The meaning of the name Natalia and her fate. Female name Natalya - which means: description of the name

Natalia is one of the most common female names. What is its owner like? Let's try to figure this out.

Origin of the name Natalya

Translated from Latin it means “born on Christmas” or “native”. According to another version, it came from the male name Nataliy. Saint Natalia of Cordoba, together with her husband, converted to Christianity and was subjected to torture and torment for her new faith. In terms of popularity, the name claims first place.

Her only rival in this is Elena.

The meaning of the name Natalya. Family and marriage

She carefully monitors her appearance and is very popular with the opposite sex. She usually gets married early and doesn’t experience any big problems when choosing a life partner. Natalya is always a faithful wife; her husband should not worry, even if she works in a male team. Mother-in-law, as a rule, is always happy with her daughter-in-law. Natalya is an excellent cook and also a good housewife. She will often spoil her loved ones with new delicious dishes. She loves her children and husband very much, and is often ready to sacrifice her interests for their sake. Of course, Natalia, like all people, has her shortcomings, but they are so insignificant that her husband should not pay attention to them. Moreover, make comments about this, since she takes them to heart. She is a good needlewoman and knows how to sew and knit.

The meaning of the name Natalya. Career

The owner of this beautiful name is always a responsible worker. He can achieve success in the area where caution, feminine tact and determination are needed. Usually avoids male professions. The bosses can always rely on her.

The female name Natalya is known to everyone; it is loved by many and even somewhat familiar. And it’s not surprising, because the meaning of the name Natalya sounds like “native”.

But this is not a direct translation of the name. The name dates back to the early days of the Christian religion, and its origins come from the word for "nativity" or "birth", from the Latin language. And “native” is a later interpretation of the name.

Natalya or Natalia - it doesn’t matter, these are synonyms, and the only difference is how one and the other name is spelled. Other variants of the name, besides Natalya and Natalia, are Natalie, Natalie, Natale, Natalia. The meaning of the name Natalie, which is very common in Europe and other countries, is not different from Natalia and Natalia.

In some European countries there is an independent name Natasha, which is common in our country as a short form of the name Natalia (and also the name Natalya). According to the Orthodox church calendar, this name is correctly written as Natalia, but Natalia is also mentioned in the calendar.

The name is full, but the diminutive and affectionate names are Natasha, Nata, Natik, Natalie, Tata, Tasha, Tesh, Nat, Natusya, Tusya, Tashenka, Natusik, Natashenka, Natochka. Male names Nathaniel, Nataliy, Noel, Nathan would also be correctly considered related, derived from the name Natalya, they have the same origin and translation.

The characteristics of the name Natalya are quite simple - she is a stubborn, independent and straightforward person. But at the same time, the girl has the kindest heart and an amazingly rich inner world, she is the first dreamer and inventor. And although all Natashas are different, they are united by the main features in childhood - activity, cheerfulness and courage.

The girl has a rich imagination, she is never bored alone. She is creative, loves to draw, sing, write poetry or fairy tales, dance and act out skits. Natasha is talented, creative, highly trainable, grasps everything on the fly and is an excellent student.

The girl is stubborn, she loves to do things not the right way, but the way her restless heart and wild imagination tell her. At the same time, Natasha obeys her parents and very rarely contradicts them, and in principle she does not know how to be capricious.

This is a cheerful, cheerful child who never loses heart and enjoys every day. From an early age, even before school, she strives to learn to write, read, count and even learn a foreign language, she wants to know everything, absorbs any information like a sponge.

She likes numbers, riddles, puzzles, puzzles, she is interested in the history of the world, nature, everything in the world. True, over the years, a penchant for the humanities appears. In literature, writing compositions and essays, and learning languages, Natasha has no equal in the entire school.

The girl has many girlfriends and friends. She makes friends easily, loves to play with boys, climbs trees, but with the same enthusiasm plays with dolls, draws or makes something with her friends. When the girl is left alone, she either reads or makes up something, but she certainly doesn’t get bored alone.

Further future

Growing up, cheerful Natasha experiences transformations, changes, Natalya is born - a feminine, strong personality, combining many different traits in her character. The girl is not afraid of change and rarely gets truly attached to anything.

On the contrary, changes and everything new attract her; she loves to change her place of residence, start everything from scratch, easily says goodbye to the past, and is not afraid of difficulties. Her destiny is rich and varied; a variety of events occur in her life. After graduating from school, a girl may not immediately go to college if she does not have time to make a clear, conscious decision about what she wants to become.

Natalya takes her future very seriously and thinks deeply about how she wants to live, what to do, what activity will help her realize herself and bring her joy. For this young woman, it is of great importance whether work brings pleasure, and she simply cannot work in an uninteresting, unloved job.

Like little Natasha, adult Natalya loves creativity and adventure.. She may choose a creative profession, but most likely one related to management and organization. For example, he can become a director, photographer, art teacher. He can open his own gallery or theater, make films, or organize events.

She is also close to various professions related to communication, travel and new acquaintances. In her work, Natalya shows great resourcefulness; with her arrival, any business comes to life, begins to develop with renewed vigor, she is able to breathe new life even into an unpromising or dying project.

For this woman, making money is not in the first place. When she grows up, she, of course, needs a means of subsistence, but she is more inclined to do what she loves, which she can do even for minimal pay.

Sometimes it’s a mystery to others how Natasha manages to be beautiful, well-groomed and have dinner in a cafe at her salary level. But she manages to do everything, and like no one else she knows how to “spin”, never getting discouraged or complaining about life.

