Works of children's writers and poets. Children's writers in elementary school

October 24, 2013

Any educated person I began my knowledge of the world with children's books. The article will talk about amazing people who always thought about kids and wrote for them fascinating stories and poems about famous children's writers.

Children's books are remembered throughout my life. great love and nostalgia for happy years. Growing up, many read the same books to their children. Which of the writers do people remember all their lives, which of them gives little prodigies a ticket to Big world adventure, fantasy and instructive stories. You just need to remember who they are, those famous children's writers. After all, if there were no such kind and warm poems by Agnia Barto, interesting stories Korney Chukovsky, how would children learn to read more serious works?

Agnia Lvovna Barto

Agnia Lvovna Barto - (1906-1981) It is with her that the journey into children's literature begins. This is a wonderful Soviet poetess who wrote for children younger age. Everyone knows her poems, they are simple and naive, that is precisely their charm. When remembering Agnia Barto, poems about a little bull who is afraid to fall immediately come to mind. An unforgettable poem about Tanya, who dropped the ball and about the poor bear, who was abandoned by the owner. It’s simply impossible to list all of her creations, but they warm the soul, and with them moments from childhood come to mind.

She also wrote scripts for films about children. Many people don’t realize that everyone’s favorite film “Foundling” was based on her script, as well as several other equally famous films of those years. Her books are loved all over the world and read different languages, they are close and understandable to all young readers, since this is the language of childhood.

Few people know that Agnia Lvovna helped in the search for relatives lost during the war. She hosted the program “Find a Person” on the radio.

Children grow and develop, learn about the world, read new books with other characters and other authors, which will also remain in their memory.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - 1882-1969 years of his life. This is wonderful and extraordinary children's writer and poet. If with A. Barto everything is simple and clear, then Chukovsky forces the child’s brain to work, put everything in its place, determine the bad and the good. His “Cockroach” is remembered by everyone even in adulthood and is no longer associated with childhood events. A good doctor, which heals everyone and is not able to refuse help to anyone - this is the faith of children in goodness, and the hopes of adults for it. His poems such as “Crocodile”, “Moidodyr”, “Telephone” are loved by everyone. By reading them to their kids, parents discover something new for themselves. It would seem that these are children's poems, but they contain a lot of things related to adult life. Children can find in the poet's poems useful tips, learn how to behave correctly in different situations.

Another Russian and Soviet writer childhood - this is Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913 - 2009), who is known all over the world. Many generations grew up reading his poems. Both adults and children know his Uncle Styopa, a wonderful citizen and person. Many of his poems do not have titles, but they are easily remembered by children. One of them is about dreams that definitely come true if they are made under New Year. Many cartoons were based on his poems and poems.

Among the famous is Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964) - writer and poet for different generations. Its stupid and smart mouse familiar to everyone. This poet, like those listed above, is a classic of children's literature. His works for children, such as “Mr. Twister”, “The Tale of an Unknown Hero” and others, are still read. He collected and processed many fairy tales and riddles, proverbs and sayings.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky (date of birth: February 2, 1937) - this writer is now alive and well, delighting young readers with his stories, working on cartoon scripts. Who doesn’t know his Cheburashka, his cat Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor. Children become engrossed in his books and simply love watching cartoons about Prostokvashino.

One may recall G. Oster with his “ Bad advice», English writer A. Milne and his Winnie the Pooh, whom every child knows, and many other writers. Famous children's writers became such thanks to the fact that children read their books and learn them by heart.

Parents should introduce their children from the very beginning early childhood with their works, then they will develop correctly and become interested in discovering more and more new books.

Didactic manual for lessons literary reading in grades 1-4 "Children's writers in primary school»

Stupchenko Irina Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes first category MBOU secondary school No. 5 town. Yablonovsky, Republic of Adygea
Target: getting to know children's writers and their works
Tasks: show interest in the works of Russian and foreign writers and poets, develop the desire to read children's books fiction; develop cognitive interests, creative thinking, imagination, speech, replenish active lexicon
Equipment: portraits of writers and poets, book exhibition, illustrations for fairy tales


The writer was born on April 2 in the city of Odense, located in European country Denmark, in the family of a shoemaker. Little Hans loved to sing, read poetry and dreamed of becoming an actor. When I was in high school, I published my first poems. And when he became a university student, he began to write and publish novels. Andersen loved to travel and visited Africa, Asia and Europe.
The writer gained popularity in 1835, after the publication of the collection “Fairy Tales Told for Children.” It included “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Swineherd”, “Flint”, “Wild Swans”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The King’s New Clothes”, “Thumbelina”. The writer wrote 156 fairy tales. The most popular of them are “Persistent tin soldier 2 (1838), "The Nightingale" (1843), " Ugly duck" (1843), " The Snow Queen"(1844).

