Love Ball in the village of Barvikha. Family Day at the Atlas shopping center

On July 8, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, the annual Tradition festival was held in the Zakharovo estate near Moscow. It was organized by the Russian Art Union (RUS), which previously included director Eduard Boyakov and writer Zakhar Prilepin.

The Tradition festival was a great success. Families, young people, wonderful musical and dance groups, famous artists were present. The Zakharovo estate itself seems to have been created for such a cultural holiday - wide picturesque meadows, birch forests, a lake. Russian space, where you want to stay indefinitely.

True, it was pouring rain all day, but that’s what summer is like—you can’t scare the Russian people. The festival turned out to be so bright and multifaceted that the participants bravely hid under umbrellas until late at night and tried to catch all the events - lectures, musician performances and master classes, round dances and square dances, performances, poetry readings.

Eduard Boyakov: Tradition is the ability to be simultaneously with the past and the future

One of the main organizers of “Tradition” is the director Eduard Boyakov- explained in an interview with Constantinople that the place for the festival was not chosen by chance: Alexander Pushkin, who personifies the Russian tradition, once lived here. In addition, a hundred meters from the estate is the Church of Saints Peter and Fevronia, patrons of the family holiday.

“A person who studies should study and rejoice. A person who rejoices, who dances, who sings, who dances, who dances in circles, must understand that this also has meaning.” This is the idea of ​​contrasting the boring routine work that many of us often drag ourselves through, he added.

The director noted that understanding tradition includes roots, the need to relate to one’s life path creatively. “We are not animals, we are not flowers, we are not trees that grow, and thank God they are pleasing to the eye. We creative people. We are obliged to perform a creative act. We have a responsibility to transform, we have a responsibility to grow.”

On the one hand, in creativity there is a personal, amazing avant-garde experience. On the other hand, as soon as the experience of innovations begins to be contrasted with the traditions of ancestors, a person loses orientation in space. “I will be torn apart, I will become just a grain of sand, albeit dreaming of becoming significant, egoistically very determined, but still empty. This is emptiness. We must understand that there was a lot of things before us and a lot of things after us. What happens after us depends on this moment. Depends on the music we play, depends on the words we say. Depends on how we build relationships with children, on the values ​​we serve, which we try, as artists, to transform into artistic images and pass it on to people. Tradition is the ability to be simultaneously with the past and the future. And under no circumstances should we contrast one with the other.”

Tradition is salvation for Russia and Russian culture, Boyakov concluded.

Z Ahar Prilepin: Russia can offer the world blooming complexity

Much was said about culture, including with reference to the Russian conservative thinker Konstantin Leontiev. When asked what Russia can offer the world, the writer answered: “Blooming complexity.”

“She offers the defense of Christian values ​​to the world. It offers opposition to unification to the world. It offers the world victory over demons, demons and terrible world evil in almost every century. She, in addition to writing great books, makes excellent music, is also a good fighter. Sacrificially, humbly, mercilessly and recklessly.”

The fact that in the West they propose “legislation for 48 different genders,” gender confusion, etc. is not a flourishing complexity, but unification, when the whole world becomes the same. And as we know, everything is the same only after death - decay and convulsions.

« And in the sphere of the fight against the pan-European hundred-headed monster, which is going to create horror every century, we are generally in authority. That's why they don't like us. What else should we offer? You know, no one will say: “What should Estonia offer to the world?” So we are carrying out the “Tradition”. You can even look at the festival program itself. This is what we offer to the world.",” stated Prilepin.

Interesting lectures were also given by Alexey Varlamov, German Sadulaev, Andrey Novikov-Lanskoy and many others. There was also a place for poetry. Archpriests read poems Artemy Vladimirov And Alexey Shmelev, and Svetlana Kekova.

Music and traditions

I was very pleased with the musical part of the festival. People were delighted with the Ichthys ensemble. “In our time of militant postmodernism, when all meanings and concepts are blurred, tradition is what resists this chaos, preserving the sanity of existence. This is more relevant now than ever.And thank God that every year, society understands more and more the importance of today's holiday. True, they celebrate it in different ways and it does not always work out successfully. “In my opinion, this festival is just a successful attempt to celebrate this holiday in an adequate way,”— the ensemble’s lead singer noted in a comment to Constantinople Adrian Huseynov.

Wonderful songs were sung by Tina Kuznetsova, the group “Kalinov Most”, and the ensembles “People’s Day” and “Cossack Way”. Between performances the young guys danced incendiary lezginka and invited beautiful ladies to dance.

I was especially pleased that at the festival there was unique opportunity meet a musician, saxophonist Sergei Letov, who gave a lecture about Sergei Kuryokhin and performed with the singer Tina Georgievskaya, and then with the musician Alexander F. Sklyar.

In an interview with Tsargrad, Alexander Sklyar noted that the venue itself is important. This is a wide area with picturesque lawns, which allows you to organize a truly multicultural festival, with literary, musical, and theatrical parts, as well as master classes in handicrafts.

Sklyar noted that if a musician plays consciously, this is the tradition, it is woven into his work. “Because the point is not in what genre a musician performs, but in how he understands himself in this country, in this world. My deep conviction: even if you started completely apart from traditions, let’s say, in the style of rock and roll, which came to us from the West, you will inevitably come to our tradition.”

When we sing in Russian, we carry Russian meanings, and they cannot be found apart from traditions, the musician emphasized.

Artistic part

The artist also took part in the festival Peter Sklyar, which visualizes Russian proverbs and sayings. This component our tradition, our heritage.

