Nations by population in the world. The largest nations of the world in faces (39 photos)

>> Largest nations of the world

§ 5. The largest nations of the world

In total, there are 5-5.5 thousand peoples, or ethnic groups, that is, established stable communities of people in the world. The vast majority of peoples are extremely small in number.

There are 330 peoples in the world numbering more than 1 million people, but they cover 96% of the total population of the Earth. There are only 11 peoples in the world with more than 100 million people each (Table 20), but they cover almost 45% of everything population Earth.

Table 20

Largest nations and most widely spoken languages

Largest nations of the world Million people Most common languages Million people
1. Chinese 1170
1. Chinese 1200
2. Hindustani 265 2. English 520
3. Bengalis 225 3. Spanish 400
4. Americans USA 200
4. Hindi 360
5. Brazilians 175 5. Arabic 250
6. Russians 140 6. Bengali 225
7. Japanese 125 7. Portuguese 210
8. Punjabis 115 8. Russian 200
9. Biharis 115 9. Indonesian 190
10. Mexicans 105 10. Japanese
11. Javanese 105 11. French 120

12. German 100
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The world population consists of large quantity(3-4 thousand) so-called ethnic communities.

An ethnic community (people) is a historically established group of people living in a certain territory and having a common language, economy and culture.

For population geography highest value have classifications of peoples by number and language.

Classification of peoples by number

The classification of peoples by numbers indicates great differences between them: from Chinese people(1 billion 179 million) to the Ved-Dov tribe in Sri Lanka or the Botokuds in Brazil, which number less than 1 thousand people. But the bulk of the Earth's population consists of large and especially the largest peoples, the largest peoples (in millions of people): Chinese (1,048), Hindustani (219), US Americans (187), Bengalis (176), Russians (146 ), Brazilians (137), Japanese (123), Punjabis (87), Biharis (86), Mexicans (83), Germans (82), Javanese (78), Koreans (67), Telugus (66), Italians (65 ), Marathi (59), Tamil (57), Viet (55). In total there are (at the end of the 80s) 310 nations with a population of more than 1 million people each.

Types of states

In accordance with the nature of the ethnic (national) composition of the population, 5 types of states are distinguished:

  1. National - this type is spoken of when ethnic boundaries coincide with political ones. It occurs quite often. IN overseas Europe about half of all countries belong to it. These are the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Germany, Poland, Austria Bulgaria, Slovenia, Italy, Portugal. In Latin America, almost all states are single-national. In foreign Asia there are significantly fewer such countries: Japan, Korea, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, some small countries. There are even fewer of them in Africa (Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Madagascar).
  2. Countries with a strong predominance of one nation, but with the presence of more or less significant national minorities. These are Great Britain, France, Spain, Finland, Romania - in Europe. In foreign Asia - China. Mongolia. Vietnam. Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Syria, Turkey. In Africa - Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Zimbabwe, Botswana. In North America - the USA, in Oceania - the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand.
  3. Binational countries. This type is rare and includes Belgium, Canada and some others.
  4. Countries with a complex national composition, but relatively homogeneous in ethnically more often found in Asia (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Laos), in Central, Eastern and South Africa There are also in Latin America.
  5. Multinational countries with diverse ethnic composition. The most striking countries of this type are India and Russia. This type also includes Switzerland, Indonesia, the Philippines, and some countries in Western and Southern Africa.

Recently, what has happened throughout human history Conflicts on national and religious grounds intensified even more. Perhaps the most violent clashes occur in last years in the CIS. The Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences has prepared a special map that shows 70 hotbeds of territorial and ethnic confrontations and conflicts.

Classification of peoples by language

The classification of peoples by language is based on the principle of their kinship. All languages ​​are united into language families, which are divided into language groups. The most numerous families of peoples in the world are Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, and Lesser-Polynesian.

There are also other classifications of the peoples of the world, including on historical and geographical principles.