In our country, interest in the work of the Danish storyteller arose during his lifetime, when his fairy tales were translated into Russian.
H. C. Andersen's birthday announced International Day children's book.


Born on February 17 in the family of a veterinarian. She spent a lot of time in choreography classes, but gave preference to literature. Her idols were K.I. Chukovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, V.V. Mayakovsky. The writer's first book was published in 1925.

Agnia Lvovna wrote poems for children: “The Thief Bear” (1925), “The Roaring Girl” (1930), “Toys” (1936), “The Bullfinch” (1939), “First-Grader” (1944), “To School” ( 1966), “I’m Growing Up” (1969), and many others. In 1939, a film based on her script “Foundling” was made.
During the Great Patriotic War, Agnia Barto often went to the front to give speeches, and also spoke on the radio.
The poems of A.L. Barto are known to readers all over the world.


Born on February 11 in St. Petersburg in the family of an ornithologist. The writer had an instilled interest in nature from childhood. After graduating from university, the writer went on expeditions throughout Russia.
Bianchi is the founder of the natural history movement in children's literature.
My literary activity began in 1923 with the publication of the tale “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow.” And after “The First Hunt” (1924), “Whose nose is better?” (1924), “Tails” (1928), “Mouse Peak” (1928), “The Adventures of an Ant” (1936). To this day, the novels and short stories “The Last Shot” (1928), “Dzhulbars” (1937), “There were forest tales” (1952) are very popular. And of course big interest is presented to all readers by the famous “Forest Newspaper” (1928).

JACOB and WILHELM GRIMM (1785-1863; 1786-1859)

The Brothers Grimm were born into the family of an official, and lived in a kind and prosperous atmosphere.
The Brothers Grimm successfully graduated from high school and received legal education, served as professors at the university. They are the authors of the "German Grammar" and a dictionary of the German language.
But fairy tales brought fame to writers “ The Bremen Town Musicians", "A Pot of Porridge", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Puss in Boots", "Snow White", "Seven Brave Men" and others.
Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian.


V. Dragunsky was born in America, but after his birth the family returned to Russia. My labor activity the boy started at the age of 16, working as a saddler, boatman, and actor. In 1940, he tried his hand at literary creativity (creating texts and monologues for circus and theater performers).
The writer's first stories appeared in the magazine "Murzilka" in 1959. And in 1961, Dragunsky’s first book was published, which included 16 stories about Denis and his friend Mishka.
Dragunsky wrote more than 100 stories and made a huge contribution to the development of children's humorous literature.


Born on October 3 in peasant family. He graduated from a rural school and a church-teacher's school, after which he moved to Moscow.
The poem “Birch” (1913) became the first poem of the great Russian poet. It was printed in children's magazine"Mirok". And although the poet practically did not write for children, many of his works entered the circle children's reading: “Winter sings and calls…” (1910), “With Good morning!” (1914), “Powder” (1914), “Grandmother’s Tales” (1915), “Bird Cherry” (1915), “The fields are compressed, the groves are bare...” (1918)


Born on September 9 in Moldova. He graduated from school in Moscow. Afterwards he studied at the Literary Institute.
In 1955, Zakhoder’s poems were published in the collection “On back desk" In 1958 - “Nobody and Others”, in 1960 - “Who Looks Like Who?”, in 1970 - “School for Chicks”, in 1980 - “My Imagination”. The author also wrote fairy tales “The Monkey’s Tomorrow” (1956), “Little Rusachok” (1967), “The Good Rhinoceros”, “Once Upon a Time There Was Fip” (1977)
Boris Zakhoder is the translator of A. Milne " Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”, A. Lindgren “Baby and Carlson”, P. Travers “Mary Poppins”, L. Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.


