Singer Levkin biography. Na-Na - Beautiful

From the old lineup legendary group“Na-Na” retained Vladimir Politov and Vyacheslav Zherebkin in the team, who have been performing in the group since 1992. How have the guys changed since then and what happened to the musicians who left the gang?

Vladimir Levkin

In 1997, the artist was diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system, which Levkin fought for 10 years. On next year after Levkin found out about his illness, he left Na-Na. At first Levkin was engaged in others musical projects, but over time the illness left him no strength to work.

“I imagined a terrible sight,” Vladimir said in an interview with the Sobesednik portal. - Pale and thin, like death itself, completely bald. Even my eyebrows fell out from chemotherapy! The bloody ulcers in my mouth hurt wildly, it was impossible to swallow even a piece of food. The only salvation was the painkiller paste. I lubricated the sores in my mouth with it, the pain went away for a while. And quickly, quickly, choking, he ate bread or pasta.”

In 2012, Levkin became the father of a girl, Nika, who was born by actress Marina Ichetovkina, the musician’s fourth wife. Levkin met Marina in the company of friends, and the girl did not hide the fact that for a long time she went crazy both for the group and for Levkin personally, although she never tried to get in touch with her idol.

At the wedding, the bride did not hide her delight at her dream come true. “I married Levkin!” - the girl laughed.

Vladimir Asimov

Senior Sergeant Asimov joined the group after military service in the Space Force. Over 12 years of work at Na-Na, Asimov, according to in my own words, repelled more than one sexual attack from desperate fans. The girls guarded the musician at the entrance, made their way into hotel rooms, bribing the maids, and gave the artist their underwear, but Asimov remained faithful to his wife, banker Tatyana Tomilina, who at one time sponsored the group. The couple got married secretly, and Tatyana and her son Semyon (born in 1995) lived separately from Vladimir - the producer of “Na-Na” Bari Alibasov forbade his wards to get married, as this, in his opinion, could affect their popularity. In addition, Alibasov liked Tatyana, he himself proposed to the girl. Having learned that Asimov was caring for Tomilina, the producer threatened his artist with dismissal, so Asimov kept his marriage a secret for 7 years - even the parents of the spouses did not know about their status.

In 1991, Asimov’s wife was diagnosed with blood cancer - doctors predicted the girl would have two years to live, but she not only defeated the disease, but gave birth to a child during the rehabilitation period, although the doctors feared that the young mother would not survive childbirth.

After leaving the group, Asimov and his family moved to Spain, where he continues to record songs, including on Spanish. The artist’s 22-year-old son was educated in Spain and works in the civil service.

Pavel Sokolov

Sokolov became the group’s vocalist in 1997, and before that the artist participated in the “Na-Na” dancers for 8 years, having started dancing in ballet at the age of 14. As Sokolov recalls, it was a crazy time: the artist’s life included alcohol, illegal substances, and sex with fans...

Pavel regrets that there were drugs in his life, he talks about this openly with his three children - eldest daughter Sokolova is 26 years old and a lawyer.

Sokolov left Na-Na in 2008 and has not communicated with his former bandmates since then.

Vladimir Politov

Politov still works at Na-Na, recalling with nostalgia best years collective: “When we were at the peak of fame, we could afford anything. Slava and I came back from the tour with two sports bags of money. And we thought: where to spend it? They squandered 5 thousand dollars a day - on clothes, on girls, on clubs, on gifts.”

Having started a family, Politov began to behave more modestly. Now his daughter Alena is 16 years old, she is finishing school and plans to return to Moscow from Goa, where she lives with her mother Olga. For some time after the divorce, Alena lived with her father, until ex-wife The musician traveled around India, becoming fascinated by Eastern philosophy.

In the summer of 2011, the Na-Na musicians faced a tragedy: the founder of the group’s Moscow fan club, 30-year-old Margarita Gileva, was killed. The killer turned out to be another fan of the group, Victoria Kharitonova, who stabbed and strangled her friend out of jealousy towards the musicians. Later, the criminal confessed, and in 2012, Kharitonova was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Vladimir Politov, who was closest to the girl, brought condolences to the girl’s family and met with Rita’s parents.

Vyacheslav Zherebkin

After serving in a tank unit and working at a factory, Zherebkin passed the casting for “Na-Na”. Three years later, Slava became a father for the first time - in 1994, his wife Tatyana gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia, from the artist. Now the family has four children, the youngest of whom, son Denis, was born exactly a year ago.

