Circus New Year's performance in the senior group of kindergarten. Scenario

Natalia Petrova
New Year's party "Circus" for the senior group

New Year's scenario« Circus» V senior group

(Children run to the music and stand scattered.)

Dance « New Year's signs» .

(After the dance they remain standing scattered).


A wonderful day is coming

New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and inventions,

Fairy tale holiday for children!


1 : On a noisy holiday, New Year

We gathered in an elegant hall.

Forest Christmas tree today

No one has ever seen anything more beautiful.

2 :Needles sparkle with gold,

And silver shines like rain.

And the forest smells, the pine trees are silent,

And today we are waiting for a miracle.

3 : What if her toys come to life?

Will a fox step out of the thicket towards us?

Forest animals will come running...

After all, we all believe in miracles!

4 : Snow is flying outside the windows,

Hastens towards the New Year,

And now the fairy tale comes to life -

Spin faster, round dance!

Round dance « Christmas story» .(“Under the new a year like in a fairy tale...")


There's a snowstorm across the field

And it circles and creeps,

Ahead of the carved sleigh -

Three fairy horses.

And she sits in the entryway

Beautiful Winter!

Dance "At the edge of the forest."

(After the dance, everyone freezes in place. Several children "whisper".)


What are you guys whispering?

What's your secret there?

1 :We want to arrange a surprise-

Nothing more surprising!

Leading: Is there a surprise here? That's interesting! What will you show us?

2 :Circus performance

We will show it to all guests!

3 :Everything is unusual today!

We're having great fun.

For guests and children

Circus Arrived at kindergarten!

4 :Listen, look All:

Let's start our parade!

Rebuilding to the march of M. Dunaevsky « Circus» .(They go to their place. They sit down.)


IN the circus is very good!

It's festive and bright everywhere!

Cheerful laughter rings here,

The Christmas tree is lush for everyone.

This is our stage -

It's called...

All: Arena!

Child: In every circus from the heart

They are greeted by kids.

They work miracles:

they say funny things

Tears flow like a fountain,

They tumble, they sing,

Faces are painted,

Performing... CLOWNS!

(Two clowns run out to the music.) "Dance of the Clowns".


1 :Once upon a time with moms

We are in went to the circus in winter.

2 :We saw a clown there

And we were very surprised!

1 :The clown was strong, brave,

I flew under the dome,

During the show

I laughed so hard!

2 :I'm more of a clown

Now I dream of becoming

And in circus in the arena

Perform at the Christmas tree!

1 :I'll be Bom the Clown today!

2 :And I am Clown Bim!

1 : Well, my dear brother Bim,

Let's surprise everyone now!

(Clowns jump on large balls to the music.)


Circus the show continues

The trainer is invited to the arena.

They run after her on their hind legs

Two artists in fashionable hats.

They stumble, they scream,

The tails are shaking finely.

(The trainer comes out to the music and the dogs run after her.)


1 :In a well-mannered dog

There's no time for a fight.

She needs to solve examples,

Jump over barriers

Bring balls in your teeth

Dance on two legs.

2 :We are dogs circus,

Smart and mischievous.


Come on, my friend, tell me, how much is 2+2?

(Barks 4 times. Doctor praises, treats)

Ball! What is 3+3?

Well done to us!

They can go to 1st grade!

Now please, dance

And amuse your guests!

"Dog Waltz".


Graceful kitty in circus performs,

He surprises us all with his amazing dance.

The cat comes out to the music. Carrying a mouse by the tail.


With the soft tread of a cat

New Year is coming to us.

I wish you all happiness,

A well-fed life without worries!

"Dance of the Cat".


Well, bravo! Circus we continue the program,

We invite strongmen to the arena!

Now we will introduce you

With cool strongmen

They play with weights

Like light balls!

(Strong men with weights and barbells come out to the music.)


1 : There are strong men in the arena!

Best in the world circus performers!

We throw weights

Like children's balls!

2 :Why is the giant strongman,

How is the baby playing ball?

Only to the giant strongman

This ball is on the shoulder!

The ball is wonderful, new,

One hundred kilogram!

"Strong Man Performance"

Clown runs out:

I can do that too! I'm also the strongest (Tries to lift a weight. Then - a second one.)


And I know who is the strongest in our hall! (calls dad, who presses the weight several times. Everyone counts. Another dad lifts the barbell.)


Circus we continue the program,

We offer rope performance.

In the arena there are ballerinas,

Like light fluffs

And they dance and twirl,

And at the same time they are afraid.

"Rope Dance".

Open the doors wider -

Performs in circus animals.

Meet the famous tamer and her trained tigers!


He's been going to the arena since morning training:

Predators jump into hoops deftly.

And the trainer himself for each jump

Throws a piece of sausage to the actors.


1 :I can throw a ball deftly

And jump into the hoop deftly.

I'm wonderful circus performer

I am a miracle of training!

2 :Loving art with all my soul,

I love the arena very much,

I let myself be trained

From morning until late at night!

"Performance by a trainer and tigers".


The rings fly higher and higher

Hoops, skittles, balls.

These are the jugglers who came out to the audience,

They are the most dexterous in the world!


1 :Circus performance

We will show you without any beauty!

2 :Musician, play the intro!

We work for you!

"Dance of the Jugglers"


The show ended -

Just to everyone's surprise!

All artists tried.

Let's give them our applause!

There's a song playing « Circus» performed by O. Popov. (The artists do a lap of honor, then bow and sit down.)


IN there are no vacancies at the circus,

Only who will give me answer:

Who's coming now big

With a long white beard?

Children: Father Frost!


