Which international exam is worth taking? And is it even worth it? Let's figure it out. English tests

International exams for knowledge of the English language are conducted by specialized language centers in many countries, including Russia. The most popular exams in this category are described below.

Why is this necessary?

International English language tests are conducted for the following categories of persons:

  • applicants planning to study abroad;
  • labor migrants (for official employment);
  • employees of foreign companies whose branches operate in Russia;
  • immigrants traveling for permanent residence to English-speaking countries.

The need to introduce certain generally accepted testing systems for English proficiency was caused by the following reasons:

  1. In various organizations, companies, and educational institutions, when recruiting foreigners, they were forced to conduct their own internal language exams, which took a lot of time, effort and money.
  2. There were no uniform standards of language knowledge. This again led to problems when working with personnel, selecting applicants, when foreigners applied to government agencies, embassies, etc.

The first standards for the English language were developed back in the 1970s. They were constantly improved, and specialized assessment systems were created. In 1989, the European language organization ALTE was created, which began developing examination standards and determining levels of language skills. The University of Cambridge, national linguistic organizations, and the British Council joined the process. By 2001, the European Union had developed and began to use a unified system for assessing the level of language proficiency - CEFR.

By the end of the 2000s. A certain number of generally accepted international examination programs in English have been formed. It was necessary to create a fairly large number of them in connection with different target groups of foreigners. For students, businessmen, company employees, teachers, scientists, migrants, standards and language levels, types of assessment will be different. Although there are tests for the general level of language knowledge for all categories.

Today, a person can get an objective assessment of his level of knowledge of English. For example, an applicant knows the requirements imposed on applicants by one or another foreign university: say, TOEFL 120 points or CAE 180 points. And then, no matter where he is - from Russia, or, say, Indonesia - he can take the unified international exam in English in any country and receive the corresponding uniform certificate. He presents this document upon admission to the university, without undergoing any additional language testing.

What types of exams are there?

Today there are the following types of English language exams:

  1. Tests for general knowledge of English: IELTS, TOEFL, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE;
  2. English for specialists: BEC, ILEC, ICFE, GMAT, GRE, BULATS, LCCIEB;
  3. Tests for children and adolescents: YLE, KET, PET, FCE;
  4. English for teachers: TKT, CELTA, DELTA.

These types of tests have their own characteristics, requirements, certain types of tasks, different forms of testing, assessment levels, and costs.

The most relevant certificates for Russians are those required for admission to foreign universities or obtaining prestigious vacancies in international organizations and companies. These are IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CAE, CPE.

General English

The IELTS English language test is designed for those who want to study in the UK and Commonwealth countries (Academic module), and for those who plan to work in these countries (Main module). The test evaluates oral and written speech, language skills in listening and reading. Scores from 1 to 9 are used for evaluation; The certificate is valid for 2 years. In Moscow, the exam can be taken at the International Examination Center IELTS Students International, which is located at: st. Shchipok, 20, office 203. This is the only organization in Russia that specializes only in IELTS and implements high-quality preparatory programs for this test. The cost of IELTS is 16,000 rubles.

TOEFL is an English language test recognized in North America. The TOEFL certificate is required for international students in the US and Canada. This exam does not measure proficiency in spoken English, but only measures the foreigner's understanding of the academic language of instruction used in North American educational institutions. When preparing, you need to take into account one nuance: TOEFL tests are based on the American dialect of English. Testing takes place on the official website toefl.org and is checked automatically. Typos and other random errors still count as grammatical errors. Time to complete the test is 4 hours. For example, you can take the TOEFL in Moscow at the American Center for Education and Testing (Leninsky Prospekt, 2) - the company has been preparing applicants and conducting certification exams in Russia for many years. The official cost of taking the exam is $250.

ESOL is an exam in practical English. Its developer is the PITMAN Institute, which emphasized the ability to understand the essence of information, briefly convey what was heard (abstract), take notes, understand subtext, emphasis, hidden meaning. The organization where you can take this exam is the Moscow Educational Center Meganom (Naprudny Lane, 8, 1st entrance, 3rd floor).

Cambridge exams

The University of Cambridge has created and is now effectively implementing its system of English language exams for non-native speakers. Exams for a certificate in English of one type or another are taken only once, such a certificate is valid for life.

