The most unusual hobbies of people in the world. Human hobbies: the newest and most unusual hobbies! Filing claims in court

Friends, today I want to talk not about drug addiction. Yesterday, while sorting out my closet, I accidentally came across an album with icons, which I had long forgotten about. This was my first hobby... such a sweet childhood memory... Hobbies are different for everyone, everyone has their own...

Do you remember what you collected? For example, my brother raved about stamps, my son bought dinosaur figurines from all the stores, and my niece collects “impressions” by traveling to different countries. But I’m curious, what are the most interesting hobbies in the world?
It seems to me that for a modern person, a hobby is a kind of outlet that allows him to stop being a responsible employee, an employee of a serious organization, a boss, even a family man, to relieve himself of the burden of obligations and remain a child who selflessly sorts out colorful candy wrappers from a “secret” box , covering his head with a blanket.

Of course, “candy wrappers” can be very, very expensive, and some interesting hobbies definitely cannot be placed in a box or even covered with a blanket, however, the essence remains the same - a person does something for himself that is pleasant and interesting only to him .

A hobby is not always about gathering and collecting; it can be intangible, but in any case it develops the personality. Hobbies are different for everyone.

There are many different hobbies, but I will rank those that seem interesting to me personally. And you can find ideas for your hobby.

Collecting fragrances

Many girls collect fragrances

This is a very exciting hobby for girls, which can have several subtypes: you can collect perfume bottles, especially such rarities as products by Lalique and other famous artists, you can selflessly look for well-preserved vintages, tiny miniatures, perfume boxes, and also compare ancient scents with their modern descendants.

The most interesting thing for me is to use my collection according to my mood, then it becomes a real hobby, and not just an accumulation of bottles and boxes that become covered with dust in a chest of drawers. Personally, I like vintage perfumes, especially rare scents that don’t “hit your nose” on public transport and don’t seem monotonous and flat. Each such smell transports you to its own era and makes you try on the image of that time.

Construction of houses of cards

Building houses from cards

This extremely meditative activity is akin to contemplating a candle flame or flowing water. At the same time, as my beloved Hercule Poirot said, “when I work with my hands, the gray matter begins to function much better.”

Indeed, fine motor skills develop memory and contribute to the acuity of perception, and precise hand gestures force one to focus on movements. This unloads the brain and makes it possible to solve problems that have been tormenting you for a long time. And what can be done from such simple objects as ordinary playing cards can surprise even experienced architects. I think this hobby is more suitable for men.

An original hobby is breeding crickets

In China, this is one of the most ancient and beloved hobbies. Here special cages are built for these insects, in many cases resembling real palaces. Insects are bred for their singing - crickets chirp surprisingly melodiously in the evenings and at night. It has a fascinating effect on people - real music of nature.

By the way, it’s quite possible to try this hobby here too - crickets are sold in pet stores, keeping and feeding them is very simple, just sprinkle them with a handful of oatmeal, and regularly “toss” a cabbage leaf or lettuce.

Making beaded jewelry

Beading has become a wonderful hobby for girls

And this activity works like meditation, especially knitting and weaving beaded cords and plaits. Monotonous hand movements leave the brain free to work, and it successfully thinks over the current situation, and the subconscious, “breaking free,” chooses the most correct decision.

In addition to psychological relief, beading makes it possible to obtain unique jewelry, which is now very popular and fashionable. The ancient art of bead weaving is being revived and is becoming a much sought after hobby throughout the world.

Embroidery of paintings and icons with beads, beads, pearls and semi-precious stones

Embroidering pictures as a hobby

This type of hobby arose along with the passion for beadwork, but in Rus', icon frames have been embroidered with small northern pearls since ancient times. This is very painstaking work, but it is a real creative process, although it is carried out by people who are sometimes very far from art or church canons.

Beaded paintings and icons are unique designer items that can be not just a hobby, but also a source of significant profit. Many collectors are happy to purchase such valuable and unusual paintings. Just imagine what a great gift this would be for the boss! By the way, I wrote about what to give to the boss, who, as a rule, has everything. Be curious!

Construction of models from scrap materials

An interesting hobby for men is building models

This hobby usually comes from childhood. Many boys and girls made chests of drawers from shoe boxes, built models of airplanes and ships, made toy furniture and even houses from matches.