Guys, it seems to me that Santa Claus is already close! Let's call him let's say:

Father Frost! Go quickly! IN the circus will be more fun! (speak 2-3 times.)

D.M.: I hear.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter. D.M. stops in the center of the hall. When the music starts, the children stand around D.M., Snow Maiden stands in a circle with the children.)

Song “Who is this?”

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Children: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys!

Children: Hello, Snow Maiden!

I'm real Santa Claus

From a deaf, dense thicket,

Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts,

Where are the storms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense

And the snow is loose.

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year

Both hosts and guests,

We wish everyone happiness and good luck

And nice, clear days.

1 child: We were really waiting for you,

Santa Claus today.

It's good that you came

On holiday New Year!

We'll start a round dance,

We'll sing a song for you!

Round dance « New Year's song» ("We were looking forward to...")

Oh yes tree! Simply amazing!

So elegant and beautiful!

I've been to all the gardens -

I have never seen a better Christmas tree!


D.M., light the lights on the Christmas tree for us.

Come on, children, together let's say:“1,2,3, Christmas tree, burn!” (they say the lights come on.)

2 child: Come on, Christmas tree, stronger

Light up the lights!

Dear Grandfather Frost,

Play with your dreams!

3 child: Since you got caught in the circle-

Stay there!

You can't leave, Frost,

Don't break out!

A game “We won’t let you out!”

Let me go

cute children,

Because I love to dance

More than anyone else in the world!

Legs are shaking

They don't stand still.

So come on, friends,

Let's dance together!

“A bear walked through Greece” (at the end of the song D.M. loses his mitten.)

A game "Mitten". (at the end of the game D. M. dances.)

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather is tired, tired,

He danced very merrily.

Let him rest by the Christmas tree,

Who will read poetry to him?

Well done! You read poetry well.

And now it's time

Let us sing together, children.

Song “There are freezing snowstorms outside”. (at the end they run away)

Snow Maiden:

Tricky question for you now

Grandfather Frost will ask.

Do you like to play snowballs? (Yes)

Do you like to lick snowballs? (No)

I don't advise you, brothers.

Overeat with snow porridge!

Snow Maiden:

Now we will play with you,

Let's find out who's the smartest!

Let's cook "Snow porridge"! (attraction)

Snow Maiden:

Now let's play in the snow,

We hit each other right!

"Snowball game"

Now take the snowballs

And put it in my bag.

You play snowballs well.

Can you guess the difficult riddles?

Snow Maiden:

D.M., what great guys, they solved all your riddles. And they also know a song about you. Really, guys?

A song about me? Sing, please.

Song "Hot time"

Snow Maiden:

Did Santa Claus play with the children?

Did you dance near the Christmas tree? (Yes)

Did you sing songs? (Yes)

Did you make the kids laugh? (Yes)

What else did he forget? (present)

Surprise "Living Bag"

Natalia Nikulina

Entrance children to the hall"Winter"

How nice it is that today

Guests came to us here,

And, without looking at worries,

Everyone found a free hour.

The snows came and covered the earth,

The snowstorm and cold winds howled.

But let the bad weather rage and get angry,

On holiday We'll all have fun!

1 child Today in this room

We'll tell you about it

How New Year's celebration

Every house comes.

2 children About how bright they shine

Garlands of lights

About what this holiday

Everyone's favorite children.

3 child Hello, New Year's holiday,

Hello song, hello laughter

He's the most important one today

Who laughs the loudest

WITH New Year! WITH New happiness!

Congratulations, friends!

And today to our Christmas tree,

Let's all shout together: "Hooray!"


Hello dear Christmas tree,

You are our guest again.

The lights will come on soon

On your forest branches.

6 reb:

Look, he's inviting

Christmas tree festive us.

Under the green branches

We'll spin now.

Round dance « NEW YEAR'S DISCO»

Children sit down

Ved: Miracles await us today, holiday guests should come to us. Are you interested in this?

Sounds like cartoon music "Masha and the Bear" MASHA comes out and sings a song

Masha walks in backwards and sees no one

Masha: Nobody there. Where are you all? Where have you all gone? (turns) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Why are you sitting here? There's nothing to do! So I'll think of something now. I'm so quick to come up with ideas! (thinks) EAT! I came up with an idea! Soon New Year? Let's go congratulate the pensioner! What, what Mishka! He's the same circus pensioner! Let's bring joy to Misha! Let's arrange for him circus show, to everyone's surprise! What will you go? It’s a long way to go, but winter has ruined everything...

Ved: The guys and I love winter and are not afraid of frost!

ROUND DANCE "Icy palms»

The children sit down, the screen moves aside,

behind which the Bear sleeps. Masha approaches the bear

Masha: Bear, are you sleeping or what? Here he gives! On the nose New Year - he is sleeping! Play with me, play with me, are you sleeping or something? (touches nose, ears, paws) maybe you're sick? (loud) come on, let's get treatment!


Masha: Woke up, welcome guests! I didn’t come alone today, I brought the guys!

Misha grabs his head,

flops down on the bed, shakes his head and groans!

Masha: Are you happy? Do not say anything. Let me guess! Glad! I see that you are happy! Be strong Mishka, we will congratulate you! We'll arrange Festive, New Year's performance!

Child: Circus! Circus! Circus! Circus!

IN the circus is very good!

Everywhere festively, light!

Cheerful laughter rings here!

Acrobats and jugglers,

Trainers, dancers

Everyone is invited to visit!

Masha: I will be the director circus. Hello! Hello, dear audience! I am a director circus, famous all over the world, and I came to you with my troupe. And so PARADE ALLEY.


MASHA: So, attention! Our show begins.

