What does the concept of patriotism tell you? Hamming

To the fatherland, devotion to it, the desire to serve its interests through their actions. P. - “... one of the deepest feelings. isolated fatherlands established over centuries and millennia" (Lenin V.I., PSS, T. 37, With. 190) .

In the conditions of the development of capitalism, the formation of nations, education national States P. becomes inalienable integral part society consciousness. However, as class antagonisms intensify, with the transformation of the bourgeoisie into the ruling class, its politics ceases to reflect the general national. moments, as was the case during the period of struggle against feudalism, it merges with nationalism and chauvinism, is limited by exploitative interests, because “... he puts the protection of his union of capitalists of all countries against the working people above the interests of the fatherland, the people and anything else...” (ibid., T. 36, With. 328-29) . The petty bourgeoisie is characterized by national limitations and national egoism, which determine her attitude towards the fatherland and towards etc. peoples.

IN bourgeois society acts as a spokesman for indigenous national interests of the people, and therefore the bearer of the genuine P. In Art. "ABOUT national pride Great Russians,” written during the First World War, V.I. Lenin noted: “Is national pride alien to us, Great Russian conscious proletarians? Of course not! We love ours and our homeland, we work most of all to ensure that its working masses (i.e. 9/10 of its population) raise democrats and socialists to conscious life" (ibid., T. 26, With. 107) . True P. is incompatible with neither cosmopolitanism nor nationalism.

During the socialist revolution changes the social of the fatherland, Ch. the content of this concept becomes - national pride and the true fatherland of the working people, a socialist is being formed. national P., harmoniously combining love for the best national traditions of their people with selfless devotion to socialism and communism and with respect for etc. peoples. Socialist P. is inextricably linked with span. internationalism. According to Lenin, “without this patriotism we would not have achieved protection Soviet republic, destruction private property... This is the best revolutionary patriotism" (ibid., T. 42, With. 124) . In the conditions of consolidation and development in the USSR of a new historical. community - Soviet people- the formation of all-Soviet politicians is taking place. and social-psychological. values. A nationwide national pride owls person - important element socialist P. With the education of the world socialist. system “... the patriotism of citizens of a socialist society is embodied in devotion and loyalty to their Motherland, the entire community socialist countries» (Program CPSU, 1974 , With. 120) . Ideas and socialism. P. act as an important political factor. and labor activity of the masses during the communist period. construction. Upbringing owls people in an organic spirit. combinations of socialist P. and internationalism CPSU considers one of his most important tasks.

Materials of the XXVI Congress CPSU, M., 1981; Leninism and national question in modern conditions, M., 19742; Rogachev P. M., Sverdlin?. ?., P. and society. , M., 1974;

Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .


(from Greek πατριώτης - compatriot, Latin patria - fatherland) - love for the fatherland, devotion to it, the desire to serve its interests with one’s actions; “... one of the deep feelings, consolidated by centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands” (Lenin V.I., Soch., vol. 28, p. 167). The rudiments of P. arose in primitive society, where they were based on a sense of blood connection between all members of the clan or tribe. With the decay of primitive society, the sense of nature. attachment to the native land, native language and so on. connects with citizen awareness. responsibilities in relation to increasingly complex societies. to the whole. P. is expressed in people’s desire for economic, social and cultural development home country, to protect it from foreign invaders. In exploitative societies, workers' feelings of poverty are combined with indignation at the injustice of existing societies. orders of magnitude.

In pre-burzh. era P. was not formalized ideologically, remaining ch. arr. element social psychology. P. develops into ideology in connection with the formation of nations and nationalities. state-in. Burzh. revolutionaries who fought against the feudal-class order acted on behalf of the fatherland, hiding from themselves for the general national. slogans class limited its struggle. With the development of capitalism and the identification of antagonistic. character of bourgeois societies. relationships are in shambles. environment is developing an increasingly hostile attitude towards economics. and political stand the bourgeois fatherland. The first program document of Marxism, “The Manifesto of the Communist Party,” expressed this in the words: “Workers do not have a fatherland. What they do not have cannot be taken away from them” (Marx K. and Engels F., Works, 2nd ed., vol. 4 , p. 444). In the era of imperialism, with the intensification of class struggle within the bourgeoisie. of the fatherland, the former national bourgeoisie is being replaced by nationalism and cosmopolitanism. The poverty of the working people, especially the peasantry, becomes an object of chauvinism for the bourgeoisie. speculation. The proletariat, fighting for the revolution. the reconstruction of society and the building of socialism most consistently expresses the fundamental interests of its country and the entire people. In the article “On the National Pride of the Great Russians,” written during the First World War, in an atmosphere of chauvinism, Lenin wrote: “Is the feeling of national pride alien to us, Great Russian conscious proletarians? Of course not! We love our language and our homeland, we are more “We are all working to raise its working masses (i.e., 9/10 of the population) to the conscious life of democrats and socialists” (Oc., vol. 21, p. 85).