Relationships and family

Remember what the name Natalia means. This woman is truly “native” to the one she gets close to. She is prone to serious, long-term relationships, and is not at all frivolous. The mystery of love, romance - this occupies her mind from an early age, and from childhood Natasha dreams of becoming loved.

He falls in love for the first time early, during his school years, begins to write poetry, fantasizes and is completely immersed in this tender, immature feeling. When Natalya grows up and meets her chosen one, she gives herself to him with all her soul. Relationships come first for her, and everything else comes second.

Loyalty, romance and declarations of love are what matter to her, so Natalya is looking for a romantic and sensual guy. But his income, origin, social status - this plays not the first role for her when choosing a partner.

It is not for nothing that the translation of the name sounds like “dear”; this woman is really looking for a person with whom she will have a soul mate, who will always treat her kindly, carefully, and with understanding. In her youth, she may have different relationships until she meets a worthy partner for life.

She’s in no hurry to get married, she’s afraid of making the wrong choice, she wants to do the right thing so as not to regret it later. Therefore, after getting married, she is always happy, giving all of herself to her family. A happy fate awaits her, filled with love, surrounded by children, family and close friends.

The name Natalia, Natalie and Natalya have different compatibility with male names. It’s no secret that names influence fate and character, and sometimes it is compatibility that determines relationships and shows how the fate of this woman will turn out with this or that chosen one.

1. The best male names for Natalia: , Gleb, Igor, Anton, Nikita, Boris, Nikolay, Artem, Maxim, Evgeniy, . Natasha's fate will be happy in union with these men.

Maxim, Alexander or Andrey will become wonderful partners for her in life, Evgeny will feel a kinship of souls from the first meeting, and there will also be harmony with the rest of the names listed. But all this is only on condition that the feeling is strong and mutual.

2. Good compatibility: Kirill, Rostislav, Valery, Oleg, Demyan, Vladimir, Konstantin, Vasily, Eduard, Leonid. These men are so different, but they have one thing in common - they can become wonderful friends with Natalya, and, if desired, even build a strong family. It would be correct to say that there are chances, but happiness will not come immediately, but after some effort.

3. Low compatibility: Alexey, Yuri, Timur, Veniamin, Rostislav, Semyon, Georgy, Arkady, Ivan, Fedor, Valentin. The description of these male names shows us completely opposite characters, so building a relationship will not be easy.

However, this is not a guarantee of failure. It would be correct to assume that if Natalya and her chosen one, even if his name is Sergei or Yuri, want to be together, then they will become a strong couple, having gone through all the difficulties.

A girl named Natalya can celebrate her name day several times a year, both according to the Orthodox and Catholic church calendars. It is believed that the main day of the angel Natalia is September 8, before the canonization of the saints named by this name. But there are other name days for Natalia, on the following dates:

  • January 11.
  • March 22 and 31.
  • September 8 and 14.

Natalya, Natasha, Natalie - these names are so dear, pleasant, kind. And the decoding of this name and its origin are not so important as the energy. After all, a girl named Natalia will never be lonely, and even if fate confronts her with difficulties, they will not be terrible and short-lived, because this beautiful name forms a wonderful character, a lot of rare strong-willed qualities and protects its bearer from troubles. Natalya will live a rich, interesting life, become a wonderful wife and mother, realize all her talents and will always be happy!

Short form of the name Natalya. Natasha, Natusya, Natulya, Tasha, Ours, Nata, Net, Natka, Natunya, Tusya, Nalya, Nala, Nana, Talya, Tala, Talyusha, Tata, Tatusya, Natalya, Natalya, Leah, Natanya, Natakha.
Synonyms for the name Natalya. Natalia, Natalie, Natalia, Natalia, Natale.
Origin of the name Natalya. The name Natalya is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Natalia is very ancient, it was formed in the first centuries of Christianity from the Latin “Natalis Domini”, meaning “birth”, “Christmas”. The modern translation of the name is “born on Christmas, Christmas”. The name Natalya has various possible translations, but all of them are close to the concept of “birth”.

Very often the name Natalya is given the meaning “native”, in the sense of “darling, father’s, patriotic”, as well as a more extensive concept - “birthday; place of birth, homeland; god who patronizes birth; family, origin."

From the name Natalia the male name Nataliy is formed. The names Noel, Natividad, Nadal, Nollig, Nedeleg, Nadolig, Nadelek are also literal translations of the Latin names Natalis and Natalia in various languages ​​and countries, from which the name Natalia originated. Therefore, they can be considered related names for Natalia.

Natalias born before 2002 celebrate their name day only on September 8; other Natalias can choose a name day closer to their birthday from other available dates, since in the 21st century there was a new canonization of martyrs with the name Natalia.

Natalya is very proud and stubborn. She is not afraid of work, can be quick-tempered, and in anger directly expresses everything she thinks about the offender. However, from the outside, her straightforwardness may not be striking; Natalya looks like a modest girl. When communicating with a girl, you will certainly notice her goodwill towards the interlocutor, complete self-confidence and even some sense of her own superiority.

Natalya is a born leader. She is always the center of attention, craving praise and approval from the people around her. From praise, Natalya draws the confidence and strength necessary to realize her plans.

Little Natasha is invariably cheerful. She loves to fantasize and sometimes gets so carried away that she forgets about reality. At school she is an activist, a good student, and willingly participates in public life. Natasha is ready to do a lot just to earn praise and be the center of attention of others. The girl doesn't like change, although she doesn't always show it. In the company of her peers, Natasha is the main leader. She has a wild mind, very prone to comparison and analysis, so the source of her ideas is inexhaustible.