In the company of two young band members, Leonid Semidyanov and Mikhail Igonin, Vladimir Politov and Vyacheslav Zherebkin continue to tour and release videos.

For a very long time, performer Vladimir Levkin was known to the audience only as a member of the Na-Na group, popular in the 90s, although for a long period he had nothing in common with the group. Now listeners and fans of his work should prepare for a new event - the final return of their favorite to the stage. The vicissitudes in creative activity were, of course, largely connected with incidents in personal life of Vladimir Levkin.

Despite the fact that the biography of Vladimir Levkin began 48 years ago in Moscow, he spent his childhood in Potsdam, Germany. It was there that the boy began his first acquaintance with music. Returning to his homeland with his parents, the future popular artist Having learned to play the button accordion, I decided to also master the guitar. Favorite musical movement in school years Vladimir Lyovkin had hard rock, so it was in this style that the first group created by the singer, “Mercury Lake,” worked. True, she did not receive much fame, since she never left the apartments on big stage. After school, the future pop luminary decided to throw in his lot with the energy sector. There is no other way to explain my admission to the Moscow Energy Institute. Unfortunately (or fortunately) it was not possible to finish it. Once in the army, Vladimir Lyovkin did not give up his music studies, and his organizational skills also came in handy - he became a guitarist in the newly formed ensemble "Horizon". Apparently, it was the army experience that finally convinced the singer that his true calling was music, therefore, after returning from the army, he directed his steps to Gnesinka, while attending auditions for young performers throughout his studies. In 1988, on one of them, Vladimir Levkin pulled out his happy ticket- participation in the group "Na-Na". The Na-Nai period in the biography of Vladimir Levkin lasted 10 years, during which he acquired all the skills necessary for the big stage. After leaving the group, the singer tried to form his own group called “Sneakers,” but listeners, accustomed to hearing their idol in the pop music genre, simply did not accept such metamorphoses, so the group never became popular.

In the photo - Vladimir Levkin with his wife Marina Ichetovkina

Long break in musical career associated with a serious disease - lymphogranulomatosis. Such a diagnosis left practically no chance not only for a happy, but even for a simple life. Despite all the efforts of parents, sisters and close friends to collect the required amount it was not possible for treatment abroad, so Vladimir Levkin remained in Russia, which further convinced skeptics that he would not survive. However, contrary to all forecasts, the singer managed to fight for his life and emerge victorious from this fight. Now he is again living a full life and intends to seriously plunge into creativity and concert activities.

In the photo - Vladimir Levkin with his wife and daughter

Vladimir Levkin was married several times. His first marriage to a girl, Marina, was marked by the birth of his daughter Victoria in 1993, but after lasting about 5 years, it still ended in divorce. The union with Oksana Oleshko lasted just as long, for whom, in fact, the artist left the famous group. The singer acquired his next wife after his recovery. She became the model Alina Yarovikova. However, this marriage was the shortest. Now a fourth wife has appeared in the performer’s life - Marina Ichetovkina. Judging by press publications and pages social networks spouses, in family life reigns complete harmony. The family has a growing daughter, Veronica, who recently turned 3 years old. However, like any man, Vladimir Levkin also dreams of an heir, so he assured everyone that their family will not stop with a daughter, since their plans include many children, which the couple is now working hard on.

Tales about fans who married their idols are rare. In 2011, actress Marina Ichetovkina became a couple with Vladimir Levkin, whom she had loved since she was 11 years old. Her story is very instructive, because in order to become interesting to her idol, the girl got a profession, became an interesting conversationalist and a self-sufficient person.


In 1982, Marina Ichetovkina was born in Izhevsk. She grew up in a simple family, studied at school No. 27 and until the age of 11 she was no different from other children of that time. In 1993, with my mother, I went to a concert of the Na-Na group, after which I seriously declared that I would become the wife of one of the group’s lead singers, Vladimir Levkin.

After graduating from school, the girl began to fulfill her dream. To begin with, she moved to Perm and entered the Institute of Art and Culture. She chose the same specialty as Vladimir - directing theatrical performances. But the girl did not become a director, she got a job in Student theater poetry named after Solomenny, and after 2004 she set off to conquer Moscow.

To date, Marina Ichetovkina has taken part in more than 20 projects. She played both minor and major roles in television series. Her best works are considered to be: Zhanna from “Univer”, journalist Sveta from “Club”, Inna from “I’m Flying”. To the girl’s credit, she received all these roles herself, even before her wedding to Levkin.

