How to choose a treadmill to lose weight quickly. How to choose a treadmill for your home

“Sedentary” work in an office, a passive lifestyle, lack of time for physical education, eating fast food – these signs characteristic of modern man give rise to a lot of diseases and disorders in the body. Improper metabolism, causing active fat deposition, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, and gastrointestinal dysfunction lead to chronic diseases and turn a person into a potential patient.

Running is one of the most accessible and effective types of sports that allows you to maintain excellent physical shape. With a busy daily schedule, it is difficult to find time to visit a stadium or gym. This is where exercise machines come to the rescue. Of course, it is difficult to overestimate jogging along the sea coast or in the forest, but with the busyness of modern people, a running machine is an opportunity to get your health in order without leaving home. All that remains is to figure out how to choose the right treadmill for your home.

It is better to start exercising not when the body is in critical condition, but initially to maintain health and beautiful body shape. A home treadmill will certainly help in losing weight, but the sooner you start exercising, the more effective the result will be. What changes occur in the body during regular exercise on the track?

  • The body's endurance increases.
  • The heart muscle and blood vessels are strengthened.
  • The functioning of the respiratory system improves.
  • Calories are burned - body weight is reduced.
  • The muscular system and figure are strengthened: buttocks, thighs, calves acquire beautiful shapes.
  • The functioning of the skeletal system improves - the spine and joints return to normal.
  • Metabolism is normalized.
  • Intestinal function is stimulated.

Running also relieves stress, eliminates aggression, improves performance and mood. Training helps the body produce joy hormones - endorphins, and besides, running is the very active recreation that doctors insist on.

So, it’s decided: you need to buy a running machine! But to find out which treadmill is better and not make a mistake in choosing, you need to get acquainted with the types and features of these sports equipment.

Types and features of treadmills

First, you need to understand what types of treadmills there are and how their performance differs. The treadmills on the market differ in several ways, the main one being the way they operate the treadmill. Based on the principle of operation, these devices are divided into two large groups: mechanical and electrical types.

Mechanical treadmills

The main feature of the simulator is that the track surface, located on two rollers, is driven by the muscular efforts of the runner. The speed of movement of the belt depends on how quickly the person exercising his legs moves. A mechanical treadmill allows you to move as close as possible to natural conditions. The load is regulated by the angle of inclination of the web (which can be set independently) and the braking of the belt by the front roller.

Products of this type can be equipped with a mechanical loading and braking system or a magnetic system. In the first case, the movement of the canvas depends only on the strength of the athlete’s legs - it moves jerkily, and the load on the body is greater. The second type (commonly known as a magnetic treadmill) is equipped with magnets that facilitate the movement of the belt, so it moves smoothly, and in this case your legs will have to work less.

The advantages of mechanical tracks include the following characteristics:

  • low cost (the simplicity of the mechanism, the absence of an electric drive and independence from the network allow you to save on the production and use of the device);
  • mobility (a walkway independent of the power source, unlike an electric one, can be placed in any convenient place), and a folding walkway will allow you to put it away in a closet or pantry;
  • proximity of the movement mechanism to natural conditions;
  • relatively small weight and dimensions of the treadmill, which is again due to the lack of an electric motor.

Such devices also have disadvantages:

  • Excessive stress on the joints and muscles of the legs due to uneven movement of the belt can lead to diseases over time. Even movement relative to the surface of the earth forces a person to exert less effort. This type of track is contraindicated for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, varicose veins or problem joints.
  • Lack of additional options and features. The functionality of mechanical simulators is limited: speed of movement, counting of calories burned, mileage traveled and heart rate - everything that the device’s monitor will show.
  • Low efficiency due to dependence on the runner. A tired person moves his legs more slowly, at the same time reducing the speed of the treadmill. This relaxes you, prevents you from giving your best, and makes you feel a loss of strength earlier.

Electric treadmills

A distinctive feature of devices of this type is the presence of an electric drive, through which the simulator belt is set in motion. The speed of the web movement is adjustable or pre-programmed and depends on the engine power. The electric treadmill is very popular among buyers due to its high functionality and the additional functions provided.

