreme right lane of Admiralteyskaya embankment. in the direction from Senate Square. to Admiralteysky Proezd; Admiralteysky proezd.

- With 13.00 04 November before 01.30 05 November and from 13.00 05 November to 01.30 06 November: Admiralteyskaya embankment, Admiralteysky pr. from Gorokhovaya st. to Senate Square; Voznesensky Ave. from Admiralteysky Ave. to st. Decembrists; Isaac's Square; lane Antonenko; B. Morskaya st. from Gorokhovaya st. to Pochtamtsky lane; M. Morskaya st. from Gorokhovaya st. to Pochtamtskaya street; Pochtamtskaya st. from Isaac's Square to Pochtamtsky lane; emb. R. Washing from the lane Grivtsova to the Lantern Bridge.

- With 00.00 before 23.59 07 November: Isaakievskaya sq. at No. 2 from Admiralteysky Prospect to M. Morskaya Street; extreme right lane of St. Isaac's Square. in the direction from Pochtamtskaya street. to M. Morskaya St.; the leftmost lane of Voznesensky Ave. in the direction from Bolshaya Morskaya Street. to M. Morskaya St.; extreme left lane B. Morskoy st. in the direction from Isaac's Square. to Voznesensky Ave., odd side of the embankment. R. Moiki from Isaac's Square. to 91; emb. R. Moiki from Isaac's Square. to 85; Isaakievskaya sq. from B. Morskaya st. to the embankment R. Sinks; Isaakievskaya sq. from the embankment R. Moika to the Mariinsky Palace; Isaakievskaya sq. from B. Morskaya st. to the Mariinsky Theater; extreme right lane of St. Isaac's Square. at No. 4 in the direction from Bolshaya Morskaya Street. to the embankment R. Sinks; extreme left lane of St. Isaac's Square. at No. 13 in the direction from Bolshaya Morskaya Street. to the embankment R. Sinks; extreme right lane of Senate Square. in the direction from Galernaya street. to Admiralteyskaya embankment; extreme right lane of Admiralteyskaya embankment. in the direction from Senate Square. to Admiralteysky Proezd.

From which side will the entrance to the Festival of Lights be organized?

The entrance to St. Isaac's Square will be organized from 18.00, seven entrance groups will operate from the following adjacent streets and avenues:

From Voznesensky Prospekt (from the Moika River embankment);
- from Antonenko Lane;
- from Bolshaya Morskaya Street in both (!) directions to the square;
- from Malaya Morskaya Street;
- from Pochtamtskaya street;
- from the intersection of Admiralteysky Prospekt and Yakubovicha Street.

Attention, there is no entrance to St. Isaac's Square:
- from Voznesensky Prospekt (from Admiralteysky Prospekt)

On the odd side of the Moika River embankment (in both directions from the Blue Bridge)

From Admiralteysky Prospekt (between the Eastern facade of St. Isaac's Cathedral and the house of A.Ya. Lobanov-Rostovsky (St. Isaac's Square, 2)

What is 3D mapping?

In a nutshell, this is a modern art technology that involves in artistic play not only light, color, music and words, but also the very architectural texture of the surface onto which the video sequence is broadcast.

How long does the show last?

The festival program offers two 3D-mapping shows: on the facades of the Mariinsky Palace and St. Isaac's Cathedral (12 minutes each), as well as a light symphony on the facades of the Research Institute named after. Vavilov, the Agricultural Academy and the monument to Nicholas the First. In 35 minutes you can evaluate the work of all the creative teams involved, and if you liked it, stay and watch it again.


3 D- mapping show “Space between the sky and the Neva” on the facade of the Mariinsky Palace:20.02; 20.40; 21.20; 22.00; 22.36; 23.12 (

3 D- mappingproject "History Alive"(on the facade of St. Isaac's Cathedral): 20.20; 21.00; 21.40; 22.18; 22.54; 23.30 (During the evening there will be 6 sessions of the video performance)

During breaks between 3D-mapping performances, viewers will see light installations on the facades of the buildings of the Research Institute named after. Vavilov and the Agricultural Academy, and the light show will also feature a monument to Nicholas the First.

Why are 3D shows so short: only 12 minutes?

In fact, 12 minutes is by no means a “short film” for mapping, but a real “full meter”. The average duration of volumetric-spatial light stories usually does not exceed 6-7 minutes. But it’s impossible to talk about St. Petersburg so briefly, so each show will be twice the standard format. The brevity of mapping representations is due to several reasons:

This is a very painstaking work of artists, whose task is to make the entire surface of the facade live and transform every second, with all the architectural details and details. For the artist, the show lasts not 12 minutes, but 720 seconds, each of which is a separate huge frame;

Unlike other types of art, high-quality mapping is a large-scale emotional outburst that maximally utilizes all human senses. Such emotional and visual intensity must be dosed over time, otherwise the viewer simply gets tired.