“In my opinion, this is very important. This allows us to maintain a connection with our roots and allows us to feel a little more stable in this world, especially when there are many distractions and false roads. It’s very easy to go astray now if you are not anchored in basic moral guidelines.”

In order not to get lost, you need to know Russian proverbs, epics and legends, songs, dances, the artist added. “Our culture in this regard is rich and inexhaustible.”

Sklyar supported the idea of ​​celebrating Family Day, love and fidelity. “I am for the family, because there is strength in it. Here the proverb comes to mind: a tree has strong roots. And the roots are our family, our ancestors, thanks to whom we are alive. And we must give life to a new generation and try to educate it correctly.”

To sum up, we can say with confidence: the festival was a great success. It is very interesting for both adults and children (for the latter there are master classes, performances and fairy tales).

Be sure to come next year.

The “Tradition” festival was held on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity on July 8, 2017. The authors of the festival are writer Zakhar Prilepin and director and producer Eduard Boyakov (invented, among other things, the festival Golden mask). The general partner was the development group City-XXI Century. The festival was planned in the format of a picnic - a polyphonic holiday in the lap of nature. Every corner of the reserve was to become a place for concerts, entertainment, children's games, lectures and discussions. This is almost exactly what happened, except for the cold rain that fell all day.

Pretzel, duck, horseradish

“Don’t kill the hammer, take it closer to the edge,” the blacksmith with the face of a Greek adjusts the hammer in the hands of a woman. People who want to try their hand at blacksmithing have surrounded the anvil and are waiting for their turn. The rain slaps on the blacksmith's leather cap and hisses on a hot nail. A few blows, and the nail bends into a ring, the brutal jewelry fits perfectly on the student’s finger. The woman happily shows off the ring to others. Next. We will make a small poker.

There’s also a queue at the next tent, they do it here kites. Two poles, polyethylene, an awl, reinforced tape, and a spool of rope, the kite is ready. I take the kite from the hands of my five-year-old son under the pretext of “showing him how to do it” and run into the field. Rain, puddles, mud, an uncle in his thirties with a stupidly happy expression on his face runs through the mud and drags a piece of polyethylene on a rope. The kite reluctantly sometimes rises three meters into the air.

At the other end of the meadow, a few spectators huddle together under umbrellas, and the Cossack Circle ensemble sings from the stage in an archaic and catchy way. At first glance, the spectators can be divided into three categories: in ordinary clothes, members of the Russian military-historical society in raincoats, and people in traditional Russian or Cossack clothing.

There are more people in the tents and in the Pushkin estate museum. It’s dry here, they serve pretzels with duck, serve horseradish, and sell books from the Russian Military Historical Society and Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov. By the way, here he is, in the living room of the estate, talking with Alexei Shmelev about the source of inspiration.

It was difficult to have time for everything: In one room there was a meeting with Zakhar Prilepin, in the other with musician Sergei Letov. There are three gusli specialists in the world, one of them, Dmitry Paramonov, gives a lecture here about the history of the instrument. Concerts at two venues, including “Ichthys” and Alexander Sklyar.

The Dushegrey theater performs in one tent; in another, children are taught to play traditional Russian musical instruments. In the evening they promise a show on the water, fireworks, and a concert by the Kalinov Most group. I want to stay, but the children are already thoroughly wet and cold, and I have to take the organizers’ word for it and return to the car - to dry clothes and a thermos of tea. There is no way to wait for the fireworks.

The popular tourist attraction's parking lot is nearly full. Apparently, the holiday format is quite rare and has found its connoisseurs, despite the disgusting weather. Before leaving, I have time to go into the room for the museum’s research staff to ask the two authors of “Tradition” what kind of festival this is and why they need it at all. Each comment turned out to be an ideologically charged programmatic text, almost a manifesto of the new Russian counterculture.

Writer Zakhar Prilepin, co-author of the Tradition festival:
– It so happened that our opponents - representatives of various fields of art - have their own platforms. Privatization took place not only in the economic sphere, but also in the cultural sphere, and the sites were successfully distributed. These are some kind of scales, with weights on one side. There is a common idea about Russia that everything is one way and no other way, this Russian culture, this degenerate culture, these Orthodox priests in Mercedes... And this whole story is presented as the only option, that this is a trend, that this is the only way and no other way. And we have a number of counter-arguments, and we are ready to counter with reason.

Another question is that the opposing side does not even want to enter into this conversation. They say “get all this out of here, we don’t want to see it.”Therefore, we will not even oppose them. We'll just reach out to people directly. People, here is one product, here is another product. We have a free economy, right? It’s the same in culture, please choose.

Here we have the “Tradition” festival, we decided to get together with our fellow believers. With people for whom Russia is not black hole, for which western civilization is not the only source of humanity, progress, knowledge and everything else. With those who have more complex ideas about reality, about the path of Russia and the achievements of Russian civilization. We are not going to crush anyone with caterpillar tracks, we do not claim power. We simply believe that the things we do, say, write, sing and draw have a right to exist and have a right to be heard by more people.

I move around the country constantly. And from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok there is a Russian intelligentsia who are disgusted by most of what is being imposed on us under the guise Russian culture. They are oriented somewhat differently. People want to hear it, see it, read it, and in one way or another resist chaos and decay. Or simply have your own cultural field for raising your children. So that there is some kind of clearing where native flowers grow. Everything cannot be one size fits all, there must be variety. We're all for blooming complexity, aren't we? Let it be more blooming, more complex.

