Benedict cumberbatch hair. Benedict Cumberbatch is the new Sherlock Holmes

Fate itself ordered Benedict Cumberbatch to become a great actor. He was born into the family of English artists Timothy Carlton and Wanda Ventham. And despite the fact that dad stubbornly dissuaded his only son from this thankless profession, Ben began to take the initiative to get involved in art at the age of 12: while studying at an elite closed school Harrow, he performed on stage in improvisational theater, and on weekends he attended productions at London's Amadeus Theatre.

At school, Cumberbatch managed to find mutual language with all his classmates, but this did not save him from the offensive nickname “Cucumber” (the actor’s surname Cumberbatch is consonant with English word"cucumber") Later, when Benedict began to actively act in films and on TV, his parents suggested that he shorten his long, unpronounceable surname or take a fictitious pseudonym, but he insisted on keeping his comfortable name.

Thanks to his parents and excellent education, Benedict was raised in accordance with British concepts of aristocratic behavior and honor. Therefore, Ben always stood out for his compliant character and gentle disposition, which were later greatly needed on the set - he found a common language with almost all his colleagues and directors.

Benedict received the basics of his future specialty at the Manchester Institute (where he studied acting) and at the London Academy of Musical and Dramatic Art.

Star Trek Benedict Cumberbatch

Before becoming an artist, Benedict managed to work as an English teacher in a monastery in Tibet (it was after this that he took up Bikram yoga seriously) and as a perfumer in one of the London shops. It was, rather, not a way to make money, but an experience to get to know yourself and your true desires. He tried not to rush things, and the decision to become an actor became a deliberate choice.

Benedict is one of several modern actors who have harmoniously combined work in the theater, TV and cinema. Intelligence, noble manners and excellent education helped the star get roles as geniuses, artists and even prime ministers. He played in many English theaters, including in the Royal national theater. Cumberbatch was named best artist For his role in the production of Frankenstein, and for the television films Hawking and Marple: Killing is Easy, he was nominated for an elite BAFTA award. Benedict managed to star in episodes of the famous English films “Atonement”, “The Other Boleyn Girl” and “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!”.

But true fame came to Cumberbatch after the BBC television series Sherlock, the first episode of which aired in the summer of 2010. The story of the world-famous couple - detective Sherlock Holmes and his devoted companion Dr. Watson - received a new development thanks to screenwriters Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, who made modern London the setting. The creators of the show, and the artists themselves, were worried that the British would not forgive them for Victorian England was so easily replaced by the 21st century with its liberated morals and the power of the technological process. However, after the release of the first episode social network were flooded with enthusiastic statuses addressed to new version works of Arthur Conan Doyle. And the tall, blue-eyed, dark-haired man (by the way, for the sake of this project Ben dyed his hair, because his native hair color is red) attracted the girls so much that Benedict, to his amazement, acquired the title of sex symbol from many glossy English magazines. Even Cumberbatch's parents finally came to terms with their son's artistic calling and played the main character's parents in one of the episodes of the series.

Benedict's merits were noticed in Hollywood and they began to invite him to films famous directors. He landed a role with Steven Spielberg in the Oscar-nominated film War Horse; starred in the second and third parts of Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit" trilogy and ended up in the franchise's most profitable film " Star Trek" - "Star Trek: Into Darkness". In 2013, two Oscar-nominated films starring Cumberbatch were released - “August” and “12 Years a Slave.” In the same year, Benedict was named artist of the year in his native UK.

Personal life of Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch's longest relationship was with actress Olivia Poulet, whom he met at the Manchester Institute and lived together for 12 years. After breaking up, Benedict Cumberbatch found peace in the arms of designer Anna Jones, but this relationship lasted only a few months. Anna was beautiful and ambitious, but did not share Benedict’s hobbies at all and was not interested in either literature or theater.

In 2013, Benedict was spotted in the company of Russian model Katya Elizarova, who has lived and worked in London for many years. But a few months later, this novel became history. Ben's girlfriends also included model Lydia Hearst and actress Charlotte Asprey.

In 2015, it became known that Benedict Cumberbatch and his girlfriend Sophie Hunter, an English theater and opera director, playwright, actress and singer, were expecting their first child. In November of the same year, Benedict's parents reported to The Times that their son and Sophie Hunter were engaged. After a while, the gossip was confirmed, and on February 14, the lovers got married. The wedding ceremony took place at the Church of Peter and Paul in Mottistone. 3 months later, June 13, 2015. Benedict and Sophie had a son, whom they named Christopher Carlton Cumberbatch.