The advantages of models with an electric motor are significant:

  • Ability to regulate training intensity. Expensive simulators provide a large number of programs that allow you to optimally configure the track to suit your requirements and abilities.
  • Uniform, smooth movement of the canvas avoids excessive stress on the skeleton and muscles, and protects joints from the risk of injury.
  • An abundance of additional options and programs that include displaying various running parameters and body condition. Electric tracks are a more comfortable, less boring jogging experience: expensive models have a built-in player and monitor for watching videos or creating a virtual route.

This type of treadmill also has its downsides.

  • High price due to a large range of functions and costs for electrical equipment.
  • Dependence on the network forces the trainer to be located close to the power source. If there is a power outage, you will have to cancel the class.
  • Expenses for paying for consumed electricity.
  • Large weight and size. A walkway with an electric motor has impressive dimensions: moving or even moving it alone is very problematic.

Main selection criteria

If the decision to buy a trainer has already been made, all that remains is to make the right choice so that you don’t have to regret purchasing a model in a hurry that is completely unsuitable for you. First of all, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics and functions of the treadmill, which will convince you of the right decision.

Electric motor

The track speed directly depends on this parameter. The higher the engine power, the faster you can run. If you are not going to break speed records, you don’t need a trainer with a very powerful motor: it will cost a lot of money. However, if among the potential runners there are people with excess body weight, heavy loads on the motor will reduce the efficiency of operation, or even even lead to breakdown. The optimal indicator with an average weight of 80 kg is a power of 1.5 - 2 horsepower. However, modern models indicate the recommended maximum weight of the student - you can use this indicator as a guide. By the way, pay attention that the sound of the engine is not loud.


The dimensions of the belt along which the runner moves should be comfortable for movement. The optimal parameters for a person of standard dimensions are a length of at least 120 cm, a width of 40 cm or more. For people who are overweight, the figures may be higher. But do not forget that the size of the belt is related to the power of the motor, which means that it directly proportionally affects the cost of the treadmill.

Pay attention to the quality of the tape itself: it should be soft and elastic enough to cushion your steps, ensuring it is gentle on your joints. It’s good if the tape is multi-layered - this will allow you to turn the tape over to the other side and continue training if the outer coating wears out.

A separate issue is the slope of the canvas. With its help, the intensity of the load is regulated. In normal models, there should be at least three tilt positions.


The dimensions of the track are another important indicator when choosing. The width of the machine should allow you to run comfortably. Make sure that the handrails are located at a comfortable level for you. A workout that causes discomfort will not bring pleasure, and therefore the desired result. But getting injured under such conditions is quite likely.

Control panel and additional options

The control panel displays all possible functions of the device. Vital sign sensors are typically located on handrails or attached to the user's ear. It all depends on the buyer's preferences. As for the various “bells and whistles” - for example, additional programs, here again the choice is yours: just do not forget that you will have to pay extra for each “trick”. By the way, about built-in audio and video players: the same player or TV can be turned on permanently at home instead of spending a round sum on “bells and whistles”.


If there is not much space in the apartment, and the exercise machine needs to be cleaned periodically, the best solution would be a folding treadmill, which is easy to disassemble and assemble even on your own.


Make sure the device is equipped with a security key. This is a special chip that is fixed into a connector on the monitor at one end and on the user’s belt at the other. If a person falls, it pops out of the connector and the track stops, reducing the likelihood of injury.

What else should you pay attention to? Before purchasing, check the build quality of the device and the warranty period provided by the manufacturers. Find out where the nearest service center is located so that in case of a breakdown you can quickly repair the device. Read treadmill reviews online or ask experienced people to clear your doubts.

About reliable manufacturers

When making a choice, it is not surprising for an inexperienced buyer to run into Chinese consumer goods that will last for several weeks and then be safely sent to a landfill. Perhaps the names of well-known manufacturing companies that have managed to establish themselves in the market will help you make your choice:

  • Kettler, Carbon, Bronze Gym (Germany);
  • Torneo (Italy);
  • Reebok is an international concern;
  • Winner/Oxygen is a well-established Taiwanese company;
  • Champion (USA);
  • DKN (UK);
  • Bremshey (Netherlands).