Is it necessary to arrive at the beginning? What will I miss if I'm late?

The festival program is structured in such a way as to give the maximum number of spectators the opportunity to watch the show, without creating discomfort both on the square and on the approaches to it. For two days, November 4 and 5, the sessions start every 20 minutes - so choose for yourself when it is more convenient for you to come to the square: on the 4th at 21.20 or on November 5 at 23.40. The main thing is not to miss it; such shows are worth watching with your own eyes, and not in recordings.

Where can I buy a ticket?

No tickets are required - admission to the festival is free.

I want to go with my child. At what age can you watch the show?

The video performances “Space between Heaven and Earth” and “Revived History” are dedicated to St. Petersburg: the most important moments in the formation and life of the city will be presented in a bright, spectacular form that combines several types of art. Obviously, this will be interesting and useful for everyone, regardless of age. Of course, with small children we recommend arriving early so as not to disturb your rest schedule. With older children - at any time convenient for you.

Will there be any traffic changes in some areas?

Due to the Festival of Lights, some public transport routes and traffic patterns will be changed on November 4 and 5.

This information will appear on the Festival of Light website closer to the event. A special request to motorists is to plan your route carefully.

Will public toilets be open on St. Isaac's Square?

Yes. During the Festival of Lights, a sufficient number of dry toilets will be installed on St. Isaac's Square for spectators.

For two evenings only - November 4 and 5 - the magical rays of dozens of projectors will turn the facades of the Mariinsky Palace and St. Isaac's Cathedral into screens for a three-dimensional video presentation. Viewers will be reminded of the most significant and dramatic episodes in the history of our city. We will see St. Petersburg in its different guises: as a center of architectural monuments and the capital of the navy, as a world center of culture and a trendsetter of secular fashion, as a keeper of centuries-old traditions and a rebellious destroyer of all kinds of patterns and stereotypes.

On November 4 and 5, St. Petersburg residents and guests of the city will enjoy multimedia 3D-mapping shows and laser installations of the Festival of Light, which is held on the initiative of the Committee for Tourism Development with the support of the Government of St. Petersburg.

The project promises to embody the best European experience in lighting design and 3D-mapping technologies and turn the festival into a truly St. Petersburg brand with a special, recognizable style.

The festival announced itself with a presentation light show on the façade of the Alexandrinsky Theater last spring. St. Isaac's Square was chosen for the November multimedia event. Over the course of two evenings, the main character of the festival of light will be St. Petersburg: the city in which you want to live, to which you are drawn to return from any other point on the planet.

For the first time in the history of mapping in St. Petersburg, the main roles in the new 3D performance will be performed by two architectural monuments at once: St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Mariinsky Palace. A number of buildings forming the ensemble of the square will be involved in the show of light installations.

The projection show at St. Isaac's Cathedral will be dedicated to the brilliant creation of Auguste Montferrand and the role of the cathedral in shaping the architectural appearance of St. Petersburg. Viewers will see 4 short stories about the creation of a unique monument to the spiritual culture of Russia.

The study of the cultural codes of the spiritual phenomenon of St. Petersburg will offer viewers a multimedia 3D performance on the building of the Mariinsky Palace. On the facade, as on a screen, the St. Petersburg - Leningrad memory will come to life: myths and real events that largely determined the fate of the country. Vivid video, musical and artistic narration will be combined into a single multifaceted text that will allow the viewer to touch the soul of the city, rediscover and fall in love with their St. Petersburg.

On November 4 and 5 from 20.00 to 24.00 every 20 minutes the Mariinsky Palace and St. Isaac's Cathedral will take the 3D mapping relay. The duration of each session is 12 minutes.

Free admission.

Increased security measures will ensure the comfort of spectators while freely attending a mass event in the evening.

On November 4 and 5, on St. Isaac's Square, St. Petersburg residents and guests of the city will enjoy multimedia 3D-mapping shows and laser installations of the Festival of Light, which is held in St. Petersburg on the initiative of the Committee for Tourism Development and with the support of the Government of St. Petersburg.

The project promises to embody the best European experience in lighting design and 3D-mapping technologies and turn the festival into a truly St. Petersburg brand with a special recognizable style, in tune with the city’s traditions and the soul of the city. Over the course of two evenings, inspired by the work of geniuses from different eras, the show's directors will invite each viewer to rediscover and fall in love with their St. Petersburg.

