The Yudi group from Tomsk has won worldwide fame - the dancers are going on a world tour. UDI group dancers from Siberia reached the finals of the Britain's Got Talent competition (video) UDI group composition

Published 05.28.15 14:35

The Tomsk UDI team captivated the jury members and viewers of the popular TV show Britain's Got Talent.

The Russian dance group UDI from Tomsk reached the finals of the television competition "Britain's Got Talent". The masterpiece performed by domestic dancers captivated the judges of the popular TV show in the United Kingdom.

In their performance, the UDI participants danced in complete darkness using special luminous costumes. The issue was dedicated to the confrontation between good and evil. This video has already received more than nine million views to date.

"This Siberian dance group dazzled both the jury and the audience intkbbee after listening,” says the annotation to the recording.

For their semi-final performance, the Siberians also prepared a philosophical number, which became a logical continuation of the previous performance. The post, posted just the day before, has already been viewed more than 8.5 million times.

According to the results of telephone voting, the Russian group UDI took a place in the top three out of nine participants in the semi-finals, and only two participants could reach the decisive stage of the competition. As a result, the first finalist was the illusionist James Raven, who received the largest number of votes from viewers.

As TASS notes, UDI represents a dance school of the same name in Tomsk, which trains, among others, disabled children, children from orphanages and teenagers from low-income families.

If they win, the group members plan to spend the prize of the TV show “Britain's Got Talent” in the amount of 250 thousand pounds (350 thousand dollars) on creating their own hall.

01/06/2015 - 18:12

A dance group from Tomsk [] in the final of the show “Britain's Got Talent”. Alas, the audience voted not for the magic and the story of the guys from Siberia, who create miracles on stage that are beyond reason, but for the woman with the dog. Of the 12 finalists, “Yudi” was voted only into 10th place. Denis Vishnyak and his comrades are not very upset - it was important for them to perform in the final of this grandiose show. If the guys find the strength, time and money, no one is stopping them from going to a similar talent show in America. But now the dance group from Tomsk is unlikely to have free time. They have already won - the Udi wizards are invited to tour to many countries around the world. What is known about the dancers from “Yudi”? What competitions have they already participated in? Did Western sanctions apply to our guys when they performed on the show? Facts, photos and videos of performances by the group “Yudi”.

“Yudi” – what is it: the name of the group is an abbreviation of the first letters of the names of its members (Yuri, Denis and Igor). These guys were in the very first team. The team appeared in 1999. The current members of the dance team are Yuri Bakin, Denis Vishnyak, Igor Andrikevich and Sergei Sharov. The Yudi group dances breakdancing and hip-hop. There is a dance school of the same name in Tomsk.

The leader of the group is Denis Vishnyak. He met his comrades in an orphanage. A group of guys wanted to be like Van Damme and save the world. Today “Yudi” save it in their own way - they dance, work with children from orphanages and disabled children, and let them know that they have a chance to succeed in life.

The Udi team’s arsenal includes participation in the “Minutes of Glory” show on Channel One, they were seen at a similar competition in Ukraine, where they reached the finals and refused to continue fighting due to the political situation, and yesterday they competed among 12 candidates to win the show "Britain's Got Talent". The team is not upset that they did not take first place. They are already winners - the guys are invited to tour to Germany, Australia, India, Spain, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. The team considers this a great success. And it is much more valuable than winning the show.

If "Judi" from Tomsk had won Britain's Got Talent, they would not only have received a big cash prize of $350,000. Another “bonus” for the winner is the opportunity to perform in front of the royal family at a big concert. If the Yudies won the cash prize, they would build a new dance school.

Britain's Got Talent judges said Judy was amazing. They were not prepared for the fact that artists from Siberia would surprise in the finals. What “Yudi” do was called “special.” The jury of the show was rooting for “Judy”, but the choice was made by British television viewers.

Dance group "Yudi" on the show "Britain's Got Talent", the first of the numbers was prepared for the Ukrainian talent competition, but was not shown.

The Tomsk group "UDI" is today fighting for victory in the famous show "Britain's Got Talent" - the British "Minute of Fame". “The boys from Siberia,” as they are called in London, created a sensation on the island. The sympathy of the jury helped them get to the finals - the stern and unyielding British were touched by both the history of the group and the sincerity of the dancers.

Actress Amanda Holden explained for everyone: I vote for unusual and unique, so I vote for "YUDI." We've seen a lot of special effects on stage, believe me. But doing this without expensive equipment costs a lot.

That rare case when football fans, especially British ones, completely forgot about football. So you won’t be late for the FA Cup final. But just a stone's throw from Wembley Stadium are the finalists of Britain's Got Talent. The warm-up is right in the middle of the street, so fiery that even the police called a time-out. Of course, the idols of the entire kingdom are so close. The idols, who are simply called here, are “Siberian boys.”

Who are these "YUDI"? When asked by the “great and terrible” Simon Cowell, chairman of the jury and creator of the show, they answered instantly - wizards. Just wizards.

The question seemed to be "How is this even possible?" literally hanging in the air. But while people in the hall were whispering about where the computer graphics were and how the stairs were hidden, the miracles continued. Thanks to the mere play of light and shadow, butterflies fluttered on the stage, mysterious masks appeared and swords flew out of nowhere. The effect is hypnotic. The jury's reaction: "We've never seen anything like this." For the first time in the nine-year history of the competition, artists from Russia should be in the finals.

"It was absolutely perfect," singer Alisha Dixon said.