Lifetime dream

All her friends laughed at the girl’s dream of becoming Vladimir Levkin’s wife. She was called a fan, and she did not deny that she knew everything about the tastes, habits and personal life of her idol. She used this knowledge wisely. Marina Ichetovkina decided to become an educated and interesting girl in all respects. To do this, she read books and watched films that Vladimir liked. When Levkin was sick with cancer, the girl prayed for him and transferred money for the treatment of her idol.

The first meeting with Vladimir took place a month after moving to the capital. The girl knew Levkin’s address and other contacts, but did not touch him privacy, she approached him after the concert and admitted that she had loved Vladimir since she was 11 years old. Such confessions were not uncommon, so Marina’s chosen one only thanked her and left.

Career and wedding

Marina Ichetovkina did not despair; for a while she let go of her dream, deciding that she was not interesting enough for the man she loved. She got good roles in TV series, rented a nice apartment, bought a car. She pursued her career primarily in order to become self-sufficient. The childhood dream faded into the background, the girl lived with her boyfriend Maxim, and things were moving towards a wedding.

In 2010 at creative meeting with fans, the girl thanked Levkin for giving her such an incentive in life. On this day, the incredible happened: the idol fell in love with his fan. They talked all night, but broke up the next morning, since Marina was not free. After 2 months, the girl breaks up with Maxim and writes to Vladimir, who responded immediately.

Soon the whole capital learned about the novel. In 2011, they received the title “Couple of the Year”, and in 2012 they got married. Now Marina often performs with her husband; in marriage they raise common daughter- Nick.

Vladimir Levkin’s illness was discovered during the filming of Evgeniy Osin’s video “Don’t, don’t cry...” in 1997. Treatment of the disease continued for 10 years.

Levkin Vladimir: biography and illness

The singer was born on June 6, 1967, in the capital of Russia - Moscow. Almost immediately after the birth of their son, the family moved to Germany, to the city of Potsdam. At the age of 6, being a very young boy, Levkin began studying accordion at a music school. And only a year later I entered general education.

After living abroad for some time, the family returned to Russia again. In 1984, Vladimir served as chairman of the All-Union Pioneer Headquarters and actively participated in social activities, accepting the honorary banner of the CPSU Central Committee.

Having learned to play the button accordion, the young guy decided to master the guitar, and this became his true passion. Having formed a group, the guys gathered at home and played guitars.

After receiving a school education, Levkin entered the National research university, but after studying short term, on summons he went to serve in a ship repair battalion, not far from Murmansk. During the service, the singer was involved in musical group"Horizon", which was popular in the city.

After the service, Vladimir Levkin tried his hand at music and decided to enter Gnesinka. And already at the age of 30 he realized that his calling was directing and entered GITIS, which he successfully completed in absentia.

Creative path

As an experiment, the young man took part in the casting organized by Bari Alibasov. When Vladimir was accepted into the pop group, his surprise knew no bounds, since, as a rule, he performed rock songs at qualifying competitions own composition. The group instantly became popular, and Vladimir Levkin became an idol of youth. How main soloist ensemble, the singer became a nine-time winner of the national music award 9 times.

But after the expiration of the contract, Levkin had to either extend the contract and stop dating his girlfriend (married soloists were not welcome in the group), or go free, as the musician did.

Vladimir Levkin’s illness was discovered when the singer turned 30 years old. He started to study solo career, but illness temporarily delayed its implementation creative plans. Because young man They made a terrible diagnosis - stage IV cancer of the lymphatic system. After which not a trace remained of the cheerful and perky guy.

Levkin Vladimir: about illness and recovery

After the singer found out about his illness, for some time he hid his grief from people close and dear to him. Vladimir recalls that he first worked through the concert program, and then he packed his things and went for an examination at the oncology center. Even the parents did not find out about their son’s trouble immediately, but after a certain time.

However, the news of the disease did not break Vladimir; he continued to actively engage in creative activities. Released my first solo album, was engaged in composing and publishing poetry collections, and since 1998 became the editor-in-chief of the Detective Club newspaper. Then famous singer began to be invited to roles in TV series and as hosts on various talk shows.

In 2000, Vladimir, at the invitation of Vyacheslav Kachinin, showed himself as a soloist, producer and manager of the group Kedbl, which managed to release two successful albums in large quantities.

Fight for life

When Vladimir Levkin’s illness began to progress, the singer had to leave the stage and the air. His wife left him and many of his friends turned away. Appeared serious problems with money. Relatives and close friends began to jointly help the singer: they called everyone who could help in any way, and opened a fundraiser for an operation for Vladimir. Due to illness, Levkin spent a year and a half in the hospital; in total, he underwent 9 courses of chemotherapy and a serious operation. After much suffering, the disease seemed to have subsided.

