Scenario on the theme of our children's brass band. Brass Music Festival

(For 5-15 minutes. Heroes help children pour tea or juice.)

After tea, Kikimora walks around the hall and catches something in the air.

Goblin - Kikimora, what are you doing?

Kikimora – Hush, Leshy, I catch the thought.

Goblin - What thought?

Kikimora – I don’t know yet, probably a good one. It flew through my head and fluttered out.

Goblin - What was she talking about?

Kikimora – I managed to understand this. About how best to spend the New Year's holiday, so that it is a joy for the children and not a burden for us. There she was, scattering and impossible to catch.

Goblin - The guys will help us now.

Kikimora – Can they?

Goblin - These and these can do everything.

The children are taken to the center of the hall.

Kikimora – Guys, try to jump high and catch all my thoughts.

The game is underway.

(During the game block, assistants prepare the play area.)

Goblin - So we won't succeed. Your thoughts are invisible. We just can't get hold of them.

Kikimora – The chest will help us now.

Do it, dear, so that my thoughts become visible.

Phonogram of a miracle. Taken out of the chest bubble.

Competition - Leshy and Kikimora blow soap bubbles, children catch them.

Goblin - Well done guys, take your seats.

Kikimora pushes thoughts into her head with her hands and shakes her head. Phonogram of ringing.

Kikimora – This is another matter. We are now New Year We will meet without Santa Claus, then we will get all the gifts.

Goblin - Like this?

Kikimora – And like this. We'll light the Christmas tree, hold a round dance, and sing a song. What else do we have according to the script? (is reading) – give gifts. Easily.

Goblin - And Santa Claus is not needed for this at all, there is no need for an old man to trample his feet in vain and bother himself.

Kikimora – We'll organize our own fun. New Year in Kikimorian style - does it sound?

Goblin - Yes!

Kikimora – And then all this, this and that, and the dance of little ducklings... Ugh, mortal boredom.

We have our own hit of the season - “Lesnoye Irishenby”


They take the children to the center.The characters show dance moves.

Kikimora – We danced well, but we trampled a lot.

Goblin - Now we’ll get more snow and make it beautiful here.

Kikimora – Where are our magical snowflakes?

They take it out air balloons white with a snowflake pattern.

Kikimora – They are so big and so cold that you might get frostbite on your hands.

Goblin - And we will throw them higher into the sky.

The game is a ball in the air.

(While the music is playing, not a single ball should fall to the floor.)

Kikimora – Well done. Take your seats. Now, chest, it's your turn to work. Get me gifts from the bins.

Box - This miracle is not simple. I can’t cope without the help of Santa Claus.

Kikimora – Here you go! We've arrived. This old wizard will come and give all the gifts to the children, we will get nothing.

Goblin - We must be in time before he arrives.

Kikimora – Don’t worry, Leshik, we can handle it ourselves. It’s not for nothing that I spent 300 years learning various wisdom in witchcraft courses. We will be our own Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Kikimora- (To the goblin) I appoint you as Santa Claus. Here's your hat. (Snegurochkina) For me, Snow Maiden, a staff. (to children)

Do we guys look like Father Frost and Snow Maiden?

(look at each other)

Kikimora – That's right, it should be the other way around. A staff for you, a hat for me. And now?

Kikimora – So that you understand. Most importantly, we need to light the Christmas tree. Without her magical light, not a single New Year's miracle occurs.

(with kids) One two Three

Shine Christmas tree!

Kikimora – Did not work out.

Goblin - I know why - the tree is defective.

Kikimora – Exactly. Chest, dear, help me out. We need a Christmas tree, small and pretty.

L – No, big and green.

(they argue and show with their hands)

Box - First, you decide what you want.

Kikimora – The children will help us. Do you know what kind of Christmas trees there are?

Then listen carefully and answer our questions “yes” or “no.”

Game-song. (performed by heroes)

She grew up in a deep forest

And she was freezing from the cold.

Now she has come to us for a holiday,

All in lights and stars.

We're having fun in the New Year

We meet the Christmas tree,

And the beauty of the forest,

Let's decorate together.

Are there stars on the tree? - Yes!

Are there boots on the Christmas tree? - No!

Are there garlands on the tree? - Yes!

Now quickly give me the answer.

Are there pillows on the Christmas tree? - No!

There are garlands and toys on it

They sparkle merrily

Cones and firecrackers

The guys are happy.

