10 most handsome men on the planet. Top most handsome men

We are already accustomed to beautiful woman- a mandatory element of any advertising, which enlivens even the most dull cover. Therefore, all kinds of TOP 5, 10, 50, 100 regularly appear in all magazines. But 50% of the inhabitants of the Earth are precisely the very women in whom they cause concern. best case scenario purely aesthetic enjoyment, and at worst - banal envy.

But the TOP 10 most beautiful men in the world will be more interesting to them. And it is useful for the stronger halves to read (and watch) it. And if the comparison turns out to be unfavorable, then try to reduce the gap: shave, comb your hair, change your T-shirt to a shirt, and maybe sign up for the gym. All in all, useful thing- this list.

But when constructing such a list, natural complexity arises. There are many men, women too, everyone has different tastes, and in any case, individual preferences will play a determining role. Therefore, in this article we will not divide them by place. Let’s just tell you which of the representatives of the strong half of the population causes the weakest half of the population the most positive emotions.

If our taste does not coincide with yours, do not judge harshly.

Will Smith

In 1968, a second child was born into the family of an ordinary engineer and a teacher. Later two more appeared, but fate had in store for little Will main gift.

My acting career he started as a teenager, and even then he became the idol of many girls. Later, his image of a sweet boy began to become obsolete, but the actor was able to move into major league, starring in " Bad guys" After that there were “Independence Day”, “I, Robot”, “Men in Black”, “I, Legend” and many, many more films.

Will Smith had two marriages, the second, with Jade Pinkett, also an actress, turned out to be more successful and continues happily to this day. In his first marriage, he had a son, who remained with his mother, in his second, a son and daughter, Jayden and Willow. Therefore, the younger generation of Smiths may soon win many hearts.

A beautiful trained body, kind eyes, a soft, slightly mysterious smile and a sea of ​​charisma - Will Smith has already long years one of the most attractive men.

Robert Downey Jr

The product of hybrid crossing of at least five nationalities (Germans, Scots, Jews, Irish and Russians) confirmed the theory that children from mixed marriages are born smart, beautiful and talented. This happened, by the way, in 1965.

But he refuted the proverb about the children of geniuses: his parents are also no strangers to art. Father: Downey Sr. famous director, mother, Elsie, is an actress. But the son surpassed both parents in popularity.

Starting with small roles in his father's projects, he later played the lead role in the film Chaplin, which brought him many good things, including popularity and fans. But then a scandal broke out due to the actor’s drug addiction. Forced treatment, imprisonment for possession of weapons and drugs, dismissal from the studio and other joys greatly ruined his career.

Fortunately for Robert (and all of us), he was able to climb out of this hole. Several major roles, including Sherlock Holmes and the permanent Iron Man Tony Stark, brought him to the top of Hollywood Olympus.

This courageous blond with a dim but calm attractive appearance gained popularity thanks to the role of James Bond. The obvious discrepancy between the new actor and all the previous ones attracted the attention of both the acting fraternity and the audience.

He was brought up in a creatively gifted family, his mother and stepfather were artists, and was professionally involved in sports, rugby. He was married and had a daughter, Ella. They later filed for divorce but maintained a good relationship and raised a daughter together. In 2011, he secretly married Rachel Weisz, also an actress.

The recent role of journalist Mikael Blomkvist in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” only increased the number of his admirers. Let's see what will happen next.

George Clooney is like cognac, he only gets better with age. Now he is 52 years old, he has not lost any of his signature charm, or masculine attractiveness, or popularity.

Perhaps it's a matter of strong character, hardened since childhood. IN early age he was diagnosed hereditary disease, which paralyzed half of his face. But this did not stop him from studying well, playing sports and simply enjoying life.

His filmography includes several dozen films, including From Dusk Till Dawn, Ocean's 11/12/13, and Spy Kids. It’s difficult to single out just one of them; he’s good everywhere.

Keanu Reeves

A complex genetic cocktail of immigrants from China, Hawaii, Ireland and England gave Keanu Reeves a bright and exotic appearance: black hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin, sad look.

He always had difficulties with his personal life. The mother married four times, he does not maintain relations with his own father, only child died in the womb, and she later died in a car accident.