  • 2. Factors influencing the location of productive forces and their changes in the era of science and technology.
  • 3. Determination of the type of reproduction of the country's population using the age-sex pyramid.
  • 1. Environmental management. Examples of rational and irrational environmental management.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Western European countries.
  • 3. Determine and compare the average population density of two countries (as chosen by the teacher) and explain the reasons for the differences.
  • 1. Types of natural resources. Resource availability. Assessment of the country's resource availability.
  • 2. The importance of transport in the world economy of the country, types of transport and their features. Transport and environment.
  • 3. Determination and comparison of population growth rates in different countries (teacher's choice).
  • 1. Patterns of distribution of mineral resources and countries distinguished by their reserves. Problems of rational use of resources.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Western Europe (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of the transport systems of the two countries (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Land resources. Geographical differences in land availability. Problems of their rational use.
  • 2. Fuel and energy industry. Composition, importance in the economy, placement features. The energy problem of humanity and ways to solve it. Problems of environmental protection.
  • 3. Characteristics based on maps of the EGP (economic-geographical location) of the country (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Land water resources and their distribution on the planet. The problem of water supply and possible ways to solve it.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the countries of Eastern Europe.
  • 3. Determination, based on statistical materials, of trends in changes in the country’s sectoral structure (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Forest resources of the world and their importance for the life and activities of mankind. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Eastern Europe (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Determination and comparison of the ratio of urban and rural populations in different regions of the world (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Resources of the World Ocean: water, mineral, energy and biological. Problems of rational use of the resources of the World Ocean.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the USA.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of the directions of the main cargo flows of iron ore.
  • 1. Recreational resources and their distribution on the planet. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Japan.
  • 3. Explanation of the directions of the main oil flows using maps.
  • 1. Environmental pollution and environmental problems of humanity. Types of pollution and their distribution. Ways to solve environmental problems of humanity.
  • 2. Agriculture. Composition, features of development in developed and developing countries. Agriculture and the environment.
  • 3. Drawing up a comparative description of two industrial regions (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. World population and its changes. Natural population growth and factors influencing its change. Two types of population reproduction and their distribution in different countries.
  • 2. Crop production: boundaries of location, main crops and areas of their cultivation, exporting countries.
  • 3. Comparison of international specialization of one of the developed and one of the developing countries, explanation of the differences.
  • 1. “Population explosion.” The problem of population size and its characteristics in different countries. Demographic policy.
  • 2. Chemical industry: composition, significance, placement features. Chemical industry and environmental problems.
  • 3. Assessment using maps and statistical materials of the resource availability of one of the countries (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Age and sex composition of the world population. Geographical differences. Sex and age pyramids.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Latin American countries.
  • 3. Comparative characteristics based on the map of the provision of individual regions and countries with arable land.
  • 1. National composition of the world population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.
  • 2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, placement features. Countries that stand out in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering.
  • 3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Distribution of the population across the Earth's territory. Factors influencing population distribution. The most densely populated areas of the world.
  • 2. Electric power industry: significance, countries that stand out in terms of absolute and per capita indicators of electricity production.
  • 3. Determination based on statistical materials of the main grain exporters.
  • 1. Population migrations and their causes. The influence of migration on population changes, examples of internal and external migrations.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the People's Republic of China.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of the directions of the main coal cargo flows.
  • 1. Urban and rural populations of the world. Urbanization. Largest cities and urban agglomerations. Problems and consequences of urbanization in the modern world.
  • 2. Livestock: distribution, main industries, location features, exporting countries.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of the directions of the main gas flows.
  • 1. World economy: essence and main stages of formation. International geographical division of labor and its examples.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the Latin American countries (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of the provision of individual regions and countries with water resources.
  • 1. International economic integration. Economic groupings of countries of the modern world.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of African countries.
  • 3. Identification based on statistical materials of the main cotton exporters.
  • 1. Fuel industry: composition, location of the main fuel production areas. The most important producing and exporting countries. Main international fuel flows.
  • 2. International economic relations: forms and geographical features.
  • 3. Determination based on statistical materials of the main exporters of sugar.
  • 1. Metallurgical industry: composition, placement features. Main producing and exporting countries. Metallurgy and the problem of environmental protection.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the African countries (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Drawing up a comparative description of two agricultural regions (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Forestry and woodworking industry: composition, placement. Geographical differences.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Asian countries.
  • 3. Determination based on statistical materials of the main coffee exporters.
  • 1. Light industry: composition, placement features. Problems and prospects for development.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the Asian countries (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Designation on the contour map of geographical objects, the knowledge of which is provided by the program (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. National composition of the world population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, placement features. Countries that stand out in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the teacher’s choice).

    1. National composition of the world population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.

    There are about 3-4 thousand peoples or ethnic groups in the world, some of which have formed into nations, while others are nationalities and tribes.

    For your information: an ethnos is a historically established, stable community of people that has a set of characteristics such as a common language, territory, features of life and culture, and ethnic identity.

    The peoples of the world are classified:

    I. By number:

    In total, there are more than 300 peoples in the world, each numbering over 1 million people, which account for 96% of the total population of the Earth. Including about 130 peoples have a population of more than 5 million people, 76 peoples have more than 10 million people, 35 peoples have more than 25 million people, 7 peoples have more than 100 million people.

    For your information: 7 most numerous nations:

    1) Chinese (Han) - 1048 million people (in the PRC - 97% of total number people in the country);

    2) Hindustani - 223 million people (in India - 99.7%);

    3) US Americans - 187 million people. (in the USA - 99.4%);

    4) Bengalis - 176 million people. (in Bangladesh - 59%, in India - 40%);

    5) Russians - 146 million people. (in Russia - 79.5%);

    6) Brazilians - 137 million people. (in Brazil - 99.7%);

    7) Japanese - 123 million people. (in Japan - 99%).

    But there are nations of less than 1 thousand people.

    II. By linguistic proximity:

    Related languages ​​are grouped together, which in turn form language families.