After a series of operations, ex-soloist of “Na-Na” Vladimir Levkin learned to walk again. The singer said that 15 minutes from his house there was a restaurant where his friend worked. To see his friend, the singer went to him for two months. Taking a few steps every day. When he realized that his strength was leaving him, he returned back. But after a while, Levkin finally got there, and his friend scolded the singer for mocking himself and urgently called a taxi.

After intensive treatment and therapy, Vladimir Levkin began to feel much better. He returned to work and accidentally found new love. The singer began dating his fan Marina Ichetovkina, who was younger than the musician for 14 years.

Relapse of the disease

However, almost immediately after the wedding, a terrible thing happened - Vladimir Levkin had a relapse of the disease. The cancer returned just at the time when the singer’s young wife found herself pregnant. According to Levkin, he accepted the relapse of the disease quite steadfastly and calmly.

The singer underwent a bone marrow transplant; his treatment dragged on for about a year. During the course of therapy, the young wife was with her husband all the time, helping her loved one overcome a serious illness.

After this, Levkin constantly undergoes medical examinations and tries in every possible way to keep himself in good shape. However, the question still remains unclear: “Who is to blame for Levkin’s illness?”

Causes of the disease

Doctors say one of the possible causes of the disease in the ex-lead singer of the Na-Na group is radioactive radiation, which the singer could have been exposed to during his performance in Chernobyl. Where producer Bari Alibasov sent young performers. There is an opinion that it was such a trip that could serve as an impetus for the development of a terrible disease that arose in the singer.

Back to life

Now Vladimir is diligently developing his wife’s singing career, and also spends a lot of time raising his daughter. And he just enjoys life.

This year is an anniversary year for the singer. Vladimir Levkin turned 50 in June, his daughter Nika will be 5 in September. And also in 2017 - 35 years of his creative activity.

Nika Levkin's youngest daughter is developed beyond her years. Vladimir’s wife adheres to the idea that the girl took her prudence from her grandfather Alexander, Volodya’s father, who was an intelligent and erudite man. The girl loves to draw and is growing up to be a very creative child.

Vladimir tries his best to devote time not only youngest daughter, but also older. From his first marriage, the singer has an adult daughter, Victoria, who is now 24 years old. According to the singer, he wants to make up for lost time, since he spent Vika’s entire childhood traveling, taking Active participation V concert programs group "Na-Na".

Vladimir Alexandrovich Levkin. Born on June 6, 1967 in Moscow. Russian singer, TV presenter. Former member of the pop group "Na-na".

His parents met in the village of Ivankino Vladimir region, where his father was from, and his mother was visiting her aunt there. Mother is a native Muscovite.

Vladimir has a younger sister.

His childhood years were spent in Potsdam (GDR), where his father served.

From the age of five he went to music school according to the accordion class. And when the family moved to Moscow, Vladimir became interested in the guitar. He wrote poetry and music.

In his childhood, according to Vladimir, he did not have a mischievous character and was not a bully, but at the same time he quite often found himself drawn into fights, in which he learned to stand up for himself.

During his school years, together with his friends, he organized the group “Mercury Lake”.

After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Energy Institute (MPEI), from where he was drafted into the army. He served in a ship repair battalion near Murmansk. During his service, he played guitar in the army band "Horizon".

After demobilization, I decided to enter Gnesinka. But then I accidentally saw a casting announcement in new group Bari Alibasova "Na-na". More than 700 people took part in the casting, but Alibasov chose only one - Vladimir Levkin. Levkin himself recalled: “I came, plugged in my guitar, started singing my song, sang a verse with a chorus. And some person at the control panel said: “Come back in two days - there will be the first rehearsal.”

According to Levkin himself, the fact that he was accepted was a big surprise even for himself, since qualifying rounds competition, he performed songs of his own composition. He himself said: “Three months before tour We have gone through such a school of life! Vocal lessons and acting, work in the studio. Then almost a year of endless tours around Russia - I returned home with an amount that would have been enough to buy half of the Zhiguli cars at that time! During this time, we gave 936 concerts; no other musical team has ever repeated this, but we did it.”

The first line-up of the group included: Vladimir Levkin (vocals, rhythm guitar); former members group "Integral": Valery Yurin (vocals, lead guitar) and Marina Khlebnikova (vocals). A little later, the following joined the group: Andrey Ktitarev (keyboards), Alexander Karpukhin (bass guitar, vocals), Valery Burneyko (drums, vocals), Alexander Zaporozhets (keyboards, vocals).