Natalya is a very gifted person by nature. Success awaits the girl in almost any field, no matter whether Natalya chooses a creative profession or goes into science. Trade is the least interesting for a girl, although she can achieve some success in business. Natalia is very attracted to trips and travel. Natalia's main driving force is her pride. It is this that helps the girl remain active, cheerful and determined.

A girl named Natalya has a rather difficult, prickly character and does not like to be criticized and her mistakes pointed out. She remembers well all the insults caused to her, but she has no desire to take revenge. From the outside, the girl may seem frivolous, but in fact Natalya has a strong will. She is pragmatic and smart, approaches everything from a material perspective and loves money very much. The girl thinks through every action to the smallest detail and does not get lost in the face of difficulties. Natasha is a very balanced girl, she is thrifty and thrifty, and devotes a lot of time to caring for her loved ones.

Natalya will carefully choose the man she wants to marry. However, she does not wait long for the fairy-tale prince and gets married early. The girl builds her family so that it is filled with love of life and joy. Natalya makes an excellent housewife, in addition, she always gets along well with new relatives. However, all members of this woman’s household should remember her intolerance to criticism. In fact, Natalya becomes the leader in the family, although this is not noticeable from the outside. Natalya the mother devotes a lot of her time to her children. However, she is always happy to have guests.

Natalia can be characterized as a very determined woman. If she has made a choice for herself, it will be very difficult to change it. Natalya does not succumb to the influence of others. The reason for this is Natasha's self-confidence and lack of trust in other people. In all matters, a woman with this name manifests herself as a subjective person. In many respects he is guided by his own intuition, draws conclusions based on the smallest signs.

In her free time from work and family, Natalya enjoys drawing or performing. Noisy companies filled with fun and flirtation are Natalia’s favorite atmosphere. Sometimes Natalia uses her acting abilities when choosing a profession and becomes an artist.

