The most famous KVN players are men. Life after KVN - who became famous

This year the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. The game has not lost its popularity over all these years. On the contrary, every year more and more new teams come to festivals, each city tries to create its own local league, and many players begin to play well from school. is the president of the club, and for many players he has become a godfather in the profession. We invite you to remember the most successful KVN participants.

Mikhail Galustyan

The participant and captain of the “Burnt by the Sun” team was immediately remembered by all KVN viewers. He is extremely charismatic and funny. Mikhail was also the author of many jokes, which brought the team the title of champions of the KVN Major League in 2003.

Now Mikhail is a showman, comedian, actor, screenwriter and producer. The project with his participation “Our Russia” became a real hit. Mikhail regularly appears in films and is involved in producing activities.

Alexander Revva

Another player of the “Burnt by the Sun” team on our list of successful KVN participants. Alexander began playing in KVN as part of the Donetsk team “Yellow Jackets”. Having accidentally found himself in Sochi in 2000, the artist appeared on the festival stage as part of a new team.

It was thanks to the fame and acquaintances that the game brought him that Alexander was able to achieve success. Now he is a resident of the Comedy Club, a TV presenter, records songs on behalf of Arthur Pirozhkov and acts in Russian films. In 2010, the artist opened a restaurant in Moscow.

Garik Martirosyan

The popular showman, producer and comedian began playing in the Merry and Resourceful club as part of the “New Armenians” team. The team became the champion of the Major League under the leadership of Garik.

The talented artist became one of the main authors of the “Burnt by the Sun” team. Currently, Garik Martirosyan often appears as a presenter in the most popular television shows and acts as a producer of many successful projects.

Semyon Slepakov

After KVN, Dmitry and his colleagues became a member of the Comedy Club, and a year later he was invited to the Comedy Woman show. Now the artist is acting in films and is a co-host of the “Evening Urgant” project.

Alexander Gudkov

Another participant in the popular show “Comedy Woman”, who became popular thanks to his performance in KVN. was the captain of the Fedor Dvinyatin team, which became the bronze medalist of the Major League.

Alexander hosts a number of popular shows on central television channels, voiced two cartoon characters and owns the men's hairdressing salon “Boy Cut”.

Ekaterina Varnava

She became famous thanks to her play in the team “Team of Small Nations”. There she met her future colleagues and became famous. Her team was unable to achieve the championship, but Ekaterina herself was remembered by the audience.

Now the girl is one of the leading actresses of the Comedy Woman show. In addition, she dances professionally, which helps her maintain an amazing figure and stage dance numbers in shows.

Olga Kartunkova

The captain of the Gorod Pyatigorsk team is a very bright personality. It was she who was able to become the first girl captain who led her team to victory in the KVN Major League.

Olga Kartunkova continues her humorous career, she stars in the show “Once Upon a Time in Russia,” writes scripts and acts in feature films.

Svetlana Permyakova

She played in KVN since 1992, but then her team was eliminated after the first round. Eight years later, she returned as part of the Parma team and managed to achieve success. Her image of a narrow-minded vocational school student pleased the audience.

KVN gave a start to the artist’s career. Svetlana began to be invited to films, TV series and television projects. One of her best roles can be called Lyuba in the TV series “Interns.”


The popular Russian singer also began her path to fame in the Merry and Resourceful club. Despite her young age (the girl was only 11 years old), she became a full member of the Novosibirsk State University team.

Pelageya is called “the symbol of a resurgent Russia”; her work was admired by many other influential people around the planet. She has released 6 albums and is the most beloved mentor in the popular show "".

15 chosen

They played in KVN... For what? They say, to make everyone happier and more cheerful. Or maybe simply because for these people there was no entertainment more interesting than coming up with jokes and performing them in front of the audience. Or maybe because they understood: The college game is a good start for a career in television. In any case, many famous KVN players did not disappear anywhere after they left the game: some successfully implement their television projects, others write scripts for them, others host them, and others take part. A striking example of this is literature teacher and former KVN student Pavel Volya, who, I suspect, has not worked a single day in his specialty (except perhaps during compulsory student practice). Today is the famous showman's birthday. Let's see what the rest of the graduates are doing KVN schools.