KET and PET tests to confirm the basic (KET) or intermediate (PET) level of oral communication or written language for everyday use. First of all, these tests are used as international English language exams for children and adolescents. In Moscow, there are test centers “BKC-International House”, which are official branches of the worldwide network of language centers IHWO, founded back in 1953. Moreover, they themselves prepare English texts for the exam. There are more than 30 BKC-IH schools in Moscow. The cost of passing the test is about 6,000 rubles.

FCE is the most popular of Cambridge's exam programs. The certificate holder is considered to speak the language at the Independent level according to the European Union classification. The FCE certificate is generally accepted in the business environment, industrial production, and educational institutions. The exam tests skills in the following areas: reading, composition, everyday conversation, auditory perception, conversation. The assessment is point-based, up to 40 points for each module. You can take the FCE at the Language Link Examination Center in Moscow (Novoslobodskaya str., building 3, 5th floor). The company has been an international linguistic center since 1998, and in 2011 received a Platinum Partner certificate from the University of Cambridge. The cost of FCE is about 9,500 rubles.

CAE is an exam that assesses the level of general English. The CAE certificate confirms that its owner fluently uses the language not only in everyday life, but also when receiving special, higher education and in work. The highest Cambridge level is CPE. The holder of this certificate is considered to have achieved the level of an educated native speaker of English. The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Moscow (Ladozhskaya St., 9/8) has been an examination center since 1997, where you can take tests for CAE and CPE certificates. By the way, in the English department of this institute, Cambridge exams are mandatory. Estimated cost of CAE and CPE: from 10,000 rubles. up to 12,000 rub.

There are also English proficiency tests developed by Cambridge linguists for specialists in certain industries.

The BEC certificate confirms the skills of using language in management activities and entrepreneurship. At the same time, such types of language activities as reading, writing, listening and speaking are tested. There are 3 levels of BEC: beginner, advanced and higher. A person with a BEC certificate can safely participate in business negotiations, correspondence, speak at seminars, conferences, understand special articles, reports, instructions, etc.

ILEC is an exam for specialists working in the field of legal relations. Also, law students can take the test. Knowledge of legal terminology and English-language legal practice is important here. Another test from Cambridge - for specialists working in the field of economics, accounting, finance - ICFE.

BEC, ILEC, ICFE can be taken at authorized Cambridge examination centers in Moscow: the already mentioned BKC-IH, Institute of Foreign Languages.

BULATS is a test developed by Cambridge linguists for testing company employees and applicants for available vacancies. The test is designed to obtain objective information about the level of the applicant’s English language in various fields of economics, entrepreneurship, and management. BULATS is used by large corporations when recruiting administrative management, marketing, economics, PR, finance specialists and so on. The test is suitable for anyone who wants to evaluate their business English skills and plans to use them in the future. Based on the test results, applicants are assigned a score that is correlated with the international systematization of levels - from beginner to advanced. Testing is carried out on a computer at the request of organizations and firms. In Moscow, such an exam can be taken, for example, in the ALIBRA SCHOOL network of foreign language schools, which has 8 branches in the capital. This network is the official examination department of the University of Cambridge. The cost of the full exam package is up to 5,000 rubles.

Other Business English Certificates

The GMAT is a business school admissions test. It tests the level of oral and written speech, analytical ability, critical thinking, and includes general educational aspects. The GMAT inherently assumes a high degree of language proficiency. The applicant receives grades in areas and an overall score from 200 to 800 points. The test result is officially sent to business schools (no more than five) where the applicant plans to enroll. The already mentioned American Education and Testing Center operates in Moscow, where you can take the GMAT. In this case, you need to register on the official website mba.com. The cost of taking the test is $250.

London Chamber of Commerce and Industry LCCIEB exams are several types of tests focused on various business areas: trade, business, industry, tourism business, PR. The exam is carried out only in Britain, directly in the presence of examiners. Cost - up to 80 euros (depending on the direction).