    1) The Indo-European language family is the largest, its languages ​​are spoken by 150 peoples of Europe, Asia, America and Australia; total number- more than 2.5 billion people.

    This language family includes a number of groups:

    · Romanesque (French, Italians, Spaniards, Latin Americans);

    · Germanic (Germans, English, Americans);

    · Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats);

    · Celtic (Irish);

    · Baltic (Lithuanians);

    · Greek (Greeks);


    · Armenian;

    Iranian (Persians, Kurds).

    2) Sino-Tibetan language group: its languages ​​are spoken by over 1 billion people.

    Slightly less numerous language families:

    3) Afro-Asian.

    4) Altai.

    5) Niger-Kordofanian.

    6) Dravidian.

    7) Austronesian.

    8) Ural.

    9) Caucasian.

    National criteria underlie the division of humanity into states.

    If the main nationality on their territory is over 90%, then these are single-national states (Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Japan, etc.).

    If two nations predominate - binational (Belgium, Canada, etc.).

    If dozens and even hundreds of peoples live in countries and make up a significant proportion - multinational states (India, Russia, USA, Spain, Great Britain, Nigeria, Indonesia, etc.).

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, placement features. Countries that stand out in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest sectors of the economy. As an industry, it emerged 200 years ago during the Industrial Revolution in England.

    Mechanical engineering provides equipment and machinery to other sectors of the economy and produces many household and cultural items.

    In terms of the number of employees (more than 80 million people) and the value of products, it ranks first among all sectors of world industry.

    The level of development of the economy of any country is judged by the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    The following main branches (more than 70 in total) of mechanical engineering are distinguished:

    1) machine tool industry;

    2) instrument making;

    3) electrical and electronic industry;

    4) Computer Engineering;

    5) railway engineering;

    6) automotive industry;

    7) shipbuilding;

    8) aviation and rocket industry;

    9) tractor and agricultural engineering, etc.

    The location of mechanical engineering enterprises is influenced by many factors.

    The main ones should be noted: transport; availability of qualified labor resources; consumer; and for some (metal-intensive) industries - and raw materials.

    Recently, there has been a decrease in the dependence of mechanical engineering on metal sources, but its focus on labor resources has increased, scientific centers etc.

    There are four engineering regions in the world:

    1) North America: where almost all types of engineering products are produced, from the highest to medium and low complexity.

    Largest corporations:

    · automobile (USA): General Motors, Ford Motor, Chrysler;

    · computer technology (USA): “International Business Machines”;

    · electronics (USA): General Electric, American Telephone and Telegraph, etc.

    2) Foreign Europe (in relation to the CIS): produces mainly mass engineering products, but also maintains its position in some of the newest industries.

    Largest corporations:

    · automobile (Germany): “Daimler-Benz”; "Volkswagenwerk";

    · electronics: Germany - Siemens, the Netherlands - Philips, etc.

    3) East and Southeast Asia: Japan leads here.

    The region combines the products of mass engineering with products of the highest technology - science centers.

    Large corporations:

    · cars (Japan): “Toyota Motor”, “Nisan Motor”;

    · electronics (Japan): Hitachi, Matsushita Electric Industrial, Samsung, etc.

    4) Commonwealth of Independent States: the leaders in it are Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

    Recently, the pace of development of mechanical engineering in the region has decreased, although it produces a wide range of engineering products.

    Developing countries produce less than 1/10 of the world's engineering products. In most of these countries, there is not mechanical engineering, but rather metalworking, and in addition there are many assembly plants that receive machine parts from the USA, Western Europe and Japan.

    But recently in some of them - Brazil, India, Argentina, Mexico - mechanical engineering has already reached a fairly high level.

    3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the choice of the teacher).

    Using the answer plan below, you can characterize any state in the world.

    Let's take Japan for example - it is one of the 7 economically developed countries peace.

    To answer the following were used: statistical materials; maps of world economic sectors; atlas maps of Japan (economics).

    Import to Japan (import of products):

    1) raw materials: fuel - 49%, ore, for the textile industry (textile fiber), etc.;

    2) chemical industry products (acids, alkalis, fertilizers, petroleum products);

    3) food products (grain, etc.).

    Export to Japan: products, products of the following industries:

    1) mechanical engineering (cars, ships, electronics, machine tools, watches);

    2) ferrous metallurgy (steel, rolled products);

    3) non-ferrous metallurgy;

    4) chemical industry (synthetic fibers, rubber);

    5) light industry (fabrics, clothing).

    From the above we can conclude: in Japan, as one of the developed countries, the following trend is observed: the import of mainly raw materials and food products (preferably from developing countries) due to the lack of their own natural resources; and export of finished expensive products, both to developing countries in Asia and to developed countries - Europe and America.

    Ticket number 17

    According to various estimates, about 5 thousand different peoples live all over the globe. Most of of them are not numerous. An ethnic group can be distinguished not only by the number of representatives, but also by language.