Benedict spends all his free time from filming with friends or at home watching TV. He boldly confesses to his "sins", declaring that he loves the X Factor and Strictly Come Dancing.

The love story of Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter

The young family of actor Benedict Cumberbatch and theater director Sophie Hunter welcomed their first child! We don’t yet know the boy’s name and, while waiting for details, we decided to recall the facts about the romance between Benedict and Sophie - one of the most secret star romances.

They met on the set

Future newlyweds Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter starred together in the English drama Burlesque Tales directed by Susan Luciani in 2009. True, love did not happen at first sight. Actors long time communicated with each other as colleagues and good acquaintances, and their romance began only in 2014.

Despite the fact that Benedict and Sophie did everything to avoid becoming victims of journalists (they went to the restaurant separately), they were unable to escape from the gossipers. The lovers were first seen together last summer at one of the matches of the French Tennis Championship at Roland Garros. Why there? The fact is that Sophie is a true fan of France. She studied French at Oxford, studied performing arts in Paris theater school Jacques Lecoq, in 2005 she recorded an album with the French The Isis Project, where she accompanied herself on the piano; Sophie also has a house in Paris.

Benedict Cumberbatch's parents officially announced their engagement

“The engagement has been announced between Benedict, son of Wanda and Timothy Cumberbatch, residents of London, and Sophie, daughter of Catharine Hunter of Edinburgh and Charles Hunter of London,” said page 57 of the new November issue of The Times in the “Upcoming Weddings” section. English tradition of announcing engagements in printed edition- is very ancient, and most English youth imagine it to be antediluvian, but Benedict convinced correspondents that he did not consider this step to be surprising. The actor said that he would have done the same if he were not famous.

They got married on Valentine's Day

Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter got married on February 14, 2015 on the British Wight Peninsula. Opposite the old medieval Church of St. Peter and Paul, where the wedding took place, is Mottistone Manor, once owned by Sophie Hunter's maternal family. The wedding celebration took place on the estate. Among the few guests (about 40 people), photographers saw actor Tom Hiddleston and Martin Freeman, Cumberbatch’s partner in the series “Sherlock.” At the time of the wedding, the bride was already expecting a child.

The Cumberbatch family has its own romantic tradition

Every Monday Benedict Cumberbatch's dad Timothy gives his wife scarlet rose as a sign of romance and love. The actor’s friends told reporters about this, also expressing the hope that the newly-made husband and father will observe this ritual in his family. “She's proud of my work, she's proud of me, she adores me. That’s the point, isn’t it?” - Cumberbatch confessed in an interview with People magazine immediately after the wedding was announced in November 2014. We think that roses on Mondays will be only a small part of Benedict Cumberbatch’s expression of love for Sophie Hunter.

Benedict Cumberbatch chose an unusual name for his son

Three months have passed since British actor Benedict Cumberbatch and his wife, theater director Sophie Hunter, became parents. However, the name of the newborn still remained a mystery. Finally, it's done! British newspaper Mirror learned that the boy was named Christopher Carlton Cumberbatch.

Christopher - after the character Cumberbatch played in the Tom Stoppard miniseries Parade's End, based on the novels by Ford Madox Ford. The name Carlton is the middle name of Benedict and his dad, actor Timothy Cumberbatch.

By the way, the actor prepared for the birth of the baby with all seriousness. He bought a four-story house for $4 million in north London. Although they say that Sophie insisted on purchasing a new mansion, because it was unpleasant for her to live in the place where Cumberbatch had previously lived with his previous lover, artist Olivia Poulet.

After the birth of the baby, the couple actively goes out into the world. Not long ago, Sophie could be seen at the premiere of the theatrical production of Hamlet, in which Benedict played main role. And even earlier, the couple appeared at the Serpentine Summer Ball party at Kensington Castle. Sophie wore an Erdem indigo dress with a voluminous skirt that accentuated her waist. And, judging by the photographs, she did not gain any weight after giving birth.

Benedict Cumberbatch is a British actor who inextricably associates himself with the name of Sherlock Holmes. His filmography includes dozens of equally interesting characters, but Benedict’s most successful roles remain geniuses and villains.