Born on February 13 in Moscow. I spent my childhood in the Urals and Tver. He received a worldwide calling as a talented fabulist.
He wrote his first fables in 1788, and his first book was published in 1809.
The author wrote more than 200 fables.

For children's reading, “The Crow and the Fox” (1807), “The Wolf and the Lamb” (1808), “The Elephant and the Pug” (1808), “The Dragonfly and the Ant” (1808), “Quartet” (1811), “Swan, Pike” are recommended and Cancer" (1814), "Mirror and Monkey" (1815), "Monkey and Glasses" (1815), "Pig under the Oak" (1825) and many others.


Born on September 7th in Penza province in a poor noble family. After the death of his father, he moved with his mother to Moscow, where he was assigned to an orphanage. Later he graduated from Aleksandrovskoe military school and served for several years in an infantry regiment. But in 1894 he left military affairs. Traveled a lot, worked as a loader, miner, circus organizer, flew hot-air balloon, descended to the seabed in a diving suit, was an actor.
In 1889, he met A.P. Chekhov, who became both a mentor and teacher for Kuprin.
The writer creates such works as “ Wonderful doctor"(1897), "Elephant" (1904), "White Poodle" (1904).


Born on October 15 in Moscow. He spent his childhood with his grandmother on the Tarkhany estate in the Penza region, where he received an excellent home education.
He began writing his first poems at the age of 14. The first work published in print was the poem “Hadji Abrek” (1835)
And such poems as “Sail” (1832), “Two Giants” (1832), “Borodino” (1837), “Three Palms” (1839), “Cliff” (1841) and others entered the circle of children's reading.
The poet died in a duel at the age of 26.


Born on November 6 in the family of a priest and a local teacher. Received home education, graduated from the Perm Theological Seminary.
Began publishing in 1875. He wrote stories and fairy tales for children: “Emelya the Hunter” (1884), “In Apprenticeship” (1892), “Foster Boy” (1893), “Spit” (1897), “SerayaNeck”, “ Green War"," "Steady", "Stubborn goat", "The Tale of the Glorious King Pea and his beautiful daughters- Princess Kutafya and Princess Goroshina.”
Dmitry Narkisovich wrote the famous “Alyonushka’s Tales” (1894-1897) for his sick daughter.


Born on November 3 in the city of Voronezh. He began writing poetry early. In 1920, he created one of the first children's theaters in Krasnodar and wrote plays for it. He is one of the founders of children's literature in Russia.
Everyone knows his works “The Tale of stupid mouse"(1923), "Luggage" (1926), "Poodle" (1927, "That's how absent-minded" (1928), "Mustachioed and Striped" (1929), "Children in a Cage" (1923). And many, many widely well-known and beloved poems and stories in verse.
And the famous stories “The Cat's House” (1922), “Twelve Months” (1943), “Teremok” (1946) have long found their readers and remain the most beloved children's works of millions of people of different ages.


Born on March 13 in Moscow into a noble family. He received his primary education at home and immediately entered the 4th grade. Little Sergei liked to write poetry. And at 15 lats the first poem was published.
Mikhalkov became famous thanks to the poem “Uncle Styopa” (1935) and its sequel “Uncle Styopa – Policeman” (1954).

Readers’ favorite works are “About Mimosa”, “The Cheerful Tourist”, “My Friend and I”, “Vaccination”, “My Puppy”, “Song of Friends”; Fairy tales “The Festival of Disobedience”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “How the Old Man Sold a Cow”; fables.
S. Mikhalkov wrote more than 200 books for children and adults. He is the author of the Russian anthem (2001).


Born on December 10 in Ukraine.
In his work, Nekrasov paid great attention to the life and way of life of the Russian people, the peasantry. Poems written for children are mostly addressed to simple peasant children.
Schoolchildren are familiar with such works as “The Green Noise” (1863), “The Railway” (1864), “General Toptygin” (1867), “Grandfather Mazay and the Hares” (1870), and the poem “Peasant Children” (1861).


Born on November 23 in Kyiv in the family of an actor. Future writer I did a lot of self-education, theater and music. After the Institute of Cinematography, he worked as a film director, director of animated and educational films.
He published his first story, “Entertainers,” in 1938 in the magazine “Murzilka.” Then the book “Knock-knock-knock” (1945) and the collections “ Funny stories"(1947), "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" (1951), "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" (1951), "On the Hill" (1953), "Dreamers" (1957). The trilogy “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (1954), “Dunno in Sunny city"(1959), "Dunno on the Moon" (1965).
Based on his works N.N. Nosov wrote film scripts for feature films“Two Friends”, “Dreamers”, “The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin”.


