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History lesson notes, grade 5

Prepared by Osmanova Lesya Petrovna

Lesson topic : "The emergence of inequality and nobility"


Lesson type : combined.

Basic Concepts: artisan, plow, inequality, classes, nobility, state.

Equipment: computer presentation lesson (Appendix 1), textbook by A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya “History Ancient world 5th grade,” M., Education. 2014,

During the classes

I. Organizing time(greetings).

II. Update background knowledge on the topic: “The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding.”

We continue to study the life of primitive people.Let's remember:

1. What did ancient people do? (agriculture and cattle breeding).

2. When did agriculture appear? (10 thousand years ago)

3. How did you clear the area for sowing? (with a stone axe).

4. What property of plants did women pay attention to while collecting? (fallen grains sprout).

5. What tools did they use to cultivate the land? (a wooden hoe - a stick with a sharp knot).

6. What was used to harvest the crops? (a sickle made of bone with a stone insert).

7. What was done with the young animals killed? (they left them in their home.

8. What animals primitive people started to breed? (dog, sheep, goats, pigs, cows)

9. Let's conclude what did cattle breeding and agriculture give to man? (The advent of cattle breeding and agriculture provided food for man).

III. Learning new material.


1. Metal processing.

2. Invention of the plow.

3. Disintegration of tribal communities.

4. The emergence of inequality and nobility.

(Slide 3) Agriculture and cattle breeding provided additional products for humans.

Getting them in to a greater extent depended now on himself. Therefore, a person improves his skills in these activities.

(Slide 4) Masters appear among people who do something better than others. They are called artisans, but what they do is a craft. The emergence of artisans (professionals in their field) will cause changes in the tools of human labor, and this will lead to the emergence of inequality among people.

Staging problematic issue : equality between people gradually disappeared, among the community members there appeared poor and rich, noble and ignorant. Why did this happen? We will try to answer this question with you in our lesson.

(Slide 5) About nine thousand years ago, a new craft appeared in Western Asia - metal processing. Copper was the first metal from which people learned to make tools. Copper tools made people's lives easier. However, copper ore is quite rare in nature, and not every home in ancient times had copper products.

Working with textbook illustrations on page 25. (Slide 6)

How was the copper ax cast?

What was the significance of the exploration of copper for humans?

(Slide 7). The masters learned to work with precious metals- gold and silver, making jewelry from them.

(Slide 8 ). Working with the textbook. Read the text of the textbook on page 25 and find out:

How did the plow come about?

What was the significance of the appearance of the plow?

Exercise: compare hoe and plow. (Slide 9).

(It was possible to cultivate a field with a plow and oxen several times faster than with a hoe. The plow loosens solid ground, which the hoe will not take.)

Solving a creative problem.

"During archaeological excavations archaeologists found two burials. In one of them, beads from precious stones, on his forehead are the remains of a golden crown. Copper axes and a dagger lay next to the body. Along the wall of the grave stood gold and silver vessels with images of a leopard, a lion, a horse, and an antelope. In another burial there was only a copper ax.

What conclusions can be drawn about people’s lives based on these data?” (the emergence of poor and rich).

Teacher : we found out that man learned to process metal and invented the plow. Now each family was able to cultivate the land independently. The clan community breaks up into separate families. In relation to each other, relatives become neighbors. The clan community is being replaced by neighborhood community.

(Slide 10) Let's compare the tribal and neighboring communities. First we will find the differences, and then the commonalities.

Differences: instead of one big house many huts appeared; instead of one path trodden by cattle, many paths appeared: the cattle were divided between individual families; instead of one field, many small fields appeared: the arable land was also divided into plots.

Teacher: Why did the neighbors continue to live in communities? What was common? – pasture, river, forest, protection from enemies.

Teacher: but how to divide the land between relatives? This issue is probably decided by the elder, who reserves the best plots of land for himself and his close relatives. This is how the rich and the poor appear, i.e. inequality. Later, these groups of people (rich and poor) began to be called classes.