Magic makes friends with a smile,

A smile serves magic.

A violin cannot live without a bow,

IN a smile is so important in the circus!

The fun continues

You are invited to the arena

Clowns are mischievous

Jokers and merry fellows!

1 clown:

I'm a funny clown Bim,

The circus needs me!

I'm at the Christmas tree New Year's

The brightest and funniest

Whoever sees it, everyone laughs

That's what Bubenchik I am!

2 clown:

And here I am Timoshka

Nose like a potato

I was in such a hurry

Fell from the tree

I ran into needles,

I hit the balls with my nose!

3 clown:

Let on holiday on our

Cheerful laughter will sound.

Let's laugh and dance,

I'm glad to try for everyone!

dance "Clowns"

1 clown:

Dear honorable viewers,

Don't you all want to play the game?

MASHA: Dear audience, joke, sing, laugh, on our holiday,

play whatever you want, the desired hour has come!

a game "Clown"

Red-haired, freckled clown - they stroke themselves on the head, show freckles,

The guys really like it. - three claps

Nose like a red tomato. - stroke the nose alternately with hands

And there is enthusiasm in his eyes. - using hands to depict eyes and clap eyelashes - fingers

Tears flow like a faucet - “collecting tears in palm"

In multi-colored pockets. – show palm-to-hip pockets.

And in the pockets, here and there, the hands are folded into a “bud”, raised up, and the “petals” open.

Red roses are growing.

Now he cries, now he laughs - index fingers vertically to his eyes, then to his lips.

Either he is kind, or he fights - they stroke their hands, then throw their fists forward.

Oh, how clumsy he is - his hands on his belt, his body tilting left and right.

But that’s how everyone needs him. – arms are crossed on the chest, to the sides and on the belt.


Masha takes out the box, carries it on outstretched arms with her eyes closed, is afraid, gives it to the bear, he doesn’t take it, shows that he is afraid, they put it on the floor, they want to open it, look into the box. They coward, shake, throw back the lid. Speaks in a mysterious voice.

Masha: In our circus Today there is a very unusual guest,

And, frankly speaking, exotic!

He's already coming here

Snake charmer

A child comes out (dressed in oriental style, holding a basket with a snake in his hands

Fakir: I am a great snake charmer!

I conjure with my music.

Don't be afraid, dear friends -

I have a trained snake!



Presenter and MASHA

Masha comes out with a rope that is not very long, she walks past children, offers gestures to catch the rope with his foot, step on it, pulls it away, the presenter takes the rope, Masha looks in bewilderment, takes a longer rope out of his pocket, continues to play with the children, the presenter comes up, gets angry, takes away this rope too. Masha waits for her to leave and takes out a long ribbon from another pocket.

MASHA: We continue circus show!

The number is called – graceful tightrope walkers!


The Bear comes out holding a painting in his hands, it depicts a bear in a Japanese costume with fans, Masha comes up and jumps up

Masha: Show me, Misha! Well, show me!

The bear sits down sadly and clutches his heart.

MASHA: Misha, you're sick (scared) here circus performance - And he is sick.

I'm so quick to help, eeeeeeeeee.

Pulls out the listener and listens

MaSHA: Yes, everything is clear! Bed rest, very bed rest.

The bear shakes his head and shows the picture.

Masha: AAAAAA first love, I see... don’t worry, we’ll refresh your memories now


EVERYONE decorates the Christmas tree.

MASHA: Misha, and Misha, and Santa Claus will come

BEAR: He will come.

MASHA: And soon?

Bear: Soon.

Masha: Where will it come from?

Who will he come with?

What will it come in?

Will it come from there or from there?

How long will it take to come?

The BEAR gets angry and stamps his feet.

BEAR: It will come, it will come!

Masha: So we talked...And maybe it’s time to call Santa Claus, otherwise the kids want so many gifts, and of course I do too.

IN We are waiting for Santa Claus at the circus,

Let's call him together!

Leading: Girls, you are on my command you'll scream: "Grandfather", A boys: "Freezing". And now that's it together: "Father Frost!"

Santa Claus entrance

Father Frost

WITH New Year! WITH New Year!

Congratulations to everyone - everyone!

May the year

For the coming year,

success for everyone!

Father Frost:

(looks at the Christmas tree)

As good as a Christmas tree

And how many toys!

Let them flare up among the branches

Instantly magical 100 lights!

Well, let's say 1-2-3,

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

Father Frost:

Join the round dance

Let's meet with song New Year!


With Santa Claus

Leading: Santa Claus, we were waiting for you.

Don't worry about the frost

Don't freeze our ears, cheeks,

Better sing songs!


Game with Santa Claus "Speed ​​Dance"

Father Frost

Oh, I'm tired, I'm hot!

I'm not used to being warm!


Sit down, Grandpa, catch your breath

and cool down a little!

You guys, help me out, read the poems quickly!


Father Frost

Thank you, I sat back and looked around a little...

I'm hardly wrong:

What in I got into the circus!

(passes by children, looking at them)

Here is a fakir, acrobats,

clowns are mischievous,

and Japanese girls, animals,

Ballerinas, strong men!

Masha: Well circus we continue the program

We offer magic performances!

The music is playing

magicians-fakirs come out

1 magician:

I am a fakir and a sorcerer

Two hundred years of my turban

Everything in the world can be done by a magician

I can swallow paper

I'll swallow anything

Everything in the world is within your reach!

2 magician:

I am also a magician-fakir

Great calling.

I can make kefir for you

To your bank "Coca-Cola"

3 magician:

And now dear viewers

Magic trick lovers

Together we want for you

Focus show now.