    Population of Africa

    Africa is home to a huge number of ethnic groups. Compared to the Dark Continent, the peoples of other countries of the world are not so diverse. For example, in Nigeria their number reaches 250. The most numerous Nigerian tribes are the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo.

    In total, about 50 different nationalities live in Africa. 24 of these peoples make up about 86% of the total population of the Dark Continent. Moreover, each of the nationalities speaks own language. And only Arabic is an exception. Almost a fifth of Africans speak this language.

    Colonial past

    Africa is a continent that until recently was ruled by the peoples of other countries of the world. The colonial past is everywhere here. For many centuries, European colonialists plundered property local residents, exploited them for their own benefit. The collapse of this system began only in the post-World War II era. The total population of the Black Continent is about 250 million people. Compared to the peoples of other countries in the world, population growth is occurring very quickly here.

    Classification of African peoples

    It is customary to divide into categories according to language. Great amount can be united into large related groups - families. Such a language family will include those languages ​​that have common roots. In total, there are several large language groups on the Dark Continent. These are Bantu, Semitic-Hamitic, Mande, Nilotic. For example, in northern Africa there are peoples who communicate in Semitic-Hamitic languages. This category includes the Cushitic and Berber subgroups. Representatives of peoples who speak Bantu languages ​​live in the central part of the continent and in the south.

    Only in the VII-XI centuries. Arabs appeared in Africa. The peoples who inhabited the territory of the Sahara and the Maghreb in ancient times were called Libyans by ancient historians. Before these territories were conquered by the Arabs, they spoke the languages ​​of the Berber group. The Arabs of the tribes called Hilal and Sulaim, who moved here in the 11th century, seriously influenced lifestyle local Berbers. The natives converted to Islam and began farming like the Arabs. The nomadic lifestyle became widespread. Rarely are the peoples of other countries of the world assimilated to the same extent as the Arabs and Berbers at the present time. Now it is almost impossible to draw a clear boundary between them. Moreover, the process of mixing these two ethnic groups has occurred most intensively in the last half century.

    Comparative age of the Slavic ethnic group and other peoples

    According to some reports, the state Kievan Rus arose in the 6th century AD. e. Other scientists believe that the Slavic state arose on the territory of the ancient trade route called “from the Varangians to the Greeks” in 862, when the principality of the famous Russian dynasty began. Many nations like to lengthen their history. However, there are also those whose “age” is beyond doubt - moreover, they are much older than the Slavic ethnic group. The ancient peoples of other countries of the world, except Russia, are Armenians, Jews, Assyrians, Basques, and Khoisans.

    Armenians - the civilization of King Hayk

    The Armenian ethnic group is considered the youngest among other ancient peoples. However, there is much that is unexplored in the history of the Armenians. Until the very late XIX centuries, historians believed that the Armenian ethnic group originates from King Hayk, whose personality is covered in legends. Hayk was the first to decide to outline the borders of the new state in the vicinity of Mount Ararat. It was believed that it was from the name of King Hayk that the self-name of the Armenians, “hai,” came from.

    Currently, another version of the origin of the Armenians is accepted. Scientists believe that their ancestors - the Mushki and the Urumeans - settled local territories back in the 12th century BC. e., even before the Hittite state was formed. The peoples of other countries of the world with whom the Armenians lived next door were the Urartians and the Luwians. Some scholars believe that the origins of the Armenian people must be sought among the evidence of the Hurrian kingdom, which was called Arme-Shubiya.


    Jews are another people whose history goes back centuries. There are no fewer mysteries in the past of the Jews than in the history of the emergence of the Armenians. For a long time it was believed that the concept of this people is not ethnic, but rather religious. There were fierce debates between scientists about who they really were - one of the religious heresies, a separated social stratum, or, perhaps, an independent people. According to main source Jewish religion- Old Testament - Jews are descendants of Abraham, a native of the Mesopotamian city of Ur.

    Together with his father, Abraham moved to the “promised land” - Canaan. Subsequently, he captured the lands of tribes living nearby, who, according to legend, were descendants of Noah. Scientists believe that the Jewish people originate from the 2nd millennium BC. e. - it was then that they formed into an independent group of Semitic-speaking tribes. The closest “relatives” of the Jews in language are the tribes of the Amorites and Phoenicians.

    Modern version of the origin of the Jews

    Not so long ago, thanks to the development of science, new views on the origin of the Jewish people appeared. Scientists conducted a genetic analysis of three large groups of Jewish people. Ashkenazim (living in America and Europe), Mizrahim (inhabitants of the Middle East and northern Africa), and Sephardim (living in the Iberian Peninsula) were studied. It turned out that all these ethnic groups have similar genetics. This confirms their origin from a common source. The conclusion that scientists made is that the ancestors of the Jews originally lived in Mesopotamia. The division occurred during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar.

    And other countries in the world have many misconceptions about Jews. One of the most common is that the main religious book of the Jews is the Old Testament. In fact, the holy book for them is the Talmud. Jewish religion has many branches - this is the orthodox direction, reformist, conservative. However, all believers use the Talmud as their main book.