But first, a little about the birthday boy. There's no point in talking about what he's doing now- Perhaps only those happy people who live without a TV do not know this. But few people can remember his past, somewhat naive performances as part of the Penza team "Valeon Dasson." I remind you.

Actually The tradition of moving from KVN to television or show business is not new at all: it existed in the 70s, and in the 80s, and in the 90s. Just remember Yuliy Gusman, Arkady Inin, Leonid Yakubovich, Sergei Sivokho. All of them received a technical or natural science education and all of them fell into creativity: scripts, directing, creating and hosting show programs. The only difference is that then KVN “graduates” began to write scripts for Gaidaev’s films, and now for new Russian TV series.

Aleksey Kortnev and Valdis Pelsh once met in the KVN team of Moscow State University. As a result, Kortnev did not finish his studies at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, but together with a friend he created the musical and humorous group “Accident”, which still enjoys fooling around in show business.

The programs created by KVN players are also not a fashion trend. The first such program was the already forgotten "Gentleman Show", created by team members "Odessa gentlemen". After them, the television space was conquered by the creators "OSP-Studio": The broadcast was made by people from different, sometimes opposing, teams: "Magma", NSU and "1 LMI". A former KVN opponents Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats even became spouses in their post-KVN life. And created a new show "Good jokes", inviting a former Novosibirsk KVN player there Alexandra Pushnogo, who delights the audience with his improvisations.

A famous singer once played on the same team with Pushny PelagiaThe 11-year-old girl at that time was the youngest participant in the game in its history.

However, at that time these were still one-time projects; the massive expansion of KVN talents onto television began in the middle of the last decade thanks to the well-known TV show Comedy Club. It has grown into its own production, releasing under its own label a huge number of subsidiary humorous programs that can employ almost all famous KVN players. For example, a program was created especially for KVN women Comedy Woman. Don't let your talents go to waste!

However, nothing prevents those KVN members who do not fit into the Comedy Club format from creating their own projects. For example, in a comedy show "Give You Youth!" almost entirely done by people from the team "Maximum". This program is a collection of sketches, some of which are quite successful. In one of the columns, for example, they parody activists of youth political movements.

And the team "Ural dumplings", while creating its projects, completely retained its composition and name. For example, in the show of the same name.

KVN “graduates” are increasingly crowding out the so-called “professionals” from television screens – actors, directors, producers and screenwriters. They host programs, come up with new programs, write scripts for films and TV series. Even those whom we do not often see on screen are usually present behind it in the role of screenwriters and producers of projects. "Interns", "Univer", "Daddy's Daughters" and many other series came from the pen "cheerful and resourceful."

True, I can’t say that I like all the projects of former KVN members. And some of them are downright disappointing. Maybe I've grown up, or maybe they've gotten younger. Or maybe the point is that no one can write quality jokes in a conveyor belt. And what do you think?

What is your favorite KVN player? Do you like what he's doing now?

KVN participants connected their lives with humor. Even after their path in the Major League on Channel One ended, they created new humorous platforms, succeeded and became rich.
Let's see who the KVN stars have become over the years.

1. The “New Armenians” team was formed in 1994, they have repeatedly become finalists in the KVN Major League

The lives of many participants changed dramatically after the game; they became popular and rich. The most famous members of the “New Armenians” team: Garik Martirosyan, Arman Saghatelyan, Artur Janibekyan.

Garik Martirosyan has been a captain since the 1997 season. One of the authors of Comedy Club.

Host of popular TV shows on TNT, as well as on other channels: “Minute of Fame”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “ProjectorParisHilton”. Co-author and producer of “Our Russia”, “Eggs of Destiny”
In 2012, Forbes estimated Martirosyan's wealth at $2.8 million.

Arman Saghatelyan - captain until the 1997 season.