Natalia's name day

Famous people with the name Natalya

  • Natalya Durova ((1934 - 2007) Soviet and Russian circus performer, trainer, writer. People's Artist of the USSR (1989). Artistic director of the V.L. Durov Animal Theater)
  • Natalya Kasatkina ((born 1934) ballet dancer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, choreographer)
  • Natalia Sats ((1903 - 1993) Soviet director, the world's first female opera director, theater figure, founder and director of six children's theaters, including the world's first drama theater for children and the world's first musical theater for children, an active promoter of musical arts for children. Creator of the world's first theater for children. "Mother" of children's theaters in the world - a title unanimously awarded to N.I. Sats at the first meeting of the international center ASSITEZH. Made a great contribution to the development of children's theater and artistic education of children, creator of an entire movement theatrical creativity for children. She was the initiator and, together with S.S. Prokofiev, the creator of the musical fairy tale for the symphony orchestra "Peter and the Wolf". Author of plays, librettos for children's operas and ballets, books and articles on musical education. People's Artist of the USSR (1975) Hero of Socialist Labor (1983), Laureate of the State (1972), Lenin Prize (1982), Lenin Komsomol Prize (1985), Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1979). Professor. Member of the USSR Writers Union (1962).)
  • Natalya Naryshkina ((1651 - 1694) Russian queen, second wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, daughter of Kirill Poluektovich Naryshkin, mother of Peter I)
  • Natalya Krachkovskaya ((born 1938) maiden name - Belogortseva; Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (1998))
  • Natalya Andreichenko ((born 1956) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984).)
  • Natalya Varley ((born 1947) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989), laureate of the Krupskaya State Prize of the RSFSR.)
  • Natalya Arinbasarova ((born 1946) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress of Kazakh and Polish origin. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1979). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1980).)
  • Natalya Gundareva ((1948 - 2005) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. One of the most popular actresses of Soviet cinema of 1970-1980. In 1972-2001, the leading actress of the Mayakovsky Theater. She played the most famous roles in films such as “Autumn Marathon ", "Singles are provided with a hostel", "Mistress of an orphanage" and others. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1984), laureate of the Nika Prize.)
  • Natalya Bekhtereva ((1924 - 2008) Soviet and Russian neurophysiologist. Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1975). Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1981). Since 1990 - scientific director of the Brain Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and since 1992 - of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Granddaughter of V.M. Bekhterev.)
  • Natalya Bondarchuk ((born 1950) Soviet and Russian actress, film director, screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1977). Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2009). Daughter of People's Artists of the USSR, director Sergei Bondarchuk and actress Inna Makarova.)
  • Natalia Bessmertnova (famous Russian ballerina)
  • Natalya Goncharova ((1812 - 1863) in her first marriage - Pushkin, in her second - Lanskaya; wife of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Seven years after his death, she married General Pyotr Petrovich Lansky. Her role in the life of Pushkin and the events preceding his last duel , is the subject of debate to this day. With the discovery of new documentary and epistolary materials, ideas about the personality of Natalya Nikolaevna were revised.)
  • Natalia Goncharova ((1881 - 1962) Russian avant-garde artist. Made a significant contribution to the development of avant-garde art in Russia. Great-grandniece of Pushkin’s wife, Natalya Nikolaevna, nee Goncharova. As of 2009, her paintings are more expensive than the works of any other artist in history.)
  • Natalya Godunko ((born 1984) athlete, representing rhythmic gymnastics, performed in the individual championship. She trained in Kiev, at the Deryugin school (the school of rhythmic gymnastics of Albina and Irina Deryugin). In 2005 she became the European champion in ribbon exercises, as well as a bronze medalist World Championship.)
  • Natalya Pertseva ((born 1984) Russian football player)
  • Natalya Rosenel ((1900 - 1962) Soviet actress. She played at the Moscow Maly Theater and starred in silent films. Natalya Rosenel is the half-sister of the composer Ilya Sats and the aunt of Natalya Sats, the founder of the children's theater.)
  • Natalya Yunnikova ((born 1980) Russian actress)
  • Natalya Petruseva ((born 1955) famous Soviet speed skater, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1980). 1980 Olympic champion at a distance of 1000 m, 2-time world champion in classical all-around (1980, 1981), 1982 world champion in sprint all-around, 3 -time bronze medalist of the Olympic Games (1980 - 500 m, 1984 - 1000 and 1500 m), 2-time European champion in classic all-around (1981, 1982), multiple USSR champion in all-around (1980-82), sprint all-around (1980, 1981) and at distances of 500 m (1979, 1982), 1000 m (1981), 1500 m (1981, 1982) and 3000 m (1978, 1980, 1981).In 1980-1983 at the skating rink in Medeo established 10 world records - at distances of 1000 and 1500 m and in the mini-combination (500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 m).After finishing her sports career, she worked as a coach, in particular, she worked with the Russian team at the 2002 Olympic Games in Salt Lake City .)
  • Natalie ((born 1974) stage name, real name - Natalya Rudina; Russian pop singer)
  • Natalya Snytina ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian biathlete, Olympic champion in the 4x7.5 km relay in 1994, Honored Master of Sports of Russia in biathlon (1994).)
  • Helavisa ((born 1976) real name - Natalya O'Shea, nee Nikolaeva; songwriter, musician (Irish harp, guitar), vocalist and leader of musical groups: “Melnitsa” (folk rock), “Clann Lir” ( traditional Celtic folk), “Romanesque” (folk). Previously she participated in the project “Till Eulenspiegel” (folk rock), where she was a vocalist and co-author of many songs.)
  • Natalya Murinovich ((born 1985) Russian track and field sprinter, MSMK, member of the 2008 Russian Olympic team)
  • Natalya Astafieva ((born 1922) according to the passport - Natalya Romanova-Astafieva; Russian and Polish poet, translator)
  • Natalya Lisenko ((1884/1886 - 1969) Russian and French actress, silent film star. Niece of the Ukrainian composer and pianist N.V. Lisenko (Lysenko).)
  • Natalia Barbu ((born 1979) popular Moldovan singer, winner of the national competition “Moldstar”, prize-winner of the international festivals “Mamaia”, “Slavic Bazaar”, “New Wave” and “Maluri de Prut”)
  • Natalya Chmutina ((1912 - 2005) Soviet architect, People's Architect of the Ukrainian SSR, honorary academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture)
  • Natalya Korennaya ((born 1974) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Natalya Pallin ((born 1973) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Natalya Lavrova ((1984 - 2010) the first two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics (besides her, only Elena Posevina and Evgenia Kanaeva later achieved this). Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2000), coach of the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team.)
  • Natalya Polosmak ((born 1956) archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, chief researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1993, she found a burial of the Pazyryk culture with a well-preserved mummy of a young woman, who received the nickname Princess Ukok from journalists. Since 2011 Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.)
  • Natalya Konyus ((1914 - 1989) Russian ballet dancer and choreographer. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1979). Daughter of composer Georgy Konyus.)
  • Natalya Grebenkina ((born 1971) Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2009))