Oxford exams

The University of Oxford has also developed its own examination system, recognized throughout the world. Oxford English exams are exclusively written. They have three levels: 1) preliminary, 2) advanced and 3) diploma. At the first level, in addition to advanced knowledge of the language, knowledge of geographical terms and names and reading printed publications are required. A high level requires intensive English lessons for at least two years under the guidance of an experienced teacher. A diploma holder is, in fact, a native speaker. In Moscow, Oxford exams can be taken at the Examination and Methodological Council "RELOD" (Leninsky Ave., 4). Cost - up to 80 US dollars.

Thus, international English language tests are complex systems developed by different scientific centers for specific purposes. They are united by the fact that they are recognized all over the world and are necessary for migrant workers, students and applicants, entrepreneurs working in the field of international business, specialists of foreign companies, and so on.

It is important to emphasize that all the exams mentioned above assume a fairly high initial level of knowledge of the English language, far from the school curriculum. That’s why you don’t need to take seriously advertising of language courses that promise to prepare you, for example, for the TOEFL in six months “from scratch.”

TOEFL was created by specialists from Stanford University in the USA in 1964. Since then, a huge number of people around the world take this particular test every year. Why is he so popular?

When it became clear that many people wanted to study at universities in the US and other English-speaking countries, the question became how to ensure that foreigners could communicate fluently in English while studying?

Institutions want to accept international students, but they also want those students to be successful academically. Thus, they had to test applicants before admission.

English tests

There are several tests that determine the level of language proficiency. Each university chooses the test it trusts most. However, most choose TOEFL - the first letters of Test of English as a Foreign Language or - short for International English Language Testing System.

Most English-medium universities require international students to take one of these tests in order to get a job or be accepted and succeed in school. TOEFL was developed in America, so to pass it successfully you need to know the difference between the American and British versions of the language.

The majority of TOEFL test takers are university students. But some people take TOEFL or IELTS for other reasons: jobs also require an English test. This test is also necessary for those migrating to English-speaking countries. For example, a doctor moving from India to the USA must take the TOEFL, unless of course he wants to work according to his qualifications.

TOEFL standardized

No matter what reasons people have to take the TOEFL, they all take the same test - the TOEFL is standardized. About four thousand places in more than one hundred countries around the world accept TOEFL. And every person who takes it deals with the same test. Examiners then review the test and assign scores. Examiners do not know whose test they are checking. In this sense, the test is the most fair.

People taking the TOEFL must register on the official website, pay money ($255) and come to the center at a certain time to take the test. This is a room with small tables and computers on them, in which there may be a lot of people who are also taking TOEFL. You must have with you a document proving your identity and it is very important that all the data in this document coincides with what you specified during registration, otherwise you will not be allowed to take the test and the amount paid will not be returned.

Apart from this document, you cannot bring anything with you; everything you need will be given there: paper and pencil.

For many years, students took the test on paper (PBT - paper-based test). But since 2005 (and in Russia since 2006), it became possible to take the test via the Internet, it is called IBT - internet-based test. This version simplifies registration and issuance of results - everything is done via the Internet.

TOEFL Options

Before registering for delivery, you must definitely clarify which option you need, since they are different. Recently, preference has been given to the second option; it also includes speech recording and combined tasks.

TOEFL measures your knowledge of 4 language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Students read and listen and then answer questions about what they heard and read. They must also record their speech in English and write a fairly long essay. The test usually takes 4.5 hours. And it takes months to prepare for the test. The test results can be used for two years; after this period, the certificate becomes invalid.

Here's what the first page of this test certificate looks like with the individual's data removed:

And here is its other side:

Here you can see that a report with test results was sent to 4 addresses (block where the report was sent ), which are indicated in advance by the test takers. You can submit test scores for an additional 2 years through the service for an additional fee of $19

TOEFL preparation website

The website ets.org has TOEFL preparation materials. You can take several trial testing options there (for a fee). If you don't feel confident, you can try it first. However, if you were unable to pass the test well the first time, you can try again after 12 days, but you will have to pay again.

Good advice from people who have passed the test: It is very important to practice your listening, reading and speaking skills. To do this, try to listen and see English everywhere, speak as often as possible. The best way to improve your speaking skills is practice. Talking to friends and your English teacher definitely helps. Always remember that constant practice can make you perfect.

“Take it easy...but be prepared!” - Don't worry, but be prepared

This exam was developed in 1990. It tests a person's proficiency in all possible language skills, namely: reading, listening, speaking and writing. The exam lasts 2 hours 45 minutes and consists of 4 parts.