Shiny tinsel

Friendly with the Christmas tree,

The stars are real

They look at you.

Chorus: Answer very honestly, as always

Are there any lights on the tree? - Yes!

Now quickly give me the answer.

Are there slippers on the tree? - No!

Answer very honestly, as always.

Is there a ball on the Christmas tree? - Yes!

Now quickly give me the answer.

Is there a broom on the tree? - No!

Box - Now it is clear.

Phonogram of a miracle, takes 2 Christmas trees out of the chest.

Kikimora – The chest was screwed up again. Guys, what are these Christmas trees missing?

(Children's answers)

Goblin - That's right, jewelry (looks into the chest). So here they are (takes out jewelry).

Kikimora – Guys, can you help us decorate the Christmas trees?

Then get into 2 teams. Here are the Christmas trees for you, and here Christmas decorations. Each child can hang only one toy on the Christmas tree.


Only a few run away, but everyone sings. Guys, let's prove it?!

(Music sounds. The guys in the hall sing a song about friendship. A girl and a boy conduct. Fairy-tale characters begin to clap their hands indifferently.)


This is all nonsense. Many people can sing, but they can dance, make and solve riddles...


Well, guys, let's accept the Snowman's challenge? Not everyone, of course, can do everything, but if we work together, together... Are we really going to retreat?

Guys (from the audience):



I'm not alone either.


Then let's continue. The guys won the song competition 1:0. Now let's dance. Maybe "Gypsy Girl"?

Princess Nesmeyana (with complete indifference):

Polonaise is better.

Sleeping Beauty:

I want tango.


And I am a lady.


They have fallen behind fashion. I want to break dance.


Or maybe a waltz?

Snowman (steps aside, takes out a walkie-talkie):

"Icicle, Icicle, what to do? We lost the song competition. What should the guys dance?"

Let them waltz! The waltz is beyond their strength, they have all forgotten about the waltz!

Snowman (to the presenters and the guys in the hall):


(The melody of a waltz sounds. The guys run out onto the stage and perform a waltz. The fairy-tale characters sway slightly to the beat of the music. The snowman picks up the walkie-talkie again.)


Icicle, Icicle, for some reason they dance it.


Because they don't live in a swamp.

Princess Nesmeyana:

And they have no time to cry.


Oh, I wish I could sign up for a club with them!


Circle... so this is it... Ha ha, now I understand everything! I was deceived (addresses the presenters). Do all your guests know how to dance like that?


No, but if desired, everyone can learn to dance the waltz and many other dances.


But everyone sang!


That means a point for the song for you, and a point for the dance for us! 1:1.


Well, okay, the competition continues!


And we will win if we ask the guys difficult riddles. Begin, Princess!

Princess Nesmeyana.
Tail with patterns,
Boots with spurs.
At night he sings,
Time is counting.

First Agent:

Alarm clock with a tail!



Two bellies, four ears.

Second Agent:

Two little pigs.


Ha ha! Pillow! This mystery is ours!


Small, remote,
Passed through the earth
I found Little Red Riding Hood.

First Agent:



Well done boys!


Come up with a riddle that no one can guess! Well, Barmaley, you’re smart!

Barmaley (proudly takes a few steps forward):

Gun, candy, sausage, rocket,
The riddle is ready, not a bull, not a cow.

First Agent:

No one knows!

Second Agent:


That's it, kids, even though you read books. Well done, Barmaley! I don’t know the answer myself. Tell everyone what it is?


How do I know! You said that no one should know the answer, so even I don’t know!


Where did you get it?


Figured it out myself. I can do more. Sometimes it seems to me that I am a poet.


And now it seems to me that you... Okay, no one guessed right anyway. Draw!


Why is it a draw?


It’s okay, today is a holiday, Santa Claus will appear soon, and we’ll all go...

Snowman (interrupts):

No one will appear here, but everyone will go home.


But the guys won most of the tasks.


Firstly, the score is 2:2, and secondly, that’s not all.


What else?


What kind of musicians are they? Will they play on... on... Kashchei, what musical instrument do you like?

Balalaika. In our area, no one has played it for a hundred years.


That's it. Let one of the guys play. They can do everything for you.


You misunderstood us. Each of our children wants to learn to sing, dance, play the musical instruments. And most importantly, everyone is interested in learning and learning a lot of new things at school. There is no other way. All this will happen, but...

