Katya Gordon has an affair with a young actor from the TV series “Kremlin Cadets. Katya Gordon about her affair with a young actor from the series “Cadets”: “I’m telling Kirill, everything will be bad, I’m a loner, run away from me!”

It’s probably only because you’re young that you can suddenly, out of nowhere, lose control under emotions and detonate an information bomb, so that the public’s faces become long in surprise. 17-year-old actor Kirill Emelyanov, answering questions from readers on our website in video mode, seemed to be following every word (even to a harmless question: what are you ready for for the sake of your beloved, he refused to answer - they say, “very personal”). And then suddenly last minute ether, said:

I have a girlfriend that I'm with this moment I live together, she is an amazing writer, director. This is... Katyusha Gordon! – Emelyanov admitted (Katya Gordon became known to the general public after a scandal live with socialite Ksenia Sobchak. She was previously married to TV presenter Alexander Gordon - approx.). – We have been dating for a long time, and I hope our relationship will last as long as possible. I want to connect my life with her. Yes, Katya is a little older than me... only ten years,” added the actor (Katya turned 29 last fall, but we can attribute the error in calculations to an overabundance of feelings, so natural in young years).

It seems that the ardent public confession created a furor not only on the public, but also slightly shocked the lady of the heart of the young TV cadet (although, according to lawyers, there is nothing seditious in the fact that a young man at 17 years old has a lady older than him: this is no longer gentle age "up to 16".

Did he just say that?! - Katya Gordon asked when we called her and retold the text of the confession. - Uh-huh, - (thoughtful). - He really unique person, very open. Kiryukha is one of those few daredevils who take it and speak. There are few men left in our time who are capable of desperate acts! I respect Kiryukha, he is stronger than most of the males I have met along the way. Is it worth talking about something more? I need to consult with him. Remembering the experience of young relationships and my marriage, which I fell into when I was completely as a young child, I don't want to hurt anyone. Because when you start dating a person who is older than you and understands more, you become more influenced strong personality, and you start saying too naive things, doing naive things. Then, of course, they write books about it. But I am a responsible person and therefore I don’t want to talk to Kirill without advice.

Meanwhile...On film set series “Kremlin Cadets” are actively discussing another novel - this time between actors Alexander Golovin and Dasha Melnikova (Zhenya Vasnetsova from “Daddy’s Daughters”). Young people (by the way, Sasha is 20 years old, Dasha is three years younger) in Lately They are often seen in each other’s company, including at various social events, which they always leave together, which, in fact, attracted the attention of the paparazzi. We also add that the guys met several years ago on the set of the fairy tale film “Cinderella 4x4” where they played a couple in love. Moreover, the actors got into the role so much that almost everyone present on the set was sure that there were feelings between Sasha and Dasha. “Dasha and I don’t have any romance, although she good girl, pretty, but still small,” Golovin told reporters then. – She’ll grow up a little and maybe there’ll be something between us. It looks like Dasha has grown up...

And an 18-year-old “cadet” actor Kirill Emelyanov. OK magazine! I found the lovers and found out all the details of their love story.

Katya and Kirill met six months ago and became friends from the first meeting. And Kirill already went to the second with the understanding that for the first time he was truly in love. However, he had to melt the heart of his older friend for a long time: she saw in the talented boy only good friend. Katya, according to her, after six and a half years of a not very successful marriage with TV presenter Alexander Gordon, is afraid to commit herself to new family relationships. And no one knows yet what will come out of the union of Katya and Kirill.

Kirill says that, on the one hand, it was no coincidence that he let slip about their relationship in a video interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. But on the other hand, he was taken by surprise, and he gave in. Katya insists: if not for that reservation, no one would have found out about their romance. “He really rashly blurted out something about us to journalists. One could say that Kirill was joking, but they filmed it and it was clear that the boy was not lying, he was speaking sincerely, and was worried. Therefore, so that people do not invent horrors - and publications have already begun to appear that Katya Gordon, who is well over thirty, lives with a sixteen-year-old boy - we decided to tell it like it is.”

Katya sees only good things in her lover: “As my mother says: “Kirill is an elf!” Directors see him in one role - a bad boy. In fact, Kirill is unspoiled, and I really appreciate this purity in him. He is kind, talented, and has an unusual face. I can sense people a mile away, and if I meet good ones, I try not to let them go - at least to be friends. But at first I didn’t treat him as a man or a gentleman. We began to be friends, and one day a relationship arose that, to be honest, is difficult to characterize clearly. In Kirill I recognize myself ten years ago. He is a maximalist. Wants to make everyone happy immediately and forever. I’m glad that there is such a person next to me.”