(Slide 11). Work with new concepts (on the board and in a notebook) according to the “Formation of the State” scheme.

Classes are large groups of people who are distinguished in society by what they have. With the advent of classes, the rich have a need to keep people dependent on them in obedience: they need warriors, guards, officials (state employees), that is, they needed a state. The state is an organization of society in which there are boundaries, authority, laws and tax collection.

Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of tribal elders and tribal leaders turned into rich people. They used vast lands, owned large herds of cattle, copper tools and weapons, and gold jewelry. The descendants of the elders and tribal leaders called themselves nobility. "Noble" means "famous". What were these people famous for? What were they proud of?

After listening to the students' answers, the teacher explains that members of noble families were proud not of their services to the tribe, not of their own intelligence and knowledge, not of courage or even wealth, but, first of all, of being born into the family of an elder or tribal leader. They were proud of their “famous” ancestors, and therefore called themselves noble people. It was beneficial for them to convince their fellow tribesmen that the blood flowing in their veins was different from that of other people, that by birth alone they supposedly had the right to honor, respect and power.

Reinforcing the material studied: “Be able to read.”

1. The first metal mastered by man (copper).

2. Tool of labor of a farmer 5 - 6 thousand years ago (plough)

3. Material for making dishes on a pottery wheel (clay)

4. Large groups people who are distinguished in society based on property (classes).

5. A person’s occupation (craft).

6. Rich, influential people (to know).

7. An organization of society in which there are boundaries, power, laws and tax collection (state).

Lesson summary.

Now let's answer the question posed at the beginning of the lesson. Why equality between people gradually disappeared, poor and rich, noble and ignorant appeared among the community members. (With the development of metals, the tools of labor change, the tribal community is replaced by the neighboring one, inequality appears, i.e., the separation of rich and poor people.)

Summing up the lesson, assessing the work of individual students and the class as a whole, giving grades.

Homework: § 5, prepare for a review and generalization lesson.


about open lesson stories

Class: 5

Teacher: Chernyatina Olga Yurievna


Lesson format: combined

Lesson type:

The history lesson on the topic "The Emergence of Inequality and Nobility" was aimed at the formation of subject and universal educational activities, showed good knowledge children educational material, individual creative work students.

For the lesson were set goals :

1. Students will learn to identify the causes of inequality between people, define the concepts of “neighborhood community”, “inequality”, “know”;

2. Continue to develop the skills to retell the contents of a textbook text, compare and describe tools, tribal and neighboring communities, and identify reasons at the elementary level historical events.

3. Promote the formation of perseverance.

The teacher developed the students' thinking; enriched lexicon children. A sense of collectivism was fostered, and work on self-control continued. The teacher managed to create a businesslike atmosphere in the lesson. The topic of the lesson was presented correctly; almost all students in the class were involved.

The work in the lesson was carried out using modern techniques aimed at correcting phonemic hearing of students.

The teacher used various types of control over the completion of tasks: self-control, work in pairs - mutual control, frontal work.

In the course of summarizing the acquired knowledge and repeating the material covered, verbal, visual and partially search methods were used, which made it possible to actively include students with varying degrees of learning ability in the work during the lesson. During the lesson, the problematic dialogue was well organized, the teacher’s questions were thought out, and the speech was scientific in nature. The lesson showed that in a relaxed atmosphere, students are more active and highly motivated to learn.

The goals set for the lesson were achieved. Feedback on the lesson is positive.

Teacher of history and social studies, MBOU Secondary School No. 16: /Pokhomova I.A./


about an open history lesson

Class: 5

Date: 10/17/2014

Teacher: Chernyatina Olga Yurievna

Subject: "The Emergence of Inequality and Nobility"

Lesson format: combined

Lesson type: lesson on introducing new educational material

At the beginning of the lesson, clearly stated educational objectives. During the lesson, the teacher showed the ability to use methodological techniques, stimulating the creative and intellectual potential of students, skills to work effectively with the class.