When deciding which treadmill to choose for your home, take your time: this is a serious purchase. Evaluate the parameters and functions of the model that are important to you, the rest is a waste of money. If possible, check the simulator in action, for example, at the nearest fitness club. Happy shopping!

Exercise isn't just good for your figure. With the right set of exercises, you can increase the overall endurance of the body, strengthen the cardiovascular system and relieve pain in the legs. Running also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in realizing their intentions to “run in the morning”: they buy sportswear and running shoes, and the weather does not always allow for outdoor activities. Fitness centers in this regard are a very expensive hobby; in addition, you have to pay for the entire subscription at once, and you can only exercise on special equipment according to a schedule. If you want to play sports, it is best to purchase a machine such as a treadmill. Running at home allows you to decide when you want to exercise. But before you buy a treadmill, let's list not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of this type of sports equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of treadmills

The main advantage of home treadmills is the ability to use them regardless of weather conditions. In addition, most people cannot run in front of passers-by on the street. At home, you can play sports without prying eyes, listening to your favorite music or even watching a movie at the same time.

The next plus is load adjustment. This is especially important if you want to do serious training, focusing on specific muscle groups. To do this, it is enough to change the angle of inclination of the simulator, adjust the intensity or set the preferred speed of rotation of the unit belt.

Now a few words about the disadvantages of treadmills:

  • Price. The cheapest track costs about 7,500 rubles, and the most expensive unit will cost you more than 600,000 rubles;
  • Dimensions. The length of the treadmill will be from 1.5 to 2 meters, with a width of 0.5 m. Therefore, it will be difficult to place the equipment in a small room.

Many people are concerned about the noise from the treadmill and how much it will disturb the neighbors below. No need to worry about this. Firstly, even inexpensive exercise machines are quiet. Secondly, it is enough to additionally purchase a special sound-absorbing mat (if it is not included in the kit), which will protect the sensitive hearing of your neighbors.

Types of treadmills

The standard design of a treadmill consists of a moving rubberized belt, a control panel and comfortable handrails. Sports equipment is divided into three types: mechanical, magnetic and electrical. Tracks of the first type are characterized by a simple design and low cost. Electric models have more functionality, and accordingly, you can choose from a variety of training modes. True, the cost of such units is many times higher. Let's take a closer look at the types of treadmills for home.


Before purchasing a mechanical product, you need to familiarize yourself with the design features of this type of simulator. In such tracks there is no electric drive, so the belt is driven by the user’s muscular efforts. Surely many remember that in the past, in addition to rockets and swings, children's playgrounds had “drums” on which everyone loved to run. Mechanical models of treadmills work on the same principle. Braking in this case is carried out using a friction brake. That is, as soon as the brake band is pressed, the track stops.

Among the advantages of mechanical models are the following:

  • Simplicity of design;
  • Low cost;
  • Energy independence;
  • Light weight equipment.

In addition, it is worth noting that in the simplest mechanical-type tracks, the pace of running or walking is set by the athlete himself, and not by the program, due to which the movements will be more natural.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth paying attention to the limited functionality of the simulator, as well as high loads. In order to move the canvas, you have to put in a lot of effort, which can have a detrimental effect on the spine and joints.

The main feature of mechanical exercise machines is their size. The width of the canvas for such models is narrower than for electric ones and is not 0.5 m but 0.35. The length is also significantly smaller and does not exceed 0.9 m. This parameter can be considered as a plus if you want to install the exercise machine in a small room or as a minus, since it is more convenient to exercise on larger models.

A children's treadmill for home can only be mechanical, since this type of equipment is safe for young athletes. Such simulators differ from adults in their dimensions. For example, for children aged 3-8 years, the track should have the following dimensions - 80x60x70. Typically, the maximum weight of mini exercise machines is 50 kg. Such tracks are cheaper, so you can instill in your child an interest in a sports lifestyle for 6,000-7,000 rubles.


By and large, this is a transitional option between the simplest and electrical designs. Magnetic tracks slow down thanks to a special magnetic field. There is no particular difference in the operating principle of mechanical and magnetic models. The only thing that distinguishes the latter category is its smooth ride, which only more expensive electric models can boast of.