  • Natalya Kandyba ((1916 - 1983) Soviet actress, dubbing master)
  • Natalya Gutman ((born 1942) Soviet and Russian cellist, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR (1991))
  • Natalya Drozdova ((born 1954) actress of the drama theater "Wheel" (Tolyatti), People's Artist of Russia (1999))
  • Natalya Druzhinina ((born 1955) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2002))
  • Natalya Mishkutenok ((born 1970) Soviet and Russian figure skater who competed in pair skating with Artur Dmitriev. Olympic champion in 1992 and silver medalist at the 1994 Olympics. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1992).)
  • Natalya Arkina ((1924 - 1993) Russian ballet specialist, theater critic, screenwriter)
  • Natalya Koretskaya ((born 1962) Russian theater and musical actress, singer)
  • Natalia Zhitkova ((born 1978) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Natalia Metlina ((born 1970) Russian journalist, television and radio presenter. Member of the Academy of Russian Television.)
  • Natalya Osipova ((born 1986) Russian ballet dancer, prima ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Theater)
  • Natalya Linichuk ((born 1956) former Soviet figure skater, now a figure skating coach. Competed in ice dancing with Gennady Karponosov. Olympic champion (1980), two-time world and European champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1978). Honored Coach of Russia .)
  • Natalya Yakushenko ((born 1972) is a Soviet Ukrainian luger who has competed for the USSR national team since 1987 and for the Ukrainian national team since 1991. She took part in five Winter Olympic Games, the most successful of which were the games in Albertville (1992) and Lillehammer (1994), where she took eighth place in the women's singles.Natalya Yakushenko twice won bronze medals at the world championships: the first was won in 1990 at the championship in Calgary as part of a mixed team of the USSR national team, the second - 19 years later at the championship in Lake -Placide already competed for the Ukrainian national team in women's singles. In the 2004-2005 season, she won the overall Challenge Cup. At the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, she was the standard bearer of the Ukrainian national team at the opening ceremony.)
  • Natalya Shcherba (a modern Russian-language writer working in the genre of teenage fiction and fantasy. In 2010, she won the All-Russian competition “New Children’s Book,” which resulted in the book “Chasodei.” Author of the trilogy “Being a Witch.” In 2010, Natalya Shcherba received an honorable mention Eurocon 2010 award, in the category “Best Young Science Fiction Writer in Europe.” In the same year, Natalya Shcherba won the Grand Prix of the “New Children’s Book” competition in the “Adventure and Fantasy” category with the book “The Clock Key for Vasilisa.”)
  • Natalia Sigliuti ((born 1978) American actress and model. The most famous role is Lindsey Warner in the television series “The New Class.”)
  • Natalya Vetlitskaya ((born 1964) by her first husband - Smeyan; Soviet and Russian singer, former lead singer of the Soviet pop group "Mirage")
  • Natalya Selezneva ((born 1945) mother's surname; theater and film actress. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1996).)
  • Nathalie Clifford Barney ((1876 - 1972) American-born French writer)
  • Nathalie Baye ((born 1948) French actress)
  • Nathalie Dessay ((born 1965) French opera singer (coloratura soprano). She has an unusually wide performing repertoire range - from the baroque music of J.S. Bach to arias in the operettas of Jacques Offenbach. She has the highest coloratura soprano of our time - she takes A of the third octave. )
  • Natalie Jackson Mendoza ((born 1978) is an actress of Australian-British and Chinese-Filipino descent. She is best known for her role as Jackie Clunes in the British drama Hotel Babylon, as well as her role as Juno in the horror film The Descent and its sequel "The Descent 2".)
  • Nathalie Cardon ((born 1967) French actress and singer)
  • Natalie Ann Coughlin ((born 1982) famous American swimmer, three-time Olympic champion, 7-time world champion, multiple world record holder. At the 2004 Olympics in Athens, 21-year-old Coughlin won 5 Olympic medals - 2 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze At the same time, she set 1 Olympic record, 1 world record (as part of the 4x200 m freestyle relay team) and 1 US record. At the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, she was elected co-captain of the US women's swimming team (along with 4-time Olympic champion Dara Torres and two-time Olympic champion Amanda Beard).
  • Natalie Imbruglia (Australian singer and actress)
  • Natalie Zemon Davis (Davis) ((born 1928) American-Canadian historian, winner of the Holberg Prize (2010). She made a significant contribution to the study of modern culture in Western Europe, gender history, microhistory.)
  • Natalie Santer-Bjoerndalen ((born 1972) Italian and Belgian biathlete. Participant in 5 Winter Olympics. She retired in 2008. During her career she won 3 victories at the World Cup and was second three times, and in the 1993/94 season she took second place in overall standings, losing only to Svetlana Paramygina. The best achievement at the Olympic Games is 6th place in the sprint in Lillehammer in 1994. Bronze medalist of the European Championship 1997. In 2008, Nathalie Santer-Bjorndalen announced her retirement from big-time sports.)
  • Natalie Morales ((born 1985) American actress of Cuban origin)
  • Natalia Paley, known as Nathalie Paley ((1905 - 1981) French fashion model and actress. Princess from the House of Romanov, granddaughter of Emperor Alexander II.)
  • Natalie Portman ((born 1981) nee Natalie Hershlag; American film and theater actress of Israeli origin. She gained the greatest fame thanks to her participation in the films “Leon” (1994, debut role) and “Closer” (2004, Golden Globe Award) and a nomination for the BAFTA and Oscar awards for Best Supporting Actress), as well as thanks to the prequel trilogy to Star Wars. Winner of the Oscar, Golden Globe, BAFTA and Saturn awards in the Best Actress category "For her role in the film "Black Swan" (2010). Portman had other notable roles in film and theater in her career. Thus, back in the 1990s, Natalie played leading roles in the films "Beautiful Girls" and "Where anything, just not here." And in July 2001, Natalie played in a play based on A.P. Chekhov's play "The Seagull". She shaved her head and learned to speak with a British accent for her role in "V for Vendetta" (2006), for which she received a Saturn Award (best film actress).Portman also played leading roles in the historical dramas Goya's Ghosts (2006) and The Other Boleyn Girl (2008). In May 2008, she became the youngest member of the jury at the 61st Cannes Film Festival. Her directorial debut, the short film “Eva,” opened the short film competition at the 65th Venice Film Festival.)
  • Nathalie Obkircher ((born 1971) Italian luger of German origin, who competed for the Italian national team from 1990 to 2003. Participant in four Winter Olympic Games, multiple medalist of world championships, European champion as part of a mixed luge team.)
  • Natalie Nicole Mejia ((born 1988) American singer and dancer. She gained fame performing in the group “Girlicious.” She left the group in 2011.)
  • Natalya Rodionova ((born 1974) Russian film director, screenwriter and producer. Prize-winner of the audience jury of the TV-Shock competition (1st place) for the film “Winter Romance” at the Open Film Festival of the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia “Kinoshock” ( 2005).)
  • Natalya Chenchik ((1950 - 2000) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress)
  • Nathalie Enish ((b.1955) French sociologist)
  • Natalie Jane Appleton-Howlett ((born 1973) Canadian pop singer and actress)
  • Natalie du Toit ((born 1984) South African swimmer, 10-time Paralympic champion, participant of the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. Laureate of the 2010 Laureus World Sports Awards in the category “athlete with disabilities”, as well as a nominee in this category in 2004. One of only 5 athletes in history to have competed in both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 2004, South Africa compiled a list of the 100 greatest people in the country's history, and Natalie was ranked 48th. From the age of 14 competes in international competitions.)

