Download the app for guitar lessons. Uberchord Guitar: the best app for guitar teachers

Internet tutorials

As a rule, for the query “guitar tutorial”, search services return hundreds of approximately identical sites that represent Internet analogues of paper publications. There's nothing wrong with that: guides like these can give you the necessary theoretical knowledge, teach you how to play songs using tablature and read chord fingerings.

  • GuitarProfy tutorial. Here you can find all the necessary theoretical basis for further self-development, a table of correspondences between notes on the stave and frets of the guitar, as well as examples of classical guitar works.
  • GuitarUser tutorial. A small textbook, written in simple language, that will teach you how to accompany your favorite compositions. Suitable for those who want to sing songs to friends with a guitar, but do not want to become a professional.


There are probably as many guitar tutorials on YouTube as there are text textbooks. We advise you to pay attention to those where lessons are taught by reputable musicians, or channels with a significant number of subscribers. For the rest, follow your personal preferences, and we will tell you about two popular Russian-language channels about guitar.

Pima Live

The channel of Anton and Alexey - two St. Petersburg residents who not only share tips on playing and learning, but also invite experts to give exclusive lessons, play instruments and post video reviews of guitars. There are videos for both beginners and advanced guitarists.


On this channel, guitarist Pavel posts thorough analyzes of popular compositions on acoustic guitar. The repertoire is wide: from pop hits by Max Korzh to the soundtrack from Interstellar.

Interest clubs "VKontakte"

With VKontakte groups, everything is more complicated: many advanced guitarists do not communicate in the community for beginners, but there are a lot of amateurs who consider themselves pros in such groups. We advise you to be skeptical about professional advice from groups and public pages. But similar interest clubs can be very useful in finding like-minded people, chords and tablatures for songs. Also in such groups you can almost always find advertisements for sales and purchases.

  • « Guitar lovers" One of the most popular guitar groups on VKontakte, with more than 120 thousand subscribers. The community has a wall where you can post questions that interest you.
  • « guitar player" Another group with an open wall and a variety of content related to guitar and music.
  • « Guitar and guitarists" Project of flamenco guitarist Alexander Kuindzhi. You cannot publish a post on the wall, but you can ask a question in the discussions.


Guitar Pro 7 /

A music editor familiar to many who have dealt with learning melodies from tablature. You can record your tracks of various instruments, export them to MIDI or print them. The program has a metronome, a function for displaying the staff and guitar neck, the ability to record any nuances of articulation and add effects. On the Internet you can find tablatures for Guitar Pro for any famous song. Special sites will help you with your search:

  • 911tabs. An aggregator site that searches the largest libraries of tablature and chords. Here you can find sheet music of all famous foreign songs and even many domestic compositions.
  • GTP-tabs. A huge archive of scores of Russian and foreign songs.

PreSonus Studio One 3 /

A useful experience for any guitarist is to listen to yourself from the outside. This requires special applications. DAW programs (sequencers) will help you record your compositions, mix guitar tracks and create accompaniment from virtual instruments. There are at least a dozen worthy sequencers. For beginners, we advise you to pay attention to PreSonus Studio One, Steinberg Cubase and Ableton Live.



An interactive tutorial that recognizes notes played on a guitar using a microphone. You can take lessons step by step or focus on learning songs from the library. The gameplay is reminiscent of Guitar Hero, only not colored circles light up in front of you, but numbers indicating the fret on the desired string. The free version of the game has limitations; a premium subscription will cost 332 rubles per month if purchased for a year.

Progress, in addition to constantly finding more and more new activities for people freed from the need to produce food, also allows us to make significant progress in organizing the process of learning to play the guitar. It’s worth saying here that with the help of modern gadgets and applications, you can develop both technology and theory.

Let's look at 5 applications, some of which did not even exist as physical devices some 50 years ago, and which are now available to literally every musician. I hope many of them are familiar to you, but if not, be sure to add them to your practice arsenal.

#1 Advanced metronome.

Nowadays, simply using a metronome will no longer surprise anyone; they are built into tuners or used as an application on the phone. Some inventive musicians go further and offer not just metronomes, but full-fledged ones at not very exorbitant prices. Separately, there are various applications for iPhone/Android, of which there are already several dozen, if not hundreds.

Just practicing with a metronome can get boring very quickly, so you can use an app or device that can perform more complex patterns. And then just try to use the idea:

  1. Start at a slow tempo with the metronome playing sixteenth notes. Play a rhythmic pattern or riff, and since sixteenth notes are constantly sounding, it will be quite easy for you to navigate in time.
  2. Switch the metronome to play eighth notes. The task should become a little more difficult for you if you are playing a sixteenth note pattern. But there will still be enough supporting eighth notes so you'll feel fairly comfortable.
  3. Switch to quarters. Now it will be even more difficult for you to keep up the pace, but you just need to try.
  4. Try with half notes and then whole notes. If the metronome can't do that, just use quarter notes and a tempo two or four times slower.