All the fakirs say:

You are the water-water

Light as frost

Turn the water red

Yellow or blue.

Show focus

Father Frost

I can match them too

I could become a magician!


A magician, Grandpa? How's that?

Father Frost

(addresses MASHA)

Come on, buddy, announce my number!

Dear viewers, children and parents!

The famous magician Santa Claus is in the arena!

Tricks from Santa Claus for gifts

Father Frost:

Have you received all the gifts? Have you forgotten anyone?

At the decorated Christmas tree

The children were singing

But say goodbye to you

It's time for me.

Goodbye, children.

Goodbye, guests.

WITH Happy New Year everyone!

Developed by music director Galina Leonidovna Popova, MBDOU of Kurgan “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 45”, DOLPHIN.

At the matinee, children will have to surprise Grandfather Frost and act as circus performers. The cheerful clowns Bim and Bom will help them with this.

Script for New Year's party CIRCUS PERFORMANCE

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree (magazine “Child in the kindergarten” No. 6 2008, p. 74).

Leading: - Will Grandfather Frost really be left without a gift? Let's come up with something! What can you give to Santa Claus?

Children's suggestions.

Snow Maiden:

— Grandfather has a lot of toys and sweets.
He has sleds, skates, skis, and even a snowmobile.
Most of all he loves to be
Among joyful and cheerful people.

Leading: - Think about where Grandfather Frost can see something fun and interesting?

Children: - At the circus.

Leading: — It’s been decided: we’ll arrange a circus performance for Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden:

- We’ve just been waiting for a long time for Grandfather,
Maybe we can call out loud?
Oh, I'm seriously worried
Where are you, Grandfather Frost?

The children call Santa Claus. To the music of A. Varlamov “Russian Father Frost”, Father Frost enters the hall.

Father Frost:

- Hello, dear guests!
Hello my little friends!
Finally I got to you.
I hope I'm not late?

Leading: - No, Santa Claus, I’m not late. We are very glad to see you.

Father Frost:

“And I’m glad to meet you.”
Happy New Year!
I wish you all great happiness.
May this New Year
It will bring joy to all of you!
Let's all stand in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Children sing the song “New Year’s Dreams” (Musical Director magazine, No. 7, 2008, p. 65).


“You’ve found yourself in our circle, stay here.”
You won’t escape, Frost, no matter how hard you try!

The game “We won’t let you out” is being played.

Father Frost:

- As soon as I blow, I’ll whistle
Let me bring in the frost,
I'll freeze everyone.
One, two, three, (Knocks with staff.)
Snowy figure, freeze!

Children freeze in various positions. Santa Claus guesses what they wanted to depict.

Father Frost:

- One, two, three, four, five, (Knocks with a staff.)
We can dance again.


“The children have forgotten how to dance.” Remind them, Santa Claus!
Dance for us, show your prowess.

Santa Claus dances to the tune of a Russian folk dance.

Snow Maiden: - How merrily you danced!

Santa Claus: - I'm tired, tired.

Leading: - Sit down, relax, and listen to poetry.

Children read poetry.

Father Frost:

— You know a lot of poems and read them well.
And I stayed with you, it’s time to know the honor.
I’ll give you gifts, and I’ll go to my icy mansion..

The children, sitting in their seats, whisper to each other, the lights on the tree go out.

Father Frost:

-What are you guys whispering?
What's your secret there?


- We want to arrange a surprise,
Nothing more surprising!

Leading: — The children have prepared a gift for you - a circus performance.

Father Frost:

- Circus? And what is it? Fine.
Granddaughter, let's sit and look at this miracle.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden sit down with the children.

Leading: — Our New Year’s circus program will be hosted by clowns Bom and Bim. Let's welcome them.

To the music, clowns run into the hall, run around the Christmas tree and stop in the center of the hall.


- Circus! Circus! Circus!
The circus is great! It's festive and bright everywhere!


- Cheerful laughter rings here!
Acrobats and jugglers,
Trainers, dancers
Everyone is invited to visit!

Bim and Bom: - Welcome! The circus lights up!

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit.


- Circus performance!
The fun begins
It's also New Year at the circus,
So get up in a round dance.

Children sing the song "New Year's Wish."


— Ballerinas on the ropes,
Like light snowflakes
And they dance and twirl,
And at the same time they are not afraid!

Girls show an acrobatic sketch.


— Figure skating in fashion
And revered by the people.
Today we have countless “stars”,
So, there is a proposal:
Let's start the competition now
Figure skating!

Bom: - And Santa Claus is on our jury, so look carefully.

Children in pairs pretend to be figure skaters. Father Frost and Snow Maiden give grades.

Father Frost:

- “6.0” to everyone, everyone, without exception!
We do not hide our admiration!


- For the first time and only now
Strongmen are in the arena with us!

The boys show an acrobatic sketch.

Father Frost:

- Oh, how fun you are! Don't sit still
I also want to perform, only with you.

Snow Maiden:

“You can’t tumble like that.”
Your back will hurt
Maybe I’ll remain in the audience...

Father Frost:

- No, you, granddaughter, are wrong.
Guys, I'm an old grandfather,
I'm many, many years old
But I come to a holiday,
I'll start the games right away
Who wants to play?
Let's go roll a snowball?

He chooses two children who roll two balls covered with white cloth around the tree in different directions. The game is played at speed.

Father Frost:

- Now everyone come out,
Show your prowess.

Snow Maiden:

- Stand around the Christmas tree,
Play with my grandfather.

The game “You, frost!” is played. At the end of the game, Santa Claus catches up with the children, and they run away to their chairs.