Born on May 31st. He spent his childhood in Ukraine with his grandparents. He studied at the Kyiv gymnasium. Later he moved to Moscow. He worked as an orderly, a tutor, a tram conductor and a factory worker. Traveled a lot.
Beginning in 1921 literary creativity. The writer's stories and fairy tales for children appear. These are “Badger Nose”, “Rubber Boat”, “Cat Thief”, “Hare Paws”.
Later, “Lyonka from the Small Lake” (1937), “Dense Bear” (1947), “Dishesive Sparrow” (1948), “Frog” (1954), “Basket with fir cones», « Warm bread" and others.

CHARLES PERROT (1628-1703)

Born on January 12 in Paris. Worldwide fame brought the author the collection “Tales of Mother Goose” (1697). We are widely familiar with the fairy tales “Little Red Riding Hood”, “ Donkey skin", "Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella", "Bluebeard", "Puss in Boots", "Tom Thumb".
In Russia, the tales of the great French storyteller were translated into Russian in 1768 and immediately attracted attention with their riddles, secrets, plots, heroes and magic.


Born on June 6 in the family of a nobleman. Received an excellent home education. Pushkin had a nanny, Arina Rodionovna, who told the future poet many Russian fairy tales, which were reflected in the works of the brilliant classic.
A.S. Pushkin did not write specifically for children. But there is wonderful works, which were included in the circle of children's reading: “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda” (1830), “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious son and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich and Fr. beautiful princess swans" (1831), "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (1833), "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes" (1833), "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" (1834).

On the pages of school textbooks, children become acquainted with such works as the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “At Lukomorye there is a green oak” (1820), excerpts from the novel “Eugene Onegin” (1833): “The sky was already breathing in autumn”, “Dawn rises in cold haze...", "That year the autumn weather...", "Winter! The peasant is triumphant..." They study many poems "The Prisoner" (1822), " Winter evening" (1825), " Winter road"(1826). “Nanny” (1826), “Autumn” (1833), “Cloud” (1835).
Many feature and animated films have been made based on the poet’s works.


Born on January 10 in the family of a landowner. Got homemade elementary education, later studied at the Samara School. In 1907 he decided to devote himself creative writing. Went abroad, where he wrote autobiographical story"Nikita's Childhood" (1920).
Young readers know A. Tolstoy as the author of the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”


Born on September 9 in the Krasnaya Polyana estate Tula province in a noble noble family. Received home education. Later he studied at Kazan University. Served in the army, participated in Crimean War. In 1859 he opened in Yasnaya Polyana school for peasant children.
In 1872 he created ABC. And in 1875 he published a textbook for teaching reading “ new alphabet" and "Russian books for reading." Many people know his works “Filipok”, “Bone”, “Shark”, “Lion and the Dog”, “Fire Dogs”, “Three Bears”, “How a Man Divided Geese”, “Ant and a Dove”, “Two Comrades”, “What kind of grass is there in the dew”, “Where does the wind come from”, “Where does the water go from the sea.”

Children's literature extremely important in raising a child. It is worth paying a lot of attention to reading, as it greatly influences the baby’s character. Books allow a child to enrich his vocabulary, explore the world and learn to solve possible problems. life questions. brings you a list of the best children's authors.


Astrid Lindgren

It's hard to imagine your childhood without Baby with Carlson and Pippi Long Stocking . In addition to the fairy tales you already know, there are also such as “Emil of Lenneberga” - about a little tomboy who fed a pig drunken cherries and set fire to all the firecrackers in the burgomaster’s garden. Lindgren was great at writing captivating stories. When they asked her how she managed to guess children’s desires so accurately, she answered that she writes in such a way that it would be interesting for her to read.


Janusz Korczak

A successful doctor, teacher and writer, he founded an orphanage for Jewish orphans in Poland and developed the basic principles of raising children. His book "King Matt the First" at one time amazed many children and parents - it tells about little boy, who suddenly began to lead the entire state. Of the pedagogical works, the most famous book- “How to love a child.”