Snowman (interrupts):

I don’t know what will happen someday, but no one can play the balalaika properly. 3:2 in my favor.


Snowman, what if we ask the accordion player to play “The Lady” for us, and even dance to it?


And everyone will dance?!

Boy (addressing the guys and fairy-tale characters):

Shall we dance?


(The sound is “Mistress.” Doctor Aibolit invites you to dance fairy-tale heroes. Kashchei is the first to start dancing, and everyone else starts dancing after him.)


Guys, come out! Be brave!

Guys, let's dance! I like it here!


What's worse about me? (He also starts dancing.)

(The snowman wipes sweat from his forehead and smiles. The Girl approaches him.)


Yes, one in the field is not a warrior.

(Agents stand up in the hall and head towards the exit.)


Hey, where are you going? Why were you seated in the hall? Forgot?

First Agent:

No, we didn’t forget: to prevent the children from celebrating the New Year’s holiday.


Second Agent:

What we? Among such cheerful guys, we ourselves wanted a holiday.


No need to leave, stay with us.

Second Agent:

But we were disturbing the guys. They are angry with us.


Our guys are always happy to make new friends.

First Agent:

Sorry guys! (The agents return to their places.)


Let there be joy! The warm hearts of the guys, their hospitality and the skill of Doctor Aibolit turned out to be stronger than the magical cold Snow Queen.

But when will the queen unfreeze us?

Snowman (laughs):

The guys and Doctor Aibolit have already unfrozen you a long time ago. The Snow Queen's magic is powerless even against fairy-tale heroes (takes out a walkie-talkie). "Icicle, Icicle, I am the former Bucket. Now I am a friend of the guys. Farewell, Snow Queen!"


There is one game for you:
I'll read the poems now
I'll start, and you finish,
Answer in unison!
It's snowing outside,
Holiday coming soon (New Year)
The branches rustle faintly,
Beads are bright (glitter)
And the toys swing
Flags, stars, (crackers)
Threads of colorful tinsel,
Bells, (balls)
Fragile fish figures,
Birds, skiers, (snow maidens)
Whitebeard and Rednose
Under the branches (Santa Claus)
And decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big,
Five-winged, (star)
What a Christmas tree, it’s simply amazing!
How elegant, how (beautiful)
Here the lights are lit on her,
Hundreds of tiny (lights)
The doors are wide open, just like in a fairy tale,
The round dance rushes in (dance)
And over this round dance
Talk, songs, loud laughter...
Happy New Year)
With new happiness at once (to all)

Game for boys "The most charming, the most attractive"

Participants are given a mirror and lipstick. They are blindfolded with a scarf. You need to: apply makeup on your lips while blindfolded, then untie the scarf, put it on yourself, look at yourself in the mirror and, without smiling even once, say 5 times while looking in the mirror: “I am the most charming and most attractive.”

Musical pause. "Song about polar bears."

Dance competition

You need to listen carefully to the music and dance exactly the dance that sounds in this moment(the melody changes several times at an increasing tempo). It is possible to repeat the same melodies. It is more interesting to conduct a competition with elimination.


Now let's play the game "Echo". In the game you can become a fireman, an astronaut, or a hunter. Is it possible to become an echo, guys?



Please tell me how the echo answers questions? For example, I will ask in the forest or in the mountains, where there is an echo: “What time is it now?” What does it answer me? That's right: "An hour! An hour!" But can, for example, an echo answer: “It’s eleven o’clock, fifteen minutes?” Of course not. So, I think you understand the rules of the echo game. Let's start playing. I just ask you to accompany your friendly answers with the same friendly clapping of your hands.

Get ready, kids! (ra-ra)
The game begins! (ra-ra)
Don't spare your hands (lei-lei)
Clap your hands more cheerfully (ley-lay)
What time is it now (hour-hour)
What time will it be in an hour (hour-hour)
And it’s not true, there will be two (two-two)
Think, think, head (wa-wa)
How the rooster crows in the village (uh-uh)
Yes, not an owl, but a rooster (uh-uh)
Are you sure it is so (so-so)
But in reality, how? (how how)
What is two and two? (two-two)
My head is spinning! (wa-wa)
Is it an ear or a nose? (nose-nose)
(the presenter holds his ear)
Or maybe a load of hay? (cart-cart)
Is it an elbow or an eye? (eye-eye)
(the presenter points to his elbow)
But what do we have here? (us-us)
(the presenter points to his nose)
You are always good (yes, yes)
Or only sometimes (yes, yes)
Don't get tired of answering (chat-chat)
(if the answer is “no,” there is a fine)
Allow me to remain silent...

