The morning show “Curler Luxe” on DFM is closed. Dasha Anikina: “I am open to negotiations about a new show This was your happiest New Year

Zhenya said yesterday:
- I’m so tired of these parties... if I’m already tired, I can imagine how tired you are...
I got tired of them last year, yes. Because you don’t relax on them, you work, and they don’t bring you any joy. If, let’s say, that summer, after working, I could still get poop-drunk with my friends, but now I’m working and leaving... I’m bored, I don’t stand in line at the free bar, I don’t stand in line with a plate in front of the iron dicks where there are free kebabs from salmon. And when I hear the phrase “let’s go hang out, it’s Friday,” I wrinkle my forehead. There’s no way I’ll go to a club just like that, I don’t know how to party, I don’t understand WHAT to do there) in a club just like that... stand? sit? dance? I can dance at home in the kitchen at night and it will be 5 times more fun for me than somewhere out there in the night in a cloud of smoke)
I still don’t understand the partygoers who hung out in the Eurodom every day and said with relief “Oh, finally Eurovision is over”))) Svetka Bogdanova and I stood in our smoking room and sincerely did not understand how this was possible :) partygoers have the right to choose: if you want, go. If you don't want to, don't go. But we have no choice, put a microphone in your hand and fuck off)
And here I am sitting at DJ Smash’s birthday party on the sofa alone... I couldn’t fit more than one strawberry mojito, I’m sitting tired after Shapovalova’s show... I look at the floor... there’s a girl coming, let’s call her K. I’ve known her for two years on the Internet, but we never corresponded... I just looked at her beautiful photos on VKontakte, read her diary a long time ago, and here she comes, I say:
- K., hello!
- Oh, Anka, hello!
- I'm Dasha, not Anka
- Oh, sorry... wait, please...
She was drunk and tried to answer the call, barely holding the iPhone in her hand.
She sat down next to me and, as always, I transformed into a sponge, into a book of complaints, into free, understanding ears...
In 15 minutes, in a drunken state, she told me her whole life. Placed it on a plate...
Her parents are rich, rich, she has everything...whatever I want, I can do...but there is one thing missing - FREEDOM...
she sat with a glass of champagne, barely moving her tongue, but continued to drink. At first I didn’t give a fuck, I just shook my head in understanding, but then I felt sincerely sorry...
Her dad called her, drove her to the driver, who was already waiting at the entrance, she answered that she was coming, and she lay on my shoulder and continued, tears flowing, smearing mascara on her cheeks:
- I'm so jealous of those who don't have rich parents... you know? This is not a reward, this is an execution. I can't do anything, I'm under constant surveillance...
I took the champagne from her, she didn’t notice.
The friend with whom she walked past me disappeared somewhere. And K. is lying on top of me, no one needs...only ifone calls and calls. My heart sank... She turned in the other direction and on her feet... on the sofa, on the phone, she threw out everything she drank and ate... I went to the bar for water... she drank, there was mascara on her cheeks, tears ..
I say, let’s go to the toilet, I’ll take you... He doesn’t want to. Everyone is watching, their mouths are open, and no one can do anything, because a party is a party. Zhenya and I ran to look for this friend in my memory, she was blonde. Didn't find...
And I understood one thing: if I were her, I would gladly go home and sit there warm, sober, with my dog, in no hurry, because you have everything...
But I also realized that when you have everything, you don’t need it... You need to be left alone... There is no middle ground... No :(
In general, then I saw K. online and was glad that everything was fine!

And when you arrive somewhere, you walk in and the smell rushes into your nose. The smell of a party. It eats into the respiratory tract and the taste is always the same! Burnt alcohol in a bouquet of various expensive perfumes and silicone lips... The taste of labels and body creams. I didn’t notice it before, but now I notice it every time.

But there is one positive side to me: I don’t know how it happens, but I know how to be happy at all events, maybe it’s professional or because I have to smile in the frame. The mode switches in me and it carries me... And everyone thinks how much I like to party, but you read the truth above :)) I couldn’t do this before. I watched last year’s stand-ups and laughed: a downed pilot with a sad face :)

For several years, Dasha hosted entertainment show programs on Love Radio, Vesna FM and DFM. Then it seemed that this girl was a real energetic person and simply did not know how to be sad. But few people know that for some time it was difficult for her to even smile...

The story began in 2013, when I worked in glossy magazine. I remember we were looking for the heroine of the material with one respected clinic. You could have your breasts, liposuction or nose done. For six months they tried to find someone, but some were afraid to show themselves, others simply did not need to change anything. And while we were postponing the material, I decided to go to the clinic to consult a doctor about the swelling near the bridge of the nose, which worried me.