Having survived into adulthood, this love becomes an interesting hobby, and some masters become real artists, creating unique works of art from pine cones, branches, bark, pieces of fabric, boxes, clay and even salt dough.

Breeding house plants

Growing orchids is an exciting hobby for women

Perhaps this is one of the most common and popular hobbies. However, it can be complicated by growing, for example, orchids in an apartment.

These are exceptionally beautiful flowers that retain their decorative value for up to 9 months. Many orchids can adapt well to living conditions in an apartment, for example, butterfly orchids - phalaenopsis. For others, you will need to equip special greenhouses or create conditions similar to their native climate. But with good care, these exotic plants will thank their owners with lush, rich and luxurious flowering.

Breeding mini-orchids deserves special attention. They are quite rare in culture, but do not take up much space; the collection can fit even in a very modest room.

Feeding birds and stray animals

This is one of the most noble and selfless hobbies. Such people deserve all gratitude and respect, because for the most part it is not rich people who do this. They spend their personal savings on animal feed, making sure that they always have water and food in cold weather and hot weather.

Vitsin loved feeding pigeons

One of these bright people was the wonderful Soviet actor Georgy Vitsin, who was very fond of pigeons. Being already a very old man, he walked the streets of Moscow every day, and his pigeons literally flew behind him in flocks. He always had seeds and bread in his pockets for his pets.

Such people take care of stray dogs and cats, placing them with new owners and helping to treat them if the animals are sick. If there were more such people, it seems to me that there would be less cruelty towards our smaller brothers.

Girls usually collect toys

Some people collect porcelain dolls, others collect robots and transformers. This hobby also comes from childhood and it brings no less joy to an adult than at five years old. Then a gift of a doll or a car gave a feeling of boundless happiness, and this feeling remains the same now. Each thing found is another little life lived, a reminder of a long-gone and forgotten time.

This type of hobby allows not only to satisfy the owner’s desire to own some rarities, but also preserves for posterity many things that might have been lost.


This wonderful and useful hobby can become a passion and the meaning of your whole life. It has many different types - from the desire to visit as many different countries as possible to extreme types of tourism.

Extreme tourism is a hobby for real men

Wilderness survival has become very popular lately. A person goes to the desert, jungle, taiga or to a desert island with a minimum number of things, and most often with only a knife, and tries to live there without help for a certain period of time. Of course, this hobby is not for everyone, but people like Bear Grylls and his show “Lost” force real men and strong-willed women to risk their lives to prove that a person has almost limitless possibilities.

Collecting sand

Not all people know that sand from different parts of the world and different places differs not only in composition, but also in texture, color and shades. From glass bottles with sand samples from all over the globe you can create an amazingly beautiful composition, because there is even black sand in the world. It is formed by ancient lava rocks, which, under the influence of air and soil erosion over millions of years, have turned into entire beaches of black sand.

There are several masters in the world who create amazing paintings from multi-colored sand. Interest in collecting sand was also spurred by a massive outbreak of sand animation classes.


A great hobby for girls is making rolls

This is one of the most delicious and useful hobbies, and even with a huge selection of topics. You can collect cookbooks or recipes, collect and cook only exotic dishes, or revive ancient recipes of national cuisine.

You can get carried away with cooking meat dishes or bake amazing sweets, master the intricacies of making sushi and sashimi, bake bread in a Russian oven or prepare kvass with sbiten. This hobby will bring great benefits to your family, friends and acquaintances, because they will be fed the fruits of your labor - the most refined and delicious dishes.

Embroidery with gold and silver thread is a great hobby for women

The art of embroidery with the finest gold and silver thread is a rather expensive and rare hobby.

In the old days, this type of art was mainly owned by women from high society and nuns in nunneries. Nowadays there is no longer any need to pull a thread from real gold and silver; there are excellent, durable and beautiful threads made from artificial materials. But the works they embroidered look no less luxurious than ancient samples.

This hobby requires high skill and skill, as well as excellent patience and perseverance, as well as good eyesight, because it is very painstaking and slow work. But the resulting result may surprise you with its beauty and unusualness.

Collecting salt samples

Many people will be surprised by this type of hobby - they say, salt is salt in Africa. Of course, its composition is almost identical everywhere. However, there are many varieties of salt, natural or obtained through special processes. There is smoked and peppered salt, with the aroma of raspberry and lemongrass, sugar-white and black, sea and fossil, table and holy - Thursday.