Charles Perrault

It is impossible to introduce a child to literature without reading "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood". It’s as if these fairy tales are written into our DNA; we remember them by heart and retell them to our children. Perrault is considered the founder of the genre of fairy tales for children, although he himself was shy and initially published the collection “Tales of Mother Goose” under a pseudonym, taking the name of his son.


Lewis Carroll

The English writer Lewis Carroll loved children very much. His pen belongs famous works for children, in which adults find many allusions and veiled meanings. These are fairy tales " ", "Alice in the Wonderland", a humorous poem, “The Hunting of the Snark.”

Hans Christian Andersen

The famous storyteller wrote children's stories, skillfully incorporating into them elements of comedy and satire, social criticism and philosophy, addressed primarily to adults. Andersen is the author of numerous fairy tales, which continue to be filmed to this day. In his fairy tales, good always defeats evil, the main characters are endowed with intelligence, kindness, and courage. But there are also sad tales like "Matchstick Girls" and "The Little Mermaids" that will show the child that the world not ideal.


Alan Alexander Milne

Alan Milne became famous for his books about teddy bearWinnie the Pooh and various poems for children. Readers all over the world have known for more than 70 years a character with sawdust in his head, who nevertheless has worldly wisdom and sincere kindness. For many children, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl, Eeyore and the rest of the heroes of Milne's fairy tale have become good friends. Like the characters of Lindgren, who began to write stories for her daughter, and Andersen, who amuses the children he knew, Winnie was created for one child - the son of a writer named Christopher Robin.

Korney Chukovsky

“Fedorino grief”, “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Tsokotukha fly”, “Telephone”, “Cockroach”- poems that do not lose meaning to this day and teach good deeds. Emotional, rhythmic, they are so easy to remember that many adults remember them to this day. In addition, Chukovsky translated fairy tales from other countries and recorded his observations of children, which were reflected in the book “From Two to Five.”

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was born on March 31, 1882, a Russian poet, literary critic, children's writer and journalist. The passion for children's literature, which made Chukovsky famous, began relatively late, when he was already famous critic. In 1916, Chukovsky compiled the collection “Yolka” and wrote his first fairy tale “Crocodile”. In 1923 it was published famous fairy tales"Moidodyr" and "Cockroach".

Today we want to show you photographs of other children's writers, in addition to the well-known Korney Ivanovich.

Charles Perrault

French poet and critic of the classical era, now known mainly as the author of Mother Goose Tales. Charles Perrault was the fourth most published author in the USSR foreign writer for 1917-1987: the total circulation of its publications amounted to 60.798 million copies.

Berestov Valentin Dmitrievich

Russian poet and lyricist who wrote for adults and children. He is the author of such children's works as “The Braggart Serpent”, “The Coltsfoot”, “The Stork and the Nightingale”, etc.

Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich

Russian Soviet poet, playwright, translator and literary critic. The author of the works “Teremok”, “Cat’s House”, “Doctor Faust”, etc. Almost throughout his literary career, Marshak wrote both poetic feuilletons and serious, “adult” lyrics. In addition, Marshak is the author of classic translations of William Shakespeare's sonnets. Marshak's books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, and for his translations of Robert Burns Marshak was awarded the title honorary citizen Scotland.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich

In addition to his career as a fabulist and war correspondent, Sergei Vladimirovich is also the author of hymn texts Soviet Union And Russian Federation. Among his famous children's works are “Uncle Styopa”, “The Nightingale and the Crow”, “What Do You Have”, “The Hare and the Tortoise”, etc.

Hans Christian Andersen

Author worldwide famous fairy tales for children and adults: “The Ugly Duckling”, “The King’s New Clothes”, “Thumbelina”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “Ole Lukoye”, “The Snow Queen” and many others.

Agniya Barto

Volova's first husband was the poet Pavel Barto. Together with him, she wrote three poems - “Roaring Girl”, “Dirty Girl” and “Counting Table”. During the Great Patriotic War, the Barto family was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. There Agnia had to master the profession of a turner. She donated the prize she received during the war to build a tank. In 1944, the family returned to Moscow.

Nosov Nikolay Nikolaevich

Laureate Stalin Prize third degree, 1952 Nikolai Nosov is best known as a children's writer. Here is the author of works about Dunno.