    Jewish origins are attributed to Christopher Columbus. Several documents testify to this. The navigator himself also repeatedly mentioned that he belongs to the Jewish people. So that the people of other countries of the world and descendants could learn about his voyages, Columbus kept a diary of his voyages. It is noteworthy that in the first lines he mentions the history of the expulsion of Jews from Spain. Also, some scholars believe that the signature in Columbus’s will was made in Hebrew.

    Assyrian people

    What other ancient peoples existed in other countries of the world? The list continues with the Assyrians: this people is perhaps even more ancient than the Jews. They presumably arose in the 4th-2nd millennium BC. Jews were descended from Western Semitic peoples. The Assyrians were representatives of the northern Semites. Modern representatives Assyrian ethnic group consider themselves descendants ancient civilization. Some scientists agree with this point of view. Others believe that the ancestors of modern Assyrians are the Arameans.


    There are also peoples of other countries of the world, except Russia, who differ in both age and the number of their representatives. One such ethnic group is the Chinese. They call themselves "Han people". The Chinese make up about 19% of the total world population. The beginning of the Han civilization is considered V-III millennium BC. The first settlements were built in the valley. The formation of the Chinese ethnic group was significantly influenced by the peoples of other countries of the world. Their list mainly consists of representatives Mongoloid race: these are Tibetans, Indonesians, Thais. They are all quite different in their culture. However, today the Chinese are the direct descendants of the great Han civilization.


    The Basques are an example of peoples from other countries of the world who do not belong to the Indo-European linguistic environment. The great settlement of peoples began in the 4th millennium BC. Currently, the languages ​​of the Indo-European group are the means of communication for almost all Europeans. The exception is the Basques - their origin does not coincide with the peoples of other countries of the world. List, except Russia and European countries, with which scientists compared such a people as the Basques, is enormous. However, the researchers came to the conclusion: the Basques are an ancient people whose language is not related to any language of the Indo-European group. Presumably they became a separate ethnic group about 16 thousand years ago, during the Paleolithic.

    Khoisan people

    But the Basques are not the last ancient people other countries of the world. The list, in addition to Russia (or, more precisely, Slavic tribes), Jews, Assyrians, Chinese and Basques can be supplemented by Khoisan peoples. Scientists estimate that the Khoisan people appeared about 100 thousand years ago. This extensive ethnic group refers to African peoples who speak unusual “clicking” languages. The Khoisan people include the Bushmen and the Hottentots.

    The researchers concluded that the Khoisans first separated from the common tree of peoples about 100 thousand years ago. In other words, this happened even before people settled from the Dark Continent throughout the globe. 43 thousand years ago, the Khoisan people underwent another change - they were divided into northern and southern tribes. Some of the Khoisan tribes have retained their origins. Others mixed with neighboring Bantu tribes. Genetic DNA analysis of the Khoisan people shows that they are significantly different from other peoples. They were found to have genes that are responsible for high physical endurance and vulnerability to sunlight.

    The concept “people” has several meanings. It is understood as the population of a country (for example, the people of India, the people of Switzerland, the people of France, etc.), workers, just a group, a crowd of people (in the expression: there are a lot of people on the street, etc.) and, finally , what scientists call the term “ethnos”, “ethnic community”. An ethnos (people) is defined as a historically established stable collection of people in a certain territory who have common relatively stable characteristics of language, culture and psyche, as well as an awareness of their unity and difference from all other similar entities.

    There are several thousand peoples living in the world. They differ from each other in their numbers, level social development, language and culture, racial appearance.

      The tribal leader dances. New Guinea.

      Swazi woman in festive clothes. Swaziland.

      The art of Tunisian carpet weavers is known all over the world.

      Children's holiday in Hanoi.

      thumb|Mongolian woman in national costume.

      Norwegian schoolchildren.

      Girls from the island of Nauru.

      Large Indian market in the city of Toluca. Mexico.

      frame|right|Belarusian folk holiday.

      frame|right|Sugar cane harvesting in Cuba.

      Modern races of the world.

      frame|center|Representatives of the main races.

      Tajik girl harvesting cotton.

      Residents of Yakutia are accustomed to severe frosts.

    Fluctuations in the numbers of different ethnic groups are quite significant. So, the number largest nations exceeds 100 million people. These are Chinese, Hindustani, US Americans, Bengalis, Russians, Brazilians, Japanese. Tiny endangered ethnic groups (more precisely, fragments of ethnic groups) today do not number even 10 people. These include ouma, eba, bina in Papua New Guinea and others. No less significant are the differences between ethnic groups in terms of the level of socio-economic development: peoples who are socially highly developed coexist with peoples who are actually still at the primitive stage. Linguistic and cultural differences are also very large. Every nation speaks special language, although it happens that the same language is used by several ethnic groups or, conversely, one ethnic group speaks several languages. At the same time, many languages ​​are related to each other, and the degree of this relationship varies. The range of similarities and differences in the culture of different peoples is also significant.