Family and childhood of Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch was born on July 19, 1976 in the capital of the United Kingdom - London. His parents, Timothy Carlton and Wanda Ventham, were famous television actors, so it is not surprising that the boy was interested in performing arts from childhood.

By the way, Benedict Cumberbatch is a distant relative of King Richard III - they are separated by 16 generations. However, on his family tree There are many other worthy ancestors: his grandfather Henry Cumberbatch was a submarine officer during the First and Second World Wars. The actor's great-grandfather, Henry Arnold Cumberbatch, was Consul General to Turkey and Lebanon during the era of Queen Victoria.

Parents paid special attention to their son’s education, and therefore Benedict changed several schools in search of the best one. In one of them, Harrow School, Benedict first appeared on stage. The 13-year-old boy's debut role was the fairy queen Titania from the play A Midsummer Night's Dream. His parents helped him with advice, and therefore, at all further rehearsals and performances, the aspiring actor amazed the audience and teachers with his mature performance beyond his years.

After graduating from school, Benedict traveled to Asian countries and even settled for a year in a Tibetan monastery, where he taught English language monks.

Benedict then returned to England and attended the University of Manchester, where he studied drama for the next four years. Afterwards, he continued to improve his acting skills at the oldest theater educational institution Great Britain - London Academy of Musical and Dramatic Art, where he received a master's degree in classical acting for professional theater.

The beginning of Benedict Cumberbatch's career

In 2001, Benedict Cumberbatch began performing on the professional stage. At first he played in the famous Open theater in Regent's Park, and then established himself at the Royal Court Theatre, Almeida Theater and the Royal National Theatre. Its bright actor play in the play Hedde Gabler brought him his first award - the Laurence Olivier Award, awarded to Benedict by the London Theater Society.

In 2002, Benedict Cumberbatch first appeared on television with episodic roles in the TV series “Heartbeat”, “Silent Witness”, “Fields of Gold” and “Velvet Feet”. And the first full-length film with Cumberbatch’s participation was the drama “To Kill a King” with Tim Roth.

One of Benedict Cumberbatch's first roles (TV series "Heartbeat")

These works can hardly be called significant, but they were enough for Benedict Cumberbatch to appear in Hugh Laurie’s project “A little over forty” in 2003 as the son of the main character of the film. The series was filmed in the genre of a family comedy, so the character of Benedict was given a lot of screen time. However, the project did not live up to expectations and was closed mid-season.

In 2004, Benedict Cumberbatch played physicist Stephen Hawking in the autobiographical film Hawking. The role brought him his first popularity, as well as a nomination for the BAFTA and Grand Prize Television Festival in Monte Carlo.

In 2005, he appeared before the audience in the adventure series “Journey to the End of the Earth” with the role of the young aristocrat Edmund Talbot.

From that moment on, Benedict Cumberbatch became the star of British mini-series. In 2006, he starred with James McAvoy in the youth series “Top Ten,” then switched to the historical drama genre in “Amazing Ease.” In 2007, he was highly anticipated interesting experience– in the drama series “Inseparable” he played twins with radically different characters.

Short film "Inseparable": Benedict Cumberbatch plays twins

The dystopia “The Last Enemy” and the drama “Small Island” received high marks from both critics and viewers, for which Benedict Cumberbatch was nominated for the Satellite Award and, again, for the BAFTA Award.

The Graham Norton Show: Benedict Cumberbatch parodied an otter

In 2010, the actor played Vincent Van Gogh in documentary film"A Portrait in Words" and also narrated the Discovery documentary series "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking."

Benedict Cumberbatch is the new Sherlock Holmes

Benedict Cumberbatch's talent and tenacity made him a star in his homeland, but he was still little known outside the UK. But he had an audition ahead for a promising new BBC project.

Before casting begins, Mark Gatiss, screenwriter and chief producer series “Sherlock”, set a strict condition: “No Hollywood celebrities! Cumberbatch's video resume piqued his interest, and soon Benedict stood before him in the flesh. Cumberbatch turned out to be the first and last contender for the role of Sherlock - after the casting, he was approved without hesitation.