This is what is called chthon. It is important for me when there is an echo - responses from the past of my ancestors, our ancestors, this entire space - suddenly I hear it and understand that it is mine. I am also made of this, although I forgot about it. I was born, this no longer happened. And this is inside me, this is part of our physiology. We understand that national culture, is music part of our physiology? This is how our muscles are built, our facial expressions, how we sang, danced, and how we prayed.

Eduard Boyakov, producer, director, chairman of the Russian Artistic Union. Co-author of the festival “Tradition”:

– I have a feeling that most people think that Orthodox, patriotic, traditionalist and conservative are something marginal. These are either some jocks in black T-shirts with tattoos who should rush to kill liberals, Tajiks, and Jews right now. Or these are some strange old women in headscarves and girls with unhappy women's destiny, who even if they sing and listen to music, it is only on three chords and only about “spirituality” in the most childish terms, when you can’t even talk about any blossoming complexity.

It seems to some that besides this “patriotic-marginal” space, there is only a space of “progress” and Western values. In this space there are Bykov, Erofeev, Shenderovich, Rubinstein, Zvyagintsev, Sokurov, Serebrennikov. The picture that emerges, the interface, is such that there is no other option. And this big mistake and a danger to Russian culture.

After all, there is a field that collects ethnic, root tradition, and passes it on to future generations. This field needs to be worked on. There is a huge demand for modern Russian art. Not only Russian in a broad sense, into Russian. Russian art is a completely good term, it’s just political. If we say Russian, this means Tatar, Jewish, Mordovian, Yakut, Avar, Lezgin, Kalmyk, Ingush and so on and so forth. And in this series there should also be Russian. We must be honest and open about differentiating cultures without pitting them against each other. We say that the language is Russian, not Russian.

The liberal camp, the Western-oriented artistic bohemia, the elite do not resonate with these things. Sokurov is very far from all this. Zvyagintsev too. Alexievich, who publishes a panegyric interview on your website, is outside this space. If they a priori consider 86% of the population who are for “Our Crimea” to be cattle or even duped as a result of manipulative technologies, then we have nothing to talk about with them.

Such bohemia does not resonate with our people. She doesn't understand, doesn't respect these people. He doesn’t understand what lies behind them, if we talk about culture, not the values ​​that Mikhail Krug expresses, but the values ​​that are expressed, including Russian root music, the literature of the Pochvenniks, the Russian academic school of painting, and so on. Many serious mistakes were made in this field; Russian culture went through difficult times not only in the 90s of the last century. Stalin, the noble class, Peter I, Alexei Mikhailovich - this is a series of not only achievements, but also a series of mistakes, repressions against the Russian egregor. This old story, and the question is not about the laureates Nobel Prize, the question is about the fact that Russia has always developed in serious tension, in a dialogue between originalists and Westerners. Between those who swore allegiance to Peter in his attempts to create a European state and those who were guided by primordially Russian values.

This problem today is obvious, it exists, and we must, at a minimum, create our own counterbalance. Today in culture everything is twisted, everything is very much oriented towards the West, towards its formats. This is, to say the least, stupid. And at most - vile. Culture is a garden. Sometimes chemical fertilizers help to get a harvest quickly, in a month, but within a year the tree will die. You need to be attentive, delicate, you need to love the land on which you live. To understand that everything does not begin with us and will not end with us... This is the philosophy of the “Tradition” festival.

Representative of the general partner of the Tradition festival, the development group City-XXI Century, Maria Zakharova:

– Why did you become the general partner of the Tradition festival?

– The City-XXI Century development group, being a subsidiary of the Novard holding, considers it important for itself to create a business that is based on spiritual values, traditions of entrepreneurship and philanthropy pre-revolutionary Russia. Back then, the best entrepreneurs supported the values ​​that define our cultural code. Example famous philanthropists really inspires us. “City-XXI Century” specializes in creating mini-cities - living space and versatile infrastructure so that those who use these benefits are happy. And we try to do business in a way that shows our residents, our employees, and the community at large that money is important, but it is not the only priority. Business is not a goal, but a means of positive changes in society.

Culture is one of the most important foundations of a healthy society. In the case of the “Tradition” festival, it is worth noting that the organizers and I have the same worldview, so we decided to join forces and hold this wonderful event together.

– What is most significant for you in “Tradition”?
People of culture and art who perform at the Tradition festival broadcast the values ​​we share, including family, love, faith, patriotism, beauty and others. We want to help popularize these wonderful values ​​and believe that the content of the festival, dedicated specifically to the day of family, love and fidelity, perfectly conveys what is so dear to Russians and is passed on from generation to generation, namely, our traditions. This is probably the most important thing about the festival.

On July 8, the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the Zakharovo estate near Moscow will host the “Tradition” festival, the theme of which this year will be co-creation. Let us add that the Zakharovo estate is famous for the fact that it was here that the poet Alexander Pushkin spent his childhood years. It was in this estate that nanny Arina Rodionovna told the genius her fairy tales.

Co-creation is a word that can describe not only creative collaboration, but also unity in the family and even a common search for answers to the most important life questions, from the meaning of our existence to the fate of the country. The festival program was developed by writer Zakhar Prilepin, as well as producers Eduard Boyakov and Dmitry Vadimovich. Provided great support in organizing the festival museum-reserve A.S. Pushkin.

This year "Tradition" takes place in the form of a picnic - a polyphonic holiday in the lap of nature. Concerts, discussions, as well as lectures and children's games for the youngest guests will be held in different parts of the estate.