(For each mistake - a penalty point. Those who received penalty points after the game perform some task.)

Game "The Most Accurate"

Children stand in a row, hands behind their backs. On command, 60 seconds begin to count down. After 60 seconds, everyone who has counted this time will raise their hands up. Whoever counts the time more accurately will receive a prize. To play the game, it is advisable to have a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.


Guys, who are we missing at the holiday? That's right, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and New Year. Let's call them all together.

Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, New Year, oh!

(Father Frost, Snow Maiden and New Year enter.)

Father Frost:

We were finally able to arrive. Happy new year friends! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden:

Anything happens in life
There is happiness, there is trouble...
All's well that ends well.
We must always believe in good things.
Goodbye, Old Year!
It's sad to leave.
Here comes a new one:
The clock is striking twelve
You can't stop the shooter from running,
Faces brightened... And on the old, gray snow
New snow is falling.

New Year:

Let peace spread over the Earth,
Your peace umbrella is blue.
The flower of dawn will light for everyone,
Let the rockets be peaceful
Let the sun shine clear in the sky
May the New Year be wonderful!

To everyone who wants me to be peaceful, healthy, productive - hello! If you know how to work as well as have fun, then I will be happy for you. And any happy year starts with a merry Christmas tree!

Father Frost:

You're right, grandson, the Christmas tree is waiting for us! And so that no one can interfere with us along the way, let's hold hands tightly.

Snow Maiden:

Friendship - great power! Guys, hold hands tightly and let's all sing a funny New Year's song together.

(New Year's song plays.)


The old year is gone forever.
He brought us a lot of new things.
Running away to last year
So that the future becomes closer.

New Year is coming
With new, funny speeches.
The old year ends right on time,
And he bids us a warm farewell.

Let there be more fun and laughter,
Let people only cry for joy!
I wish you great success in everything,
I wish you good luck in work and study!

Scenario New Year's holiday with Kikimora

New Year with Baba Yaga and Kikimora


Children enter the hall to the music, walk around the tree, stop in a semicircle near the tree, and look at it. The lights on the tree are not on. The hall is full of light

Presenter . Come to the hall quickly, everyone!

The tree stands in New Year's glory -

Everything is silver, lush and slender,

She came to visit us from the forest!

Song "Winter has come"

Presenter. The long-awaited New Year's holiday has arrived, and I think that today no one will be sad, and everyone will dance, sing and play merrily. I think I can already hear someone's song. Let's see who's coming here?

Baba Yaga appears with an accordion in her hands and sings a song.

Song of Baba Yaga (to the tune of "Ditties of Grandmothers-Hedgehogs")

I'm a funny grandma

I'm not afraid of anything

Whom do you want to deceive?

I'll outsmart whoever you want!

Chorus: Eh, play, my accordion!

Eh, play, have fun!

Sing ditties, grandma hedgehog,

Sing, don't talk!

The people have gathered here,

Wants to celebrate the New Year,

But there is no need to suffer -

It's unlikely that it will work!

Chorus: Oh, swamp, you are a swamp!

Here the frogs croaked.

New Year in that swamp

We hid it safely.

Why are we standing there with our mouths open?

You won't find a New Year!

He's in a secure cage.

Get out of here, kids!

Well, what are your questions? Go away! Who did you tell? Go while I'm good!

Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden. Hello, grandma. Can you tell me where the guys are celebrating New Year here?

Baba Yaga. FAQ is this?

Snow Maiden . Fairy tale evil spirits have taken over the New Year, and I must save it.

Baba Yaga . What is New Year? What kind of evil spirit is this? I’m an illiterate grandmother, not trained in science, I didn’t go to school, I didn’t watch videos. I’ve been sitting here with Kikimora in the swamp for a thousand years, but I don’t know what’s going on around me, I don’t know. What do you want, girl?

Snow Maiden. You, grandma. Just show me the road where children celebrate New Year

Baba Yaga . Oh, the way? I would have said so right away. Now go to that big tree over there, look for the white hare there. Wherever he points with his right ear, turn there. A little later you will meet a fox, where he wags his tail, that’s where they celebrate the New Year. That’s all, my dear, but I don’t know anything else, I don’t know anything else.