The lesson was creative, very emotional, intense, sensual, and allowed me to immerse myself in the atmosphere of the century. The decoration of the classroom also contributed to the creation of a situation of immersion in the history of the ancient world. Students acquired knowledge themselves, posed problems and solved them together. Carried out control and self-assessment of their activities in accordance with the developed criteria.

An emotional introduction using brainstorming technology significantly increased cognitive activity students. The use of the presentation gave the lesson mobility, saved time, decorated the lesson, and expanded students’ understanding of the history of the ancient world, culture, and traditions. During the lesson there was communication with fine arts, Cuban studies, literature (writing syncwine). During the lesson, independent, group, and frontal work was carried out.

A favorable psychological climate, group work, collaboration technology, and health-saving technologies gave each student the opportunity to open up.

The teacher used forms and methods of a person-centered approach, creating a situation of success and choice for students. The lesson was a complete success. This is evidenced by the students’ final work and their heartfelt statements.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Secondary School No. 16 / Egorova S. N./

5th grade

Lesson No.

Lesson topic: "The emergence of inequality and the nobility"

Target: to teach to identify the causes of inequality between people, to define the concepts of “neighboring community”, “inequality”, “to know”, “artisan”, to characterize the changes that have occurred in settlements; continue to develop the skills to retell the content of a textbook text, compare and describe tools, tribal and neighboring communities, and identify at the elementary level the causes of historical events; cultivate interest in historical processes of the past.

Lesson type: combined.

Basic Concepts: artisan, plow, inequality, classes, nobility, state.

Equipment: computer presentation of the lesson, textbook by A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya “History of the Ancient World 5th grade,” M., Enlightenment. 2016

During the classes

    Organizing time

(teacher and students mutually greet each other, readiness for the lesson is checked)


    Let's remember!

1. What did ancient people do? (agriculture and cattle breeding).

2. When did agriculture appear? (10 thousand years ago)

3. How did you clear the area for sowing? (with a stone axe).

4. What property of plants did women pay attention to while collecting? (fallen grains sprout).

5. What tools did they use to cultivate the land? (a wooden hoe - a stick with a sharp knot).

6. What was used to harvest the crops? (a sickle made of bone with a stone insert).

7. What was done with the young animals killed? (they left them in their home.

8. What animals did primitive people begin to breed? (dog, sheep, goats, pigs, cows)

9. Let's conclude what did cattle breeding and agriculture give to man? (The advent of cattle breeding and agriculture provided food for man).


Agriculture and cattle breeding provided additional food for humans. Getting them depended largely on himself.

Therefore, a person improves his skills in these activities. Individual masters appear among people who do something better than others. They are called artisans, and what they do is a craft. The emergence of artisans (professionals in their field) will cause changes in the tools of human labor, and this will lead to the emergence of inequality among people.

    What is inequality?

(students make assumptions)

    Learning new material


1. Metal processing.

2. Invention of the plow.

3. Disintegration of tribal communities.

4. The emergence of inequality and nobility.

1. Metal processing.

A long time ago, people noticed that some stones did not split when struck. When they get into the fire, they soften and, when they harden, acquire new uniform.

    Working on the concept:

Craftsman- a person who makes vessels, tools, fabrics or other products.

(students write down the definition in their notebooks)

    Have you guessed what these stones are? ( nuggets of copper, they could be smelted and made into tools that were stronger than wooden ones.)

That's what I did ancient man. He learned to make a mold from stone, fill it with molten copper and make metal tools. This happened about nine thousand years ago in Western Asia. Thus began the exploration of metals by man.

    Working with textbook illustrations (page 26)

    How was the copper ax cast?

    What was the significance of the exploration of copper for humans?