    The principles for classifying the peoples of the world are different. In ethnography, the ethnolinguistic classification is most often used, grouping all peoples based on linguistic kinship. This classification also helps with historical research, since it gives a genetic interpretation of the existing similarities between peoples. According to the ethnolinguistic classification, the peoples of the world are divided into the following families: Indo-European, Afroasiatic (Semitic-Hamitic), Kartvelian, Ural (Ural-Yukaghir), Dravidian, Altai, Eskimo-Aleutian, Chukchi-Kamchatka, North Caucasian, Sino-Tibetan, Miao-Yao, Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Paratai, Na-Dene, North Amerindian, Central Amerindian, Chibcha-Paes, Zhe-Pano-Caribbean, Andean, Equatorial-Tucanoan, Australian, Andamanese, Niger-Kordofanian, Nilo-Saharan, Khoisan, and also several Papuan. Along with the peoples united by the listed families, there are also ethnic groups that occupy an isolated position linguistically. These are the Basques, Burishi, Kets, Nivkhs, Ainu, etc.

    The largest of the families is Indo-European, uniting 45% of the world's population. The peoples of this family live in most of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, foreign Europe, Iran and Afghanistan, in the northern and central regions of South Asia. They also predominate today in America and Australia. (All peoples included in one or another family are named in the appendix to the article.

    The Kartvelian family is small (0.1% of the world population). This includes Georgians living in Transcaucasia and those close to them ethnic communities. The peoples of the Ural (Ural-Yukaghir) family (0.5% of the world's population) live in the Trans-Urals, in the far north of Siberia, in the Volga region, in the north of the European part of Russia, in the Baltic states, Finland, and the north of Scandinavia and Hungary. The Dravidian family (4% of the world's population) is concentrated mainly in South Asia. Peoples Altai family(6% of the world's population) form a number of geographically unconnected areas from the Balkan Peninsula to the Russian Far East. Many scientists consider the groups included in its composition to be genetically unrelated and place them in several different families.

    A small Eskimo-Aleut family whose range mainly covers the far north North America and Greenland, unites, as the name suggests, Eskimos and Aleuts. The small peoples of the Chukotka-Kamchatka family (Chukchi, Koryaks, Itelmens) live in the extreme northeast of our country.

    The peoples of the Afroasiatic family (5% of the world's population) are settled in South-West Asia and North Africa. The Afroasiatic family includes the Semitic, Berber, Cushitic and Chadian groups.

    The North Caucasian family is relatively small in number (0.1% of the world population). It includes two groups - Abkhaz-Adyghe and Nakh-Dagestan.

    The Sino-Tibetan family (23% of the world's population) is second in number only to the Indo-European (it includes the Chinese, the most numerous people on the ground).

    The peoples of the Miao-Yao family (0.2% of the world's population) live in China, as well as in Vietnam and some other countries South-East Asia. The two most significant ethnic communities are the Miao and Yao, which is where the family's name comes from. Some researchers consider the Miao-Yao a group within the Sino-Tibetan family, others as a group within the Austroasiatic family.

    The peoples of the Austroasiatic family (2% of the world's population) live mostly in Southeast Asia, as well as in adjacent areas of South and East Asia.

    The Austronesian family (5% of the world's population) unites peoples living over a vast area from Madagascar to Hawaiian Islands and Easter Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

    The Parathai family (1.5% of the world's population belongs to it) is concentrated in the countries of Southeast Asia and neighboring areas of China. It does not always stand out as an independent unit. Some scholars consider it a group of the Sino-Tibetan family, while others combine the Para-Tai and Austronesian families.

    The Indian peoples of America are linguistically divided into families Na-Dene, North Amerindian, Central Amerindian, Chibcha-Paes (South Central and North South America), also Pano-Caribbean, Andean, Equatorial-Tucanoan. Of these families, the most significant is the Andean family (0.4% of the world's population), which includes the largest Indian people, the Quechua.

    The Australian family, as its name suggests, is centered in Australia. It unites the very small indigenous peoples of this continent.

    The Andaman family consists of several very small ethnic groups of the Adaman Islands (Ongyo and others).

    In New Guinea and adjacent islands (New Guinea region in terms of complexity ethnic structure surpasses any other region of the globe) live Papuan peoples, linguistically united into ten families: Trans-New Guinea, West Papuan, Sepik-Rama, Torricelli, East Papuan, East Chendravasih Chendravasih Bay, Kwomtari, Arai, Amto-Musian. Only the first five families are significant, of which the Trans-New Guinean family stands out (the peoples included in its composition form 0.1% of the world's population).

    The peoples of sub-Saharan Africa form three families: Niger-Kordofanian (6% of the world's population), Nilo-Saharan (0.6%) and Khoisan. The Nilo-Saharan family is generally localized north of the Niger-Kordofanian family; they live on the southern periphery of Africa and in Tanzania small peoples Khoisan family (Hottentots, Bushmen, etc.).