Since childhood, he suffered from dyslexia, which caused constant difficulties with learning, but he played excellent hockey. At the age of 15 he performed at theater stage, later in the cinema. The role of a young special agent in the film Point Break brought him popularity, which only grew from there. “Johnny Mnemonic”, “The Matrix”, “Devil’s Advocate”, “Constantine”, “House by the Lake” - I could go on for a long time.

Therefore, in contrast to his personal life, the acting career of one of the most handsome men in Hollywood was very successful.

Portuguese footballer who plays for Real Madrid this moment is considered the most expensive football player, as well as one of the most attractive and sexiest men. And this is in some ways even more valuable than his numerous achievements and personal records in sports.

He has a fairly long relationship with the Russian model, Irina Shayk. But so far he is not married and has no children, which leaves hope for other beauties.

Another football player who has repeatedly been included in such lists. It is believed that he is the most handsome man on the planet, but one can argue with this. But the fact that he has a whole army of fans is a fact.

Now he has already completed his sports career, but this does not prevent him from regularly appearing on the covers of magazines and spinning in high society. A blogger, model, he also recently launched his own clothing and perfume line.

They are in a long and strong marriage with Victoria Beckham, former singer. They already have three sons, and a daughter was born not so long ago. But the status good husband does not prevent him from remaining just an attractive man and the unattainable dream of many women.

Benedict Cumberbatch

This British actor is a worthy successor to the dynasty. His parents also played in the theater, so it’s in his blood, which he has successfully proven more than once.

The role of Stephen Hawking brought him success and popularity, and the main role in the British TV series Sherlock only consolidated and increased his success. Now his acting career is more successful than ever, and critics predict even greater prospects for him.

He dated his permanent girlfriend for more than 12 years, but now he is single. Which cannot but please many girls. Handsome male actors– is not uncommon, but at the same time as being visually attractive, nature also gave Benedict an abyss of charm and talent, and this combination makes a person a winner.

From the age of four he was engaged in dancing, but his career might not have happened. As a child, he broke his leg, and the doctor said that he could give up on his hobby. But Maxim did not agree with his decision and was actively engaged in restoring his form.

Natural talent, as well as a lot of perseverance and diligence, helped him reach impressive heights, in particular, to become the world champion in Latin dances. He also became famous thanks to the American “Dancing with the Stars”, where he participated in 10 seasons out of 12.

Holds four dance studios, and also participates in charity. Founded and runs a non-profit foundation that searches for and supports talented youth who are involved in sports dancing.

He is considered one of the most eligible bachelors on the planet. Free for now.

One of the most colorful actors who has impressed many women (and even some men) with his combination of strong muscles, a shaved bald head and an intelligent face.

His acting career began quite by accident at the age of 7, when he and his friends sneaked into the theater to play with the props. But the director saw their performances and offered to read the script based on their roles. So the boy remained in the theater until he was 17 years old.

It's hard to believe, but he was a tall and awkward teenager, which is why he had a lot of weight. To correct the situation, he worked out in gyms for several years, where he acquired his impressive muscles.

It was she (as well as talent, charisma and other things useful to the actor) that allowed him to become one of the most famous actors, playing in action films: “XXX”, “Black Hole”, “Fast and Furious” - just some of his roles.

And these are just 10 handsome men. But in fact, there are many more of them, each will find a suitable object. Or you can just look around. Perhaps there is also someone nearby to keep an eye on?

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These men have already managed to conquer women all over the world with their beauty, masculinity and charisma. They broke so many girls' hearts that they simply cannot be counted. Any appearance of these handsome men in public is a delight, and we always want to know even more details from their lives. We present to your attention the top 10: the most beautiful men in the world.

10 Josh Holloway.

In tenth place in the ranking ( a numerical or ordinal indicator that displays the importance or significance of a particular object or phenomenon) the most beautiful men located American actor (performer in plays and films) Josh Holloway, who became famous thanks to the acclaimed TV series Lost. Josh is 45 years old, originally from California, and is the second of four sons in his family. The actor's family did not stay in one place for long; they soon decided to move to Georgia.