(students answer questions)

(Tools and weapons made of copper were stronger than wood. This means that they could cultivate the land efficiently. )

2. Invention of the plow

    Working with the textbook

(students answer questions)

(Sample answer: The harvests became better, it became easier to cultivate the land. Now some people could work in the fields, while others could engage in crafts. Therefore, they could exchange their products)

3. Disintegration of tribal communities.

    Solve the problem

“During archaeological excavations, archaeologists found two burials. In one of them, beads made of precious stones were preserved on the chest of the deceased, and the remains of a golden crown were preserved on his forehead. Copper axes and a dagger lay next to the body. Along the wall of the grave stood gold and silver vessels with images of a leopard, a lion, a horse, and an antelope. In another burial there is only a copper ax.”

(students solve the problem)

    What conclusions can be drawn about people’s lives based on these data?” (the emergence of poor and rich).

With the invention of the plow, farmers became more prosperous, they stocked up. But everyone still had to share with all their numerous relatives. So is it worth trying especially hard if the resulting harvest will still be divided equally?

Little by little, a new order took shape in the villages of farmers. The community now consisted of large families. Each family had livestock, tools and ran its own farm on its own plot of land. The harvest no longer went into the “common pot” - it was entirely controlled by the head of the family. People understood that they could only rely on themselves, and they worked more diligently.

At the same time, families needed mutual help and support. Neighbors could, for example, agree to dig a common pond from which they took water for irrigation, or drain a swamp. But at the same time, it no longer mattered whether they were related to each other or not. The main thing is that they are neighbors and therefore must stick together. In large settlements, people were united not so much by kinship as by living in the same territory.

    Working on the concept

Neighborhood Community- a community consisting of large families not related by kinship.

4. The emergence of inequality and nobility.

If each family manages its own household and manages its property, then some of them become richer over time, while others become poorer. Appears inequality.

It was easy to be tempted to increase one’s wealth not through exhausting labor, but through robbery. In the community, theft was punished in the most severe manner. But to take away livestock, jewelry, or harvest from the fields from strangers was considered not a shame, but a valor. The tribe went to war against the tribe in order to rob it. Therefore, settlements began to be fenced with earthen ramparts and walls in order to protect themselves from sudden raids.

To conduct military operations, the head of the tribe, the leader, was elected. He gathered his friends and relatives for campaigns against neighboring tribes.

    Working on the concept

Classes– large groups of people who stand out in society because of what they have.

(students write in notebooks)

The leader of the tribe, his friends and associates gained fame - they were glorified as famous , famous people . Nobility was inherited - the children of leaders and elders were respected, even if they themselves were not particularly valorous or intelligent. Tribal leaders began to be chosen from among them. The best artisans worked for noble people. After all, it was not possible for everyone then to have weapons made of copper, fine clothes and gold jewelry. All this belonged only nobility The leader and noble people made prisoners captured in the war their own slaves.

Large settlements gradually turned into cities surrounded by fortified walls.

    Working on the concept

State - the organization of society in which there are boundaries, authority, laws and tax collection.

In these cities lived the nobility, who were served by artisans and slaves. Here were the places where idols stood. The leader acquired power over the entire territory of the tribe. They became kings – rulers states

    Reinforcing the material learned

1. The first metal mastered by man (copper).

2. Tool of labor of a farmer 5 - 6 thousand years ago (plough)

3. Material for making dishes on a pottery wheel (clay)

4. Large groups of people who are distinguished in society by property (classes).

5. A person’s occupation (craft).

6. Rich, influential people (to know).

7. An organization of society in which there are boundaries, power, laws and tax collection (state).


(teacher says final word and gives grades)




Lesson topic: “The emergence of inequality and nobility”

Well:ancient world history

Class: 5

The date of the: "____"_______________20___

Lesson objectives:

Educational: To lead students to understand the causes of inequality between people.

Developmental: Continue to develop the skills to retell the contents of a textbook text, compare and describe tools, and identify at the elementary level the causes of historical events.

Educating: Ensure the understanding of the concepts of “inequality”, “neighborhood community”, “know”.

Lesson type: combined lesson


Educational board;

Textbook for grade 5 A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya “History of the Ancient World”. – M., 2003


World map;

Atlases on the history of the Ancient World;


Handouts (card No. 6 and No. 7 for checking d/z);


Basic terms and concepts: hoe, plow, inequality, classes, state.