Classical pianist, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Rozum and the legendary Pokrovsky Ensemble are planning to take part in the festival. In addition, the group "Kalinov Most" and singer Tina Kuznetsova - Zventa Sventana - decided to support the event. The poet Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov will read his poems. Also on the program of the Tradition festival is a performance by Alexander F. Sklyar. The picture of events will be complemented by the fair theater Parsley and Caucasian Lezginka.

Another part of the festival is meetings with current writers, in which Zakhar Pilepin, Alexey Varlamov, German Sadulayev and Mikhail Elizarov will take part. There will also be a conversation with a literary scholar: Pavel Basinsky will meet with the guests to talk about Tolstoy. Finally, performances by poets Anna Dolgareva and Svetlana Kekova are expected.

The children's program will be presented by the theaters "Dushegrei", "Wandering Den", "Skomoroshkin Theater". Kids will be invited to complete quests and play games Pushkin's time, as well as draw in a picturesque meadow and play with dolls, creating your own fairy-tale performances.

Spectators will also be treated to creative workshops and lectures: about poetry with a priest, about God with an artist, and about fairy tales with Arina Rodionovna.

In the bookstore you will be able to familiarize yourself with literary novelties. A food court with home cooking is available for guests. The finale of the festival includes a theatrical performance on the water and fireworks.

How to get to the Zakharovo estate

Zakharovo is located just an hour by train from the Belorussky station (Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Zakharovo railway station).


The "Tradition" festival is held under the auspices of the Russian Artistic Union, which unites artists and cultural figures, independent creative leaders of different directions on the basis of traditional values. The event is supported by the Russian Ministry of Culture, the Moscow Region Ministry of Culture, and the Odintsovo District Administration.

Saturday, July 8, marks the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Most of the events this weekend are dedicated to this holiday.

Cartoons and open-air cinema

On Friday, July 7th, Zakharovo Park will become one of the sites of the Summer Cinema project. In the cinema under open air visitors will be able to see the film “Good Boy” directed by Oksana Karas, which received the Grand Prix of the Kinotavr festival in 2016. The film's producer Vasily Solovyov will speak before the screening. Start at 20:00.

On Saturday, July 8th, The “Summer Cinema” will be transferred to the starting field of the roller ski track. They will show the cartoon “Three Heroes and Sea king", as well as the films "Love and Doves" and "Breakfast at Daddy's." Start at 13.30.

Screening of "MOSOBLKINO" on the central square of Odintsovo

Festival "Tradition" in Zakharovo

Saturday, July 8 The “Tradition” festival will be held at the Pushkin Museum-Reserve in Zakharovo, dedicated to the day of remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronya and the holiday of family, love and fidelity.

The Kalinov Most group, pianist Yuri Rozum, the Pokrovsky ensemble, the folk-jazz band Zventa Sventana and many others will meet at the music venue. Among the literary figures, visitors will see writers Zakhar Prilepin, Alexei Varlamov, Mikhail Elizarov, German Sadulayev), literary critic Pavel Basinsky, poets Anna Dolgareva and Svetlana Kekova.

The children's program will include theaters, quests in the museum, drawings in the meadows, puppetry and fairy-tale performances.

The festival starts at 11 a.m. and ends by midnight.

Entrance ticket (pre-sale): 1200 rub.

Discount ticket (students, pensioners, disabled people): 400 rub.

Day of family, love and fidelity on a roller ski

On Saturday July 8th, The events will traditionally take place at the starting field of the roller ski track. Participation in all activities is free. In case of unfavorable weather conditions, the events will be moved to the administration building.

IN 11:00 o b the history of the holiday will be told by the cleric of the Grebnevsky Church, Father John Fedorov.

WITH 11:15 before 13:30 — creative master classes on making wreaths from fresh flowers and painting called “Chamomile Field”. Chamomile is a symbol of the holiday. The flower will be given Special attention. The organizers also offer fingerprint testing for compatibility in relationships.

WITH 12:00 By 13:00 - family sport games, a short distance race called “Family”, “Lovers”, “Friends”.

WITH 11:15 By 13:30 — "Walk with the Doctor" , here you can get advice from cardiologists and cardiac surgeons of the Center named after. A. N. Bakulev and listen to a lecture from Olga Bakeria on the topic of cardiovascular health.

WITH 14:00 By 15:30 — “Initiation into Travelers” from the “Children’s School of Travelers” for children aged 7 to 12 years. Pre-registration classes by phone: +7 926 341-20-82. Two groups of 10 people each will be formed from those who wish.

Love Ball in the village of Barvikha

Saturday, July 8 V 15:00 , cultural center The village of Barvikha will host a Love Ball on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. At the ball, awards will be given to married couples with “experience”, namely, couples with a diamond, gold and silver wedding. Thematic competitions will be held. The musical part will feature the “Caprice” brass ensemble and the Orchestra. Bolshoi Theater Russia, under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia Leonid Chistyakov, soloist of the Moscow Academic musical theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Valery Mikitsky, soloist of the Moscow State Symphony Chapel Olga Paster. Ball participants will also see the world champion in Latin American dances Tatyana Voylokova, winner of Russian and foreign Pro-Art tournaments Irina Petushkova, world and European champion according to WDC Artyom Merenkov and Honored Artist of Russia Olesya Evstigneeva.

Poster for the Love Ball in the village of Barvikha

Family Day at the ATLAS shopping center

Shopping center "ATLAS" invites you to celebrate the holiday of family, love and fidelity July 8 With 14:00 before 17:00. Performances scheduled on the program circus performers- tightrope walkers, clowns and even trained dogs - and competitions with prizes.