Father Frost:

- Somehow my parents are bored,
Apparently, we haven’t played with children for a long time,
Guys, sort out the snowballs,
Let's play with the adults.

There is a snowball fight. Children throw snowballs at their parents, and they throw snowballs at them. After the game, Santa Claus asks the children to collect snowballs in a basket.

Father Frost:

- Oh, I’m a little tired, I guess
I'll sit with the people again.

Sits down in the auditorium.


— The children dressed up brightly,
They began to spin quickly in the dance.

Children perform a pair dance to the music of A. Varlamov “Round Dance”.


- The show is over,
It's time for us to say goodbye.
Spectators, clap
Happy circus performers!

The clowns leave to the music.

Father Frost: - You showed a wonderful performance - this is the best gift for me, I even took part myself. And he clapped so much that it even became hot. I think I'm starting to melt...

Snow Maiden:

“I’ll help you, grandpa, and turn all the girls into snowflakes.”
Girls, spin three times and turn into snowflakes.

Girls dance the snowflake dance.

Father Frost:

- Now it’s a different matter, everything immediately froze...
But it’s time for us, granddaughter, to get ready and hit the road!

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, have you forgotten anything? The children gave you a gift, and have you prepared anything for them?

Father Frost:

- Here I am old, my head has a hole,
I forgot about the gifts, granddaughter,
My bag was here somewhere!
Here under the tree, or in a snowdrift,
Or in the circus, in the wardrobe?
Well, my magic lace
Find the bag easily:
It’s like I’m throwing a fishing rod,
I'll find a few good words.
Where it needs to fall,
Everything I need will be found for me!

Unties a long shiny cord from his belt.

Father Frost:

- You fly, twisted cord,
My magical, golden,
Straighten up, lengthen up,
Try to find my bag!

He throws the cord into the open door and slowly pulls it back. He pulls the pan into the room, looking angrily at the cord.

Father Frost:

- What are you doing, you naughty little lace?
Have you decided to make a joke for the holiday?
You fly in search,
Don't joke with your grandfather anymore!

He throws the cord back, pulls his felt boots into the hall, and gets angry.

Father Frost:

- Are you joking again, mischief maker?
I'm not used to this!
If you can't find gifts,
You won't go with me anymore!

They throw the cord again, and together with the Snow Maiden, they pull the bag into the hall. Gives gifts to children.

Father Frost:

“It’s time for my granddaughter and I to hit the road.” Farewell,
Both adults and kids!
Celebrate the New Year with joy,
Congratulations to everyone!

To the music, Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave.


Adult characters:


Father Frost





Rope walkers







Snow Maiden


Leading: Winter brought a beautiful holiday,

We like both noise and chaos.

And everything is spinning, everyone is laughing, and a song is being sung loudly,

And a fabulous dream will come true!

As soon as you sit down together - this very hour

The show will begin for you.

And there will be our performance

Surprisingly for all the guests!

Round dance to the song “New Year” by A. Kozlova

Children stand in a semicircle.


1. Peace and quiet. Everything was covered in snowstorm.

Only the month is shining in the sky.
From the distant land where our dreams live,

The New Year is rushing towards us.

2. This starry night can help adults

Leave for a carefree childhood.
And it’s probably not in vain that the lights are burning for us,

Illuminating the way for fairy tales.

3. New Year is coming across the world,

The most magical weather in the world.

And everyone is waiting for something wonderful

From this New Year!

4. She’s been coming to us for a holiday for a whole year

Green beauty of the forests,
Then I quietly dressed up in this room

And now her outfit is ready.

5. We are all admiring the Christmas tree today,

She gives us a delicate aroma,

And the best New Year's holiday

He comes with her to our houses.

    New Year is coming,

Snowflakes are falling,

The blizzard is circling outside the window

And the pieces of ice sparkle.

2) Christmas trees, beads, confetti,

The light of lights is everywhere

The smell of pine needles, tangerine,

Waiting for a miracle.

3) New Year is knocking on houses

With wonderful magic,

He'll come here soon

Will burst into song.

The children whisper.

Leading: What are you guys whispering?

What's your secret there?

6. We want to arrange a surprise

Nothing more surprising!

Leading: There's a surprise here - that's interesting!

What will you show us?

Children together: Circus performance

We will show it to all guests!

7. For the first time! First! Today now

We present our circus for you!

A special circus! This New Year's circus

It will bring us many miracles!

8. Come to our circus party as soon as possible!

We are inviting good friends to the holiday!
Today you will find fun and jokes,

You won't be bored here for a minute!

9. We invited Santa Claus to our circus,

But for some reason he doesn’t come to us,

He's probably delivering gifts to the kids.

And he will bring us a surprise.

Leading: Don't be upset, guys, Santa Claus will definitely get to us. In the meantime, we are starting our New Year's performance. So, the parade - Hello!

Children walk to the song “Circus, Circus, Circus” by V. Shainsky.

The children take their seats.

Leading: Attention! Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen! Our New Year's circus program will be led by famous clowns Bim and Bom. We greet you with thunderous applause!

Clowns run in to the music and collide with each other...

Bim: (joyfully) Bom!

Bom: (surprised) Bam!

Bim: How glad I am to see you!

Bom: And I'm even more happy!

Bim: Hello, Bom!

Bom: Hello, Bim! (They shake each other’s hands for a long time, repeating “Hello!”)

Bim: Bom, you and I forgot to do something

Bom: I haven't forgotten anything.

Bim: We forgot to say hello to the guys

Bom: This is true. Oh, how bad! It's your fault, Bim.

Bim: It doesn’t matter, Bom, who’s to blame, we need to say hello. You start.