Moshkovskaya Emma Efraimovna

At the beginning of his creative path Emma received approval from Samuel Marshak himself. In 1962, she published her first collection of poems for children, Uncle Shar, which was followed by more than 20 collections of poems and fairy tales for preschool and junior school age. It is also worth noting that many Soviet composers wrote songs based on Moshkovskaya’s poems.

Lunin Viktor Vladimirovich

Viktor Lunin began composing poems and fairy tales while still in school, but began the path of a professional writer much later. The first publications of poetry in periodicals appeared in the early 70s ( the writer himself was born in 1945). Viktor Vladimirovich has published more than thirty books of poetry and prose. His poetic “Az-bu-ka” for children has become a standard for conveying alphabetic sound writing, and his book “ Children's album» on the 3rd All-Russian competition children's book "Father's House" was awarded a diploma in 1996. For "Children's Album" Viktor Lunin was awarded the title of laureate in the same year literary prize magazine "Murzilka". In 1997 he fairy tale“The Adventures of Butter Liza” was awarded as best fairy tale about cats, a library of foreign literature.

Oseeva Valentina Aleksandrovna

In 1937, Valentina Alexandrovna took her first story “Grishka” to the editor, and in 1940 her first book “Red Cat” was published. Then collections of stories for children “Granny”, “ Magic word", "Father's Jacket", "My Comrade", a book of poems "Ezhinka", the story "Vasiok Trubachev and his comrades", "Dinka" and "Dinka says goodbye to childhood", which have autobiographical roots.

Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm published several collections called Grimm's Fairy Tales, which became very popular. Among their fairy tales: “Snow White”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Musicians of Bremen”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “Little Red Riding Hood” and many others.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Contemporaries noted his brilliant mind, humor, and talent as a conversationalist. His epigrams, witticisms and aphorisms were heard by everyone. Tyutchev’s fame was confirmed by many - Turgenev, Fet, Druzhinin, Aksakov, Grigoriev and others. Leo Tolstoy called Tyutchev “one of those unfortunate people who are immeasurably higher than the crowd among whom they live, and therefore are always alone.”

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev

In 1846, the very first collection of poems made Pleshcheev famous in the revolutionary youth environment. Three years later he was arrested and sent into exile, where he spent military service almost ten years. Upon returning from exile, Pleshcheev continued his literary activity; Having gone through years of poverty and hardship, he became an authoritative writer, critic, publisher, and at the end of his life, a philanthropist. Many of the poet’s works (especially poems for children) have become textbooks and are considered classics. More than a hundred romances were written by the most famous Russian composers based on Pleshcheev’s poems.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

There is no need to introduce this person. This will be done by the characters of his works, including Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, the cat Matroskin, Uncle Fyodor, postman Pechkin and others.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov
1913 - 2009
Born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow. Sergei's talent for poetry was discovered at the age of nine. In 1927, the family moved to the Stavropol Territory and then Sergei began to publish. In 1928, the first poem “The Road” was published in the magazine “On the Rise.” After graduating from school, Sergei Mikhalkov returns to Moscow and works at a weaving factory and on a geological exploration expedition. At the same time, in 1933, he became a freelance employee in the letters department of the Izvestia newspaper. Published in magazines: “Ogonyok”, “Pioneer”, “Prozhektor”, in newspapers: “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Izvestia”, “Pravda”. The first collection of poems is published. In 1935 the first famous work, which has become a classic of Russian and Soviet children's literature - the poem "Uncle Styopa".
During the Great Patriotic War Mikhalkov is a correspondent for the newspapers “For the Glory of the Motherland” and “Stalin’s Falcon”. Together with the troops he retreated to Stalingrad and was shell-shocked. Awarded military orders and medals. Was tagged State Prize USSR in 1942
In 1944, the USSR government decided to change the old anthem. Mikhalkov and his co-author G. El-Registan became the authors of his text, winning a national competition. In 1977, after the adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR, Sergei Mikhalkov created the second edition of the words for the State Anthem of the USSR. On December 30, 2000, President V.V. Putin approved the text National Anthem Russia based on poems by Sergei Mikhalkov (third edition). The classic said in an interview that he sincerely wanted to compose “the anthem of an Orthodox country,” he is a believer and “has always been a believer.” “What I just wrote is close to my heart,” Mikhalkov said.
S. Mikhalkov died on August 27, 2009 at the age of 96.