Josh's career improved gradually, at first he worked part-time as a model, but soon decided to take up acting, so he moved to the city of angels (Los Angeles), where he tried so hard to get rid of his southern accent. However, the actor had to return it briefly to star in the TV series Lost. The actor has been married for 14 years and has a daughter. He claims that his wife no longer sees him as a sex symbol, and being included in the ranking of the sexiest men is just a new reason for making fun of him.

9 Ian Somerhalder.

Ninth place in the rating the most beautiful men in the world occupies the girls' favorites, the most famous serial ghoul of our time - Ian Somerhalder. He has been included in similar ratings more than once, so ninth place can be considered well deserved. Ian was born in Louisiana. Like many aspiring artists, he worked as a model from the age of 10 and played in several films, but Ian became truly famous after participating in the projects “LOST” and “The Vampire Diaries.”

In the final one, he played the beloved vampire Damon Salvator, self-confident, selfish and impudent, which won the hearts of millions of fans of the series. For several years, Ian dated Nina Dobrev, actress of the TV series “The Vampire Diaries,” but in 2014 the couple broke up without explanation. Ian did not grieve for long because of the breakup with Nina and married actress Nikia Reed in May 2015.

8 Wentworth Miller.

American actor Wentworth Miller, who became famous thanks to his role in the TV series “Prison Break,” was in eighth position. Ventforth is originally from the UK but has African-American roots. For a long time Ventfort could not make his way to wide screen, he spent more than four years on unsuccessful castings, but faith in brilliant career (option: section - a set of mine workings formed during the extraction of minerals open method; open-pit mining enterprise) turned out to be stronger than all the failures.

The actor's life changed dramatically after he played in the film "The Stained Minx", which was shown at the Venice Film Festival and was even nominated for an Oscar. After all these events, Ventfort was invited to film the series “Ghost Communicator” and “Escape.” For his role in "Prison Break" he received a Golden Globe as best actor drama series. Despite the fact that Ventfort is considered one of the most wonderful men in the world, he is still in the ranks eligible bachelors, but girls can sleep peacefully, since the actor announced in 2013 that he is gay.

7 Rhine.

The seventh place in the ranking of the most beautiful men in the world belongs to the Korean singer, actor and dancer Rain, who at the age of 16 began building his career in the musical field as part of the boy group “Fanclub”. The guys released two albums, but they never received universal recognition. However, Rain was not at a loss and began to look for a suitable agency that would handle his promotion. And I found it.

In 2002, Rain released his first solo album, which brought him unprecedented popularity in Asia. He managed to star in the acclaimed series “Sang Doo! Let's Go To School." It was a success! Rain later released a second one music album, which opened up prospects for the artist to work not only in Asia, but also in America. Now the musician has 6 studio albums and 16 film roles.

6 Tyrese Gibson.

American actor Tyrese Gibson is in sixth position in the ranking of world handsome men. Tyrese was born in Los Angeles, grew up in a family without a father, was raised by his mother, and has three brothers. At the age of 14, Tyrese won a talent show, after which he was invited to appear in a Coca-Cola commercial. Tyrese's acting career began in 2001, he played the main role in the film "Baby", after which the actor received offers to star in the films "2 Fast 2 Furious", the "Transformers" trilogy, as well as in several parts of the film "The Fast and the Furious", where his partners Vin Diesel and Paul Walker were on the set. Tyrese was married from 2007 to 2009, but separated from his wife due to unknown reasons. The couple has a daughter together. Now the bachelor's heart is free.

5 Taylor Lautner.

In fifth position in the ranking the most beautiful husbands American actor and women's favorite Taylor Lautner is located on the planet. This 23-year-old guy, during his short film career, managed to conquer millions of girls’ hearts around the world. Taylor trained in martial arts as a child and is a black belt in karate and a junior universal champion. Lautner's acting career might never have started if Taylor's karate coach had not convinced him to audition for a role in a commercial. They turned out to be unsuccessful, but the guy was not upset and decided to attack other castings.