I. Organizational moment (1-2 min.).

Greeting students.

II . Updating students’ basic knowledge on the topic: “The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding” - 5 min.

1. Preparation of an oral response on cards No. 6 and No. 7

CARD No. 6

Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “How did agriculture and cattle breeding appear?”

To do this, remember:

1. What property of plants did women pay attention to while collecting?

2. What were the first crops that people began to grow?

3. How did primitive people cultivate the land?

4. What tools did they use to cultivate the land?

5. How did you deal with the young animals that were killed?

6. What animals did primitive people begin to breed?

Draw a conclusion.

Sample student answer: The women noticed that the fallen grains were sprouting. They began to sow it. The first crops that humans mastered were wild barley and wheat. The land was cultivated with a hoe (a wooden stick with a sharp knot). Coming from hunting, men sometimes brought the cubs of killed animals. They left them in their home. So a man got a dog. Later - sheep, goats, pigs, cows. The advent of cattle breeding and agriculture provided man with constant food products.

CARD No. 7

Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “What new activities did ancient people have?”

To do this, remember:

1. What did people make dishes from?

2. What was the fabric made from?

3. What was the significance of these new activities for people?

Draw a conclusion.

Sample student answer: People learned to weave baskets from branches and began to coat them with clay. But when it rained, the clay got wet. Then they began to dry and burn the clay containers. For strength, sawdust and crushed shells were added to the clay dough. Fabric made from flax and hemp fibers. They spun wool. The appearance of these occupations gave man clothes and utensils.

2. Working with the class.

Fill in the missing words:

The first farmers plowed the land with wooden______(with a hoe).

The ears were cut__________(with a sickle).

Grind the grains on ______________(grain graters).

They cut down trees________________(with a wooden axe).

Agriculture and cattle breeding originated in Western___________(Asia).

They learned to make ______________ from clay(dishes).

Women have learned to do__________(textile) And _________________ (spin).

3. Detailed answer from students on card No. 6 and No. 7

III . Transition to studying a new topic.

So, agriculture and cattle breeding provided additional food for humans. Obtaining them now depended to a greater extent on himself. Therefore, a person improves his skills in these activities. Individual masters appear among people who do something better than others. They are calledartisans, and what do they do -craft. The emergence of artisans (professionals in their field) will cause a change in the tools of human labor, and this will lead to the emergence of inequality among people.

Task for students: What is inequality?

IV . Studying a new topic.


1. Metal processing.

2. Invention of the plow.

3. Disintegration of clan communities.

4. The emergence of inequality and nobility.

1. Teacher's story.

A long time ago, people noticed that some stones did not split when struck. When they fall into the fire, they soften and harden into a new shape. Have you guessed what kind of stones these are? (Nuggets of copper. They could be melted and made into tools that were stronger than wood).

This is what the ancient man did. He learned to make a mold from stone, fill it with molten copper and make metal tools. This happened about nine thousand years ago in Western Asia. Thus began the exploration of metals by man.

Craftsmen learned to work with precious metals - gold and silver, and make jewelry from them.

Copper tools made people's lives easier. However, copper ore is quite rare in nature, and not every home in ancient times had copper products.

2. Working with textbook illustrations (p. 25).

How was the copper ax cast?

What was the significance of the exploration of copper for humans?(Tools and weapons made of copper were stronger than wood. This means they could cultivate the land better).

3. Independent work

Find out how the plow came to be.

What was the significance of the appearance of the plow? (The harvests became better, it became easier to cultivate the land. Now some people could work in the fields, while others could engage in crafts. Therefore, they could exchange their products).

4. Solving a creative problem.

During archaeological excavations, archaeologists found two burials. In one of them, beads made of precious stones were preserved on the chest of the deceased, and the remains of a golden crown were preserved on his forehead. Copper axes and a dagger lay next to the body. Along the wall of the grave stood gold and silver vessels with images of a leopard, a lion, a horse, and an antelope. In the other there is only a copper ax. What conclusions can be drawn about people's lives based on these data? (the emergence of rich and poor).