Bom: But I can't

Bim: You can not? Then I'll say hello first, and you study. Look and listen. It's very simple. Hello guys! (Bows in all directions)

Bom: Okay, now me. (Pause) It's very simple. Hello guys, hello! (Bows in all directions)

Bim:(Approaches Bom, takes him back a little, speaks in a low voice)“Very simple” - no need to say. Just say: “Hello, guys, hello!” So go!

Bom: There is no need to speak very simply. Just say: “Hello, guys, hello!”

Bim: (irritated) You, Bom, don't understand anything. There is no need to tell the guys: “It’s very simple,” just say: “Hello, guys!” Why don’t you understand, I’m teaching you! Even little ones know how to say hello, and you’re not little.

Bom: Ah-ah-ah! (crying) You teach poorly, you only scold me (goes to the side. Bim runs up to him and pulls him back to the center)

Bim: Well, okay, don't be angry, let's say hello together. Repeat after me: “Hello, guys!” - and bow

They speak together and bow, the children respond with applause

Bim: So, the first number of our program is our students!

Bom: Meet young clowns!

Clown dance

Bim: They've gone crazy! Bom, help! (Bom brings a tunnel bag) Come on, get into the bag quickly! (The clowns alternately climb into the tunnel, come out on the other side, and run back to their seats) Now daddy will gather you up and punish you for your pranks. (Bim and Bom want to tie the tunnel, but they find a hole in it, blow the whistle, and run backstage.)

Leading: While our teachers are looking for their students, I will announce the next issue of our program.

Ballerinas on a tightrope,

Like light snowflakes

And they dance and twirl,

And yet they are not afraid.

We greet you with thunderous applause!

Tightrope walker: We are graceful girls -

The artists are real.

We deftly walk the tightrope,

We are not afraid of heights.

No, we haven't seen it, guys.

You are so beautiful!

Bim and bom are carried out and rolled out to the music.

Tightrope walker dance,

music by A. Rybnikov from the film “That Same Munchausen”

(They sit down. Bim and Bom run out)

Bim: Just think, they are running along a tightrope... Anyone can do this. Maestro, music! (The clown theme plays. Imitates dancing on a tightrope, loses balance, falls, gets up, rubs the bruised area)

Bom: Oh, you boasted! Look how it should be done! (Blows the whistle, the music turns on. Imitates dancing on a rope, but also loses his balance and falls) Oh oh oh!

Presenter: What are you doing here? Would-be tightrope walkers. (Bim and Bom quickly grab the rope and run backstage) Friends! The next issue of our program. We meet Gypsy Aza with the trained bear Yashka!

Number Gypsy with a bear,

music for the dance “Gypsy”

Gypsy: Come on, Yasha, show us how our people go to work.

The bear walks to slow dance music, waddling from side to side, bowing.

Gypsy: And from work?

The bear walks in a circle to fast music and bows.

Gypsy: Now show me how our people have fun after work?

The bear takes a guitar, pretends to play the guitar to the lyrical theme from the movie "Titanic", and shakes his head like a rock musician to any rock music fragment. They leave with the gypsy to applause.

Leading: We continue the show

We present the number again:

Strongmen visiting us -

Welcome them now!

Bim and bom roll out weights, dumbbells, and barbells to the music

Strongman's number

They go out to the circus musical theme of strongmen. The assistant brings out a container of flour, the strongmen rub their hands with flour and powder their armpits. Strongmen take the weight of dumbbells and press them up several times

Strongman 1: I always wanted to be a strongman

To move a cabinet with your shoulder.

I am a very strong strongman - I understand weights.

For me they are like a ball - everyone knows about it!

Strongman 2: And I wanted to be a strong man

So that weights don’t matter!

I can lift a truck with one hand

And hold on for 5 hours - I’m so strong!

They take the weight of a giant weight, put one on the back of the other, take the weight of the barbell, after which Bim fans them with a towel previously moistened with water, wipes the sweat from their forehead and squeezes it out. Bom also tries to lift the weight of the barbell, staggers and drops the barbell. The strongmen laugh and call the boy who brought them the container with flour. He comes out and takes the weight. Bim and Bom scratch their heads. The strongmen go to their places. B and B have difficulty moving the weights away.

Leading: In the arena very soon

You will see jugglers

I announce the number

Let's clap together, friends!

Juggler 1: We throw the rings up

We'll have fireworks

Five, and six, and seven rings,

And twelve, finally!

Juggler 2: Surprised around

How do we have enough hands?

We give now the answer:

Training is the secret!

Dance of jugglers with rings to the music "Tiko-tiko"

Leading: And now the number is unusual

One of a kind!

And they will show it to us - this girl from the front row, this boy with glasses, etc.

(Choose 5 parents. Bim and Bom take out 5 inflated balloons)

Leading: So, I'll explain the task. A juggler is known to juggle with his hands. But the best juggler can throw objects with anything: with his feet, his ears, the back of his head, and his elbows. And since the best artists perform in our New Year’s circus, you will be juggling - (pause) nose! Bim and Bom, please demonstrate the task. (Bim and Bom show.) Here are the juggling props, on my command you immediately begin tossing the ball with your nose, just don’t help with your hands or ears, whoever doesn’t drop the ball the longest will get a surprise. Three two one. Go.

Game with parents “Ball on the nose”

The host enrolls the winner into the circus troupe and gives him a certificate and a chocolate medal.

Leading: And we continue. I announce the number - “Dog Trainer”!