Court holiday in Golitsyno

On Saturday, July 8th, A court festival will take place in Golitsyno, also dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The event will begin at 10 o’clock at the site of houses 48 and 50 on Sovetskaya Street. The program plans creative congratulations for families and residents of the yard, competitions, face painting and refreshments.

On July 8, the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the patrons of the family, the “Tradition” festival will take place in the Zakharovo estate near Moscow. The estate is famous for the fact that A. S. Pushkin spent his childhood years here. Here he listened to Arina Rodionovna's fairy tales, ran along the alleys and swam in the pond. Zakharovo is located just an hour by train from the Belorussky railway station.

The theme of this year's festival is co-creation. This word can describe relationships within a family, creative unions, and a joint search for answers to important questions: who are we, people living in one country, having an indissoluble past and hope for a joyful future?..

The concept and program of the Tradition festival were developed by writer Zakhar Prilepin, producers Eduard Boyakov and Dmitry Vadimovich in collaboration with the A.S. Museum-Reserve. Pushkin. The festival will be held in the format of a picnic - a polyphonic festival in the lap of nature. Every corner of the reserve will become a place for concerts, entertainment, children's games, lectures and discussions.

An outstanding classical pianist (People's Artist of Russia Yuri Rozum) and a folk group (the legendary Pokrovsky Ensemble), patriarchs of Russian rock ("Kalinov Most") and a folk-jazz band (Tina Kuznetsova - Zventa Sventana), a priest and a poet (Archpriest) will meet on one site Artemy Vladimirov) and rock musician (Alexander F. Sklyar), fair theater Parsley and Caucasian Lezginka.

The Tradition festival will present a wide range of literary events. Meetings with current writers (Zakhar Prilepin, Alexey Varlamov, Mikhail Elizarov, German Sadulayev), conversations with literary scholars (Pavel Basinsky about Tolstoy), performances by poets (Anna Dolgareva, Svetlana Kekova).

An educational and entertaining program has been prepared for children: the theaters “Dushegrei”, “Wandering Den”, “Skomoroshkin Theater”, games from Pushkin’s era, a quest in the museum, drawings in the meadows, puppetry.

Spectators will also be treated to creative workshops and lectures: about poetry with a priest, about God with an artist, and about fairy tales with Arina Rodionovna. The best Moscow publishing houses will fill the bookstore, and delicious home-cooked food will await visitors in the food court. The festival will end theatrical performance on the water and fireworks.

The Tradition festival is held under the auspices of the Russian Art Union. The RHS unites, on the basis of traditional values, artists and cultural figures, independent creative leaders different directions. The event is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region, the Administration of the Odintsovo District, and the Popov Lug company.

A favorite of Russian and foreign audiences, the ensemble has collected and brilliantly mastered more than 300 songs of Don, Kuban and Terek Cossacks for 30 years.

18:30 - 19:10. Partizan FM.

Tradition for these young guys is freshness, drive and an incredibly exciting thing. The group's repertoire includes little-known Russian folk and Ukrainian songs, colorful samples of Cossack folklore, songs from the times of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, and, very importantly, original writings.

19:30 - 20:10. Alexander F. Sklyar.

In 2014, Sklyar, a recognized Moscow rock star, went against the leftist mainstream: his “Va-Bank” gave a concert to the Donbass militias. The musician received a strong creative impulse. The new songs featured favorite Russian genres - romantic ballad and urban romance, military march and Cossack Lezginka. And it's all rock and roll!

20:30 - 21:15. Tina Kuznetsova - Zventa Sventana.

The young singer, composer and arranger Tina Kuznetsova is known to the general public as a finalist of the “Voice” project. This year she revived her beautiful music project Zventa Sventana, founded in 2006. How does she manage based on the root folk music create such modern music?

21:30 - 22:30. Kalinov Bridge.

Dmitry Revyakin seems to have extracted all possible meanings from his ancient Siberian surname. There was both the roar of Indian Kali and Khlebnikov’s insanity. But in the deep well of myth, the stars of Christian love, courage and cleansing fire shone. Today the group is in in better shape- vocal, instrumental and spiritual.


The second facade of the Pushkin estate is crowned with a veranda and portico and opens onto a picturesque courtyard. This is the literary and musical platform “Popov Meadow” - perfect place For chamber music, poetry readings and performances. What's planned here?

12:00 — 13:00. Creative meeting with writer and militia member Zakhar Prilepin , Advisor to the Head of the DPR, laureate literary prizes“National bestseller”, “Supernational best”, “ Yasnaya Polyana", "Big Book", as well as the Russian Government Prize in the field of culture.

13:00 - 14:30. “What is the source of inspiration?” Dialogue of poets: prot. Artemy Vladimirov and Alexey Shmelev

In dialogue-improvisation Fr. Artemy Vladimirov and poet Alexey Shmelev will reflect and read poems on the eternal themes of Russian literature, based on Christian tradition- about faith and doubt, the joy of life and despondency, about the weakness and courage of a little person.

14:30 - 15:30. "Musical veranda" Concert of young scholarship holders of the Yuri Rozum Foundation

15:30 - 16:30. "The illusion of tradition." Concert of Tina Georgievskaya and Sergei Letov

Actress and singer Tina Georgievskaya and composer-improviser will perform Russian historical songs and spiritual poems, ancient Roman and Hebrew hymns and prayers, accompanied by saxophone and bass clarinet improvisations. The duet is a brilliant example of the synthesis of folk authenticity and free jazz.

16:30 - 17:30. "History of the Empire. The Golden Age of Russian Poetry."