I end up in the surgeon's office. The doctor assured me that he would help, and on the tablet showed me examples of “before and after” work with the same problem as mine. I was 24 years old then, a stupid girl. There was such euphoria - I ran out of the clinic, called the editor-in-chief and said: I will be the heroine of the material!

SORRY, I'M NOT bomber jacket, Manolo Blahnik shoes

August 22, 2013. The operation lasted about 50 minutes. Seven days later the plaster was removed. Moreover, there were no drastic changes, the nose became a little narrower, but I really like the result.

After a couple of months, a lump appeared on the side of my nose. I didn’t even think that problems would start, and I also didn’t know anything about periodic examinations with a doctor. A year after the operation, I went to see the surgeon. They injected me with Diprospan, and by the evening the lump was gone. But two months later she returned. I didn’t want to inject myself with drugs again (it’s incredibly painful) - I decided to live like this - I did corrective makeup and just gave up.

And then I met and became friends with Lena, who had my nose done by my surgeon, and, by the way, successfully. In the fall of 2016, the two of us went to see Alexey Gennadievich. Back then I couldn’t even imagine what kind of hell awaited me! The surgeon suggested a mini-operation “for 15 minutes” to cut out the lump.

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November 19, 2016. “15 minutes” turned into two hours. And when the plaster was removed, in the mirror I saw a sickly-looking bird: the bridge of the nose was thin, the back was uneven, high, with a large washer at the tip. I look and try to recognize myself. The eyes became smaller, there was just a different person in profile, as if she had betrayed mom and dad. When I asked why they built a second floor to my nose and raised the back, I received the answer: “I made a nose that fits your face.” Super!

By the end of December, I realized that the tip of my nose was completely missing, as if it had been cut off with a cleaver. And in January I saw an implant in my nostril - it cut through the mucous membrane and tore the skin. Let's run to the clinic again. The surgeon spent 40 minutes stitching everything up for me! I felt like cattle then. Did you hear a pig squeal at the beginning of 2017? It was me.

Two weeks later I asked my cosmetologist to remove the stitches; I didn’t want to endure the pain any longer and go to the clinic. And then it turned out that he had not sewn it up... The implant was still sticking out.

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There is a rule in rhinoplasty: it is better not to touch the nose for six months after the operation. Therefore, I couldn’t change anything right away. In April, I came to the surgeon angry and said that I can’t live like this anymore, I don’t want to work, I don’t like myself and I’m scared when they come close to me on the right side and look at the protruding implant, which looks like dried snot!

On April 19, 2017, the third operation occurred. I woke up an hour later, without plaster - my nose was perfect, the tip and a beautiful nasolabial angle appeared. But, as it turned out, it was just swelling. After a couple of weeks, the result “arrived”: the tip became so sharp that it could cut bread, it looked to the left, and something plastic was visible through the skin - a new implant.

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Almost all summer I didn’t leave the house, I refused filming and projects. I looked at old photographs and cried. My cosmetologist Masha supported me as best she could. Although it was already clear - I was facing another operation - a fourth!

Why did I keep returning to the same surgeon? Because I was sure: the one who got into my nose must bring the matter to the end. At the next appointment, the doctor indifferently asked when I was ready to come again. I chose August 2. Everyone was against me going to the same clinic again. And my cosmetologist Masha even sent me to her colleague, a doctor. But she looked at me and refused: “I won’t take on you, it’s not clear what’s wrong with the septum, what kind of implants.”

2 days before the operation, my sister called me, who joined hands with Masha and asked me to wake up, stop stepping on the same rake and wait for a miracle. She found another surgeon herself and scheduled me for a consultation on August 13th. I didn’t understand how to look in the mirror and wait for another 2.5 weeks. But in the end, I quietly canceled the operation and went to a new doctor.

He turned out to be not just a surgeon, but also an ENT specialist. He spent an hour and a half with me and explained in detail what was what. He explained that he works with costal cartilage - he uses the patient’s own graft, and reconstructs noses. He took a photograph, promised to send a simulation and warned that the operation would be complicated (about 6 hours) and it was possible that a correction would be required in a year.

Nose modeling

Two weeks before the operation, I took tests, Googled the doctor, went to his Instagram 100 times, read reviews. I packed my suitcases with money (the operation then cost him 310 thousand rubles). And on August 27, I again found myself on the surgical table. Turned off at 15:00, turned on at 22:30. I'm waking up! The severed rib under my chest ached as if a reinforced concrete beam had stuck into me, my arms and legs couldn’t move, the back of my head was falling off, everything hurt except my nose, but, thank God, I’m alive! The surgeon came in and said that he had erected the nose from scratch, since it fell onto the cheeks as soon as he took out all the implants.