If Kirill looks at his relationship with Katya optimistically - love to death and all that jazz - then Katya has a more sober approach to the situation: “Yes, the age difference really scares me. Yes, responsibility scares me. Yes, Kiryukha believes in us, because he is seventeen years old and he is a bright and pure little man. We are close, but I’m not ready to take Kirill as my groom yet. Every time I tell him: “You need someone younger, simpler and with positive experience in his personal life.”

Kirill’s parents reacted normally to the fact that their son had an adult lover. “Dad immediately said: “Cool!” And my mother and grandmother went on the Internet and read everything that was written about Katya. But I reassured them, explained that they would not find the truth there, and told them what Katya really was like. And they believed me. Grandma now has a photograph of Katya on her table.”

We have already told you about the romance between presenter Katya Gordon and 18-year-old “cadet” Kirill Emelyanov. OK magazine! I found the lovers and found out all the details of their love story.

Katya and Kirill met six months ago and became friends from the first meeting. And Kirill already went to the second with the understanding that for the first time he was truly in love. However, it took him a long time to melt the heart of his older friend: she saw only a good friend in the talented boy. Katya, according to her, after six and a half years of a not very successful marriage with TV presenter Alexander Gordon, is afraid to commit herself to new family relationships. And no one knows yet what will come out of the union of Katya and Kirill.

Kirill says that, on the one hand, it was no coincidence that he let slip about their relationship in a video interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. But on the other hand, he was taken by surprise, and he gave in. Katya insists: if not for that reservation, no one would have found out about their romance. “He really rashly blurted out about us to journalists for some reason. You could say that Kirill was joking, but they filmed it and it was clear that the boy was not lying, he spoke sincerely, he was worried. Therefore, so that people do not invent horrors - but they have already begun to appear publication that Katya Gordon, who is well over thirty, lives with a sixteen-year-old boy - we decided to tell it like it is.”

Katya sees only good things in her lover: “As my mother says: “Kirill is an elf!” Directors see him in one role - a bad boy. In fact, Kirill is unspoiled, and I really appreciate this purity in him. He is kind, talented , he has an unusual face. I can sense people a mile away, and if I meet good ones, I try not to let them go - at least to be friends. But at first I didn’t treat him as a man or a gentleman. We started to be friends, and one day there were some "A relationship that, to be honest, is difficult to characterize clearly. I recognize myself in Kirill ten years ago. He is a maximalist. He wants to make everyone happy immediately and forever. I am glad that there is such a person next to me."

If Kirill looks at his relationship with Katya optimistically - love to death and all that jazz - then Katya has a more sober approach to the situation: “Yes, the age difference scares me very much. Yes, responsibility scares me. Yes, Kiryukha believes in us, because he is seventeen years old and he is a bright and pure little man. We are close, but I am not yet ready to take Kirill as my groom. Every time I tell him: “You need someone younger, simpler and with positive experience in his personal life.”

Kirill's parents reacted normally to the fact that their son had an adult lover. “Dad immediately said: “Cool!” And mom and grandma climbed into

A little less than a week has passed since visiting

“Komsomolskaya Pravda”, the young star of the series “Cadets” Kirill Emelyanov gave up and accidentally revealed that for a year now he has had a close relationship with the scandalous writer and TV presenter 28-year-old Katya Gordon.

After Kiryukhina’s confession, they began to write that it was almost as if a forty-year-old woman had seduced a sixteen-year-old boy. The age difference increased every day. This is a country of double standards! It turns out that the fact that I lived for almost seven years with a man who is 17 years older than me (meaning TV presenter Alexander Gordon - approx.) did not surprise anyone.

And the fact that I'm older young man for ten and a half years, suddenly everyone suddenly began to worry. The only thing I would like to add: Kiryukha will be eighteen in two months. We don't live together, but we have a close relationship. I'm not ready for commitment and marriage right now. I understand that this was his random impulse, and that is the only reason why now I am forced to answer questions.

We are not Zavorotnyuk and Zhigunov to share stories throughout the country. And if Emelyanov had not burst through, I would not have started talking about personal things at all. I don’t believe in these public fairy tales at all. No, of course, I am touched by stories about ladies who crash into a pole in a Ferrari and dresses made by Yudashkin. Our relationship is more complicated than I love - I don’t love. I tell Kirill: “If you want, you’ll be there,” I can’t take on more responsibility. I'm not a gift, but a setup, especially for young creature. He, of course, believes that everything will be fine. But I don't believe it. We have these weird relationship. I have never lost my head in love. Either I trust a person or I don’t.

- So you trust Kirill?

We met when I was going through a difficult period. I struggled with

depression. They fired me from Radio Mayak, I was like a puppy on the roadway. Few people could be trusted. Some shouted: “Katya Gordon is a hero! Princess of anti-glamour! Others: “Katka is a fool!” A crowd of random friends appeared, a bunch of unexpected enemies. But I wanted simple, sincere communication.