Snow Maiden . Well, I'll try to find this road, thanks, grandma.

Goes behind the tree .

Baba Yaga . Hey, Kikimora, my best friend, where are you? Are you sleeping again? I’ve been through so much fear here, and she’s sleeping! This is hopeless laziness!

Kikimora appears, stretching and yawning.

Kikimora. Well, what do you need? She didn’t let me finish watching the dream.

Baba Yaga. Have you heard the latest news? Yes, open your eyes!

Kikimora . What actually happened?

Baba Yaga . I'm sorry, what! The Snow Maiden came, looking for the New Year.

Kikimora . Ass? New Year? Well, don't be afraid, Babusya-Yagusya! They won't find a New Year! I hid it safely in the swamp. And this Snow Maiden with Santa Clauswe will find the government! Well, let’s go, let’s consult, maybe we’ll come up with something...

They leave, the Snow Maiden appears, she cries .

Snow Maiden. Oh, what to do now? I didn't save you from evil spirits New Year. How are we going to meet him now? So will we stay in the old way? And since there is no one to meet, there will be no holiday. Here Santa Claus also got lost. We were just walking together... Oh, here are the guys... Hello, guys!

Snow Maiden . Help me call Santa Claus. He's probably around here somewhere, not far away.

Children call Santa Claus, but he doesn't come

Snow Maiden. Let's sing about Santa Claus, he will hear us and come

Song-dance “Merry Santa Claus was walking”

Can be heard from afar Santa Claus song (to the melody of the chorus of “Smile” by V. Shainsky)

There are squares and houses everywhere

Winter has decorated

I gave snow coats to the birches.

From the blue stream

The river begins

Well, and New Year, of course, with Santa Claus.

Cheerful Santa Claus appears . Full light

Father Frost . Good afternoon, girls and boys!

Take it guys

And join me in your round dance!

I'm ruddy and bearded

Came to you for the New Year!

Lots of fun today! The friendly song is ringing!

Noisy New Year's holiday,

Light up your lights!

Santa Claus notices the sad Snow Maiden .

Father Frost . Why is the Snow Maiden so depressed?

Snow Maiden (sadly ) The New Year was stolen by fairy-tale evil spirits, there will be no holiday.

Father Frost . Don’t be upset, granddaughter, don’t create dampness, we’ll figure something out. Let's better cheer up the Snow Maiden with a cheerful song

New Year's round dance("Everything is white on the street")

Father Frost . How did you, Snow Maiden, find your way here?

Snow Maiden . And my grandmother showed me the way

Father Frost . What is she like?

Snow Maiden. Well, old, hunchbacked

Father Frost . Is the leg bone? And the nose is crocheted?

Snow Maiden. Yes.

Father Frost . So this is Baba Yaga. She hid the New Year with Kikimora. Evil grandma. He does all sorts of dirty tricks all the time. We need to see if she’s nearby, otherwise she’ll do something else.

They go behind the tree. Baba Yaga and Kikimora come out, carrying a jar with the inscription “Glue”

Kikimora . Well, grandma, it’s not in vain that you and I conferred! Now the Snow Maiden and Father Frost will come and k-a-k...(Spread glue on the floor)

Baba Yaga . Yes, Kika, how they stick! This will be such a dirty trick! Quiet! Looks like someone is coming... Hide!

The Snow Maiden and Father Frost run away and return

Snow Maiden. Somewhere here I saw Baba Yaga... here she was talking to me... Oh, what is this? I'm stuck!

Father Frost . And me too!

Baba Yaga and Kikimora run out of hiding

Kikimora. Yeah! Gotcha! Did you stick well? Fine!

Baba Yaga Oh, how many dirty tricks I’ve done in my life, and it’s still not enough for me! Whenever I do something dirty, my heart is happy! Feel free to sing and dance! Kiki, let's rejoice together!

Dance of Baba Yaga and Kikimora

Kikimora and Baba Yaga twitch to the music, and at the end of the dance they fall, out of breath, to the floor

Snow Maiden (quiet) Santa Claus, come up with something so you and I can get unstuck

Father Frost. But now I’ll call the snowflakes here, let them swirl, sweep and freeze Kikimora and Baba Yaga, so that they don’t have the habit of playing dirty tricks. Hey snowflakes! Fly quickly tome, start your dance!