Salt is a unique substance, without which there is no life and any food loses its taste and attractiveness.

Yes Yes! Such a hobby exists! Look.

Pumpkin carving is an interesting and rare hobby

Artwork by Ray Willafen

A year ago, Ray was invited to the White House to carve a pumpkin for Halloween!

For me these are the most interesting hobbies. And for you? Let's share our hobbies! Send photos of your collections. I will definitely publish them on the blog.

After a person stops using alcohol or drugs, after a while there is a vacuum that the hobby helps fill. Any narcologist will confirm: to overcome one addiction more easily, you need to replace it with another. For example, dependence on work, a beloved woman, a child, someone goes to church. And some of my former patients have found a new interesting hobby.

Unfortunately, today not everyone can afford to travel during their vacation. Alas, this is the reality. And here your favorite hobby will come to your aid. Be sure to read the article on my blog. You will find a lot of interesting things for yourself!

Whatever your hobby, the main thing is that it does not turn into aimless collecting and does not take away strength, money and health from your family. Only then will a hobby be useful when it brings joy and benefit to others. Do you agree?

What people can come up with to have fun and pass the time! In this list you will find seven of the most unusual hobbies in the world.

1. Filing claims in court

Court is something that many, at least sensible people, try to avoid, but not Jonathan Lee Riches, who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most litigious person in the world. He is currently serving time for fraud in a federal prison in Kentucky.

In pursuit of “legal masterpieces,” Riches has filed 2,600 lawsuits in various federal district courts from 2006 to the present day. The targets of his litigiousness included former US President George W. Bush, Somali pirates, the disappeared American labor leader Jimmy Hoffa, Holocaust survivors, the Roman Empire and even Buddhist monks. Jonathan Lee Riches has also sued various scientific ideas and inanimate objects, including the Lincoln Memorial, the Dark Ages and the Eiffel Tower.

2. Collecting ecstasy

In 2009, the police in the city of Irbeek (Netherlands) received a strange call: a 46-year-old man reported that an unknown person had stolen a collection of ecstasy from his home, which was stored in coin albums and numbered more than 2,400 tablets.

According to the victim, he himself never used drugs and was well aware that his unusual hobby was illegal. The man decided to report to the police for the simple reason that several dozen tablets in his stolen collection were poisonous.

The Irbik authorities did not press charges against him due to a lack of direct evidence. The man said that he no longer hopes to see his amphetamine collection again.

3. Flying... without a plane

Have you ever jumped from a plane with a parachute? And with a parachute, or without a plane, in a wingsuit, soaring like a bird above the ground?

Wingsuits appeared in the early 1930s and were made of canvas and whale bone, which naturally had a negative impact on the duration, range and safety of the flight.

Modern wingsuits began to be developed in the mid-1990s. Thanks to their improved design, they allow the athlete to travel tens of kilometers through the air (the current record is just over 27 km) when falling from a height of 5,000 meters.

Purchasing a wingsuit in the United States, for example, is quite difficult, since the country's government, as well as a number of manufacturers, require a person to have serious experience in this matter - at least 200 standard free fall jumps, completed no earlier than 18 months before submitting the request to buy a suit.

4. Extreme ironing

Ironing clothes is a rather boring and tedious task. What if you combine it with rock climbing, snowboarding and other extreme sports? “Nonsense,” you say. But no!

It all started in 1997, when a resident of the East Midlands (a region in England) named Phil Shaw was given a choice: stay at home and do his favorite thing - ironing - or go rock climbing with friends. Being a completely sensible person, Shaw decided to combine both, therefore, in addition to climbing equipment, he also took with him an ironing board and an iron. This is how a new hobby was born - extreme ironing, which in 15 years managed to conquer the whole world. Fans of the sport (if you can call it that) have ironed their shirts on kayaks, mountaintops, and even in the middle of busy highways.

5. Participation in dog trimming competitions

People who take part in dog grooming competitions “abuse” the poor animals as much as they want. What can I say?! Judge for yourself:

6. News bombing

Some people make history, while others are constantly trying to “get noticed” in news reports, just at the moment when this story is being conveyed to the audience. These background characters are called “news bombers.”

The man who is captured in all the frames presented below is London resident Paul Yarrow. Over the course of several years, he managed to appear in many reports from such well-known television companies as the BBC, al Jazeera, Sky News and others.