Dept. representatives and groups of the bourgeoisie, especially in the conditions of national liberation. movements, participate in modern era in patriotic the struggle of peoples for national and peace. But the bourgeoisie is very contradictory and ambivalent in this struggle, in the end it is selfish. puts class interests above the interests of the fatherland, homeland. On the contrary, the proletariat will liberate the nation in a just manner. The bourgeoisie also protects in wars. fatherland: he is not indifferent in which social and political. conditions he fights for his liberation - in the conditions of the bourgeoisie. republic or imperialist, colonial oppression and despotism. But, defending the bourgeois. the fatherland, the proletariat defends first of all the rights and freedoms of the people, their homeland and culture, and not the rule of the bourgeoisie. In this sense, the concepts of “fatherland” and “homeland” among the working class and working people are antagonistic. society do not coincide: the homeland captures only the country and its culture created by the people, while the concept of fatherland also includes social-political. structure, i.e. the dominance of one class over another. However, under socialism these concepts merge and completely coincide: P. as a sense of nature. love for one's people merges with the devotion of societies. and political building countries.

Higher P. - socialist. P. Since during the socialist transformations, a single one is emerging, consisting of workers, peasants and the working intelligentsia, welded together by the common goals of the struggle for, socialist. P. becomes popular. It is based on the high consciousness of the masses and is active, effective; characteristic feature it is extended to the area of ​​everyday work. masses, which found its brightness in socialism. competition. Socialist P. is organically combined with the span. internationalism. This is evidenced between nations Soviet Union and that great help, which the owls have provided and are providing. the people of the peoples of other countries will liberate them. the fight against imperialism and in building a new life. With the emergence of the world system of socialism, socialism itself expanded. the fatherland of the working people, the content of the concept of socialist has also been enriched. P. “... With the formation of the world system of socialism, the patriotism of citizens of a socialist society is embodied in devotion and loyalty to their Motherland, to the entire community of socialist countries” (CPSU Program, 1961, p. 120). Raising all owls. people in the spirit of an organic combination of socialist. The CPSU considers P. and proletarian internationalism to be its ideological priority. work.

N. Gubanov. Moscow, P. Rogachev, M. Sverdlin. Volgograd.

Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 5 volumes - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by F. V. Konstantinov. 1960-1970 .


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    patriotism- a, m. patriotisme m. Love for one’s fatherland, devotion to one’s people, readiness for any sacrifices and exploits in the name of the interests of one’s homeland. BAS 1. Incessant exclamation, pouting, boastfulness, which is most noticeable, which is not found anywhere... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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Patriotism (Greek patriotes - compatriot, patris - Motherland, Fatherland) is often interpreted as a moral and political principle, a spiritual feeling that contains love for the Fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland.

Being a specific historical concept, patriotism in each era can have different social and axiological interpretations. However, the basic principle remains the same, as does its structure. constituent elements: Father's house - motherland (small homeland) - the habitat of the people - the country as a whole, and it is associated with the process of self-identification, that is, awareness of oneself as a member of a group, accepting the properties of this group and responsibility for it. The last two elements of the structure do not necessarily appear in this order, since state borders sometimes they do not coincide with the habitats of peoples. In this sense, patriotism is a concept that is not always consonant with the concept of the state, although it is closely related to it and is more expressed in the concept of “Fatherland”. The term “patriotism” also means the devotion of the people, respect for their history, traditions and culture.

As a concept, patriotism arose in relatively ancient times. And, perhaps, even before the existence of the state, it manifested itself on the physiological and psychological level, as an attempt to protect property and other members of the tribe.

Plato already had arguments in favor of the fact that the homeland is more valuable than father and mother. In a more developed form, love for the Fatherland, as the highest value, is seen in their works by such thinkers as N. Machiavelli, J. Krizhanich, J.-J. Russo, I.G. Fichte.

Patriotism meant service to the people, state and government; V Ancient Greece, Rome and the Middle Ages, it was interpreted as a feeling of devotion to a particular nation, power and its institutions [Antipov, 1987, p. 148].