Bim and Bom lay out numbers on the floor

Trainer: (walks around the circle, greeting the audience, calling the dogs) Music! (one dog runs out and barks “Woof!”) , Pusik (the second dog runs out and barks “Woof!”) , Kusik (the third dog runs out and barks “Woof!”) , Chusik (the fourth dog runs out and barks “Woof!”) .

Trainer: What is 1 plus 1?

Dog 1 runs up to the number “2” and barks 2 times. The trainer praises the Dog.

Trainer: What is 2 plus 2?

Dog 2 runs up to the number “4” and barks 4 times. The trainer praises the Dog.

Trainer: What is 2 plus 1? Dog 3 runs up to the number “3” and barks 3 times. The trainer also praises her.

Trainer: What is 5 minus 5? Dog 4 runs up to the number “0”, spreads his arms to the sides and shakes his head. The trainer praises the Dog.

Trainer: Well done to us!

They can go to first grade!

Now please dance

And amuse your guests!

Dance of trained dogs to the “Dog Waltz”

Leading: Now guys, be quiet...

I hear the sound of bells

In a warm fur coat

Gray frost is coming to us!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear

Father Frost: There are so many people in the hall!

Apparently it's a nice holiday here.

So, they told us correctly:

The guys are waiting for us with our granddaughter!

All obstacles have been passed through,

The snow covered us all.

I knew that we would be welcome here,

That's why I hurried here!

Snow Maiden: This is the day we have been waiting for a long time

We haven't seen each other all year.

Sing, ring under the tree

New Year's round dance!

Father Frost: Stand up, guys.

Everyone is about to dance in a circle.

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Round dance song with Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Father Frost: How you have grown this year, guys!

10. Father Frost, Father Frost

Guess our riddles.

We will dance and sing,

And we’ll show you all the answers.

Father Frost: OK then. Get started.

Guess game

(Children walk in a circle and sing)


(Play the pipe)

Father Frost: You're the one drinking milk!

Leading: No, grandfather, these were children playing the pipe.

Father Frost: Eh, I didn’t guess!

Children(singing): Come on, dear Santa Claus, admire us!

Guess, Santa Claus, what we are doing now! (Play guitar)

Father Frost: You're the one scratching your belly!

Leading: No, grandfather, these were children playing the guitar.

Father Frost: Well done, I didn’t guess again!

Children(singing): Come on, dear Santa Claus, admire us!

Let Santa Claus guess what we are doing now! (Play the violin)

Father Frost: You're the one pulling my beard!

Leading: What are you saying, grandfather, these were children playing the violin!

Father Frost: Eh, how slow-witted I am, well, thank you, they taught my grandfather.

The children take their seats.

Leading: Santa Claus, we have one last “guessing game” for you!

Children:(singing locally) Come on, dear Santa Claus, admire us!

Let Santa Claus guess where you are now!

At the last riddle, Bim and Bom come in, blow their whistles from behind, and Santa Claus gets scared

Father Frost: Oh, who else is this? Are they really clowns?

Bim: We're glad to introduce ourselves! Clown Bim.

Bom: Clown Bom.

Father Frost: So I'm at the New Year's circus!

Bim: Exactly, grandpa! (Blows the trumpet)

Father Frost: Fu-you, spoiler! So - in the circus... Well, I also have something to show you, but a little later, and now I want to relax and listen to poetry.

Bim and Bom: Yes, yes, sit down, Santa Claus, listen to the poems. (Putting a chair for him, they leave)

Children read poetry

Father Frost: Well, thank you, well done.

Snow Maiden: Guys, I also love the circus very much, and today I brought my favorite circus act especially for you.

Pigeons are circling in a free dance

In sunny skies without fuss.

Pigeons are peaceful children of nature!

There is so much beauty in flight!

Dance with pigeons to the song “Angel is flying”

music E. Zaritskaya, lyrics. I. Shevchuk

Leading: Thank you, Snegurochka!

Bim: (comes out on one side) Bom! Bom! (to children) Have you seen Bom?

Bom: (comes out from the other side with binoculars): I'm here!

Bim: What do you have?

Bom: These are magical binoculars. If you look into it, you can see a lot of interesting things.

Bim: Look at me! What do you see interesting?

Bom: (looks) Your hands are dirty, honey! (Bim hides his hands.)

Bim: What binoculars! Let me see now (Looks) Bom, I see you!

Bom: Amazing!

Bim: And I also see that you didn’t wash your ears this morning!

Bom: Well, I forgot! Well, it happens!... Now let’s look at the kids with their parents

Looking at children

Bim: Oh, look how the guys' eyes are lighting up.

Bom: I wonder why?.... Maybe they want magic?

Bim: Santa Claus, and Santa Claus, you promised to surprise us. You are the best wizard in the world. Show the guys a trick.

Bom: Or some kind of magic?

Together: Please.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, haven’t you forgotten anything? After all, the New Year is coming, and children have long been waiting for the most important magic - gifts.

Father Frost: I didn't forget the gifts!

Here is my bag (looks around) was somewhere!

Here under the tree, or in a snowdrift,

Or in the circus, in the wardrobe?

Well my lace is magical

Find the bag easily:

I'll throw out a fishing rod,

I'll say a few good words.

It will fall where necessary,

Everything I need will be found!

(takes out a lace)

You fly with a twisted cord,

My magical, golden,

Straighten up, lengthen

Try to find my bag!

He throws the cord into the open door and slowly pulls it back. He pulls a pan into the hall, gets angry

What are you doing, a prankster lace

Have you decided to make a joke for the holiday?

You fly in search,

Don't joke with your grandfather anymore!

Throws and pulls out his felt boots

Are you kidding again, mischief maker?

I'm not used to this!

If you don't find gifts

Come on, granddaughter, help me

Let's get together, one-two-three!