Yarrow finds out about the places where the live broadcast will be broadcast, comes there, and while the correspondent talks on camera about the events that took place, he just stands in the background, not disturbing anyone.

7. Trainsurfing (travel outside trains)

Trainsurfing originated in Germany in the 1980s and from there spread throughout the globe. Its essence is to find a train - the faster the better - jump on it and, probably, die after that. What other consequences can we expect from such a dangerous undertaking?

In 2008, more than 40 people, mostly young, died from train jumping in Germany.

Good day, dear students and parents!

Having wandered through the pages of the Internet, I found interesting articles about the hobbies of different people, to which they devote their free time from work, and sometimes their whole lives. Sometimes a found favorite activity absorbs a person so much that it becomes the main activity in which the craftsman achieves the highest mastery.

I have selected the top ten, which includes unusual hobbies of people in different countries, which seemed to me the most interesting and cause delight and surprise.

Lesson plan:

Wood sculptures

Many people are passionate about the ancient Chinese craft, but the Chinese master Zheng Chonghui was able to build the longest sculpture in the world from solid wood - more than 12 meters. The work, about 3 meters high, was made in the form of a wooden copy of the Chinese painting “Along the River During the Qingming Time,” created more than a thousand years ago.

The author worked for four years, carving rivers, people, animals, forests, boats and even entire villages on wood canvas. As a result, more than 550 human figures settled on the sculpture. For his work, Zheng Chonghui received a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records.

Sculptures on pencil

American artist and sculptor Dalton Getty has an unusual hobby. For 25 years he has been interested in carving... It's hard to believe - pencil lead!

He has achieved such skill that he makes masterpieces of miniature size from fragile material. Moreover, while working, he does not use magnifying glasses. His working arsenal includes only a blade, sewing needles and a knife.

The most painstaking work to which he devoted two and a half years was a miniature of a pencil with a chain.

Few people believe that it is made from one lead without gluing. How he does it? As Dalton himself says, he never sells his wonderful creations, but gives them to his friends.

Paintings with nails

Each of us imagines how to hammer an ordinary nail, but the British Marcus Levin can not only hammer it into a wall, but also knows how to approach this process creatively, creating artistic masterpieces from building material. At least fifteen thousand nails and one hammer are all that the master needs so that in three days – at most a month – the next work of art will be born.

Marcus “paints” his iron paintings by hand, like any other artist, without preliminary sketches. The pioneer of such an artistic movement called “Nail sculpture” began to enthusiastically pursue his hobby in 2005. Today, his favorite activity brings the artist a good income - his paintings are successfully sold, and at a price of about $40,000.

Sand drawings

American surfer Jim Denevan has a unique hobby, which, alas, is short-lived - he paints his amazing paintings on the beach sand.

During his 18 years of creativity, he used rakes and wooden sticks to decorate more than a hundred beaches around the world. The creative process begins immediately after low tide, so that by the time the sea water returns back, the drawing is ready.

When creating sand paintings, Jim does not resort to measuring instruments or mathematical calculations of distances, doing everything “by eye”, as his heart dictates. Would you feel sorry for a job that is swallowed by a sea wave at high tide? But the artist has a philosophical attitude towards the process of nature’s destruction of his works, calling it an integral part of creativity.

You can see works of sand art only during their creation or already in photographs.


There are craftsmen in Russia too. Thus, the modern Tula “Lefty” Nikolai Aldunin is interested in creating tiny metal miniatures.

Being a mechanic by training, he achieved such skill that he was able to make a rifle the size of a grain of rice, shod a flea with gold shoes under a microscope, placed a golden saddle on it, placed camels in the eye of a needle and placed a T-34 tank on the longitudinal sections of an apple seed. and the Ostankino tower with a height of 6.3 mm.

Metal embroidery

Many girls know how to cross-stitch, stitch by stitch, laying out the details of a fabric picture. But the Lithuanian craftswoman Severija Insirauskaitė is interested in metal embroidery.

To do this, she takes a man's tool - a drill, makes holes, and then cross-stitches the patterns. Her creative collection includes beautifully decorated buckets and shovels, car hoods and doors.

Card pieces

Playing cards is not a very useful activity, but the playing pictures themselves can be very useful if you engage in construction.