5. Working with new concepts. On the board and in the notebook.

Inequality – the emergence of rich and poor people.

6. Teacher's story.

Why did inequality appear?

We found out that man learned to process metal and invented the plow. Now each family could independently cultivate the land. The clan community will break up into separate families. In relation to each other, relatives become neighbors. The tribal community is being replaced by the neighboring community. But how to divide the land between relatives? This issue is probably decided by the elder, who reserves the best plots of land for himself and his close relatives. This is how the rich and the poor appear, i.e. inequality.

Now fellow tribesmen are divided into “stronger”, more powerful and “weaker”, dependent ones. In other words, a hierarchy arises. Tribal society becomes much more complexly organized. It needs special management tools - military force, bureaucracy. Thus, the state is born.

State - this is an organization of society in which there are boundaries, power, laws and tax collection.

IV . Reinforcing what has been learned in the lesson.

Solution to the crossword puzzle “Be able to read.”


1. A means of human transportation on water from ancient times to the present day.

2. A group of relatives who worked together and had common property.

3. One of the first human activities.

4. The first metal mastered by man.

5. The first tool for cultivating the land.

6. A farmer's tool 5-6 thousand years ago.

7. Pet.

8. Material for making dishes on a potter's wheel.

9. The first tool and weapon of ancient man.

10. Association of clans living in the same area.

Answers: 1. Boat. 2. Genus. 3. Hunting. 4. Copper. 5. Hoe. 6. Plow. 7. Dog. 8. Clay.

9. Chopped. 10. Tribe.

V. Lesson summary.

- What new did we learn in class today?(With the development of metals, the tools of labor change, the tribal community is replaced by the neighboring one, inequality appears. That is, the separation of rich and poor people).

Homework: 1. Read §5 p. 24-27 of Vigasin's textbook.

2. Prepare for a review and generalization lesson.

3. Review new concepts from the entire section: history, historical source, human herd, clan community, tools, inequality, religion, art.

Man has always been interested in the issue of the emergence of inequality and nobility in society. He occupied the minds of thinkers, great philosophers reflected on him. Everyone knows from history that the first human communities did not know inequality. What caused its creation? Without archaeological research, scientists would not be able to answer this question. So, what is the history of the emergence of inequality and the nobility, what were the reasons that led to the separation of the classes of rich and poor?


It is known that any event is preceded by certain prerequisites. What are the causes of inequality? Initially, the collapse of society was facilitated by the following:

  • Improving the tools of labor with which it was possible to cultivate more land and do it better.
  • The use of livestock to perform heavy work, which made the task easier for farmers and allowed them to produce food in surplus. This also led to the emergence of inequality and nobility.
  • There was no longer any need to cultivate the land using the communal method. Each family, having metal tools, could already work independently on their plot, while receiving food in quantities sufficient to feed themselves, their children, and even have a surplus.

The family's food surplus gave its members new opportunities. At the same time, the surplus could be disposed of at its own discretion: exchanged for more advanced tools, gold or silver jewelry, clothes, dishes made by artisans - you will find out who they are a little later.

Thus, the surplus of manufactured products became the main favorable condition to divide society into poor and rich. Surplus steel Starting point for the accumulation of values ​​in some families and the cause of impoverishment of others.

The mechanism of inequality generation

Gradually, each family accumulated its own property. These could be tools, livestock, dishes, and jewelry. They were passed down by inheritance, which led to the enrichment of subsequent generations. Thus, some had more and more property, while others had less. If, under the communal clan system, everything that was mined and produced in the family was considered common, then the emergence of excesses allowed each cell to increase its own reserves.

However, it is also interesting that the process of property stratification itself originated in communities, when crops and spoils were divided equally. Already in those days there was a tribal elite, which included elders, leaders who headed the clan, and military personnel. It is clear that when dividing the harvest or spoils of war, they received only the best.