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Natalia Podolskaya, pop singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Natalia mean?

This beautiful, bright name was the most popular in the 20th century. The meaning of the name Natalya gives its bearer a sense of superiority, pride, activity and self-confidence.

Natalya is not particularly active. Often, left to herself, a woman plunges into her inner world and becomes a closed person.

In addition, the energy of the name causes Natalia to react violently to any irritants. Behind her outward calmness lies a bright, temperamental woman.

Analyzing what the name Natalya means, we can conclude that its owner is a charming woman with a strong character and will, with great ambitions and perseverance.

The name is suitable for patronymics: Alexandrovna, Artemovna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Valentinovna, Evgenievna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Eduardovna or Yakovlevna.

For example, Natalya Evgenievna has a friendly and sympathetic nature. While Alekseevna is balanced and practical, she easily adapts to a new society. The owner of the patronymic Andreevna is a faithful and reliable friend who will find an approach to any person. Natalya Dmitrievna is distinguished by her intelligence and intellectual level, and pride is her main feature.

Would you name your child this name?

This name appeared as a result of the sound transformation of the word Nataliy: this is how men were sometimes called in ancient times. Analyzing what the name Natalya means, you can find out that when translated from Latin, the word “natalis” is interpreted as “native”.

There is another interpretation. It comes from the Latin name for Christmas.

Some scholars report that the name may have come from Jewish lands and is a derived form of the word Nathan, which means "gifted."

History remembers on September 8 its patron saint, Natalia of Nicomedia, who married Hadrian in Nicomedia. Her husband headed the judicial chamber. He was one of the first to accept Christianity, openly declared it to everyone, and was executed as a martyr for this. Natalia supported her husband in sorrow and in joy. Following her husband, she also died. She is revered in Orthodoxy as a bloodless martyr who lived through the suffering of her husband.

The origin of the name Natalya names her famous namesakes: the mother of Peter I, the wife of the Decembrist Fonvizin, the wife of Pushkin Goncharova, the deaf teacher Pay, the writer Konchalovskaya, the ballerina Bessmertnova, the hero of the Soviet Union Kovshova and many others.

Name forms

Full: Natalya Short: Tasha Affectionate: NatashaVintage: Natasha

In her childhood, Natasha is a cheerful and noisy child. She becomes the ringleader in any company. She is also an activist at school and loves to be the center of attention of her classmates. She likes to be praised and encouraged.

The characteristics of the name Natalya provide us with a description of a practical woman with a strong will. Thanks to these qualities, the adult Natalia achieves success in her career, is not afraid of difficulties, and boldly overcomes obstacles along the way.

She can achieve recognition in public service, show herself in art, in teaching and scientific activities. A name like Natalia belongs to many famous ballerinas, singers and artists. She is perfect for all areas of activity that require caution and determination in equal measure.

She is a careerist, tries to be the first in everything and will make every effort to achieve this.

The manager needs to notice her achievements and reward her efforts with bonuses and praise, and then the most valuable employee in her person will be included in the staff.

Natalya does not like to limit herself in terms of money and tries to achieve material well-being in any way. She is capable of participating in dubious projects and adventures.

She is hospitable and can become an ideal hostess. Adapts perfectly to any environment and feels comfortable everywhere. She constantly radiates the joy of life.

Natalia’s description states that her bearer is easy-going and has many hobbies. She loves music and literature. In addition, the owner of this name is a promising athlete.

Natalya is actively involved in social life and cannot sit in one place, she is constantly on the move. This woman suffers from a lack of calm and stability.

In critical situations, she instantly shows her reaction, especially if it concerns her loved ones. She will protect her family and is ready to shield them with her breasts from all sorrows and troubles.

The main engine of her progress is pride, an important trait of her character. She tries to be the first in everything, tries to do everything to be noticed and appreciated.

She needs praise like air. Words of approval and encouragement increase her performance tenfold. And vice versa, an insignificant remark can kill all her efforts.

Natalya has an independent and decisive nature. Very proud. She is not characterized by diplomacy; basically, she is straightforward, saying what she thinks.

The secret of the name Natalya tells us that its bearer is highly excitable, often irritable and hot-tempered. She expresses her feelings violently, an explosive outburst of emotions is replaced by a prolonged depression. She has a developed imagination, she has a rich imagination and imaginative memory.

Behind her secretive character hides a special receptivity, vulnerability and sensitivity. She is very restless.

Not dependent on other people's opinions. He makes decisions quickly and does not change them under anyone’s influence, and firmly defends his position. She is confident in her abilities and relies only on herself. Sometimes she listens to her subtle intuition. Natasha understands a lot, noticing the smallest signs, but it is difficult to predict in advance how she will react to the events taking place.

Character traits





Feeling of justice




High excitability


In romantic relationships - feminine and soft. Dreams of meeting the man of her dreams.

Natalya finds a life partner early. She makes the decision to get married quickly and without much hesitation. Family relationships are filled with cheerfulness, harmony and care.

The husband and her children will live in love and harmony. To preserve and strengthen your family with this woman, you need to remember her pride and remember to praise her often. If she is constantly criticized, then she will lose all desire to do anything.

Her family is destroyed on rare occasions, and mainly on the initiative of her husband.

The meaning of the name Natalya for a girl

The girl's name Natasha came to us from Ancient Rome and comes from the word Nataliy. The Latin word “natalis” means “native”, “birth”, “Christmas”. It penetrated onto Russian soil from Byzantium. Unfortunately, the male name was not preserved, but Natalya gained great popularity and became widespread in the modern world.

The meaning of the name gives its owner a strong, strong-willed character. Outwardly, she gives the impression of a soft and balanced child. However, she is very proud and confident in her abilities. If we add respect for others to these character traits, then a happy fate awaits her on her life’s path.

As a child, parents admire their daughter’s cheerful, lively and energetic disposition. A mischievous girl can excite and amuse everyone around her. Natasha was the leader in any children's company. She always becomes the initiator of children's fun and entertainment. But behind the external eccentricity lies the realization that some moments in life need to be taken seriously. She constantly strives to be a leader.

The girl has a quick temper and impulsiveness, these character traits are hidden behind external modesty and meekness. She is friendly, decisive and quite principled. She is very stubborn, proud and straightforward.