American Bert McLane became a famous architect thanks to playing cards, from which he built a five-story house at the age of 5. If you have enough patience, you can try your hand at building at least a three-story building. But the talented Bert honed his skills by building pyramids and copies of American skyscrapers from maps. His hobby led him to world fame.

The Saudi Arabian government commissioned Burt to build a card replica of the royal high-rise complex. In a month and a half and a fee of 1.5 million dollars, the card builder built an object 15.3 meters long and 3.5 meters high, using 4,351 decks of cards.


This is the art of growing plants and trees of a certain shape in order to create natural sculptures from them.

This hobby can be boasted by the spouses Peter Cook and Becky Northey, who began their work by growing a wooden chair, directing the growth of trees in a given trajectory. For their work, sculptors use garden plum and bird cherry.

They do not tell their secret of painstaking intervention in nature, creating intricate images year after year.

Star fever

Who has any hobby, but the British Paul Yarrow will spend his day in vain if he doesn’t flash in the background during television filming.

His bald head and corpulent body, invariably dressed in a beige sweater, have become so familiar to viewers of famous TV channels Sky News, BBC, Channel 4, ITV and others that reporting without the usual “behind the scenes” worker is already losing its appeal. Paul's unusual passion for always being on camera made him a TV star.

Riding on attractions

American old man Vic Clement, aged about 80, prolongs his youth with his hobby. Do you think so?

He gets an emotional ride on a roller coaster, flying at breakneck speed at least 20 times during each visit to the amusement park. The extreme sports enthusiast counted about 4,000 flights high into the air, confirming his records with saved receipts. Vic set an absolute record on the wooden Jack Rabbit attraction, riding as many as 90 times in one sitting.

These are the most unusual hobbies of people from different countries. By the way, this interesting information can be used to develop an unusual school project. Do you agree?

What do you do in your free time from studying? Tell us in the comments and maybe someone will tell you about you in their research project.

Good luck in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Work by Painting Lampas

If you think that calligraphy is only hieroglyphs, then you are mistaken. Cyrillic, Arabic, and Hebrew can elevate alphabetic characters to the level of art. And it's always more than drawing. Calligraphy is pure creativity and zen.

Improve your calligraphy skills:

  1. "Ultramarine" is an online magazine about graffiti, street art, design, art and street culture in Russia and abroad. A separate section is devoted to calligraphy.
  2. is the website of one of the most popular calligraphers and street artists, Nils Möllmann, known as Shoe. He is considered the inventor of the calligraffiti style.

2. Doodling and zentangle - irrational painting

This activity is suitable for those who start scribbling as soon as they pick up a writing medium. This is how it is translated from English - “doodle”. This is an irrational drawing style that develops memory and creativity, as well as an independent form of modern art.

Get better at doodling and zentangle:

  • is a well-known site with a huge number of patterns for creating zentangle tiles.
  • Zendoodle- a large community for those who love doodling and zentangle.

3. Marbling - drawing on water

Have you ever looked for weird cloud shapes in the sky? Then this hobby is for you: using insoluble paints, a pattern is created on the surface of the water, and then transferred to paper, fabric or any surface. It turns out very unusual and beautiful, and the process is truly mesmerizing.

There are two main marbling techniques: Persian ebru and Japanese suminagashi. The first is dominated by abstract patterns, while the second is dominated by circular patterns.

Improve yourself in the art of marbling:

  • is an international marbling community with a library, gallery and forum.
  • - a site dedicated to suminagashi and other types of marbling.

4. Freezelight - frozen light

You may have already met strange young people who perform magic with flashlights in front of cameras. These are freezelighters. From the English freeze - “freeze” and light - “light”. The light really seems to freeze in the frosty air when it is shot at a long shutter speed. Using this technique, both beautiful abstractions and integral figurative compositions are created. The main thing is no computer processing.

Level up in freezelight:

  • is a worldwide alliance of light painters.
  • is an original Russian-language art project dedicated to painting with light. On the site you will find video tutorials and a gallery with cool works.

5. Mehendi - henna painting on the body

An ancient oriental tradition, which is again on the wave of popularity in the 21st century. There are more and more artists developing in mehendi, and if you are also looking for new forms, then be sure to try drawing henna on the body. Another form of mehendi hobby is photographing in images created on its basis, including in nude style.

Upgrade to mehendi:

  • - online training in henna painting.
  • Nidhi's MehndiART- the author's YouTube channel with video tutorials on mehendi for beginners.