Girls dance with snowflakes in their hands; by the end of the dance, Kikimora and Baba Yaga “freeze”

Dance of snowflakes

Baba Yaga.Oh! My little hands are frozen! Oh, my feet are frozen! Stop freezing Stop!

Father Frost (menacing) Give away the New Year! Peel off our legs, otherwise it will get worse!

Kikimora . Come on, grandma, let them go! I'm completely, completely frozen!

Baba Yaga. So be it! Chuki-muki, Christmas trees-brooms!

I'm reading a spell

I free you from my spell!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden “come unglued”

Baba Yaga (ingratiatingly ) And with you guys, it’s interesting... Maybe you’ll take us into your company?

Snow Maiden. Give it New Year's first, and then we'll see

Kikimora. OK. Here's a map for you(takes out from his bosom ), using it you will find where the New Year is hidden.

Father Frost . My dear granddaughter, you go and give us back the New Year, and we will wait for you here and continue the holiday.(To children) But in order for the Snow Maiden to find her way back, we will now light the Christmas tree

Let's say together:

One two Three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!

After the children say the words, the tree lights up and the Snow Maiden leaves.

Father Frost. Guys, so that the Snow Maiden not only sees us, but also hears us, let’s sing together and loudly!

Song “Christmas Tree” by M. Krasev (The little Christmas tree is cold in winter)

The Snow Maiden and the New Year boy appear.

Snow Maiden . Friends, here we are! We have found the New Year, welcome it!

Father Frost . Thank you, Snow Maiden. Stand in a circle with the guys and dance more fun!

Dance "Dance more fun"»

Father Frost. And now I will listen to what poems you have prepared for me.


Father Frost. How much I love playing with children, pinching their ears and noses! Come on, come out, whoever is brave, I will freeze you!

Game "I'll freeze"

Game "Who will take the snowball faster"(run around the Christmas tree,first time with Santa Claus)

Father Frost. Thank you guys, you made me happy. Now tell me, do you feel good in winter?

Children . Yes.

Father Frost . I see. You love winter, but can you guess my riddles?

Children . Yes.

Father Frost . Then listen!

Eyes and eyebrows made of coal.

Snowball, on a coma - lump,

His name is …


Father Frost . He is cheerful and funny

With a long white beard.

He has toys in his bag

Beads, gingerbread, crackers.

It's always on New Year's Eve

Gives gifts to everyone

(Father Frost)

Father Frost . And now the last riddle. If you guess right, you will find out where I hid the gifts.

Zcaught on the cornice

And it grows not up, but down.

Look out the window -

Maybe she is visible?


Father Frost.That's right, icicle. Where did I put it? I don't remember something. Guys, help me find her!

Children find an icicle under the Christmas tree without gifts

Father Frost . I think I know whose trick these are! It was probably Kikimora and Baba Yaga who stole the gifts. Look, someone's footprints! Let's walk along them, maybe they will lead us to gifts?

Children follow footprints cut out of paper and glued to the floor and approach Baba Yaga and Kikimora, who are sharing gifts.

Kikimora . This is for you, this is for me, this is for me again...

Baba Yaga. Oh, and they did a great job! And you have more! Give me the gift!

They start a fight .

Father Frost . So this is where our gifts are! So that's who took them!

Kikimora and Baba Yaga deny and try to blame each other

Father Frost . Come on, give the children gifts! Guys, let's drive away the evil spirits from our hall, take snowballs and throw them at Baba Yaga and Kikimora so that they will remember us for a long time!

Snowball game

DChildren throw snowballs at the evil spirits, she runs away screaming

Father Frost and Snow Maiden handing out gifts

Father Frost . And now it’s time to say goodbye, other children are waiting for me, but don’t be upset, next year I will come to you again.

Snow Maiden. Goodbye, guys! Happy New Year!

Zarechny, Sverdlovsk region.

Retro evening “How young we were”

I dreamed, loved, danced and sang,

It was flying somewhere far, far away.

I got up easily, fell asleep instantly,

And I thought, I thought so secretly.

I walked through the forests, wandered through the meadows,

And most importantly, there was time for everything:

For work, for love and for little things.

And everything worked out, and everything worked out!

Oh, youth, youth, you are incomparable!

Why did you drive past once?

"Where are you going?" - he asked anxiously and sang...

She answered quietly: “I wanted to go to others.”