The idea of ​​patriotism as the basis for the unification of Russian lands in the fight against a common enemy can already be clearly seen in “The Tale of Bygone Years” and in sermons St. Sergius Radonezh. IN Kievan Rus dying for one's native lands was considered an honorable duty to the Motherland. With the liberation of the country from foreign yoke and the formation single state, patriotic ideas are strengthened, acquiring a material basis, and become one of the forms of manifestation of state patriotism. During the time of Peter the Great, the Fatherland began to identify itself with a certain territory and the society historically established on it. Thus, patriotism demonstrated at the state level becomes the most important area of ​​activity of state and public institutions [Tyurin, 1987, p. 33-78].

Many teachers and thinkers of the past, revealing the role of patriotism in the process of personal development, pointed to their multifaceted formative influence. So, for example, K.D. Ushinsky believed that patriotism is and how important task education, and as a powerful pedagogical tool: “Just as there is no man without self-love, so there is no man without love for the fatherland, and this love gives education the sure key to a person’s heart and a great support for the fight against his bad natural, personal, family and tribal inclinations.” [Ushinsky, 2011, p. 97].

I.A. Ilyin wrote: “People, at the level of instinct, naturally and imperceptibly adapt to their environment, to nature, to the neighbors and culture of their country, to the way of life of their people. But that is precisely why the spiritual essence of patriotism almost always remains beyond the borders of their consciousness. Then love for the homeland lives in souls in the form of an unreasonable, objectively indefinite inclination, which either completely freezes and loses its strength until there is proper irritation (in times of peace, in eras of calm life), then flares up with a blind and counterintuitive passion, the fire of an awakened, frightened person. and a hardened instinct, capable of drowning out in the soul the voice of conscience, the sense of proportion and justice, and even the demands of elementary meaning" [Ilyin, 1993, p. 71].

But, despite the long history of its origin, this concept, as before, does not have a specific definition, so there is a need for a more detailed review of it.

IN explanatory dictionary IN AND. Dahl’s word “patriot” means “lover of the fatherland, zealot for its good, fatherland lover, patriot or fatherlander” [Dal, 1955, p. 144].

Patriotism as a personal quality is manifested in love and respect for one’s Motherland, for compatriots, in devotion and readiness to serve one’s Fatherland.

The Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary offers the following definition of patriotism: “... love for the fatherland, for the native land, for one’s cultural environment. With these natural foundations of patriotism as natural feeling connects it moral significance both duties and virtues. A clear consciousness of one’s duties towards the fatherland and their faithful fulfillment form the virtue of patriotism, which has had since ancient times religious significance..." [Bim-Bad, 2003, p. 83].

Patriotism is social phenomenon, which has greater stability and long life among the people, even with its destruction. True and spiritual in its essence, patriotism presupposes selfless, selfless service to the Fatherland. It was and remains a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is expressed in love for the Fatherland, devotion, pride in its past and present, in the desire and readiness to defend it. Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings, cemented by centuries of struggle for the freedom and independence of the Motherland.

A.N. Vyrshchikov, M.B. Kusmartsev believe that patriotism is not a movement against something, but a movement for the values ​​that society and people have. Patriotism is, first of all, a state of mind, soul [Vyrshchikov, 2005, p. 36].

Consequently, in their opinion, we are talking about the most important domestic socio-cultural postulate, which reveals the meaning of education: highest value is a person who wants and knows how to love, and the highest value of a person himself is love for his homeland. “The idea of ​​patriotism throughout history has occupied an honorable place not only in the spiritual life of society, but also in all the most important spheres of its activity - in ideology, politics, culture, economics, ecology, etc. Patriotism - compound component national idea Russia, an integral part national science and culture, developed over centuries. He has always been regarded as a source of courage, heroism and strength Russian people, How necessary condition greatness and power of our state" [Vyrshchikov, 2005, p. 49].

An analysis of the opinions of historians, philosophers, and writers regarding the essence of the concept under consideration shows that the understanding of patriotism is diverse and somewhat ambiguous. This is due to complex character phenomena, a variety of forms, consideration of the problem of patriotism by all kinds of researchers in various historical, socio-economic and political conditions, as well as depending on a variety of positions.

6 August 2014 20:18

— Patriotism is manifested in love for one’s country, land, homeland, the city and the people who live in it. This love is manifested in respect for others, in observance of laws, in cultural behavior. A true patriot will pick up a piece of paper lying on the sidewalk and throw it in the trash can. A patriot is a person who will strive to ensure that his yard is cleaner than the neighboring one. Patriotism is manifested in good deeds made for the country and for the people.