What will Natalya achieve success in?

Natasha loves to study and usually wants to become an excellent student. She actively carries out public assignments, is on time everywhere, loves to be noticed and praised. In the classroom, Natalya can take care of and protect weak children and violently attack offenders. Likes to participate in public events: concerts, competitions, competitions.

When choosing a profession, Natasha does not have a specific interest. The important thing is that she will love her job and try to work conscientiously. She can become either an ordinary seller at the market or a famous ballerina. Creative professions are perfect. Can find his calling in the pedagogical, political and scientific fields of activity.

Natalya is very proud. To motivate her, it is extremely important to encourage and praise the girl often. Use less criticism and comments towards her. The girl is touchy and vulnerable, so be attentive and careful when communicating with her. And if a child is rude to you, try not to take her statements to heart.

What games will Natalia like?

Natasha is a passionate person. She sings, dances, draws, and plays a musical instrument. Loves outdoor games. She can lead her friends. Likes to read psychological detective stories. He may also become interested in tourism and travel. Natalya loves big and noisy companies. She has a lot of friends.


The name Natalya is considered to be Late Latin in origin. Derived from the words “Dies Natalis Domini”, which translates as “God’s Birthday”. Although there is another version, based on which, the name Natalya can be translated as “native”. However, different versions are popular in different cultures.

The female name Natalya was used by the Russian people decades ago, but today it has become really popular and occupies high positions in the ratings. As for its advantages, they are all concentrated primarily in its meaning and what features it promises to its bearers...

Conversational options: Natasha, Natusya, Natulya, Tasha

Modern English analogues: Natalia, Natalie

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Natalya promises its bearers such traits as charm, femininity, gentleness, shyness, independence, love of freedom, optimism and calmness, intellectual development, desire to improve oneself, goodwill and good nature, sincerity. And Natalya is always a person who values ​​her independence and freedom very much, trying to preserve them to the last and sacrificing them only in the most extreme cases. One of these cases may be love...

In addition, the majority of Natalias hate overly bright people and try not to stand out from the crowd. They are selfless and kind, generous and sincere, and try to surround themselves with the same people.

Advantages and positive features: goodwill, willingness to help any person in need of help, inability to ignore other people's troubles, good nature and decency. Usually the bearers of this name are sensual and sensitive individuals.

Natalya has a bad attitude towards people who are too bright, leaders who dominate the weak, selfish and overly selfish individuals. And Natalya will never communicate with a person whom she has suspected of dishonesty at least once in her life, even if these suspicions were ultimately not justified.

Initially, the name Natalya was given only to girls who were born during the Christmas holidays. At least, they tried to adhere to this tradition in ancient times.

Character of the name Natalya

The character of the name Natalya is one of the most complex parameters, but also one of the most studied, at least in the past. It says that the character of the girl named by this name will be tolerant, kind, fair, simple, and never bring problems to anyone. Moreover, the character of a girl named in this way almost never becomes the cause of quarrels and disagreements with people from the environment - she is not conflictual, not principled, is always ready to give in to the enemy and is ready to admit her guilt at any moment, especially if it really exists. You can’t argue with someone like that, because she doesn’t go into conflict, but you can compete in any matter - Natalya has the character of a leader, albeit with subtle leadership traits, winning a place of primacy is for her not only a matter of honor, but recognition of her abilities .

On the other hand, character is one of the most unpredictable parameters, and it is very, very difficult to predict what it will be like. Moreover, character largely depends on parental upbringing and additional astrological patrons (zodiac sign, time of year of birth, patron element, etc.).

Early childhood

This is a Latin name, like many Russian names, and its meaning can give a girl named Natalya a whole bunch of good characteristics. Thus, in early childhood, the following skills can be gifted: independence, willpower, perseverance, cheerful disposition, optimism, mobility, efficiency, and energy. But along with these traits, shyness, shyness, and suspiciousness can also appear, moreover, all of the above manifests itself depending on the mood of the bearer of the name form Natalya.

In general, this is a child in whom emotions and creativity are raging - she loves everything related to creativity, and does not like anything related to accuracy and calculation. Already at such an early age, a real humanitarian begins to emerge in her. As for communication with her peers, she gets along easily with all children without exception, is good-natured and will never say a bad word to anyone without a really strong reason, but she is touchy and any criticism issued by anyone to her can hurt and turn her life around this girl is in endless depression. Although, on the other hand, she may turn out to be quick-witted and do not remember insults.

Parents will have to be nervous because of her - activity and energy can give rise to many problems, and mainly because of the inability of a girl named Natalya to think about the consequences of her actions. She can commit many rash actions, and this trait will remain in her until the very end, both in adolescence, and even in adulthood, and its very significance promises it directly.


Natalya, who has grown up, will not change much. Yes, a sense of responsibility, commitment, diligence, self-confidence and self-sufficiency may arise in her, but the ability to think about consequences and consistency in actions will not appear in her - this is what the meaning of this name promises. Active, active, restless, disobedient, funny and optimistic - that’s what Natalia is like as a teenager.

But there is also something in her that deserves obvious respect - this desire for primacy and moderate passion. The latter manifests itself in moments when someone brags about his successes - she perceives boasting as a competition, as a challenge, and in the end will do everything so that the braggart is very surprised by her sudden victory over him, superiority. If there is a goal, then Natalya will achieve it, definitely - for this we should also say thanks to such a parameter as value. Diligence, perseverance, perseverance and hard work also appear only at the moments of the emergence of gambling - in other cases, the meaning of this name form promises it exactly the opposite.