Electric treadmills are the most expensive, so before purchasing one, consider how confident you are that you won't give up on your workout after a few weeks. The high cost of the equipment is due to its rich functionality, as well as the absence of heavy loads, which are contraindicated for diseases of the spine or joints. All electric models are equipped with an orthopedic coating that dampens excessive vibrations during exercise.

Electrical units are divided into several categories:

  • Amateur. The weight of the simulator is no more than 80 kg. Running speed does not exceed 16 km/h. The slope is adjustable. The cost of the track is no more than 170,000 rubles;
  • Economy The speed of the belt does not exceed 12 km/h. The cost of the simulator rarely exceeds 45,000 rubles;
  • Professional. The running speed that the user can develop is 25 km/h. The cost of the unit ranges from 480,000 to 620,000 rubles.

Speaking about the advantages of electric simulators, we highlight the following aspects:

  • Smooth ride;
  • Selection of training programs;
  • Low noise level;
  • Long service life.

Additional modifications that electric treadmills can be equipped with:

  • There is a deck underneath the running belt. If the simulator is equipped with a shock absorption system, then this element will bend, thereby compensating for shock loads;
  • Engine cooling system, which allows you to exercise longer on the simulator;
  • Multilayer double-sided fabric more than 2 cm thick;
  • Additional equipment. For example, a sensor for monitoring calories burned, distance, etc., which is attached to the athlete’s earlobe;
  • Reinforced frame.

Since electric models do not stop as soon as the user stops moving, all exercise machines of this type are equipped with a special safety key. It is attached to the athlete’s clothing and if he decides to stop training at some point, he just needs to pull the key.

If we talk about which treadmills are best for the home, then, of course, preference should be given to electric models. In order not to make a mistake when choosing this equipment, read several recommendations.

What to look for before buying a treadmill

There are several parameters by which you can choose an inexpensive but high-quality treadmill.

Engine power

The user's weight limits depend on the motor power. For people weighing up to 85 kg, 1.5 hp is enough. With a weight of about 100 kg, it is better to choose more powerful models with parameters from 2 to 3 hp.

Running belt

The width of the running tape should be at least 35 cm and the length at least 110 cm. The most practical fabric is considered to be a product 40-50 cm wide and 120-130 cm long. Also try to choose a multi-layer tape.

Blade rotation speed

If you do not run fast or even prefer race walking, then there is no point in overpaying for the extra speed. For normal training, rotations of the belt no faster than 10 km/h will be sufficient.

Tilt angle

By adjusting the incline level, you can increase or decrease the load.


The control panel should display key indicators: heart rate, calories burned, running speed and distance. More expensive models are equipped with LCD screens with Internet access.

Before purchasing equipment, it's best to visit a gym and try out a few different types of treadmills. This way you can determine which unit and parameters suit you best.

In custody

Despite the cost of treadmills, you purchase such a machine only once, which is much more profitable than paying for expensive gym memberships every year. Running is a powerful tool in the fight against excess weight. There is nothing more convenient than training at home at any convenient time. The main thing is to choose the right exercise machine and start playing sports.

To maintain good health, systematic cardio exercise is necessary. They are relevant for people of different ages and are ways to ensure not only the preservation, but also the development of a person’s physical abilities. One of the best options is a treadmill, which will take a comfortable place in the house. You will have the opportunity to turn on your favorite movie or TV series and at the same time improve your figure.

As a result of regular exercise on the treadmill, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, which has a positive effect on active life expectancy and reduces the risk of diseases of the circulatory system. Despite the fact that running puts a lot of stress on the legs, the whole body is involved in the work, sweat appears, and tissues are enriched with oxygen. Due to this, calories are burned and weight is gradually lost.

But in order for a treadmill to really help improve your health and get your body in shape, you need to decide on the type of exercise machine.