He is a public relations specialist, in 2013 he became the press secretary of the President of Armenia, in 2016 he was appointed to the position of executive director of the Public Radio Company of Armenia

Arthur Janibekyan has been the head of the Gazprom-Media Entertainment Television sub-holding since 2015 and the general director of the TNT television channel since 2016. Can you imagine the scale of his fees?

2. “KhAI” - KVN team of the Kharkov Aviation Institute, champion of the KVN Major League in 1995

Most of the team members connected their lives with KVN forever. After the games on central television, they began editing local and regional teams.

The most popular of the team is Andrey Chivurin.

He was the editor of the Higher League of KVN in 1996-2012 and the Higher Ukrainian League of KVN, currently the editor of the show “League of Laughter”, screenwriter

3. “Makhachkala Tramps” - KVN team of Dagestan State University, champion of the KVN Major League in 1996

Shaban Muslimov - team captain

He created the writers' agency "Guild of Authors". Head of the production company “Russian Pictures”. The author of the script and director of the series “Happy Together”. Participated in many projects: “The Return of Mukhtar” (RTR), “My Fair Nanny” (STS). He wrote scripts for many shows, such as: “Star Factory” (Channel One), “Song of the Year” (Channel One), “TEFI” ceremony and others.

Khalil Musaev - actor. Active participant in the projects “Mountaineers from the Mind” and “Give You Youth!”

After KVN, Karen Mkrtchyan became involved in social activities.

General Director of the Youth Culture Center in Makhachkala, Director of the State Budgetary Institution “Dagestan-Concert”. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan Helps Dagestan KVN teams.

4. “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” - an association of students from Tomsk and Barnaul. In 1997, “Children” became the champions of the Major League

Peter Vince began his film career after KVN

After the games, Peter began his film career - he starred in the films “The Day of the Hamster, or Russian Happiness,” “Hello, We Are Your Roof,” “The Best 3D Film,” “The Steel Butterfly,” “The Nightingale the Robber,” “The Invisibles,” and in TV series “Who’s the boss”, “The house that the housing office built”

Vitaly Gasaev - one of the voices of the team

He sang in the rock group “Jolly Roger”, and began his solo career when he won the “Show-Transit” competition for young performers in Novosibirsk. In 1995, he played the role of Judas in the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar.” Over the course of 19 years, he has released 9 solo albums and still tours with concerts throughout Russia.

Dmitry Nikulin is engaged in touring activities

Involved in TV projects, works in the theater. Participated in the shows “33 square meters”, “Despite the Records” and the TV show “Thank God you came!”

Alexander Pushnoy is the most famous member of the team

He is known as the creator of the “APOZH” competition in the “Good Jokes” program, the host of the “Galileo”, “Who is smarter than a fifth-grader?”, “Song of the Day” programs. Now he is engaged in scoring films, writing music for computer games, and hosting rock festivals.

5. “Ural dumplings” - a creative association from Yekaterinburg, a program of the same name on STS, winners of the KVN Major League in 2000

Sergey Svetlakov left the team to pursue his own projects

One of the founders of the Comedy Club in Russia. Host of the show “ProjectorParisHilton”, jury of “Dancing” and “Comedy Battle”. He appears in an advertisement for the mobile operator Beeline. Participant in the humorous show “Ural Dumplings”, “Comedy Club”, in the role of old man Mitrich on the TNT channel. He starred in the films “Eggs of Destiny”, “Christmas Trees”.

Andrey Rozhkov, author of the script “Big Difference”, participant in the projects “Southern Butovo”, “Unreal Story”, of course, the “dumplings” show on STS

Sergei Netievsky founded First Hand Media in 2012, after which he produced successful humorous sitcoms

He is the producer, author and presenter of “Ear of Moscow”, “Ural Dumplings”, creative producer of the sketch show “Unreal Story”, screenwriter of the feature film “Freaks” (2010).
By decision of the team meeting, he was removed from the post of director of Ural Dumplings, but appealed this decision in court.

Sergey Ershov - participant of “Ural dumplings” on STS

Known for his role in the series “Real Boys”, participation in the project “Money. Sex. Radiculitis". In March 2014, he opened a European-level nightclub in Yekaterinburg called “Hills 18/36”.

Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina - model, actress. She was a TV presenter on local channels and a weather forecaster.

In 2016, to participate in the elections of State Duma deputies, she put forward her candidacy for the preliminary vote of United Russia. Under pressure from the regional administration and at the request of the Yekaterinburg Metropolitan, she withdrew her candidacy from the elections.

Dmitry Brekotkin often appears on all television screens, since since 2013 he has been the face of Tricolor TV advertising

He played various roles in “Thank God, you came!”, “Show News”, “Very Russian Detective”, “Give You Youth!”, “Big Difference”, “Southern Butovo” and other humorous programs.

6. “Burnt by the Sun” twice became winners of the Major League

Mikhail Galustyan and Alexander Revva are one of the most famous KVN duets. They have produced successful miniatures that are still loved by millions of viewers.

After the games, both of them became participants in various humorous programs. Alexander Revva - resident of the Moscow "Comedy Club", jury of "One to One", singer - Arthur Pirozhkov, producer.
Mikhail Galustyan acted as a producer of the films “Nannies”, “That Carloson!”, “Ticket to Vegas”, “A Gift with Character”, “8 New Dates”, “Left One”, is also a resident of the “Comedy Club”, acts in films .

7. “County City” - team of the cities of Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, champion of the Major League 2002

Sergey Pisarenko and Evgeny Nikishin are another creative duo who continue to work together.

Both act in films.
From October 2010 to February 20, 2011 they hosted the program “Laughter in the Big City”, since 2012 - “Parade of Porads” on the New Channel (Ukraine), “Be a Man” (Perets).

Stanislav Yarushin - showman, actor

He stars in the TV series “Univer” in the role of Anton Martynov. Host of the programs “Big City” (STS), “Color of the Nation” (STS), “Everything is our way!” (STS), “Yesterday Live” on the First.

8. “Odessa Gentlemen” - KVN team of Odessa State University. Champions of two seasons

Oleg Filimonov is the winner of the “Golden Ostap”, TEFI, “Teletriumph” awards, laureate of the international festival of satire and humor “Master Gumbs”, at which he was awarded an honorary prize - a personal “twelfth” golden chair

He is the author of the script for the television programs “Naked and Funny” (Inter, Peretz) and “Pranksters” (Peretz).

Svyatoslav Pelishenko was the team captain.

Subsequently, he won the TEFI television award as a screenwriter for the television program “Town” (2007), presenter, and starred in episodes of various TV series
Svetlana Fabrikant currently holds the position of head of the regional headquarters of the Strong Ukraine party. Before that, she worked for a long time at the TC “My Odessa”, and was the general director.

9. “Guys from Baku” - Azerbaijani KVN team from Baku. Champions of the 1992 season

Timur Weinstein holds the post of general producer of NTV Television Company JSC

Member of the Academy of Russian Television, Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts, member of the board of the Association of Film and Television Producers. Member of the board of trustees of the Moscow Film School. He is a producer of more than 150 projects, most of which were shown in prime time on the largest Russian television channels.

Bahram Arif oglu Bagirzadeh - comedian, director, presenter.

Member of the Union of Cinematographers, as well as the Association of Cartoonists of Azerbaijan
He publishes glossy magazines in Baku, his own books, and acts in films.

People always strive to get away from everyday worries and hassles. Various activities will help them with this, allowing them to relax both soul and body. To lift your spirits, you can visit the entertainment center, sauna, etc. But there is another option. You can turn on the TV at a certain time and watch a humorous TV show, such as KVN, “Stand-up” and much more.

Favorite show of many generations

The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful is a humorous program, a game of several teams. They perform in front of the audience, competing in wit. Participants are asked various tricky questions, the answers to which should please both the audience and the jury.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of club this is, let's list some KVN teams, a list of their participants and the years when they gained popularity. Among them there are those that hold their own and continue to be interesting to fans for several decades.