Dasha Anikina hosts the positive morning show “BiguDi” on DFM radio, which is why she is loved by more than a million listeners. We decided to add a couple of million of our readers to this crowd and removed everything unnecessary from Dasha.

Tell us about your show. Maybe there's something we don't know?

I walked towards this for seven years, and it was a difficult path. It was walking through torment, through mosquitoes and bare feet over frogs. In 2008, I came to Love Radio to work as a correspondent for the information service. I didn’t understand anything, I learned everything myself. After a working day, you had to take a voice recorder in one hand, a video camera in the other, a camera in the third, a microphone in the fourth and go by subway to various pretentious parties, interviewing stars. Some people loved me, some didn’t, but I survived the crisis there, and when many were fired, they left me. A year later I was already the head of correspondents. Then my blog opened on the site and the Backstage program came out. Then there was TV, but TV was not my thing. This is the most frequently asked question: “Why are you not on TV, but on the radio?” Because I'm on the radio, not TV. Then there was the women's gloss TopBeauty. I became seriously interested in beauty and opened a beauty blog, and soon I will open my own website. Girls ask for advice, and I happily answer everyone if I know. I’ve made a million friends in the serious cosmetics industry, I work with many brands, I look better, and those teenage acne don’t bother me anymore!

Why did you leave the glossy?

They called from Vesna FM radio and offered to host a morning show.

Is there such a radio?

Yes, when I worked there, it was completely new. But if I work, I devote myself completely to my work, love it and become a happy person by default! But they didn’t treat us very well there: they simply took away everyone’s passes and put the entire team on the street on December 31 without money, without compensation and without any warnings. They didn't even let me put on a hat! But I still have experience and good memories of the guys with whom I hosted this show.

Do you want to say hi to the bastard who did this?

Karma will ultimately convey the most important greetings to him. This is not my dirt, I will not live with it. I gained experience - thank you, I hope we won’t see you again.

Was this your happiest New Year?

I didn’t have a New Year’s Eve, because at ten in the evening I put earplugs in my ears and went to bed. And I slept like that for about three months, because I felt very bad and I didn’t know what to do next. At night I watched the series about bikers “Sons of Anarchy”, but it didn’t help much.

Have you had any desire to look for a job?

My job is not that easy to find, I'm not an accountant. I sent the demo everywhere I could, but no one responded.

And how did you get out of it?

Flew to Israel. I sat on the shore, sorting through pebbles and sand. And on the very last day I went to Jerusalem to the Western Wall and stuffed a note in it: “I want my own show on the radio!” I didn’t write anything else, just what first came to mind. Indians, Chinese, Arabs roared on the sides, and at that time I said: “Hello, Wall! Here you are". I also found a man who gives out red threads, and he tied one on my hand. Then I bought a cat’s eye at the market for a dollar and tied it on too. I still go. In general, I returned to Moscow, and then DFM program director Igor Vladimirovich Azovsky called me and said: “Hello! I’m Igor Azovsky, come tomorrow.” Then it’s like a fog. I found out in his office that he was offering me a morning show. I spent two weeks learning the remote control and learning how to mix the broadcast. I passed the exam in the form of a five-hour live broadcast, during which I almost died from excitement forever, and a couple of days later I appeared as part of the morning show “BiguDi”. Not only did the staff accept me very well, that I feel at home there and don’t want to leave, but I was also lucky with my co-host: Anya Efremova became my friend. But after three months she left to do other things, and I was left alone. I’m already used to it, the listeners also finally accepted me, otherwise when you’re new it’s very difficult. But nothing has been difficult for me for a long time. Every day I wake up at five in the morning, and I have a huge charge of energy, no matter what time I go to bed. And I give this charge to all my listeners.

And they naturally charge. And now we have your shoot...

It's true. I really thought that everything would be more modest. I didn’t know how it was with you. I don’t even have naked photos on Instagram.

Why? Do you think this is bad? Were you raised wrong?

Were you raised wrong? Mom, you didn’t teach me how to show my boobs on Instagram! Mom, how wrong you are! That’s not why I read books, that’s not why my boobs grew. Just go to MAXIM once and that’s enough!

And many people live just to look at it. It turns out that they are living in vain? By the way, what's going on with your personal life now? Have your mental wounds healed?