— Patriotism begins with the inner state of mind. When a person loves his family, his relatives and friends and does everything to ensure that everything is in order with them. Patriotism is the pursuit of universal human values. Our country is just trying to join them by integrating into Europe. But there is another country that does not share these values ​​and is trying to prevent Ukraine from joining the civilized world. A patriot is a person who pays taxes, does not break laws and rules, and takes care of his city and country.

— Patriotism is manifested in love for one’s country and for the people who live in this country. Patriotism is respect for the anthem of one's country and for its state symbols. My daughter is five years old, and she already knows the Ukrainian anthem by heart. Also, a patriot must do something useful for his country.

- A true patriot will never sell his country, he will always defend its interests. In the current situation, a true patriot is simply obliged to somehow help the Ukrainian military who are defending our country from terrorist invaders. Patriotism is also manifested in the absence of any negative actions towards one’s country and city.

— Patriotism is manifested in knowledge of the native language, respect for the state symbols of the native country, customs. Patriotism is expressed in upholding the integrity and independence of the country, in respect for other peoples living on the territory of the state, in the absence of criticism of it. Patriotism is, first of all, a state of mind that is transformed into good actions.

09But I

What is Patriotism

Patriotism is a term used to describe a feeling of love and devotion to one's people, nation, country or community. By itself, the term patriotism is very broad and ambiguous. It includes a whole lot of different feelings and aspects that we will talk about below.

What is Patriotism in simple words - a brief definition.

In simple words, patriotism is love for your country, your nation and your culture. As a rule, patriotism includes such basic aspects as:

  • Special attachment to one's country;
  • A sense of personal identification with the country;
  • Special concern for the welfare of the country;
  • Willingness to sacrifice oneself to contribute to the well-being of the country.

In some respects, patriotism is a certain social and moral principle, which gives a person a feeling of attachment to his country. It evokes a feeling of pride in one's nation, country or culture.

The basis and essence of Patriotism.

As has already become clear from the definition itself, the basis or essence of patriotism is selfless love and attachment to one's country.

« But is this so good, and why is patriotism actually needed?»

The answer to this question is very complex and ambiguous. The fact is that if you rely on the fundamental works of various researchers of this phenomenon, you can find that they are divided into two camps.

Some argue that patriotism is a very positive phenomenon that can develop and strengthen the state, support and preserve it cultural traditions and customs. Others argue that such attachment to one’s state and specifically one’s culture contributes to the development of overly nationalistic sentiments that do not particularly fit with.

We will talk about the connection between patriotism and nationalism later, but now we will continue to develop the answer to the question posed above. So, if we abstract from already formed points of view, we can say that all the statements of supporters and opponents of patriotism are right in their own way. The fact is that there is nothing wrong with the very idea of ​​love for your country, but everything should be in moderation and come, so to speak, from the heart. But history knows a lot of examples when such love for the fatherland mutated into fanaticism under the influence of manipulations with the people's consciousness. Patriotism was often used to justify many war and other crimes. Thus, we can say that patriotism, among other things, is also an excellent tool for controlling the masses. So, answering the question posed above, we can say that patriotism is a very positive phenomenon within reasonable limits, which is necessary for the preservation and development of individual states, nations and cultures.

Patriotism and nationalism - what is the difference.

Indeed, in addition to the fact that these two terms are often used together and sometimes replace each other, there is a difference between them. The main differences in these concepts are that nationalism is love specifically for one’s nation, one’s culture, and one’s traditions, and patriotism is love for the country as a whole, including the minorities inhabiting it with their own cultural characteristics.

It is worth noting that in real life these concepts are indeed quite often intertwined, since patriots in most cases are nationalists, although this is not the rule.

Patriotism is a special emotional experience of belonging to a country, citizenship, language and traditions, native land and culture. Such a feeling implies pride in your country and confidence that it will always protect you. These are the main criteria in the definition, although there are other interpretations.

What is "patriotism"?

The word “patriotism” is translated from Greek as “fatherland”; it is a feeling, the essence of which is love for one’s country and the willingness to sacrifice everything for it. What is a patriot? A person who is proud of the successes and culture of his country and strives to preserve the characteristics of his native language and traditions. This is the most common variant of denoting the essence of the term “patriotism”, but there are also other interpretations:

  1. A moral indicator that distinguishes a generous person from a low one.
  2. Pride in the achievements of your people.
  3. Real assessment of the actions of your state.
  4. Willingness to sacrifice individual interests for the sake of common ones.

Business patriotism - what is it?