Types of treadmills

In total, there are 3 types of tracks between which there are special differences consisting in the method of driving the running belt:

  • The electric track is powered by an electric motor. Its power affects the maximum permissible rotation speed of the blade. In turn, the canvas limits the maximum possible weight of the person for whom the simulator is designed. The power of the simulator is usually enough even for the most trained athlete.
  • The mechanical track moves by pushing off with the feet. This option most closely matches natural running, because the belt rotates as long as the person runs. As soon as the athlete stops performing pushing movements, the belt will stop.
  • Magnetic works on the principle of mechanical, but the movements are regulated by magnets and are more uniform and smooth. Magnets provide braking and also determine the load level.

Which treadmill to choose for your home?

All types of tracks have their advantages and disadvantages. So mechanical the track weighs less because it does not have an electric motor. It is more compact and easy to place in a limited area. Do not forget that it does not require electricity to operate. They also have a good price - 110$ average.

From a physiological point of view, the advantage of a mechanical treadmill is that the runner sets his own rhythm and running turns out natural and most beneficial for the body. Not everyone likes the fact that the belt must be rotated by one’s own efforts, but this cannot be attributed to the disadvantages of the simulator since this is precisely the required load. The mechanical canvas has functions that will help you measure your pulse, find out your workout time, distance traveled and calories burned.

Magnetic the track is superior to the first option in that the noise level is lower and the movements will be smoother. For each bonus you have to pay, so the cost of a magnetic track on average starts from 137$ .

Electric The treadmill is attractive because you don’t have to make an effort to accelerate the belt to start training, and also because of its appearance. This simulator has an order of magnitude more settings, which are performed completely automatically. These include functions that allow you to set running speed and incline angle.

However, you will have to pay for the pleasure 340$ . Also, compared to mechanics, the weight and dimensions are quite large. There is a high risk of breakage. Due to the self-moving belt, there is a risk of injury.

Criterias of choice

Having decided on the type of track, it is worth thinking about other selection criteria. For any type of path, it is important to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • The running belt has different widths. The wider the canvas, the more space it takes up, but it is easier and safer to run. Choose a canvas with a width of 40 cm and a length of 120 cm.
  • Good cushioning helps people with joint problems run smoother and safer. Cushioning is well thought out in the magnetic tracks.
  • By giving preference to well-known manufacturers, you can be sure that the track will serve for many, many years.
  • The warranty should not only be included with the track, but should also be for at least 5 years.
  • If you decide to purchase an electric walkway, pay attention to the presence of a security key. The key works on the principle that if a runner falls, the track stops moving.

Manufacturers rating

There are the most popular treadmills that appeal to users due to their cost, reliability, various performance features, variety of models, and overall quality. Among the manufacturers, the following companies can be noted: DFC, HouseFit, Torneo, Matrix and TrueForm.


Despite the fact that this is a wonderful type of exercise equipment, there are a number of contraindications to their use:

  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Hypertension;
  • Heart disease;
  • Heart failure;
  • Late stages of obesity;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Previous heart attack.

How to use it correctly?

The effect of the simulator will be greater if you combine proper nutrition with training. Ideally, you should exercise 3-5 days a week. Beginners should start by walking, gradually increasing the pace. After 3-4 sessions, try to switch to running. To get the effect of cardio training, you need to do half an hour, to burn fat - from 45 to 60 minutes. Regularity will help consolidate the results.

It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise; it should be uniform. The back position is straight, the chest and shoulders are straightened. Keep your pulse at 130-140 beats. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids. Limit food intake for an hour after training.

The same running pace can get boring, so it doesn't hurt to change it up from time to time. You should not start running at a fast pace, nor should you finish it at a fast pace. At the beginning and at the end the pace should be calm. Before training, do exercises to warm up your knees and ankles. After a run, stretching for 10 minutes is encouraged.

Price range

Track prices vary greatly depending on features. Little known manufacturers offer mechanical tracks costing from 50$ . But manufacturers of high quality offer products from 110$ . Maximum cost can be approx. 15000$ .

The cheapest electric track costs 250$ , and the maximum cost is about 25000$ . These ranges include exercise equipment for home, professional, weight loss, etc.

Knowing the types of treadmills, you can choose the most suitable one for your personal goals and preferences. Be sure that there will be no disappointment from the choice and you will be able to purchase the ideal exercise machine to improve your health and figure. We wish you good luck in your choice, and confidence that it will be the right one!