The choice of Doctor Watson was more difficult - many British film stars auditioned for the role of the faithful assistant, including Matt Smith from Doctor Who. But Martin Freeman chatted so enthusiastically with Benedict during the casting that the directors decided to cast him: “At least they won’t have to learn to pretend to be friends.”

Ben had to undergo extensive pre-production training. He did yoga and swimming daily to make his body more "thin and bony" (this was the director's requirement), and also took violin lessons from Australian actress and violinist Eos Chater.

"Sherlock": funny takes from filming

On July 25, 2010, UK residents saw modern version adventures of the great detective. Of course, there were those who were dissatisfied with the reworking of Conan Doyle's universe into new way, but the vast majority of viewers found the BBC's experiment to be bold, vibrant and outstanding. The series instantly rose to the top positions of all possible television ratings, and the premiere shows were eagerly awaited all over the world.

Of course, the popularity of the series is not only the merit of Cumberbatch: each episode had a famously twisted plot, and each frame was filmed on top level. But it was this eccentric, curly-haired actor with characteristic facial expressions who managed to make Sherlock truly brilliant.

The further career of Benedict Cumberbatch

“Sherlock” was renewed for the next season without hesitation, but thanks to the policy of the project’s management, who preferred to delight fans with new episodes rarely but accurately, Benedict had a lot of free time. However, the actor did not have to be bored for long - the Sherlock star began to receive offers from prominent directors in the USA and Europe.

Already in 2011, he played brilliantly with Jonny Lee Miller, sharing a body with him in the film Frankenstein, and appeared on the same set with Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy on the set of the detective thriller Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy! The role of the right-hand assistant of British intelligence was appreciated at the independent film festival "Raindance" ( British equivalent Sundance nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

He then starred in Steven Spielberg's film War Horse and the drama Destroyer from independent British director Dictynne Hood.

In 2012, he played in the mini-series The Hollow Crown. The project dedicated to Shakespeare's plays gave bread to many popular British actors, for example, Tom Hiddleston played Henry V, Henry IV, and Benedict Cumberbatch played Richard III.

In 2012, the first part of the Hobbit trilogy was released, where the main antagonist Sauron (also known as the Necromancer) spoke in the voice of Cumberbatch. In the next part, the dragon Smaug was added to the role of Sauron. Although the character was drawn on a computer, using motion capture technology, the giant lizard was given the actor's facial expressions. This is why Smaug's face is so reminiscent of Benedict Cumberbatch.

Benedict Cumberbatch plays the dragon Smaug

In 2013, Cumberbatch again turned into a villain in the science-fiction blockbuster Star Trek Into Darkness. His character named Khan Singh falls into the hands of the hero team of Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine.

In the same year, Benedict Cumberbatch played WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in the film The Fifth Estate, as well as the intelligent slave owner William Ford, favorable to blacks, in the film 12 Years a Slave.

In the film "August", released again in 2013, he had to fight off the psychological attacks of the characters Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts at a family dinner. Both actresses were nominated for Oscars; Ironically, the statuette was “stole” from Julia Roberts by Lupito Nyong’o, who participated in the film “12 Years a Slave.”

In August 2014, the premiere of the biographical film “The Imitation Game,” dedicated to the brilliant cryptologist Alan Turing, took place. The film received eight Oscar nominations; Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley were nominated in the Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress categories, respectively. And although both actors lost (Benedict to Eddie Rademan from “The Universe of Stephen Hawking”, and Kira to Patricia Arquette from “Boyhood”), the film won the “Best Adapted Screenplay” nomination and became one of the main events in the world of cinema in 2014 .

A funny interview with Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley

In 2015, Cumberbatch played with Johnny Depp in crime drama"Black Mass", and also performed Hamlet on the stage of London's Barbican Theatre. The performance was broadcast live in many countries around the world, including Russia.

Benedict Cumberbatch's message to fans before Hamlet

Personal life of Benedict Cumberbatch

While studying at the University of Manchester, Benedict Cumberbatch met actress Olivia Poulet. Their romance lasted more than 12 years, but at the beginning of 2011 the press became aware of their breakup.

Subsequently, the actor dated designer Anna Jones for several months.

In 2013, Benedict Cumberbatch topped the list of the sexiest male actors according to Empire magazine. The editors of the publication were especially struck by his image in Star Trek Into Darkness: his character Khan Singh graced the cover of the February issue.