Taylor was content with only small roles in TV series; he was involved in dubbing cartoons, but all this work did not bring him world fame. Taylor experienced the beauty of popularity after the first part of the Twilight saga, where he starred as the werewolf Jacob, thundered at the worldwide box office. On his own front, the actor is still completely calm after breaking up with actress Marie Avgeropoulos.

4 Michael Baptiste.

The fourth position in the ranking of the most charming husbands in the world rightfully belongs to the American basketball player Michael Baptiste. This handsome man is from California. His sports career began in college, where he managed to play for two teams. He later played three years for the Sun Devils varsity team. And after that he started in the Pacific Conference in blocked shots, where he played for several seasons in a row.

In 2002 ( a conventional unit of time, which historically in most cultures meant a single cycle of seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter)) Michael played for the Memphis Grizzlies, where he played 75 matches. In 2003, Baptiste signed a contract with the Greek club Panathinaikos. For eight seasons in a row, Michael became the best player in the Greek Championship, and also won the Greek Cup 5 times. For now professional career basketball player Michael Baptiste is completed, and from now on he attends basketball games as an assistant coach.

3 John Cena.

The third position in the ranking of handsome men is occupied by American wrestler John Cena. To become a professional wrestler, Cena began his training in 2000. He managed to secure a contract with WWE and reach the top of his dreams - Cena became the OVW heavyweight champion and a tag team champion with his partner Rico Constantino. Then the young wrestler’s career took off, he signed contracts for fights, won championships more than once and in 2007 received an injury, which caused him to lose his champion title. John Cena ended up winning 23 championships, 15 of which were world championships.

2 Dwayne Johnson.

Second position in the ranking of the most the most beautiful and sexy men in the world went to American wrestler and film actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. His sports career began in 1996, since then he has won many awards, becoming a two-time heavyweight champion, an eight-time WWF/E champion, and the winner of the 2000 Royal Rumble. Since 2001, Dwayne began his acting career; in 2002, Johnson was invited to shoot the film “The Scorpion King,” where he played the main role. The fee for this film was $5.5 million. Later, “The Rock” starred in the films “Hercules”, “The Mummy Returns”, as well as in the “Fast and Furious” film series. Dwayne was married, but is now independent for a new relationship.

1 Cristiano Ronaldo.

The most handsome man in the whole world is rightfully considered the Portuguese football player, two-time Ballon d'Or winner, Cristiano Ronaldo. This handsome man made many women fall in love with football. Already at the age of eight, Cristiano began playing football, and when he turned 16, the talented guy was noticed by the head coach of Manchester United.

The signing of a contract between the aspiring football player and the club did not take long. Ronaldo played for Manchester United for a relatively short time, and was bought by Real Madrid for 93 million euros. Own life Things haven’t worked out for Cristiano yet; since 2010 he has been in a relationship with Russian supermodel Irina Shayk, but in January 2015 she announced their separation.

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More than 80,000 magazine readers GLAMOR(mostly readers Western countries) voted in an annual poll to find out who is the sexiest man in the world.

So, here are a hundred winners:

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100. Ashton Kutcher

In the photo: Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis

Age: 37 years

American actor, producer and television host. In March 2015, he upset millions of his fans by marrying actress Mila Kunis.

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99. Kellan Lutz

Pictured: Kellan Christopher Lutz

Age: 30 years

Popular American actor and model. Gained widespread popularity after starring in the Twilight film series as Emmett Cullen. He is the face of a new clothing brand from Calvin Klein.

# # #

98. Jeremy Renner

Pictured: Jeremy Lee Renner

Age: 44 years old

American actor who has played many roles in popular films such as “The Hurt Locker”, “City of Thieves”, “Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol”, “The Avengers”, “Witch Hunters”, “Avengers: Age of Ultron”.

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97. James Franco

Pictured: James Edward Franco

Age: 37 years

American actor, producer, screenwriter, director, writer, artist, filmmaking teacher. Known for his leading roles in the films “Spider-Man”, “The Great Raid”, “Tristan and Isolde”, “The Duel” and “Lafayette Squadron”.

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96. Garrett Hedlund

Pictured: Garrett John Hedlund

Age: 30 years

American actor, who gained popularity after playing Patroclus in Wolfgang Petersen's film Troy and Sam Flynn in Tron: Legacy.