Families with wealth were highly respected, so often when choosing a community leader, those who had more land, livestock and property. During military campaigns, the captured trophies began to be divided not equally as before, and a large share went to the nobility, which further aggravated the inequality. In order to justify themselves to the rest of the community, they explained this by their own exclusivity and noble position.

Disintegration of the tribal community

Man began making the first metal tools about nine thousand years ago. Their use raised the communal-tribal society to new level development, made it possible to build relationships between its members at a completely different level. Gradually there was a transition from to neighbor's. For changing collective work family labor came, in which each individual family worked exclusively for itself. This circumstance led to the emergence of inequality and nobility, the reason for which was different conditions.

For example, illness or death of the breadwinner, or lean years prevented the accumulation of surpluses. Accordingly, there was simply nothing to exchange for tools or livestock. Obtaining the product in excess made it possible to increase the volume of the next sowing and make profitable purchases.

Neighborhood Community

Gradually, the community, consisting of related families, that is, people of the same kind, became neighbors. A different order of relationships developed between them; there was no need to make common efforts to cultivate the land. Families grew larger and family ties were lost. Each had its own livestock, its own plots of land, and tools. It was at this time, when family ties as an obligatory attribute of a communal-clan society lost their significance, that inequality and nobility arose.

Each family was already on its own. Various factors contributed to the emergence of nobility and inequality. Depending on the efforts made, the number of family members, the fertility of the land and the amount of surplus received, each family was enriched in different ways. In addition, common efforts were required when developing a new land, in the case of protection from enemies and military campaigns. Community ties were preserved here, since it was impossible for one family to survive in harsh conditions.

The invention of the plow and the domestication of domestic animals

Tilling is one of the hardest jobs on earth. Before the invention of the plow, the soil could only be cultivated by the community, since it was completely impossible to do it independently, without any effective devices. The use of this tool made it possible to significantly increase labor productivity and reduce costs. However, the use of a plow did not make the work of individual plowmen easier; dragging it was beyond the strength of one person. The first plows were huge logs with thick pointed branches, with the help of which they plowed the ground.

Only the domestication of animals allowed man to improve the process of agriculture. In addition, by using additional draft power, a person could plow many times more land and, naturally, harvest a larger harvest.

Development of crafts

Human needs were not only food, he had a need to acquire tools, clothing, and utensils. In order to produce a certain type of product, skills and abilities were needed that were developed over the years. A potter did not have to engage in agriculture, nor did a furrier, weaver or blacksmith. For his work he took a certain payment in kind in the form of grain or other agricultural products.

Who are the artisans? Gradually, people who were engaged exclusively in crafts began to emerge from among the farmers. Moreover, it often became family business, existing experience and knowledge were passed on to descendants.

Metal processing

The appearance of metal tools led to a real revolution in life and human relations. Initially, man began to melt and make products from copper, a low-melting metal. Tools and weapons made from it were much better than stone ones, so their use made it possible to increase labor productivity.

After copper, man learned to smelt stronger tin, but his acquaintance with iron and its use led to a real revolution. made from this metal were more reliable and durable than the previous ones.

First cities

To protect itself from enemies, the community had to take certain measures. To avoid a sudden enemy attack, it was necessary to fence off the settlement with a fence or wall. Ramparts were erected, entire fortresses were built, surrounded by moats with water.

Thus, small settlements gradually grew, and the area in front of the fortresses began to be populated by farmers and artisans. These settlements were also surrounded by walls, ramparts, ditches and gradually took on the appearance of cities. They appeared approximately five thousand years ago, which became a sign of the final collapse of communities and the emergence of a state.

During this period, inequality was considered the norm. Noble classes were identified, to which power belonged, and an army was formed. By the way, the military were people who did not plow the land and were not artisans. Their main responsibility was to protect the city from enemies, participate in military campaigns and capture booty - trophies and slaves.