Famous KVN teams, list of KVN players

There are several alliances of teams called leagues. The central leagues include: Higher, Premier, First, Slobozhanskaya, Ural, Northern, Ryazan, Volga region and others. Interregional ones include: Dnieper, Pacific, Astana, Caucasus, Polesie and so on.

In 1986, the KVN Major League appeared. Most often on television you can see games of teams that are included in it. The host of the KVN program is Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. His son leads the Premier League. His name is Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov. Since 1987, more than 200 teams have participated in the Major League. And the Club of the cheerful and resourceful is not going to stop there.

List of KVN (Major League) teams

In different years, the following teams participated in the Major League:

  1. Moscow Engineering Construction Institute. They performed three times.
  2. Engineering and Construction Institute of Voronezh. The team played 3 games and advanced to the semi-finals.
  3. Sevastopol Instrument-Making Institute. They delighted the audience and the jury with two performances.
  4. Chemical-Technological Institute of Moscow. We played 4 games. We made it to the finals).
  5. Team "Ural wipers" of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. This is one of the record holders. The team took part in 7 games and reached the final.
  6. Odessa State University "Odessa Gentlemen". We played 8 games and became champions.

In subsequent years, teams from Dnepropetrovsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Ural universities, MGIMO, Medical Institute in Ivanovo and Aviation Institute in Kharkov participated in the league. As well as other educational institutions.

Winners of Major League games

Novosibirsk (NSU) became champions in 1987-1988. In 1989 - Kharkovites, in 1995 - the "Squadron of Hussars" team.

The 2001 champion was the team of the Belarusian State University. The year 2002 brought good luck to the famous “District City”. In 2003, “Burnt by the Sun” (Sochi) won. 2006 was a successful year for the team

Over the past decade, the champions have been: “Ordinary People” (MEU), “MaximuM” (TSU), the “PriMa” team (Kursk), the Krasnodar Territory team, “SOK” from Samara, “Triod and Diode” (Smolensk), “City of Pyatigorsk”, “Union” (Tyumen), Team of Kamyzyak region, “Asia MIX” (Bishkek).

Let's list the 2017 KVN teams.

The following reached the finals:

  1. "Radio Liberty" (Yaroslavl).
  2. "Sparta" (Astana).
  3. Team of the Great Moscow State Circus.
  4. Team “Buns named after Yaroslav Hasek” (Tver).

The following reached the semi-finals:

  1. Georgian team.
  2. "Player" (Tambov).
  3. “Benevolent Roman” (St. Petersburg).
  4. Team of the Kaliningrad region.
  5. "Russian Road" (Armavir).
  6. Team of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

The list of KVN teams can be divided by country. For example: Russia has 154 teams. Ukraine has 37. Kazakhstan is represented by 6 teams. Belarus - 6, Georgia - 5, Armenia - 3, Azerbaijan - 2. Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan - one team each.

Russia became the champion 21 times, Ukraine - 5, Armenia -3, Belarus - 2.

The audience especially remembered: “Ural Dumplings”, “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”, “New Armenians”, “Burnt by the Sun”, “County Town”, “Only Girls in Jazz”, RUDN University, “Makhachkala Tramps”, “Four Tatars” and some other.

Some members of KVN teams (the list with photos can be seen below) have become very popular. They are invited to various TV shows. Everyone's favorite Sergei Svetlakov, the inimitable Mikhail Galustyan, the charming Garik Martirosyan, Dmitry Brekotkin, Ararat Keshchyan and others. Cheeky humor and witty statements have become their calling card.

Jury members

All games are judged by people who are close to television and understand what it means to have a sharp mind, artistry and stage presence. Just saying a “smart” thing is not a victory. Participants must present themselves in the best possible way, get used to this or that role.

The jury evaluates the teams' performances and gives them marks.

You can often see such famous figures as Leonid Yakubovich, Igor Vernik, Valdis Pelsh, Leonid Yarmolnik, Mikhail Efremov and others as judges.

The list of KVN teams is updated annually. I would like to hope that the new participants will delight the audience with interesting jokes and sketches, just like the old ones. The program Club of Cheerful and Resourceful is one of the most favorite programs not only of the adult generation, but also of children.