There are dozens of brands represented on the Russian market. Traditionally, the lion's share of manufactured sports equipment for this region comes from China. A slightly smaller percentage remains with Taiwan. This is explained by the fact that labor is much cheaper in China, that is, it is much more profitable to produce a unit of goods here than in the USA and Europe. Logistics is also a significant issue, on which the profitability of the selling company depends.

Even brands such as Kettler have already started producing goods in China, despite production facilities in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Austria, England and Poland.

But this does not mean the product is of low quality. Giant factories in China are aimed at any consumer; quality directly depends on price; a separate issue is the pricing policy of the selling company.

The advantage of well-known brands is a developed retail network, warranty and post-warranty service. Such companies have an official website, a group of experienced consultants, and a full-fledged service center where you can contact at any time in case of a malfunction or the need for repairs. Using the telephone numbers listed on the official website, you can easily resolve operational issues and order any replacement components (running belt, engine, console, power board). The disadvantages of such an enterprise include the somewhat inflated price of the product.

Most of the brands on the market, such as Oxygen/Winner, Torneo, Carbon and others, are aimed exclusively at the home segment. There is no commercial class in the line of simulators.

Many brands known throughout the world, for example, Spirit Fitness, Sole Fitness, are also manufactured in China, and the company itself is located in the USA. The lines of exercise machines consist of home and commercial grade. The best option for purchasing a trainer for home use is just this option. Even the cheapest models have a thoughtful design, durable construction, proven biomechanics and appropriate quality components.

Pros and cons of little-known companies

There are a number of fly-by-night companies that appear on the market, operate for a year or two, and then suddenly disappear. Service and warranty issues are up in the air.

The worst thing is that fly-by-night companies brazenly inflate the basic technical characteristics. Actual parameters may differ by an order of magnitude from those stated:

  • the maximum user weight is significantly higher than calculated;
  • the rated power of the engine is given as peak power (short-term maximum developed power value);
  • The dimensions of the real running belt turn out to be much more modest than those indicated.

The unimaginable is happening with the values: sellers indicate fantastic values. Some count in percentages, others in degrees.

Sometimes such companies do not have quality certificates, and the warranty period is increased to 5 years. Without their own service center, some companies turn to third-party organizations for help and sign an agreement with them for a certain period.

It's no secret that the most budget models tend to break down quickly. The treadmill simply cannot withstand the maximum user weight specified by the seller and fails before the warranty period. It often happens that the engine cannot withstand the load, overheats and burns out.

Others include failure of sensors, control console controllers and power boards. Some issues can be resolved with the help of third-party companies that specialize in the manufacture of analogues of running belts and poly-V-belts.

A significant part of trademarks have nothing in common with the countries of origin of the neighboring countries indicated in the legend of the brand’s origin. Such goods are usually produced in China or Taiwan and are sold only in Russia. The advantage of this approach is the lower price range of the simulator lines. The user gets the opportunity to purchase an analogue with higher characteristics at a much lower price. Such simulators provide strong competition to well-known and well-promoted companies. As a rule, the disadvantage of this form of organization is unsatisfactory service and the risk of disappearance of the manufacturer.

Review of the best treadmill options in different price categories

Table 1 – Overview table of optimal options in price categories.