They drag a bag of gifts into the hall and distribute them to the children.

Father Frost: It's time for my granddaughter and I to hit the road. Farewell,

Both adults and kids!

Celebrate the New Year with joy,

Congratulations to everyone!

Scenario of the New Year's party for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

Scenario for an interesting New Year's performance for a preschool educational institution. New Year's "circus performance" in kindergarten.

Children run into the hall to cheerful music and stop near the Christmas tree.


Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday,

All my friends today

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree!


We all feel very good

Have fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!


What is New Year?

New Year - frost and ice,

This is the laughter of merry friends,

This is dancing near the Christmas trees.


What is New Year?

This is a friendly round dance.

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles.


Let's go near the Christmas tree

Let's start our own round dance.

Round dance "New Year is coming to us", music. V. Gerchik.


Everything is unusual today -

We're having great fun!

For guests and children

The circus came to kindergarten.

Listen and watch everything -

Let's start our parade!

The sound is "March" by I. Dunaevsky from the film "Circus". Children change formations in “fours” in front of the Christmas tree. Two leading children come out.

Boy(with a "butterfly").

The program begins

Hurry to the circus, friends!

Preschool children, fathers, mothers,

All the guys: you and me!


Here it is, our stage -

It's called an arena.

Attention! Attention!

Today is a circus, smiles, laughter

And the tree is lush for everyone.

This holiday

Let's sing a funny song!

Song "Circus tent", music. G. Lapshina, lyrics. P. Sinyavsky.

There is a round tent in the park,

A carpet was laid out in the center of the tent,

No one wants to pass by -

Everyone is invited to the circus tent.


Here the horses dance squatting,

And dogs solve problems.

Everyone is having fun here, everyone is interested,

Please take a seat.

At the circus our hearts skip a beat,

If a trapeze artist flies,

At the circus, the clown makes the whole audience laugh,

Here even the dome shakes with laughter.


It's just eye-opening here

From colorful magical wonders.

How we like the circus tent,

Never forget the circus tent!


Then again, to the “March” of I. Dunaevsky, the children disperse and sit on chairs. Two children come out - “drummers”.


There are no empty seats in the circus,

Just give me the answer:

Who should come big,

With a long white beard?

Children. Father Frost!


Let the drum rumble -

We ask Santa Claus to come to us!

"Drummers" perform rolls on the drums. Then a Russian folk melody sounds and Father Frost comes out.

Father Frost.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the children!

Come on, hold hands,

Get into the circle quickly

We will sing and dance,

Celebrate the New Year at the circus!

Round dance "Like Grandfather Frost" to the melody "Oh, you canopy."

Here's a beard.

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, (grab the stomach)

Here's a beard.

Like Santa Claus (walking in a circle)

These are the mittens (show palms)

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha,

These are the mittens.

Like Santa Claus (walking in a circle)

These are the boots.

(They stop, put their foot on the heel, turn their toe.)

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha,

These are the boots.

Like Santa Claus (walking in a circle)

What a wearer! (show "nose")

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha,

What a wearer!

Father Frost.

Ah, they decided to tease me.

Come on, show me your hands, ears, nose -

Santa Claus will freeze everyone.

Children run to their seats and sit on chairs. From behind the tree one hears: “Ay-ay!”

Father Frost.

Quiet, I'll listen one more time!

Snow Maiden(because of the Christmas tree). Grandfather!

Father Frost(knocks with staff).

One two Three!

Snow Maiden, come out!

The Snow Maiden comes out, dancing.

Snow Maiden. Hello guys!

Hello, grandpa!

Hello, guests!

I was in a hurry to go to the circus for the Christmas tree

And I hurried the snowflakes,

I'll show you a trick -

There's snow in the hall.

Hey you cute snowflakes

My little stars,

Get whirled around in a blizzard,

White snow carousel!

Girls perform a snowflake dance.

Father Frost.

It suddenly became so bright

Everything around is white and white!


Nice and white

Our winter is winter!

Children perform the song “Crystal Winter”, music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. G. Boyko.


Grandfather Frost, today the circus at the Christmas tree is here -

It's time to light the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather, show me the main trick -

Light up the Christmas tree with lights!

Father Frost.

Well, take a closer look,

Say loudly together:

One two Three,

Christmas tree, shine!

Knocks the staff 3 times. The tree lit up with lights.

Father Frost.

Our tree is the best in the world,

Are you happy, dear children?!


The Christmas tree glows with lights,

Have fun with us!

Children sing any song about the Christmas tree. Then they take their seats.

Father Frost.

Well, let's continue the circus program,

We offer a strongman performance.

“Strongmen” with weights come out to the “March”.

1st strongman.

There are strong men in the arena,

The best circus performers in the world!

2nd strongman.

We throw weights

Like children's balls!

The strongmen's number is performed.

Snow Maiden.

Open the doors wider -

Animals perform in the circus!

The trainer comes out with the "bear".

Bear(child in suit).

I'm a very good bear -

Clap your hands for me!

Performs the "Bear" dance.


Misha loves on New Year's Day

Very tasty sweet honey.

Father Frost.

There will be honey for you, Misha,

If you find it.

Game with a blindfolded bear, "Find the jar of honey."

Snow Maiden.

And now the penguin is performing -

Citizen of the polar ice floes.

Penguin rides boldly

On a circus bike.

A child dressed in a penguin costume rides out on a children's bicycle. He circles the tree, gets into a pose, raises his hand up.

Penguin. Up!

It is proposed to perform the "Penguins" dance.

A trainer comes out with a large stuffed elephant. The leader lays out the rope.