IELTS comes in General Training Module and Academic Module. The first type is taken by people who are going to emigrate to New Zealand, Australia, or those who want to be a cook, manager, etc. Then the Reading and Writing General Training Module offers tests that do not contain specific and academic vocabulary. The second one is taken by people who want to study and work in their specialty, so the requirements are very high. Therefore, the results of this exam are recognized by all universities in New Zealand and the USA, and some universities in Denmark, Canada, and Germany. There are approximately 100 universities in America that accept IELTS results. This exam is becoming more and more popular, because all kinds of fraud are excluded, and the form of the exam is very successful. In addition, the conversion of TOEFL to computer form has led to some inconvenience for people from countries where computers are not very common, so IELTS is becoming even more popular.

About 80% of people take the Academic Module. As for Russia, here in most cases people who are planning to emigrate take the test.

Rating system

When taking IELTS, there is a nine-point scale for assessing the candidate's knowledge. Each section is assigned a certain number of points, then they are added up to give you a score for the exam as a whole. In this case, Writing and Speaking are scored up to 1 point, and Reading and Listening - up to 0.5 points.

It is difficult to say how many points you need to take, because each university determines for itself the required number of points for admission. But in general, we can say that if you are entering a faculty that requires good knowledge of the language, then you need to score at least 6.5 points, but if not, then 6 points will be enough.

Listening section

The first section of the test lasts 30 minutes, in which you must answer 40 questions. The questions are divided into 4 blocks, with the first two being a monologue and dialogue, they are aimed at discussing various everyday problems and situations, and the third and fourth relate to learning. For example, you will be offered a conversation with students about how to do this or that job correctly.

All tasks are contained on a tape, which you can listen to only once, so you should concentrate as much as possible and not be distracted by anything else. After listening to the tape, you will have only 10 minutes, during which you will need to figure out what you wrote and transfer the answers to a special form.

No special knowledge is required to successfully pass the tests. The difficulty increases with each new part.

Academic Reading Section

This section also has 40 questions, but the time given for them is already 60 minutes. You will be given 3 texts of approximately 2000 words, one of them may contain diagrams, graphs, pictures, it happens that they contain special terms, a special dictionary is issued for them.

For example, you will come across a text about the use of wind energy in Argentina. You will then need to select words from the list and paste them into your summary and complete the sentences while selecting the correct statement from the list. However, there is no additional time to transfer your answers to the form.

Academic Writing Section

In this section, you must write two texts, and the volume of the first text must be at least 150 words, the second - at least 250. Time is given an hour.

In the first part, you need to summarize the information that is given in the table or chart in your own words. By doing this, you must show your ability to organize and compare data, describe objects, and various events.

In the second task, you are given a specific topic, and on it you must write a report, a clear rationale, or critical remarks. The ability to make the right decision, prove your opinion, and compare evidence and proposals will be assessed. As with the first part, no special skills are needed here either. The second task has more weight than the first.

Speaking section

This section consists of a conversation with the examiner; it consists of 5 parts. The first part is introduction to the examiner, that is, the candidate and the examiner introduce themselves to each other. Afterwards, the examiner asks several standard questions about the candidate’s life, his hobbies, and family. This is necessary in order to relieve stress from the candidate.

In the second part, the examiner asks the candidate to talk about something that interests him, during this he pays attention to his vocabulary and looks at how the person can explain.

Then there is “gaining information”, in which the candidate is given a task card, after which he must ask various questions to the examiner in order to obtain the information he needs to solve the problem.

Then comes “reflection.” Its meaning is that the candidate must write about his plans to study abroad.

The last part is the “conclusion”, which summarizes the results.

Your entire interview will be recorded, so be as calm as possible and don't be shy.

How long does it take to prepare for IELTS?

Teachers believe that for good preparation from the Intermediate level you need from 3 months to 1 year, it all depends on the number of classes and their effectiveness.

If a person has very poor knowledge of English, then it will take several years to prepare for IELTS, but if you have a great desire and good abilities, then 2-3 years will be enough for you.