Today we have gathered here in this cozy room to remember our youth, to remember the years in which it fell: for some it was the 40-50s, and for others it was the 60-70s. It’s wonderful that you all still have good spirits, you look great, you have enthusiasm and sparkle in your eyes, the ability to enjoy life and share your joy with others. Each of you, of course, has your own secret of youth and beauty. And even if you and I don’t always like the reflection in the mirror, still, in our souls, each of us is a queen.

The song "Beauty Queen" is playing

Dear women, let's try to plunge into a time when life seemed long, long, and old age seemed something far, far away - into your youth. Attention to the screen.

Do you recognize this lovely girl? This is Batueva Anna Petrovna - she spent her youth in the Urals in the difficult 40s. At that time, this young teacher, Komsomol leader, activist, smart girl and beauty turned the head of more than one good guy.

Do you believe that Anna Petrovna promised to get married only after the Victory? (Yes, the wedding was on May 25, 1945)

Do you believe that Anna Petrovna personally knew the poetess Margarita Aliger and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya’s mother? (Yes)

Did you know that a museum of the Batuev family has been opened at the Novoselskaya school?

Do you believe that Anna Petrovna keeps embroidery that is already 70 years old?

Anna Petrovna, your youth was spent in difficult military and post-war years, was there anything that makes you especially happy to remember? Let's listen to the song “How Young We Were” performed by Gradsky

There's a song playing

Here is another photo. Who is this romantic and spiritual girl?...Tarasenko Berta Konstantinovna. In the post-war years, she lived in the third village, and after graduating from college she worked as an accountant at the Stroydetal plant. Berta Konstantinovna does not like to talk much about herself, but this portrait wonderfully reveals how charming she was in her youth.

Do you believe that Berta Konstantinovna came to the library for the first time in 1962? (Yes)

Do you believe that Berta Konstantinovna met her future husband by telephone when she worked as a telephone operator? (Yes)

Do you believe that Berta Konstantinovna’s wedding took place in a bathhouse? (Yes)

For you, Berta Konstantinovna, a song sounds

The song “I remember when I was still young” is playing.

Do you recognize the features of another of the ladies present here? This is Tamara Grigorievna Kovaleva. In the distant 50s, she lived in Kyrgyzstan, she had a chance to relax on the beautiful Lake Issyk-Kul. Memories of the demonstrations of those years are still fresh in her memory, as well as her regret that she could not go to college in due time.

Do you believe that the most a pleasant memory about Tamara Grigorievna’s youth - is this a memory of how she received letters from her loved one? (Yes)

Do you believe that every student at that time had to pick a ton of beets? (No)

The song "Oh, this girl drove me crazy..." is playing.

You can easily recognize this beauty, she has hardly changed... This is Tamara Andreevna Suslova. Her youth was in the 60s. The memories of those busy student times are of course the most pleasant; Tamara Andreevna loved going to the theater (and tickets were bought for three rubles at the most top rows), often went hiking and skiing.

Do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna was a member of the choir in St. Petersburg? (Yes)

Do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna loved to wear Romanian shoes? (Yes)

The song "Three Waltzes" is playing

Do you recognize this serious girl? That's right, this is Tamara Vladimirovna Gnezdilova. In her youth, she lived in Kalmykia, loved to relax at the resorts of the Black Sea and the Caucasus, she was active and cheerful, but she chose a very serious specialty for herself - a teacher of drawing and mathematics.

But do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna’s favorite hairstyle is “babette”? (No)

Do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna did not miss a single dance in her younger years and lived by the principle “dance while you are young”? (No)

Tamara Vladimirovna, what dances were danced in your time?

Do you believe that some readers of our library go to visit Tamara Vladimirovna?

Let's listen to Valentina Tolkunova's song “I'm standing at a stop”

There's a song playing

And again turn your attention to the screen. In front of you... that's right Aseeva Margarita Ivanovna.

In her youth in the 70s, she had the opportunity to witness and participate in the development of nuclear engineering in Volgodonsk. The fragile girl was excellent at using side cutters and screwdrivers, and wound up kilometers of electrical tape, because she worked on an equal basis with men as an electrician.

Do you believe that future husband Margarita Ivanovna sent letters to the addressee starting with the letter “O”, Oseeva, not Aseeva, and thus accumulated 15 unreceived letters.