Wounds - yes. But when I broke up with the person without whom I couldn’t breathe for a minute, it was hard. I've never had this happen to anyone. But this is also experience, I realized my mistakes, I won’t make them again. There are always a lot of men around me, I just haven’t chosen anyone yet. But they can come to my Instagram and laugh at my videos with colleagues. I'm not Samantha from Sex and the City or even Carrie: I'm very picky. I don't really like anyone. Because I’m complicated, I can’t just smile... But if someone likes me, then I’ll immediately turn into a wild, hungry cat and cook three dishes a day. Do you know how delicious it is?

Photo: Elena Sarapultseva Style: Irina Volkova

Tell us about your show. Maybe there's something we don't know?

I walked towards this for seven years, and it was a difficult path. It was walking through torment, through mosquitoes and bare feet over frogs. In 2008, I came to Love Radio to work as a correspondent for the information service. I didn’t understand anything, I learned everything myself. After a working day, you had to take a voice recorder in one hand, a video camera in the other, a camera in the third, a microphone in the fourth and go by subway to various pretentious parties, interviewing stars. Some people loved me, some didn’t, but I survived the crisis there, and when many were fired, they left me. A year later I was already the head of correspondents. Then my blog opened on the site and the Backstage program came out. Then there was TV, but TV was not my thing. This is the most frequently asked question: “Why are you not on TV, but on the radio?” Because I'm on the radio, not TV. Then there was the women's gloss TopBeauty. I became seriously interested in beauty and opened a beauty blog, and soon I will open my own website. Girls ask for advice, and I happily answer everyone if I know. I’ve made a million friends in the serious cosmetics industry, I work with many brands, I look better, and those teenage acne don’t bother me anymore!

Why did you leave the glossy?

They called from Vesna FM radio and offered to host a morning show.

Is there such a radio?

Yes, when I worked there, it was completely new. But if I work, I devote myself completely to my work, love it and become a happy person by default! But they didn’t treat us very well there: they simply took away everyone’s passes and put the entire team on the street on December 31 without money, without compensation and without any warnings. They didn't even let me put on a hat! But I still have experience and good memories of the guys with whom I hosted this show.

Do you want to say hi to the bastard who did this?

Karma will ultimately convey the most important greetings to him. This is not my dirt, I will not live with it. I gained experience - thank you, I hope we won’t see you again.

Was this your happiest New Year?

I didn’t have a New Year’s Eve, because at ten in the evening I put earplugs in my ears and went to bed. And I slept like that for about three months, because I felt very bad and I didn’t know what to do next. At night I watched the series about bikers “Sons of Anarchy”, but it didn’t help much.

Have you had any desire to look for a job?

My job is not that easy to find, I'm not an accountant. I sent the demo everywhere I could, but no one responded.

And how did you get out of it?

Flew to Israel. I sat on the shore, sorting through pebbles and sand. And on the very last day I went to Jerusalem to the Western Wall and stuffed a note in it: “I want my own show on the radio!” I didn’t write anything else, just what first came to mind. Indians, Chinese, Arabs roared on the sides, and at that time I said: “Hello, Wall! Here you are". I also found a man who gives out red threads, and he tied one on my hand. Then I bought a cat’s eye at the market for a dollar and tied it on too. I still go. In general, I returned to Moscow, and then DFM program director Igor Vladimirovich Azovsky called me and said: “Hello! I’m Igor Azovsky, come tomorrow.” Then it’s like a fog. I found out in his office that he was offering me a morning show. I spent two weeks learning the remote control and learning how to mix the broadcast. I passed the exam in the form of a five-hour live broadcast, during which I almost died from excitement forever, and a couple of days later I appeared as part of the morning show “BiguDi”. Not only did the staff accept me very well, that I feel at home there and don’t want to leave, but I was also lucky with my co-host: Anya Efremova became my friend. But after three months she left to do other things, and I was left alone. I’m already used to it, the listeners also finally accepted me, otherwise when you’re new it’s very difficult. But nothing has been difficult for me for a long time. Every day I wake up at five in the morning, and I have a huge charge of energy, no matter what time I go to bed. And I give this charge to all my listeners.

And they naturally charge. And now we have your shoot...

It's true. I really thought that everything would be more modest. I didn’t know how it was with you. I don’t even have naked photos on Instagram.

Why? Do you think this is bad? Were you raised wrong?

Were you raised wrong? Mom, you didn’t teach me how to show my boobs on Instagram! Mom, how wrong you are! That’s not why I read books, that’s not why my boobs grew. Just go to MAXIM once and that’s enough!