Course preparation

It’s up to you to prepare yourself, through courses or with a tutor. Everyone has their own way, depending on your abilities, financial capabilities and desires. Regardless of which solution you choose, you'll first need to get the official test booklet, which contains sample questions, and practice on them.

If you have the opportunity, it is best to take courses. First, you will be asked to take a test that will show your level of knowledge, on the basis of this you will be assigned to a group where people with approximately your level of knowledge of English will study. On average there are up to 15 people in a group. You may need to wait until there are a certain number of people.

During class, you will review each part of the exam in detail. A lot of time is devoted to communication and writing essays, because the ability to perceive speech by ear and easily and competently express one’s thoughts is very important. You will complete tasks not only in class, but also on your own at home, the main thing is not to neglect, do everything that is required of you.

The courses can be taught by native speakers or not, but as for oral practice, it is better to do it with native speakers, because these are the most important points in the exam.

Of course, classes at the British Council training center will be the best and most effective, because it is he who accepts the test and knows how best to prepare for it. Here you can study in a group, then individually with a teacher - it all depends on your desire and capabilities. But it is worth noting that such courses will cost you a lot.

Various schools also present their developments. The Polyglot Language Academy has compiled programs for students with a knowledge level of at least Upper Intermediate. The group for such classes consists of 3-5 people, 30 hours are allocated for group classes, and individual classes are 10 hours. Classes 2 times a week for 1.5 hours. After such preparation, people generally pass the exam with 6.5-7 points, and this result is enough to enter any institution.

Preparing for IELTS on your own

In order to prepare as best as possible for taking this test, you need to complete all the tasks. You can buy specific textbooks such as Insight into IELTS or Passport to IELTS. You can get a kit for preparing for IELTS at the offices of the British Council. This kit includes cassettes, textbooks, as well as tasks that were given in previous years, they are called IELTS Specimen Materials.

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase these materials, so people can view them at the British Council Library for free. You can also watch movies and listen to tapes there.

There are tasks that will be elementary for native speakers, but will be difficult for you. For example, you will need to take dictation of your last name, first name, prices, and home telephone numbers. The data speaks quite quickly, so you need to literally memorize the numbers and letters, and for this you need someone to dictate the numbers and letters to you randomly, or you yourself need to dictate it into a voice recorder.

Take the Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS collection, find several full tests there and solve them, while not forgetting that you are given a certain time to solve them. Then look at your results, and if you have more than 60%, then this is a good result, but do not forget that you did this at home, and as you know, houses and walls help.

Where and how to take IELTS?

If you live in Russia, you can take IELTS at the British Council centers located in Moscow. IELTS can be taken in Ukraine, Poland and other countries. IELTS is accepted in 106 countries, with 224 acceptance centers.

As for the test cost, IELTS will cost you more than TOEFL, namely £70. At the same time, you will not have to pay in dollars through Holland; you will pay in rubles at Sberbank. There are competitive programs of the British Council, under which you will study and train in the UK. And if you have been selected to participate in these programs, then you do not pay for taking IELTS.

Registration for the test

IELTS is accepted by the British Council, the Cambridge University Examination Board and the Australian government organization IDP Education Australia. There are no clear dates for passing the exams; they are held when the required number of applicants is reached in the second half of the calendar month. To register for the exam, you need to go to any of these organizations between the 2nd and 11th of each month. Living in Moscow, you need to come to the British Council office on a weekday from 14.00 to 17.00, you will receive bank details and fill out a form. You need to bring two 3x4 cm photographs. If you live in another city, you can sign up for the exam by phone.

IELTS test procedure

The exam time will be 7.5 hours, taking into account the time spent changing tasks and two breaks. The first and second sections are consecutive, after them there will be a break, it is 20 minutes. Then comes Writing, followed by Speaking.

Eating and drinking are allowed, so if you didn’t have time to have breakfast at home, you shouldn’t despair, but it is still recommended to eat at home so as not to be distracted by food during the exam.

You need to arrive early for the exam, because there are many formalities that require time. And if you have extra time, it’s even good, look around the place, get used to it a little, then it won’t be so exciting.

When all the candidates have arrived, you will be taken into the auditorium where your documents will be checked. At the British Council, you must present 2 documents that prove your identity; in addition, you must have a general passport.