We just met. We watched stories about each other in the “History in Detail” program. He wrote me a letter on the Internet. Kiryukha in right time was nearby. At first I didn’t perceive him as a man, but my brother is older! Gradually I began to notice that he was real. And in many ways very mature. He does not yet have star fever, there is no cult of personality.

He's just a guy, not Actor Akterych. Pure, natural, not polluted by our media, still capable of naive actions from the bottom of my heart. We can just put on our caps, go for a walk around Moscow, and we will feel good! We don’t like meaningless parties, we know how to enjoy even completely primitive things - we can buy hamburgers at Makavto and eat them in the car on the side of the road while chatting. I am grateful to Kiryukha for this feeling. He makes me believe that there is something bright! True, I sometimes notice that I behave with him like Alexander Garrich Gordon when I married him. I tell him: everything will be bad, I’m a loner, run away from me!

I wouldn't go back to Gordon for any amount of rolls or gingerbread.

After a difficult marriage with Channel One presenter Alexander Garrich, too brilliant for me, it took me three years to come to my senses. It took me a long time to get used to the fact that there are men who tell me: “Katya, you are so beautiful!” When I got married, I was 20 years old, Sasha was 37. I was a very naive child. Because I had never had any other experience, it seemed to me that everyone was so bad. For six and a half years she tried to get Gordon out of a state of eternal depression.

At the same time, there was no point in complaining myself; they answered me: “Katya, you are young, you will break through!” “I forgot how to cry. She turned into a person who doesn't need pity. Like a Spartan boy. We did not arrange any divorce divisions. I left and that's it. There was nothing to eat, nothing to feed the dog, but she told everyone that everything was great. True, I officially received a divorce only six months ago.

During the three years of freedom, the only time I turned to Gordon was when I needed to go to the hospital. There was no one to leave our dog with, so he took him in. And now I haven’t been able to get my beloved dog back for two months now. I miss you terribly. I prefer to think that Alexander Garrich’s mobile phone is broken, so he doesn’t approach him.

By the way, why didn’t I change my last name? By the time of our divorce, I had already written two books and became a famous radio host. Katya Gordon is an independent public figure. And it sounds good. So now it would be stupid to change, let him change!

I am grateful to Sasha, he supported me in writing, said that I was talented. But it was not my husband who brought me by the hand to Radio Mayak, but Gennady Bachinsky, may he rest in heaven. I haven’t given a single interview about Sasha. I don’t want to descend into a public showdown. Although for some time now I have begun to understand Lolita, Volochkova, Valeria. If you push a woman, you want to tell her to go to hell and stop supporting the cult of the naked king!

People like Dibrov and Gordon don’t do random things

Now I’m looking at Dibrov, who abandoned his young wife... And

I want to appeal to all the women of our country: when you fall in love with

television character or actor, you must understand - this is a virtual character. He doesn't do anything for nothing. For me, in the case of Sasha Dibrova big question which of them did more for whom? Dibrov for Sasha?!

How to say. Dibrov suddenly began to show a beautiful, long-legged girl next to him. And they immediately remembered about him! It turns out that he is still young and strong. Believe me, neither Gordon nor Dibrov do random things and know how to manage information. After our divorce, people said that I used the poor guy and left him, receiving dividends. I was silent.

I won’t tell you horror stories about marriage, I’m a fool myself for putting up with it. But if Garrich behaves like a pig, I won’t be afraid that they will say bad things about me. I'll say everything I think without fear.

But still, sometimes I feel bad for myself in my youth - so what... An adult

must take responsibility for the younger one, help, feel sorry for him. Don't try to break it. Men like Kirill Emelyanov must be protected! He is sincere and real. I was like this at 20 years old, and everyone ate me and broke me. Now I'm strong, but I'm worse.

Kirill and I even get the same hit in the forehead

Kiryukha says: “Let’s get married!” I answer: “Wait. I'm not a hundred

dollars to please everyone, I have complex nature. I'm definitely not

the best option. I'm 28 years old and single. If I get married, I want to be

I’m one hundred percent sure.”

I understand that I have the same feelings for Kirill that I would like Gordon to feel for me once upon a time. First of all, responsibility. This is why I fight Kirill’s illusions every day. I tell him: Mon Cupid, there will be other women in your life, you need to work on yourself and don’t even think about children and a wife for now, and even more so about me as a wife!

Now we are close, tomorrow I will go to Antarctica or fly into space. I’m just starting to live, having come to my senses from my illusions, having realized that yesterday’s commoner and revolutionary can change his principles and move to Rublyovka, which he disliked. But a hero and a good-natured person can in reality do things that do not at all correspond to his role.