The long-awaited presentation of Zakhar Prilepin’s book “Platoon” with the participation of experts from the Russian Military Historical Society. The book includes eleven biographies of writers and poets of the Golden Age - from Derzhavin and Denis Davydov to Chaadaev and Pushkin - who knew how to hold not only a pen, but also a weapon.

17:30 - 18:30. “Marusya was poisoned.” Concert of folk romances (Yuri Kolesnik, Taisiya Krasnopevtseva, Natalia Serbina)

Under this name lies music program, dedicated to the most beloved urban genre in Russia - cruel romance. Melodrama and detective stories, Brazilian passions and a tough ending - musician and singer Natalia Serbina devoted more than ten years of her life to studying this phenomenon. Together with her in the project are Yuri Kolesnik and Taisiya Krasnopevtseva.

18:30 - 19:30. Varevo.

The Moscow ethno-project brought together Varvara Kotova, Dmitry Ignatov, Igor Burmistrov and Kirill Parenchuk. In the Varevo program the sounds of jazz, electronics and other modern musical styles woven in folk songs, epics, spiritual poems and parables.

19:30 - 20:30. Nina Shatskaya.

Honored Artist of Russia Nina Shatskaya is called the Diva of Russian Romance. And not by chance. Her performance of Russian romances in a jazz style is different high skill and originality. The singer is not afraid of experiments; she boldly and tastefully synthesizes different genres.

20:30 - 21:30. Yuri Rozum.

Outstanding pianist, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Rozum will present his solo program, which is highly appreciated internationally. music scene. The authoritative German magazine Piano News called him “the pianist who most clearly represents today highest achievements Russian piano school on the world stage."

21:30 - 22:30. "Lyre of the Brave".

The literary and musical program will be completed by the premiere of the poetic play “Lyre of the Brave” directed by Eduard Boyakov. The performance is based on two books - “Platoon” by Zakhar Prilepin and a collection of poems by Donetsk poets “I am a wounded land” edited by Zakhar. The performance is looking for answers to difficult questions: how poetry and war coexist, free arts And civil service? What is the "Golden Age" of literature and could it return? Our hypothesis: maybe! We are on the verge of rebirth high literature: the poets of Pushkin’s time are inherited by the poets of Donbass. Perhaps here, on the steps of Pushkin’s estate, the secret of the Russian literary genius will be clearly revealed to us. Script: Eduard Boyakov, Yuliana Bachmanova. Besides professional artists(Anna Bolshova, Larisa Bravitskaya and others), the authors of the collection - poets from Russia, Ukraine and Donbass - will take part in the performance.


Gazebo by the river next to the pond, where little Pushkin learned to swim, was given under the most interesting lecture program of the “Cultural Brigade” project by Slava Konovalov. Lectures by historians, writers, and cultural experts are devoted to Russian tradition in a wide variety of dimensions.

Once Socrates was asked to evaluate the personal qualities and abilities of a young man. The sage looked at the guy for a while and then said: “Speak so that I can see you!” Tina Georgievskaya - singer, trainer-teacher, laureate of the national prize in journalism "Golden Lotus" - will tell the whole truth about the nature and potential of the voice and how to use this most powerful natural instrument.

13:00 - 14:00. "Sergey Kuryokhin and his Mechanics."

"We have designed spaceship and sent him into microcosm, that is, into the inner spiritual world person,” Sergei Kuryokhin once said. About the life and work of your friend - the only rock traditionalist of the eighties - exclusive lecture by Sergei Letov.

14:00 - 15:00. “Kreutzer Sonata” L.N. Tolstoy is a death sentence for the family.” Lecture by Pavel Basinsky - a famous writer, literary scholar and literary critic, winner of the Anti-Booker and Big Book awards - about Tolstoy’s most scandalous work and its influence on the Tolstoys’ family life.

15:00 - 16:00. “The writer is like a reader. Library of Mikhail Elizarov."

The famous writer, singer-songwriter, winner of the Russian Booker Prize decided to answer the question: what do writers read and why? “Reading is pity and humility” - this is his verdict. And a wonderful commentary from a bibliophile to boot.

16:00 - 17:00. "Lenin, revolution, family."

Conversation with - writer, literary scholar and literary critic, author of a biography of V.I. Lenin in the ZhZL series. The revolution destroyed the family, but how did Vladimir Ilyich himself feel about the family? What kind of person was he? No one has been able to fully answer this seemingly banal question.

17:00 - 18:00. "Current History".

This is the name of not only the lecture section, but also a conversation on the most pressing topics of Russian culture with three historians: a teacher, an adviser to the rector of Moscow Pedagogical University and the author of the first unified textbook on the history of Russia And two professors - and German Artamonov.

18:00 - 19:00. “Russians in Asia. From Skobelev to the Soviets.”

Lecture by a historian and journalist . The name “Central Asia” became entrenched in modern Russian vocabulary relatively recently—in the 19th century. Is waiting for you fascinating story about what prompted Russian Empire to penetrate the lands Southern Siberia, Mongolia, Western China, Tibet and about the adventures of Russians in new lands.

19:00 - 20:00. “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing Russia.”

Ivan the Terrible - was and remains one of the most popular mythological heroes our history. What does he say? modern science about this paradoxical personality? About it - lecture by historian Sergei Tsvetkov.

20:00 - 21:00. "Communism as a Russian tradition."

Lecture by the famous writer and publicist German Sadulayev , whose books were included in the Russian Booker shortlist over the years.