In December 1990, the group became the laureate of the television competition “Song-90” with the cheerful disco song “Eskimo and Papuan”, where Levkin was the Eskimo and Yurin was the Papuan.

In the summer of 1991, film director Zaal Kakabadze made a musical Feature Film"Sun, air and... Na-Na." The main characters of the film are Vladimir Levkin and, who played themselves. According to the plot, they are in love with.

In 1996, Levkin entered the directing department at GITIS and graduated in absentia.

In 1997, he starred in the video “Don’t, don’t cry...”.

As part of the group “Na-na” he took part in the recording of the discs “Don’t get married”, “May”, “Beautiful”, “Na-nastalgia”, “Night without sleep”, “All life is a game”, “Think about it, right? "

In the summer of 1998, his contract with Na-na ended and Vladimir left the group.

Na-Na - Beautiful

Published poetry collections“I wish I could stay so young and pure forever...” and “Parallels.”

In 1999-2000, he was the host of the “Musical Kitchen” and “Ah, Anecdote” programs on the TV Center channel.

In 2000, Vladimir Levkin received an invitation from Vyacheslav Kachin (Slavets) to the group "Sneakers"(official name - "Kedbl"). The group released two albums: “Flomaster” and “Zapanki”. Vladimir was the organizer, lead singer, producer and manager of the group, but a serious illness forced the singer to leave the stage.

Since June 2006 - Director of Culture public organization"Union of Social Justice of Russia." He was involved in charity work. He took part in the charity event “Shield and Lyre” dedicated to the memory of employees who died in the line of duty, “Abkhazia is a country of friends”, “Miracles of the New Year”. Visited children's hospitals and medical centers, social shelters and orphanages.

In June 2009, Vladimir Levkin, together with the Melodiya company, released the album “Stories from the First Person”.

In 2014 became general director International art festival "Open Sea".

In 2015-2016, he took part in the 3rd season of the Channel One show “Exactly”, where he impersonated Bogdan Titomir, Leonid Agutin, Evgeny Osin, Kai Metov, Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, Alexander Aivazov, Konstantin Kinchev, Nikolai Gnatyuk, Valery Leontyev and John Lennon.

Vladimir Levkin's height: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Vladimir Levkin:

He was married four times.

The first wife is Marina Levkina. They got married in 1992. Divorced in 1997

Second wife - Oksana Oleshko, singer, former soloist Hi-Fi group.

The third wife is Alina Yarovikova (pseudonym “Alina the Great”), model and TV presenter, winner of the Miss Television of Russia 2001 contest.

In 2003, Vladimir Levkin was diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system. Vladimir underwent nine courses of chemotherapy. On December 17, 2003, Vladimir underwent a complex operation, as a result of which his health began to improve. The singer said that during that difficult period in his life, his third wife, model and TV presenter Alina Yarovikova, helped him get back on his feet. However, this did not help save their relationship, and after some time the couple broke up.

In total, treatment lasted 10 years.

The fourth wife is Marina Ichetovkina. He met her at one of the parties with mutual friends; at that moment she was working as a casting director for the series “Interns.” According to the singer, it was love at first sight. Soon the couple began dating and then living together. Marina Ichetovkina was a longtime fan of the performer; she is 16 years younger than him. We got married in March 2012.

In 2017, Vladimir Levkin announced a recurrence of cancer. At the beginning of the year he was hospitalized, his wife Marina was nearby. Marina Ichetovkina said: “The doctors were afraid that I would give birth among cancer patients. But I was always strong, if I succumbed to weakness, it was not in front of my husband. My morning began in the hospital, where I was observed for pregnancy, then I ran to Volodya, then "I went to casting for the TV series "Interns", and then went back to the hospital. By the evening I realized that I hadn't even eaten anything. Sometimes I locked myself in the car, sobbed, screamed, then turned on loud music and tried to calm down."

Filmography of Vladimir Levkin:

1992 - Sun, air and... “Na-Na” - Volodya, soloist
1996 - Carnival night-2
1998 - Old songs about the main thing - 3 - Chukchi
2006 - Hello, I'm your dad! - episode

Discography of Vladimir Levkin:

With the group "Na-na":

Don't get married
A night without sleep
All life is a game
Think about it, right?

With the group "Kedbl":



If this is love (Steps to yourself)
First person stories
Life in 3D