Although all these formalities are tedious and, at first glance, seem to be a waste of time, experience shows that it is precisely because of these formalities that many institutions rely on the results of the examination.

You will then receive Listening booklets and answer sheets, you will need to mark that you are selecting the Academic Module and sign.

If for any reason you suddenly decide not to take the test, but have already paid the required amount for taking it, you can take it in the next two months on any day or return 50% of the cost. But if you were unable to attend the exam due to illness, and you have a sick leave certificate that confirms this fact, then you will be refunded 100% of the cost.

How to behave on the test?

The most important thing is that you need to read the assignments carefully and with concentration. Many people skim assignments without reading them completely and end up answering incorrectly. Also be prepared for the fact that you will have to write down very quickly, you can shorten words, draw what you hear, the main thing is quickly.

When preparing for Listening, you need to listen to as many audio recordings as possible, watch films, most importantly with clear English speech.

When taking this test in Reading, you can choose the easiest tasks and do them first. After all, all tasks are graded equally, so do them from the easiest to the most difficult.

You can also, during the time given before listening to the tape in the Listening section, usually 2-3 minutes, look through the questions and try to guess the answers to them.

If you are guided by the rule “the more the better”, then this is not for this exam. You shouldn’t write a lot, it’s better to write less, but of better quality.

If you suddenly have a desire to spy on your neighbor’s answers, immediately forget about him, because if you are suspected of cheating, your results will not be counted. Is such an attempt worth the money you paid to take the exam?!

Perhaps you didn’t have time somewhere or don’t know something, in this case you shouldn’t get lost and panic, it’s better to solve something else during this time or just try to guess what you don’t know.

As for the Speaking section, your grammar, speaking speed, vocabulary and relaxedness are assessed here. Therefore, you should not be nervous, worried, or afraid, it is better to just relax, and then it will be easier for you to speak with the examiner. Jokes will help you, and if you can't joke, just show that you are a polite and confident person. You shouldn’t turn away, look at the ceiling or anywhere else, no, you need to look the person in the eyes. If you get very nervous, take a few deep breaths and think that you will succeed.

When will the results be?

Your results will be known in about two weeks, they will be sent to you by mail. Once the results are known, you can ask the British Council to send your results to any institution.

If your results disappoint you, do not despair, because you can take the exams as many times as you want, but only after three months. And remember that IELTS results are valid for two years.

IELTS- an international standard test that assesses the level of English language proficiency among non-English speaking people. It was developed in 1989 and is jointly run by the University of Cambridge and the British Council. IELTS is one of the main English tests. There are two different versions of IELTS – Academic and General Training.

Academic IELTS

The academic version is for those who want to enroll and study in higher education institutions, as well as for professionals (such as health workers, lawyers) who are going to work in their specialty in an English-speaking environment.

General Training

Designed for work in other professions, for studying outside of higher educational institutions, as well as for immigrants. IELTS results are trusted by most educational organizations in Britain, Australia, Ireland, and more than 3,000 universities in the USA and Canada.
There is no minimum threshold for passing the test. Based on its results, you are assigned a score from 0 to 9, and each organization sets its own threshold for passing. Organizations are advised not to consider test results more than two years old unless the candidate demonstrates that they have worked to maintain their level. In 2012, more than 2 million people took the IELTS test.

IELTS tests all 4 language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The assessment is given for each skill separately. The conversation is conducted one-on-one with the examiner and must be recorded in case the results are appealed.


It consists of four sections of increasing difficulty and lasts 40 minutes, of which 30 minutes are allocated for listening, and 10 minutes for transferring the answers to the examination sheet. Each section is either a dialogue or a monologue and begins with an introductory part, which explains the situation and introduces the speakers.

The candidate then has some time to look at the questions. The first three parts of the test have some break, where the candidate can again look into the questions, assessing what to pay special attention to when listening. Each part is listened to only once.

Reading test

This part of the test lasts 60 minutes. The academic version consists of three parts - three texts, for each part - 13-14 questions, in total you need to answer 40 questions. The general version can include up to 5 shorter texts, and there are also 40 questions.

Letter (writing)

In the academic version writing consists of two parts. In the first part, candidates describe a diagram, a graph, a diagram - some kind of process, and in the second part they must give arguments for or against a given topic, that is, emphasize the advantages and disadvantages, expressing their opinion on this issue.