Price Treadmill model Structural weight, kg Engine power, hp Running belt (LxW), cm Warranty period, months
<30 т.р. FAMILY TM 100 26 1,25 95x34 12
CARBON T406 37 2,5 104x37 12
30-40 t.r. CARBON T506 41 1,75 120x40 12
Diadora EDGE 1.6 Dark 61 2,0 120x42 12
40-50 t.r. Hastings Evok 50 1,5 120x40 12
FAMILY TM 450A 56 2,5 130x45 12
50-60 t.r. BH Fitness G6431R SX PREMIUM 59 2,5 120x40 24
Hasttings FUSION II HRC 60 2,0 125x42 12
60-70 tr. Clear Fit EnjoyTM 6.25 66 3,0 130x46 24
Hastings FX600 66 3,0 138x45 24
70-80 t.r. Clear Fit Enjoy TM 7.35 HRC 78 3,25 135x52 24
Horizon Adventure CL 85 2,75 140x50 36
80-90 tr. Hastings CT80 80 2,0 130x45 24
Ammity ATM 518 TFT 77 3,0 140x54 60
90-100 t.r. Sole Fitness F60 105 2,75 152x51 24
Hastings CT100 96 2,5 140x51 24
100-110 t.r. ICON NordicTrack C320i 122 3,0 142x50 24
Sole F65 113 2,75 147x51 24
ICON NordicTrack T17.5 89 3,0 152x51 12
110-120 t.r. ProForm Performance 1850 92 3,0 152x51 24
Spirit Fitness XT185 104 2,75 140x51 24
130-140 t.r. Spirit Fitness XT285 110 2,75 150x51 24
Ammity ATM 722 TFT+AC 81,5 3,25 140x53 60
140-150 t.r. Bronze Gym T800 LC 106 3,0 152x45 12
ICON NordicTrack Elite 1500 104 3,5 152x55 24
150-180 t.r. Sole F85 120 4,0 152x56 24
Spirit Fitness XT385 120 3,0 152x51 24
180 – 200 t.r. Spirit Fitness XT485 126 3,5 152x51 24
Sole TT8C 120 4,0 152x56 24


By purchasing a treadmill from a well-known brand, you get full-fledged service and technical support in all major cities, but you overpay somewhat in price.

By purchasing a simulator from little-known companies, you get the opportunity to purchase a model with characteristics much higher than analogues in the corresponding price range, but you risk being left without appropriate technical support after some time.

How can you get your figure in order without wasting a lot of time? One option is to purchase a trainer. You won’t have to spend minutes and hours traveling to the fitness center. This raises the question of which treadmill is best for home use. This is what we will be talking about now. Solving this problem must be approached seriously, because the equipment is not cheap. There are two types of treadmills.


From the name it is already clear that the device is driven by human efforts.

The entire range of exercise machines of this type is equipped with counters: speed, distance, calories burned and heart rate. The user sets the running intensity and training program himself.

The magnetic mechanical track differs from the usual smoothness. Thanks to the use of a strong magnet, it is much higher. When trying to decide which treadmill is best for your home, be sure to take into account reviews from owners of the machine. Many of them boil down to the fact that the disadvantage of a mechanical device is the inability to adjust the angle of inclination of the blade. This is the only drawback of this type of equipment.

If we talk about the advantages, they include:

  • low price;
  • small sizes;
  • energy saving.

Mechanical treadmills are designed for minimal loads and do not have a shock absorption system.


This type of simulator has an electric motor. Thanks to it, the canvas is set in motion and its angle of inclination changes (range up to 22 degrees). And if the question suddenly arises about which treadmill for home is better in terms of variety of workouts, then, without hesitation, give preference to a device with a motor.

The equipment has all the counters that mechanical simulators are equipped with. But besides this, the user can choose the program that is suitable for him. For example, you can create a simulation of running on hilly terrain.

Speaking about the advantages of this simulator, we cannot ignore it:

  • high functionality;
  • smooth ride.

And one more important point. Many devices of this type have a security key. It is located on the control panel. During training, the edge of the cord on which it is held is attached to the user's belt. If a person falls, the key is pulled out and the treadmill stops. This way you can avoid injury.

The maximum load, intensity and duration of exercise depend on the engine power.

What does an electric trainer consist of?

Recently, consumers most often prefer exercise machines with a motor. That's why we'll talk about them in more detail. After all, before deciding which treadmill is best to choose for your home, you should familiarize yourself with its design.

The electric trainer consists of four main parts:

  • electric motor;
  • running belts;
  • control panels;
  • soundboards

The electric motor influences the speed of rotation of the blade; its power determines the maximum weight of a person allowed for exercise on the device.

The canvas is a tape put on a shaft and rotating in a ring. The dimensions of the canvas may be different. The optimal option is 50 centimeters width and 120 length.

Control Panel. There are various counters on it. One model of equipment may differ from another in that for some the pulse meter is located on the panel itself, while for others it clings to the earlobe. A person purchases the option that suits him best.