Life of the Stars


19.07.15 10:08

We learned about it only a few years ago, and now we are looking forward to it with great impatience. fourth season"Sherlock" to watch the brilliant performance of this British actor. His popularity is growing exponentially; now he has already competed for an Oscar for his role as a scientist in the film “The Imitation Game. We remember these and other facts about Benedict Cumberbatch on the occasion of his 39th birthday.

Interesting facts about Benedict Cumberbatch

Hereditary artist

Benedict is a hereditary artist. His father and mother also played in the theater and act in films and on TV. The father is the namesake of his son (in fact, our today's birthday boy is named Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch), who dropped the unpronounceable surname when he became an artist. Timothy Carlton's wife is 4 years older than him, her first and last name is Wanda Ventham. Both played the elder Holmes in the third season of Sherlock (they appear briefly in the first episode, and in the third, Mycroft, Sherlock and Watson and his wife come to their home for Christmas).

Agree, the actor’s surname and name are indeed not simple. As a child, Benedict was teased, and he himself used his surname to train his diction. Despite his parents' requests to change the indigestible combination to something simpler for the sake of the screen, Benedict left everything as it was. He is proud of the name and considers it a little old-fashioned, but “cozy.” Indeed, there is something Shakespearean in this.

Fairy Queen

The artist owes it to his mom and dad that they got him into the prestigious London school for boys, Harrow. When Benedict was 12 years old, he first appeared on stage in a student production: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” was staged at school. Interesting fact: Benedict Cumberbatch started... with female role, but with one of the main ones, he was entrusted with portraying the queen of fairies, the beautiful Titania (there were no girls in the school). Then a voice young actor began to break down, and he switched to male images.

Timothy and Wanda did not want their son to become an artist - it is too dependent a profession, you never know whether they will give you a short episode or a coveted leading role. They thought they were raising a politician or a lawyer. But Benedict had a completely different opinion.


The boy read McEwan’s book “Saturday” and became inspired to become... a neurosurgeon. He wanted to do something very important, requiring full dedication: Benedict grew up an idealist.

The same idealistic views made the young man ashamed of the education he received at Harrow. And unexpectedly for everyone, after school, Cumberbatch went to Tibet. There he lived among the monks and taught them English. It was a rewarding experience. As the actor himself admits: “Being with these people 24 hours a day, I came to the conclusion - to search from morning to night spiritual meaning In life, you need a great sense of humor!”

Brunette? Blond? Blond!

For the role of Sherlock, the actor dyed his hair brunette, although his natural hair color is light brown (with pronounced red).

But in order to be more like his other hero, Assange (the film “The Fifth Estate”), Cumberbatch became blond, though not for long: this color clearly does not suit him!

Sex symbol and most popular on TV

When the series “Sherlock” received a flood of praise, and even true fans of Con Doyle’s work appreciated the elegance and wit of the plot, Cumberbatch was instantly “dubbed” as a new British sex symbol. Oh, and the actor makes fun of this title!

Another “title” that the Briton earned: he began to be called the most popular television actor in the world. He pushed Hugh Laurie off the pedestal, who had long held the leading position thanks to Gregory House. Well, another sociopathic genius turned out to be dearer to the audience's hearts!

Power of persuasion

Another fact: Benedict Cumberbatch was filming in South Africa and, together with a colleague, was attacked by armed hijackers. The bandits tied up “Sherlock” and were going to stuff the not-so-small actor (his height, remember, is 183 cm) into the trunk. He used all his eloquence to convince the attackers, convincing them that he could die due to lack of air. "A dead Englishman in a car is a big problem!”, - this is how Benedict ended his tirade, and the criminals retreated.

Having played a homosexual in the film “The Imitation Game,” Cumberbatch became imbued with the problems of sexual minorities and, together with Stephen Fry (he is openly gay), signed an appeal to the government of his country. They asked for pardon for those who were convicted of homosexuality in the 20th century (previously this was punishable by law).

Commander and young father

Benedict himself is straight. He for a long time I dated one girl, but married a completely different one. On February 14, 2015, his wife became not very famous actress with an Oxford diploma - Sophie Hunter.

On June 13, two very significant events happened at once. significant events in the life of Benedict Cumberbatch. Fact one: his wife bore him a son. Fact two: Queen Elizabeth made the artist Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Congratulations to him!