6. Kanzashi - ribbon decorations

Kanzashi is a traditional Japanese hair ornament that women wear with their kimono. For us, this term has acquired a new sound - kanzashi - and a new meaning. Kanzashi is a needlework technique that is used to create beautiful hairpins, brooches and other jewelry. To try yourself in this direction, you will need several satin ribbons, a candle or lighter and a needle and thread.

Upgrade to Kanzashi:

  • is a site where master classes and literature on kanzashi are collected.
  • “Masters Fair” - in the section dedicated to kanzashi, there are many photo and video tutorials.

7. Felting - wool felting

Felting (filting) is a handicraft technique when three-dimensional drawings, toys, panels and other decorative elements are created from wool. There are several directions: dry, wet felting, nuno-felting. To work, you will need sheep wool, a special needle or soap solution. The hobby is ideal for women and children.

Improve your skills in felting:

  • - a site about felting for beginners with videos and master classes.
  • - a forum section about felting on the most popular site about needlework.

8. Isographics - embroidery on cardboard

In our country this activity is also called thread graphics or simply isothread, and in English-speaking countries - embroidery on paper (“embroidery on paper”). All you need to create in this direction is thick paper and thread. Great for sharing creativity with children.

Upgrade in isographics:

  • “Country of Masters” - this site contains many master classes and examples of finished works, including those using the thread graphics technique.
  • « Favorite lesson» - a series of master classes on isothread.

9. Patchwork - patchwork sewing

A type of applied art with centuries-old traditions, when scattered scraps of fabric are transformed into a solid mosaic canvas. Using the patchwork technique (quilting, quilting), you can sew not only a blanket, but a bag or, for example, a toy.

Level up in patchwork:

  • is the blog of Jacqueline Steeves, who simply loves quilting.
  • - patchwork workshop with materials from the paper magazine of the same name.

Hobbies for those who love to cook and draw. This can be done at the same time if you paint gingerbread cookies with icing (special sugar glaze). If you really get carried away and get good at it, you can even make money from it.

Get into gingerbread painting:

  • “Masters' Fair” is the most famous trading platform in RuNet for handmade goods, where, among other things, master classes on baking and decorating gingerbread are collected.
  • Julia Mylle- author's YouTube channel on gingerbread painting.

11. Brewing - preparing a foamy drink at home

This is a whole science. And many successfully master it right in their kitchens. At first, the result is encouraging: you won’t find tasty beer during the day. But then the process itself drags on.

Improve your brewing skills:

  • “Guide to Brewing Home Beer” - a detailed guide for beginners.
  • “Russian Wikipedia about home brewing” - all about how to brew a drink from malt and hops on your own.

Recycle translated from English means “reusing things”. This is the name of the environmental direction, which implies waste separation, responsible consumption and energy saving, as well as the direction of applied creativity. Why throw away grandma's old chest of drawers, plastic bottles or, if they can be given a second life? Just use your imagination.

Upgrade to recycle:

  • is an online publication about an eco-friendly lifestyle. The site contains news, articles and tips on how to take care of the planet and live in accordance with the philosophy of minimalism.
  • - on the most creative of all social networks you will find many master classes on repurposing and decorating old things. Request - DIY recycle.

13. Customizing - from jeans to bikes

Customizing is the alteration of clothing. Customizers turn skirts, shirts into dresses, and ordinary T-shirts are turned into designer ones. A hobby for those who always want to be in style, but are not ready to spend a lot of money on clothes.

For men, customization is often expressed in the transformation of motorcycles and cars. Custom bikes are real works of art, and their creators are usually literally passionate about their passion.

Get better at customizing:

  • “Second Street” is a website and community of the same name, where thousands of craftsmen post their work on remaking things and are inspired by each other’s ideas.
  • is a site where there is everything about creating exclusive motorcycles.

14. Modding - transforming equipment outside and inside

The term “modding”, that is, modification, change, is traditionally used in relation to the alteration of computers. The peak of fashion for this hobby came in the mid-2000s. Now smartphones and tablets rule, so they, as well as other gadgets, are being modified. For modern modders, not only the appearance, but also the performance of the devices is important.

Level up in modding:

  • is a large portal about modding with a forum.
  • is one of the oldest Russian-language sites about this hobby.