With a metronome that can play different beats, you can either develop your internal sense of rhythm according to the proposed scheme or come up with some of your own. For example, turn triplets on one beat to sixteenth notes on another and try to play the scale in the same pattern, and then switch to quarter notes in the same way.

No. 2 Programs for slowing down music

#3 video editing programs/video chats

Nowadays there are simply insane amounts of irradiating video available on the Internet. There is, of course, outright garbage, but there are also a lot of good video schools().

Now, if you don’t understand some part of the video, you can always load it into the video editor and play it in circles until you get tired of it. 20 years ago, this would have required the videotape to be completely erased; 50 years ago this would have been impossible, since there were no video schools or VCRs.

I added video chats like Skype here only because they are also related to video, but in essence it’s just a new tool for communicating with a teacher, no matter where you are. That is, you can study either with your friend from the next door, or with Greg Howe or Frank Gambale, depending on the budget, that’s the plot.

I consider this one of the best tools for developing a musician. Portable studios appeared en masse in the eighties, but were quite expensive. With the complete transition to digital and the increase in computer power, you can record a song at home.

With a DAW, you can write your game during class so that you can later point out your mistakes or take it to a friend or teacher for review. In a DAW, you can use plugins for slowing down, use various ones, make backing tracks or demos, shoot songs and then record your covers using it.

But the most interesting thing is that sound recording is becoming more and more mobile. See what you can do just with Garage Band on iPad and a small audio interface

5. Band-in-a-Box

At some point, there comes a time for every musician when they need to learn how to play songs. This can be solved quite easily now, since for almost all famous guitar compositions you can easily find a backing track.

If you don’t have enough practice with backing tracks, but at the same time you are not strong in writing your own backing tracks using a DAW, Band-in-a-Box becomes the best and, in fact, the only tool for you.

The application is available for PC or MAC platforms, and there is also a version for iPhone.

The main value of Band-in-a-Box is that it is truly a band inside your computer. All you need to do is select the style in which your composition should sound and set the chords (you can skip this step), an arrangement will be generated for you immediately. The application uses MIDI sounds from your sound card, so the sound will not be great, but no one is stopping you from then exporting the result to a MIDI file and loading it into your DAW, and then using the VST there.

In addition to simply arranging, Band-in-a-Box can be used to create melodies.

But what I found even more interesting was the learning function. I found several Jamiroquai backing tracks on the Internet, loaded them into Band-in-a-Box and now I use my Custom style for practice. I would like to think that when I improvise, JK musicians accompany me.

If you have anything to add to the list, share it in the comments.

The guitar has always been an attribute of a cheerful company, especially during the season of summer picnics and parties. And with the advent of new gadgets, learning to play the “friend” six-string is easier than ever. You just need to know what applications exist for guitarists for this, which this article will help you figure out.

Tuner Guitar tuna

So, you've decided to learn to play the guitar. To do this, take your mobile phone or tablet - no matter what operating system it has - and download the Guitar tuna tuner. A tuner is a program that allows you to tune musical instruments to the desired pitch. The tuner works as follows: it “compares” the sounds coming from the instrument with a standard value using a built-in sensor. There are tuners that are produced in the form of receivers, and others in the form of applications.

The most popular Internet tuner that still exists is Guitar tuna. This is an easy-to-use, simple and, most importantly, free tuner. How to use it? Very simple. Bring your mobile device to the guitar and use the app to tune the guitar. After checking and tightening the strings, you can safely start playing. The tuner will periodically give you hints to help you perfect your guitar playing. It automatically recognizes the string number and allows you to play in different keys. Perfect for both acoustic and electric guitars. The only drawback is that the tuner is not resistant to external noise.

Tablators Songsterr, GuitarToolkit, Real Guitar, Songsterr Guitar Tabs, Wild Chords

Having tuned your guitar, it's time to start learning chords and understanding tablature. A tabulator will help you cope with this task. This is a recording diagram that depicts the strings of a guitar, the division is the same as the fret numbers. There are a lot of tabulator applications. One of the most popular - Songsterr for all platforms. It has an impressive database of songs, a clear, user-friendly design, an off-line mode, sorting songs by category and much more. The tabulator has a built-in player that sounds tabs, which can easily play against the background of other musical instruments. A group of musicians will definitely like this.

GuitarToolkit- an application for beginner guitarists, another popular online tabulator. Initially, the application was created for recording notes, but over time the creators decided to transform it into a tablator. Convenient service, large database of chords - 200 thousand, metronome, arpeggios, scales. Supports all types of guitars there are. Available only for the iOS platform.

is another guitar app for iOS and Android that contains chord diagrams. Can be used as a tuning fork when neither a tuner nor an experienced musician is at hand.