In general, Natalya is a bright person - teachers are happy with her, at least in most cases of girls named so, and she does not bring many problems to parents (no more than usual, as in the case of every child). The only thing worth taking into account is her inability to overpower herself - if she doesn’t like some subject or business, then she will under no circumstances pay due attention to it, she needs to be forced, not persuaded, but forced. But there is one big plus - she is very amenable to re-education, even as a mature woman.

Adult woman

The meaning of the name Natalya, which promises a desire for primacy in early childhood, also bestows it in adulthood. The girl, who has already become a woman, has many talents, but not all of them she will be able to demonstrate to others. Her main talent is to be a leader and organizer, a person who copes best with any business and task. True, this does not manifest itself in all women named by the name form Natalya. But everyone, without exception, is eloquent, sociable, friendly and tries to surround themselves only with optimistic people - in essence, every Natalya, who is protected by the meaning of this name, is a cheerful person with a lot of friends.

As for professional activities, usually women so named choose something related to communication - it could be teaching, something from the sphere of public services, something humanitarian and in no way related to the exact sciences and calculations. Natalia is smart, talented, good-natured and friendly, always has an excellent position in society and is a welcome guest in any company. But as far as personal life is concerned, everything is complicated...

Interaction of Natalya’s character with the seasons

Autumn - this bearer of the name Natalya in adulthood demonstrates extreme prudence, practicality, self-confidence and emotionality. By and large, this is a man of bright ambitions, capable of betraying his own moral values ​​in order to achieve his goal. Basically, this goal becomes leadership and power.

Spring - here we are talking about a girl with refined taste and a complex character, who stands out from the crowd, eccentric and artistic, emotional and sensitive. She has well-developed intuition, and this helps her achieve success, both on the personal front and in her career. There are no problems with communication - people will love, respect, and honor her.

Summer - with its meaning, brings into this world a newborn with a cheerful, optimistic, self-sufficient nature. This one will grow up to be a confident girl, capable of surprising. She does not need mandatory communication with people or any kind of realization, and she does not need power - such a girl will live by her own “I”, not paying attention to others and their opinions.

Winter - and such a little girl will grow up to be a smart, calculating, serious, successful, sensible, reserved girl with an analytical mind. She will not offend, she will not begin to take revenge for the insult openly, and she will not be offended so that everyone can see - this is a diplomat girl, for whom even revenge does not look the way it should look. She is not capable of betrayal and lies, the origin of her soul does not allow it, and neither does her character.

The fate of the name Natalya

The fate of the name Natalya in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love and marriage, is a rather complex question, to which there is, in principle, no 100% accurate answer. And yet, modern researchers have managed to figure out several interesting, albeit theoretical factors...

The main one indicates that the fate of the name Natalya suggests to the bearer the desire to build extremely serious relationships. In essence, we are talking about a calm and purposeful girl, whose dreams are limited not to popularity with men, but to building a really strong couple. However, fate may also require a rather long search for a suitable partner, which is not surprising.

But, among other things, the fate of this little name implies happiness in marriage for the bearer. He is patient, appearance is not important to her, she just needs a man who is ready to become a wall, protection, friend, and a good father. She herself can become an exemplary mother, moderately callous, incredibly kind, serious about raising children, responsible, and most importantly, conflict-free in terms of relationships with her husband - this is evidenced by such a parameter as fate.

Love and marriage

Natalya is not used to changing men like gloves, although she has a considerable number of fans. She is a monogamist by nature and short-term love interests are not typical for her. Natasha takes the choice of her soul mate extremely seriously. True, if she falls deeply and passionately in love with someone, then in a storm of emotions she will lose her vigilance and may become very disappointed not only in the object of her adoration, but also in men in general. Natalya sees her chosen one as a strong, reliable, caring and romantic man who is ready to give her a decent and prosperous future.

Unfortunately, she does not always have enough patience to wait for her betrothed. Having gone through a series of disappointments, Natasha decides to marry a man who absolutely does not correspond to her ideal. Ultimately, she will not be happy in her marriage, but she is unlikely to decide on divorce. Natalya will try her best to save the family, first of all, for the sake of the children. But a later marriage, at 26-27 years old, will be much more successful, especially if her husband becomes a solid and serious man.

Natalya becomes a caring, faithful, sincere and attentive wife, doing everything to ensure that her family prospers. All family members, including her husband, are accustomed to taking her opinion into account. Natasha, in return, surrounds her household with attention and care, but in return it is important for her to feel that she is important to them and they need her.

Natalya as Mother

Natalya is very caring and attentive. She simply cannot be a bad mother, which means being a good mother is her calling. Natasha adores her children and gladly gives all of herself to them. She understands that children are the most important thing in every person’s life.

Natalia is distinguished by restraint and the ability to control her feelings. For her, it is unacceptable when adults take out the negativity that has accumulated for various reasons on each other or on children. She is always kind and cheerful with children, no matter how disgusting her soul is. She is fair to children, but sometimes she cannot be strict enough where it is really necessary.

She does not choose which of the children she loves more; she has an equally strong connection with them. For example, she tries to cultivate in a boy qualities that are not sufficiently present in his father. And she tries to raise her daughter to be a fragile, gentle, but at the same time strong personality.

Compatibility with male names

Natalia has ideal compatibility in terms of love and passion with the likes of Gabriel, Gleb, Nikolai, Ostap, Trofim, Spartak, Rostislav and Kirill.

A strong and lasting marriage can be built with Robert, Svyatoslav, Egor, Efim, Arkhip, Afanasy, Gennady, Gerasim, Gordey and Makar.

You shouldn’t start a family with Anton, Vladimir, Platon, Savva, Felix, Jan, Vilen, Adam...