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95. Justin Theroux

Pictured: Justin Theroux

Age: 43 years

American actor, director, screenwriter. He made his film debut as an actor in 1996. In 2006 he directed his own film “Dedication”. And in 2010, the film “ iron Man 2,” which was written by Justin Theroux. Since 2011 he has been dating famous actress Jennifer Aniston.

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94. Jason Momoa

Pictured: Joseph Jason Namakeaha Momoa

Age: 35 years

American actor, known for starring in the film “Conan the Barbarian” as Conan, as well as for his role as Uhal Drogo in “Game of Thrones”, and as Ronon Dex in the TV series “Stargate: Atlantis”.

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93. Tom Odell

Pictured: Tom Peter Odell

Age: 24 years

English singer, composer and musician. His first album was released in June 2013. Since then, his popularity has only been growing.

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92. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

In the photo: Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt

Age: 34 years

American actor and film director. He started acting in films at the age of 7. Known to the Russian public from the TV series “The Third Planet from the Sun”. In 2005, Joseph Gordon-Levitt gained widespread fame and recognition from audiences around the world for his role as a street hustler in the film Mysterious Skin. Has a huge filmography. Starred in leading role in the movie Snowden.

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91. Jon Hamm

Pictured: Jonathan Daniel Hamm

Age: 44 years old

American actor who gained fame after starring as Don Draper in the television series Mad Men. He even received a Golden Globe for this role.

Not only famous women dream of being included in the list of “The Most sexy women stars,” it turns out that handsome men are also not averse to receiving such a very high-profile title.

Every year, well-known publications such as the British glossy Heat World, Empire magazine, Glamor, People and other authoritative resources publish on their pages the top ranking of the most handsome men among world famous this.

Many of the most beautiful men in the world, whose photos you can see below, still remain single and have the status of the most enviable and most desirable suitors of starry Olympus.

IN THE TOP 10 most beautiful, sexy and desirable men 2018-2019 included such film and show business stars as Harry Styles, Jamie Dornan, Campbell Bower, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Theo James, Jamie, Jared Leto, Pharrell Williams, Henry Cavill, Robert Pattinson.

How can you replace it: the sexiest handsome men do not always have only beauty. Most of these men created their own successful career, smart and talented, armed not only with piercing looks, but also with incredible charisma. They never cease to be the center of attention. Millions of women dream and desire them.

So, let's look...

The sexiest male celebrities - 2018-2019. Top rating of the most seductive men: photos

The most sexy men-musicians: Adam Levine - American singer, vocalist of the pop rock band Maroon 5, actor, guitarist.
Sexiest Male Movie Stars: Al Pacino
The sexiest male celebrities in the world: Antonio Banderas - Spanish actor, dancer, film director, singer.
The sexiest handsome men in Hollywood: Ben Affleck - American actor, film director, screenwriter, producer.
The most charismatic sex symbols of Britain: Benedict Cumberbatch - British film and theater actor. Commander of the Order of the British Empire. One of the top ten handsome men.
The most desirable men among Hollywood actors: Brad Pitt is an American actor and producer.
Sexiest Male Actors: Bradley Cooper
The most desirable handsome men are celebrities. James Bond - Daniel Craig
The sexiest male stars sports: David Beckham is a British football player.
The sexiest musicians: Jared Leto - American rock singer and vocalist of the rock band Thirty Seconds to Mars ( alternative rock), actor, music video director.
The most beautiful singers: Justin Timberlake- American pop and R&B singer, composer, producer, dancer and actor. Former lead singer of the boy band 'N Sync.
The most handsome men in cinema: Gerard Butler is an actor from Scotland.
Most sexy actor cinema: Jake Gyllenhaal comes from a family of film director and screenwriter.
The sexiest and most desirable male stars: Jamie Dornan is in the top 10 sexiest celebrities.
Sexiest movie actors: Jamie Campbell Bower - actor from England
The most handsome men - celebrities: James Franco - film actor, screenwriter, director, producer, writer, artist, teacher.
The most sexy stars Hollywood: Johnny Depp - film actor, film director, screenwriter, musician, producer
The most handsome and charismatic men in the film industry: George Clooney has been the sex symbol of cinema for many years. Producer, screenwriter, director.
The most desirable handsome men of cinema and theater: Brittany Jude Law
The most famous handsome men of the film industry: Edward Norton
The most handsome male celebrities: Ewan McGregor - film actor from Scotland
The sexiest men in show business: Pharrell Williams is in the TOP 10 sexiest men of 2018 - 2019.