Songsterr Guitar Tabs— an application for tuning a guitar and downloading tabs for songs. Available on all platforms. The database contains half a million records. The application allows you to change musical instruments, select your own tempo of sound - in a word, do everything to ensure that your attempts to learn to play the guitar are crowned with success.

is a game app that can be considered an invaluable contribution for beginners who don't want to cram complex chords. Created for the iOS platform. The essence of the game is as follows. You are its main character, who has to complete a simple task - to collect the animals that escaped from the zoo. Each animal responds to a certain sound of the guitar, so before starting the game you need to pick up the guitar and collect the fugitives. When an escaped crocodile or hippopotamus appears on the screen of your gadget, the chord that needs to be played is displayed below for the animal to get back to the zoo. This way, you will gradually begin to learn many chords without resorting to boring cramming. I must say that the application is paid - it costs 799 rubles in the AppStore.

Guitar Lessons for Beginners is a way to learn guitar and guitar for beginners, learn to play guitar in an easy and fun way for beginning guitarists. This app also includes acoustic guitar lessons, electric guitar lessons, basic guitar lessons, acoustic guitar for beginners, guitar lessons for beginners, learning to play guitar, if you have a strong desire, you can play the guitar. Feel free to download this application. We have the best way to learn to play guitar and learn how to play guitar, you don't have to worry to go out and search for guitar lessons or guitar lessons near me. Guitar and guitar for beginners are in this application. We will show bass guitar lessons in the next application, refer to our developer profile to see our other applications. Blues guitar lessons, guitar lessons for kids, classical guitar lessons, guitar lessons near me. Guitar instructor, guitar course, guitar school, learn to play acoustic guitar, learning to play guitar

Basic guitar chord and all the chords we have listed for beginner to make it easier to understand guitar lessons for beginners

Good day, gentlemen, guitarists!

I bring to your attention very useful guitar programs:

1.Guitar Tuner

Audio Phonics Guitar Tuner is a fast and accurate guitar tuner. Thanks to the unique pitch detection technology, this program is able to accurately determine the notes of a melody with a delay of no more than 50 milliseconds.

The stability of the program is ensured by the tone detection algorithm, which automatically adapts to the actions of the processor. It has a beautiful interface and is easy to use. Two versions of the program are offered for download:

2. Master Pro is a program for hearing development.

A great gift for those who are “touched on the ear” or those who feel they need to improve their ear for music. Starting with simple exercises and moving to more complex ones, you will develop and strengthen the ability to correctly determine the pitch of any note, a sense of rhythm, and be able to understand intervals.

3. RAS.Songbook is a songbook program.

Intended exclusively for guitarists, which need to store a lot of lyrics and chords of songs.
With its help, you can organize your archive alphabetically, add, edit and conveniently view chords (in colors) and comments to songs that are stored in separate files (txt) and folders.

4. Akkords Maximal – collection of songs.

And yet this program, which contains a database of chords, tablatures, as well as lyrics of domestic and foreign songs. It has a simple graphical interface, small size, but a huge number of songs. This version of the program contains approximately 5200 selections of songs.

5. Guitar Pro is a tablature editor.

The most popular and perhaps the most convenient MIDI tablature editor in the world. Needed more for guitarists. The program reproduces the score in musical notation and, in addition, makes it possible to see it all in detail in a graphic drawing - the neck of a guitar or the keys of a piano.

This is a chord generator and tutorials, a metronome and a digital tuner. for guitar and a great coach for game speed.

It is possible to import and export in formats: MIDI and ASCII (text)

In the version - Guitar Pro 5 - the possibilities for exporting and printing have significantly increased, and the range of guitar articulation techniques has been significantly expanded. But still the most important thing! – completely new sound (Realistic Sound Engine).

In the new version - Guitar Pro 6 - all the capabilities of the above-described predecessors - previous versions, as well as the weight itself, have significantly increased programs. (150 Mb) and this is without sound banks.

Guitar.Pro.v5.1.rar / Download! (10.2 Mb)

6. Guitar effects:

Native Instruments Guitar Rig is a very powerful guitar software processor that can replace most of the equipment and gadgets that modern guitarists use during their rehearsals in the studio and performances in front of the public.

The program combines classic and modern amplifiers (4 legs using "Dynamic Tube Response" technology), effects (more than 20, including the classic "pedal"), combos (14 types) and microphones (4 types). This allows you to quickly set up your desired recording environment.

The second version of Guitar Rig, according to users, has significantly improved the sound quality and expanded its base of various settings.

Also includes additional plugins.

(28.4 Mb) File downloaded 4109 times.

(183 Mb) File downloaded 8185 times.

7.Guitar FX Box- Effect – processor for electric guitar.

It also contains a large number of different effects (such as echo, phaser, distortion, etc.), it is possible to record to the accompaniment of a wav file, a built-in tuner and much more.