Do you believe that Margarita Ivanovna’s favorite pastime was wearing a red wig for the holidays? (Yes)

The song “Lada” performed by Vladimir Mulerman is playing

And who is this fatal beauty? Elena Vasilievna Platonova in the 70s, having graduated from medical school in Leningrad, because of her stubbornness in the direction, she left for the Far East, into the unknown. However, now the most best memories for her these are memories of those years of life “at the ends of the earth.”

Do you believe that Elena Vasilievna swam across the Sea of ​​Okhotsk? (Yes, on a boat)

Do you believe that in the forests Far East Elena Vasilyevna collected 20 baskets of mushrooms? (No)

The song “By the sea, by the sea” sounds blue sea"performed by L. Agutin

Look at the screen. What a sweet, modest girl. Do you recognize? Of course, this is Vera Vasilievna Korolkova. Shales are hers hometown, favorite street is Rudnichnaya, where she lived, grew and flourished along with our city. In her youth there was no time for various nonsense, because she worked a lot around the house, did handicrafts - knitted, sewed, embroidered.

Do you believe that Vera Vasilievna was taught to knit by her father? (Yes, and besides that, he made shoes for the whole family)

In her youth, Vera Vasilievna read Belyaev’s books. And I still haven’t lost interest in reading.

For Vera Vasilievna and for all of you, a song performed by Joseph Kobzon “And in our yard” will now be heard.

There's a song playing

Before you is another portrait. This is...Izmailova Valentina Aleksandrovna. Pedagogical school, then Cherepovets Pedagogical Institute, work as a teacher in the village. Shekstana, Vologda region. Bright and rich life. Valentina Aleksandrovna remembers how she received her first salary of 49 rubles, how joyfully the holidays were celebrated then, how the administration treated her very well and respectfully. They provided benefits, let me go without waiting in line at the store, and took me to the teachers’ meeting by car.

Do you believe that Valentna Alexandrovna’s favorite drink in her youth was “punch” - half a strong tea and a little vodka. (Yes)

Do you believe that Valentina Alexandrovna was the first ringleader at the dance?

Did you know that Valentina Alexandrovna’s favorite dance is “Lanchik”?

Do you believe that Valentina Alexandrovna’s favorite songs are “Chelita” and “Mari” (Yes)

Did you know that Valentina Alexandrovna’s favorite hairstyle is “Hala with a long braid”? (Yes)

The song sounds -

On this slide is a youthful photograph of Svetlana Konstantinovna Pavlova. In her younger years, Svetlana Konstantinovna lived in Leningrad and led social life: went to dances at the House of Officers, at naval schools, sang solo at the Kapranov House of Culture and even performed at weddings. She was a big fashionista: she wore stiletto heels, skirts with wide belts and the legendary babette hairstyle. Svetlana Konstantinovna’s gentlemen were exclusively officers who showered her with gifts, gave her flowers, “Red Moscow” perfume, and even wrote poetry.

But do you believe that at the age of 17, Svetlana Konstantinovna was almost taken to his homeland by a Hungarian? (Yes)

Do you believe that despite the fact that Svetlana Konstantinovna was courted exclusively by brave military men, she still married a civilian.

Did you know that Svetlana Konstantinovna loved to attend concerts of such performers as Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Yuri Antonov, Mikhail Boyarsky?

For Svetlana Konstantinovna and for you the song “With a Flying Gait” sounds

There's a song playing

Dear women, let's continue talking about youth. Maybe some of you know and keep a secret about how to stay long years young? ...Remember who from Soviet actresses became the first to think about eternal youth? (Lyubov Orlova) Some of today's stars are trying to maintain youth with the help plastic surgery. But truly young is the one who is young at heart, who is capable of love. I can tell you how one 70-year-old world-famous actress was asked at what age a woman stops being interested in love. And she replied: “Please ask someone older...” Do you agree with this statement? An interesting observation - the Russian doctor and writer V. Veresaev said that if you walk straight, the drooping soul will straighten up. If you drive away the gloominess from your lips, it will leave your soul.

Let's play a little, as they say, let's shake the old days.

Continue the sentence:

“But she herself is majestic, she acts as if...” (peahen)

“And how does the speech say... (it sounds like a little river)

“You can see a falcon by its flight, and a good fellow by...” (steps)

“Everyone’s on their own...” (feast for the eyes)

“The man is beautiful...” (article)

Move more - you will live longer.

If you don't want to get old, eat less.

Temper yourself from a young age - it will be useful for the rest of your life.