22:30 - 00:00. Performance by the water “Ludmila’s Dream” + Fireworks

The program of the venue and the festival will be completed by the magical mystery “Lyudmila’s Dream” based on Pushkin’s most romantic and very first fairy-tale poem. We will absolutely deliberately not talk about the performance: it’s better to see both the performance and the fireworks once!


The “Attic - City XXI Century” site is located in the Museum building. The estate in the wooden Empire style is a delicate remake, erected in the late 80s on the historical foundations of a former building. The interiors create an authentic atmosphere of the end XVIII-early XIX century, there are rare exhibits related to Pushkin’s childhood and the life of his grandmother Maria Alekseevna Hannibal. And if you consider that a good part of the neighboring settlement bears the name of Arina Rodionovna - the Yakovlevs, and right from the house there is an alley of centuries-old linden trees along which the little boy ran - to the very pond where he learned to swim, then it will become clear where the genius of the place lives. Let's go on an excursion!

In the Attic, patronized by our sponsors - the City-XXI Century company, a cozy room on the second floor, the most intimate venue of "Traditions" is located.

The first thing you will see is an exhibition of paintings by Elena Cherkasova: “Pushkin and Pious Reflections.” Among the naive and magical biblical stories- “Pushkin and King Solomon.” What is the connection, you ask? Come, we'll tell you.

In such an environment it is impossible not to think about childhood, about Pushkin and poetry.

11:00 - 21:00. "Pushkin and pious reflections." Exhibition of paintings by Elena Cherkasova
11:00 - 12:00. "Gusli - Russian folk instrument." Lecture-concert by Dmitry Paramonov.

Dmitry Paramonov will explain everything in detail, play it himself and let you try it if you come to the Attic before everyone else. Lecture-concert - the very first event in the Attic! But not the very first thing - at the festival: “Tradition” will begin with a solemn prayer service in the church of the blessed saints Peter and Fevronia, Russian patrons of family and marriage, whose holiday on July 8 we will celebrate all day.

12:00 - 13:00. "Nanny. Who babysat Russian geniuses? A story based on the book by S. Durylin and V. Toropova by Yuliana Bachmanova.

Once upon a time, Sergei Durylin - a Russian writer, philologist, historian, art critic - wondered: who is a nanny and nurse, and what is her role in Russian society? And he began to collect materials about women from the people who became guardian angels famous people. In one book there were Pushkin, Herzen, Soloviev and Merezhkovsky, the Dostoevsky brothers, Mussorgsky and Vereshchagin, Tsvetaeva, Blok and even the terrorist Vera Figner! It turned out that the nanny is not just a “good friend of poor youth”, but a real sensation of the 21st century. The project started by Durylin was recently completed by Victoria Toropova, a researcher of his heritage. The book was published by Nikea Publishing House. The journalist and cultural expert will tell you the most interesting things.

13:00 - 14:00. A story about the book “Pushkin” from the series “Who is this?” (publishing house "Octopus") Yuri Nechiporenko.

Wonderful children's writer- writer and scientist, winner of many literary awards, author of books about Gogol and Lomonosov, Chief Editor book series “Who is over 10” and director All-Russian Festival children's book, will present a new book about Pushkin for teenagers. He intends to take a few copies with him! Publishing house - "Octopus", series - "Who is this?"

14:00 - 15:00. "The Poet and the Tsar: Party of Defense." Public lecture by Kapitolina Koksheneva.

Why do poets not like kings and at the same time crave royal affection? And why do kings - the protectors of poets - deign to be seriously angry with them? The most interesting questions Kapitolina Koksheneva, a critic, culturologist, and doctor of philological sciences, discusses two Russian verticals - art and power - in her lecture.

15:00 - 16:00. “My grandfather did not sell pancakes”: Pushkin as an aristocrat.” Lecture by Andrey Novikov-Lansky.

What is aristocracy? What is his character, habits, how is it in creativity, thinking, lifestyle? Narrated by Andrey Novikov-Lanskoy - writer, publicist, philologist, president of the International Pushkin Club. Who will act as the model of the aristocrat? - Of course, Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich!

16:00 - 17:00. "Genius and Virtue." Conversation about poetry and Christianity with Rev. Artemy Vladimirov.

“I see Pushkin’s death as a logical result of the previous milestones of his earthly existence, and on the other hand, it reveals to us the miracle of God’s Providence, which turns our worst deeds and mistakes, sometimes fatal, to good consequences.” - Conversations about poetry and Christianity with Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov, priest of the Alekseevsky Monastery, are not only soul-helping, but also fascinating: he himself is a poet, writer, wit and subtle literary critic. Both adults and children adore him.

17:00 - 18:00. "Ivan Bunin and Alexei Tolstoy: a dispute about the Russian path." Lecture by Alexey Varlamov.

A most interesting lecture by writer Alexei Varlamov about two prominent figures of Russian literature - Ivan Bunin and Alexei Tolstoy. Did the author figure out " Damned days"Red Count"? - No, says Varlamov, whose biography of Tolstoy in the ZhZL series was included in the shortlist for the “ Big Book" And, therefore, the aristocrat did not unravel the secret of the Russian people!

18:00 - 19:00. "Poetry as the transformation of the world and words." Meeting with Svetlana Kekova
19:00 - 20:00. "War and Endless Amazement." Meeting with Anna Dolgareva
20:00 - 21:00. "The Inevitable Sky" Meeting with Stanislav Minakov

At the end of the day, in the attic there will be meetings with poets whose poems were included in the collection “I am a wounded land”, dedicated to the war in Donbass. Poets are very different. Strict, like an ancient order, Stanislav Minakov, rich in meaning, like the Hermitage, Svetlana Kekova, hot, like the Donetsk land, . Before you see them in the evening performance, there is an opportunity to interact in person and learn a lot.