In the 21st century, the feeling of patriotism has begun to reach a new level; calls for the formation of groups of business patriots are beginning to sound louder. It’s not just about giving preference to domestic goods; it recently proposed its strategy Russian Association entrepreneurs to develop business patriotism. Its leaders see the main task as comprehensive support for entrepreneurs, since the share of small businesses abroad is several times larger than domestic ones. We need conditions for growth in several directions:

  1. Education. Development of youth entrepreneurship, holding master classes.
  2. Support in the implementation of plans and promotion of commercial growth.
  3. Business club. A place where you can exchange experiences, contacts and best practices.

Nationalism and patriotism - the difference

Many people confuse the concepts of “nationalism” and “patriotism”; even dictionaries note that patriotism is love for the homeland and one’s people. Experienced linguists point out the following error in substituting concepts:

  1. Love for the homeland is a feeling for the land, nature, native language and state. This is what patriotism is – an expanded concept of love for one’s home.
  2. Love for the people - broad concept love for loved ones, which arises in a person before patriotism. This is already nationalism, awareness of commitment to the nation, which is instilled from birth.

Why is patriotism needed?

Why is patriotism important? Experts believe that this is natural mental condition, which is expressed in the readiness to protect one’s own from someone else’s, to recognize it under a different mask. It’s hard to survive without patriotism, because every person must have core values ​​for the sake of which they can realistically overcome fear and even go to death. Only thanks to enormous patriotism, the Soviet people were able to win the Second world war, stop hordes of enemies at the cost of millions of lives.

A patriot is a person for whom the fate of the state always comes first. But such an attitude appears only when a person is confident that his country will protect him in difficult times and will help his family. Therefore, those who survive in poverty cannot be forced to be patriots; people must have something to be proud of and something specifically to defend: their well-being, home front, achievements.

Types of patriotism

What is patriotism? IN different years This feeling was used to denote various phenomena, often replacing the concept of “love for the motherland” with “love for the state.” This is how other types of patriotism appeared:

  1. State. When the interests of the state are above all.
  2. Russian as a phenomenon. For many centuries, for the Slavs, and then for the Soviet people, the main concept was “homeland”; it was compared to a bride, a mother who must be protected.
  3. National. Based on history and cultural heritage people, the formation of such love develops a sense of pride and the desire to increase existing values.
  4. Local. It manifests itself in love for one’s village, city, street, home. Characteristic feature Soviet ideology there was an education of feelings from the particular to the general, from loyalty to one’s land to the readiness to give one’s life for one’s country.

Education of patriotism

The development of patriotism has at all times been the main task of ideologists of any country. Events were developed with an emphasis on examples of heroism, songs were composed, and events of the past were corrected. The child had to grow up with the idea that his country is the best because it protects, provides a fun childhood, supports him in choosing a profession in his youth and protects him from adversity in adulthood.

Because great importance devoted to the study of symbolism, legal system, getting to know the actions outstanding people. But in a country where there is no return from the state, and the individual does not see what he gets in return for his willingness to sacrifice his personal, the problem of patriotism becomes especially acute. Sometimes there are attempts by those in power to grow it artificially.

Church and patriotism

Since ancient times, patriotism and Orthodoxy have been inextricably linked; an example of this is the church’s blessing of the defenders of the fatherland for a military battle. This tradition goes back thousands of years, even during the Second World War, when all Soviet people were atheists, special prayer services were served, and priests collected funds to buy tanks and airplanes. If we turn to official church documents, the concept of patriotism is stated as follows:

  1. Christians should not forget about their earthly homeland.
  2. To be a patriot is to love not only your native land, but also your neighbors, your home, and protect them. Because sacrifice for the fatherland is made not only on the battlefield, but also for the sake of children.
  3. To love your land as a place where faith and the Orthodox Church are preserved.
  4. To love other peoples is to fulfill the commandment of love for one's neighbor.

Patriotism - books

Examples from the lives of heroes who showed true patriotism number in the thousands not only in Soviet literature. Many Russian poets and prose writers wrote about such manifestations, and they were presented in epics. The most striking works dedicated to patriotism:

  1. A. Fadeev. "Young guard". A novel about underground heroes of Krasnodon during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, more than one generation of Soviet children grew up on it.
  2. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". An ancient tale telling of the protectors native land during times of hostile raids.
  3. L. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". Important historical episodes of the 19th century - the Patriotic War of 1812, with examples of the heroism of the main characters.
  4. B. Field. "The Tale of a Real Man". A novel about the legless pilot Maresyev, who managed to return to aviation to fight the Nazis again.