A beautiful and unusual hobby for biologists and romantics. In addition to special knowledge, you will need an insectarium, a humidifier, a thermometer and other devices to make the fluttering beauties feel good. But if everything works out, breeding tropical butterflies can become a profitable side hustle.

Get better at raising butterflies:

  • - a detailed tutorial on creating beauty from a cocoon.
  • is an English-language blog from a man who has been raising butterflies for over 30 years.

16. Contemporary - self-expression through dance

This is a dance style that combines classical, jazz-modern and oriental art of movement (qigong, yoga and tai chi). There are no clear boundaries in it, the main thing is self-expression. Contemporary art teaches you to understand your body, control it and express your inner world through movements.

Level up at the same pace:

  • "" - a site about the history, theory and practice of contempo. Lots of useful information about movements, methods and techniques.
  • is a large English-language website about contemporary dance.

17. Dancehall - music and dance from the heart of Jamaica

This is a music and dance style that grew out of reggae. Dancehall dance is especially popular now. Its dynamics and emancipation captivate you from the first seconds. If you're tired of your routine, need a burst of energy and want to compete in dance battles, this is the hobby for you.

Get pumped up in dancehall:

  • is an Australian website dedicated to Jamaican culture. There is a lot of music, videos and news from the world of reggae and dancehall.
  • is a site where video lessons and information on various dance styles, including dancehall, are collected.

18. Zumba - dance fitness


Born at the intersection of hip-hop, salsa, samba, merengue, mambo, flamenco and belly dance. This trend was invented by Colombian Alberto Perez in the late 1990s. Zumba uses the maximum number of muscles - it is not only a great pastime, but also an effective way to lose weight.

Pump up in Zumba:

  • is the official website of the Zumba fitness brand.
  • - online poster of Zumba events. Here you will find like-minded people, information about parties and master classes.

19. Bookcarving - book carving

Bookcarving is the creation of three-dimensional compositions from multi-page paper manuscripts. Carving translated from English means “carving”, book means “book”. Book carving is popular all over the world, but it requires patience, hard work and accuracy. This is a hobby for diligent people with artistic thinking. The greatest heights in this art were achieved by Brian Dettmer, Nicholas Galanin, Guy Laramie, Kylie Stillman and Robert Te.

Level up in bookcarving:

  • - Brian Dettmer's official website with photographs of the magnificent master's works and videos of his performances.
  • - a selection of articles about book carving in this creative almanac.

20. Bookcrossing - book exchange

Bookcrossing can be called one of the ways of beautiful. The essence is this: a person who has read a book leaves it in some public place (library, cafe, bookstore, subway, and so on). A random passerby picks it up, takes it for himself to read, and in return he “loses” another book somewhere. You can track the movement of books on the project website. Its mission is to popularize reading and respect for nature.

Level up in bookcrossing:

  • is an international bookcrossing website.
  • is a Russian-language website in support of the international book exchange movement.

21. Postcrossing - a postcard from a stranger

Postcrossing is a global project, the essence of which is the exchange of paper postcards. The system gives you a random address, you send a postcard to the person, and then receive it from someone else (one of the schemes). As of 2017, over 676 thousand people from all over the world are registered on the official postcrossing website. People exchanged more than 40 million cards. Postcrossing is very popular in Russia and Belarus, because it is romantic and helps to find new friends.

Level up in postcrossing:

  • is the official website of the project.
  • is a Russian-language portal for postcrossing enthusiasts.

22. Geocaching - treasure hunt

This is an international tourism game, the essence of which is to find “treasure”. Some players make caches, while others use GPS to search for them. Over its almost twenty-year history, the game has gained millions of fans. The advantage is that you can do this hobby not alone, but with the whole family or a group of friends.

Zlikovec/ massonforstock/

Do you want to feel like a brave Roman legionnaire or a Russian warrior fighting for the prince? Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of historical reconstruction. This is both science and artistic creativity. Some restore ancient equipment and armor, others organize performances. To recreate everything reliably requires deep knowledge and patience. Historical reconstruction has many fans, clubs are created, and various festivals are held.

Level up in historical reconstructions:

  • is the official website of the Russian Historical Society, a portal for professionals and history buffs.
  • - a catalog of historical reconstruction clubs, as well as events related to them.

25. Volunteering - free assistance

Volunteer activities are multifaceted. This is not only work in national parks and at sports and cultural events, but also, for example, helping orphans or homeless animals. You can choose the area of ​​volunteering you like and every day through good deeds you can receive a portion of new knowledge, experience and love.