"I have no words, incredible!" - actress and TV presenter Amanda Holden supported her.

"Sometimes people ask us why we don't only have British citizens perform. But I'm so happy that our rules allow it because it's the only way we can see such fantastic artists as you," added chairman of the jury Simon Cowell.

They themselves call everything that has been happening to them in recent months fantasy. An application for participation, news that they were selected from hundreds of thousands, an invitation, a plane from Tomsk to Moscow and from there to London. Quarter-finals, semi-finals - there was a sensation everywhere. But such success was not expected. They didn’t expect to become stars at the competition that revealed, say, Susan Boyle to the world. They staged the number seven years ago and performed it everywhere. But for such recognition I had to travel thousands of kilometers. Crowds of fans and in three weeks - more than 9 million views of the performance on YouTube.

“It seems from the outside that everything is simple in technical terms, but on the other hand, everything is very complicated. And this parallel, it attracts the British people, and there is a philosophical side - the struggle between good and evil. This is very important,” says the founder group "UDI" Denis Vishnyak.

The philosophy of each of them is that dance conquers the street and gives hope. Hope, which was once so necessary for Yura, Igor and Denis - three guys from a Tomsk boarding school, children from low-income families and an orphan. Together they were crazy about Jean-Claude Van Damme and Michael Jackson. So Yura, Denis and Igor became “YUDI”. They are their own choreographers, producers and costume designers.

“Our story began in 1999. We lived in our youth and in our youth with fantasies and dreams about acting, about playing on stage, and this common dream of ours united us, and we came to a common goal,” says Denis Vishnyak.

Toward your dream by leaps and bounds. Performances, concerts, invitations to shows and finally, your own dance school. It is already nine years old, there are more than six hundred students, including children from disadvantaged families. And for everyone, movement is like protection from all troubles.

“Dancing allows me to feel something more in life. Dance is like oxygen for me... Thanks to dancing, I have changed,” say the school’s students.

Among their pupils are disabled children such as Dima - brave, stubborn and also dreaming of the stage. “UDI” has already decided that if they take first place and receive 350 thousand dollars, they will spend it on the development of the school. So that there would be no queues of 250 people, as there are now, there would be enough room for everyone to dance, and the halls would produce numbers that were complex in technique and profound in meaning. And most importantly - sincere.

They rush to the stage. Nine competitors, including dancers, singers, and illusionists, are already somewhere behind the scenes. They admit it - they are ready to fight. Although they know that they are competing with themselves.

The Tomsk group "UDI" reached the finals of the "Britain's Got Talent" competition. Another exciting performance by Russian dancers made a good impression on the judges of the popular show in Britain, broadcast on ITV. In the semi-finals, the group "UDI" performed a number with philosophical content on the theme of the struggle between good and evil. This number is a logical continuation of the performance in glowing suits in the dark, which was no less exciting than the first. His YouTube post has received more than nine million views.

Group "UDI". Team history

The history of the dance team from Tomsk began in the second half of the 1990s, when three children from a boarding school were united into one group by the dream of a big stage.

The group "UDI" is a representative of the dance school of the same name, which specializes in hip-hop and breakdancing. She turned 9 years old. Now about 650 people come here to study. Disabled children, children from orphanages and low-income families also learn to dance at the school. The group wanted to use the competition prize money of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds to create their own training room.

The name of the group was formed from the first letters of the names of the participants (Yuri, Denis and Igor). The UDI dance group participated in the finals of the “Minute of Fame” competition. At the beginning of spring of this year, the guys went to Britain for the first time to participate in a popular television show. The jury rightfully positively assessed the performance of the Russian dancers. The television star described the UDI performance as “life-affirming.” The actor was shocked and said that this performance was something that none of them had ever seen. The other two jury members were equally complimentary of the group.

Fight for the final

The group "UDI" was among the top three out of nine participants in the semi-finals, with the most TV viewers voting for them. Only 2 participants could participate in the decisive stage of the competition. The first lucky winner in the final was illusionist Jamie Raven, who received the largest number of votes from viewers. He had very interesting, intricate tricks.

Another competitor of "UDI" in the semi-finals was the dance group IMD Legion from London. She showed a futuristic number in costumes that resembled astronaut spacesuits or superhero clothing. The performance was sporty with acrobatic elements. Half of the jury voted for this group. The sympathy of TV viewers helped the team from Tomsk reach the final.

Arrival home

After participating in a British television program, the dance group "UDI" came to their native Tomsk. They were greeted quite warmly at the airport. Relatives, friends, and fans called the team the winners, although the participants from Tomsk took tenth place in the popular TV show. The main prize went to the dog Matis.

They greeted everyone in English and admitted that it was very pleasant for them to hear their native language. On the day of arrival, the UDI group did not want to attract much attention. But she failed to do this. Fans, relatives and friends of the dance team arrived at the airport much earlier than the landing of the plane in which the dancers were flying.

The success of your favorite dance group

Tomsk residents watched the successes of their favorite group at night. Broadcasts of the British program on the Internet began after midnight. Dancers from Tomsk had to give it their all; and they outdid themselves. Their numbers are philosophical, about the struggle between good and evil. All of them are performed in the same genre - this is the framework of the project.

English tabloids called the light show magic. On YouTube, the video of the group "UDI" received almost 10 million views. Many Britons thought that the team would win the famous show, but they failed to become the first.

With the money they won, the athletes wanted to build a dance school for children from Tomsk. Local authorities promised to help the group in this difficult matter.