There are also two tasks in the general version of the test. The first is to write a letter or explain the situation, and the second part is to write an essay (see article). Some video tips from Oxford English School on how to write a good essay.


The conversation lasts 10-15 minutes and consists of three parts. The first part is an interview, where you will have to tell a little about yourself, your hobbies, tell why you need to take the IELTS test, and also talk a little about general topics of the modern world: computers, fashion, free time, the Internet, family.

The second part is a conversation on a given topic. You are given one minute to prepare, then you begin to tell what you know about the topic.

The third part is considered the most difficult; it is a discussion with the examiner, usually of the topic that was in the second part.

Total test duration

The test lasts 2 hours 45 minutes without a break on one day for listening, reading and writing (in that order). And the conversation is scheduled separately - either before or after completing these three modules.

Test results are scored on a scale from 0 to nine and are rounded as follows: if for some skill your score ends at 0.25, then it is rounded up to 0.5, if you get 0.75, then it is rounded up to the whole.


You receive a final certificate, which shows the marks for each part separately, as well as the overall average score. You can get “5” for speaking, “8” for written work, but overall it will be 6.5-7, for example. In some institutions they look at the overall score, although in others they may write that the overall score is such and such, but for each individual score it is no less than “6”.

This is what an IELTS certificate, the international English language test, looks like

Interpretation of test results according to the pan-European assessment system:

  • 5-6 points on IELTS is level B2,
  • 6.5-8-C1,
  • over 8 - C2

The test is accepted in more than 500 locations in 121 countries around the world. The number of people taking the test is increasing very quickly from year to year.

The cost of taking IELTS in Moscow at the moment (September 2015) is 250 dollars, in other places it may be higher due to the need to pay agency fees, you need to check on the official website ielts.org. The delivery schedule - several times a year - is also on the website; you must sign up in advance.

Previously, there was a time limit on retaking the test, but now it has been removed, so you can retake IELTS at least several times a year.

What is the IELTS passing score required by different organizations? For example, here are some:

  1. The highest score - 8.5 - is required by the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Columbia, USA
  2. Oxford University - 7 points
  3. Cambridge - 7-7.5
  4. Birmingham - 6.5
  5. Essex - 5.5

But not all organizations trust IELTS; some conduct their own testing or interviews on topics close to their line of work. In addition, there are other international systems for assessing language proficiency. For example TOEIC, TOEFL, FCE, CAE.

Cambridge exams:

FCE(First Certificate in English) is the first Certificate in English, this is approximately an average level.
CAE(Certificate in Advanced English) is an advanced level exam, more difficult than the Cambridge exam.

They can be compared to the IELTS test alone, which tests the same knowledge but covers a much wider range. If your language level is average or below average, then the IELTS test will be very difficult for you, there is no point in wasting time and money on it.

By choosing another test that is more suitable for your level in the Cambridge Examination System, you will be more likely to pass it.

If your goal is to get a job abroad, then the FCE test may be suitable. For example, people come to England to learn English and at the same time want to find a suitable job. Some kind of service profession or work in an English family, child care and the like. FCE is best suited for this.

IELTS General

You can also take IELTS General, but this is a higher level. It all depends on the job you will be doing. Some people just want an English language assessment on their CV (curriculum vitae).

American tests TOEIC, TOEFL

TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication) is more used by international corporations, most popular in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It's a multi-choice test that tests only reading and listening skills, so it's inexpensive and quick.
TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language) is also a multi-choice test, in this way it is similar to TOEIC, but it also includes testing the other two skills: writing and speaking. It is used mainly by educational institutions in America.

Preparing for the IELTS test.

The best preparation for any test, according to linguists, is the development of all four language skills based on long-term work with interesting, meaningful content.

More specific training in the form of courses may be offered by certified IELTS centers. In addition, you can prepare yourself using sample assignments posted on the official website in the preparation section.

There are a lot of materials there that will help you figure out what range of knowledge is needed to successfully pass the test. There is also an information booklet on the procedure for taking the test and information on purchasing a two-volume set of practical materials on a CD or DVD of your choice. They can also be ordered from your nearest IELTS center or directly from England and Australia.