Benedict Cumberbatch Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth15 million dollars
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 55 Richest Actors Alive in 2019!
Yearly SalaryN/A
SURPRISING: The 10 Best Salaries in Television!
Product EndorsementsDunlop
Highest Grossing MoviesAvengers: Infinity War, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey & The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
ColleaguesChris Pine, Zachary Quinto & Zoe Saldana



MUST READ: 10 Whopping Homes & Cars Of Celebrities That Will Amaze You!

Benedict Cumberbatch: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Benedict Cumberbatch with beautiful, Wife Sophie Hunter
Who is Benedict Cumberbatch dating in 2019?
Relationship statusMarried (Since 2015)
Current Wife of Benedict CumberbatchSophie Hunter
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wivesLiv Tyler
Dakota Mayi Johnson
Olivia Poulet, Anna Jones, Lydia Hearst, Lara Pulver, Katia Elizarova, Charlotte Asprey
Has any kids?No
Will the marriage of English actor Benedict Cumberbatch and current Wife, Sophie Hunter survive 2019?

Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.


Skin, Hair & Eye color

This cool fun attractive actor originating from Hammersmith, London, England has a slim body & long face type. Benedict Cumberbatch makes commercials for Jaguar, but actually uses: Yves Saint Laurent.

Hair colorLight brown
Hair typeWavy Curly
Hair Lengthshort hair (ear length)
Distinct featurecheekbones
Skin Tone/ComplexionType II: Fair skin
Skin TypeNormal
Beard or MustacheBeardless
Eye colorBlue
Does Benedict Cumberbatch smoke?Yes, regularly
CAUGHT SMOKING: The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers!

Benedict Cumberbatch - 2019 Light brown hair & exotic hair style.
Benedict Cumberbatch smoking a cigarette (or weed)

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Benedict Cumberbatch endorses clothing brands like Jaguar and his own fragrance, Benediction. And wears brands like Spencer Hart.
Weight79 kiloClothing styleformal
Favorite colorsblack
Feet size11
Waist size86
Buste size42
Does Benedict Cumberbatch have a tattoo?No

Official websites/fansites:

Does Benedict Cumberbatch have official Social Media profiles?

Benedict Cumberbatch Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth15 million dollars
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 55 Richest Actors Alive in 2019!
Yearly SalaryN/A
SURPRISING: The 10 Best Salaries in Television!
Product EndorsementsDunlop
Highest Grossing MoviesAvengers: Infinity War, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey & The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
ColleaguesChris Pine, Zachary Quinto & Zoe Saldana



MUST READ: 10 Whopping Homes & Cars Of Celebrities That Will Amaze You!

Benedict Cumberbatch: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Benedict Cumberbatch with beautiful, Wife Sophie Hunter
Who is Benedict Cumberbatch dating in 2019?
Relationship statusMarried (Since 2015)
Current Wife of Benedict CumberbatchSophie Hunter
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wivesLiv Tyler
Dakota Mayi Johnson
Olivia Poulet, Anna Jones, Lydia Hearst, Lara Pulver, Katia Elizarova, Charlotte Asprey
Has any kids?No
Will the marriage of English actor Benedict Cumberbatch and current Wife, Sophie Hunter survive 2019?

Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.


Skin, Hair & Eye color

This cool fun attractive actor originating from Hammersmith, London, England has a slim body & long face type. Benedict Cumberbatch makes commercials for Jaguar, but actually uses: Yves Saint Laurent.

Hair colorLight brown
Hair typeWavy Curly
Hair Lengthshort hair (ear length)
Distinct featurecheekbones
Skin Tone/ComplexionType II: Fair skin
Skin TypeNormal
Beard or MustacheBeardless
Eye colorBlue
Does Benedict Cumberbatch smoke?Yes, regularly
CAUGHT SMOKING: The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers!

Benedict Cumberbatch - 2019 Light brown hair & exotic hair style.
Benedict Cumberbatch smoking a cigarette (or weed)

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Benedict Cumberbatch endorses clothing brands like Jaguar and his own fragrance, Benediction. And wears brands like Spencer Hart.
Weight79 kiloClothing styleformal
Favorite colorsblack
Feet size11
Waist size86
Buste size42
Does Benedict Cumberbatch have a tattoo?No

Official websites/fansites:

Does Benedict Cumberbatch have official Social Media profiles?