The festival announced itself with a presentation light show on the façade of the Alexandrinsky Theater last spring. St. Isaac's Square, chosen for the November multimedia event, is complex in geometry and rich in architectural masterpieces, but from the point of view of mapping, it is not the simplest object. But the brighter are the creative solutions proposed by the artists. The main roles in the new 3D performance, dedicated to the city, its greatness and beauty, will be performed by St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Mariinsky Palace. A number of buildings forming the architectural ensemble of the square will be involved in the show of light installations.

The opening of the Festival of Lights will take place on November 4 at 20:00. Video performances on the facades of the Mariinsky Palace and St. Isaac's Cathedral will be broadcast every 20 minutes until 24.00.

The projection show “Revived History” at St. Isaac's Cathedral will be dedicated to the history of the formation of the appearance of St. Petersburg and the worldview of the townspeople. Viewers will see short stories about the creation of the greatest monument of Russian spiritual culture, whose mission is truly unique.

The visual part of the projection on St. Isaac's Cathedral and the 3D-mapping show were prepared by the team of the City Advertising Center and a group of video engineers led by Alexey Shishkov and the Lasermaster company, which has experience in organizing festivals of light and fountains in Peterhof. Lighting designers: Andrey Fishbein and Nikita Kamenev. The sound engineer of the project is Sergey Yakovitsky.

To create a 3D projection of St. Isaac's Cathedral, dynamic lighting devices and architectural lighting will be used - a total of over 200 units, as well as 30 multimedia projectors with a capacity of at least 20,000 lm. Young Russian specialists in the field of advertising and multimedia programs have been involved in the implementation of the project.

The study of the spiritual phenomenon of St. Petersburg will offer viewers a multimedia 3D performance “Space between the sky and the Neva” on the building of the Mariinsky Palace, the author and developer of which is the creative group DANCE OPEN. The director of the project is Ekaterina Galanova, the scriptwriters are Daria Donova and Elena Gorshkova, music editor Antonina Koroleva, music director and author of the musical score Anton Tanonov. The creation of graphics for the 3D performance at the Mariinsky Palace is carried out by DANCEOPEN's partner, the Cosmo AV agency (France), a recognized leader in the field of large-format video projections for shows on a global scale. The agency's international projects are implemented under the leadership of creative directors Pierre-IvaToulot and Jose Christiani. The Cosmo team owes its spectacular performance to the Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games and the Opening Ceremony of the Paralympic Games in Sochi and the Moscow Circle of Light festival (2013, 2014). St. Petersburg viewers became acquainted with the work of this creative laboratory in December 2014 at the 3D-mapping show “Hermitage. History Ball”, a joint project of DANCE OPEN and Cosmo AV in honor of the 250th anniversary of the State Hermitage Museum.

Over the course of two evenings - November 4 and 5 - on the facade of the Mariinsky Palace, as if on a screen, the St. Petersburg - Leningrad memory will come to life: myths and real events that largely determined the fate of the country. Episodes of the play - the legend about the founding of the city and the eagle that descended from heaven; the construction of the City of Petrov and the emergence of Russia as a maritime power; whirlwinds of high society balls; the dark elements of the Neva and the flood of 1824; riddles of sphinxes and ghostly lace fences; revolutionary Aurora; a repentant angel on the spire of Peter and Paul Fortress and black arrows of the blockade ring on the map of Leningrad; the ominous darkness of the winter blockade night and the unbending will to live; spring in the Summer Garden and May showers; open windows of communal apartments, courtyards-wells and puddles into which the sky falls; an era of change and autumn leaves underfoot...

So what creates the unique St. Petersburg atmosphere of creativity and freedom? Perhaps the projection of our memory is a great, diverse and multi-layered cultural heritage, contained in a wonderful polyphony of voices, faces, images and ideas... If this is so, then the inevitable change of eras is just a displacement of planes, each of which does not disappear without a trace, but invisibly is present and becomes the foundation for a breakthrough into a new day. However, everyone has their own answer to this question.

In addition to the vivid video sequence, the authors of the mapping on the facade of the Mariinsky Palace paid special attention to the musical score, consisting of fragments of classical works of different eras and styles - Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Schnittke, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert.

Poems by A. Pushkin, V. Mayakovsky, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumilyov, O. Mandelstam performed by People's Artist of the Russian Federation Nikolai Burov and Russian theater, film and dubbing actress Anna Geller will connect the musical and figurative narrative into a single multifaceted text that will define a high, almost mystical degree of spirituality and will introduce the viewer to the magic of St. Petersburg.

The brightness of the picture will be provided by more than 30 projectors with a luminous flux of 20,000 lm each.

On November 4 and 5 from 20.00 to 24.00 on St. Isaac's Square, 3D-mapping sessions on the facades of the Mariinsky Palace and St. Isaac's Cathedral will be broadcast every 20 minutes.