Level up your volunteering:

  • "European Voluntary Service" is an international volunteer program.
  • “Volunteersrossii.rf” is the main volunteer resource in Russia.

What are you interested in? Tell us about your unusual hobbies in the comments.

Throughout life, every person tries to find himself, his place in life and a hobby that would bring joy and pleasure. Most often, people find an outlet in drawing, singing, creating something with their own hands, but there are some unique people who come up with absolutely unthinkable and ridiculous entertainment that an ordinary person would hardly think of. Some of these unexpected attractions even managed to bring eccentrics popularity, making them famous people. In the continuation of the article you will find the 7 strangest hobbies in the world!

Filing claims in court

Court is something that many, at least sensible people, try to avoid, but not Jonathan Lee Riches, who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most litigious person in the world. He is currently serving time for fraud in a federal prison in Kentucky.

In pursuit of “legal masterpieces,” Riches has filed 2,600 lawsuits in various federal district courts from 2006 to the present day. The targets of his litigiousness included former US President George W. Bush, Somali pirates, the disappeared American labor leader Jimmy Hoffa, Holocaust survivors, the Roman Empire and even Buddhist monks. Jonathan Lee Riches has also sued various scientific ideas and inanimate objects, including the Lincoln Memorial, the Dark Ages and the Eiffel Tower.

Collecting ecstasy

In 2009, the police in the city of Irbeek (Netherlands) received a strange call: a 46-year-old man reported that an unknown person had stolen a collection of ecstasy from his home, which was stored in coin albums and numbered more than 2,400 tablets.

According to the victim, he himself never used drugs and was well aware that his unusual hobby was illegal. The man decided to report to the police for the simple reason that several dozen tablets in his stolen collection were poisonous.

The Irbik authorities did not press charges against him due to a lack of direct evidence. The man said that he no longer hopes to see his amphetamine collection again.

Flying... without a plane

Have you ever jumped from a plane with a parachute? And without a plane in a wingsuit, soaring like a bird above the ground?

Wingsuits appeared in the early 1930s and were made of canvas and whale bone, which naturally had a negative impact on the duration, range and safety of the flight.

Modern wingsuits began to be developed in the mid-1990s. Thanks to their improved design, they allow the athlete to travel tens of kilometers through the air (the current record is just over 27 km) when falling from a height of 5,000 meters.

Purchasing a wingsuit in the United States, for example, is quite difficult, since the government of the country, as well as a number of manufacturers, require a person to have serious experience in this matter - at least 200 standard free fall jumps, completed no earlier than 18 months before submitting the request to buy a suit.

Extreme ironing

Ironing clothes is a rather boring and tedious task. What if you combine it with rock climbing, snowboarding and other extreme sports? “Nonsense,” you say. But no!

It all started in 1997, when a resident of the East Midlands (a region in England) named Phil Shaw was given a choice: stay at home and do his favorite thing - ironing - or go rock climbing with friends. Being a completely sensible person, Shaw decided to combine both, therefore, in addition to climbing equipment, he also took with him an ironing board and an iron. This is how a new hobby was born - extreme ironing, which in 15 years managed to conquer the whole world. Fans of the sport (if you can call it that) have ironed their shirts on kayaks, mountaintops, and even in the middle of busy highways.

Participation in artistic dog grooming competitions

People who take part in dog grooming competitions “abuse” the poor animals as much as they want. What can I say?! Judge for yourself:

News bombing

Some people make history, while others are constantly trying to “get noticed” in news reports, just at the moment when this story is being conveyed to the audience. These background characters are called “news bombers.”

The man who is captured in all the frames presented below is London resident Paul Yarrow. Over the course of several years, he managed to appear in many reports from such well-known television companies as the BBC, al Jazeera, Sky News and others.

Yarrow finds out about the places where the live broadcast will be broadcast, comes there, and while the correspondent talks on camera about the events that took place, he just stands in the background, not disturbing anyone.

Trainsurfing (travel outside trains)

Trainsurfing originated in Germany in the 1980s and from there spread throughout the globe. Its essence is to find a train - the faster the better - jump on it and, probably, die after that. What other consequences can we expect from such a dangerous undertaking?

In 2008, more than 40 people, mostly young, died from train jumping in Germany.