    A number of peoples of the world occupy a linguistically isolated position. Two linguistically distinct peoples - the Nivkhs and the Kets (both very small in number) - live in the Asian part of our country. In the far north of South Asia, in the Karakoram Mountains, live a small Burishi people, whose language also occupies an isolated position. In Europe, the isolated language is spoken by Basques living in the Pyrenees, on either side of the border between Spain and France. Isolated languages ​​are also spoken by the Ainu (Hokkaido Island, Japan). Finally, large group speaking isolated languages ​​of peoples live in New Guinea (Borumeso, Varenbori, Pauwi, etc.), but perhaps the classification of the languages ​​of the New Guinean peoples as isolated is not the result of true genetic isolation, but a consequence of their still poor study.

    Some researchers are trying to identify more distant linguistic relationships, identifying macro-families in addition to families. So, for example, the Indo-European, Kartvelian, Dravidian, Ural-Yukaghir, Altai, Eskimo-Aleutian, and sometimes Afrasian families are combined into the Nostratic macrofamily; all Indian families (except Na-Dene) are included in the Amerindian macrofamily.

    In addition to the ethnolinguistic classification, there is also an areal classification, when peoples are grouped into large regions called historical-cultural or historical-ethnographic regions. Within these areas, over a long period of time historical development a certain cultural community has developed.

    The peoples of the world are also divided into three main races: Caucasoid (or Caucasoid), Mongoloid and Negroid. The eastern range of Negroids is often considered as a special Australoid large race. Some foreign scientists highlight larger number the main human races, for example, the Americanoids, Lapanoids, the Malayan race, etc. (see map).

    As a result of the mixing of various large races, the so-called contact races were formed, of which there are quite a lot today. Thus, from the mixing of the eastern branch of northern Caucasoids and northern Mongoloids, the Ural (Ural-Laponoid) racial group arose. The mixed group includes those that arose from the first centuries new era in the vast steppe space between the Urals and the Yenisei, the South Siberian group, in which Mongoloid features predominate. In the Middle Ages, more southern regions Mixed Central Asian groups are formed with dominance in most cases of the Caucasian element. In the east and southeast of Asia there was a contact zone between Mongoloids and Australoids, where a number of mixed forms arose at different times, for example, the South Asian group with a preponderance of Mongoloid features.


    INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY Slavic group Russians Ukrainians Belarusians Poles Czechs, Slovaks Serbs, Montenegrins, Muslim Slavs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians Bulgarians Baltic group Lithuanians Latvians German group Germans Austrians German-Swiss Alsatians, Luxembourgers Dutch, Flemings, Frisians, Afrikaners European and American Jews English Scots Scots and Anglo-Irish Anglo-Canadians Anglo-Australians, Anglo-New Zealanders Anglo-Africans Americans of the USA, including African Americans English-speaking peoples of Central America, the West Indies and South America (Bahamians, Jamaicans etc. .) and the islands of the Atlantic Ocean (Sectelenians, Tristanians) Swedes Norwegians Icelanders Faroese Danes Celtic group Irish Welsh Bretons Romanesque group Italians Sardinians Italian-Swiss Corsicans French Walloons French Swiss French Canadians Guadeloupians, Martinicans, Guianians, Haitians, Reunionians, Mauritians, this Aliens Cubans Dominicans Puerto Ricans Mexicans Guatemalans Hondurans Salvadorans Nicaraguans Costa Ricans Panamanians Venezuelans Colombians Ecuadorians Peruvians Bolivians Chileans Argentines Paraguayans Uruguayans Spaniards Catalans Portuguese, Cape Verdeans Galicians Brazilians Romanians Moldovans Albanian group Albanians Greek group Greeks Armenian group Armenians Iranian group Persians Kurds, Lurs, Bakhti Ars Baloch Tajiks, Hazaras Afghans (Pashtuns) Ossetians Nuristan group Nuristanis Indo-Aryan group Bengalis Assamese Oriyas Biharis Hindustanis Rajasthanis Gujaratis Marathas Punjabis Sindhi Nepalese Pahari Sinhalese Maldivians Indo-Mauritians, Guyanese-Indo-Pakistanis, Fijian Indians Kashmiris, Shina and other Dardic peoples Gypsies AFRASIAN FAMILY Semitic group Arab peoples (Egyptians, Sir Indians, Algerians, etc.) Maltese Jews Israel Amhara, Gurage, Tigrai, Tigre Berber group Kabila, Tamazight, Shilha, Tuareg and others Cushitic group Oromo Somalia Afar, Beja, Sidamo and others Chadian group Hausa, Angas, Kotoko and others KARTVEL FAMILY Georgians DRAVIDIAN FAMILY Tamils ​​Malayali Kannaras Telugu Gonds, Oraon, Brahui and other Dravidian peoples URAL-YUKAGIR FAMILY Finno-Ugric group Finns Karelians Estonians Sami (Lapps), Mordovians, Mari, Udmurts, Komi Hungarians Khanty, Mansi Samoyed group Nenets, Nganasans, Selkups Yukaghir group Yukagirs Eskimo-Aleutian family ІЯ Eskimos, Aleuts ALTAI FAMILY Turkic group Turks Azerbaijanis Various Turkic-speaking peoples Iran Turkmens Tatars, Crimean Tatars Bashkirs Karachais, Balkars, Kumyks, Nogais Kazakhs Karakalpaks Kirghiz Uzbeks Uighurs Altaians, Shors, Khakass Tuvans Yakuts, Dolgans Chuvash Mongolian group Khalkha-Mongols Oirats Kalmyks Buryats Mongols of the People's Republic of China Tungus-Manchu group Evenks , Evens, Nanais, Udeges and other Manchus Korean group Koreans Japanese group Japanese NIVKHI Nivkh CHUKOTKA-KAMCHATA FAMILY Chukchi Koryak Itelmen NIGERO-KORDOFAN FAMILY Niger-Congo group Western Atlantic subgroup Fulbe, Wolof, Serer, Diola, Temne, Kisi and others Central Niger-Congo subgroup Moi, Grusi, Gurma, Senufo and other peoples Gur Bakwe , Bete and other peoples of the Kru Akan, Anyi, Baule, Ewe, Fon Ijo Yoruba, Nupe, Bini, Igbo, Ibibio, Tiv, Bamileke and others Fang, Mongo, Rwanda, Rundi, Ganda, Luhya, Kikuyu, Kamba, Nyamwezi, Swahili , Kongo, Luba, Bemba, Malawi, Makua, Ovimbundu, Shona, Tswana, Pedi, Suto, Xhosa, Zulu, Tsonga and other Bantu peoples Zande, Chamba, Mbum, Banda, Gbaya and other Adamawa-Ubangian peoples Mande group Malinke, Bambara , Soninke, Susu, Mende and others Kordofan group Ebang, Kadugli and others NILO-SAHARAN FAMILY Eastern Sudanese group Nubians, Dinka, Kalenjin, Luo and others Central Sudanese group Bongo, Sara, Bagirmi, Moru, Mangbetu and others Berta group Berta Kunama group Kunama Saharan Kanuri group, Tubu and others Songhai group Songhai and others Fur Fur group Mabang group Mabang and others Komuz group Koma and others KOI-SAN FAMILY Bushmen, Hottentots BASKES Basques BURISHI Burishi NORTH CAUCASIAN FAMILY Abkhazian-Adyghe group Abkhazians, Adygheans, Kabardians, Circassians Nakh-Dage Stanskaya group Chechens, Ingush, Avars, Dargins, Lezgins and others KETS Kets SINO-TIBETAN FAMILY Chinese, Hui Bai Tibetans, Bhutanese and others Myanmar Izu, Tujia, Hani, Manipur, Naga, Karen, Kachin, Garo, Bodo, Newari, Tamang and others AUSTROASIAN FAMILY Mon-Khmer group Viet, Muong Khmer, mountain Khmer Asli group Semang, Senoi Nicobar group Nicobar people Khasi group Khasi Munda group Munda, Santal and others MIAO-YAO FAMILY Miao, Yao PARATAY FAMILY Siamese Lao Zhuang, Bui, Shan, Thai and others Dun, Li and others Western Austronesian group Malaysian Malays, Chams Javanese, Sunda, Madurese, Indonesian Malays, Minangkabau and others Tagalog, Bisaya, Iloki and others Chamorro, Belau, Yap Malagasy Central Austronesian group Ende, Atoni, Tetum, Ambonese and others Eastern Austronesian group Southern Halmaherans, Biak-Numforians and others Melanesians (Fijians, Tolai and others) Micronesians (Truk, Marshallese, Kiribati, Nauru and others) Polynesians (Tongan, Samoan, Tuvaluan, Maori, Tahitian, Hawaiian and others) Taiwanese groups Gaoshan ANDAMAN FAMILY Andamanese PAPUA FAMILIES Enga, Huli, Hagen, Chimbu, Kamano, Dani, Abelam, Ternatians and other Papuan peoples AUSTRALIAN FAMILY Aboriginal Australians AIN Ain


    NADEN FAMILY Athabascan (Navajo, Apache and others), Tlingit, Haida NORTH AMERINDIAN FAMILY Mayan, Qeqchi, Quiché, Kaqchikel, Algonquin, Sioux and others CENTRAL AMERINDIAN FAMILY Aztec, Shoshone, Otomi, Mixtec, Zapotec and others CHIBCHA-PAES FAMILY Miskito, paes and others ANDEAN FAMILY Quechua, Aymara, Araucanas and others EQUATORIAL-TUCAN FAMILY Arawak, Tupi, Tucano and others JE-PANO-CARIBBEAN FAMILY Caribbean, Pano, zhe and others