When choosing which treadmill is best for your home, don’t forget about the deck. Thanks to it, the impacts of the feet on the canvas are softened, and the load on the spine and joints is reduced.

Selecting a device

At first glance, it seems that purchasing a simulator is easy and simple. But this opinion is deceptive. It is best to go shopping with someone who understands this issue. If you don’t have such a friend, you’ll have to decide for yourself which treadmill is right for you at home. The most important criteria to pay attention to:

  • Determine what size device you need. Taller than a person, the length and width of the canvas are greater. If the exercise machine is purchased for the whole family, then the size of the canvas is selected for the largest one.
  • Decide which features you will need. If you practice from time to time, then a mechanical type device will do. When constantly training on a simulator, give preference to an electric one, with the ability to select programs.
  • Pay attention to engine power. The greater the person’s weight and the desired speed for exercise, the higher the power should be.
  • Don't forget about cushioning and heart rate monitoring.

What consumers say about choosing a simulator

Reviews from happy owners of this machine will help you determine which treadmill is best for your home. They know from experience what to look for.

A little more about what you should pay attention to

When deciding which treadmill is best for the home, users are advised to pay attention to the thickness of the fabric. It should be at least two and a half centimeters, and the tape itself should consist of two layers.

It is desirable that the frame be made of special aluminum. Thanks to this, the necessary shock absorption is achieved, and the frame is not subject to corrosion.

Do not forget about additional elements, we are talking about a security key.

Choose a track with double-sided fabric. You will increase the life of the simulator by turning the belt over, thereby saving money.

The simulator should not create a lot of noise and, of course, you should like it.

Pay attention to the movement of the canvas. It should be smooth, without jerking.

Of no small importance is ease of operation. The equipment should be easy to turn on, and programs should be switched without problems.

Which manufacturer is better

So, you have decided to purchase a trainer. We learned how to choose a treadmill for your home. Manufacturers offer the following options for purchase:

  • The most famous equipment in Italy is Torneo. It is characterized by high quality and a price to match. Engine power is from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of the trainee is no more than one hundred and thirty kilograms, you can change the angle of inclination of the belt, the number of programs from one to eight.
  • The Taiwanese manufacturer boasts the AeroFit exercise machine. The device can be used not only for simple training, but also for medical purposes. The engine has a power of one and a half to five horsepower, the weight of the athlete is no more than two hundred kilograms, the number of programs is about twenty. The angle of inclination can only be changed on expensive models.
  • The trainer made in Germany - Bremshey - has a wide range of functions. The equipment of this brand is used not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. Engine power is from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of the trainee is no more than one hundred and fifty kilograms, you can change the angle of inclination of the belt, the number of programs from six to twenty-three. Touch and chest sensors are available.
  • American manufacturers are proud of the Champion simulator. This brand attracts consumers with its thoughtful appearance and a large number of training programs. The engine has a power of two to three horsepower, and there are touch and chest sensors. The maximum weight of a trainee is no more than one hundred and forty kilograms.

As you can see, the variety of simulators is great. Which brand of treadmill for home is better is up to you to decide based on the above characteristics. Just remember to test the equipment before purchasing.

Another important criterion

And this, of course, is the cost. It is this measurement that in many cases is the main one when choosing a product. That is why it is worth considering this issue more seriously. Sometimes you can buy an expensive device, but you will find it uncomfortable to exercise on it, while you can train with pleasure on a cheaper one. So, what is the best treadmill for home? Is price a criterion for quality or not?

The most expensive exercise machines include the AeroFit brand. Its cost is around two thousand dollars. Although the product has a high price, there are also disadvantages. It takes up a lot of space, it cannot be folded, and the angle of the canvas will not change. The exception is models costing much higher than indicated.

The most budget option is the product - Torneo. Its cost is about six hundred conventional units. It is functional and inexpensive.

The price of the Bremshey and Champion models varies between one and a half thousand dollars.


The range of exercise equipment is great. Each manufacturer of this equipment tries to create a product that satisfies human needs. It is quite difficult to choose from a large number of models. By following all the recommendations given above, you will do everything right. The question of how to choose the right treadmill for your home will not confuse you.