The cutest men in show business: Harry Styles- singer from England, soloist Group One Direction
The most sexy celebrities- British: Guy Ritchie - famous director, producer, screenwriter
The sexiest and most handsome men: Henry Cavill enters - British film star, one of the TOP 10 most desirable celebrity men.
The sexiest men in show business: Kanye West - popular rapper. Also involved in project production and design.
The sexiest men in the world: Javier Bardem is a film actor from Spain, winner of several prestigious film awards.
The sexiest film actors: Hugh Jackman is an actor from Australia, acting in films, theater, and television. Known for his role as Wolverine
Sex symbol of British cinema: Hugh Laurie is a talent rolled into one. Actor, director, screenwriter, writer, pianist, producer, singer
The most gorgeous handsome men of British cinema, theater and television: Colin Firth
The sexiest movie hunks: Chris Hemsworth - actor from Australia
The sexiest men in show business: Chris Martin - known as the lead singer and keyboardist of Coldplay
The sexiest male celebrities in the world: Jean Reno - an actor from France with Spanish roots
The most handsome male stars: Jean Dujardin - film actor and comedian from France
The most handsome men in Hollywood: Zac Efron - film actor from America
The most handsome men in cinema: Ian Somerhalder - an actor from the USA and just a handsome man
The sexiest male actors in France: Vincent Cassel
British film, theater and television actor Tom Hiddleston is among the TOP 10 sexiest men of 2018 - 2019.
Handsome Tom Ford is a famous American designer and film director.
Sexiest British Celebrities: Theo James - TV and Film Actor. Included in the TOP 10 most handsome men of 2018-2019
The most beautiful and sexy men in sports: Cristiano Ronaldo - football player from Portugal
Lars von Trier, a film director and screenwriter from Denmark, also made it into the top 100 sexiest male celebrities.
Michael Fassbender is included in the list of the most handsome male stars among film, theater and television actors
The most desirable men in Hollywood: Matt Damon - film actor, screenwriter, producer
The sexiest movie celebrities of the past: Mickey Rourke - actor and former boxer
The most beautiful and desirable men in cinema: Owen Wilson - comedian
One of the most beautiful tormented stars Ryan Gosling from Canada
The sexiest men of 2018-2019: actor Ryan Reynolds
The sexiest men in show business, cinema, fashion: Robert Pattinson is among the ten most desirable men of 2018-2019.
The sexiest handsome men of cinema: Robert Downey Jr. The sexiest male celebrities TOP 10: Jamie Dornan

Incredible facts

We define beauty by many things, including existing beauty standards, our culture, and childhood experiences. All this together creates complex aesthetic feelings.

Scientists believe that beauty can be calculated mathematically.

According to Dr. Julian de Silva, who directs Center for Facial Cosmetic and plastic surgery in London, beautiful appearance can be determined using "golden ratio" formulas.

He measured the parameters of many celebrities' faces and identified the 10 most handsome men in the world.

The closer the ratio is to 1.618, the bigger face corresponds to the standard. According to the analysis, actor George Clooney's face is 91.86 percent perfect.

"He (Clooney) has beautiful facial symmetry and is the closest of the men to the standard. He has an almost perfect nose to lip ratio (99.6%) and eye to chin distance. According to 12 main criteria, it has the highest score", said Dr. de Silva.

Top most handsome men

Here are the 10 most handsome men in the world, whose facial proportions are considered ideal.

1. George Clooney - 91.86 percent

2. Bradley Cooper - 91.80 percent

3. Brad Pitt - 90.51 percent

4. Harry Styles - 89.63 percent

5. David Beckham - 88.96 percent

6. Will Smith - 88.8 percent

7. Idris Elba – 87.93 percent