You can also use a huge amount of materials from the Internet to prepare:

We wish everyone successful preparation and delivery!

International English language exams Every year they become more and more popular. This is due to the fact that the number of people wishing to receive education or work abroad, and without the appropriate certificate this is not always possible. The problem is that there are a lot of international exams. The most common of them are TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, CAE, but this is not a complete list. In order to choose the right exam, you need to answer several questions:

Why do you need to take international English language exams?

Without deciding on the purpose of obtaining a certificate, you will not be able to choose the appropriate exam. So, what are they usually rented for? international exams? As usual - to study or work abroad, to immigrate, or to get a job in one’s homeland (often in an international or foreign company). If you need a certificate to work in your home country, then any exam that will reflect your level of language proficiency will do. Here it is enough to ask the employer what kind of certificate he wants to see. If you need a certificate to study or work abroad, then you need to know the answer to the second question:

Which country accepts which certificates?

Unfortunately, not all certificates are accepted in all countries. Let's start with the UK. Here the most common exams that are recognized in all educational institutions are Cambridge exams. Let's take a closer look at them.

Types of Cambridge English exams

Cambridge ESOL exams(English for Speakers of Other Languages) is a group of English language examinations conducted by a division of the Examination Council of the University of Cambridge. The corresponding certificate is issued only in case of successful completion: it is necessary to score at least 60% of correct answers to get a C (passing grade), at least 75% - B and more than 80% - A. The validity of the certificates is unlimited. There are 5 types of Cambridge British English exams:

KET(Key English Test) confirms knowledge of the English language at a basic level (Pre-Intermediate, corresponds to level A2 of the Council of Europe scale);

PET(Preliminary English Test) confirms knowledge of the English language at an intermediate level (Intermediate, level B1 of the Council of Europe scale);

FCE(First Certificate in English) is recommended for those who speak written and spoken English at the Upper Intermediate level (B2 on the Council of Europe scale);

CAE(Certificate in Advanced English) - advanced level certificate, corresponds to level C1 of the Council of Europe scale;

CPE(Certificate of Proficiency in English) - certificate of perfect language proficiency.

All exams consist of five parts: Reading, Writing, Use of English (grammar and vocabulary), Listening and Speaking.

International IELTS exam

Exam IELTS(International English Language Testing System) also tests knowledge of British English and is suitable if you want to work or get an education in the UK, however, its scope is wider. This certificate is also required if you want immigrate to Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, or enter a foreign university.

The IELTS testing methodology is different from the Cambridge exams. IELTS results are assessed on a 9-point scale covering possible levels of English proficiency. This exam exists in two versions: Academic Module (for admission to foreign universities) and General Module (for immigration). For example, to immigrate to New Zealand, you need to score at least 5.0 points, to Canada it is enough to get 6.5 points in all sections except Listening, which requires 7.5 points, to the UK - 7.0 points.

Exams for work in Canada and the USA

Although we said that the IELTS certificate is suitable for education and work in the USA and Canada, it is not recognized everywhere there. Americans have their own system of language tests: TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language), which is the most common test of English language proficiency. Taking the TOEFL is a prerequisite for admission to more than 2,400 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada and several other countries, as well as for participation in many foreign internship programs at institutions where instruction is in English. However, the TOEFL certificate has one drawback - it is only valid for two years.

What other international English language exams are there?

In addition to general language proficiency exams, there are various specialized exams. For example, knowledge of business English can be confirmed by passing the BEC (Business English Certificates) or BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) exam, knowledge of legal English - ILEC (International Legal English Certificate), English in the field of finance and accounting - ICFE (International Certificate in Financial English). Common and international exams for teachers, for example, TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) - a test of knowledge of methods of teaching English, and TEFL (Teaching English As a Foreign Language).

How to prepare for passing international exams?

In order to hand over international exams in English- You don’t have to go abroad. There are certified centers in many countries, including Ukraine. You can also prepare for passing such exams without traveling abroad: many English courses provide such services. Of course, if desired, such training can also be completed in foreign language schools. Addrian Company offers a wide selection where everyone can take a preparation course for passing international exams in the best language schools in Europe and North America.

We wish everyone success in passing their international exams!