The areas behind the river - opposite the "Shell" - "Lukomorye" and "Tent" are reserved for children: here children's performances and master classes will take place one after another until the early evening. Well, and then - “soup with a cat” at the Russian food court, excursions in the museum and a huge musical evening with a magical performance on the water and fireworks! You can stay awake all day, or you can steal a rug from your parents and take a nap under any oak tree.


11:00 - 12:00. "Tales of Lukomorye". Performance (“Skomoroshkin Theater”)

Watching a fairy tale is a pleasure, but playing a fairy tale with the whole family, or even better, with the whole playground, is ten pleasures and one joy! “Skomoroshkin Theater” operates in the long-forgotten format of a home performance. Several preparations - exercises in acting, stage speech and movements, simple props and costume elements - and voila! By the way, in the Museum there is an old drawing where little Pushkin presents a scene to his sister, standing on the table.

Theater director Lyubov Afanasyeva continues the tradition of family holidays: her grandfather was a storyteller, and her entertaining grandmother was invited to holidays from neighboring villages! The theater artists and Lyuba herself are participants in the famous “Theatrics Laboratory” of Pyotr Nemoy.

12:30 - 14:00. "Shepherd's pipe" Folk musical (Dushegrei Theatre)

Every Vanka can find his happiness with the help of a magic pipe. But after the performance with the children, start an old game with playing folk instruments- this is the case of the “Dushegreevs”. Because a fairy tale is a lie, and immersion in the atmosphere traditional holiday - « good fellows lesson".

“Dushegrei” are annual participants and winners of numerous festivals of nativity theaters (including the Grand Prix of the Belarusian festival “From the Doll to God”), children’s and international folklore festivals. Actors - Rustam Karimov and Elena Sarieva.

14:30 - 15:30. "Parsley at the fair". Folk puppet comedy (Wandering Den Theater).

It’s not for nothing that “The Wandering Den” wins international prizes! The puppet comedy about Petrushka is played today exactly as it was played 200 years ago. Even children cannot squeal like this wooden man: actress Elena Slonimskaya, who plays Petrushka, has been working on a real Parsley voice for many years! The task in ancient times was not an easy one: to attract the attention of boring and serious adults.

16:00 - 17:00. “Stupid children. Lelya and Minka." Performance based on children's stories by M. Zoshchenko (Vs. Meyerhold Center).

The funny adventures of a brother and sister are the envy of adult aunts and uncles. And a reason to think: what is better for a child - iron mittens or jelly banks?

The authors of the project, Danila Arikov and Yulia Volkova (actors of the Moscow Praktika theater), are parents themselves, and know what’s what. The director of the play is the actress and director of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhova Svetlana Ivanova-Sergeeva.

17:30 - 18:30. "Fly Tsokotukha". Play (" Creative association 9")
The heroes of the play are the author's dolls of the St. Petersburg master Fani: the beautiful Fly, the hussar Komarik, the villain Spider and... The Samovar, because it all started not with money, but with a crazy tea party that Mucha organized instead of hiding the find in a stocking. Sounds of balalaika and accordion, fun games with little spectators and festive feast- here it is, a fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky, who lived, as can be seen from the play, at the beginning of the twentieth century.

“TO 9” is a union of young people from different creative professions, whose performances are now staged at the most fashionable metropolitan venues and festivals dedicated to child development and education.


11:00 - 17:00. "Visiting Museum of Folk Music." Master class (Ekaterina Burdaeva).

“And also noisemakers, puffers, nozzles” - remember? This English version. We have a nozzle, a pity, a kalyuka, a horn, a balalaika, a tambourine, of course... What if they bring a hurdy-gurdy? Khimki Museum of Peasant Folk Music - it can do anything!

11:00 - 18:30. “Simple weaving.” Master class on special hand-held machines (Natalia Voropaeva, Elena Melnikova)

“I would weave canvases for the whole world alone” - this is about the author of the project - Natalia Voropaeva. On her machines, everything turns out in ten minutes. Natalia and Elena - participants International Festival patchwork in Suzdal 2016, laureates national competition fashion theaters "Golden Needle" under the patronage of V.M. Zaitsev, international exhibition "Ladya", "Atmosphere of Creativity". The artists will be accompanied by Alexander Perekalsky, a master of launching paper rockets and other aircraft with the children.

11:00 – 18:30. “Textile stories.” Master class (Tatiana Lazareva)

What this incredible artist will come up with - a master of patchwork and patchwork sewing, who can fold a doll with one movement of her fingers and sew a horse in no time - no one ever knows. A huge mandala made of rags? A portrait gallery made from scraps? Thread wheel with flowers and butterflies? Look at her handicraft lessons at First Educational - all the colors of Russian are there folk art assembled and packed. And at the school where Tatyana teaches, even the boys cross-stitch and braid their hair. Because it’s cool - with a master!

14:00 - 16:30. “What kind of fairy-tale hero are you?” Master class on painting (Yulia Leonicheva)
14:00 - 16:30. “Bookmark for your favorite book.” Master class (Yulia Leonicheva)

PICNIC. 11.00 - 17.30

Behind the "Shell" - so that there is somewhere to turn around and frolic - there will be work on the "Picnic" site forge And workshop paper kites under the leadership of Alexey Borshchagovsky. As you do, so it will fly! Moreover, to the music that plays at Rashushka’s all day!

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