Although we get hit on the forehead for our straightforwardness equally. But what can you do, Kirill hasn’t learned to lie yet, and I realized that I won’t learn.

Itself is not a gift

I am not a gift, not a princess, I have a lot of problems. Believe me when

it seemed that Gordon was doing something wrong, dishonest and wrong, I told him

It was also pretty mind blowing. He gifted me with a cult of himself and constant

depressed, and I finished him off with puppyish enthusiasm. And even today, the poor guy gets mad when he reads something like “A. Gordon - ex-husband Katie Gordon."

But if you are simply older, you must protect the one who is younger and more naive.

I remember my first broadcast on the “Gloomy Morning” program. Sasha sat me in the studio without warning, and the moment the broadcast began, he simply left the room. Like, you’re cool, you can do everything yourself. Yes, now I can say that a drunk cameraman will come, the camera will collapse, I won’t be pissed off anymore. Including thanks to Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak.

The only “risk factor” is if someone insults my mother. Don't care about the rest.

No woman would change good husband to work

I look at these public women, business ladies. And I understand that not a single woman in Russia would exchange a good husband for

work. If at the age of twenty I met a man who could provide for and protect me, I would spend my time only on him and on the children. And so the survival instinct kicks in, you understand that if not you, then who?! And in general, I don’t believe in any happy marriage in our media.

When you're happy, you don't need to sell your happiness in magazines.

Look at Dmitry Dyuzhev. He married my classmate. live

They became happy and somehow quiet, busy with the children. Now, because of Kirill’s frankness, the country will try to make history that does not exist. I repeat once again: we have friendship, sincere feelings, but I don’t want to tell a story about love until the grave, I don’t like to lie.

Lately, Kirill and I haven’t seen each other much – he’s filming, I’m writing at night.

Mine will be out soon new novel Kill the Internet is now available for free on killinternet.com. I created the first one in Russia social project about the problems of the Internet, to help those people who have lost their sense of reality. I'm also working on new program for TV.

I don’t make any predictions about the future. Who knows what will happen. I don't want lies. I don't want commitment. Kirill and I are not together, but Kirill and I are close. I am glad that Kirill is in my life - he is like a bright beacon. And what will happen next - as God wills.

We have already told you about the romance between presenter Katya Gordon and 18-year-old actor, “cadet” Kirill Emelyanov. OK magazine! I found the lovers and found out all the details of their love story.

Katya and Kirill met six months ago and became friends from the first meeting. And Kirill already went to the second with the understanding that for the first time he was truly in love. However, it took him a long time to melt the heart of his older friend: she saw only a good friend in the talented boy. Katya, according to her, after six and a half years of a not very successful marriage with TV presenter Alexander Gordon, is afraid to commit herself to new family relationships. And no one knows yet what will come out of the union of Katya and Kirill.

Kirill says that, on the one hand, it was no coincidence that he let slip about their relationship in a video interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. But on the other hand, he was taken by surprise, and he gave in. Katya insists: if not for that reservation, no one would have found out about their romance. “He really rashly blurted out something about us to journalists. One could say that Kirill was joking, but they filmed it and it was clear that the boy was not lying, he was speaking sincerely, and was worried. Therefore, so that people do not invent horrors - and publications have already begun to appear that Katya Gordon, who is well over thirty, lives with a sixteen-year-old boy - we decided to tell everything as it is.”

Katya sees only good things in her lover: “As my mother says: “Kirill is an elf!” Directors see him in one role - a bad boy. In fact, Kirill is unspoiled, and I really appreciate this purity in him. He is kind, talented, and has an unusual face. I can sense people a mile away, and if I meet good ones, I try not to let them go - at least to be friends. But at first I didn’t treat him as a man or a gentleman. We began to be friends, and one day a relationship arose that, to be honest, is difficult to characterize clearly. In Kirill I recognize myself ten years ago. He is a maximalist. Wants to make everyone happy immediately and forever. I’m glad that there is such a person next to me.”

If Kirill looks at his relationship with Katya optimistically - love to death and all that jazz - then Katya has a more sober approach to the situation: “Yes, the age difference really scares me. Yes, responsibility scares me. Yes, Kiryukha believes in us, because he is seventeen years old and he is a bright and pure little man. We are close, but I’m not ready to take Kirill as my groom yet. Every time I tell him: “You need someone younger, simpler and with positive experience in his personal life.”

Kirill’s parents reacted normally to the fact that their son had an adult lover. “Dad immediately said: “Cool!” And my mother and grandmother went on the Internet and read everything that was written about Katya. But I reassured them, explained that they would not find the truth there, and told them what Katya really was like. And they believed me. Grandma now has a photograph of Katya on her table.”